r/entitledparents - A mother's ignorance

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this happens a few years ago but I have never been so mad in my life I remember the whole thing usual cast en eggplant mouse om old man OD other dude background I was with my family at a town concert with my family when I saw and heard this conversation I wasn't actually part of it here it goes so my family and I were at a town green watching a local band perform most towns have these weekly and there was an old man there not surprising to anyone except he was wearing a really nice suit and hat and was the most gentlemanly person I have ever seen walking around talking to people helping people and just being really nice to everyone he especially liked my two dogs saying has never seen dogs that big before my dogs are huge when enter the M she didn't look it but by the way her kids were acting you knew it and of course the first thing these kids run towards his my dogs cause it's not every day you see two 150 pound dogs the kids run over and are pushing shoving pulling my dog's fur and [ __ ] all around the old man who was calmly sitting and talking with me and petting the dogs with all the screaming and horseplay around he decides to leave and has to use his came to get up when he stands up and puts his arm up the leave of his jacket slides down revealing what faintly looks like a tattoo and the e/m who had decided to sit down next to me saw it and immediately called her kids over what I heard when like this en see that old man's arm that's why we don't get tattoos because they look awful when you're old and fats probably why has alone and has to talk to kids now the om had stood up by now and had covered his tattoo up and had very obviously heard what she had said I was helping the owner and had her did to the calmly turns around and says mom I know tattoos look bad when you're older and I would never have gotten one if I had the choice p.m. well why do you have one it's a choice stupid people make you want to look cool enter OD OD mom I have been listening and to ask why you think this man has a tattoo eeehm because has a bad person who just want to hurt people OD looking like he is about to burst a blood-vessel trying to kill her well mom the tattoo on his arm happens to be IND identification too to an identification to two specifically used in a fine concentration camps p.m. who started to go pale it doesn't matter it's still a tattoo OD WTF woman are you crazy do you have any idea what happened in those concentration camps he M packing up her [ __ ] and kids no but if they had tattoos there it was probably a place for bad people that's the end of the interaction with the e/m the rest was people who had bread what was going on apologizing to the om about everything that had happened to him so this just happened last night Friday the 13th I had been hating some pretty bad abdominal pain since that the 12th well yesterday I went to a local clinic and found out that I had appendicitis the clinic called an ambulance and was transported to the big hospital when I got there they took me to a room had me strip butt-naked and rushed me to her or as we were moving through the air this Karen stopped us and asked why I was being rushed before her daughter since they have been here longer the nurse told her that I was being rushed for emergency surgery she said I don't care my daughter is in pain and he needs to wait is me turn the nurse said ma'am your daughter has a sprained ankle and that this gentleman could die she reluctantly moved out of the way when she saw a couple police officers start walking towards her well surgery went great and I didn't die was released at 12 o'clock this afternoon [Music] this happened a while ago and we'll need a little bit of backstory about one year ago a park was built beside my house and it had a small skatepark about five months ago my mom let me get a skateboard because I started watching skate board content and got interested also my friend had just started to skateboard to F equals entitled parent F equals friend FF M equals family friends mom story I wanted to go skate so I went and my friend was there so me and him starting skating together and there were some kids on me on one of the rounds and we had asked them to leave but they did not budge so my friend and I decided to just ignore them about 10 minutes go by and my friend tells our little kids 4-5 years to move because he wanted to go on to a different ramp which leads to the ramp they were on if my friend just keeps going so my friend goes on the ramp and on the way back notices that the kids went back so he tried to stop immediately but was not able to so he fell off the skateboard and the kid gets hit by the skateboard but not severe or anything like that the app comes and starts scolding and why did you hit her hair I'm sorry I did not mean to but kids are not supposed to be here if they are not skating and we were here first that does not matter F kids are not supposed to be here like it says that on a sign and I told them to move ed that does not matter we were here first friends family friends mum was there and notices what's happening and goes to cool down the situation FF em what's the problem here F I hit her kid by accident but they were not supposed to be there and we were here first you hurt my kid FF M okay say sorry friend F I already said sorry SH still mad after that interaction friends FF m told him to just leave because there was no reasoning with her after that I'm pretty sure her kids kept playing so I also left that's basically the story so thanks for reading [Music] another long one so consider yourself warned I'm not a native English speaker so it might be that I'm using the wrong term here liberal upbringing in this case means that the child can do whatever they want as long as they are happy this story happened to a friend of mine a couple of years back so the conversation won't be a 100 percent word-for-word accurate one day my friend went to the supermarket as people are wont to do and there were quite a few people waiting in line as it was a Saturday waiting in line were among others an old lady call a teenager T and our entitled mother M and her entitled kid egg with my friend being the first person in line after the person being helped at the moment by the cashier so order of waiting in line other person friend old lady entitled mob plus kid teenager the old lady had to walk with a cane and was patiently waiting behind my friend all of a sudden she feels something banging against her