New General Manager DESTROYED Our Process & Demands We Authorize ALL Papers! Ok Boss.. SURPRISE r/MC

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welcome to r/m malicious compliance where we share stories of people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of a request thank you friends for subscribing to the channel and for so many likes the first story culinary students educated about animal after being exploited as free labor in Fair events the Second Story complying with GM's approval delay cost s and Company money due to slow decision-making process the third story pilot demands menu prices insists on matching menu charged higher service fee unknowingly benefiting serers tip on to the first story you want free labor you got it a couple years back I was in my second year of culinary school second year was very different from first year because a lot of students dropped out due to the workload so our second year class was made up of maybe 10 students and our two professors one for cooking one for baking we were close-knit hardworking and fearly defensive of each other seriously those people are some of the best friends I've ever made in life in addition to learning how to cook we were also learning life skills from our Chef instructors so we could one day survive in the industry our instructor who specialized in baking chef s was a great teacher and was patient understanding and overall just a nice woman our instructor who specialized in cooking was different Chef T had decades under his belt in working for some of the greatest restaurants in Canada and the thick skin to prove it he he took No Nonsense didn't let anyone push him around and had more skill in one finger than some chefs have in their entire body and he knew it he'd spent his whole life working in the industry and was basically ready to retire and for a while he did but he quickly got bored and wanted something to fill his days he didn't feel like going back to a regular kitchen so he got a job teaching at our school our school was way below his skill level and was basically in the middle of nowhere but it had one thing to draw a man like Chef te skiing in the winter our area had fantastic skiing and Chef T loves skiing so he packed up and moved it was a running joke Among Us that on good powder days to not even expect Chef T to show up to teach that day he would always be on the ski hill along with a few of the students what was the school going to do fire the best instructor they'd likely ever have I tell you all this so you know what kind of a person Chef te was and why we all love learning from him when someone made an enemy of Chef te they made an enemy of his students as well now as anyone who's ever been a student in a trade might know people see students as free labor we were no exception constantly throughout the year the school would get contacted by people who wanted the culinary students to work their events for experience weddings Banquets parties you name it they wanted us to spend our time and Equipment catering to their events some of them even expected us to cover the cost of ingredients all in the name of giving the students some real life experience every time the school would ask Chef T he would tell them where those people could stick their experience we were already underfunded and had had to cut back the length of the school year because of it he said that he was not giving up valuable class times so his students could go make tea sandwiches but the school kept getting offers and eventually they were contacted by a group who put on a local Agricultural Fair in horse show the fair was big in the community and the organizers had a lot of sway they wanted the culinary students to come and judge the baking and jamming contests so they could advertise that they were getting highquality judging from the school the school saw free publicity for their program so they essentially strong armed Chef te into agreeing to this event we were all surprised when Chef te came in one morning and told us that we'd be taking a day off school to go judge at the fair considering we knew how much Chef T hated this sort of thing but he assured us that we'd get some value out of the day So eventually the day of the fair arrived we all showed up in our Chef's whites clean impressed with the school's name and logo stitched into the front we went to the baking and jams tent and got to work and to our credit we took it seriously we judged scones cookies muffins jams and all sorts of other homemade Goods we gave Fair scores and talked as best we could about techniques and flavors all the while we could see some of the event organizers nearby absolutely glowing with pride at this display the judging took less than an hour and after we were done Chef T told us that he was determined to give us as much education that day as possible so he led us off to the agricultural displays he took us from display to dis display talking about different vegetables and Grains asking us questions about preparations correct cooking techniques appropriate sauce pairings Etc we answered as best we could and started to get really into it eventually our little party drew a crowd some of the stuff we were talking about was actually really interesting and we did stand out with our loud voices and white uniforms people began to follow us as we went through the fair the event organizers looked like they could cry from happiness then we got to the petting zoo we didn't stop our discussions oh no we saw the look in Chef te's eyes and doubled down how do you butcher a baby lamb how do you cook a friendly goat what sauces could be served with a Cute Ducky chickens bunnies piglets everything was discussed in detail imagine our surprise when we saw one of the event organizers frantically waving Chef T over looking like her eyes were going to pop out of her skull Chef T excused himself and told us to go explore the fair for a bit he'd call us when it was time to meet back up the crowd had basically bured by this point a few mothers were comforting their children some people gave us dirty looks before walking off a few of the students went to the food stands to grab lunch the rest of us kept going remember earlier when I said this was an Agricultural Fair and horse show yeah we went to the horse stables none of us had any experience with horse meat so we began theorizing ways to prepare and cook a horse loudly in explicit detail I don't know if you've even met a horse owner but they can be just a little protective of their horses the next day when we went into into class Chef T came in and told us that sadly the school was not invited back to judge next year from then on the school is much less pushy about getting Chef te to loan out his students as free labor edit I know it's wild people who have never been out of cities sometimes have never even seen an animal that was meant for consumption as opposed to pets the next story is you want every request go through you okay I work in a law firm and my job is to prepare legal documents for our clients we have one client who recently hired an expat to work as its new general manager whom we shall call Mr know-it-all we never had problems with the logistics with this client before he came along his first order of business was to email us the following Dear law firm as the new general manager of client I want all the legal documents being requested by our employees to go through me first I know it's not the standard procedure in our company to copy furnish me when they email you but do BCC me for every request they send you all legal documents will now only be made or reviewed upon my approval we initially complied with his instructions but it takes days before he gave his final approval now I've been working with this client for over 