r/MaliciousCompliance - Always Read a JoB Contract Before Signing It :)

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where we share stories of people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of a request and today's first story is you don't need to stick to a contract because you're my mother good luck with that this happened roughly five years ago just after I turned 18 my mother was running a small art supply shop in the small farming community I grew up in she took this shop over after the original owners went bankrupt and sold it off she was doing a pretty good job both of my parents are pretty business minded and would make amazing business partners if they could stand being in the same room together longer than 30 minutes just making a few silly choices here and there and she got us kids to help out quite often one visit during the Christmas holidays I had come up from my dad's to stay for about a month and my mother had the amazing idea to teach the three kids me just turned 18 brothers 16 stepsister 8 about having a real job and printed up contracts for us to become employees under her for my brother and sister these were not worth the paper they were written on as they were under 18 but because I was 18 it would have been legally binding this wasn't her intention at all but I wasn't willing to take the risk so I filled it out with complete BS putting my name down his Elvis saying I had jail time drawing a cat as a signature etc she went nuts at me I was apparently being disrespectful and childish and when I tried to explain myself I was told to shut up and not talk back to her the convo would go word-for-word mom how could you do this why would you do something so stupid me because I'm mom shut up I'm still talking after this it was dropped and everyone carried on working like normal then I started to notice small and stupid things mom would yell at the kids poor they come in from lunch five minutes late they're in breach of contract a friend comes in and talks to them for two minutes they're in breach of contract they want to go to the movies with friends and have a proper holiday for a day you're in breach of contract this is when I decided to read the contract I didn't before as I had no intention of signing it and it was ridiculous pay was minimum wage travel cost plus food cost and came out to like five New Zealand Dollars a week no days off unless you were seriously sick 30 minute lunch break in an eight-hour day no personal communication during work hours no food or drink while working arriving late and leaving early would be penalized and these were the worst ones I can remember I decided this was total BS and I needed to teach her something so using my limited legal knowledge from my IT degree I rewrote the contract minimum wage with travel reimbursed pay day off for something as little as a cold one our lunch break personal conversation allowed as long as I'm working at the same time leaving and arriving 20 minutes later early cause no penalty also due to my IT qualification any hour I do any IT related work gain double pay even if it was just for five minutes contract became void after two weeks I was due to go home in three I took this new contract to my mom at the end of the week me mom I'm sorry for being a pain about the contract so I read through it corrected some mistakes I could see and signed it for you mom oh thank you I'll get that signed immediately and it will start on Monday to my brother and sister see this is good to learn I purposefully left some mistakes for you to find but neither of you read your contracts always read your contract carefully sure enough she signed it without reading it gave me a copy and I was employed for a few weeks when it came about time to hand in our hours and get paid my brother and sister went first got their five dollars and were happy when my turn came I handed over a notebook with my detailed notes on every task I did how long it took and at the end a bill for about three hundred dollars I had done a lot of IT work and overtime to fix her work computer and handed my five dollars me this looks a bit light mom no you get five dollars because she goes through the rundown of the old contracts billing me yes but that's their contract not mine check the notebook in contract mom checks notebook getting gradually more peeved off I am not paying you this this is ridiculous me but you signed the contract you agreed to it hands her a copy of the signed contract she reads the contract then refuses to pay it as she's my mother and this is stupid and rips it up then leaving with my siblings leaving me to make my own way home since I've rambled on for a bit I'll make the next bit short I got a ride home in a cop car I asked a favor at the station since I wanted my mother to learn a lesson but I didn't want to go to court or anything she was told that the law is on my side me and my mother are both over 18 and the contract is legally binding she can either pay me the $300 or I can take her to court over refusing to pay an employee I got the $300 we didn't speak for over a year my dad and Nana laughed with me when I told them moral this story always read a contract before signing it edit a few things I probably mentioned but didn't cross my mind when I wrote it the cop I got a ride home with was a good friend's dad I didn't go to the station and complain just ask for a ride and a scare for my mother my mother is extremely two-faced if you only know her through her work then she acts like your best friend if you know her personally you know she's a real work of art the second story is cow my work hours at the end of the month all right i-23 female decided to take a year off university to earn some money and have some fun before my last year as a student I found a job in retail fairly easy as I've worked in stores ever since I was old enough to work my boss was thrilled to find someone with experience who could help improve her small store my job was great at first despite everything in the store needing to be done manually we have to write receipts down by hand make a list of articles in the store every month we didn't even have a clear schedule of work the boss would just call us and ask us if we could work the next day my coworker and I weren't bothered about any of it except the schedule she's going to university this year and not knowing when she works is seriously messing up her progress in class our boss would also get really upset and mad whenever we told her we couldn't work the next day due to other plans a few weeks into the job I decided to fix that I made her a spreadsheet which she could use to plan our work hours like in any other company I ever worked for in advance we also gave her our schedules three weeks in advance so she could build and plan around it her response this doesn't work for me what if something comes in between and the person who's supposed to work doesn't show I tried to explain that if that were to occur the other will just try to show up but she was having none of it insisting that us learning whether we worked or not the next day was just fine it wasn't but okay I didn't want my work to go to waste so I altered the sheet to work as something that counts our monthly hours at work since that also had to be done by hand and it was unnecessary time wasted I'm sure most of us keep track of hours spent at work just in case I tried improving some other things in the store like building a database for articles we have so we wouldn't have to hand count everything every month or every time she had to order something new she sternly told me to delete every thing I did because she doesn't like the look of it side note this is kind of biting her in the butt right now because some providers are now giving her smack about the way she reports items sold at the end of each month that database she made me delete and