cane she looks down and sees the entitled kid kicking the cane for some reason the mom is busy loading her groceries on the conveyor belt / assembly line thingie no idea what the correct term is for this sorry so she's not paying attention to the kid Oh in a friendly tone could you please stop kicking my cane dear I needed to walk and keep my balance HEC stops kicking and quickly hides behind their mom the old lady smiles at them turns back around and smiles at my friend who had turned around to see what was going on ten seconds later the old lady once again feels something banging against her cane she turns around and again the entitled kid was picking it Oh still in a friendly tone dear I'm asking you again can you please stop kicking my cane I need it for my balance if you keep kicking it you might kick it away and I could fall egg stops kicking for a second grins gleefully and starts kicking the cane again quite hard all turns to Wendland asks still friendly can you please tell your kid to stop kicking my cane I've told them too already how dangerous this could be forming but they don't want to listen M starts huffing and puffing my kid isn't doing anything dangerous he's just kicking it a bit because he's bored you haven't fallen over yet have you so it's sturdy enough to take a few kicks all at this point is starting to get annoyed who wouldn't be and she asks the mother again to tell her kid to stop kicking the cane M no I won't tell them to stop I give my child a liberal upbringing so they can do whatever they want if it makes them happy behind and my friends notices the teenager who had been watching the scene unfold for quite some time getting quite angry he had a big bottle of orange juice in his hands and as the M starts yelling that a child can do whatever it wants as that is what it means to practice liberal upbringing and all just wants to ruin their fun he quickly unscrews the cap on the bottle and proceeds to dump the contents all over M's head and immediately shuts up and shocked and turns to look behind her at T who just grins and says my mom gave me a liberal upbringing too so if I want to dump orange juice all over some stuck-up VT CH of a woman because her kid is harrassing a poor old lady I can do that because it makes me happy my friend immediately started laughing prompting all the other people in line to start laughing as well except for M of course I don't know if M ever pressed charges or something like that is it a good idea to dump orange juice over someone's head like that probably not but I can't deny having felt like doing something similar a couple of times and man how I wish I had been there to see this play out this is not my story rather my friend case also I have no idea if the step-grandma counts as an entitled parent but I'm gonna count it as one so I went for a day boating with the stet Grandma and Grandpa they had decided we would go to a restaurant instead of bringing dinner so we went to this restaurant and we got a table and sat down we waited for a bit for a lady to take our order I ordered a patty melt and my grandpa order Oh Joe he gave part of his burger to my step grandma and some of his fries I didn't give anything because she told him that was enough food so they didn't talk for most of the dinner because they had an argument on the boat and we ate our food I only ate half the patty melt because it was pretty big I told my step grandma I was done and she asked me do you want to take it home I shook my head no it wasn't a really good patty melt ebh that's when she went off at me yelling at me about not sharing a she took the help of the patty melt and began cutting it up like it was her first meal in days she stormed off and my grandpa apologized to me and walked off to pay I stayed at the table and picked up my staff my step grandma came back and began screaming in my face and through the half of a patty melt on to my plate going off about me being selfish a stranger from another table came and told her to knock it off and tried to calm me down since I was now melt onto my plate going off about me being selfish a stranger from another table came and told her to knock it off and tried to calm me down since I was now in tears I was only 13 I went to go find my grandparent we both walked out of the restaurant he said to her he wanted a divorce and we got on the boat after this it was a blur of screaming and me staring at the water crying as we went back to the dock we made it there and got off me and my grandpa walked to the car and my step grandma stayed back and called my mom without telling her what happened by the way my mom then called me I was crying and couldn't talk so I gave it to my grandpa we were in the car driving away now after the call he turned to me and asked if we should go back for her I said we probably should we went back and went back to the house after that my grandpa took me to my other grandparents who were only five minimum away for more context this wasn't her first offense so the divorce one bad uncalled for [Music] cast any equals MC M my town mayor Karen M my mom be mom's boyfriend c1c2 cousin sheriff s to start this off I live in a fairly small town of somewhere between 400 to 600 people and there are no skate parks within hours of me so I usually skate on the road in front of my house it's not very long but it's a decently steep slope and it has been paved within the last couple of years so it's insanely smooth I decide to skate from a few yards up the road from my house and I notice Emma's leaving the house with B so I roll up to their car making sure they see me and grab the back of it to be dry slowly because M gets nervous easily but is loving watching me skate we get maybe 10 yards downhill from my house and I notice a car is coming from behind me so B slows the car to a stop allowing me to roll around the driver side of the car and turn around to talk to him through the passenger window we talked for about 30 seconds only to notice the car that was behind us had stopped and was waiting for them to go even though they were on the side of the road this road is only wide enough to barely fit two vehicles side by side but it's definitely possible there are no lines down the center of the road and the road hardly has any sort of traffic so B waves at the car behind us to pass so they know we weren't moving but she refuses to pass so m and i go back to conversing for another few seconds then i signal myself that they are free to pass that's when I knew something was wrong in pulls up beside Em's car and states and her super