In Depth on the Deadlift with Mark Rippetoe

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the deadlift the deadlift is fortunately the easiest of our five lives that we that we do except maybe the bench press I don't know deadlifts awfully easy it's real straightforward if you do it like we tell you to do it'll take you about two minutes to learn how to do it correctly and if you do it like we're going to show you how to do it this is the way the heaviest deadlifts in the world has been pulled off the floor so it does work very well right everybody get where you can see Bethenny's gonna demonstrate for us okay so there are five basic steps to this process and you'll see how this work is in pieces it works very well for everybody to do okay so you get in the middle of the bar and I want you to line up one inch from the barber your shins will be one inch from the bar this farm now this is interesting because this works for everyone all right we have looked at people with size 17 feet ever seen is 17 there's like a cardboard box and we've looked at people with size four or feet women's size 4 you ever seen one of those little babies you actually had a girl show up that could actually stand up without falling over with a foot this wall the damnedest thing you've ever seen it's about 1/3 the size of the guy with the 17 but everybody that lines up one inch from the shin that far too innovators from the bar will have the middle of their foot directly under the bar okay so it's idiot-proof oh you've got to do this spot that position right there now once you have spotted this position look down and identify what you see with respect to barbell and shoelaces so you can go right to that every time without any drama okay every time you're going to be right there okay now point your toes out a little bit more all right this is your stance that's step one step one is the stance everybody does this exactly the same way toes are pointed out a little bit and the shins are one inch from the barber now if you get one inch or at the bottom then you've looked down what am i can just do they move back right so if you do that you're not going to be in the right place all right guess what you'll do is then move forward then you stand back up in your chin as if you're close which would mean that the bar is behind the middle of the foot and that's not what you want to do bar the imbalance going to be directly over the middle of your foot okay and now step two is going to be taking the grip so what we're going to do we think it is come out on the knurl and you're going to look at the neural pattern on the bar all of the bars in this gym are sixteen and a half inches between the edges of the nerve this is not including the middle nerve the center neural partners patient the neuro comes to sixteen and a half inches so depending on your height and your size your grip will be somewhere just outside that line and for Bethany it's going to be probably her index is going to be right in the middle of that one okay and that'll be the correct just to put your hands over your knees no no no I mean no tell me I mean your index finger on that nerve just like that come in a little bit all right so that's your grip with stand up without taking right now don't take your marking distended now we're going to take the grip at that width and we're going to do it without bringing the knees forward now your knees don't have to be locked in position but they can't move forward so we're just going to call them tight knees okay so that you don't intrude your shins forward into the bar because that's the next step all right so when you take your grip also you're going to take a double overhand grip alright so a prone double overhand grip alright people come up to the bar you saw her just try to do it come up to the bar just automatically because it's called a deadlift take an alternate grip that's not necessary and it's not desirable all right and the reason it's not necessary or desirable is because if I have one shoulder in internal rotation and then I take a supine grip on the other shoulder I placed it in external rotation now I've got a shoulder position asymmetry all right another way to think of that is I've got one hand in front of the bar and the other hand behind the bar and this it produces two different arm angles on either side of the bar and there's going to be an asymmetry what we see is that the supine hand has a market tendency to rotate forward a read away from that chin you've seen that happen if you pay attention at powerlifting meetings where everybody thinks just they have to because it's the law or some shift they have to take a supine grip and what will typically occur is the bar rotates away from that sign well we don't want that because if it rotates away from that side then this rotating forward of the middle of the foot where everything's in balance so that sides no longer in balance all right and it's much easier to do this if you will just take a double overhand grip on the bar now this is easy and light weights you ought to be able everybody ought to be able to do a double overhand grip through their last warm-up set if you're not capable of doing it through your last warm-up set then your grip is not strong enough now there are occasionally people with little bitty studies short fingers you don't have those or people with very short arms or some other anthropometric deformity it wasn't caught you know early by the eugenics program okay so you may have people wandering around with little Vienna sausage looking fingers that are about that long and they can't hold on to the mark those kind of people are not going to be good liquors anyway I'm sorry you can't stay here it's risky things that's really funny Ritchie needs to lay down now you can see I'm joking Ritchie series this is a form of racism all right it may be works I don't know might be worse than me okay so when it gets real heavy the way intelligent people maintain children symmetry is to put grip now you can hook grip a deadlift it doesn't feel particularly comfortable but it doesn't bother me at all when you're so we're gonna I can't feel of thing so we're just going to tell you to take a grip that is a good grip at the top at the heaviest weight that you're gonna do now if you just can't stand it all right and you want to take an alternate grip on the bar then go ahead and take an alternate grip on the bar but you have to be aware of the fact that the supine hand is probably going to want to track forward which means you've got to pay extra attention to pulling that elbow back all right this is shoulder extension this is shoulder flexion okay so what you have got to make happen is extension because that's what holds the barbell over the middle of the foot and if the bar goes forward in the middle of the foot you're going