RimWorld / EP 8 - Jade and Rats / Survive the Pantheon

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this is a true question I got some streamkey authorization errors but I think I'm live now let's hope I am I don't know I do have to rebuild the world here okay it is life chad is telling me it's life sweet so well I'm live and have nothing to show you I will roll the rules here and then roll to the live scene where I'm generating the planet alright there we go that wasn't too long thanks twitch stream key for blowing up in my face I appreciate it uh so what was I saying I actually streamed for like two minutes not realizing realizing I was alive looked at chat and everyone was like umm he dead no I dead just you know first world problems at all uh so we're picking up where we left off last episode we did a great big temple overhaul trying to get it glorious as glorious as we can evil lakiya says I wasn't dead just talking to myself yeah I helped you have it right right so one thing I need to do is send sine curve elm and maybe elm the elephant and maybe some protectors to mark it because we are starting to get a ridiculous amount of random stuff again it's really too bad I can't smelt cuz that would really make a big difference who did not good um let's shrink the grow zone right in front of the doors cuz they are sort of blocking people from gaining access to their own bedrooms whoopsie we'll fix that alright so here is the last body Oh tipsy tipsy the drunk Fox playing with human corpses yes this is a family friendly stream right right just a little bit I did fix the slate chunks so long story short it's more or less a bug in the code of twitch toolkit where they are not included in the item list but they should be but it's just sort of missing and as a result there's some items I can't set prices for or even disabled unless I redo the entire price list it's it's very annoying but I have fixed it so we're good the rumble baby ETA I think is four days let's go to the animals tab and one day whoa that's sooner than I thought and then rat muncher is having one in five days as well so yes Rumble baby coming on out who's mining where's mining what's mining Oh some thrombosed to kill nothing like celebrating a baby by killing off more thrombo wow that's two of them - uh who is my best animal handler I'm a little well if the gods tell me to kill it I guess I have to kill it but I am a little tempted to try to tame but that almost always ends up in me getting mauled to death so that thrombo was sent by the end his best boss cool well that's uh useful I suppose let me see my there we go my overlay was not working correctly it is now actually we're starting to get because we have so many pounds we're starting at the overlay overlap over here I might have to move that box down or something I'll have to figure that out but not live ooh Alfa beaver pissed off at mork's and it's just that one so we'll tagged actually it's two two of them no just one of them we have a great many shooters working towards this I'll just keep stutter-step kiting I like nothing ever happened well why are we killing all these alpha cuz if I'm not mistaken it looks like we have sort of a surplus of meat but whatever wildlife let's stop the senseless murder another thing I wanted to do to sort of clean up the stockpile that I got going on is to start stockpiling the non-perishable stuff out here this will be blocks and whatnot so non-perishables how was the attendance of the stream last night it was pretty good pretty good James thanks for asking so there's non-perishables will be important we will put stone blocks and all the metals in there except for wood all right we are cleaning up some of these corpses there are a great many and who is a good warden here Carta or Kumasi could go do the trade as well I'm leaning towards Carta ah but he's a little bit of a mental break and the capacities are crafter uh Carta why are you mental breaking cuz you saw a whole lot of rotting corpses nice teen beer seems to oh I see alright we'll fix that tea beer changing that's changing to uh who just subbed uh thorn on thanks for the sub man I appreciate it let's fill that corpses corpses sorry them up get them all burned up or whatever and I got to start moving the slag as well every time they do a Malthus thanks for the sub bream the prime sub whatever backwards/forwards I don't know all right taking a look at my farm it looks like I'm heavily prioritizing cycloid why aren't we put your Inc because they have a lot of meat I just don't have oh I have a lot of vegetable architect leg there Wow okay I think we have so many fine meals simple meals high meat cycroid leaves I don't have veg I don't know how have high priority veg and Jains hey buddy glad that you could catch a stream I'm gonna shrink this zone here honestly these animals should be gone they're rotting anyway gross not supposed to have that high veg Oh name is in use so where is it fallow meat is it right here ah I see I see yeah alright I will have to haul that pemmican somewhere here's the thing slowly we're gonna put our blocks and whatnot out there and that will allow us to store really it's just a storage issue because we have enough to cook so fueled stove fine meals yes let's start making them fine meals that would be fantastic so the leg came from Knight divinity I'm sorta tempted to put it in Jerry because he will be unbelievably ridiculously fast that was sort of the ongoing idea so Jerry here is going to get it if you know the surgery goes well I think all of these hospital beds are roughly the same quality and Puppet mantra sent me some pigs who are here and named me Betsy Betsy the bacon yep there we go Betsy the bacon joining the group we do have these thrombus that we want to kill or need to kill I don't know it depends on how demanding the gods are one thing I need to do is jeez I really need to get a trade route going do we have wake up for Carter no oh yeah we do let's take some wake up and consume some pemmican and get carta to start running to the trade run I have just it's the base is just overrun with stuff and it would be best if I got rid of this stuff alright so mister Carta form Caravan the Carta and we're gonna take the elephant cuz why not massive holler and really what I'm gonna do is just grab pretty much every weapon that we have because we don't need it we can't smelt it it doesn't do us any good it just clutters up the spot we're leaving the gold knife because that's part of the temple oh my god there's so many we'll keep one good bow and then let's see crappy helmet crappy helmet broken helmets psychic foil I'll keep just in case yeah that about sums it up choose your route we'll go north and let's go ahead and bring some meals and okay 200 pemmican 100 pemmican I don't know how much I need go go go go alright that will be a lot of oh that's kabhi see not carta alright let me switch that they're fixed my bad QVC should stick around here she is our constructor after all glitch sending me some raw fungus not sure what to do with it remember to train the pig to halt sure I could do that and in fact this pig should be no pets get out of our rec room don't be tracking the net Phil alright I do believe Gerry's surgery surgery is all set we just made another grand sculpture at a slate hopefully preventing future slate bombing I do believe that we have prevented feature slate bombing anyway just from a programming standpoint but from a role-playing standpoint let's hope we've stopped it I don't know how much okay we are lacking a little bit of jade for that construction project but I'll find some and drunken lizard just sent me some beer all right aggro pregnant late stage coming out real soon come on guys move these so this stockpile zone should clear all I don't we shouldn't be storing anything in it and we kind of are and then cart is loading this stuff up we're actually getting some fine meals out which is nice I just need to make sure that everyone's staying productive so one thing I really want to do is start to and I don't know I am forcing remarks to do this but start to haul the blocks out of here and that will free up a lot of space in our stockpile the blocks don't really decay that we're big don't decay so we are up do out we're down we're going back up to impressiveness but I do believe that we're gonna be adults a little bit of a lack of um of GA oh here's some Jade from QVC and inspiration for cookies surgery is she a surgeon No so she's inspired to cut into someone with some basic familiarity about how to do it I love it alright could easy just dropped 100 Jade on us so that should be enough to finish this walling up the Jade temple project and we're oh my oh that's not good let me fix that we're almost uh up to the 110 that we started at which is funny because I've um I've added in a statue here and yet we haven't really moved the needle much feels bad man it is really hard to get up to that to 240 we're gonna need some glorious art I think I'm going to start breaking down the good stuff and replacing it with like master work and whatnot a true and honest pain for sure there's a few extra bodies so Carta was load we are moving the slag out I'm gonna need to do something with the slag I'm curious how much the AH I think the river is true neutral it's not hurting me in terms of impressiveness but it's not really helping either personally I think this building would look really cool in real life but maybe that's just me Klein asked me about a silver statue yeah it's entirely possible I think I'd really like to wait for some inspirations though but that is an obvious easy and immediate way to go about making it nicer alright boom oryx let's have you burn up some corpses forbid the door sorry that Fox is gonna have to wait I still need a few more great bows it seems dropping some wood on me I like it I do have a lot of what I do have like one spare great boat elm here needs I don't know how Elm wants to set up her character but I'll give a great Beaufort for now some gold coming down from light void and wood from power music so we'll just keep trying to improve this baby this bad boy it's getting there it's definitely improving we just uh you know we'll have golden more golden furnitures silver floors passing stuff like that we'll have to we'll just have to do better another thing I sort of regret not bringing is some of the miscellaneous and the wolf are not