We Finally Got Back to Mining and it's Super Easy Now! (Scrap Mechanic Co-op Ep.43)

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what's up guys my name is khan and we're back today with more scrap mechanic co-op survival dude oh there you are bro come on up come on up grab the elevator come on up all righty well i got something to show you it's it's really big really big secret really big surprise so we can't leave uh the base currently well yeah because there's a raid coming up here so so yeah i can't see the raid timer because i quit so in the last episode we did some farming tractors and cosmo was all like yo man i had to wait like 20 minutes to get a thumbnail because i had to grow plants for my thumbnail that's right so i did the same thing 20 minutes ah those are rookie numbers yeah i well i did the same thing but i had to wait 40 minutes you want to know why why i planted a bunch of crops right yeah and then i came up here and i was like i'm gonna spend my time being productive and converting all the crops we grew in the last episode to veggie burgers okay right good productive use of time so check this out look at these chests of veggie burgers like bowl chest we have a lot of beets for some reason um so i encourage you to eat some beets there's tomatoes as well um and oranges and stuff so eat all that stuff but i came up here i spent probably a good 20 minutes just clicking on the the cookbots putting the stuff away clicking cookbots putting away and then i went back to the crops and realized i never watered them so i had to fight like four raids just to get just to get a stupid thumbnail good job yeah it was a good time so anyway we have another raid yeah why don't you tell the good people what we're doing today we are doing more mining simply because we just need a ton more metal uh we were gonna do some base upgrades but we realized we're probably gonna run into instances where we need more metals so metal yeah we need more metal we're getting we need more we're gonna we're gonna go to the trader too because and our tote bot head collection is getting pretty good yeah i'm getting concerned that they might actually like just like jump and like flip over it you know but it's fine we'll figure it out we'll yeah we'll double up the fence well we also need to make a gate for the tractors maybe like over here or something just something literally right here at the back yeah yeah they shouldn't be but we need we need more metal we're literally out of metal yep yep yep need to double our fence up so we're gonna wait till this raid uh which is literally gonna be like one haybot and a tote bot and then and then we'll head over to the trader because there was a lot of metal nodes by the trader so we'll just go combine those out uh let's prep the vehicles in the meantime i guess oh here here here there is a i don't remember what happened but the zamboni's been missing a chest for like a year so here's the chest here you're right here i don't know what happened this guy one of us took it off i'm not going to point blame because you know i don't want to be the guy in the way yeah i thought it was you no my bad deal with this raid and then head to the trader at night it's pretty easy drive yeah that's good i'm not even worried about nighttime anymore see i used to and then my comments gave me the power of editing to make me not afraid at night anymore it's like having a nightlight you know present khan is afraid of night because he gets to look at the dark but future khan when he edits no longer afraid of the dark you know i'm glad you finally managed to get over your fear of darkness because yeah i was getting annoyed not doing anything at night because you're all like it's dark out well it looks poopy in the videos and like apparently we're supposed to record this for other people you know not just for ourselves wait what yeah i don't oh yeah that's right cosmo just actually edits his own videos and then watches them himself the whole time like that's all i thought that's what we're doing yeah know what no one watches it just sits at home and that's all him and his girlfriend watch every day just cosmo videos i thought that's what netflix was yeah all righty 40 seconds it's gonna be the most anticlimactic all right here's how i'm gonna fight them right i'm gonna turn on my blades i'm gonna tilt down i'm gonna rotate and i'm gonna do this it's just gonna do the fidget spinner yeah yeah fidget spinner look at this on the front wheels only this is like the killer move right here wow look at those pro skills this is like pro oh my god so we had there's construction on our street right they're repaving our road right and when they repave your road i guess they use like a little bobcat that's got like those super smooth rubber tires on it right like the street tires or whatever right and the clearly teenager driving the bobcat was having way too much fun driving the bobcat one raid okay there's like three dudes come here bro come here you dingus you're dead oh no i'm flipped oh boy i got another greenie here how you doing uh i got a greedy and hey bot the hay bot is eluding my mirror bro come here bro come here bro oh get wrecked i