r/MaliciousCompliance - Dirty dressing

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okay here's a bit of background I've worked in construction and service for 15 years I recently gave up that career for a job in special effects for TV and movies last year I started a production with people I've worked with in the past imminent quantity and my smartass attitude usually precedes me this production which I sent out yet so the details will be sparse is mostly set on a train this set has to wag shake and wiggle like a real train words so we built heavy Teeter totters on wheels all heavy gauge steel casters and bearings now these gym balls common name for a motion platform have a tendency to make noise which as you would imagine would affect production so one of my Jobs was to crawl under the set on a concrete floor and grease joints tighten the bolts etc safety checks were daily this usually left me somewhat dusty and dirty though the day typically it'd be wearing car hood pants and shirt both black of course gotta stay hidden in the dark as much as possible most film departments that have to do something physical quite often wear black on black so anything else is abnormal this is where we lead into my MC one day I got a small hole in my shirt just a little smaller than a dime right on the front so the first assistant friend of mine that I've worked with before says I really need to dress better as there should be an image we should attain I just look at him unbelievingly for a second and he we insists so I agree I usually agree to things immediately to keep drama down in the workplace I immediately know what I'm going to do for the rest of the week this was on a Tuesday the next day I show up in my best dress clothes shirt tie dress pants and dress shoes completely 100% wholly overdressed nobody dresses for a wedding in any film department unless it's a theme day like tropical shirt Friday dressed like this I cannot do my job so I just direct co-workers on how to do it I spent the next three days dressing like that until the SP FX code mentioned that maybe I should dress down now as I have made my point I also got a lot of compliments from more than a few people and every couple of Friday's people would come in with suits for formal Fridays it was nice not getting my hands dirty but spending close to 50 hours with the tie on dress shoes is something he'd like to avoid for a while while I was studying I started working for a successful bar which also served girl may wood fire pizza I was employed as the kitchen hand and my main duties were helping on the Pizza section during service helping with food prep dis washing and cleaning after six months I had slowly taken more and more initiative in the kitchen until I was eventually promoted to cook which meant I learned how to cook all the dishes in the kitchen even the fancy stuff and usually ran the kitchen on late-night service with the help of a more junior kitchen hand around one year in my boss the head chef decided we needed a better pizza dough recipe he bought a dough recipe from a popular pizza place in my city and it tasted great but the problem was that it didn't last long in the fridge which meant lots of wastage so head chef decided to tweak the recipe to make it last longer he changed the type of least and changed it to a cool proof instead of a warm proof along with many other things now to give some context by this point I had become one of the better pizza guys on the team and quite a few of my colleagues had commented that the dough I made always came out the best which I attribute to a quite a few modifications I had made to the recipe over twelve months of working at it I had changed almost every part of the recipe except for the actual basic ingredients used I made the recipe a bit more adaptable too if we suddenly needed an extra batch ready to use in four hours I would make it completely differently than a batch that would sit in the cool room all week I'm definitely no master baker and I don't pretend to understand the macroscale workings of the whole process but trial and error and lots of repetition taught me a thing or two at least head chef never said a word about me quietly tweaking the recipe because the feedback from the customers was almost always good and he was getting all the credit head chef initially came across as a nice guy pretty chilled out that he was a terrible boss and very disorganized this led to us never having the necessary stock to prep all the menu items and always having poor staffing ratios and skill mix these hopes alone would be forgivable after all he was a nice guy under a lot of stress but he was consistently jerking staff members around he promised full time contracts that were never signed pay rises that never hit the bank staff parties that never happened and constantly rostering us to work on days that we had specifically asked to have off one chef was employed on a sponsored visa meaning that if he lost his job he would likely have to leave a country and this poor chef got worked into the ground basically abused because the boss knew he couldn't do anything about it safe to say morale got pretty low in the kitchen and lots of the staff were looking for jobs elsewhere it gets to Christmas and it's sent of year party time for a lot of businesses which means our venue was booked out every day and night for a month we had all been working crazy hours doing prep work and while I was at home finally chilling out after a double shift my phone starts blowing up head chef is blasting us all