wolf but some of these leathers especially the the lower quality ones like lizard and fox fox fur is particularly bad particularly useless are the hops helping or hurting the beauty um hurting yes so my little brewery you are going to become dandelions cuz and even the flowers here these dandelions alright let's make them let's make everything lilies I have no idea what zone just got renamed but lilies are the most beautiful why not a rose I don't know actually rose bushes are pretty ugly so I'm gonna rename all these they're all gonna be lilies you think variety would look cool the Dutch in me I'm not Dutch but if I was the appreciation for the variety of tulips that they have seven and then this is eight Luciferian wow that's a lot of Luciferian coming from cookie bunny that's enough to fuel quite a lot of a lot of addictions I could make P hops field just outside there aren't there is not um oh here we go where's my yeah there you are thrombo calf let me make sure I just have the one yep just have the one so uh you are gonna be wolf bear wolf bear the humble calf I think it's honestly the first time I've ever had a thrombo calf in my Noah's Ark series I'm pretty sure I stuffed them into ship crassly before they ever had babies so cool that's a first it's cute little thrombo calf the melee dps is pathetically low I love it zing spur just bought a party for everyone to celebrate for the birth of my new pet and Andy is like pissed that I slaughtered a cat did I slaughter your cat Andy a cut yeah I know I did okay so you're vomiting on me as a result that that seems fair this wooden shelf is supposed to be Luciferian not just meds so I'm going to take away some of the regular meds out of there vomit rain I haven't yet picked a fight with that thrombo I probably should maybe the end of this party the calf is indeed probably covered in vomit at this point and yeah we have a lot more training to do I'm sending all of the pets into the barn and now be tomb went from one will at 211 to 203 the the penalties of vomit rain oh boy alright Carta you are about a half day away right actually almost a full day away I didn't realize there was stuff burning washing vomit off the thrombo would be pretty gross wouldn't it be a PC not be my favorite James is dropping some rain on me just to clean up this mess we've lost a go frenzy I would like to pick a fight with these uh with these Trumbo but I need the right person to do it Jerry you are the right person to do it cuz ain't nobody faster than you he moves in almost twice human speed which is just silliness and I love it alright immediately revenge's awesome monkey thanks for the prime sub so this thing went Manhunter and then just ran away from me I am mixed signals a little confused oh you know it's uh no no I hate when they do this oh this has happened me before so what's going on here is it is leaving I shot it right as it was walking and leaving do I have any stun Lance's or anything no I don't and skiff oh hey skip thanks for the sub there so it's leaving and there is nothing I can do to really stop it from leaving other than to down it yeah this did happen in Silver bang it it happens basically the game scripts the thrombo to leave the cell like they do when they visit and you can just shoot it all you want and it really doesn't care and it just leaves the map because thrombo are so hard to stop and I'm not psychotic enough to get into a melee fight with it because I want to keep my digits so I think this is all a lost cause cuz uh yeah I don't think Jerry's gonna be to take this down all right guys nevermind I'm sorry I wasted that remember event we threw a little bit of a party and I got sidetracked I'm going to keep the few things that I want to train up in the barn still including baby thrombo little baby thrombo chickens join alright thanks colonel or in this case Gigi our Fox is fully healed I just research go juice and this is the literally the last research I have left to do nice all right but more excited to burn the bodies last time but maybe he's getting used to it still from pink lengths the steel god this isn't a chicken it's a rooster just to point that out although there are a lot of chickens here that do you need a lot of butchering um what I'm gonna do is do another butcher that is forever at the bottom of the queue hopeful marks in Chet hasn't realized what I've been making his pond do so grants sculptures let's go make them out of marble again they're nicer when they're robber I'm not abusing you I'm just making you burn corpses like a lot elm bout XP boosts for animals for elm so what is your animals at now v chat event clear weather okay so card is about to get the trade done and we're looking at a 211 tomb here that that honestly could why does it C select a plant it should say day lilies they all should be day lilies I've kind of decided that they're the prettiest that's not me that's just Tainan saying it apparently he has a dislike of roses or something let's go ahead and prioritize grow for the people that have a passion in it so that we can get the farm turned over and maybe what I'll do is a cut plant of all the plants that aren't daily lease so that they actually change them over I know hops I do have to figure out where I'm gonna put my next hop farm I could put it over here I don't or wait until the double strand is harvestable I don't know Carta has reached all whatever that town is called I'm sorry I didn't really read it very closely and now I get to click a dozen times or dozens of times these are all the weapons that came with Raiders and they've been littering up our battlefield Prell looks pretty cool actually the amount of sort of weapons discarded all over the place makes us look scary they have gold to buy that's awesome cuz I want gold they also obtained by I'm gonna buy that as well because I have a lot of Steel and I think I'm a little low under trimming so I'll buy that as well that's cool and home bound we go so the Jade end table I'll just break down so that we get Jade and oh there goes a lot elephant meat and then sure I mean is just for whatever drug production I need to do um tasty I guess is your name thanks for the sub the tier 1 sub alright cookie is Oh silver coming down I have a couple of pets that are not bonded to their current master that's a good point well borrow needs this one and sine curve needs that one I'm just gonna go ahead and oops nope that's not what I meant to do I meant to none everyone else alright that will make Oboro and sine curve a little bit happier so if you check yep yep good good good thanks for that that tip there free dog is there a reason why a lot of these guys aren't wearing hats helmets etc um my guess is because I haven't cute anything up for them to wear so we live what should I make I'm gonna make tooks until I have one and cowboy hats I'll let them pick between tooks and cowboy hats and and then I should make some helmets as well so let's set this up correctly that's a good point we'll take these I need a temporary stockpile here I guess so we'll take it to the temp like a type temp stockpile so this is just gonna be a very low stockpile I don't even care what's in there so bills when we make a pant take it to temp and that way it immediately counts because if you just drop it on the floor when ends up happening is it won't count towards whatever you're trying to do so we will make sure we have normal to legendary 90-plus for each article clothing that way our guys oh this is 95 plus okay I guess we were doing 95 Plus that way we have plenty of spare clothing for everyone so people like Elm here who clearly does not have the right clothing on can get it all right elephant rhino leather for the Duster toque uh tooks I think I'm gonna make at a devil strand I'm gonna keep that hyper weave and the cowboy hats out of double strand too so that they're sort of sorta helmets double strand gives a little bit of protection so we're gonna make sure that they're normal to legendary and 95 plus and take to temp with Kumasi all right that will get us clothed nicely I think these shirts will allow any leather except for thrombo the pants any except for thrombo and I'm saving this Rambo for like inspirations maybe I don't know or when she's higher level something like that we're rats join all right so I get to release this boom rant here it's a training release they're just gonna call them grenade with Lee okay let's try it just W grenade with leg oh wait you have four legs grenade with legs there we go if you don't succeed try try try again alright so we got a little wolf bear here getting some obedient straining don't want him to go wild on us our farmers have been there we go finally oh and we have it a bit of an event that is almost overlapping so we lower that a little bit looks like you all want some additional people okay I do see the point I kind of wish that I didn't see this vote here I'm gonna believe everyone in Oh pets because I'm able to like sort of prepare for events which is you know not really the way that rim world should work but whatever just it is the way it is fixing up my home zones oh yeah we actually have some serious construction projects that weren't even included like bedrooms whoopsie no pets looks good still beggars can't be choosers with the toolkit what is in reference I'm not even sure yes the one in the lead wins oh this is for the general vote yeah well the surplus of kibble that I had seems to be gone that was not very long that that kibble I had some nice kibble stockpiled and now it's just Kapoor all right animals hope none of you are hungry because you're all being sent to the barn oh no no no no no I didn't mean for that to turn over to chocolate I guess when I clicked so you all want me to offer safety to Lord uh his name is Lord yeah Wow what a loser this dude refuses to do skilled labor and he has like a swarm of Vikings coming after him like it's a serious swarm so what a loser this dude uh uh you know what Lord I yeah you you can just stay right there buying a cart coming from jag I don't know maybe you guys want me to have slowpoke quick sleeper pessimist doesn't fire fight doesn't skilled labor a good doctor but he's also old so he's gonna be free real soon ya know he can um you can stay up there and and protect our our group from the north I have full faith in his ability to do nothing I would send a little boomer but I don't have the them train up