r/MaliciousCompliance - Karen "TEACHES" Parking Officer a Lesson! Huge Mistake!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash malicious compliance where you'll hear super satisfying stories about people giving others what they deserve and in this episode a karen learns that she messes with the wrong person guys the stories in this one are absolutely incredible so i do hope you enjoy them and do remember to hit that subscribe button for future tales if you're not subscribed so i'm a building manager and i took over two residential apartment blocks part of my duties include assigning parking spots now due to the incompetence and neglect of the previous management company i inherited a parking lot which was a complete organizational disaster there were multiple tenants believing that they had been assigned the same spot and tenants were parking in spots but not paying etc and of course the parking map which was supposed to be regularly updated had not seen an update in almost 16 months so a situation arose where there were two tenants fighting over the same parking spot instead of coming to management to resolve they engaged in a nasty war which consisted of them leaving mean notes on each other's cars now eventually this dispute spilled over and i was contacted by one of them the conversation was simple but plain i expressed the understanding about their frustration ask specific questions to help figure out who was originally assigned that parking spot so on and so forth i explained how the previous management failed to maintain order in the parking map and that i would cheerfully resolve the issue now instead of replying to my simple questions such as when were you assigned that spot when did you sign your lease etc they sent me an all caps email that read i do not have to answer any questions and i expect this parking situation to be resolved immediately with no more emails or text messages well if they had just answered my questions i could have resolved the situation i expected that they were the original tenant to sign the spots and it was indeed theirs but since they would not answer any questions and insisted on the resolution immediately i did what i could i assigned the other tenant the spot i then replied to them in order to resolve the issue without communication you are now assigned spot number 64. if you continue to park in spot 35 you will be towed immediately as it is now assigned to a different tenant now i gave them the spot right next to the dumpsters now they can enjoy the stench of rotting garbage and a cloud of wasp every time they go to the car which is also 100 meters further away from the doors so two days later they approached me in person and apologized for their behavior i told them no worries i don't hold grudges they then asked if i could reassign them their old spot i told them no have a good day guys that was a perfect malicious compliance i love how that guy apologized for his behavior thinking he'd get his old spot back like the guy should have just answered those emails there's no reason to be such a dink about it so a few years ago my ex and i rented a one bedroom house on a dead end street in the downtown area of the city i grew up in we had three cats and i lived close enough to my job that i could walk to work every day so the landlord who owned my home had for some reason actually built two homes on the same property there was mine a small one-bedroom home that sat maybe six feet away from the street and my back neighbor's home which was a two bedroom just behind mine there was also a long shared driveway on the left side of my house that ended at her front door now from the beginning we had issues with this neighbor who i'll call bn for neighbor she would frequently invite herself over for dinner and drinks and she would have people coming and going loudly at all hours of the night she would also have police at her house constantly to kick out her various boyfriends by the time we moved out she had two people practically overdose and die in her home and she also somehow caused an electrical fire in the house that had cost about 35 thousand dollars to repair now keep in mind that this house was maybe 50 feet away from mine mostly we just ignored her the most we interacted was when i would give her her misdelivered mail so back to the story the driveway that led up to her front door was large enough to fit four cars a fairly big deal in an area with mostly street parking she yelled at us when we first moved in that we were not allowed to park in this driveway that the driveway was only for her and her friends and her family she told me many times that she would not allow anyone to block her car in at any time and if i did there's gonna be a problem this driveway was directly on the side of my house my desk was in our converted dining room and was right next to the driveway every morning there was a car parked directly next to these windows and every morning that car started up crazy loud because it was a real piece of junk i occasionally had family and friends come by and would warn them not to park in the driveway but a few times they did my sister was moving at one point and needed to store some things in my basement but the only entrance was on the outside on the back of the house so she pulled up in the driveway and started to unload boxes my neighbor then flies out of her house and she flips out now my sister has her own anger issues and she handled that situation all on her own my neighbor did this to two of my friends my brother and my mom on separate occasions and one time she started to flip out on my grandfather until she saw my mother come up from the trunk of the car with his wheelchair my ex and i did not want to deal with her we had our own problems and certainly didn't want to get involved in hers sure it means we can't use the side door of our house that led onto the driveway but we just decided to adapt we had some lawn on the other side of our house that was brown and overgrown with poison ivy we decided to clean it up fill it up with gravel and made it our new parking spot and voila crisis was averted and then comes winter a particularly bad winter we had a foot of snow pile up my ex had gone out and shoveled out our car and a path from our front door to the car he was out there every hour clearing off the path and the car and laying down rock salt my neighbor was pissed we could hear her in the driveway yelling at her boyfriend of the week to shovel we could hear her saying all kinds of bad things about us and we could hear when she broke her shovel threw it in the yard and stormed back into her house so later that day a plowing company came two guys dug out the cars neighbors moved them and they plowed their driveway they even did their front steps they were gone in about an hour then the landlord shows up now the landlord never shows up to the property unless there's a big deal my ex and i were in