Hollow Knight: Silksong Gameplay - Nintendo Treehouse: Live | E3 2019

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I had watched a gameplay video of a random person earlier today but watching the boss fight with an experienced player controlling Hornet is a delight to behold.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 141 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Clearskky πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That battle against Lace looks as hard as the one where you fight Hornet for the first time, but now it seems you are as agile as the opponent.

The Knight is so slow in the beginning, exactly until after that very same fight, ironically.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/renrutal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

God I hope this is coming out soon. I can wait for Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Cyberpunk...But I wan't to get my hands on this as soon as humanly possible.

Am I being unrealistic hoping for the next month or two!?

fingers crossed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 82 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Atalanto πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Somehow this game beats even Death Stranding and Doom eternal as my most anticipated game for this year, god the original was something special

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pacify_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good fucking LORD this looks amazing. Hollow Knight is one of my favorite games ever and seeing how Hornet plays makes me think this will be superior in every way. I hope the atmosphere holds up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/backtotheduture πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone else hate the word "Soon"?

I've seen that word be said before and "Soon" didn't come for another 2 years.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tyrantt_47 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't want to be spoiled, any date?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AllElvesAreThots πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hundreds of hours on the first one after buying it without even hearing about it before, I won't resist to buy this next one soon enough and play the shit out of it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AngeloPiera πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Have the devs said if the sequel is going to have a quicker "start-up" time for abilities/openness/etc? I've been interested in the first but always scared away from it because I've heard it's a 40+ hour game that takes about ~10 hours to open up and give the player fun abilities/powers.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ideas966 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everybody welcome back to in tendo treehouse live at e3 I'm Sam joined by Audrey and we have Katie here from our publisher and developer relations team hello hello hi were here to show us some hollow Knights silk song absolutely so holiday was one of my favorite games of last year and this is the sequel so we're taking reigns with Hornet we're gonna go into the first part of the demo which gives a little bit of backstory as to what this game is all about and so this is of course coming from Team cherry fantastic folks hard at work wrapping up the game so a lot of interesting development going on but it's awesome that we can share a little bit of an early look of this game yeah so we're getting a little bit of a poem here we're not really sure what's going on why she was taken to this Kingdom and that's really part of the mystery to solve is why you know why was Hornet taken here and is just beautifully executed I think as you'd expect anybody who played the original hollow Knight it's so atmospheric it's so beautiful and really you can immerse yourself in this world and the character is really haunting gorgeous environments and so here we're starting off right at the very beginning of the game giving you a little bit of a sneak peak about what is going on but hang tight with us after we've done the early section of the game we are gonna be hopping a little bit further into the game and at the very end if we're lucky tackling a boss fight and trying our luck here as well so here we see Hornet she's in present and that is not a state that she's used to being in no it seems like there's some sort of seal of binding as well on this so I'm not sure what what's going on again it's part of part of the stories to unravel that mystery among many others and I think if you haven't played the original holo in it you might not know too much about Hornet she is not a character I would expect to end up in a cage she's a very powerful interesting being yet on the original game who she's just such a competent fighter you've got to wonder what happened to lead to this do you have events for her yeah in the original holo night she's both friend and foe and quite a formidable foe I know quite a few people that had a quite a challenging time taking her down in the boss battles yeah in some ways she's kind of like the princess protector of hallow nest show she's got a very significant role play there yeah I love how cool she plays it even if she's following falling falling they're good yeah fine haha yeah I don't know she's got wings but she's got a she stuff courage that's for sure that is true so we are starting here in mas Prado this is the bottom most level in holo night we you know as part of the story part of Hornets adventure is ascending to the top and you really start all the way at the bottom and exciting for Halle Knight fans this is a brand new Kingdom this is a place we've never been a place called far looms so you really don't know what to expect as he jump in here and start exploring and look at all these vibrant colors in this environment it's really very stunning yeah teeth fairy has really upped the ante on the detail on their environments you know this reminds me of you know the Queen's garden and the original holiday for you know the the first game has so much more detail so this is really taking it to a whole nother level how much depth details of this world and with the audio design the little noises in the background the kind of bugs and the the moisture you can almost feel the humidity Azure exploring this first area and you have a nice little edge grab there which is when it really has her own play style very acrobatic yeah so she feels different than the night from hallow night she has a little bit more weight to her she's a little bigger as well so she can jump higher she definitely is much more acrobatic than flourished than the night was so we are heading over here these enemies seem to have some sort of purse what that curses what that haunting is we need to solve solve that as part of our journey it's different than the curse that was in hollowness I'm just kind of tragic as you're exploring it here and you find all these little bugs in some respects they're still toiling away at their life's work but their minds aren't their own anymore