r/ProRevenge - Supervisor

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so Friday the 13th happened it was glorious for all intents and purposes I run day-to-day operations for a decent-sized company we have a president who runs the company in-house he can be tedious overwhelming and an all-around dick sometimes other times he can be cool as can be this was one of the times he was an overbearing micromanaging dickbag as shop foreman I take my job seriously with morale if my guys aren't happy good product isit produced if good product isin't produced customers aren't happy looking towards quality control it doesn't help when guys are overworked underpaid and underappreciated Friday was one of those days that started out well but by 6:40 a.m. it had deteriorated to crap note we officially don't start work until 7:00 a.m. after the start it was Beach about this macro manage that several people being casted at and belittled everyone had had enough once in our programming office the idea was floated by someone that we should walk out he can't fire us all now we've all joked about this time after time but it's never been more than a thought we grit our teeth and bear it that day was something different after getting yelled at again for something out of my control I finally said effort when someone asks if I was in him serious I said yes then it snowballed from there a total of 20 were supposed to walk out but due to cold feet and a few taking a dump only 14 made it at 10 a.m. we made our move I told everyone to wait until he would be distracted with a machine and Weddell clock out and leave we all waited when he was distracted I gave the round up signal and everyone left a few stopped for beer to relax we weren't intending on going back to negotiate until Monday we all met at a guy's house and discussed why we walked what we wanted and what our terms were one thing was very clear we all came back or no wondered after talking for 2 and 1/2 hours and coming to our terms we decided to head back off a text from him we were going to corner him we were going to talk it straight or we weren't working anymore the talk lasted almost two hours with both parties flexing their given muscles at some point but one thing was made clear things were going to change all Wed all go look for new jobs after several people were threatened with being fired and none being let go we came to terms that benefited us for once our workplace had so much morale people were excited to work again we went back to work with a purpose agenda and pride this is the first Monday I've looked forward to work in a year even the guys who couldent combed the people in the main office we stirred the pot we've made it known were not going to go through this anymore I'll vouch for any of my men and did do it again in a heartbeat this happened when I was in college back in 2011 I lived in a four-story dorm that was all guys about 40 to 60 guys per floor each floor had one laundry room with three washers and three dryers plus cubbies to store your laundry backslash soap while you were washing a few months into the semester RIE noticed my laundry detergent was disappearing faster than it should be not a huge deal but medley annoying what made it a bigger deal was that whoever was stealing my detergent would also take my clothes out of the washer and leave them on the floor so they could wash their clothes this pushed me over the line I would typically do a load while I went to class not classes so this made finding the perp tricky then a golden idea hit me I went to Walmart and bought a new jug of laundry detergent the same brand I always get but I also bought extra strength bleach I poured half the detergent from the new bottle into my old bottle and replaced it with the extra strength bleach that next day I did my laundry as usual but left the new and improved detergent in the cubby instead of my regular stuff then I waited after class sure enough my clothes were sitting in a pile on the floor soaking wet and the whole laundry room smelled of bleach just what I wanted fast-forward to the next week every Monday night we had floor meetings where we basically talked about rules and crap as a floor in walks the guy will taught him born wearing a newly bleached hoody and ruined jeans Bob drops his pile of ruined clothes on the floor and starts spouting off about how someone owed him money for his ruined clothes the whole floor bursts out in laughter apparently I wasn't the only one bob was stealing soap from he didn't get another sentence out of his mouth before ara told him stealing detergent was still a crime so it was his own damn fault enjoy your bleached clothes Bob my ex-husband Brian the slash is a toxic controlling narcissist classic case our divorce was very bitter but I tried to be fair split in custody and giving him decision-making authority under the assumption that he would be a better father than he was a husband things went well for about a year I got a new boyfriend who was great to both me and my kids and wanted to be involved in their life when he found out my new boyfriend Thomas going to be attending my kids Fall Festival at school he went off the deep end he abruptly decided he wasn't going to watch the kids while I worked anymore he also refused to let my friends or family watch the kids and said he had to meet them first but then would refuse to do so and claimed he would sue me for going against the custody agreement since he had decision-making authority if I got a babysitter he didn't approve a lot two days at work scrambling to find any place available which was difficult because of the schools location they attend he began asking the kids to call him every night which is fine but if we were eating or busy doing something and I told him it would have to be later when they call he would rage and threatened to sue me he began asking me at all times where I was with the kids one day I went into work for three hours to clean up some things I missed due to a storm I left the kids with Tom since waking them up at 4:30 a.m. seemed needless when Brian found out he raged and threatened to sue me he threatened to apply for child support even though he split custody he raged about every little thing he didn't bring the kids to the Christmas school play because see Newton would be there he fought me over medical appointments for the kids and refused to pay his share because he didn't agree to the appointment and of course would sue me he won't let me have the kids during his time even to let them attend birthday parties or sleepovers with friends