Karen tone M don't you think that's illegal M who are you the cops M drives off slowly still mouthing off incomprehensibly M if you have a problem go get the cops em squeals her tires to a stop and reverses back to where she had been faster than I've ever seen any vehicle back er M what did you say M I said if you have a problem go get the cops em screeching do you know who I am I'm president of City Council CH AI are ma an asterisk lomg EST title ever like she actually had a minimum of a 15 word title for her position of small town government M oh that's right you resigned from there after my mom cast you out a few months ago didn't you she actually did resign from there because my grandma cussed her out in a city council meeting because she wasn't doing her duty as mayor and tried finding my grandma for something that was Emma's fault but that's a different story and haft and is close to a Karen stomp off as you can get in a large serve she did that speeding around 30 miles per hour down my 15 miles per hour road after we saw her turn at the end of the road I hugged em and won't let as I always do when I leave her and she went on her way to wherever she went so I skated back up my road to my grandma's house she lives next door to my parents and me to cc1 in the driveway clang on his phone in his truck door open nothing out of the blue and c2 on my grandma's porch sitting smoking a cigarette so I go to sit down on the porch near c2 I'm laughing about the situation and he tells me he saw it because it was clearly visible from where he was sitting and as I start my joking rant about the mayor I see two Sheriff trucks speed past my grandma's house note there are only two cops in my town both of these guys I start chuckling joking about how they must busted somebody for something because we rarely see these guys out and about I then see the mares car coming back up the road she pulls into my grandma's driveway gets out of her car M 2 c1 have you seen any punk skaters around here today c1 no ma'am I haven't lighting though I don't really get into trouble and I'm pretty good in the way of rules and respectful so not lying at the same time and walks closer to the porch but just far enough that she doesn't pass the driveway into c2 and I have y'all seen any today me no ma'am nothing around here I'm honestly shaking try not to laugh and get into trouble at the same time but she's clearly blind because I'm well over six foot tall I have bushy red hair and at the time I'm wearing a black and flashy yellow caution tape hoodie I'm also pushing my skateboard out of where she could possibly spot it em well you'll tell me if you'll see anything she walks past her car at this point I didn't notice them flim but both sheriff's are in the driveway and she talks to them for a few seconds gets in her car and drives off with the officers I jump off the porch and half jog to see ones truck he has his window down but his door is now closed me man that was close I'm on the phone Siwon had called her as she left tell that b tch to go on somewhere Siwon I know she came in here like she owned the place me I know I didn't really do anything wrong but I was scared as to risk I say with a half laugh we chat for a minute or two only to hear a speeding car pulled into the driveway as if they owned the place I look up to see the door of the car open only to realize who it was me crap asterisk I say with a sigh and literally jumps out of her car and as she lands she points at me and shrieks in the highest of all Karin screech is possible M you you were the one skateboarding me yes ma'am I skateboard down this road every day Siwon gets out of his truck and points to the no trespassing sign we have posted clearly on a tree Siwon you can leave you can't stay here unless you have a warrant M I can go wherever I want now she says this one sheriff pulls up but I guess he noticed Siwon pointing at the sign so he pulls off to the side of the road in front of the house and gets out and still on the phone speakerphone he has F a right to skate on the road you don't have to cry about everything me too M please calm down mom it doesn't have to be settled like this she ignores me and keeps yelling at em about how she needs to leave etc etc M so whose car were you holding on to down the road we pretending to be oblivious what car em who was driving the car you were holding on to me what car do you mean em you know what car I mean who was driving the car the sheriff is walking up now and talks to em s so what's the problem em this punk kid was holding on to passing cars as he was skating down the road me too s no sir I was actually riding behind them's car she wasn't going very fast and she knew I was back there we only went a few feet M so that's whose car it was I see one you can get off of our property now I have already showed you the no trespassing sign you have no reason to be here want me to walk into your yard and jump into your pool whenever I want M ignores C 1 and keeps screeching nonsense to me but I'm ignoring her paying attention to only the officer s now she might be rude but you still do have to respect her position she is your mare at this point my grandma was awakened from her nap because of the commotion and she walks down her steps right behind us to see what's going on she startles easily but she doesn't say anything s now I don't have any evidence you did anything wrong and I know there isn't really anywhere for a kid to skateboard around here but just be safe and when there's traffic please stay out of the road my duty is to keep you guys safe and if you have a problem you can talk to my asterisk hig h er up I forgot it asterisk my county's police department and tell him that you talked to asterisk s apostrophe s name and I'm sorry about the inconvenience have a nice day and stay safe me yes sir Thank You asterisk I shake his hand he walks away s to M let's go M but s it's time to leave M Huff's and gets in her car slamming her own door she pulls off speaks to the officer at his window then leaves s sits in his truck for a minute then s two pulls up speaks with him for two to three minutes then they pull off to this day we still laugh about it and months later I still skate my road daily with no signs of trouble if you enjoyed the stories slap the like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 46,228
Rating: 4.8799572 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitledparents, ignorance
Id: 2km51QUQ4rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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