Boss Claims IF I DISOBEY Him - I Have to QUIT! He Didn't Think I Would REALLY QUIT! Owner, Bye! r/EP

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welcome to r/ entitled people where we share stories from your lives about people who think the rules don't apply to them and they should get what they want thank you friends for subscribing to the channel and for so many likes and today we have two great stories so subscribe hit the like button and let's begin the first story old entitled jerk got the double Karma whammy so happy that I won't have to deal with Cranky Pants at work anymore the second story is escaping the chains of a toxic workplace the first story is Park entitled hope you like paying this just happened at my workplace all names changed for backstory a cooworker of mine Amber has been dating a bylaw officer Greg in the city where I live when he takes his lunch break he usually comes by to chat her up if she's on shift other than him we don't get a lot of law enforcement out to our area of town very often it's a normal day I'm gathering up shopping carts in the park lot at our store the area directly in front of the store is designated as a fire zone there's yellow markings painted on the road surface denoting where the zone is coupled with signs all along our storefront saying that it's a fire zone and there is to be no parking or even stopping within it and it's well away from any legitimate parking spots despite the markings though and the signs people still like to park there usually just to go grab a few things sometimes one person will park there and their partner will hop out to go shopping every time I'm out there grabbing buggies I always walk over and tell them hey look this is a fire zone if bylaw swings by you could get fined or towed most people look at me like they expect me to pull a tow truck out of my back pocket and nail them right then and there I usually have to follow up with I'm just letting you know in case you didn't if you want to park there I'm not going to stop you but it's your own fault if bylaw shows up this is usually enough for most people to thank me for my diligence park there anyway and go inside the odd person will snark back at me along the lines of what do you think I'm blind I know where I parked and I just have to apologize over and over until they walk away today was different this beat up old Ford comes in hard and almost squeals to a stop in the fire zone I just happen to be passing by with carts thankfully on the sidewalk I don't want to imagine what might have happened otherwise and I get his attention he's easily north of 65 and probably enjoying his 70s he's got a fry or tuck haircut and whatever the male equivalent of resting B face is I can already tell even as I'm opening my mouth that this is probably a bad idea it was just force of habit at this point excuse me sir this is a fire zone you've parked in if bylaw comes by while you're inside you could get fined or towed he scowls at me so byaw never shows up who the f Do You Think You Are the F in grocery police I'm already adopting the customer service apology face no sir I'm not trying to tell you what to do I was just he cuts me off you're GD right you aren't telling me what to do I've been driving a car since you were a disappointing rut for your mother on prom night I'll park any D well where I D well please and you're going to do Jack sh about it me trying again sir I was only trying to tell you cut off again he gets right in my face with a finger you don't tell me GD anything I tell you what's what and you get the F out of my way and go do your worthless minimum wage BS job for the rest of your miserable worthless life all I can reply with is yes sir he Puffs out his chest glares at me and goes inside I look up as he's leaving and who do I spot pulling in but Greg I see his bylaw vehicle I look at the truck I smile I practically Sprint to him he sees me coming hey op how's your day terrible I reply but hopefully about to get a whole lot better why is that I point to the beat up forward this old a-hole just tore me a new one for trying to tell him he's parked in a fire zone you mind giving him some Karma Greg grins he loves sticking it to bullies I can do that that he grabs his ticket book and heads over it was hilarious he started in on writing the ticket while I went about my business the old guy takes his sweet time getting back out of the store and he shows up just in time to see Greg slip the ticket under his wiper I was inside the store at the time so I didn't get to hear at all but the old guy was screaming and cursing at the top of his lungs as Greg who was responding to him in a composed manner calmly explained the ticket process he spoke to the guy for a few minutes then went inside to see Amber on his way in I pass him by and say whatever you drink let me know and I'll have a case of it waiting for you in the cooler next week he just laughed shook his head and went inside it wasn't much just a $150 fine but it felt so good episode 2 guess who just came back to my