to miss the lift if it's heavy enough you can't pull the barbell off the floor forward of the middle of the foot so what we're going to do is just teach you to pull it from that position to start with without any preamble we're just going to pull from the pulling position that the bar has to be in to get it off the floor and that is going to be a position of rather high hips okay so what you're going to do now is you're gonna take that grip with the same width of whip I just showed you leave your ass up in the air okay go ahead and do that you're gonna be there a minute so just be patient this is the grip no don't do anything to take the grip now when you take the grip do not roll the barbell you're going to want to roll the barbell don't roll the bar because if you roll the bar you dis unbid step number one okay so here is step number two and this is the grip for you to even that's the same amout of bar in each hand good now step three you're going to bring your knees forward until the shin touches the bar and then you stop the hips do not move at all after this position most people in this step we're going to drop their butt now if you drop your butt what happens to your knees knee bone connected to the hip bone right if you drop your ass what do your knee is going to do we go forward unavoidable they're connected by the thigh by the femur right and if the bra at the bar goes forward what happens to position over the middle of foot gets undone right see that just and just Anatomy right so you're not going to move the park during this step and this will be the lowest position your hip is in now in order to help with the low back step which is next you're going to shove your knees out a little bit into your elbows just a little bit not once again don't drop your hips okay just push out into the elbows to make sure that you're you've got some angle from the hip to the knee all right this is going to make room for your belly to drop down on this next step now the fourth step just setting the back so Bethenny's gonna lift her chest and at the same time she's going to drop her belly down in between her knees but she's not going to drop her hips when she does it well you're gonna try to do is drop your hips now don't drop your hips you're gonna pull this thing with the hips higher than you wanna and then the fifth step she's going to drag the bar up the shins go and then at the top now this is everybody in the room is going to do this too this is not finished lift the chest high as you can get it touch my hand is the finish of the deadly this is the last amount of thoracic extension chest up at the top and you can't cheat the thing by leaving your shoulders forward okay everybody's got used to seeing that but we're not going to tolerate that we're gonna finish the pull and this is a finish will of course she is all right chest is up she is leaning back a little bit behind the bar because the bars in front were thighs and that's the balance right barbells right over the middle of her foot this is in balance now we're going to set it down in the opposite order that we picked it up which means that hips locked out last so that means hips are going to unlock first bar will slide down and then the knees one two set it down after the barbell crosses the knees okay now step number five pulling the bar of the shins dragging the bar up the shins is accomplished by you thinking about pushing the floor with your feet it's an initial knee extension that doesn't move very much and as the knees extend the hips also extend to the point where you will see on a deadlift you will see the back angle become more vertical the second the barbell leaves the floor the back angle is going to become more vertical but you're thinking about pushing feet down when it gets heavy and you walk up to the bar and it's your third attempt and you don't know whether you can do this or not because it's real heavy if you have a technical job for your brain to think about by pushing the feet into the floor then you don't have to stand there and go this is heavy because that's not productive what do you think about is what you've got to do and that is push push down into the floor all right so back up now let's do all five steps again and this is what it's going to look like under the bar take your stance toes are out you're a little bit too far this way so make the same distance there you've got to be even and there you go toes out a little bit more than you want them to be that's good and this allows for the knees to go out in the later step in step number three okay you make a grip make sure your grip is exactly the same every time it should be no wider than necessary to get on the outside of your shin see how your thumbs are directly to drag go out in another finger width right there's where you want to be now look at your hand take your take your take your hand away from the bar and look where it is on the bar see right there every time it goes right there now come up don't take your grip and drop your hips there are two separate steps all you do is take your grip not extended and you're too close right there all right now if you start off too close and your bar to the shins in contact with the bar then when you take your grip the bar is going to be behind in the middle of your foot the bar has to be in the middle you can screw this up two different ways if you far away from the bar or you can be too close to the bar you'd have to be in the right place every time if you do this correctly you will be repeating the same five steps with a very high level of reproducibility every time so it's not any variance and the way you do each one of these pools okay so let's make sure that she's correct that's right now take your grip without bending your knees just keep them tight okay don't move the bar and we're looking at the plates and if you move the bar we can see it real easily can let me say that big plate diameter moves now now step three knees forward to the shins touch stop right there and these are out now step four squeeze the chest up drop your belly down in between your knees just like that I want you to note that her elbows are covering the outside of her needs all right though beat that overlap there and if you don't have if your elbows are in front of your knees then you're in the wrong position what that means is your hips are too high their knees are too far back so this is what we're looking for note also the arm angle you see that the arms not vertical there but I know why that is it's discussed in the book it links okay and the shins it a little bit of an angle all right just up push the floor drag the bar up the legs just like that and finish up the top just like that good and now it's first didn't these good stand up step back let's do it again repeat all of the steps okay don't worry about