r/MaliciousCompliance "I AM NOT YELLING AT YOU!!!"

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welcome to a new video let's take a look at some new malicious compliance stories the first story is called can't work more than 20 hours this happened a few months ago I used to work as a front desk assistant at one of my universities student housing our main duty was to check the ID of every student that enters the building to make sure they actually live there it also involved making temporary cards for those who locked themselves out and call the appropriate authorities in case someone passes out or the fire alarm rings we had to work under a graduate community assistant who used to schedule us and approve our timesheets the university policy regarding student employment was that students weren't allowed to work for more than 20 hours under certain conditions the students could make it up to 25 hours but the supervisor had to approve the timesheet the supervisor used to change every few years whenever the current supervisor graduates a new graduate student would replace him or her during my junior year a new supervisor was appointed in our building let's call her Ellen Ellen always used to try to boss over student employees everybody hated her for doing this after a few months of working as a front desk worker I got an offer from one of the reputed companies in my field for the next term and summer I emailed Ellen the same day I got my offer letter to inform her that I won't be able to work next turn the next day I met her at work she came over to my desk and asked whether it was paid or unpaid it was paid in the pay was also $8.00 more than her hourly pay I suddenly disclosed that as she always used to be bossy over us as you can expect she started to try to make my life a living hell for the rest of the term I worked in the building for two and a half years and I knew all the residents on a first-name basis so I never had to check their ID card but she made me check the card of every individual passing through the gate now comes the best part the girl who was supposed to work after me always used to come late so I had to stay at the desk until she came if she was late for more than fifteen minutes I would put that half hour under my name I was getting paid for that so I didn't make a big deal out of it because of situations like these we were only allowed to schedule for 20 hours but we could work for twenty-five hours at one time she didn't show up for her shift at all so I stayed throughout Hershey this caused my total hours to reach above 20 on the day of approving the timesheet Ellen called me to her office and asked me why my hours exceeded 20 I explained what happened then she started saying I wasn't allowed to work more than 20 and she can't approve my two hours over 20 apparently I had to email her a day prior to working someone else's shift and it had to be approved and this is where the malicious compliance started the front desk assistant was the first emergency responder so it was emphasized in our training that the desk should never be left vacant that was the reason I continued to work even after someone didn't show up after that day if the person that worked after me was more than five minutes late I would call Ellen to look after the desk she really wasn't happy about it but that was the rule she also couldn't fire anyone who's hiring another student worker and training them in the middle of a term would be troublesome after a few times ellen stopped picking up my calls I would wait until I make enough hours to make 20 the week and I would leave if no replacement was there by that time one day after I finished my shift and left someone burned their popcorn in the microwave and it triggered the fire alarm the residents noticed there was no one at the front desk and they themselves called 911 to evacuate the building after a few moments a few police cars and two fire trucks reached the building all this was happening and Ellen had no idea about it the area coordinator reached the scene and managed everything the fireman found the source and everything was cleared the next day I got an email from our area coordinator to meet him as I was the last person on the desk as I went into the office I was greeted by the area coordinator along with Ellen and another guy who seemed important they started by saying how irresponsibly I acted and that I will get fired for this and that disciplinary charges might follow then I began to explain everything to them I started from that unapproved two hours and went along with how Ellen said to me I wasn't allowed to work for more than 20 hours I even told him I called both my coworker and Ellen but no one picked up the phone I stayed 45 minutes after my shift ended and as I wasn't allowed to work more than that I just left the room went silent and Ellen turned red they dismissed me and told me I will get an email regarding the decision later that day the area coordinator apologized for the Messiah over email and asked me if I would take my job back but I declined I was starting the new job with better payment a few months later so I decided to take my time off later I heard from my friends who were still working there that both Ellen and the co-worker that didn't showed up were fired and no one is scheduled for 28 hours and the area coordinator had to cover that I genuinely feel bad for the guy the next story is called celebrity Bugaboo many years ago I worked closely with a celebrity on his TV show it was a first season show and no one knew who he was when we shot it but by the time season 1 had finished airing he was on his way to fame and stardom and by season 2 he was making big bucks I worked very closely with him and had a fairly significant job on his show he could be difficult at times but overall we got along well and as we wrapped season 2 I let him in the rest of the crew know some exciting news my wife and I were having our first child now let's back up a moment for those who haven't had a child themselves there's this shopping period before the baby is born where you end up getting all the stuff you need a crib blankets bottles clothing and a stroller or two and while there are plenty of strollers in the 100 to $300 range at that moment in history the hottest fanciest stroller was clearly the Bugaboo this thing was high-tech design super versatile lightweight and comfortable for babies and parents alike and it cost upwards of $800 so my wife and I marveled at it in the store and then bought a $200 model because I'm neither rich nor stupid with the stroller taken care of we didn't bother adding another stroller to our registry which is why it was so surprising when a package was delivered to our home we opened it up and there was our very own Bugaboo the iPhone of strollers I'm telling you this thing was amazing we had to watch a video to really learn how to put it together but it was so much better than a cheap stroller and we were thrilled to have it it was a gift from the celebrity a very nice and very surprising gift because as rich as he was he was also on the cheap side I mean even years later he'd call everyone