EX Boss Doesn't Realize HR Sent A Fake Employee To Check My Story. Was Fired Instantly! r/ProRevenge

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welcome to r slash pro revenge this is a story of someone getting back at someone with pro revenge after being wronged thank you friends for subscribing likes and supporting in the comments and today's first story is accuse me of a bad attitude i'll get you fired small amount of prefacing first the area that we live in now is actually our second stint here we lived here two years ago before being pcsed military moved to another location before being pcs back a few months ago when we lived here the first time i became very very good friends with many of the employees at the commissary including the general manager who's the sweetest man on the planet who we'll call freddy and the handful of workers in the delhi and bakery and fish and meat areas so when we move back the first thing i did was to go see them and happily all but one of them in the deli still worked there i was also friendly with some of the stocking and cashier staff but since those roles have a high turnover rate at our commissary none of the former ones were there when we came back also let me just say now that i will be the first to admit that i have a terrible mouth a curse word is probably a 90 of my sentences in private when out with the general public especially places where children are guaranteed to be around i control my mouth because i'm a polite and civil human being i'm also a very genial and docile woman i love to smile and chit chat with people while out and about my one big thing which i'm sure many people have is being accused of something i didn't do that's exactly what happened the other day my husband and i went to do our weekly shopping at the commissary and i'm in a good mood as usual honestly surprising as i'm 30 weeks pregnant and haven't been feeling my best once we finished up we went to check out and while checking out the bagger noticed one of our exit busted so my husband tells me to finish up while he grabbed a new carton of eggs since they'd already been rung up okay will do cashier then apparently has a tantrum that i'm the one checking out and that my husband walked away on military bases you must present a military id to use their benefits i already knew this and had already gotten my card from my purse when she demanded to see it my exact words were got you covered and proceeded to extend the card to her for her to take my id she reels back and has this completely aghast look on her face and proceeds to hit the little switch that causes the aisle sign to blink which means a manager or slash supervisor is needed i'm now thoroughly confused and i can tell by looking at the bagger this is nothing new as she has to look a complete exasperation painted on her face as the manager arrives she then proceeds to tell the manager that i had an attitude and that when she asked me for my card i became irate and said the f-word now it's my turn to be shocked as i said no such thing the manager immediately takes the side of the cashier and asks for my card and i again extend it to her she hesitates as if i'm going to snap at her before taking it and looking it over i go to pull my bank card out to pay since i have a valid military id and the cashier had already seen my husband's you must present it before they even begin ringing your purchase up and his name is on both of our ids since he's my sponsor they tell me i cannot pay for it my husband has to i inquire as to why baffled and a little angry but i keep myself in check i get no answer they simply stare at me before the manager suddenly tells me to calm down at this point my husband arrives and is clearly confused at the scene before him his pregnant wife nearly in tears of frustration two people behind the register and a bagger who's literally shaking her head the manager then proceeds to tell my husband that she needs to have a talk with him and pulls him to the side and says i may not join them she then tells my husband that i acted unruly cursed at the cashier and in general had an attitude that i should be following the code of conduct this is a somewhat unwritten rule for the military dependence to behave accordingly while on a military base that their actions are seen as their spouse's actions and that he should control my behavior this of course peeves off my husband as he knows this is not how i act ever and that they're talking out of their a's after several frustrating minutes we are finally able to finish the transaction as we walk out i stop i can't leave not like this because i'm now in full on b mode and the seed for revenge is already sprouting i tell my husband to take the groceries to the car and meet me at the commissary office located literally right next to where we checked out i know i'll get nowhere if i ask those two for the general manager who will likely say he's not available so i turn and walk to the fish counter where the leader there we'll call him bob he's very good friends of mine i proceeded to let a small tear fall and ask for him to fetch freddy for me general manager he hurriedly obliges while telling one of his ladies who i'm also friends with to stay with me within what i swear with seconds bob comes back with ready i explain the situation to freddie i don't exaggerate but i do go ahead and let my overly hormonal self finally let all the frustration tears drop so i'll cry a few good tears freddy is peeved and i can hear him muttering something that sounds suspiciously like not that b again he gives me a few minutes to calm down dry my tears and we make our way back to the front where my husband is standing at the office door glaring daggers at the cashier he takes us both in the office and we fill out a complaint against the cashier and the manager we then discuss the incident and he makes a quick phone call and calls security in to go over the surveillance tapes they clearly show me smiling and handing her my id the first time clearly not agitated and clearly not giving attitude and then the manager pulling my husband to the side and not allowing me to follow freddy then gets over the intercom to call both of them to his office when they arrive they're clearly a bit uneasy but since i'm supposedly just some random customer they don't seem to think it'll go anywhere at first freddy remains the picture of professionalism and even asks for them to basically tell their side which is now even more embellished than before and my husband is trying very very hard to remain quiet freddy thanks them and tells them to wait outside while he calls in the bagger now the bagger is a sweet girl i've seen her several times and she's never anything but pleasant she tells them the truth that i did no such thing and that they're lying and then proceeds to tell them that this is far from the first time this has happened that they do it seemingly just because they can it is now that freddie tells us that he's aware of how they act due to several complaints already on file but since they're rather short-staffed with cashiers he had hoped it wouldn't come to this i can't say i blame him honestly the poor cashiers often have lines of 15 plus with full carts behind the sorting ropes as this base gets a very high volume of shoppers it's now that he calls them back in and tells them that things have been handled and settled they are free to go permanently cue the outraged gasps stutters and shouts plus the accusations freddie immediately shuts them down