just squished him into the fence nice nope you got one more yeah i think that's it i think that's it there's like yep two dudes i do believe so all right clean up well let's head out and head out autobots roll out boy oh is it deployed honestly i don't know man did you ever watch the transformers cartoons i watched the michael bay ones obviously which is like you know was yeah shia labeouf being shia labeouf right like his childhood all right you said it i think that's it uh i got a stack of blocks and an office chair um i don't have an office chair but i got a stack of blocks yeah i got tons of potatoes okay let's let's head out let's roll out roll out roll out go into the trader yep oh gonna run this guy over perfect did you pick him up automatically i don't think so because i'm not processing anything i don't think i killed him i think i probably oh yeah i know you did he's just here he's just chilling yeah whatever he was trying to like run after you but you know well good luck to you sir are you going through the field i'm going through the shortcut you can always tell because the road goes left and cosmo goes right well it's like come on man i agree you know sometimes i'm going to the supermarket where like people like paths are created by people's like walking habits i forget what the term is called but it's actually an urban planning term and it's when like paths are not created by like you know the like just natural walking paths yeah exactly like for example you build a sidewalk but people will cut across because it's just a lot easier saving you bro i'm saving you let me save you um oh my god this hay bot look at this look at this look at this he's got like the perfect oh i know yeah they'll do that they'll have like the perfect distance between you and themselves i know it's like you can back up at infinite speed it's crazy i picked that up uh yeah sure grab it that would seem like it did is what i'm saying no you didn't uh no you you did not no oh okay well i'm already here oh well i was like halfway through it bro it's a little too far to drive gas is precious okay somehow you're like way faster than me i don't even know how that's possible well you see look at look at you're like buckingham fallen man oh i'm out of gas no no i would help with catch me up i'm not i literally just ran out there we go let's go full speed oh boy i forgot that sign is unbreakable yeah the streets yeah oh i should sleep on the bed on the zamboni too totally forgotten that's a good idea yeah in case we die there is a bet on the zamboni there it is very useful useful thing to have it's interesting the devs once like they made that tweet where they were all like hey we're gonna make beds five uses yeah i remember that and then everyone was like this is a stupid idea and then they never did anything about it so i don't know if they're still planning on that maybe they're revising the idea you know i mean it only hurts beginning players like it doesn't hurt you once you're like where we are now it's like if they made beds five uses we'd just build 300 beds and have a surplus right like there's no reason to you know we just hoard beds and be like oh a bed died just put a new one down done problems but like when you're in the beginning and you can only get like five cotton and like 10 metal that would really hurt you know really i would just want to be able to actually sleep on beds and have time pass that'd be nice yeah the time passing thing i think is the biggest thing i guess this is the area uh yeah let's go right in front of the trailer right further a little further definitely some nodes like out in the open right oh yeah there's some chunky ones i remember big chunky notes yeah yep and hopefully they're they're big chunky notes without the underneath there's one right there to the right so look at that big chunky note without the underneath stuff nice let's go get yeah let's go get these ones first let's start with this big boy right here awesome just gonna go in on it go to town nice nice look at that yeah this is way faster than doing a raid are you kidding me oh 100 percent you imagine trying to do a raid with this like yeah this would not like if i had stayed back and just done raids i would have had like maybe 140 metal and you already have like 340 here probably yeah easily just in this one node important thing did we ever check to make sure the zamboni was empty before we started this process or is it just bro bro we are not that organized we are full of wood are we actually on the one side yeah all right just pick as much into your inventory as you can i guess yeah exactly put a bunch in the back of the bobcat as well for now and we'll have to uh get back to base i don't think we'll fill the zambot it takes a lot to fill two chests worth of like refined stuff it does because that's like 30 stacks of 250 plus right right so that's like what seven hundred seven thousand per seven thousand plus per chest you ever take i think is my math good do you have a calculator we don't need a calculator it's seven thousand five hundred no give or take plus like the six amounts you know i i think i think we're close right uh don't worry about me i'm just gonna pull it oh hold on gotta steer while i do this 256 times 30. 