or family something we had been doing for each other with no issue this went on for about two months before I snapped I hate when parents are willing to hurt their kids over their own egos he kept threatening to take me to court and I was fed up with the MD threat so first I wanted to make sure he couldent afford to fight me in court Brian was on food stamps I knew it was only because he was claiming to pay his ex-wife rent she still owns half the house and he still owed her half the value I sent his ex-wife a message asking her if she was getting rent from him and she said no I sent that letter to DCF and they closed his food stamp card and sued him for fraud then his ex-wife turned around and sued him for her value of the house since he was claiming to have been paying her all along then I sued him to modify the custody agreement and take out all the things he was using to try and harass me I had screenshots of every nasty thing he sent me I had a letter typed by his lawyer stating he was looking for another job since I wasn't paying him and that's why he called watch the kids so if he tried to get child support I could prove he was capable of finding more income I had medical records and receipts showing I had paid for everything for the last year for the kids health needs I had records of things he said to the kids about me I had pictures of them looking filthy when picking them up from his house I had receipts of everything I had spent on the kids for the past year he folded pretty quickly cannot harass me anymore and is still paying off his first ex-wife Stratton this is a long one note all names have been changed for privacy reasons for those of you who don't know about my old job from my I don't work here story I got a job back when was about 19 or 20 years old at my town's public hospital in their food service department I stayed with the place for three years but it has gone down as one of the worst jobs I ever had for many reasons complaining nursing staff insane hours overworking me and Cal hawkers and just overall a very toxic work environment I went in as a socially awkward girl with no spine for conflict or standing up for myself and came out a much stronger person because of this place but there is a particular series of events that led to that let me set it up for you my official title was a food service aid or raid for short my job I was hired for was to collect dirty trays and dishes from carts on their respective floors wash all of the dishes that came into my dish room and put them into the dish machine to be sanitized before I let the dishes dry and store them where they needed to go then at the end of the night I would break down the Machine and clean the filters of leftover food and drain the water tanks of dirty soap water before going home over time I became well acquainted with the dish machines we had first one was 20-plus years old and finally died on us r.i.p Big Bertha and I could troubleshoot a problem with it since I like machines enough to learn as much as I can about them my boss took notice of this and how hard I worked in the dish room every day so he began to have me learn about the other parts of the department so I could fill in whenever someone called in cooking on the grill and serving food in the cafeteria cashiering helping to prepare food trays for patients learning about different diets and their orders from the doctors we stock in floors for patient snacks and drinks and finally deliver food to patient rooms if that seems like a lot for one person it was due to staff cutbacks we were short a lot of manpower so a couple of us had to learn as much as possible to keep us afloat now on to the story I had already been working in this small Hospital for just over a year at the time and I was determined to stay at least a few years to help make my work history look pretty good in the stance of longevity that and pure stubbornness I guess in that time my boss hired a new supervisor for our department who will now be called Chad at first chad seemed like a pretty nice guy and me being the awkward dork i am tried to help him fit in with the others at work i told jokes to him got him to open up a bit to the others and soon he was able to have a conversation rather easily all was good then he passed his three martin period and was no longer being constantly watched by boss chad turned into an insufferable a-hole he began to bark orders as if he owned the kitchen demanding to know why certain things weren't being done his way and overall was slowing down production tremendously for everyone not to mention he himself was a lazy see when there would normally be two people washing dishes if one of them called him it would mean whoever was there had to pick up the slack and do it all by themselves Chad wouldn't lift a finger to help unless he knew boss was going to be in the kitchen and not in his office by hours and even then Chad didn't know what he was doing and to top it all off he made it a point to take jabs at me in front of the others trying to make me look stupid because I was the youngest member of the department it felt like I had gone back to high school being the quiet nerdy girl who was picked on for liking things out of the norm and being laughed at for being weird I like to draw love Anam and play video games so when the topic of what are you gonna do on your days off came up I usually said something like I'm gonna relax at home and play insert game after doing some chores then Chad would make a remark like wow you play video games you must not have a life a whole it got to the point where I was so fed up with Chad's BS that I began to grow a bit of backbone I was fed up with constantly having anxiety working with him and hiding in the bathroom sobbing during my shift when he was making my life in hell I began to make cracks back at him and get into yelling matches with him in the kitchen no sound escaped the doors once they were closed so no one outside the department heard us he couldn't fire me only tell my boss and sign a write-up which he never did because he saw it as a way of losing to me in our arguments any time he made jokes at me I threw them right back and when I knew he was doing something wrong I would fight back and tell him how it was supposed to be done this went on for a few months and then the final straw as a dishwasher you're supposed to take temperatures in the dish machine to ensure it's working properly it's supposed to reach a certain temperature when washing dishes to ensure everything is being sanitized properly if not there could be an