saying he's taken everyone's story into account watched the security footage and gone over the other complaints all of them eerily similar and has come to his decision and that it is final after several minutes my husband and i leave freddy's office after the cashier and manager have taken their leave i can see them on the other side of the exit clearly waiting freddy sees them too and asked if i would like an escort to the car with my husband and i tell him thanks but no thanks i'm excited to walk by them i have plans as we leave they expectedly come towards us and i smile both to myself and to them they berate me scream get angry and accuse me of lying to get them in trouble i let them continue on for a few minutes before holding out my hand as if for a handshake they of course just give me a look of utter confusion so i lean forward still with my hand extended and still smiling as i say f you and flip them the bird in the cheeriest most excited and happiest voice i can muster they just stand there i presume so shocked they're speechless freddy has seen and heard what just happened he's laughing they suddenly seem to have an epiphany and look to the outdoor camera only to notice it's directly behind my back and due to my positioning nothing was going to be on video except for me stopping in front of them only to have them yell at me some more at our next shopping trip i had several of my friends in the staff tell me what i did was possibly the best thing they'd seen while working there because for the three and four months those two had worked there it had apparently been heck for anyone to deal with them so i hope it taught them a lesson to not have around with people for entertainment because it will come back to fu over the second story is won't pay for a lock change okay we won't pay for your housing i work in a customer service center in a local authority where i mainly deal with calls regarding booking in repairs for our council tenants things like dripping taps no heating etc a woman calls in and tells me that she's lost the keys to her house and can't get in i go through the usual process of getting up her address and explaining i can have someone out there in a couple of hours to change the locks due to property being unsecure the woman is nice enough at first but then completely flips as soon as i tell her that she will be charged for the repair due to her having lost the keys rather than being stolen she begins a tirade of swearing and demands that the work is done for free as she is on housing benefit and can't afford it as well that it was actually her lodger who lost the keys and not her after informing her she would still have to pay and a couple more minutes of shouting and swearing she hangs up i now have a few precious minutes to myself with no other calls where my brain stews on what just happened i often deal with angry tenants but they are for matters i understand such is waiting for a long time for something which should have happened ages ago not for paying for a lock change due to your unforgetfulness it clicks and i know how to get my revenge the woman calls back again as i expected she would but rather than go through to repairs she goes through the switchboard as we're in the same room and about two meters apart i can hear their conversation and know instantly that it's the same woman the guy on switchboard says he needs to put her through to repairs but she won't let him due to being told she will have to pay and wants to speak to someone else i mime to him to put her on hold and explain to him that he should call our tenancy department responsible for all tenants in their housing and should very clearly explain she's on housing benefit and her lodger lost her key he calls tenancy who asks him to confirm she has a lodger and after doing so ask him to put her through for them to speak to her and i knew i had gotten my revenge for clarification housing benefit is to help you pay for your housing as you can't afford it one obvious rule is that you can't have a lodger as you're obviously then earning additional income on top of your job to pay for your rent and so shouldn't be getting benefit the member of the tenancy department obviously realized this and i would say it's very likely that the tenant is having their status reviewed and could very well have her benefits cancelled all because she wouldn't pay for a lock change and the last story is how to fire an emotional vampire years ago i worked in a 24-hour call center it wasn't a bad job but i was always getting pushed to the night shift on the other side of the call center was a claims department that only worked the monday through friday nine to five shift and i jumped at the chance when a spot opened there what a mistake turned out the manager was this older female emotional vampire evie who did nothing all day long but tried to get you to tell her the worst things that happened to you in order to play dr phil she fed off of and craved these stories and the three other girls that worked there played into it all day long there was nothing but drama and it was annoying but i dealt with it by ignoring it as best as i could but that wasn't good enough for evie she wanted my stories wanted me to sit with them and hand-ring and cry with them all day i nearly bought stock in kleenex i refused to play along drama bores me so eevee started this campaign of trying to get me to quit in order to hire someone more sympathetic to their little circle suddenly all of my work was subpar i was always later leaving early i wasn't she was badmouthing me to everyone she could think of she also got her three little baby vampires to harass me as well nasty comments all day stuff getting spilled on my desk at my bathroom breaks my lunch is going missing being found in the trash i'd finally had enough when she screwed me out of my race on my bi-yearly review i began secretly taking pictures of my desk before and after bathroom breaks printing out the less than professional emails i was getting from her kept an actual note on my desk that said we don't want you here anymore i took it all to my friend in hr along with my notice i found a better paying job anyway hr friends said she would look into it and was sorry to see me go on my last day evie just smirked at me as i walked out the door thinking that she'd won but her smile wasn't nearly as big as mine when an i.t friend who worked there sent me a framed copy of ev's terminated for cause letter a month later as my birthday present i called my friend in hr asking how things were going apparently evie tried the same drama routine on my replacement who didn't play along either and tried the same get them to quit tactics not realizing that hr had sent a plant as my replacement to verify my story thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications have a nice day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 162,153
Rating: 4.8980117 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, petty revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, nuclear revenge, r/nuclearrevenge, revenge stories, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear stories, reddit nuclear revenge, r/NuclearRevenge, r/prorevenge boss, prorevenge, Pro Revenge, r/Prorevenge HR, fired, r/prorevenge HR manager, HR, r/NuclearRevenge boss, r/Prorevenge fired, fire, HR manager, ex boss, Employee, Fake Employee, Fired Instantly
Id: N3g_zIYk-FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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