7 680 yeah there you go we're good we can do maths yeah uh-huh i have a degree in engineering it's fine [Laughter] bro it's like the other day what we were talking about we were talking about derivatives and i was like you know i was looking at like oh it's easy man he sees i'm like well i don't know i kind of need to brush up on it i haven't done it in a while you're like oh it's easy i can't remember this guy sits down and starts doing it and just completely blanks on how to do it there was a time when university man where they were like derive the volume of this like crazy weird shaped object it was like no problem just this this this that boom done and now it's like i couldn't even tell you how to how to start that you'd be able to do it like very quickly once you've brushed up on it right so i mean yeah it's just the knowledge is still there you just haven't been using it you never use it outside of university it's like once you get out of university everything that you'd ever need to do math with it's like there's programs and software that does it for you so you're just yeah literally like you need to have the understanding you need to understand why the software is doing what the software is doing i guess yeah but like it's just crazy always depends on your job i guess depends on what you're doing but i was like dealing with robot programming right so like you know i took a bunch of courses in university on programming robots and stuff and then obviously i went to the real world and did it and in the real world like all the stuff is like all the nonsense things that you'd have to do or is kind of done for you like right the fact that you know like robots for example in the real world you don't have to do all the basic like setup stuff there's there's what's called a transformation matrix which is what basically allows the robot to understand if i want to go to xyz what angles do i need every motor bro hey bro how about you take the robot xyz right now to clear up some of this lag okay well you got it you're the one with the refinery bro i know but stop adding more of the mess and maybe knock out some of the uh smaller pieces i think the problem is if both of us are in the pile at the same time with both vehicles well look like free for a bit yeah fair well okay just chill for a bit yeah like this is ridiculous i'm getting eight frames i don't say don't worry about it the same it's literally it's terrible okay i am stuck under there oh hold on i'll get you i'll get you i'll get you i got myself okay all right i'm gonna just break up the the last of the big square guys and i'll help you hammer the rest okay sounds good should probably check underneath as well actually yeah i realized i didn't bring a bit a drill bit in the motor either to fix it if we do have stuff underneath oh that's fine we'll just mark them and then have to come back later so if there's stuff that we can't get yep throw down a flagpole yeah i mean we know it's all going to be in front of the trailer it's not a big deal so yeah exactly we know the general location so yeah mining seems better today than i remember it being i don't know maybe because we haven't done it in a while you know we've taken a bit of a break it doesn't seem as tedious yeah it seems like it's really fast compared to what it used to be but you're probably right it's probably just honestly because we've taken a break from it yeah look at this like i just broke up that whole rock all the way down to you know its smallest pieces except like you have been kind of breaking things up with the drills a little easier so yeah that's what i'm thinking look at that boom done wow that's it that's the whole note i think nice except for potentially something underneath yeah i'm going to go check underneath you can just uh oh this piece right here there we go done all right under these pieces get over here wait what what happened to my oh and i put it in here i was like i had an office chair when i left the base there it is i found it the thing yeah yeah i was like what happened to my office chair how am i supposed to do my work yeah how am i supposed to get under this freaking thing ah i can't get those files to michael by 3 p.m yeah exactly uh this is actually pretty good this is um nothing no big big boys just um a bunch of the hangers the danglers you know okay okay you gotta get gotta hit the danglers off but none of the none of the big squares so that's good that's good that's good oh there it goes there comes one dangler there's more danglers don't worry gotta pop your rocks out or they're gonna cause your legs i was gonna say you gotta wipe your danglers those you know your danglers what are they called the clingers the klingons you get them you get the klingons biggleberries i don't know at least there's no big square ones hung underneath those are the pain in the butt yeah fair enough you actually got to blow those up or basically throw a drill below the ground it's so weird a drill grenade yeah i literally do that i'll take a drill slap it onto a motor and then just drop it below the ground right inside the rock spawn and