and you really feel for them because as you go through and you meet these characters I my heart breaks means portal bugs on the autistic yeah bugs get a really rough rough deal in these worlds they seem to like in Halle night they had sentience at some point and then they almost become a hive mind again in this story they're also possessed by which force that it might tie into something related to sort of the themes that we see often like the the bells some of the religious undertones but that's just a conjecture on my part we mentioned this previously but this is the very beginning of the game so things are a little slower here but they ramped up they absolutely ramped up the enemies get harder you get more moved get more tools and right now she doesn't have many actions I can jump I can hit I can - downward like that and that's about it but there's much more to learn as you progress through the world it's really satisfying to get those new abilities as the game progresses oh for sure yeah she's always learning I mean if it seemed like she was a seasoned foe and Colin I didn't you guys haven't seen anything yet so we are entering this first boss fight here I got some awesome mother and I appoint an audience in the background Oh kids are coming to watch [Music] so as you are focused on the combat we will let you whale on this Maas mother I think Audrey we've talked about this in the past but both of us are really big fans of the classic side-scrolling Metroid style of gameplay yeah and that's something that I think for me when I first played hollow Knight was the thing that really jumped out at me this is so true to that experience in terms of the progression the backtracking the deep exploration the sense of mystery but also just the ambience it's a spooky game it's so true you can tell that the developers really loved that genre but they really made their own mark on it and with the art style it's so interesting is you're interacting with characters and bosses and enemies and team cherry has packing I think over a hundred and fifty new enemies in here Carla there's no real different treatment so here is this an enemy is this a friend you don't know you feel this nervousness it in your gut whenever you meet somebody new mystery around every corner yeah you never know if it's gonna be friend or foe if the haunting of the kingdom has affected them in some way mm-hmm yeah everyone you approach as I go should I be afraid are we gonna be friends yeah in this case I do believe I got some tidbits from team cherry I do believe that's the church keeper who may be a mentor of sorts for Hornet throughout the journey looking forward to seeing a little bit more about them for sure so here we are jumping ahead Katie you've got us a little bit further into the game what can you tell us about this spot so we are in deep docks and this is an industrial region of Far loom we've got a lot more actions at cornets disposal right now you know and really when I say a little bit further into the game not not by very much we're not gonna spoil it you don't we don't know where but we are still very early on in the game here and just a moment to go there you collected some of the new currency with the rosaries yeah so one good thing to point out is we've got some rosaries here that's the currency Forfar loom and we have some shell shards here so as you traverse you'll be collecting two different type of types of to one purchase items and to replenish your tools and get new tools something to watch out for though is that if you actually are defeated you will lose your rosary beads they'll hold on to your shell shards but it'll use all those nice rosaries yeah so that's why you know early if you guys noticed we had a rosary string which is a really helpful item to not lose your currency so if they're tied on a string you won't drop them so easily if you did stop the urge to break apart the string which was when I played the first time the obviously the first thing I did it was like free yes so a little bit of platforming here we're heading over to this lovely little gentle flea so this is a flea one of the loveliest bugs and just all the worlds I've been terrorized by fleas in my past it's okay personal stuff but you know for these guys they have come too far limb for enlightenment so again some religious undertones to this game his Bell head yeah ballon said he it has a hard head so we're gonna have to go for his undercarriage if you will it's interesting just I mean coming right back to thinking about the title of the game silk song there is a really interesting kind of musical undertone to the game we're seeing bells hanging in the background charms chimes some of these enemies we're seeing have a kind of musical component silt on the other hand if we talk maybe about the UI elements here so plays quite an important role for a Hornet as well yeah so she's got a similar setup that the knight had and holo night instead of soul she uses silk so you when you do fight enemies you look through more so there's also some reservoirs of sort like in the spindle here to acquire more and that goes onto your spool in the upper left so right now you've got a nice stash ready to go yeah I've got a nice stash of silk so I can heal really quickly that's another difference from her to the night is the ability to heal without having to charge you can charge super quickly she can charge midair so in those tight boss battles you don't you still need to think but perhaps one less thing just grab that key I've got for bellhead he doesn't need it doesn't mean it and I think he's yeah so as you see these guys still continue to work so they're haunted by something but there there's still some sort of goal that they're working toward at least for these Bell heads here it seems that they're gathering all this all these Colts who sent up to the Citadel which is high above in far Luton so I wonder if next time we see an enemy if we could try something else out because we've got one of their icon at the upper left we haven't talked about with the straight pins yeah so much like the knight again there's all these similarities but but key differences so instead of charms she has tools so using the art button I can throw a straight pin out we'll get out of this lava pool here so I can better and you can dash across that but you can't linger no I learned that the hard way keep moving so and again another movement or I'm sorry action change rather is that she can - so after you dodge you could get get out of Dodge quickly so we're gonna head over here get this mass yard collect four of these and you'll get another mass yard which is basically your health I'll go again and heal and I want to get a little bit more help until we've got a boss battle coming up against a rival character called lace so I'd like to have as much help as I can get going into it as you get further into the game it gets much more challenging so collecting in order to rival Hornet lace must be pretty powerful so you're gonna wet that health yes I need some more armor and this is a little mysterious yeah like all things you know in this game nothing's placed without