RimWorld Frost and Fire - Tunnel of Fun // EP24

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hey everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to frost and fire a little reminder of the community challenge rules so last episode we had raptor ascend to praetor which is pretty cool uh many of you pointed out that one of the reasons why he's upset with his clothing is he's wearing a poor smoke pop pack belt uh and i'll take that off promptly we're in the middle of the throes of deep winter um so we're trying to stay warm and productive we did add a remarkably large annexation for storage here which is great pretty great uh as far as raw resources go let's also move [Music] uh wood into this as well because we know that we're probably not gonna be selling the wood given that raptor is royal we have two quests so the shuttle born attack which i deemed really not safe or necessary in order to do given that it would require all six of my soldiers and uh we're fighting 14 skeletons that's just not not likely a battle that we're going to walk away from i'll even dismiss it now friend of the crosshairs is a little bit more interesting a redfoot um would be here for 20 days and it would trigger two mech clusters nearby uh a neural former is a really really good reward joule here would also be a pretty good person to add um as well the trouble is with our food shortages the way it is uh gourmand is a pretty dangerous trait to have because gourmands will food binge uh often when you know whenever they want more food it's un it doesn't need to be triggered they just go and do it which is kind of a problem we did have the crazy fight to the beak things which was fun and now um there is the remnants of these mech clusters that at the moment i'm not going to be able to uh deconstruct because [Music] because it's really really cold and going out there is kind of a problem but eventually eventually we'll get those broken down and especially these ship chunks there's five ship chunks up here which will yield a great deal of components now we are trying to make advanced components um all right now let's see raptor one of the things i want to do with raptor is make sure that his clothing is not tattered and is normal or better and if we take a look at his yeah so he no longer has the mental penalties of not having the right clothing on which is good so we're just organizing our storage as fast as we can i do want to try to find underground gold and plastiel those are two additional resources that i desperately need both of them will be able to allow us to make advanced components and if you take a look at our health here raptors missing two toes bash is okay surprisingly uh jd has a torso scar from bash um which is causing a little bit of pain all the time and unfortunately that pain yields a -5 mood all the time hippie has a lung fully blown out and a right leg stab scar and a left foot that needs complete replacement and the gabe is missing uh toes on each so getting proper bionics full-fledged proper bionics will be honestly life-changing for most of our characters um so that's that's something worthy to push towards as a result or at least in in my opinion um and i'm going to be trying to push towards uh advanced components and bionics now another thing i wanted to do and it's going to be done probably at the end of this winter because right now it is simply too cold to do it but another thing i wanted to do is to set up proper security slug turrets and autocannon turrets now in order to do that i need a sizeable amount of steel and i really don't have steel available to me at the moment i i can tap my mining tunnels uh but these mining tunnels here really haven't hit any sources of steel lately which is unfortunate and then a lot of the uh a lot of the characters in my colony a lot of these colonists here um there's just not even tasks for them to accomplish at this moment let's put this to normal so as a result of actually really all of the raw resources are probably keeping and if i'm not i can always move the beacon um so yeah there's just not a lot of tasks for them to do which means that we have a lot of downtime which is fine uh matthew asked me to go through each of raptor's cycasts so throne speech is not a cycast but it gives you an rng chance a random chance to have outcomes of a throne speech right now it's on cooldown because i just ended last episode with the throne speech which was as you can see um who attended it encouraging speech so for about a week we'll have an encouraging speech so words of trust is a cycast that requires sci focus of 60 and what this will allow is it will help to recruit prisoners now words of love is a sci focus which requires 50 um which will help two people fall in love or one one target fall in love with the second target so the way this works is you target one person and then the other person and it gives them a positive mood effect uh between them so one of the ways that we could use this is if we had any rivals like for instance bash and phoenix are rivals uh we could also use words of love to um make sure that they treat each other a little bit more nicely so it's also it's not just romantic love it it it's usually used as romantic love but you can sort of stop rivalries so like bash needs to feel better about phoenix and that's something we could do bash once he's awake i'll target bash in phoenix and do words of love and then words of serenity is calming words to end a psychotic break um so questions expires in 24 hours i'm gonna wait as long as i can and probably accept that because i'm a adrenaline junkie and despite the fact that i'm uh i know almost for a fact that it's a terrible idea to welcome yet another two mech clusters into my um into my colony i'm gonna do it anyway