hope it like does its job you know and you usually have to do it like five or six times and then eventually happens if you lose it in the ability it'll just pop up somewhere above the ground and then somewhere above the ground he says you gotta just find it you just pull out your connection tool right and then look for the bouncing connection point that's like flying around the map there's another big rock node inside this forest too i'm gonna clear a little bit of these trees out there oh sorry buddy took a sign down how are we doing on our chest here probably mostly still in the refiner right like 170 metal in one 200 metal in the other that's not bad about double the stone so from one from one node that's not bad at all yeah what oh it was i was like hitting me with my hammer i'm like wow i broke that note off with my hammer i'm so strong nice good good stuff yeah it is actually it does seem like it's i don't know it's doing something different that's making yeah it seems so much better now than it was right like yep totally maybe it's just because we're not at our base or something but no we don't normally mind near our base i don't know no nice night yo this this one piece is just on top of me hey i'm going to back out here a little bit we're uh destroying the old frame ruse i mean the fact that i'm driving around with a rock on me surely has nothing to do on it yeah sorry with it there it is all righty all right knock some of these down yeah just break out the uh the big ones okay the square ones and then we can just zamboni all this up okay there's a square one stuck in the ground here too all right actually you know i'm gonna drive in with the zamboni do a quick quick sweep yeah because as soon as the bobcat drives in yeah yeah and the example is gonna be the same thing as soon as it gets close to the pile it's just gonna be all right come on i'm leaving i'm leaving fall out oh there's smashes into it yeah more we got more all right perfect sweet nighttime flicker let's do it it uh smashes these things up so much easier without lag as well lag definitely uh doesn't make yeah well i think like when we did we did a multiplayer challenge once where we all mined at the same time and when we had three people mining at the same time it didn't work like it wouldn't mind um and then the same sense when it got laggier it stopped mining as easily so i think there's definitely some like it's probably like trying to calculate calculate the number of physics or whatever when it makes sense it probably doesn't do enough calculations or something right right i've stopped trying to understand how scrap mechanic works a long time ago oh buddy i don't know if you've been watching the olympics i've been watching the olympics because the olympics are on right now and really the olympics are on right now no way and i haven't found any of the track and field events like where's all the track and field stuff at oh yeah they can't bro they were like guys we don't have any tracks we don't have any fields we can't do track and field oh we can't events that makes sense where did those pieces go i think there's something stuck underneath dude there might be there's probably a bunch of danglers oh yeah oh there's danglers all right probably probably a bunch of dangers why did you break that rock and it just didn't come up yeah it just it just went under it never came back up here you take the zamboni i'll uh i'll check for the old danglers gold anglers this is an interesting one this is a flat surface but it actually has a gray textured ground do you notice that most of the time you see like the flat ones they're just oh they're a lot of just in the grass yeah normally it's just like flat grass when you when you cut out the flat ones but this is actually like a rock surface still it's weird all right here we go pop all them a couple more on the other side what are the danglers at bro there they are a couple more over here i don't think that works no you can't shoot them i tried if you could shoot to mine oh my god that'd be the best miner that'd be so funny bring up a gatling gun grow 3000 potatoes and just blow everything up that'll be well yeah you can't do it well i mean i guess uh we'll see what the new drill is going to be like because that's maybe true like true they got a plasma drill yeah what i still think anglers i still think all it's gonna do is give you the option of drilling uh two separate things like wood and or metals without having to swap which isn't really that big of a pain in the butt to swap to be honest because like we do it all the time no that'd be cool still alrighty we are at right here bro look at this this is like node central let me see i'm going to break some trees down but you look at this there's like a node there there's note here there's note here there's like those nodes baby there's like five nodes all around that's a lot of stuff yeah just help me clear some of these trees first and then that way we'll uh i know we don't need wood but getting straight to business tell any man that's the one thing that devs need to improve on is their mining their mining code i don't know how to fix it because right you know it treats every rock node like is its own creation but like how do you do it right i don't know man that's why we don't get paper devs yeah i guess so that's why people go to school for game development yeah they learn stuff so dummies like us can uh can play their game and complain about it exactly everyone's like oh you guys just complained about the game true we do we do complain about it but i'm not claiming that i know how to fix it i'm just saying you know that's just it it sucks but i guarantee you if i tried to make scrap mechanic it would look like a bigger bag of poop i was gonna say it's not like i'm claiming i could make a better scrap mechanic here you think no it would it would probably not work the robots i programmed like they used to run like 64. 