the way it generated the list of items in storage is exactly what they want from her from now on skip to a few days ago a few months into the job and I'm tired of her attitude I try to help her improve the store show motivation present my ideas and she shuts everything down and we stay in the same cycle of work that wouldn't be needed if she just take up some of my ideas my coworker already quit she's not in the store purely for emergencies until a replacement is found my boss comes into the store and tells me it's payday sweet she usually wants us to count the hours by ourselves and then compare with what she counted but apparently she was in a bad mood that particular day and wanted me to go through everything again boss we have to go over your hours for the previous month I'd like you to count them now and tell me how many you had me okay I already have them counted so you can just tell me how many you got and we can check if it matches with mine I pulled up the sheet which both co-worker and I update daily so we don't have to do this at the end of each month she apparently didn't like that response since she loves doing everything by hand so much she came barreling from her office and into the store yelling at me how I shouldn't be checking the spreadsheet in my hour count and then I have to delete it from the computer immediately and to never try one of my improvements ever again I having been tired of her Sh just raised my eyebrows and did exactly as she said I deleted the spreadsheet boss now satisfied good now I would like you to count and report the hours he worked last month all right I pulled my phone out and showed her the exact same spreadsheet except this one also calculated how much I should be getting paid for my time I counted X hours which means I should be getting paid Y euros she was absolutely livid with me she was banging and throwing things in her office before she came back and handed me my hard-earned cash bonus that was also the day I decided I no longer wanted to work for her due to her abusive behavior to both me and my coworker I informed her of my decision the next day and now she has to find two replacements I take some pity on her and jump in when she really needs someone but him otherwise free from her clutches the last story is my mom maliciously respects her subcontractors wish obligatory English is my second language I apologize in a for any errors or grammatical awkwardness this also turned out much longer than expected oops this is a fresh story stolen for my mom of course it's fresh for me because I just heard it but for her it's been slowly brewing for long long months for the backstory my mom works as a construction specialist for a rather tiny construction and real estate development company it consists of less than 10 people and that's including the owner the cleaning lady the owner's assistant and an accountant the amount of work they do constructionwise is astounding but they don't hire any crew they only get subcontracted until the project is finished she creates detailed cost estimates files tender offers for public projects hires subcontractors participates in bids the list goes on she has made everything work smoothly since my dad near ex-husband Hecht off decades ago and she never had anyone to help around the house she often offered some small time jobs to her subcontractors broken window the door needs fixing faulty plumbing no need for any pesky crappy husband one of the hired crew guys will be happy to help after work for a fair regular customer rate plus some home-cooked dinner coffee and work-related gossip since construction isn't a very stable business around here and the project's ended sooner or later there was a considerable rotation of these guys at our home over the years the episode leading to malicious compliance started about two years ago one of the regular guys who ran a small construction business let's call him Ben was at the time contracted with my mom's company to install doors and windows around that time my mom's front door pretty much broke apart after circa 20 years of faithful service my mother grabbed her phone called Ben and asked him if any of his guys got a few hours for a side job a new door door frame and installation he agreed to help and sent two blokes over they finished the job took the payment drank some coffee chatted with my mom a bit and left everything seemed fine at first but a few days after the installation my mom noticed your new front door doesn't fully closed and the locked in Stu Jam she called Ben explained what the issue was and asked him to send someone around and that she will pay for their time he abruptly said I'm busy we got a ton of projects don't bother me with stupid SH and disconnected ok then I won't she thought she never brought the issue up again she fully understood how incredibly busy this man must be so many projects so little time the next construction project started for her company she remembered the poor overworked busy Ben so she hired a different company for the installation of doors and windows and for the next project and another one and the following one and the one after that too about a month ago she got a call from a familiar number while at work hello company named Hannah malicious speaking oh hello good afternoon mrs. Hannah how are you doing I know it sounds a bit weird but we use a mr. or mrs. title in the first name when someone is familiar in a professional setting like a co-worker but not exactly someone personally close I kept it so that Eastern European aesthetic doesn't fully die in translation I'm sorry Who am I speaking to it's been mrs. Hannah how are you doing oh good afternoon mr. Ben I'm fine thank you for asking how are you well not that good I just noticed that we haven't gotten any construction contract offers from you is everything okay everything's fine we've just handed it in to construction sites and we have a new one fully prepared for this spring why do you ask we submitted offers for our services for the past few months but we've never heard anything back right do you remember our last conversation sir ah not really no you guys messed up my door installation I asked you for some help mr. Ben I was willing to pay you extra despite for the fact that I shouldn't even pay you for fixing your staffs mistakes but I respected our long cooperation do you remember what you said sir ah sir you said you're busy and you don't have time for stupid Sh now I really do respect people's time and I certainly don't want to bother them with stupid Sh especially when they're busy oh no I'm sorry mrs. Anna this must be a misunderstanding I'll send someone to fix your door right away it's been fixed by someone else two years ago goodbye mr. Ben I just spoke with my mom over Skype I noticed that there's a huge fancy flower bouquet behind her Oh flowers are they from a guy please tell me you're finally dating someone she smiled a bit nastily this thing there for mr. Ben and then she told me this whole story which unbeknownst to me has been slow cooking over the last two years mum does it mean you're gonna hire his company again no he's busy I don't want to bother him with stupid Sh thank you for listening have a good day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 111,203
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, funny, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, maliciouscompliance, Malicious Compliance Stories, /Start, malicious compliance, reddit MaliciousCompliance, r/maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, reddit story, funny reddit stories, storytime, reddit top post, best reddit posts, Contract, Read a Contract, work contract, job contract, contractor, subcontractor, signing a contract, Signing, Read
Id: 0XTUlwh9p4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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