yet I don't think animals oh yeah you know what I could um let me just create a little zone up here new zone animals grenade with legs I doubt the grenade with legs will get there in time but not for a lack of trying sign curve you can be dismissed by no cart come from jag give this to Gerry hop imma go juice see how fast you'll run I'm okay with it and gold coming from Hara - we'll see what a Jerry wants I do like to try to give people that have pawns in the game some control over their own now I'm sort of curious um how many one that can um no no right I'm cookie sorry I kind of forgot about that all right and kabhi see you're gonna be whoa here we go big ol raid call it a sneeze treatment yeah I wonder who that is now are they just gonna kidnap him and leave or yep no they're trying to kidnap everyone all right well here comes great with legs yes hahaha eat fire up they're leaving they're like no if they have boom rats at their disposal we can't fight them and this poor guy here is just on fire everyone walked away everything he was I could just picture him like rolling around on the ground like screaming and screaming and then everyone is like just ran away and then finally he puts himself out and he's like guys guys where'd you all go oh man that's all a lot of nope yeah I've never seen such metric tons of nope they're like we're gonna kidnap everybody and then they're like nope nope nope but these guys are willing to set themselves on fire to blow us up it's time for us to leave it was great it's sort of like be you can't kill me if I kill me sort of logic I clearly need another fun I'm not truly really feeding myself sufficiently what I need to do is just bite the bullet and plant just a big old nonsense farm out here so yeah I haven't really been adding anyone to the queue so I'm just gonna plant a big big farm here um mmm I'm not sure what materials to make it at up though well we have a lot of blocks so I have slate blocks that have been instructed to use let's go ahead and do that and this farm here will be rice for now just to catch up on our food and then we will put a door there potatoes like the Irish sure I could do potatoes simple meals coming down from awesome monkey I think new to the series so I guess you learned pretty quickly about how to use twitch toolkit I tried to give as much instruction as I could on the website but I'm not always the best instructor I try and Jade coming down flying like the Jade the the boomerang killed so much he gifted Jade fill a bedroom with slate tile floors and two more ponds neat great boughs yeah so if I've got our numbers we've got diamonds actually four pawns Kadath crab and Oboro all need great boughs III did set up numbers so that I can more easily manage the WoW Kadath your hair and sign cookies hair look the same color you guys should have purple people eater hair babies or something Oh animals yes yes yes I always forget this part you're free go eat cuz I have no food for you and then you know what I need to do I need to set up a another farm for hay hay grass because we have a lot of pets and I'm doing a really poor job of feeding them in fact let's dig these out because they're kind of in the way du quois carry over to other live streams they carry over to other survived the Pantheon live streams but not to other series it is series specific oh so enjoy is sporting one of the new tubes that's pretty cool so fill a bedroom power music says with the sleep locks all right okay I could do that uh let's see who is been here gonna get slated Kimball coming down from a PC that's a lot of cable to get us some pet feeding the issue with it the pets of course is that just have so many of them and thorn on also given some kibble I'm trying to feed them believe you me I am trying to feed them it's just a lot of energy and effort goes into these pets that I've been gifted that's why I've in recent episodes I've been butchering some of them just because otherwise they just become beholden to pets and I'll never get the temple done I don't know why the gods would want me to just look after pets to the point where I can't do anything else but uh you know so cart is back and that means Elms Beck you should have brought back some rare materials I think elephant still has yet elephant still has the all the goods oh and we never sold the cell at helmets I guess they didn't want them steel come from probably pink link and yes makeup backup traps that's a good point steel traps and this way if we have a really really really bad raid we can just slap new traps into the maze and it won't will minimize the hurt Eva Eva look here send in some hey so do believe yeah we do have a meat kibble here I'm gonna do this forever as long as we have hey so yeah I already have that set up I've got some great bows coming out and [Music] mash we'll finish with that sooner or later this changing the plants over seems to be a lot more work than I realized make a statue a name of our brave boom rat okay with 20 GM up sir what kind of statue you're gonna get though a very very small one a snack statue for ants Oh cookies putting the potatoes down our dear potato farmer it's funny that they started the potato farm but I can't for the life of me get them to do the the lilies Malthus sending some steel does it have all of these as lilies I went through them one by one to make sure every single one was lilies in fact little is three and four could be merged but I guess I don't care that much DD's birthday's tomorrow cool I've got a little bit of a personal event going on tomorrow as well it's a Power Team in it is my wedding anniversary tomorrow [Music] this beautiful beautiful farm going on stream on pause now also be streaming I'll just have to do something nice later in the day we're pretty pragmatic people as far as as far as pragmatism comes oh we have another party did someone buy that party no this is just a party where's the heart end up I think it's just sitting here yes so Jerry you need to put this heart in your chest I don't think Jerry would decline a heart so after this party I'm gonna make sure that the best doc does it not everybody is a good cardiologist you know she said go for it all right who is the best duck tour I think it is Kumasi even though she's not the highest cousin joy actually no enjoy God um the super arms did me where's enjoy he's in front yeah he got the super super arms so we're good I'm gonna forbid the heart for a second so that he can do the surgery because someone else had already queued up to do it who's doing it Epiphany all right let's stop that and there we go no epiphany put the heart down quit playing with the demands heart there we go all right enjoy has the - beastly architect arms so he should be just fine more Jay coming down small statue for a small hero I love it mr. pencil thanks for contributing that so let's go do this small statue for me that of jade and actually we could do two of them hypothetically maybe I should save my Jade for the walls though I'll just make the one alright Jerry has a bionic heart so now all Jerry needs is go juice and Jerry will be like roid maniac Oh rage just got bit by whatever it was honey oh no you lost a paw from a cafe attack that is why I really need a Hayfield don't I in fact who's assigned it cooking Oh enjoys making our art that's why I can't do it book heads sleeping yeah we need to really make some more kibble because if people like people if the animals like rage is getting hurt I need to fix that so the stockpile here will be traps and building's security spike traps meat is low time to hunt some beavers oh yeah that's what's going on all right wildlife alpha B Bruce time to hump some justin bieber's by beavers I mean carvers join stakes for the snake god that's a lot of cobras Panther hunting Ziggy for food now no you're not yeah wow that was you hit him in the skull with a bow that is a gnarly shot why don't they ever hunt something their own so well I guess Huskies are sort of their own size oh and now you're hunting someone else Gumby who's gone I forget who Gumby is this Panther quit running away from me wildlife are animals what am i doing um cobras you're gonna go to the unspeakable zone not that I don't appreciate carvers I just don't really have a way to deal with them oh shoot been guys that you definitely just shot the hell out of them and now he's down don't eat me hey all right watch the friendly fire I know it's raining and dark or whatever but you could probably stand to not murder your friends I'm just saying murdering friends equals bad staff Jack sorry about Japan your cobras that is one dead dead yeah three shots three friendly fires it was a little ridiculous he got I saw his health go from like folded melted Andy sending me some kibble maybe because I had to butcher his cat for food he realizes it was nothing personal someone needs to heal you Geoffrey enjoy you're gonna have to wake up here tend to been the meds I have assigned are all herbal now Chett events try thunderstorm I don't know how much better that is maybe they wanted to save the panther you say yeah maybe Oh sanguine Wow sanguine and rage are both losing eyes and stuff from animal attacks that's pretty brutal yeah friendly-fire is certainly not friendly but I guess we're tiling out Ben's bedroom as a premonition apology wrap mantra just gave birth to no no now I'll let you live because I don't know how much longer the other Panthers are going to survive they've had a bad time lately looks like I ran out of slate that's hard to believe I guess we were tiling up with it so let me take a look down here I'm going to cancel this wall cancel these walls and break it down a little bit so it's not so ugly or you know what let me just um no forget that forget them it I'm just gonna break down other buildings for the sleep that's just as easy there's some slate there's some sleep free dog send in some silver ooh a new event so the glow paws are starting to extinguish so I'm gonna have to replace with torches and thrombosed June like join join oh my god that is an expensive Frazee B that isn't it all right Wow how expensive was that I just spelled your name fr a SS a f4 ASSA oh and I smell right just added the W in the end uh let's put you on no pets I should go raid some faces with these thrombo that'd be fun I think our rum farms are slightly endangered the PDF says yeah I mean I suppose I could go check right 10k PDF is wrong