because again adrenaline junkie it's what i do so raptor has been trying to find uh additional ground peta training scanning resources if we take a look here we have found some steel it would be not too difficult to uh create a heated area around the steel given that there's a geyser right next to it i wouldn't even have to do very much for uh the ability to mine that in the winter um and then here let's take a look at the ground prediction radar scanner uh there is also steel in this mountain that would be easy to mine to all i need to do is dig into it and then put a heater or cooler or something like that but unfortunately we really haven't found any precious resources other than this uranium here so i do plan on tapping that uranium at some point but probably some point where it's more temperate where it won't freeze to death because there's not much of a point going out right now given that we'll just get frostbite and get hurt so you can see the advanced component queue is working we have two advanced components now this one's not counted because it's not in the stockpile but two advanced components and we'll just keep adding advanced components um so that we'll be able to make bionics i'm gonna have phoenix ear pop these doors open just to make it faster and then raptor one of the things i'm gonna have you do is target bash here let me bring both of these um words of love targets into the base and i'll just demonstrate how this works we'll come into the throne room so words of love so induce psychic love in bash for phoenix oh you know it's uh only for romantic love my bad so that's not gonna work um hippie well i'll demonstrate it with hippie and bash then all right so hippie for bash so right now if you see uh hippie has a 57 opinion of bash because she is of course uh misandrist she doesn't like men so raptor is going to fix that with the cycast well not fix the missanderism but raptor psychically suggested that hippie should feel a new romantic desire for bash so as you can see that 57 ah got kicked up by 40 psychic love and then if we check the healthier um psychic love will occur for eight days and hippie will have stronger feelings for bash now it did cost a raptor here a sizable amount of his psi focus um but that's fine because all of his psi focuses that he has right now are non-combat oh great well at least we'll get some free heat out of that uh we just scanned gold underground awesome let's see where it is uh unfortunately it's it's really not in a convenient spot but it exists so we have uh some gold right here can i even put mines here oh i can okay well that's good at least so we can tap that gold when it is tempered out um probably not right now though okay we have 14 more hours for [Music] the quest i have to make sure that no one gets severely hypothermic which is hard to do jd just finished off the sniper rifle i did want some backup sniper rifles so right now raptor and hippie has one uh gabe and jd has charged rifles charge rifles just don't have the range that sniper rifles do uh honestly i'm probably gonna want two more sniper rifles and this is so that if i get attacked by centipedes i can take them out more easily because centipedes are a lot easier to kill with sniper rifles given their um superior range than really any other weapon charge rifles just aren't long enough ranged against them all right let's go ahead and continue this uh powered tunnel and we've been spacing out the lights every 16 so i think we just hit 16 so that means that we will put another light at the end of this i'm surprised that well not that surprised but it's unfortunate that i haven't hit more resources here um in the process of digging this mining tunnel because i i honestly would have thought i'd i would have hit some additional resources by now but i would be wrong and we're still brewing beer trying to keep that away from cauterize so it doesn't drink all our beer and we are eating simple meals even raptors eating simple meals so that we can save it save refined meals for when we need mood boosts or whatever [Music] okay so now that i have this set up eight tiles down from this light we'll put a door and then eight tiles under that we'll put another door or another light rather and then move these heaters behind the door and then leave this door open just continuing our mining shaft and unfortunately i really haven't found anything in those uh tunnels worth mentioning oh but steel found underground oh and it's ah not that helpful okay quest expires in two hours i'm going to accept for a neuroformer okay mr redfoot has arrived and i am going to have a b line to the base i'm also going to turn on the vents and uh heater and here is so he is a fast walker nimble um she sorry and she's staying for 20 days 16 years old a good doctor i guess or like at least an okay doctor um and also a researcher so i'm gonna use her primarily for research to use the ground penetrating scanner while she's here and this of course will be her bedroom and i do hope that she is comfortable uh staying here so that oh wow uh you're 16 you're you're drinking okay well guess there's really no laws on the rim right so who am i to police her i'm not her parent so taking a look at redfoot she will be helping us research and raptor is going to do some ground penetrating radar i actually don't really care who does what just that it gets done and let's put her at the end of our cast of characters so that we know to keep her alive for the neuroformer and a neural former will be great um level six cycast is max and raptor's already level four so he's getting pretty close oh phoenix get to the tunnel i'm gonna have phoenix uh deliver the heaters so that he can stay warmer even eating a meal there is fine there we go just wanted to lose the um the