store Mr beat up Ford mbuf pulls into the parking lot while I'm out getting carts earlier today seems like he's going for the fire zone but then it happens he spots me so instead he pulls into the handicap parking spot he tears out of his vehicle and speed walks SL runs over to me with just the meanest nastiest scowl on his face if he'd been strapped I'm certain I'd be dead right now mbuf hey you you cost me $200 UF and P me oh how did I do that sarcasm so thick you could feel it from 10 ft away mbuf you called that effing bylaw guy you owe me $200 suddenly his eyes light up no F that I'll just get you fired you little snitch F me sir I tried to warn you that you were parked in a fire zone you were the one who wouldn't let me finish doing so mbuf looking for all the world like he wants to just clean my clock bylaw never comes around here you called him you called him and you cost me $200 first I'm going to get you fired then when you have no job I'm going to sue you into bankruptcy you're effing finished you snitch MF you just wait right here Daddy has to go inside and teach you some effing manners he storms off now I'd like to say that Greg pulled in again and the guy got another another ticket but that's just not the case it's not the case because Greg was already here inside talking to Amber and hey I didn't call him last time but if I'm already a snitch MF to mbuf why not live up to the role so I Sprint to get inside mbuf is heading for the entrance but I bypass him and go in the exit doors sure enough Greg is in the middle of chatting with Amber near the registers I Rush straight up to him Greg oh hey op you're breathing pretty hard me Greg you remember that guy who parked in the fire zone 9 months ago beat up B Ford in a bad attitude Greg how could I forget he had some creative insults hard to forget a gentleman like that why do you ask me guess who's back in the parking lot Greg you're Shing me in the fire zone again me no he's in a handicap spot would you be cool with going out and just double-checking finger air quotes that he has a placard Greg turns back to Amber you mind if I go check this out Amber go for it I'll see after my shift a quick peck on the cheek and he's out of there with me hot on his heels he darts to his car to grab his ticket book then heads for the Ford I go back to carts this time I'm outside when mbf comes back manager in tow I'm just starting to push a line of carts towards the store when mbuf comes out he sees me and gets a triumphant glare on his face but then immediately catches sight of Greg writing in his ticket book and he goes white then right back to Red he storms over to Greg and I surreptitiously have some trouble with my carts one of them is locked I think so I have to check each cart all while standing no more than 10 ft away from this scene what a coinky dink mbuf to Greg you what the f are you doing Greg sir do you have your handicap placard on you mbuf what no I left it at home Greg sir you're parked in a handicap parking spot if you don't have a placard I'm going to have to ticket you mbuf that's BS I have a placard Greg do you have any proof of that on you mbuf no Greg in his best I'm so sorry for your lost voice well then I'm afraid I have to site you sir if you do have a placard you can come to court and present it and the citation will be voided mbuf F that I'll just move Greg I'm sorry sir but your information is already entered on the ticket even if you drive away now the citation will be mailed to you mbuf looks triumphant you don't know where I live you're not mailing me sh Greg sir I've copied down your license plate I can find your mailing address by looking up your details in the system mbuf getting angrier than I've ever seen anyone get in my entire life now you listen here you snot noos little effer you're going to tear up that ticket and F right off or I'm going to make you regret it Greg sir do you want me to site you for disorderly conduct at this point mbuf seemingly gives up and turns his attention back to me at that precise moment I find the lock cart get it unlocked and start going about my duties again it should be noted that my manager was present for this entire encounter both Greg's and mine he just had the wherewithal not to say anything during MB bf's confrontation with Greg mbuf pointing to me there's the guy that's the effing little snitch I was talking about manager Semite tup could you come over here for a second me sure boss what's up manager this gentleman claims you were rude to him what's your side mbuf he called me every name in the book then when I told him off for being a piece of sh he called bylaw on me I want him fired manager sir I've heard your side of the story please let my employee speak MB UF what's the effing point he'll just lie his little snitch MFA off just effing fire him this is twice now he's been a little PAB and snitched on me manager sir please tone down the profanity I understand that you're angry but I'm not going to fire my employee without hearing his side of the story mbuf looks really fed up