some some of the PDFs need to be updated is my guess looks like we're getting an invasion alright see the PDF this time Kay yeah if the PDFs is 15k I think you just need to refresh it because I changed prices try to get rid of all the chunks animals keep you safe Rambo you're definitely gonna get trained up Ben's kept a little walking no but you probably shouldn't walk you got murdered from friendly fire just taking that off all right it's a great relationship it is the aunt of serenity there's not too many of them yeah those I mean there's 13 it's not nothing hmm all right making sure that nobody serenity is not a good time to go hunt I mean hug auntie whatever her name is she will try to murder you not near Lemon King I think your uh I think he's okay I don't think any pets are at risk I just sent all the pets to the farm and not the farm upstate you know the actual farm where we are barn where we keep things protected the traps are probably gonna do the vast majority of the work here but I'm gonna be I'd rather be over for bed I've definitely under prepared some for some battles in the past uh Ben's gonna have to sit this one out wait what's going on no Frenchie was set incorrectly oops is my bed not all pets were sent to be safe well that is one butchered Fox but hey can be put back together again I do have a grape Oh ready yes I see that fat cadets will grab it Ben your blade is over here and then you should go rest again Kabhi see let's man the walls let's out see how dumb these Raiders are oops I curve that's an unhealthy thing to do my little friend Jerry you're super fast where where is Jerry he's the only one not conscripted or in hell trouble is sometimes the pacifists go the wrong way alright everybody else we're gonna go help out sign coming south run sign run Oh sighs pretty fit are you jogger yeah signs a jogger so she's not gonna be caught by these idiots uh-oh I don't even need to see what's going on I heard like 50 shots release and treat these guys like auric I you know let me just take a step behind oh you got inside how oh I don't have a door there yet lame all right we'll leave Ben alone he's resting I'd be mad if you hurt him in fact I'll hurt you first all right cookie cookie see you let's go get Ava Jerry let's get over there - aah they're already fleeing but these guys are likely to steal some stuff so I'm gonna go camp the door no they're not stealing interesting usually when they flee they like steal stuff on their way out no no no no goodbye I was a really bad defense cookie just made them die real good animals let's unrestrictive someone can help Frenchie out Geoffrey's closest and let's allow all items I'll let the rest go he killed a bunch of them I only rotten corpses get sent here this is a higher priority so I don't I won't burn non rotten corpses power music as you'll see here Snoop Dogg brings the corpses correctly let's see here you know meds and who's a duck sign curve you are not far so let's go 10 Oh [Music] another raid wait oh this is the same rate sorry diamond is in a daze because he was an owl in daytime and that all in daytime and then sine curve very happy not to get hurt the god of sine curve sending tea as a reward yeah I got your back and not only that but you leveled up a medical putting poor Frenchie back together small sculpture is done for the boom rant put it in the Jade temple Jade sculpture Jade temple makes sense and these other two sculptures all put in the other temple Frenchie somehow can already move that's pretty crazy fast learner purchased forked ass so what are you oh and we're done with research let's just break that down I don't even need it anymore your omec trainer level up halting skill Derek thought said that's funny Mele it is a melee trainer so who is the we have Jeffrey at 13-13 kabisa at ten Kabhi see we'll use this one and cookie I think you're even higher than that right 12 yeah nice so she's 13 cent now we have four male heirs 13 13 13 12 pretty pretty good money man thanks for the crime sub Banach stomach I don't even know what to do with this anymore um probably Kumasi should get this one she needs to work more and stomachs actually make you sleep less so weird I know but it serves a very specific purpose and gold coming down must have gold sculptures yeah I really want gold sculptures as well that's 50 gold from fang-face we nice ending the bionic stomach and the neuro mech from Derry which I read all right app if aney wants to do that but nope sorry TIFF you have a medical of nine and joy has a medical of 15 and robot arms it's pretty clear who does the surgery here no offense how many limbs are needed all right so a full health assessment let's see we've got Amy thanks for the prime sub we've got a VC that needs a foot in an arm or hand like a power club would work for QVC and then a leg epiphany has a prosthetic leg Ben has a prosthetic leg and a missing thumb Jeffrey's good card is good Jerry is amazing sine curves good cookies good command C is now has a bionic stomach crab has a prosthetic leg somehow I managed to click borrow and diamond L borrows missin finger diamond has a scratch scar on a leg we've got a scar in a hand and torso not that you can do anything about torso I've been in Luciferian left toe and a leg yeah we we have a lot of legs Oh even a peg leg on Elm hikes I think we can do better than that don't we have a prosthetic leg somewhere no maybe you don't know me on there prosthetic arms I could regrow it with heel MEK serum just have her have a new leg entirely I can't put silver tiles us floors I don't think silver tiles have cleanliness values oh no come on what's the point - and the metal tiles have a cleanliness of point - yeah so I could do if I was to make a hospital this has a this can't get dirty so here's the issue because this is all-natural tiles they don't generate filth except for Ben's room Ben's room and then the bridges and walkways so the advantage of not tiling up hospital this hospital really can never be dirty it just can't I don't think metal tiles will ever make it sterile but I could be wrong what would be a good experiment I need a really little rum to metal tile up I don't have a little room for oh you're getting a metal tiled room Elm says don't waste the serum on me all right I won't I did however rate waste serum on like a boom rat so I wouldn't call it a waste just a use we have a bionic leg coming for replacing the peg leg cannonball sent and a raid from commander how big is this raid where is this raid I'm looking to thieriot oh okay all right Jerry let's go kill some Raiders Oh in fact uh Jerry you've got a heart do I have go juice anywhere I don't think I have go juice I'm gonna need to make some Go juice aren't a dick but Jerry instead of go juice you're gonna get hopped up on wake up and then go fight oh and then more legs from dub for De Stijl from pink link saying even more backup traps beer from Tsar sarin lands and gold from Malthus let's see how fast you he's 9.0 haha and pink link here is uh not even four so Jerry could literally doubly outright he could one-legged outrun this dude is it fair no but it doesn't need to be hammy sending some kibble look at how fast he is leave it Dec Jack thanks for the subprime or not even sub not even prime just the subscription sorry I killed your Cobras alright Raiders dead he is fast now if he got a I don't know I'm trying to think of other things if he had got a go frenzy that would be absurd go frenzy and go juice he is definitely faster than most Olympic sprinters alright so yeah here's the issue is because it is steel tile you think it'd be sterile right but it gets dirty and as a result actually tends to be less clean than just normal so yeah the cleanliness here of metal tiles only brings it up to clean which is the same as same sort of clean as the hospital so yeah I would unless you have sterile tiles which I do not have metal tiles aren't worth it fast learners perch purchased for Elm I did kill you pink link who's fighting what is where I don't none of my people are getting hurt Oh rat munchers munching cassowary well you ate the whole cassowary what is wrong with you that's like a 140 pound bird Jesus that's disgusting all right we do have some Bionic legs that we could do surgeries on so we got a right leg for Elm and what I should do is I should just classify pawns by movespeed and just figure out who these slowest is to know who I do this so let's do numbers and then miscellaneous nope what would this be stats move speed bends the slowest right now but I think that's cuz he's hurt so that doesn't really count and then next up would be crab who's got a prosthetic arm so why are you smooth to be slow I think it was in the dark this is modified move speed not face move speed yeah Komachi is slow cuz she's in the dark yeah alright enjoy what about you I'm just gonna go to the people that have Bionic parts cuz that mu speed thing ain't helping me at all or not bionic but uh prosthetic parts alright so Ben here is gonna get the other one he's already in bed so it's not like there's gonna be any downtime so that's a right leg and enjoy is doing these surgeries chat event clearweather thank you for that it's been annoying and that was sent by doc check the new sub trait purchased removal of underground ER from elm and animal beds from low fat noodle nice more comfortable pets I like it now there's another bionic leg somewhere around here that I just haven't hauled in I need to go do that soon so elm you now aren't captain pegleg I'm gonna go to history here so wear my bonnet legs there was one here it got moved it might just be being hauled or something in the process of being hauled and the other one is here yeah there but they both have been moved so I don't know where they are now but it will turn out there it is all right Benny boy problem is other ponds try to use them immediately I could definitely increase the light level nemanja that would not be a bad idea the barn had high all right someone is already doing that surgery and it's like dead set and doing it neutral neutral bad oh you know what he's not set to meds yeah that's what it is I'm the dummy all right surgery sysex and he's much faster mega scarabs join I've already done that I think this is just laggy power music sending I don't even see the mega scared did I even oh yeah I got it somewhere neutral in bad are fighting I think dad's gonna win but it's too soon to