hypothermia and then of course i do have to continually pay attention to phoenix's health because of the blood rot um right now it's only at 11 so i don't need to tend to it with um proper medicine but uh i will at some point as it as it progresses and gets worse all right so the sticklozone is going to go all the way up to the edge of this mountain as will the home zone and i might actually just dig all the way to the uranium deposit if i'm going to be setting up uranium slug turrets that would not be a terrible idea now another issue is that um this ground penetrating scanner right here um well it is in a ridiculously cold area um hmm i'm trying to think of a i'm trying to think of a way to and don't even do that to heat this area up a little bit so what is what is her comfortable temperature uh gear 37 okay so she's going to in other words she's going to freeze while she's um researching in there because it's simply just too cold oh that's awkward so i think what i can do is have raptor switch with her [Music] and she's going to be set to stay inside and then stay close zone uh what i'm gonna do is for stay close is uh disallow the seat for the research table so raptor is always the ground penetrating scanner and right foot is um at the research bench that way it's sort of like assigning them to a research bench now another thing that i wanted to work on um is summer clothing so what i can do here is for the brawler and for the shooter for all their clothing i can count equipped for cowboy hats and tooks uh but i only can count equipped if i have like a minimum setting here um so you can always count what e what they're currently wearing um but not if i have a hit point modifier here which is a uh the problem i i like to make a certain amount of clothing up to you know hit points so that i have them spare but actually taking a look at this it even uh it's apparent to me that i right now need a button-down shirt made by jd so but jd is working on the sniper rifles which is fine so the mech clusters that are going to attack redfoot um are you even comfortable out here yeah no even raptor is not really comfortable out here you know i might need one more heater i'll just pull the trigger on that and uh get that built because it's not worth them having like hypothermia while they work okay we scan some silver it's nowhere near the base and probably not all that useful to us as a result so redfoot is helping to research recon armor but until we have a source of all of the um all of the advanced components that we need to use for fabrication it's not all that useful hey whatever happened to these eggs don't tell me you no all right it's hasn't i don't know what happened to the eggs interesting we had eggs there obviously um but they're not made into any meals let me make sure that um our meals doesn't allow it so animal products fertilized eggs is not checked simple meals fertilization is not checked uh my crabs aren't even allowed in that room well i suppose one of you in the youtube comments will figure out what happened to those eggs but i have no idea um however my crabs are somewhat starving so one thing i'm going to need to do is to unsuspend the butchering of insects and make some more kibble again yeah so here comes raptor to do it you know maybe bash picked up the eggs for training that would be really unfortunate i think that might have been the case okay don't butcher i want so yeah here here because um suffie crabs do not allow you near there there now they shouldn't eat the raw insect meat okay let's butcher creatures until we have [Music] um that's not really going to work i'm just going to have to toggle it because that's counting normal meat too because the issue is we just don't have a lot of rice but here's some some kibble for the the critters to eat uh hippie falling yet again because she has slow feet she's probably going to be the first contender for a bionic leg so that that doesn't happen uh continuously because it is a little it's a little worrisome and embarrassing that she's constantly collapsing okay eight down from here and a door and then i'll move the heaters eventually so let's mine out to the very very edge here and i'm somehow another never hit resources it's a reverse miracle now we do have a lot of cloth but i want to invest the cloth into dusters for the summer so right now we have four dusters and we're gonna need at least six um but i'm gonna make four more dusters out of cloth yeah because i can't do it out of bone dog leather i don't have enough even for one duster uh so four more dusters at a cloth and um and that's going to keep us cooler in the in the summers and then the crab material that i'm gonna get once they grow a little bit more because we're at 78 i'll turn those first into cowboy hats and then if any leftover i'll turn them into dusters as well so another thing that i might want to do is i might want to um either set up a another farm like this given my very secure power grid it wouldn't be a terrible idea or alternatively um well probably honestly set up another farm and i could set it up in here but i was gonna say alternatively uh just grow some more rice because it seems like i'm lacking on rice given my guests my crabs especially the baby crabs that i am having to feed right now um we are definitely taxing the amount of rice that i i have so down here um i have a lot of limestone so i am going to i'm gonna set up some limestone walls so that we can heat the uranium area more easily run bash run all right so this door could be left open so that means for now i'm not going to let them set up the yeah i'll uh i'm not going to allow them to set up the walls until the mine shaft is done and actually i'm going to keep the heaters uh here because this will be in the closed space no