on our workgroup chat because one of the batches of dough had turned out crappy not my batch of course and he was demanding that we all had to follow the recipe to the letter I spoke to head chef the next day to remind him that we didn't have the right kind of least for that recipe and to ask if we were having some delivered head chef told me I was to use the least we had that it would be fine I tried to point out that the original recipe was written for a different type of least and proofing method but he shut me down pretty hard in the head chef ear and you're a dishwasher I said it'll be fine okay chef let's do it your way the next day I prepped 20 batches of dough which for our small kitchen was a massive mount on a typical weekend I would have gone through one maybe two batches but for the next week all the customers had paid in advance and they wanted huge amounts of food for their end of year parties and why not when it's company coin has explicitly instructed I made all twenty batches exactly as stated in the original recipe just like it been told I used precisely zero of my hard learned tips and tricks the first big night comes around and I already know it's going to be a disaster the dough is terrible like really really bad I seriously felt ashamed sending them out but there was nothing to be done at that point then the feedback started coming in it was not great let me assure you the next day after presumably getting chewed out by one of the event organizers from the night before head chef comes into the kitchen and tells us to throw away the entire week's worth of dough and that we would all be offered overtime for as many additional hours we had to stay back to remake it all we were almost exclusively on fixed rates until that point on top of that in a sublime piece of sweet satisfaction I overhear head chef quietly tells a sous chef to get them to make it the other way before walking out of the kitchen sous chef is the aforementioned visa holder he turns to me with the knowing grin and nothing more is said I continued working in the kitchen until I completed my studies mainly because the late night shifts rarely interfered with my curriculum but almost all of the other staff moved on from that place it'll never know just how much it cost the bar to replace all that dough or how much revenue they lost reimbursing the customer or how head chef explained it all to his corporate bosses probably blamed us but I like to think he got exactly what he asked for this was a few years ago but at the time I was underage and living with my abusive mother she had gone to great lengths to keep me living with her which I have no idea as to why as we did nothing but fight there were other things but I'll leave them out as I don't want to relive them as I write this one day she tells me that she's leaving for a week down south for work or something at first when she said she wanted me to spend the week at my father's I protested I was 16 at the time and could easily take care of myself however she truly believed I could not handle being alone for week at the time I wasn't very close with my father something she worked hard to make sure of and just wanted to be home for a loan for a week eventually I saw that I would not have a say in the matter then the idea told on me I could sort her way faster risk move out I packed up everything I really cared about which was really only enough to fill a suitcase and a backpack and then was picked up by father as my mother refused to do anything when it involved him after the week ended I simply blocked my mother's phone number and continued to live with my dad who was actually quite pleasant living with that was about four years ago and is probably the best decision I've ever made in my life malicious compliance with a healthy dose of choosing beggar I'm a full-time student and a nurse's aide at the local hospital and working in a pathology lab and studying for my MCA T medical school exam on top of that I have 3 X things to do on a given day and the time to do may be 0.6 X a headless chickens got nothing on my usual schedule when I do occasionally manage to scrape out a half hour also at time I like to write for fun it relaxes me mostly original short stories and fan fiction since I'm doing this for my own gratification and I can be as nerdy and self indulgent as I please when I have a story completed I usually posted to a writers and artists forum I joined a few years back now it's a forum through a fairly obscure series that I'm a fan of so it's small maybe 20 I writers and a dozen artists and we all know and like each other it's the kind of fan community where if you know you're going to be traveling through a city one of the other members lives in you message them to see if they want to grab coffee and geek out for an hour or two and the answers usually yes quality over quantity on this one makes whether you're posting fan work or something original at least half of the occupants of our weird little corner of the internet will leave comments and feedback and good feedback too we are talking multiple grammatically perfect paragraphs to telling their favorite parts complimenting clever lines or phrasing and destructive criticism about parts that didn't flow quite right or still need work that [ __ ] is goddamn crack caplet pizza covered in gold to someone who likes writing which is why this is the one hobby that survived the ruthless slash and burn deforestation that the rest of my casual pastimes have succumbed to in lieu of stuffing my brain with more facts