r/MaliciousCompliance - Tickets are Law!

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so this happened when me and my two friends were travelling to another city in my country with a quite old and slow night train we have bought tickets spontaneously and quite late so we were divided into different compartments usually it's not a problem to come to an agreement with people to swap places with you it's quite common practice the wagon had about nine compartments each has two top and two bottom shelves me and my one friend were in compartment hash too closer to the conductor's office idk this small room where they sit and we were on top and bottom shelves and my another friend was in compartment hash 9 top shelf this other friend's compartment was next to the toilet room the thing is that you usually won't want to be in hash 9 on these old trains because in 90% of cases it will smell horribly all the way because of the toilet we wanted to ask someone from our compartment to swap with our friend but it turned out we had a nice couple going with us so it's us - who would have to move so we haven't unpacked yet as well as many of the passengers and we went to visit our friend at hash 9 and ask someone from his compartment to swap places with us and we felt lucky as we saw that he had another couple with him occupying top and bottom shelf just like us swapping should be easy as we were further from the toilet and SATs a huge perk the conversation went as follows edited fake names instead of abbreviations because it was hard to read Alec's friend who was with me Nick my friend from hash 9 Karen [ __ ] lady shitman her [ __ ] boyfriend me hey we have a friend travelling here would you mind swapping places with us we have the same shelves as you do Karen no get away from my compartment note that Nick is there as well as another passenger Alex lady please it's further from the toilet and well being travelling together as a group Nick yeah please if you would shitman listen kids we were all 22 to 23 already would you calm down dammit I paid for my tickets and we are staying just at the place we paid for I'm not into some [ __ ] bargains me excuse me but we are offering better sports just because we want to be with our friend Karen I'm not falling for this you probably have ticks in your pillows or worse Alex what no it's not that we just wanted to have a chat maybe play cards Chipman listen [ __ ] off with your [ __ ] I paid and I stay here and you are supposed to stay at your shelves it's the law when you buy tickets well that escalated quickly there is no such law and no one cares but okay her boyfriend made sure he called us morons a few times so we could hear it going back to our compartment we were confused of such a negative reaction as it's not something you come across usually people would politely decline and that's it our friend told us they were complaining to him about us what a lovely couple fast forward a few hours and we are getting ready to sleep Nick decides to pay us a visit he comes and says that hash 9 starts to smell like piss because people have been using the toilet we mock him and laugh about him having to spend the night with shitty people and also smelling [ __ ] the nice couple that stayed with us at hatch to also laugh with us as we befriended them and told them the story already about 10 minutes passes someone knocks on the door we are a bit confused of who it might be we open the door and would you know the shitman is there shitman uhm you guys we have thought about your offer and we think that we would like to accept it Alex you mean swap when we have already unpacked shitman yeah I'm sure it's fast and no problem and my woman is unable to sleep there Alex is it the smell Shipman happy we got his idea yeah it is bad she's sick because of it I see my friend and I already feel what he's about to say I hear the inner drums preparing me for the moment Alex sorry man we are staying on the shelves that we paid for it's the law I made a walrus gulp and closed my face laughing Nick chuckled in his hand and the nice couple had that happy shot ik's rushon on their faces those [ __ ] ended up spending the night with the smell worsening with every hour nick also suffered there but he said it was worth it listening to Karen eating her man's brains out over her not being able to fall asleep she tried to spray her perfumes around but it only turned out to smell like pile of crap on a flower bed this is the story of a very bad teacher I had in college his class was 99% group project but whenever there was a conflict he would just tell the students to fight it out no constructive criticism feedback mediation or anything whenever there was a conflict his only advice was when I had to work with the colleague 20 years ago and we hated each of his guts we eventually fought with our fists like men and been friends ever since maybe you should try that now keep in mind this class was 60% girls with nice long sharp nails say you don't really want to fight law anyway one day me a girl and one of the girls in my group had a fight because we both felt like the other didn't do jack [ __ ] in the project she was supposed to send me her work so I could put everything together but it was always late and filled with typists grammatical errors and some sentences didn't even make sense even though we agreed at the start of the project that my only job would be to put everything together fact check everything correct every single mistake and make it look nice she felt like I should be gathering info too so obviously two sides to this story we really needed someone independent to find out who was right and the rest of the group hated conflict so they just stayed out of it we went to the teacher and got his usual story of his fight we were a bit pissed that a teacher would tell to 18 year old girls to just fight with our fists instead of help us work through our issues when we told the group what his advice was they found it very weird too the malicious compliance the next day we got to school and had put on Mac you to make it look like we had black eyes bruises etc a few scratches here and there to the administrator who greets you when you