no no no gabe come on come on now okay oh you're going the other way yes because it was an island i don't want to explain why that happened but it won't happen again now uh hippie again hypothermia drop a raptor would you be so kind yeah she really does need a leg here gabe you're you're right there you just do it so these walls will allow uh once they're built will allow this area to be heated um okay please have all well even if you don't have all your toes it wouldn't really matter because i'm gonna be replacing your legs okay i'm gonna tell jd to turn around because he was already too hypothermic for his own good on this shelf i wanted advanced components stored let's move those over okay jd's health oh there's another excellent sniper rifle so that's a better quality than uh raptor and hippy have well hippie was holding the correct sniper rifle but then dropped it subsequently um okay i'm gonna let jd do this task here because i can warm them up in this part of the tunnel and we have a toxic fallout okay uh jd just hang out here for a minute lose the uh hypothermia so a toxic fallout when it's super super cold out doesn't really matter because i'm already staying inside so i'm already taking the precautions i need i'm actually going to change my mind and have one of these be a door um so that maybe even both of them so i'll have them be airlock doors and that's gonna allow me to have um [Music] you know if i get caught out in the open or something it allows me to to have some escape plan or something so i think that's a pretty wise idea and it looks like bash is going to make the door uh phoenix please get inside so if uh if red foot's getting inspirations uh it means she's happy she has a minor passion for this kind of work so she will be benefiting um you know from doing research the way i have her set up okay bash let's get warm and well i guess what i'll do here is um let's go ahead and set this up with lights and everything yeah we're having to oh bash actually took a little bit of frostbite okay hang out there for a minute phoenix you go get warm cargo pods a whole bunch of hops um that's enough hops that i'm going to want to do a little bit of caravanning for i think so now that i have these walls uh what i'm going to do is an air lock like this and then setting up a light here and then having these doors also be limestone i guess i'm leaving the you know no i'm not even bothered with an airlock i'll just move these heaters down so so what this is going to look like is a deep drill like that and just run the power closer uh so instead of limestone wall here we'll just do a limestone door like that perfect that will be our little uh mining alcove thing cool now unfortunately because of the way this map is set up normally i would say for deep drills just build a deep drill close to the base and then move it over but because there's no resources underneath the um the map tile um that's not a possibility wow that is what is randy randy is very very sorry for all of the um the strife he just put me through because he is gifting me all sorts of nonsense so phoenix you have blood rot who's my fastest runner probably jd i'm gonna have jd and phoenix switch to uh parkas and then have jd go for the um have jd go for the hops so one of the things i'm doing here actually i could just remove the whole tunnel i don't really want hippy to continually clean uh these tunnels so i'm taking them off of a home zone so that she's not uh permanently attempting to sweep up something that will constantly generate filth ugh she's down gabe would you operation give her a leg is becoming more and more necessary so we do have this two spare sniper rifles now i can power oh no we need one more oh right right because she dropped one yeah no i don't need one more uh let's suspend this i think i'm fine bash why are you even sleeping in your bed that was super weird i have no idea what he was doing truth be told we don't even need a light here because the heater will give off enough light to illuminate the mining drill also something so so let's just uninstall it also something worth noting is the mining drill cannot benefit from seating you can't you it is not possible to sit in mine in other words um so sometimes people say oh build a stool for the miner so they're more comfortable it's like uh well i mean no it's not a thing okay so there a little bit of this tunnel is dark uh so i guess bash i'm gonna have you install a light at the end of the tunnel like the way that sounds i suppose actually i suppose there is a reason to illuminate here um after all i take it back so the reason to illuminate here is to reduce the chance of a uh infestation um which means increasing the light level and then we'll get the deep drill and if i take a look at the stay close zone yes the stays closed zone i'm not even going to include these but let's add this stuff as uh as home zone once this cotton grows i think i'm going to switch back over to um all rice and i'm going to send jd who just got a little frostbite i'm going to send jd to work on tailoring oh god hippies delivering the components stop it hippie that's just a terrible idea all right i'm gonna force uh bash to do it he's a little bit more insulated i never switched the tux or the parkas around jd in uh in phoenix but i don't think i'm gonna be doing that anyway all right so jd it is time to make shirts and dusters for us keep us clothed and then once this drill is set up and it and it's it's about 50 60 degrees fahrenheit in here it's uh plenty temperate um i'm what i'm doing here uh not that it's likely to have an effect but i'm moving the power sources away from the drill so if i have a uh a short circuit because this area over here is so far from the base if i have a short circuit it's not likely