the kitchen at the time and we could hear my neighbor's loud conversation about how expensive the plowing company was and how there was still so much snow on the driveway as it was still snowing then the landlord knocks on our side door i open it with a big smile and said oh hi landlord how are you my neighbor then shoves a paper at me it's the invoice from the plowing company my neighbor says so i'm sure you noticed that we've had the driveway professionally plowed i talked to the landlord and she says that you have to pay half this bill i told her yeah i'm not gonna do that she replies it's expensive we have to split the cost i told her that's nice but i'm not paying for that you have to i told her actually i don't i didn't know you were getting a plow guy and i don't use the driveway the landlord then says well if service is performed on the shared parts of the property you should split the costs neighbor looks at me and says see you have to now at this my eyes narrow as i turned back to look at her and said you've made it very clear that this is not my driveway you've made it clear multiple times that i'm not allowed to park in it i had to make my own parking space you can pay for your own driveway now at this my neighbor was speechless she really thought that i would have just done what she wanted the landlord then says you made your own parking space i told her yes i've been told since i moved in that i'm not allowed to park in the driveway and i'm not allowed to block her car at any time she's yelled at everyone who's come here to visit me that's parked in the driveway even if they're stopping by for a few minutes my neighbor finally looks ready to re-enter the fight but landlord speaks first and says thank you op enjoy the rest of your night i smiled at them closed my door and i locked it i could hear my neighbor trying to argue with the landlord and i could even hear her walk up and down my steps wanting to knock on my door again but the landlord was firm she had to pay for the bill herself and after that she let me park in the driveway too guys i love how op's patience finally paid off but honestly she should have spoken up from day one and talked to the landlord like there's no way she should have had to put up with her neighbor's entitlement at all and i'm so glad her jerk neighbor got stuck paying for that snow removal so i work in college dorms in a sort of generic first response role we do a bit of everything mostly security but also medical fire psych etc it's a weird and often tough job but quite rewarding now these dorms are kind of like a gated community a couple miles away from the main campus at the top of this village there's a hub where all the staff are based it also serves as a venue for events and also has some facilities for the students such as catering gym etc between the staff parking spots and the back doors there's also disabled parking spaces now one day i was coming in for my 10 hour night shift and to my dismay i found that all the staff parking spots were occupied which basically never happened i knew that the hr department had a big thing there that afternoon so i figured that's what was going on and although it's not technically against the parking policy usually staff who actually don't work in the building are expected to park in the visitor parking bays not the staff parking so i had a problem it was 10 minutes before the start of my shift now i'm not allowed to use the student car parks but what about visitor parking well that gets locked up every night until after my shift ends if i parked there then in the morning i'd have to go unlock the visitor parking bring the key back leave and one of my day shift colleagues would have to go back to lock it up now my only other option was to park down the hill but then by the time i got there and walked back up i'd be late for my shift and miss the handover you see where this is going i want to make it clear that i would never normally park in a disabled parking spot however there weren't any events scheduled that night so after the hr thing was done the parking lot will be empty all night i also want to note that there are three handicapped parking spots so with that said i decided that i would park in one of the handicapped spots the one furthest from the door next to the staff spaces now in the extremely unlikely event that more than two disabled people had called into park and accessed the building which i'd find out about during handover i would just take a break right after starting i would drive my car all the way down the hill and then walk back up so i go in get the handover and as expected no one is expected to come in i was the supervisor for the shift so i set up my colleagues for the shift log on set up the cameras the way i want them read my emails turn on the radio yada yada yada after a while i get one of the guys fill to cover the cameras so i can go tell a resident that he's getting disciplined for vandalism now i then have one of those golden sitcom moments where i opened the office door right before someone was about to knock on it i recognize her immediately this woman is the dean of facilities we'll just call her karen now i want to make it clear that we are not in the facility section we are in the auxiliary service section so this lady is not my boss in any capacity but she is however far up in the food chain than me so i still have to bow down to her or i'll get called into hr for insubordination especially since the building we're in is technically operated by the facility section now some more context karen's one of the most hated figures among the low-level staff in the entire college the classic power tripping person who doesn't deserve to be in the position of power now you can practically see the arousal in her eyes whenever she talks down to anyone on a lower salary than her which is all the time so a startled karen practically pushes me back in the office and it turns out that she was attending whatever the event the hr department had going on and she was one of the people that parked in the staff spaces out back now she doesn't have an office in the building so by convention she should be parking in the visitor spaces anyway she saw my car parked in the handicapped spot on the way back to her car she knows who i am we've had numerous interactions in the past and she saw my name on the staff sticker in my windshield so she starts off very smugly and says so i have a question where do you get off thinking that you can park in a handicapped spot i told her the parking spots were full and no one's expected to be here after hours and would need to park there karen then says oh so now you think you're above the rules just because you're the one who enforces them i told her look it's no big deal i'll go move the car when everybody leaves the event karen says oh no no no not on college's time you don't i told her okay then i'll take it off my break she says