say oh yeah bad is way winning a helmet care package from riddle girl that old Viking style helmet uh Jerry you run like you're some sort of Raider how about you wear it why not it's way better than that cloth crap you had on way way better clear force all right this door will help prevent the Raiders and once we remove some of the flooring around here Oh silver to black thanks for the resub two months longest I've been sub to anyone I appreciate it oh so the bad thing was half of everyone gets the plague hmm all right my bed rest is at 1:00 so who got plague enjoy got plague that sucks so we got to take him off a surgeon did sign curve yep well there goes another doctor who else got the plague did Kumasi no she did not so she stays doctor Epiphany did you yes oh boy we're down to Kadath and commercia as doctors okay well that sucks but you know these things happen um fast learner and night owl okay cool so cookie you are no longer Netto which means I don't think I have any more net else whoa back-to-back events animal that's coming from a via evil okiya I wish that I really need to make a website to be able to sort through the items to make it easier to find what you're looking for but control-f is definitely way to do it eva so cookie bunny he's changed a bit so who was our night owls are night owls were I guess that's uh Dimond are you night owl all right diamonds stolen I tell but epiphany is not nope so it's just cookie that's not so fix that cookie were you in a relationship with someone with epiphany but epiphany is still not oh okay well you're gonna keep your night owl status so that you actually get to sleep with them and xytec thanks for the prime sub and whit see the resub and one of the bits leaders ya keep you as a knight all I just kind of figured that out so mind tends to be like inspirations that alike maybe maybe just inspirations I'm not sure if it ever gets negative well the good news is I'm about to have more potatoes than Ireland in 1914 45 once these come to yield you're all gonna buy blight aren't you I'm feeling like you're gonna buy blight well I have a lot of blocks a lot of chunks I don't think I have any art projects going on but enjoys hospitalized anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter inspiration enjoy just got inspired surgery boo we wanted you to have inspired art can I name the mega scarab um I don't think you can name corpses cuz I definitely don't have a mega scare anymore I kind of did that incognito style but I guess you didn't I did it so well you didn't notice 2:12 ah we're slowly pushing up there slowly slowly pushing up there we're gonna need to God we have no food wildlife how about a bunch of dead everything wow that's a lot of monkeys where did this become the zoo banach stomachs jerry can now sleep less alright he's gonna be quite the creature I think he's somewhat losing his humanity in all this I guess James would know something about that the issue of course is my real good doc all right let's let's pause on that because my really good failsafe doc is currently oh yes the elephant alright that my animals are should not be allowed in here that's a very good point riddle my best doctor that almost never fails is out of commission so you gotta fix that trait purchased body purest Oh God yeah James here in the chat is quite the robotic man from the tomb world series at this rate I don't think there's flesh left to become irradiated [Music] leveling up in animals so let's check our animals who's on break risk the more exceed for an impressive bedrooms full marks have you not removed the greedy now you can stay greedy that's fun I can make your bed a little bit nicer even Ben's bed that is uh piled up and everything is only he's decent we got a psychic suit coming for females from Kate see warg meet just reminder to everyone to coordinate the Manhunter pact because well they apples won't kill each other thanks I guess why did I read that I feel like I feel like I just forced to read my own eulogy or something and then a group of links just sort of wandered in from rich tur where are the links I don't even know where these links went anyway I'm gonna call you god of clubs go juice for Jerry nice everybody wants to see Jerry hopped up on all drugs he's like the Keith Richards of pantheon and hares join I don't think these bunnies are not gonna be safe I mean I kept bacon now Jerry's leveling up and shoot whoa look at you go Jerry alright first mad animal capybara I didn't realize I had alpaca I don't think this capybara stands a chance against Jerry I don't even see where is it I hear it maybe I'll just conscription where is this thing hang on jump to look oh it went north yo man hunter oh yes there you are this should not be out here I'm running out of space for stuff that's what's going on I need to do another it's trade run all right cap II couldn't chase me could you now well Jerry's having a little bit a hard time shooting you pretty much everyone else is plagued Britain watch enjoys success chance given that he has the plague I could check that that was oh yeah yeah he's 84% kind of bad to be honest got some mad animals coming um money man send in some gifts around thanks money man he posted in chat a little while back who wanted a sub gift and I guess he was sincere about it here's another mad animal one by one bye-bye kidney by my stomach Ron Jerry run headbutt him with your helmet copy bars are small targets yeah you're right you're right they're small alpacas aren't I think Jerry kind of has a garbage bow or something yeah it's normal quality academic and effin Utley afford given that he does most of hunting let's give him this excellent bow a lot more accurate combat supplier coming in no Lee need to leave the base Oh a PC that's really friendly I could just sell them the junk coz I've got an ever-growing amount of junk here we still have boom orcs needing a great bow who else needs a great bow crab needs one as well that's a short though I think about a great bows I think my doctor is getting a little overwhelmed Ben do you have the plague Jesus what what an episode that this has been - Ben likes he got friendly fired like crazy and now he is the plague and epiphany you do - and all of my medical practitioners got play golf the same time Seraphin sending me some kibble trying to keep the people fed who do I have to do the trade sign curve you're already over your plague awesome well some people are recovering pretty quick but you're already sort of sick so commercia it's time for you to do the trade where ease the question mark here there you are one of the beautiful things about numbers is you can see where is it Oh Oboro is going to need to get into a proper hospital bed he is falling dramatically behind on his plague immunity you can see the immunity versus game so serenity is way out ahead Carta and enjoy are not so good and Oboro was falling behind so what I'm gonna do is assignments of real meds for everybody just so that we don't have anyone die from plague that would be a embarrassing given that we've got plenty of resources to keep them alive there goes all the extra gear I had oh actually no that's not true get rid of this stuff too mace longsword bows yeah I know under their name it says the quality of the weapon but in numbers it will show me actually what weapon so a burro needs one and crab needs one that's who needs the bows but Kumasi T I think is laid up right now oh no capacities not laid up he's just busy tending to animals and whatnot karna needs one too oh yeah so so he does three more bows jerry has a inspiration he's not a constructor he's a bit of an artist I guess sort of I could try his hand at art I guess so let's try this Jerry you're gonna make a grand statue will it turn out good I have no idea Jeffrey has a inspiration of art and construction he's a pretty decent constructor so what we could do here is we've got good good good beds let's go for a legendary one a legendary Royal I don't think he's gonna be capable of it but that's not for a lack of trying so I'll just build it out here and that was Jeffrey I need to move that stomach maybe what I need is to just get rid of some of this clothing or something I don't know I need a big a big bigger storage really who stepped on the bed as I was trying to construct it and cancel the construction no no don't make me Ireland in 1918 45 Ireland here we come the Great Potato Famine I'm gonna harvest all my crops before you can kill them all actually I don't really have anything the harvest don't thanos my crops don't do it is the surest fire way to make sure your crops go kaput I had a volcanic ash here I had no idea oh Jesus really hot out now boo bring back the volcanic ash again deck jack says keep my dog safe with the antibiotics that's a good point temple needs a gold floor money man says leave it to a money man to drop money on me I love it and bit why did I say anything would have been the amad animal otherwise I don't know it's starting to look like the Med animal they're changing their mind all right for Oh has a medical emergency um well poopers I don't know if he's gonna make it I will keep trying to tend to him but once he gets up to like 99 percent I might need to just administer the heal max serum let's see this hospital vet has immunity gain of 111 this one has one of all right they're all 111 so I could add crappy clothes the burn body zone yeah yeah let's see the DB pyre we will allow exilim awfully good and below 50 49 percent or whatever oh but the problem with this is um this is gonna mess up the bodies as well yeah so I need to just have a new zone for it I will need to shrink the zone a little and put a new one burn clothing I see that I have a matte alpaca so if it's excellent or worse or if it's and 49% or lower money man thanks for the DD master sub you are a gift sir all right let's put apparel and weapons I guess and put it critical and that way we can burn stuff we don't move all right here we go drumroll it is master work oh yeah that's pretty good I'm not gonna complain about a master work that can replace the sandstone one sandstone sucks I'm actually gonna break it down because sandstone makes it really poor so this is gonna be Geoffrey's bed he just made a bed for himself sandstone is a really bad building material for beds cuz it's not restful as you can imagine sleeping on stone unless you're a vampire or something is probably not