in front of production meeting order pizzas for everyone and collect cash from everyone there to split the cost this is after he'd built his ten million dollars home I'm not exaggerating and that'd be the end of the story except this is a malicious compliance story so let's jump to the good part as many celebrities do this guy had a personal assistant it makes sense celebrities can be legitimately busy all the time and they need someone trusted to help with the daily organization her name was Jennifer or maybe it wasn't this Jennifer was great very cool and she was smart and great at her job and eventually she sold a project of her own and gave her notice it was time for her to leave by eventually what I really mean is writers season 2 was wrapping up and my wife and I were having our baby and her celebrity boss told her to buy me the nicest stroller they make he'd never had a kid so he assumed it would be maybe $200 and on any other day when she saw the 800 plus price tag she'd have wisely purchased a cheaper model for her cheaper boss but she had nothing to lose it was her last week of work and she had already sold the other project so she obeyed his request to the last penny and bought us the nicest stroller you could get he was mad when he found out but by then I'd assembled it and thanked him well he yelled at Jennifer a bit but she didn't care and of course the celebrity never said a word to me the damage was already done that Bugaboo lasted for both my kids and when our youngest had outgrown it I made sure to extend the malicious compliance just a little bit further I gave it to another former crew member who just had a baby of her own her name was also Jennifer he's one overpriced gift that he never wanted to buy has done triple duty so far maybe one day it'll go for for the last story is called I got yelled at for complying I work from an auction website a smaller company I won't mention the name here but it's an unspoken fact that this past year our co-owners all made bad investments and we are both down in profit and also a little stretched for money in the company under normal circumstances my status and title in the company is collection specialist basically our department is in charge of taking payments from auction winnings with some other work mixed in as of mid-december I am for all intents and purposes an assistant manager of the department however there's only two of us in the department back in December our member who had seniority over me was moved to the support department after a series of non-work-related incidents that led to us losing like three members of the support team that being said the member who was moved and I are the only cross trained members of the entire main office meaning we can do multiple jobs throughout the company we have one much larger office currently in construction which is where the rest of our office related jobs are located and where eventually we'll all be moved to a month and a half ago one of our co-owners decided our 73 year old receptionist needed to be at that location to make sure nobody trespassed this meant we needed someone to cover the front desk and as I am the only consistently available person in the office and also one of the two cross trained workers that means I've been stuck at our front desk for a month and a half now so I've been covering the front desk and doing reception work while doing my usual collections work as best I can however at the front desk all other work takes precedence this means if I get a phone call about something I have to drop everything I am doing involving collections and answer the phone or take messages etc all the usual reception stuff technically I am working two jobs for the pay of one but there's nothing I can do about that this morning the moment the phone line opens up I get a call from a very stressed out man he explained that a bit before he'd called he'd been rear-ended by a delivery truck from your company and he wanted to talk to anyone in charge of our delivery trucks to my knowledge we only have two or three company vehicles a large box truck and one or two small shipping vans the box truck has our company name in a small logo but the vans are completely wrapped in company information I asked him if the vehicle he was hit by was small or large and he specified small with your company info all over that's how I knew who to call so that checks out of course he then informs me that when his truck was rear-ended it pushed his vehicle into another person's car and he was sandwiched between the two vehicles the woman in the other car involved thought she might be injured so they called 911 to me that an ambulance and secure law enforcement responded to the scene after the ambulance checked out the woman and made sure she was okay he claimed that the man in our company vehicle waited in silence outside of his vehicle then got in and drove away before the police could talk to him this was very surprising to me just in nobody in our company has been involved in a vehicular accident in the two years I've worked here also depending on where he was he could have very easily been near one of our locations the man didn't specify anything he knew about our company so I did a quick check as he was explaining the situation and he isn't one of our registered customers whether by name or by phone number I wrote down some information and explained to him that I didn't know who was in charge of that he clarified that the officer who had responded to the scene told him to call us and that both he and the officer had looked us up to find this number I asked him to hold on and then went to our human resource manager the manager told me to have the man email Joe who is in charge of our trucks she also asked that I please add in our head of accounting Gerry as he handles the rare insurance claims and we'll want to be aware of the situation just in case something happens that made complete sense to me and I made sure to check with her on what to email them as I've never talked to Joe before or even met him due to him working from home I then explained to the man that he needed to email Joe and explained the situation to him and that I'd notify Joe ahead of time about the situation not once did I mention Gerry or that I'd be including him in my email as well as I'm discussing this with the man one of our co-owners came in and went back to my usual office to discuss things with my supervisor about some checks the co-owner left to somewhere else in the building to talk to other office workers and my supervisor came in to talk to me about what they discussed as I hung up with the man on the phone I explained the accident to her and she asked what I did about it I told her and she nodded and confirmed that she probably would have gone to the human resources manager as well and that I did good a few minutes later she was back in our office and the co-owner asks what's going on she explains to the co-owner what I told her and I hear the co-owner Yelp what I need to go ask her for information on this and she approaches where I am I give her the short of it she asks what I did to handle it I explained I asked