LOST ARK - 5 reasons to play/main Sharpshooter on NA/EU

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hello and welcome to your brand new lost ark video i will be maining sharpshooter on naeu launch and in this video i will try to explain you why you should main it too if you are still undecided on a class you want to main or if you are in a dilemma between two classes and one of those classes is sharpshooter then hopefully this video helps you understand sharpshooter better and helps you make your decision if you have any questions regarding sharpshooter that can help clear things out for you i didn't mention in the video shoot them in the comments and i'll help as much as i can it's obvious that sharpshooter is not a very popular class but that in many ways makes it a good thing the obvious reason is that the class is male only and let's be honest a lot of people prefer female classes for obvious reasons one of the main misconceptions people have about its popularity comes from other regions sharpshooter was one of the worst classes when lost ark released in korea and russia that was the biggest reason why people didn't mean it by the time it received big buffs the game was in tier 3 and swapping mains in tier 3 is very expensive but on naeu we are getting this buffed version of sharpshooter which is really good and really strong let me go back to explaining why low popularity makes the class better when naeu gets to legion rates raid leaders will very rarely accept duplicate classes which means that the chance of another sharpshooter being in a raid already is much lower than any other class so you will have a very easy time finding groups as long as you meet the requirements and no boss mechanics another important thing is that low popularity classes are much cheaper class engravings books are cheaper accessories with your class engraving will be cheaper due to low demand there is no better feeling than getting mvp badge for most damage dealt at the end of the raid and trust me you will be getting a lot of them variety in pve builds that are tailored to each player's play style and preference is something that separates sharpshooter from some other classes sharpshooter is the only class that simultaneously uses both class engravings in pve ability to use both class engravings opens up possibilities to switch up between two different builds main build focuses on using every single damage skill in the span of 8 seconds while utilizing identity skill to give sharpshooter bonus damage against bosses playstyle is focused on alternating between long range while doing big burst damage to close range while farming identity gauge to gain bonus damage main build is also focused on crit as main stat and mastery as a secondary stat secondary build focuses on consistent sustained damage over longer periods of time while utilizing full identity meter and doing damage while staying in the long range using crit as a main stat and agility as a secondary stat allows you to have high attack speed and low cooldowns on your skills which allows you to dish out consistent damage without any downtime more detailed explanation of each build will be shown in a separate video in the future variety in pvp builds makes every play style viable when it comes to different pvp builds you can run the general meta build that is focused more on being greedy and playing solo you are more into a team-oriented playstyle you can run a build that combos with your teammates or help set up your teammates for a combo with the utility you have my personal favorite build is support sharpshooter where you focus on utility and peeling off for your team while using your few damaging abilities to secure low hp kills every build has its pros and cons and knowing which build works against each class and which build makes you weak to certain classes will separate good from a bad sharpshooter also a more detailed explanation of each pvp build will be shown in a separate video in the future when i first started playing sharpshooter in korea i immediately knew what the class is all about how to play it and how it works the first glance to a new player it looks like a generic bow and arrow class but the tripod system makes for some really unique build variations sharpshooter is a standard long range class where you utilize that long range while staying safe from boss attacks with few utility based close range skills and a gap closer what makes class easy to play is understanding what your job is which is dealing damage from long range skills have a very satisfying sounds and animations and every time you hit that big critical you will understand the beauty of the class unlike some other classes you will never feel like you are not doing enough damage and since sharpshooter is all about crits those big yellow numbers will always be there visible for you if you commit to a sharpshooter from day 1 and main it playing it will feel like a second nature and it won't take you long to master it at hardest rate difficulties in pvp it is one of the easiest classes to rank up until mid high diamond where you will have a lot of fun going in and out of stealth confusing enemies and hitting them from out of their point of view expect to have a very hard time the higher you climb the ranks in pvp as most players in high ranks know how to avoid your long range and deal with stealth sharpshooter is a very beginner friendly class that when you master it turns into absolute damage dealing mvp collector if those four reasons didn't sway you into mating sharpshooter then hopefully after this fifth reason you will consider at least having sharpshooter as an old class sharpshooter is a great old class and it is fairly cheap and easy to progress and maintain it requires only 296 skill points to unlock the full end game build while adding more skill points only makes it stronger and unlocks more variety in tripods being low popularity class makes class engravings cheaper than the most other classes and accessories that have these glass engravings will also be significantly cheaper both builds use two of the most expensive engravings but so does every other dps class while the big difference is made in running the secondary build that is focused on agility and cheaper than the main build while secondary build is weaker than the main build using it on an alt will save you gold while still being able to do your part in dealing damage as an old character meeting the minimum requirements for dungeons and raids won't make you any weaker so progressing sharpshooter as an alt is not needed as long as it meets those minimum requirements you won't feel like you are not doing damage and while boss attacks might hurt a little bit more your long range and mobility should help you in dodging most you never played sharpshooter and you plan to level it first please do not give up on it mid leveling level it up to 50 and experience end game with it leveling in general is boring and leveling as a sharpshooter will make it even more boring which should give you a false impression of the class at least try to level it up to 30 until you unlock training room and use it to test the class to the fullest capacity even at level 30 everything will be unlocked to you as if you were in tier 3. if those five reasons were not enough to at least make you consider on a sharpshooter then i wish you all the best in whichever class you choose all the classes are unique equally strong and there is honestly no bad class don't pick a class based on how much dps it can do and how strong and easy it is in pvp pick a class that you enjoy hopefully this video gave you some basic insight into what sharpshooter is and how it works from the perspective of someone that exclusively main sharpshooter in korea russia and japan and will continue to maintain naeu and didn't get bored or lost interest in it with the releases of new classes both pve and pvp guide build videos i mentioned earlier will be uploaded in the next few days and i will go into many details of showing everything about the class and the builds if you enjoy this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always unsubscribe and turn your notifications on so you don't miss out on the future content thank you for watching and as always i'll see you in the next one
Channel: FRESHY
Views: 55,419
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Keywords: lost ark sharpshooter pvp, lost ark sharpshooter gameplay, lost ark sharpshooter guide, lost ark sharpshooter pve, lost ark sharpshooter skills, lost ark sharpshooter chaos dungeon, lost ark sharpshooter build, lost ark sharpshooter leveling build, lost ark sharpshooter all skills, lost ark sharpshooter awakening, lost ark sharpshooter armor, lost ark sharpshooter avatar, lost ark sharpshooter any good, lost ark, lost ark guide, lost ark sharpshooter, lost ark tier list
Id: n95aIdg6IUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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