5 years and I know what documents are times sensitive so I drafted the Urgent documents and BCC him with a note that states kindly secure Mr no all's approval prior to the execution of the document after doing this with some of the requests I received an email for Mr know-it-all which states hey could be any person too didn't I tell you that all requests should go through me no matter how small or urgent it is I want you to ask me for my approval no exceptions please do use the final document I sent you I don't care about the legal parlament of your country I want it worded my way also I want all the emails sent by our employees to you printed and handed to me including those made prior to my employment in the company now on to the malicious compliance what Mr know-it-all doesn't know is that contracts must be worded in conjunction with our laws authorization must contain words that use specific words required by the government agency you're dealing with and so on we also Bill our clients per page regardless of what it is we consider it billable I followed his instructions to the letter you want every request even if it's urgent to go through you sure you want contracts worded your way sure you want authorization worded your way also sure you want all the emails printed sure the results contracts that are up for renegotiation and renewal were late or gets rejected by the other party due to Mr kn- it- all's wording and it C cost the client some money some government agencies didn't honor some of the letter of authorization which also cost the client some money printed emails also cost the client money but one particular email I received a few minutes before I go home was worth a malicious compliance deer could be any person too we would like to request for the attached documents to be made this would be used for Mr no all's working Visa we weren't able to apply for his Visa due to the lockdown we only have until tomorrow to submit the documents knowing Mr know-it-all wouldn't reply to emails I sent him at least a day after I requested for his approval the next day they ended up submitting the documents late and Mr nowit all got fine for it but not enough for deportation the client racked up a hefty bill for one month but Mr knowt all was demoted the third story is when the service charge becomes the you're an a-hole charge I was the server for evening room service at a smish hotel when I was in my early 20s our hotel had a contract with one of the airlines so we often had their pil and attendance stay for layovers they were often a bit of a challenging breed frequently unfriendly sometimes outright rude as hell demanding and painfully stingy despite the fact that they always got a decent per DM during these layovers I was always friendly though because not all of them were sh and I had to cut them slack because being a pilot or especially a flight attendant could be a really sh and draining job most of the time one evening a pilot calls down to order something to eat but first he wants me to itemize out the bill for him over the phone for the items he's ordering which isn't unheard of some hotels tack on outrageous surprise fees to bills I rattle off his items and prices and then so your food subtotal is $25 plus the 225 delivery fee and the 20% service charge he stops me my menu says the delivery fee is $2 he was right and I knew it but my manager had told me to just ignore the discrepancy and always go with whatever the computer said so I fed ignorance and gave him a genuine apology for the mistake on the menu I told him that I wish I could change the fee for it him but unfortunately the system prohibits me from changing fees or prices on the order entry computer he starts totally flipping out I told him that I would have the front desk credit 25 cents to his overall Bill to cover the charge error but he's still yelling at me insisting that we match our charges to the menu and it's fraud and illegal for us to charge him something different than what's printed on the menu I offered to bring him a quarter out of my own wallet on delivery with my apologies because I couldn't fix it any other way and I wasn't even a d when I made that offer but he would have none of it he demanded the computer system charge him everything exactly as it's printed on the menu he told me to call back when I figured out how to fix it and hung up I was talking to the chef about it after the call and the chef reminded me that our manager had enlisted me to program some new menu items into the computer a while back and the admin passwords were taped to the monitor on the back office computer that controls our order system software I was then actually able to go to the office and change the delivery fee to $2 but I also knew that while the menus in guest rooms listed the delivery charge as $2 when it was really 225 it also listed the service charge as 25% when the computer actually only charged 20% so I changed the service charge to 25% I wouldn't want to commit fraud after all right I called the pilot back told him I found a solution that corrected the delivery fee he smugly agrees to let us making the order for him now I take the food up to the room and give him his bill I'm sorry again about the mistake earlier I made sure now that everything on the bill matches the menu exactly he skims the bill and signs it with a smile of smug self-satisfaction like a man who had just writed a major Injustice not just for himself but for every future guest in that hotel he got exactly what he asked for a bill that matched the menu and it saved him 25 cents on the delivery fee but he also paid five times that much extra for the increased service charge per percentage and best of all in our hotel the service charges went right to the server's paycheck straight to my paycheck as a tip update this was an American Airlines pilot their salaries average 86k per year and this guy was in his late 40s early 50s so while not impossible it's less likely that he was on the entry level into the spectrum they also do not have to pay for their own hotel room all rooms are booked and paid for under the AA corporate account with the hotel and the pilots and attendance get a per DM daily allowance for food and incidentals that is based on how many hours they're away from their home base update two also I'm a woman so the 40 to 50-year-old man was screaming at a 22-year-old girl over the phone for what it's worth update three even though the math worked out in the guest favor when the 5% drop in service charge is taken into account I agree that the prices on the menu should match the charges I brought the menu error up to my manager multiple times and got nowhere my GM would have told me oh good catch we'll fix that then nothing would have changed I know from chatting with him about similar issues in the past I had no idea how to go above the GM to the owner company's corporate office nor was I willing to put my a that far on the line for this issue when customers weren't being actually harmed in the end thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe if you want to know when the new video comes out and hit the like button to support the channel have a good day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 6,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit, r/, subreddit, reddit top posts, top posts, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, malicious, compliance, reddit story, funny reddit stories, reddit top post, r/maliciouscompliance Manager, r/MaliciousCompliance Boss, r/prorevenge boss, Slash Start, slash start stories, r/prorevenge Manager, Boss, Boss Forgot, Manager Forgot, Boss Demands, New Boss, New General Manager, Authorize
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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