64 kilobytes of memory bro can you imagine trying to run scrap mechanic on 64 kilobytes of memory they're like the most basic basic things ever so you remember the the toys from toy story that sid would like create and they were all like clarified abominations yeah that's what my game code would be like yeah in the programming world it's called spaghetti code it's uh it's where you basically like you write a line of code for something and then you realize there's something you forgot about so you just kind of like bandage it and slap it in on top of that code and then repeat that like a thousand times then by the time you're done you have this massive mess of nonsense that's just like you know it gets the point where you're like it's probably faster to just go back and start this from scratch robots are funny though robots are i remember there's some there's some funny things robots are the one thing i loved about robots is your writings are funny well you're writing code that creates a physical movement in the real world and i always found that to be the most exciting thing ever right because like watching something move as a result of your your programming is always enjoyable i used to do robotics so i know uh yeah you get this there's just like a satisfying feeling about it right but i remember we had one robot and we wanted it to flip around so i used to work with paint did i tell you jokes no it didn't tell us well you said it was funny i don't know no but anyway no so we wanted to flip around right because we needed to paint a certain area and in order to paint this area it needed to flip 180 degrees right right now normally this is a great example of programming 101 we said okay so what the program when the robot starts its path just flip 180 degrees and start doing its stuff right but we never told it which direction to flip 180 degrees and now the robot arm itself is full of like wires and and paint tubes and all sorts of fun stuff that conveniently will get twisted up if it always rotates in the same freaking direction so eventually we had a robot completely get screwed over and seize itself up and we had to realize okay 80 just kept going in this table yeah yeah 180 because it's like 720s what they do is they they look at the motor position and they go what's the shortest distance right but if you drive 180 and then you apply the brakes to the motor it's going to overshoot that a little bit so the shortest distance is the direction it's already going further yeah so it's just it keeps going in the same direction and then you end up with this like jangled mess of a thing and you're like oh well so then we had to write in a code that says hey if you flipped 180 one way go back the other way [Laughter] man you're uh you're muddying up the queue with all this wood it's okay okay you said it's not gonna do some base building man we're gonna chew up all our wood and then you're gonna be like man i wish we had more wood and i'll be like ha ha that's true i always love it because we're like man we have a lot of wood at base but one full stretch of wood and it's like there's a stack gone yeah fair and we're gonna build like a bunch of platforms we gotta clean up the restaurant so you're going to need at least a bunch of stacks just to clean up the floor of the restaurant like the underside of it so like that's just you're uh you're wrong about that yeah i'm future proofing just when do you care about futurecon uh never but he got mad at me last time so you know right yeah i always get comments on people whenever i do a mining episode like this they're like why are you using your hammers don't you know you're wasting food and it's like bruh have you seen our stacks of chests like we have so many burgers yeah and like we still have like we could literally eat vegetables for the next 20 years and still not even touch the burger stacks yeah exactly especially because it doesn't expire so yeah yeah food expired would be screwed we'd be actually hopefully with time they will actually make the fridges work and then i thought i okay so i thought i read someone messaging the devs about the fridge i'm not i can't like i don't remember possibly i don't know yeah maybe it was in the q a and i thought they said are you gonna make the fridges do anything and i'm pretty sure the devs said like they have no plans to make food expire oh okay okay i don't know if that's like still gonna stay that way i