comfortable although vampires kind of sleep upside down don't they I don't know what I'm talking about I don't know it depends what kind of vampire Bram Stoker vampire versus like underworld who knows all right so Jerry already has an inspiration so pissing him off here by seeing corpses is not gonna ruin his chance for another one so I'm just gonna make him work and he is dreadfully hungry so I'm gonna have him eat and take wake up the vampires only Sparkle turtle sandwich says um yeah if your name is I forget what his name is which is a good thing wooden beds and steel beds are same restfulness quality and plasteel i believe and then the stone beds suck it's becoming rain from Voisin and that metal packet like totally just jumped the caravan here and i didn't even really have to fight him not my problem Snoop Dogg Oh a burrow did die yeah he plagued out he just plagued out horror Oboro I need to have a larger dedicated hospital he's I would say the the lesson for the moment a bore of the poor defector how close was he 97 to 100 that's a shame F indeed I'm going to try to rearrange this workshop so it's a little bit more efficient razmik serum so Snoop Dogg here went crazy because Oberoi died but see horror just sent razmik serum so can Massey let's go use it immediately the longer Oberoi waits the more likely he is to get zombified so sine curve resurrect that was weirded resurrect lavoro why is he rescue oh wait not only oh I see what happened so turtle sandwich actually just res don't borrow and I got res make serum that's why it wasn't working so I have backup serum nice well let's get that tucked away and now I need a patch up Snoop Dogg pronto I think what I'll do is I how fast is he bleeding he's not in significantly bleeding so I'm gonna create a temp down here and keep him here could you not side - oh yeah yeah you were on plague let me put my doctors back Red's getting patched up - from Kumasi barely in time but good point there Bri dog watch this be this should be do I have everyone else on restrictions I guess I don't so many potatoes oh is getting dark in here huh mmm don't want that so I'm trying to compress this workshop so that we can do more stuff in a smaller space oops that's not what I meant to do what we're gonna have to kind of share benches but it's it's been maxing to the max so let's just put a light here Jerry quit wandering away I want you to finish your inspiration art and then we could put a I need to move the prison is I think what I really need to do let's break down these average beds break down all this stuff Oh another one and you subbed it to a patron of mine I love it Nero mecha trainer coming down from sine curve how useful is this cooking who is who are a cook's a burro needs um jobs back and for cooks I guess Jerry we have pretty good cooks bulkhead you are enjoying cooking I'm gonna make you use this new Mac trainer so thanks Sankar for that and yet another money man dropping another gift to poison stinger look at this generosity you guys are awesome grande sculpture is legendary what legendary we did it we stirred cancer no we didn't we made some nice art and we're 214 it's like never moves the needle never moves I'm gonna need to add so much more stuff to that we're working on it it's getting better one thing I could do is a bunch of comfortable furniture over there Jerry managed legendary with an art of eight I the RNG there is ridiculous unbelievable silver coming down from Klein care package from the mods I love it what happens when a teenager becomes an adult do they get a random backstory I don't think so I don't think they ever get assigned backstory uh I don't know if I have proof of this with this current group but I'm pretty sure that's the case because they never have end up getting an adult backstory with talents and stuff no here perfect elm doesn't have an adulthood kill thanks for the kill Cavey thanks for the resep prey is the legendary statue with clear weather from deck and an inspiration for recruiting for Kumasi not an adult till 21 yeah maybe I'm wrong but I'm I was pretty certain that that's the case that is much more compact isn't it much much more compact in fact that allows us to start storing stuff up there everyone I'm gonna start doing that it's gonna look awful we're gonna love it here's another great phone so super carta hey coming down from Elm and a trait purchased very neurotic for Elm of removal no of granting so now you're very neurotic silver coming from Kline I do have enough to silver floor the temple silver tile actually wasn't this already silver yeah the temple floors are already silver so it's just the outside that's getting silvered remove all that marble I can't do anything about the bridge but that's just the bridge alright so cookie is now a Lucifer I'm addict that has a excellent Claymore that runs really fast that's not scary like at all second fall helmet should probably not be included in here because they might become useful pink a link I need a larger store room yeah you're right this was supposed to be a clean room I could have just a general store room I'm just trying to think honestly the best place for it would be around here but what sucks is I just have all this garbage from the stone trolls is what I'm gonna call you guys that sent me all these all these chunks but I do have a lot of hauling animals so let's go make some weird walls for no reason just stuff I don't know I I don't have an imagination for that so what I'll do here is I'm just gonna have like a totally pointless kind of like the Med waa line of chunks and slag and then we're clear the area for storage plate armor coming down give it to a squishy meal air it's it's wooden plate armor man sorry sucks number I will make some plate armor though oh boy that was like epic in that in UTS we do have plenty of plasteel to make 4 plate armors with Kumasi so we'll get that coming out get some really nice Armour for our brawlers yeah wooden plate armor I wouldn't call that that really ooh why are we this is not storage guys I wouldn't really call that plate at that point it's like just troll armor did we name you Panthers yeah there you go now you have a name I've named you about as creatively as Marvel would Dairy thawed wrapping some Luciferian and more animal beds for power music I need a name the Panther kitten he's the stone troll not the slate god I mean I think he said it the other way around but I chose to read it wrong maybe is there power armor in this mod no we are very much stuck in the medieval armor tear there is plasteel played armor which Kumasi will start making in fact I'm gonna force it who's vomiting everywhere Oh probably a bar oh right because we killed them where is Oboro oh so here's one of the wonderful things about having natural tiles he vomited and it the vomit doesn't exist I love it yeah here we go plows steel plate armor coming up try to get double-strand planted yeah it is I have a farm field of it not a whole lot of it but we have some what blocks do I have a lot of I have a lot of granite I was going to make a hay farm and we'll get that going grow some what the hay up there my poor pets have to keep hunting for themselves and it's really costing them like eyeballs and stuff [Music] good bad or neutral Lisa's balance this time sometimes it feels like bad bad bad and you all get to vote so democratically with kind of reminds me of The Simpsons when the two like squid aliens are running for presidency and they joke that it doesn't matter who you vote for you're gonna lose anyway all right the headgear should not include the psychic foil on anyone that is like a special use helmet so Jeffery needs to take that off more Luciferian from cookie bunny Thank You cookie bunny making sure that you get your fix the temples 215 is push it up I I'm getting close guys I can taste it what I do need to do is keep that's the sculptor I need to keep rolling out the the grand art here will have some sort of art opening and then Jerry's supposed to get and borrow are you over your plague not quite so one Sbarro's I mean once enjoy rather is over the plague we'll get that surgery going Kumasi is becoming a better crafter is their beauty cap 240 is the highest it helps you any higher than 240 is not worth anything so I guess sorta yes there's a cap all right so 2:15 oh man we are pretty hard cap to 2:15 will struggle we'll get back up thank bass sending some kibble for the hungry pups this temp stock power really should not include kibble and got word got worms great yep well Jerry is immune to cut worms he's also wearing the wooden armor which is probably a really bad idea given that it has a huge move speed penalty so I'm gonna have him take it off purposely Oh a rage from touchstone gold a drop pod raid and it's landing on all my animals not too many of them though and a heat wave from chronic I don't know why it allows black text there it was really hard to see your name alright well I'm just gonna use some of this cover I already have no my bonded animals are dead you bastard oh great my bots here to kill me rad twitch bot is trying to murder me right now it's actually a little funny it counts as him as a viewer I would just other than my poor okay the bots down so you guys you just had me literally murder my own but what did I say Klein did I say damn or something man yeah my bot was down because he was rating so sign curbs mood is going to be pretty negatively affected hype died I could resurrect the animal yes or I could bury it I do have an extra stomach to install but it was supposed to go into Jerry so that Jerry would sleep less so what do you think res or not to res I don't know we do have a lot of colonists that still need treatment the bot hates me I tried to bring the brought back up it should be back up have fun crab says oh alright oh these guys are pretty geared there's some there's some plate Armour in this mix alright so animals oh god is this a oh no no it's the proper zone I thought for a second it was stock palace just as we were cutting trees barn safety and where's a burrow the ball row well two of them are just fighting each other go frenzy epiphany just got alright i Loki feel the need to beat someone up so we will not use the traps this time so Bend for backup we'll just stack these guys in here oh don't don't hit my door oh don't hit the door go away oh I think happy just saw what's around the corner here and was like nope it