no brakes are for relaxation moving your car is not relaxation i then asked her well then what do you want me to do so karen then says as a dean here i want you to issue yourself the standard 70 dollar fine see what i mean about the power trip i asked her are you serious she says absolutely you need to learn that you don't make the rules you just enforce them now at this point i do stare at her in disbelief now i do have a very short fuse at the best of times and i really want to yell bloody murder at her but i value my job so i swallow my pride and go write myself a ticket so a little bit more context here we're essentially subcontracted by the city to do parking and traffic enforcement for all roads and parking on college land so the authority behind these tickets is the city not the college i then go talk to the kid who vandalized stuff and came back about 45 minutes later now bear in mind that phil my buddy who i put on the cameras witnessed the whole thing i come back and asked him if he saw her leave and he says she's about to leave now but it's weird she's leaving through the front now karen regularly comes here to use the gym at the end of the workday as it's free for students and staff and that's presumably what she's doing today too seeing as it's been 45 minutes since she's humiliated me so when she does that she usually takes a cab home because she lives at the opposite end of the city and traffic's a nightmare this time in the evening she then gets her husband to drive her back in the morning to pick up her car and she drives to the main campus so it's now that i make a beautiful realization i then pull up the parking policy scroll through it and there it is in delicious bold lettering it says it is not permissible for members of the staff to leave their cars parked in a staff parking area during non-working hours it then lists a few exceptions none of which applies to karen so i'm about to write a ticket when i have an even better idea you see our cameras are pretty snazzy about six years ago all the cameras in the parking lot were updated to plate recognition cameras by the city so now on top of the 40 days of saved camera footage we also have the plate log which has been kept indefinitely and can be used to figure out when a car enters the compound and when a car leaves since we only have three entry and exit roads i then explain my plan to phil he has absolutely no problems doing me a favor and spending time going back through the plate log system to see how many times karen has left her car park there overnight so four hours later and he's assembled all the dates over the past four years and however many months weeks days since the plate system came online karen has left her car overnight on a staggering 585 separate occasions so i log into the city's find portal software yep that's actually what it's called as you can only write tickets for ongoing and momentain violations if you spot something using auxiliary systems like cameras or what have you after the fact you need to issue a fine by mail so i put in her office address and start entering all 585 dates and times and copy and paste the reference to the exact part of the parking policy as well as the city statute that gives the policy the force of law for each single one now the result is the thing of beauty spanning 13 pages and totaling 40 950 dollars in violations now at this point all the guys are in the back of the office so i call them around knowing that they'll all enjoy this almost as much as me when i press the log and print button i'm hit with a warning that i've never seen before it says the fine you're about to issue exceeds ten thousand dollars are you sure you wish to proceed at this point everyone's dumbstruck i start laughing then phil starts laughing and everybody else it's glorious so i then print it stuffed it in a windowed prepaid city envelope and put it in the external mail the cherry on top is i then get to issue a ticket and put it on her windshield because of course she's also there that night of course the next time i come into work after she receives this she's waiting for me in my office and she says what are you doing do you really think this is gonna fly i then look at her with puppy dog eyes and say what do you mean she says the ticket the fines do you really think this will fly i told her rules are rules she says you know as well as i do that that's never actually been done here i then tell her well karen i don't make the rules i just enforce them she then leaves after five minutes of screaming at me basically now there is more to this some good some bad and i'll start with the bad karen ends up suing and i had to go to court on my day off but the silver lining is i was theoretically there representing the city so i wasn't being sued personally and i had the city attorney now the court did end up reducing the fine to ten thousand dollars which was apparently the city's maximum for post facto fines issued at one time and i guess that's why the warning was there karen had sued to get the fine dismissed entirely so it was still a victory kinda she also tried to take it up with hr but the dean of auxiliary services also hates her and he stuck up for me to hr that went nowhere but the best thing though is this year i was appointed to the auxiliary services policy review board and last week i managed to get the parking policy amended it now says that if staff is visiting a building other than where their office is unless they're teaching a class they need to use visitor parking if there are fewer than 20 staff parking bays at the building so starting in june karen will not be allowed to park in the staff spots at all and of course all of us will be vigilantly enforcing that my friends this malicious compliance is absolutely brilliant i enjoyed it so much and even a ten thousand dollar fine is absolutely outrageous so i hope she learned a lesson from that and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash malicious compliance guys i hope you enjoyed the stories today and if you missed the last episode on the channel i will link it right here a freeloading mom calls the cops on her son for locking her out of his house it's such a crazy entitled story guys so check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 311,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: malicious compliance, r/maliciouscompliance, reddit malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance military, reddit malicious compliance playlist, funny malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit stories, best of reddit, funny posts, reddit top posts, funny, comedy, fail stories, malicious, compliance, bad neighbor, entitled woman, entitled karen, entitled neighbor, bad bosses, bad boss, bad manager stories, funny karen storires, karen messes
Id: wAIwamaEK2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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