enter the bill I was shocked when she saw us and asked what happened we told her the teacher told us to just fight instead of talk out our problems so we did when we walked away we heard her starting to call the Dean I imagined to talk about what she just saw the teacher sadly happened to be away that day for some lecture so he didn't get to see our injuries he did get a stern talking-to and was later sent on a mandatory course on how to give constructive feedback and how to teach your students to do so I know because he complained about that course for the rest of the year d some years ago I worked for a company that made parts for cars we mostly made parts for the aftermarket but we also had a few OEM customers I had ended up controlling some of the machines that mostly did parts for the OEM customers it had reached the point where due to the laziness of my immediate supervisor I made sure the work was done in order of priority monitored and requested orders for machine consumables requested parts from other departments so orders could be finished and the sales person responsible for the customer would come directly to me if he needed something in a hurry basically I was doing my job and the parts of my supervisors job that related to me I didn't mind doing this even though I wasn't being paid to do half of it as it pretty much let me do my own thing without some idiot my supervisor getting in the way our main OEM customer had to read s in all the parts we made to comply with new regulations that had come in and so along with our development department we proceeded to make and supply sample parts to customer specs for them to test and approve this was a slow processes that could take months of back-and-forth before they settled on a final product this had been going on for many months where my time was split between developing the new parts and making sure existing orders were completed on time up until this point ours was covered by someone that also had other roles in the company for whatever reason they decided it was time to get someone specifically for the role and employed someone from outside the company for the position Strauss had started the company decided to look at the way people were paid up until this point everyone in a production role was paid the same no matter their ability so machine operators were paid the same as someone that was a set a / operator my official job title they decided some of the more capable people would get a pay rise and be given a new job title of machine setter it wasn't much but it was better than nothing I was one of those people one of the things I had a habit of doing was if I was in the middle of doing something say setting up for a part I would finish that before going for my break which meant I didn't always have my break of velocity with the rest of my department nobody had previously had a problem with this but for some reason house didn't like it it was raised in a meeting by hours that I did this they were basically told to keep their nose out as I was getting the work through and that was all that mattered they didn't like this but were overruled so couldn't do anything about it a few weeks after all this happened it was coming up to a bank holiday weekend and they were looking for people to work on the Bank Holiday Monday they weren't offering anything in way of incentive beyond normal lot rates and so I said no thanks admittedly I won't refused even if they had offered double or triple time on the Friday I was called into the office by my supervisor and hours because of refusing to work the bank holiday house accused me of being selfish and of letting the team down by refusing to work boughs pointed out how other people did more overtime than me and were still willing to come in on the Monday - that I basically said good for them and I still wouldn't be doing it this was when our smugly brought up the fact I had recently been given a pay rise and I was risking that by refusing they had given the pay rise in the form of a bonus instead of on the hourly rate so it would be easy for them to stop paying it my response to this was to tell them they could take the bonus if they wanted and in return I would only say it and operate the one machine and do none of the extra work I had been doing thinking they were being clever they said fine that's what I could do if I was still unwilling to work the Monday my supervisor didn't capi and the slightest of this decision so that is exactly what I was going to do I went and informed those that needed to know the situation and that if they needed anything they were to see I the one of the other setters or the supervisor so after enjoying my bank holiday weekend I went in on the Tuesday morning and proceeded to set my plan in action I went on a work-to-rule policy I did only the bare minimum of what was required of me anyone that requested anything outside my paygrade were politely informed to see one of the setters or the supervisor one of the key factors in my plan was that the machine that did the vast majority of the work for the OEM customers wasn't the one I was running this was also the machine that 90% of the radisson were being gone on after about six relaxing days the production manager came to see me he took me for a walk outside and asked me to go back to what I was doing before the extra money I wasn't being paid would be back dated he also said hours had been ordered that if anything came up in regards to me it had to be run by him first I later found out that the production manager had just come from a meeting where both the heads of sales and development had raised the issue to the company director after ripping out a new one he told the production manager to get it sorted I never had a run-in with ours again after that apart from a few dirty looks they completely avoided me to the point where they would go out of their way to avoid having to interact with me they lasted for less than six months before being replaced if you enjoyed the stories slap the like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: ClRS9Rb8Uyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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