outbreak in the hospital from germs or mold all the temperatures and times were recorded on a sheet and placed in a folder in the decisions office by the dish room I was making my usual rounds of taking temps when I noticed the machine was reading about 20 degrees in the red cooler than where it was supposed to be I shut down the Machine and began to drain the water tanks this was my way of troubleshooting if the tanks had just not been drained in a while or if something was seriously wrong with the machine as I was draining the water shed comes in and sees me doing this he was furious and begins to rant chat what are you doing we still have piles of dishes to wash me temps were low got a drain the water and see if that fixes it I think chat how the hell 'is that going to fix it you're just wasting time me visibly annoyed if you let me finish I'm seeing if morning [ __ ] drained the water or not if not then it will only take 10 minutes to fill the tanks back up shut I know the tanks were drained i drained them myself I get up and look him in the eye knowing he was lying since he always asked me to take care of the machine at closing me prove it show me how he was about to yell again when my coworker Dean and the dart office peers into the dish room Chad's face turns red and he gives me a death glare before storming off I continued to work on the machine and once the tanks refilled I initialed all of my temps and times on the sheet before returning it back in the office the day goes by and after a hellish time on the floor serving patients I was in the middle of my cleaning duties with the cook indeed I get called by chat saying that boss wanted to talk to us so after making sure the dish machine was cleaned I walked with him to boss office their boss begins to tell me that Chad have given him evidence that I was slacking on my duties and that I was not taking temperatures like I was supposed to for the dish machine he said that thankfully Chad took the temps but if I wanted to keep from getting into trouble and to keep the department from getting into legal trouble I needed to step up and be a team player he said that I was getting a verbal warning but if I did this again I would receive a write-up or possible suspension my jaw hits the floor and even though Chad is smiling smugly in the corner I chose not to argue with my boss and head back to the department the feeted in fighting back tears I was sure that I took the temps and when I checked the book I was shocked to see what I found my temps were still in there and times I took them but the bastard actually photocopied the page whited out my initials and replaced them with his initials he then traced over the pre-existing handwriting to make it look legit with his initials he made it look like I had not taken temps all day during my shift I racked my brain wondering how the hell he could have gotten away with it with no one noticing him and then it hit me he must have done it in the diet office when no one was around due to dinner trays being made under the decision supervision I was pissed and I began to bide my time for an opportunity for revenge it came about a month later now since we are a hospital in a small town it was normal for us to get catering orders for the members of ours and upper management for when they had meetings upstairs those orders were easy because usually they wanted ships pre-made sandwiches and soda for about 10 to 15 people however we occasionally got huge catering orders for district meetings that was when we would bust out the catering dishes large white immaculate plates silverware glass cups punch bowl food serving plates desserts tea and cloth napkins were usually used for these events and even though it was their lot more dishes for the understaffed aides it was pretty simple this particular order was for the CEO his workers those doctors had nurses and the higher-ups who owned the hospitals contract the estimated amount to be served was about 150 people since many members of the board were going to show up as well usually we got the huge orders the week in advance so the supervisor can arrange the schedule to have more bodies on deck to help Chad of course schedules only me to be the afternoon dishwasher meaning I had to clean the dishes for the entire Hospital and the catering order this was my chance for revenge as always chat didn't lift a finger to help me in the dish room and the entire room was completely full of dirty dish carts from the floors the hospital had about 95 patients that were eating and morning shift had been running behind so I had both breakfast and lunch dishes to clean it wouldn't have been so bad if we didn't have to take apart the trays one by one to make sure no needles or blood were on the trays and clean each piece I was stressed beyond belief because I knew that the 150 people catering order would be due any time now but I kept myself calm and tried to keep doing my job a few hours go by and chat calls out to me to shut off the dish machine it was very loud and tells me to go and pick up the catering order instead of arguing with him I decided to do it and asked if he was going to help me he gives me a crap eating grin and tells me I have better things to do you can do it alone perfect so despite me being exhausted sweaty and have a wet uniform from my dishwasher apron with holes in it I made my weight of the management floor I scoped out the damage and I realize I'm going to have to make two or more trips across the hospital to clean this up I begin to pick up the dishes in the meeting room take off the tablecloths and stack them on one of the two long cards while I'm about to clean up the food serving table I look over to see the door that led into the our office was open slightly and a few women were laughing and commenting on how good the pork roast was at the meeting I knew they were within earshot of me it was Showtime in this moment I was thankful for being clumsy and having sprained my ankles so much growing up because it was easy to do this while I was cleaning up I deliberately tripped on a chair that was left slightly out and went crashing onto the floor I sprained my ankle doing this which was what I was planning and the glassware I was carrying fell and crashed to the floor the two women in ours heard this and rushed over to see me laying on the floor with shattered glass all around me and a few minor cuts on my arms and they rush over to help meet up we'll call them Jane and Joel Joel are you ok me I'm all right I say on the brink of tears Jane are you sure here let's get you into