purpose or intent it's a riddle of some sort at this point we won't be able to solve it but noting the bells I think that's another thing that'll come up a lot more in this game one thing is interesting as well that we haven't really touched on but folks may have already noticed as they're listening to the game and the audio horn it actually has a voice which is quite distinct from the night from hallow night he was silent the fact that she actually speaks and vocalizes she's got exertion sounds but it also changes how she interacts with the characters yeah so we're gonna have a little scene in a bit where we do engage in dialogue she's not a silent protagonist she's got a voice she's got an opinion and a really fun personality yeah but well yeah and and these guys are really going going are you the waves of dockworkers put me on mute generally oh no worries but a couple different enemy types here in addition to the Bell head we've got this lovely shield that's and now I wonder if that's like half of a symbol or part of a drumkit girl arming themselves with musical implements I don't know I mean the guys were in bells on their heads it's practical and charming and perhaps I rudely interrupted band practice so how could she wonder understood about a high school band team hi sweetie they'll never win nationals and how they'll never win anything again because they're all dead so or are they I don't know their bodies are still here there's taking a little nap yes rest for a little bit and I will head up here we're gonna unlock a save bench those work similarly to hallow night I can both save here and then also it serves as a checkpoint so looking at the top left you'll see I've got that straight pin meter it's totally depleted right now so when you do go back to the bench you have to pay to rebuild your tools so it does function a little differently than the heal and the special attack which goes from her silk you actually have to use shards for the eTools oh I love her mm-hmm so this is Forge daughter and she's going to help porn it out with some tools throughout the journey I do love for her little assistant down here he is so dedicated to his task whatever's going on the kingdom has not affected him I'm still shovelling away from Forge daughter he's yeah he's shoveling away for a better purpose here so we'll talk with the Smith a little bit here I love that she talks in the Royal we she's not talking about her involved she's talking about just her yes and she introduces another interesting crafting mechanic that we can't show too much about just yet but maybe we can talk a little bit about yeah so this is the first time we're meeting her so we're not able to you know engage with her and get more tools but you know rest assured that Hornet is gonna have just as a vast tool set as the knight had in hollow Knight so he's kind of rude in a real dick fell on his head you're not getting that through yeah she's her respect is shaken a little sounds all throughout the game the the sound effects and the music as well are fantastic they have the incredible composer from the previous game here crystal are his work is good and it really puts you in the mood as you visit these different spaces and they have very different feel and personalities atmosphere yes alright so heading up here we have the doc key and we are going to enter the boss's chamber seething you lifted that key earlier I sometimes forget when I do those things so far in the past Solis is part of the group who's going to impede Hornets journey to the top of far loom and she gives her a run for her your money as well as she is speedy yeah so I practiced this I won't say how many times I practice this before the stream will just say that I invested quite a lot of time in learning her pattern we tell you it's not just action it's its strategy and learning the movements learning your spacing and what I learned from a friend at work was it's almost like a reactive battle based on what actions she choo chooses that's how I should then engage with her yeah if you try and just go in there and attack without thinking too far ahead it's not gonna turn out well for you I get in say from experience yeah I can say from 15 losses pedal patience and also note that she's not the kind of enemy you went to battle while talking so good good job so back on mute we're gonna so one thing Audrey and I can talk about as we cheer you on from the sidelines in addition to some of the other things we've talked about where folks you played hollow Knight will have some familiarity we can't show just yet but they are also integrating a map system true to HoloNet fashion though I think you're not just gonna be given a map oh no you were people I imagine but it will be so hopeful as you're traversing this world backtracking they're going to be so many secrets that you uncover that maybe you can't quite solve puzzles right from the get-go but being able to reference that back as you gradually unlock this world as you slowly try to climb to the top is gonna be I think really helpful oh yeah I think players are going to rely on that map it's an interesting kind of shift where an Hollow night you're really delving deeper and deeper into the world serve just sending into darkness here what has to do is climb up well done nice know what you guys have said the past two minutes ambient noise good job just the white noise you needed the soothing voices of conversation yeah I don't think I breathe for like two minutes so that's an intense fight it yeah you can't play that offensively you've got to play a bit more defensively but with that we've entered this chamber here and are we allowed to show anything past this chamber no it's a nice piece for players at home maybe one that folks wonder yes the bell will toll and and for whom for you for you for us all well thank you so much for giving us this early look and taking us through some space in the game what can we say so far about release plans for this so hollow night silk song is coming soon team cherry are unfortunately not here they're hard at work in Australia finishing the game and hopefully we'll have some more updates soon because I'm this is just a taste and I need the entree now and we know it's gonna be good yeah oh for sure holiday was a blast awesome well again folks here watching that was hollow nights silk song from Team cherry Audrey Katie thank you so much for coming up and hanging out here and folks at home watching please don't go anywhere and next up we're gonna be showing you some new over cooked 2 DLC it's gonna be a blast thanks so much for watching and please hang out
Channel: Nintendo
Views: 1,768,786
Rating: 4.9345937 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, play, play nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, video game, kids, action, adventure, rpg, e3, e3 2019, nintendo e3, nintendo e3 2019, Hollow Knight: Silksong, Hollow Knight: Silksong nintendo switch, Hollow Knight: Silksong switch, Hollow Knight: Silksong gameplay, THL, Treehouse live
Id: Y8lvHT_IQbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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