that you just be even with the burger there's your stance good take your grip don't move the bar these forward shins to the bar and he's out squeeze chest up push the floor away from the bar stand back and finish strong at the top good and now one more each time we're going to repeat all five of these steps for the first and set okay I'm sure the stance is correct learn to see the total angle knees forward good and now do one more better your hips are a little low with that time all right we'll be too close be exactly right I think you're a little close that's it right there good forward knees no don't no no you're drunk right there's the position okay all you guys to look at this real close well you look at her arm angle and I want you to look at her shin ankle I'm explaining this in a minute okay now drop your ass a little bit see how that changed that picture raise it back up this is what you've got to get used to looking in all right and I'm not noticed I'm not looking at her back angle and I'll explain this in just a minute all right push the floor and finish at the top good and down now that's a nice finish and you haven't been doing it like that hey finish chest up now we're looking at her arm angle you all noticed that her arms are not vertically does it seem logical that when he gets real heavy her arms would be vertical but there is not there is not a video of a deadlift in existence where if it's heavy enough where the bar is hanging on straight vertical arms it doesn't occur no it's not occur and there's a reason for that the lats are what are going to control the barbell and keep it from flopping away from the bar from the shins we want the bar over the middle of the foot right because we have to have the bar over the middle of the foot and if the mark four over the middle of the foot the whole system is off balance forward you can't do all right so you have to keep the bar over the middle of the foot all right and shoulder extension does that okay now shoulder extension is accomplished by the leg right the lat is a funny little muscle that inserts on the humerus but it inserts on the medial side the armpit side way up high up here by the shoulder but in front right the the tendon comes around to the front of the humerus like my fingers right there coming through the armpit and around the front and that's the direction from which it pulls back okay now that's one end of the lamp where's the other end of the leg where thoracolumbar fascia is this big sheet of tendon that's down here on the lower back and you've got that origin from t7 all the way down the spine to the pelvis so you get a big wide triangle of muscle but it's putting on the low back and when the weight gets real heavy and you have to use your lat to control the bar and keep it from going forward well that's force on the arm end of the lab where is the other force being bundage from the lab in the origin below back so it pulls on the low back and guess what happens when it does that hips come up so it's kind of complicated but there's lots and lots of reasons why we always see exactly the same thing off the floor we see the shoulder slightly in front of the bar we see the arm at a slight angle maybe seven degrees coming down from the shoulder to the bar we see the shin at five to seven degrees because we remember the knees had to come forward to touch the Barker and you've got to use a little knee extension to get the barbell off the floor okay so we always see those things we see the barbell over the middle of the foot we see an arm angle about like that and we see a slight shin angle now why don't we look at the back angle it has nothing to do with what we're looking at nothing whatsoever to do with it's because of anthropometry all right if you just draw this in your mind you've got long legs in a short bag if you are in a position when the barbell over the middle of your foot and your shoulder in front of the barber what's your back angle going to do it's going to be your hips are going to be high because your legs are going to push them up and your back angle might very well be quiet horizontal it won't be exactly horizontal but it'll be a little bit of angle and conversely you've got somebody with little short legs and a long torso what will their back angle be quite a bit more vertical right can you see this geometric relationship this is just geometry all right so if I try to coach your back angle I might be wrong your skeletal Anatomy is going to is going to sort out the back end so I don't worry about that but what I have to see is your shoulders slightly in front of the bar I have to see the resulting or an angle that is not vertical and I've got to see a little bit of a shine angle because the bar is over the middle of the foot what happens if I see too much shinning if your knees are too far forward what do I know is wrong I know the bar is not over the middle of the foot I know the bar is not over at the middle of this wood okay but if I see the barbell behind the middle of the foot with your shins vertical I set up to close I can't control as much with a stiff leg deadlift as I can a deadly of Canada so that geometry changes the relationships between your body and the viral on the floor so that has to be correct so we've got to learn how to look for the correct angles okay now if you're going to video yourself at home you have to know this you have to know how to look for these angles so you'll set the camera up at a position where you can see arm angle chin angle and hips okay so that you could tell you're doing it right so let's do it again set back your stance up there it is that look right rotate your heels in just let's put some modify this sometimes it helps to get a little bit narrower heels and a little more knee angle okay now take your grip good same place every time I mean he's forward and out squeeze your chest up push the floor away from the bar and finish it the top just like that and then if you notice correctly that's the way the deadlift will look every single time okay now we just told you the five steps differently this is what's going to look like a couple of sets into the process set back I want you to just come to the bar do all of it in order but did you see all five steps being executed right we didn't count them off but they all got done so after she learns how to do this today what we're gonna look for is that all of the steps get executed we don't need to stop and separate them every time this will just merge into a single process right and it'll look just like that last one she did okay all right you guys all see this
Channel: Starting Strength
Views: 63,354
Rating: 4.8935447 out of 5
Keywords: Starting Strength, deadlift, how to, mark rippetoe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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