a chair me th-thank you I'm sorry I'm so sorry please don't tell my boss they helped me up into a chair and when they check me over to see I'm in tears they began to ask me questions Joel where is your help me it's just me right now I'm supposed to pick this up and take it back to wash them Jane seriously all by yourself why didn't you get someone to help you me we are short a dishwasher today I'm trying as best as I can but I keep falling more and more behind at this point I begin to cry uncontrollably all of the stress and emotions I had bottled up from the past few months from working with Chad in the department had finally built up so much that I let loose my repressed emotions on these two ladies I told them about the understaffing the insane amount of overtime I and my co-workers were getting how I was the only one doing dishes that day how my supervisor refused to help me and how much stress I had been in I wasn't faking any of it I was just waiting for the right moment to finally break down and tell the right people about all of the negative feelings I had needless to say the two was shocked at my breakdown once I calmed down they told me they wanted to see just how bad things had gotten in the dish room if it was as bad as I said it was they would make a case with my boss so with their help they helped me get back to the dish room with the carts of dirty dishes and I held onto the cart while limping down the hall once we got to the staff though for my departments dish room I told them to wait outside while I pushed the carts in confused they comply and hug the wall waiting to see what happened next I slipped into the dish room with the carts like nothing happened and Chad comes in and glares at me at this point the room was completely full of dishes carts and now to catering carts that took up a large amount of space you could barely walk through the damn place we then begin our normal yelling match all while the door was left slightly open behind me chat about time you came back what took you so long me I was picking up our order by myself what did you expect Chad chat I was expecting you to do your job clearly you can't look at all of these trays me I just picked up and began to work on lunch when you told me to get the catering did you do any of these while I was gone backslash gesturing to the room chat no I had my own work to do you're just to slow me how the hell am I supposed to wash dishes when I'm picking up the catering order chat not my problem do your job or you'll get a write-up with that he leaves and I go back out to meet with Jane and Joel their faces are filled with anger and disgust from what they just listened to and they reassure me that this was going to stop now we walk together back to the management floor and as I limp into boss office behind them that sir ladies began to go off on him about Chad and what he had been doing confused boss had no idea what they were talking about and looked to me for an explanation however Jill and Jane told him to follow us and we walked back to the department at this point my ankle was throbbing with intense pain since I sprained it pretty good when we got to the dish room and opened the door my boss was appalled at the amount of work that was left for me and when he heard that there was no second or even third backup dishwasher scheduled he almost lost it he called for chat and the four of us waited in the decisions office while we waited I told them I didn't want him to lose his job over this but I wanted him to know how I felt being left with so much work I really felt this way but a huge part of me just wanted to see him suffer when shad walked in to see me and three powerful people with me his face turns pale but his normal crap talking face is replaced with one of fake concern and confusion though his act fails as boss began to demand why he didn't shed you'll someone to help me he told boss he had been helping me as much as he could today but Jane and Jill stop him and repeat what he told me before boss is disgusted and he looks to chat after discussing the situation more boss this is what's going to happen op hurt herself cleaning up the catering so she's going home for the day and will be off for two days chat she can't go home we are short-staffed boss that was your fault not hers she's not going to suffer because you screwed up chat be but BOTS also I don't care how much overtime there's a cruise you are staying after chat what for boss tonight you're gonna be the dishwasher all by yourself you're going to wash every single one of those dishes and the catering order and since it's almost time for dinner to be served to patients I guess you will be doing those two if you leave anything for morning crew to clean up and if the department isn't cleaned like it's supposed to consider yourself fired once he said that I was sent home for the day and the three continued to teach at a new one as I limped out the door when I got back to my car I was smiling so much that my cheeks were hurting all the way back to my house epilogue after I got back from my two-day break I noticed that there were empty slots open on the schedule that said new hire but no hours it seemed that after a talk vows decided to grant us new hire slots to help with our understaffing but the slots were still empty I also found out something that was just icing on my beautiful revenge cake I found out from Dean that Chad had to stay until about midnight cleaning the entire load of dishes that he let pile up on me and the next day he even helped the one person he scheduled for morning dishes to clean up breakfast since he scheduled himself to work the morning shift but the cherry on top was that when there were large catering orders Chad had to set up and then clean up the orders from then on since he was convinced it could all be done by one person so when he was cleaning a large catering order by himself in the dish room and I walked by about to get ready to serve dinner to the patient rooms he stops me he then asks me if I minded staying back and to help him since there was so much of the catering order left to clean up I smile and said simply not my problem do your job boom if you enjoyed the stories slap the like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with enough votes links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Views: 55,948
Rating: 4.8676209 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, funny, ProRevenge, Supervisor
Id: 5hj9s3pHKXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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