at this point but closes his mouth manager so Semite teup what did you say to him me today or 9 months ago manager today me well he accused me of costing him $200 I asked him how did I do that he claimed I snitched on him to bylaw I tried to explain that when I first talked to him 9 months ago I was only trying to warn him that we was parked in a fire zone he didn't let me finish and might I add verbally berated me for attempting to warn him mbuf that's an effing lie you called me every insult Under the Sun me got any examples of what I said if I was that rude to you surely you remember what I said specifically mbuf you uh you said well uh it was 9 months ago I can't even remember what was said 9 months ago me really because I perfectly remember you telling me and I quote I've been driving since you were a disappointing rut for your mother on prom night mbuf well I effing have and you effing were me so you're saying you remember what you said to me but you don't remember what I said to you mbuf angry sputtering manager clearly wising up to how toofaced this soured old bee is Sir if you'd like to file a complaint against my employee you're entitled to do so but mbuf GD right I want to file an effing complaint manager but you would be alone in doing so I'll investigate his conduct today you have my word on that but there isn't enough evidence to fire him based only on your word mbuf seething with rage well he's still a little snitch MF me sir I never called bylaw on you a bylaw officer knows someone who works here and he visits when he's on break or after his shift it's not my fault that you showed up when he was here twice nor is it my fault that you parked illegally twice mbuf you shut the f up you son of a bee your eing mother was a w and your daddy was effing pimp you worthless pointless piece of sh manager sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premises I won't allow customers to verbally abuse my employees mbuf effing fine I'll come get groceries when this little SE stain isn't on shift manager no sir I'm going to have to ban you entirely this level of disrespect is unacceptable mbuf the F you say I live 2 minutes away from here I ain't going somewhere else for my GD groceries manager well sir you'd best get someone to do your shopping for you if I see you in here again you will be removed from the premises in handcuffs for trespassing mbuf starts to say something somehow manages to think better of it climbs into his truck and squeals out of there me are you really going to investigate me for his complaint sir manager I was until he demonstrated there was no truth to it he gives me some side eye were you rude to him me sheepish grin I admit I might have added a dash of sass to my how did I do that manager sheepish grin of his own well might want to break that habit it would get you into trouble one of these days me yes sir and for anyone who's wondering while parking in a fire zone in my city is a $150 ticket parking illegally in a handicap spot is $350 enjoy that $5 to $600 P the second story is I just walked out of my job today I left my job because the owner decided it would be a good enough idea to berak me in front of my co-workers bringing up my IBS and not working fast enough no matter how fast I tried to work it was never good enough for the nepotistic megalomaniac my IBS has been an issue my whole life and it's gotten worse over time it made me miss work and come late a few times but the owner didn't give an f at all the first time I told him he didn't show me in an iota of empathy he just told me I needed to manage it better and that I would need a doctor's note next time after scoffing at me I told the P I would see a doctor when insurance kicked in a week from now but he seemed to forget that anyways he pulled me and everyone else to the side to yell at me and told me that if I don't do what he wants then I need to walk out so I told him I would take him up on his offer then he tried to intimidate me and he follows me around as I gather my things he's ranting about something but I pretty much stopped caring about anything he had to say cuz I was mentally done and just leaving he then threatens to call the police all because I told him to get out of my face H eventually I got out and it was such a great feeling I don't really have a plan at the moment but right now I'm just glad to be free of that hell hole person hit the like button and subscribe to the channel have a good day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 11,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit, r/, subreddit, reddit top posts, top posts, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, malicious, compliance, reddit story, funny reddit stories, reddit top post, r/maliciouscompliance Who I Am, r/MaliciousCompliance Boss, r/prorevenge boss, Slash Start, slash start stories, r/prorevenge Who I Am, Boss, Forgot Who I Am, Owner, I Am The Owner, Boss Claims
Id: -F9jnl6BPmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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