about cancer cells so I post a story that I'm fairly proud of I've been working on it off and on 10 or 20 minutes at a time for about a month and I think it's finally all set and done and ready to set off into the worldwide web they grow up so quickly for the first few days everything is normal I soak up the praise like a goddamn sea sponge edit and adjust the process people point out any spelling or grammar errors that slipped by and leave comments on other works that go up in the meantime then the wild choosing beggar stumbles bullying like a poorly spellcheck newborn calf into our happy corner of nerdy fandom the following comments sadly have been edited for clarity CB hey I really like this story it's cool that it's WR TT and from character 1s paws but you should write it from character to s and character 3s pop - that would be awesome me thanks for the comment I'm glad you enjoyed the story unfortunately I probably won't be rewriting this anytime soon character 1 is the only person who has any real agency in this story so it makes sense for it to be from his perspective characters 2 & 3 are more or less just along for the ride their perspectives would mostly be a lot of wondering what the hell is going on right up until the final scene CB but you shld rewrite it anyway I Jing Chi TDB awesome and I want to see what their thoughts are me sorry but no I don't have time and I just don't want to see be pls me if you're that serious about wanting to read it I take Commission's my rate is twenty dollars an hour and rewriting this twice over will take about twelve hours of work CB but I don't have any way of sending you money I don't care how long it takes taker time I just wanna read it me since this is a project you want me to do for you it's a job and I get paid for working i take paypal then no Google pay firstborn children cash and cashier's check I'll require half upfront CB but you like rutting so you should write kiss me I like writing my stories this is not something I want to write it's something you want me to write CB but you wrote story for a November on this site her description even says it's a gift for him me yeah and he Illustrated one of my original short stories in return it was an art trade and it was during the summer anyway when I'm way less busy he's my friend I don't know you CB but you did it for free for him say you should write this for me me no I don't want to and I don't have time you want to read it so badly you write it CB but I'll do it better than they will I love a story so much right ths for me me no stop asking CB but it'll be sOooo good pls CB don't be a jerk just write it CB I have a gr8 idea for a story you should write LLL give it to you for free CB when are you going to write tht story I want to read it D readers this goes on for three bloody weeks slowly frame the already wanting rope of my sanity the CB has been using a guest account and as soon as I block one they create another and continue spamming me two or three messages a day if I don't reply it's five or six complaining that I'm being ungrateful and not replying to my fans as I mentioned writing is my stress relief but this puts a rapid end to that I have a moderate amount of anxiety problems anyway and after a few days of this I start flinching whenever I hear my email notification noise convinced that it's going to be more pleading whining and abuse that I'm going to have to wade through to get to the NL's I actually need so not only do I no longer access to my usual source of quick and easy stress relief it's actually adding more stress on top of the Sisyphean pile provided by real life even the live-in boyfriend creature notices that I'm getting even more neurotic than usual and it once took him four days to notice that I had died my waist length hair from Auburn to fluorescent purple after I had told him that I was going to he was still surprised by the second week of this I was practically foaming at the mouth and becoming afraid to check my analog into the forum it burned like the tongue destroying lava of molten hot pocket that this one pushy little fat bucket was doing such a thorough job of obliterating something that I had enjoyed but I couldn't figure out what to do about it besides leaving the forum entirely and setting off to seek a completely new set of friendly creative encouraging Internet friends who are all into this one series niche enough that it may or may not show up on most fanfiction sites reei IID's and then when it seemed the battle was lost and there was nothing to do but to flee the burning ruins of my former fandom the CB made their fatal error it's worth noting that two of the characters have kind of an ambiguous relationship in the official series depending on who's writing any given episode they could come across as father / son / mentor / minty type as frenemies or is heavy flirtation drowning in sexual tension as thick as jello I have no real stamps on which one of these is the right way of portraying the characters my story used the father-son dynamic just because that's what worked best for the tone I wanted however throughout the entire ream of comments attempting to persuade me to put aside my life and write about 30-some pages of free fiction for them the CB has also been rambling about how great it is that I use the father-son dynamic about 40 comments and messages in CB mentions passingly how sick and disgusting they find the stories that depict the characters as dating or in a relationship and that it's practically incest the characters are adults who