took cover now don't shoot Elm she's got worms if these guys alright you know what you want to do that fine you want to stand back I need to obviously put sandbags at that corner because they're being all what's like sorry Humpty mu is not personal all right are you coming yet look at them coming around the side but their big armors or whatever what kind of winter Thanks I'll help cool things down cavi see you really need some armor you are still fine but let's get you backing up and other fling actually cooki you're you're not even hurt cookie cookies a little bit of a bloodlust I think I think is the right term all right you know what you are your armors mine man and capable of doing dumb labor yeah okay well I don't care the fact cookie you want to UM bye bye there's a plasteel black bastard here though that sounds pretty good alright you guys need to go rest BOTS dead again right on I'll fix it who are we fleeing from where's enjoy enjoy let's let's not assign meds anymore I'm gonna use up all my meds if I do that so just ten the old-fashioned way I have actually all of my male layers have plenty of weapons I don't need any more plastic weapons they all have well he is a sober Gladius but that was a donation from you guys everyone else is like pretty good plasteel I guess Jeffery could use his bastard sword if it's better 12 9 6 versus yep it's a little bit better yeah some of the events need to be updated only because I don't use twitch toolkit the way you guys use it so I don't know necessarily the syntax for some of the events to be but because I never am on the buying end of anything just to throw that out there most of what we need to do is just a simple gut worm patching which is like rubbing a belly or whatever oh wow look at this all right so what's going on let me catch up herbal meds from silver to black gold for the temple floor and medicine from hami and the - and that was from money man all right so you're saying gold tile is you've given enough for like one not even a full tile though that's that's the problem is I would say if you drop gold on me five more times that's good for one time a dude Nord named tornado just fell on us who's a prisoner I just destroyed my prison though that's no good and then I'm also supposed to use this Resnik aren't they so let's go rez the Fox tornado hello you nimble beautiful person you where do I put this dude I'll put them in the temple kind of a long haul but you know whatever prisoner try to recruit who's my warden Carta voom Orcs you both will be wardens sorry remarks you got work to do let's drop in meteorite teeny team a little meteorite darn and my marks just removed greedy for himself and tornado sent tornado but I haven't been able to do anything hype is back alive let's hope not zombie sign curve your ravenously hungry but yeah you're bonded animals no longer dead let's already rebound it perfect Raz the but is the but still been no the back kind of looks alive been responding let me know if it is dead I could you know poke it alive again so the Brooke oh oh res this but oh I understand now no I don't really want the but the Bob betrayed me and tried to stab me what about the prisoner prisoner should be locked up once a warden gets to it sarin sent me some some nice furniture for the workshop cookie would you do the honors of wait Oh Carter was moving I was like where's the chair going no there we go and berries from Tallinn fifty berries that is um more detail than it usually gives that's better than like good bad or ugly I could I have a ton of leather yes I could be cranking out some nice stuff absolutely well let's see I have a lot of light leather right now so light leather is not a very good Armand material I will make some stuff with that however the only problem is our person that should be doing this is kabisa and she's like heat stroked and slightly not well but you all don't seem to care so I'm gonna put her to work let's get this room more cool there we go Oh help oh my gosh she's so slow her manipulations really low cuz she's still wounded too that's kind of awful done I'm making it work but you all said make chairs so here we go what I do need I would say is probably cowboy hats let me raise the cowboy hat crafting up a bit so we get it sooner uh okay I just cocked my head to the side pretty hard I have no idea why was there doing what he was doing but okay time to rescue Carta I guess just wandering into the traps I got si trying to clean the area but that doesn't seem a healthy thing to do uh kabhi she just went up in intellect that's too bad because we literally don't have any more research left to do ever he was drunk Carter was drunk he blew a zero zero but we're gonna say he was drunk anyway I'm gonna need to hunt some stuff one of the other packets safe because it can't click now there we go no one's safe now Kabhi seed despite being absolutely wounded to high hell is plenty happy I took find that funny she's like limbs health who needs that beer coming down from Hanny we're trying to replace some of the broken doors the Raiders broke I don't know which way to face that there are like sharing chairs but whatever so cartas who wounded been still loaded pretty serious heat stir up to I am struggling to keep the temperatures down Dini master sending me a raid of one well we all know who's good you know where's my go juice yeah let's go to go juice and do some wake up hi hi hi a banach i does he want a new i probably he also needs that stomach - hahahaha all right I don't think Jerry's not he's not defending this time yeah he just did too many drugs and he's down oh well we tried he o deed you could just say his heart wasn't in it so glitch you're coming to try to kill me huh such a sudden and inevitable betrayal borrows back on his feet let's get you a weapon again and I'll catch up jag is wondering if Jerry needs want a new I sleep luxe coming down from power music close the door between the kitchen and the garden so the heat stays out yes this one and this one both need to be closed and they need to be replaced with steel so that they can open and close more easily so I'll destroy them for a bit and didi sending me glitch but glitch is just kind of step on now he's moving now again it's not fair odds that this Viking is gonna face but who needs fair when you've got numbers I was gonna send just Jerry by himself but he decided a Tony oh they don't even have they have a bow hey cookie because it's rainy all right you guys are dismissed because it's rainy our chance to hit is really low Oh [Laughter] what did you do you sliced everything in half Wow you literally sliced him in half I'm pretty sure you cut him in two I've never you almost never see three things get sliced open but there it is sternum stomach and torso we've got a regular Briana ptarth over here and that my friends is why you do Luciferian she's celebrating by lighting some clothing on fire she is Cookie Monster ha ha what is your nickname anyway cookie the Headless Horseman Cookie Monster yeah I think I think you had a point there all right Gerry you need a weapon you're done Oh Dean you're like actually with us for once you we're feeding each other kibble what have we come to what happened all the alpaca that I was cooking guys don't be gross Gerry the happy I don't think anyone's gonna be happy about this Gerry all right I'm not gonna let it happen it's just too nasty a fast learner for remarks and Timberwolves joined from awesome monkey all right I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong but an attempt was made all right Jerry let's go butcher please cook all of the cooks are gonna he'll have a top-priority cook thing going on so that I actually have meals soon we'll have potatoes ray coming in from net I think your Raiders just got hit by lightning all right we're sending everyone for cover haven't really cleaned up from the last fight and yet we have another one and trait purchased removal of cycle GU death from Elm Oh Klein look you're coming to attack me Klein anyone hurt can sit this one out Luciferian from Derry THOG gotta get the keep the drugs rolling alright so cookie wants a piece of this I also need to put [Music] places people places Seki drone lo oh look it's time to try a rough up 200 brah fungus that's gonna be nice for food and that was oh I shouldn't say whoo that was from that was from wienie and then um C hora was sending me the psychic drone trying to drive my people mad come on table into the trap Oh table smart and let everyone else go into the trap first don't hit my doors case T don't do it plaid steel Spears table wasn't that wise first in the door first into the grave some rats joined from zero day zero day how many rats did you send me ten rats really really was this necessary uh yeah actually you know what I have a I have something to do the rest I'll keep your rats zero I will keep your rats I don't know where area one is but I will keep the rats in here the rats can eat the corpses all right back to the raid they're already fleeing but that doesn't mean that they're not gonna die more all right Jerry uh let's go this way up Klein you're dead Wow no one got hurt at all I mean traps are awesome no get me wrong they helped a lot but there was a whole bunch of melee in that fight too don't break my door don't do it simple meals coming from silver no you broke the door Barry you what are we eating kibble actually I won't bury him and I was a lie a false threat we're not gonna bury him we're just gonna burn his corpse wad life let's go with capybaras apparently a panther knocked itself out - I'll take advantage of that get a little bit of that action then what's going on with you man it's 85 degrees in here why are you still he stroked cuz 83 is too high 83 is your max what a wimp where I live it's 83 all the time I'm what I'm gonna need to do here is let's change lavish meals to not allow call it nothing gross and nothing gross is not gonna be raw food except for berries I guess berries it fine and no kibble no corpses no hey the bot died again Klein says thanks reconnecting it I imagine it just makes like AOL Instant Messenger lol online messages noises when it reconnects oh yeah good point Mohammed also not run architect arm might come in handy oh I love your pun thanks dark epic troll that's a great pun so enjoy it has two arms I think this is Kumasi his arm because she is our crafter and she's a crafter so let's give her a