thought that's what they said i might be wrong on that what they should do is they should not have food expire but have food be fresh and then have it be just like like yeah like stale you know you can still eat it you can still get your like what it normally does or something yeah right yeah that would work i mean you could honestly just have it on a sliding scale so it starts as like perfectly fresh and then every day it goes uneaten it loses like you know five percent of its total or whatever yeah for sure but like only to like uh certainly 50 or something yeah yeah sure this is gonna be good i think we just take out all these nodes and then we head back literally yeah i think this will be enough for now anyway we might need more later but for sure yeah this is definitely not the i don't need all of metal mining but yeah it'll at least be enough metal three though to finish our like our fence to finish up the the um yup man you are not following workplace health and safety protocols you're just driving with that thing directly at me with your drills spinning i'm calling osha bro have you ever seen the teenagers they put in charge of driving bobcats on a construction clearly you have because that's the second time you've mentioned it this episode this is it's pretty bad they do like i literally saw this guy okay he had like a pile full of dirt right he literally goes full speed and then slammed his brakes to do the whole like front flip pull the dirt yeah like not like front flip but like up on the front wheels shovel flips forward i'm like bro like you know that's right and he's got like a big smile on his face he's some kid and it's like dude like that's how the time was like yeah clearly meanwhile there's like like six 40 year old dudes smoking cigarettes looking at him right yeah so like on my front lawn you know the problem with construction is like all the number of cigarette butts on my front lawn after the construction was done is just ridiculous well i don't know just collect them in the ziploc and uh give them a nice little gift but when they're done yeah yeah i'm good i don't really feel like collecting used cigarette butts i don't know bro i like how you're selectively like mining random chunks you like did a little here did a little there i'm trying to get all the all the square like the big ones that need the drill you know what i'm saying right right right i also realized we have a check below grab we'll do one final check afterwards and we should be able to get as long as we remember where because some of these don't have a gray area none of them do but that's okay if you go below the surface far enough you can just kind of look around like do a 360 fair enough as long as we have everything else mined we should be able to easily tell what's below the surface and what isn't right bro it's night time as always it's going to be night time how's the zamboni looking ah man she's struggling we gotta we gotta amp up our uh our volume here but jessica looking good got a bunch of stacks of metal i really wouldn't have there in the future you could upgrade your refinery um for like faster refinement yeah you could upgrade like craftball level five is like 40 reduction right i think it's like 10 seconds stuff goes down to six second or something like that i think it's it's you know it's some reduction percentage but i'd like to see that even faster and like like build speed modules that make it faster and then same with the refinery because like the zamboni is a pretty big vehicle it has two refineries in it and even that can't even keep up with like regular mining so like how many refineries would you need if you wanted to be able to mine like rapid you know well that's just it and even if you have more storage it's okay to find it you'll still fill up yeah you have to wait to refine it all so yeah like this would fill like what another three four collectors easily and then and then what yeah i'd say so or you make just a big trailer of collectors i guess and bring it all back to base and find it at base right like that's true we could do that we could do that all right bro i'm digging into the last node now nice i am still collecting i think there's somehow like a piece of wood stuck inside the zampony yeah there is too well like like like a wood piece that got jammed into it that isn't in a collector no yeah weird you drive it over or something and like i don't know i gotta do manually so there's there's dad oh my god oh boy the whole rock is coming down that's a lot of lag yeah i tried making a rock crusher once a long long time ago right yep where you like push the individual pieces into the crusher and the crusher was like really great because once you got the pieces in it you they were just you know 100 crushed get picked up by the collectors no problem cool but getting the pieces in i found actually took longer than just mining it by hand well because you have to weld them in or like hit the man what do you know you have to like pick them up with like a crane or something like that right right i mean maybe you could i don't know if you can weld them no because that's a restrictions thing right you can weld them in creative