know each other professionally and are in no way related and that ladies and germs is when the mused strike normally I write pretty slowly since I'm doing it only for fun for the first time in weeks though I have something into which I can channel my input and stress and rage and I make this little project a priority break between classes I pull my laptop out and right after making very sure no one can see over my shoulder in the pathology lab waiting for the ancient computer to boot up on my phone editing at the hospital if I wasn't actively helping a patient or charting care I was trying to think of ever more graphic euphemisms for sex finally my glorious monstrosity is done and I have one final conversation with the CB CB are you ever gone to frickin write that stre me I already said that I'm not going to write that one but tell you what since you've been so patient I wrote something else I think you'll like I'll put it up tomorrow CB hell's yay I still want that one but ill take this one too bright and early the next day I post my horrific masterpiece it is graphic it is cringe-worthy it features the phrase spank me harder daddy it is dedicated in nice big letters to CB who inspired it I post it and wait and see B does not disappoint within 5 minutes I can see that they've opened it and within half an hour I have 3 caps locked comments screaming about what a sick perverted monster I am I have to smile I'm the only one the CB has been harrassing to write a free novella for them but they've been making themself unpopular on the rest of the forum too if the story is posted there leave a list of about 30 to 40 questions that they want the author to answer for them half of which are usually answered in the story itself if they bothered to read it and then they get angry when the author doesn't immediately take two hours to write them a detailed analysis of their own work if a picture goes on the CB starts demanding that the artist write them a paragraphs long story about what's happening and surprise surprise gets busier than a urine-soaked dire for when they are ignored the non fandom discussion board deader than a zoom after CB starts leaving vaguely creepy comments on the pictures of people's pet dogs and pushing for while I to many personal details the entire forum is frustrated and about to burst like Terry Jones offered an eensy weensy little wafer thin mint and when they see my story dedicated to the C B and C B's subsequent profanity-laced of a trio that morbidly obese Monty Python explodes all over the web page showering it into an viscera in a lot of ways once they realize that this particular pairing is the fire to C B's Frankenstein monster the silver to their werewolf the well plotted character development to their Stephenie Meyer the forum responds with admirable alacrity they want us to write and draw things for them find wheelwright for them within a day every new piece going up features this one relationship as explicitly as possible new art it's those two characters banging like fire grown-up bunnies on the hood of a police car new story office sex and handcuffs and every possible permutation of daddy King all of them dedicated to CB who just keeps blowing a gasket every single time what's even better is that someone has the bright idea to put a temper of wheelock on their work meaning that it can't be seen or commented on until they remove the lock within a week the only stuff publicly visible is increasingly graphic and ridiculous smart and CB just never seems to run out of rage fun side notes two of the forum members were / are semi-professional cosplayers and decided to road trip three hours to make a video of themselves cosplaying these characters making out complete with orgasmic moaning noises and barely stifled laughter it was the first time they'd ever met but apparently it went well because they started dating not long after the entire forum keeps this up for about two weeks competing to see who can write the best / worst snart and who can Percy be off the most the forum banner has changed to a nice big graphic close-up mid-coitus we start comparing which adjectives we get Lisa V rants they said I was an abomination top at map all I got was your horrible I'll have to try harder tomorrow finally the ahem climax hits CB posts a five-page rant on the discussion forums about how we are sick incestuous monsters who are destroying the only people who really care about this fandom and how we don't deserve their attention all their ideas anymore and then at last at long long last they are gone disappeared like Rumpelstiltskin in a fit of apoplectic rage we leave the porn and privacy settings up for another week or two to be sure and then we finally go back to writing and posting for fun and welcoming in any nubes who have a sense not to immediately start demanding tribute the error of defensive application of smut is over peace is restored to the fandom and everyone goes back to only a normal level of ridiculous fanfiction porn if you enjoyed the stories slap the like and subscribe buttons for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 63,782
Rating: 4.8699999 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, Bumfris, fresh, askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, askreddit funny, top posts of r/, top posts of all time, askreddit question, best of r/askreddit, best reddit posts, TZ REDDIT, Comment Awards, BrainyDude, toadfilms
Id: M5UjpTO6cU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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