around for who I should notify and the co-owner explodes screaming at me that I was wrong and how could I and what was wrong with me that I'd give some random guy our insurance information and that she can't believe I'd do something like this I actually did not give out our ensure information as only Gerry has that information in response a fourth co-worker comes out of his office and very defensively stands about five feet from me with his crossed glaring her down as she screams at me across the main office I hear a fifth co-worker say what is the co-owner yelling about as the co-owner continues to scream at me and even goes so far as to rip my paperwork from my hands and take it from me she even yelled I'm not yelling at you I am yelling my stream of thought the co-owner then left and my coworker continued staring her down defensively until she got in her car then nodded at me and returned to his office the co-owner proceeds to call my cell phone twice more in ten minutes yelling at me the first time for going behind her back and not going to a higher up which I did and technically I'm only two levels below her herself and have seniority over most people in our other office and a couple in this one she demands I forward her what I emailed Jo and Jerry Jerry in the meanwhile can hear me on the phone with her and could hear her screaming at me so emails back in the chain thanks for including me glad to know in the most passive aggressive move I have ever seen him do since I started working here so I forward her the emails including Jerry's thanking me for notifying him her second phone call was her yelling at me that the email made no sense to her and how dare I did not include her in it originally she then hangs up and calls my supervisors cell phone cussing up a storm at her apparently and demanding to know what I thought I was doing she defended my actions saying given the situation she thought it was right the human resource manager approaches me a little bit later to comfort me and even hug me a bit and rub my shoulders telling me not to worry I did exactly what she told me to and I'm in the right and the co-owner is just nuts she is fully supporting me as are the other coworkers the human resource manager explains that the co-owner thinks she can do whatever she wants but that she's also stressed because of our company's money losses recently apparently the co-owners major argument against my actions is if the police has not been in contact with a spin it's probable that the guy is just lined to get out of a traffic ticket she also insisted I should mind my own business and stay out of company problems a bit hard to do when my job is currently crossing over into everyone's company business a bit later our voicemail updates it takes about an hour for recorded voicemails to get to our actual voicemail and who is it but the state trooper who arrived at the scene saying a witness exclusive of the involved parties saw one of your vans at the scene of the accident and saw him leave so we'd like to discuss the situation with your company this means someone besides the man that called also reported our company vehicle as being at the accident and possibly involved and where the accident supposedly happened is apparently right down the road from our second office so now we have two witnesses and a state trooper trying to figure out why the hell our guy left the accident and whether he was involved or not and I'm in trouble for telling one of the involved parties who he needs to message so I told my supervisor about the state troopers message and wrote down word for word what he said in the message his name and his number and gave it to her as thanks to the co owner I am no longer obligating myself to try and save the company legal issues my supervisor forwarded the information to the co owner who thanked her and then told her she was going to call me and apologize for yelling at me in front of an entire office my supervisor waited a bit then asked me if the co owner had called me she had not nor had she texted me nor had she called my office phone my supervisor also pointed out to some of our other co-workers that if the co owner was so demanding of proof about the situation all she had to do was call and go to our other office where the company vehicles were parked in the first place and just look at the Vans front bumper the co owner refused to acknowledge this was even an option apparently so in full compliance of the co-owners complaints I stayed out of all office related business for the rest of the day sure I helped customers but for most of today I did my collections work which is what I'm getting paid to do not put up with things like handling every incoming call in the company that doesn't know an extension or line number if the co owner wants me to stay out of business then I will in the meantime I'm writing down but not necessarily responding to incoming messages and phone calls that involve company business I even went so far as to tell a potential seller with our auction company that I have no say in who sells what and they need to email our sales department because it's none of my business - my usual work I also took long computer-based breaks to fill around by reading the news they have no control and no monitoring over what I do online and if I'm to stay out of things as she wants then I'm going to do whatever I want this week and I'll be honest unless it's majorly important that's what I'm going to do until the co owner actually does something and apologizes I refuse to deny any law enforcement any information that can help in an investigation because I refuse to allow evidence tampering or any other sort of law-breaking refusal especially when someone in the company may have been involved in a possible hit-and-run accident it is not worth being put in jail or at least fine just because my mildly corrupt co-owner boss thinks I shouldn't tell police or possible victims anything while I don't believe the situation involving our driver is as dramatic as it's being made out to be state troopers and people involved in the accident prove at least something happened and I wouldn't want to get involved further than I already have nor get yelled at for complying with the law thanks for watching the video I hope you enjoyed it if you did please consider subscribing to the channel for more content let me know what you think about the stories in the comment section below have a great day bye bye [Music]
Channel: PenguinStoryTime
Views: 24,002
Rating: 4.6833978 out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, r/, r/maliciouscompliance fresh, r/maliciouscompliance sorrow tv, r/maliciouscompliance storytime, r/maliciouscompliance playlist, r/maliciouscompliance pepsi man, r/maliciouscompliance reaction, r/maliciouscompliance emkay, r/maliciouscompliance fresh story time ep. 1, reddit, reddit stories, reddit funny, reddit stories maliciouscompliance, reddit r/maliciouscompliance, reddit stories funny, reddit stories entitledparents, reddit stories animated
Id: woYJc-FZH-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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