to light the deep drill on fire um so now at this point gabe should have periodic uh mining stuff for that tunnel and i think what i'm going to do is dig out a shortcut so we don't have to go the long route which means putting state close zone here as well actually pretty a pretty good shortcut would be going going through here so many let me do that instead it does mean that i'll have to um wall it up and add a turret back there so that it is not a valid target for sappers and in fact um that also means it would be a good idea to add so let's add a let's do that let's add a turret here this turret isn't really intended to do very much other than dissuade sappers from messing with my power grid okay so i don't want hippy to be cleaning this so forget cleaning that i'll just i'll just take it off oh god grumbling something about dang hippies all right this cotton is all grown enough that i can switch it over to rice it's 98 so we're basically gonna get full yield no problem uh jd is now working on making us clothing and then we'll work on making advanced components for bionics and recon armor and stuff like that all right hippie miss hippie uh what can i have you do i can have you make art i think you made all the art well no there's a little bit more jade here so let's have you crank out one more sculpture to keep you out of trouble and then maybe yeah even crank out other art just because i'm i'm i'm very much tired of her passing out like it's her job it's it's funny but like i've had enough of it okay we have an infestation and unfortunately it's right at the mining drill so what sucks about this infestation is um it's going to be a really really tricky one to kill off due to the fact uh that it's going to be tough to keep everyone warm while they do it but uh i am going to work towards it anyway so let's see i'm going to have them do the long way now fortunately because the way this tunnel is laid out enemies can only really come one by one to attack me through this tunnel uh it does mean that it will be a little bit easier to kill off these uh these infestations because they really don't have anywhere to go all right so i did pop open this door so it is getting warmer in this corridor where's so this door here i'm gonna close with phoenix so that it warms up even more bash is just gonna have to do his best well raptor shoots wide and wrong now the rest of these um bugs are smashing things which is not great but i am also setting one of the positive effects is i'm setting some of these bugs on fire um so they're going to generate their own heat as a result okay smash is just covered in little scars let's go gabe you back up and phoenix you move forward so that if bash does go down okay we we got that so bash does go down we have another brawler right behind him with the uranium mace ready to go this brings back memories of uh some series i've done in the past [Music] namely okay how are we doing okay bash and raptor i'm gonna have you fall back go through the north go back to the base and phoenix is going to take over i think most of the bugs are dead gabe got nicked a little bit but he's not bleeding out badly i'm having bash retreat uh because of the injuries that he's sustained i don't want him to bleed out or anything like that all right hippies start putting out that fire because it's actually getting too hot here and phoenix kill the hives gabe jd and hippie you are off the hook uh all of this um gabe would you yeah keep uh hold on let me um now that this tunnel's full of blood i'm gonna want to um to clean it up again okay i'm keeping an eye on bash make sure he survives so i'm going to have bash go straight to his bed and patch him up there so phoenix you've done well let's haul some jellies there are some uh there are some uh insects that are out but not dead here and i'll get them eventually i'm not all that worried about nearly unconscious uh so bash did collapse raptor go for bash hippie go for his plasma sword he is four hours uh a smoke spewer a smoked spear machine guarding by swamp raptors and a cluster of hostile mech structures and an unknown threat um jesus could you be any more ridiculous so bash is um my guest is unhappy oh boohoo but bash is getting patched up with good meds here jd flick the switch so we have better light and hippie in hippie fashion is down uh let's just stick you inside anywhere it doesn't really matter okay well thank you for your service bash you really did take one for the team uh so we do have one of these got up um but that's it's not going to be much of an issue i don't think now it looks like um yeah it looks like gabe you're gonna be needed so i'm gonna take you off of bed rest i'm gonna leave bash on bed rest because he's so beat up but uh gabe you get off of bed rest and um and no longer hunt i need you to farm because we're we're running out of food i think it collapsed okay uh nope there's still one left and then the rest of these of course will make for very very good crab food just uh what i'm obviously going to need to do is a significant amount of cleaning because that got all sorts of dirty and they destroyed my source of light not a big deal but we'll get that back well guys that is all the time i have i hope you enjoyed the tunnel bash it was definitely fun for me i'm actually quite surprised that bash stayed on his feet the whole time what a beast if you have any feedback from me let me know in the comments below thank you all so very much for watching i will catch you next episode for well everybody
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 7,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Community Challenge, Frost and Fire
Id: _JLvcLNQvEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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