but i don't think you can in survival unless you have like dev commands on ah i've never tried that really oh yeah interesting yeah you used to be able to and then they changed that which makes sense it's funny how you crack like these big rocks and they expand into more volume somehow uh yeah well you know this is better larger than the original i still think the best is how we can take a field of 2000 crops put it into six small containers and then expand it out to like a bajillion big fruit crates yeah and then once again go back to small containers it's thermodynamics matter cannot be created or destroyed only transformed from one form to the other there you go this really really dense crates yeah super dense crates you know no super light crates airy crates super dense containers right they expand when they get to crate form right it's like expanding insulation foam i do wonder if they'll ever introduce another like upgrade component you know something that's used to improve the level of items or i just wish the component kits were easily accessible through trading yes it's too it's too much of a grind to get component kits and there's like you know a lot of the grinds in the game it's in my opinion when you have a game that's like a survival game with grinding you need to make it like scalable so uh there's growth right there's room yeah there's there's like exponential growth so like the further along you get the more advanced you can the faster you can mine stuff which in turn makes you get further along faster right like i think exactly and and scram mechanic really lacks that because there's some things like component kits there's no faster way to do it you just know you have to go run around to a bunch of different buildings and gather chests right um you know with mining even this is really like the fastest way you could mine unless we build like a more advanced vehicle i guess the only other way we could do we could build like a giant vehicle that just completely surrounds a an entire node it just mulches the whole thing and that's the only faster way we could really do it right but even then we're still limited by the refining speed right so it's like you know there's stud well i mean i think that's it it's to be ground down yeah yeah that's what i meant yeah you know you can tell it's uh we've got a problem when our shortest recording is actually doing what is supposedly the longest activity instagram mechanic that's true that's true everyone's like oh grinding metal takes forever but it's actually like our shortest recording we've had in like a couple months i can't explain it man i guess for whatever reason metal was easier to mine this time around yeah it really was i'm glad you can put your uh creation with refineries on a lift though and like yeah with the collectors and stuff yeah yeah thank goodness seriously because if you put like the default or rods you can't and that would really suck if it's like when your collectors are full you couldn't either that would be like oh you just have to wait for your collectors to empty exactly people did actually make a good point with our fruit crate trucks we kept like like making levers to flip them over and stuff when you can just weld them i i forgot you can weld those you can weld it well i guess that makes sense while it's got food trucks yeah yeah that's true you can just play put a pillar down yeah all right bro home sweet home we're back is the refinery done refining yep yep it's been done let's uh let's check down what's the count we got one stack of metal two three four four and one half of this side that's not bad that's pretty good we have another four and a half that's pretty good a lot of cracked stone the ratio is like two to one almost basically yeah that's that's yeah basically yeah it seems to be like almost two to one that's good though metal good finally have some metal yep probably gonna chew it all up to make metal three but that's okay hey man that's the way it goes yeah we need at least enough metal three to make this and then we've got some other projects like to finish this fence and then we've got some other projects that we want to do with metal three as well so that'll be cool we can always go mining the red guy area or we can uh you know we'll figure it out yeah go back to the trade or whatever we have to exactly but yeah let us know what you guys think in the comments down below make sure of course hit that like button hit that subscribe button uh give us other ideas for survival wonderful mining episode today uh oh yeah everybody loves it very efficient what sorry very efficient yeah it was very quick i i was surprised i thought that was gonna take twice as long as it did but uh yeah let us know what you guys think yeah we'll see y'all next time bye guys bye you
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 75,208
Rating: 4.9707851 out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic survival, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic coop, coop survival, coop survival game, coop survival adventure
Id: VY-jbvXwjow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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