nice she's gonna become robocam and that way we get some arms and armor so beer from drunken lizard drunk unless you're really living up to your name she does need meds for that yes she's given meds for that sine curve do I trust you nope I don't I'm gonna wait for enjoy to get up slaver with the message a thousand Oh tasty thanks for the bits for your my breasts busted door yeah I'm sorry I shot you to death and I'm now gonna burn you but you know these things happen you're a blacksmith let's take a look you were a pretty good male layer actually and a good crafter the gods want a large bonfire I don't know 50 Wood is a large bonfire but I will try to appease the gods uh-oh why are you down oh uh oh this is a bad place for a prison coz tornado is just gonna die so we'll fix that simple meals from what was that name I glanced at it but step man I appreciate the food we are obviously oh there's some rhinos now so who's set to hunt Jerry Oboro Alvaro how fast are you a Bora is not that fast so a burro no more hunting you need to be able to outrun what we shoot and epiphany how fast are you you are moving enhanced by a lot oh well you have mechanize so sure you get to shoot things too and boom Oryx Union actually from Oryx needs the new why was that red eye Sarika masiha not this time but you'll get the arm I'm gonna wake enjoy up to BC where are you I want you to finish off all these projects with better quality what does got words hurt okay good got worms is not gonna make it harder to do the surgeries which is good sarcophagus for a rat we should also probably save that dude huh go capture him he's about to cook himself how is it this hot we evoke volcanic winter oh and a heat wave okay you guys fought each other on that pink Lynx and steel uh and a message that I didn't read no no message and i just right-clicked off of Ambrosia sprout by caste nice nothing like some mood-stabilizing drugs ambrosia tea and beer am i right guys I spelled that wrong didn't I uh tu y no maybe ke okay no that's good medicine for the new arm from dark epic troll please work please work yes sofa marks got the new I in command SIA has a new arm head shoulders knees and toes and cartas smoke it up I didn't even know that was part of the part of the drug assignment I actually think it isn't how it is Oh only if mood is really really low and Cardoz mood was really low [Music] animals need to be let out except for the rats rats are different rats play by different rules all right so we're finally actually changing the flooring up to silver the slavers are leaving because it's too hot dude I know but I'll borrow let's try to catch up and see about oh they're so fast and Jerry's probably not close oh no Jerry can you catch him that'd be crazy no can't catch him if only we'd go juice on hand all right temple is getting improved eat more chicken hammy says it's funny that I zoomed over to a over to the rat and Dec Jack heard migration doesn't work so here's some food for the kibble eaters whoa that is not just some food diamonds leaving he's depressive and he just wants out Jerry could you convince him not to leave trying to not do too much harm these these chairs will be for the observation of pool billiards whatever they call it I don't know I'll pick a place for that later what I need to do is keep diamond from wandering out turtle I like that I think I thought a diamond was forever yeah I thought so too then he turned his back on us go juice ran out I know I still have some free dog but that's a lot more we will get this um oh yeah here we go I didn't want to actually arrest him because there's penalties for that I wanted to turn it into a fight no Jerry don't shoot him just punch him with your legs all right down he goes and now he won't have the arrested debuff which is a problem sometimes I don't have a joy wire for this guy do I he's been joyless for a while why are you no don't do that why why would you this is a farm cookie leave it I had a friend once that had a dog named cookie and whenever cookie would misbehave and like steal toys and stuff the owner would scream cookie leave it so every time I see cookie I think of that dog that dog was awesome one of those hyper always happy golden retrievers you know heard migration isn't disabled some things don't work but herb migration is supposed to work it just might not know it's not always functional sometimes they just bug out so all of this time I've gotten like maybe six points of the Tom the tomb oh this stockpile here is supposed to be a a wood stockpile we're supposed to have a bonfire but it's raining so I don't know if that's gonna happen it might be too hot for her migration that might be true although dromedaries should be able to join but it might not they might not join because of the [Music] because of the biome or something I don't know where is area one okay I don't want rats in there just want rats in the crematorium that bonfires pathetic yeah well he only gifted 50 wood for it so I'm putting 75 Wood I'm actually donating more wood than was offered for the bonfire so specific as it is maybe the bonfire was for a pathetic dog here six more wood than you even donated and I will build a roof over it so I can burn it bad bad neutral look at your choices we have a lot of people thanks to the mecha Knights and gut worms a lot of our people aren't in like insulted crazy intense pain which is too bad um messiyah you're our crafter I don't want you doctoring any more but you can grab a simple meal sure oh you're gonna destroy a weapon I didn't want anyway cool best mental break ever he vomited on it oh that's funny nope rats died rats moving where rents shouldn't move got rats killed all right so now the rats are eating the corpses nothing to see here totally normal behavior chat event clear weather actually kvc let's have you light the bonfire up and then I'm gonna have to remove this as a home zone so people don't put it out do you already get put out Oh cuz it's in water yeah it's kind of fireproof bonfire I didn't really want to create like a whole bunch of ash or whatever but obviously I'm gonna have to bonfire somewhere else so I'll go ahead and do that I will bonfire right here a pod drop on me I hate these kind of raids cuz they don't make a whole lot of sense alright let's leave these doors open so that the Raiders don't bash their way through my base carta you don't have a weapon to you grab a great bow these doors are how are you even still alive dude 92% yeah he's basically not alive hey let me let me save tornado and I need to make the steel doors that I should have been making all along just they took so long to to break them down well borrow get away from that you don't want to be standing you there so what do we have we only have five of them six not bad in fact let's don't break my beds all right squirt where's my mail Ayres signs you can leave can you see there you are all right now they're leaving after making popcorn and by that I mean setting things on fire my corn hey Gordon bye Gordon and there's the raid that you all voted on not that bad we kept our kept our heads el Toro thanks for the prime sub cold snap is not available but listed okay that's too bad it is available it's just problem maybe disabled because I have two other weather effects going on a lot of the times when things look disabled it's not that I disabled it it's that the mud has it disabled for whatever's inhale look there's a guy back up Haruka [Music] Oh bye-bye the VC said no fun just flat alright let's get these steel doors built and then we can move the prisoner Barn safety so I shouldn't actually have animals on oh I have to scroll down my bed what kind of wondering about that all right just a normal bed yep oh thank you for so let me catch up I got antibiotics from dark epic troll to avoid the plague and Jade from light void so if I want to avoid the plague its every five days right I think it's every five days tell me if I'm wrong tea beer and every five days every six okay I thought Luciferian was every six point six but who knows I'm constantly wrong about these things slaughterer as a you're gonna go slaughter rats nope with what you're no where are you headed what is he doing he's gonna go try to kill Elmer miles or something if I look at it and hover over the stats I'll do that in a moment [Music] work to make don't hover I don't know what you mean miles just died because diamond is a jerk really we have to beat you up again old man all right I was gonna banish him but he's already down again Humpty mu thanks for the sub gifts awesome of you oh poor miles sorry miles died last five days you take it every six okay sounds good psyche drone just ended that will be useful super car descending gold sacrifice diamond yeah part of me kind of wants to you this was supposed to be would clearly a battle ax is not would let me fix this so welcome into the fold TIPA crag fang-face Jacob and Jamie Humpty mu gift in you here was I was what I was going to do let's go ahead and just I'll set a another bonfire later alright rats good luck not being burned call hot potato look we're even starting dead bodies down here gross pretty awesome though I gotta say but gross too all right well if tornado wanted to break out he is surrounded by weapons I kind of invite him to try the rack all God sees this as an insult well the rack gods also a moderator so I have to worry a little less about the rat gun then I do the other gods all this is is um this is Darwinism the strongest rat will survive and all the weak rats will die I'm just trying to have better rats here I'm trying to improve the quality of my rats what I'm gonna do is one rat died Jerry and the elephant are gonna bring all right let's bring the chinchilla fur fox fur lizard light bird and every possible weapon that we have minus the gold knife let's keep the good plasteel claymore though cloth parka shield probably shirts that are ripped up duster we have to foil hats I didn't realize that all right and we're also it's Jerry so we're gonna want some food and one Luciferian heading south none of the apparently I'll be a Tagen oh um it's in the fire isn't it okay it wasn't that one it's this one it's oh this is annoying which blade is it just tell me I I'm pretty sure I don't see another one all right fine you know what be like that I will load up these weapons myself Jerry where you [Music] know there goes the the claim or whatever it was oh I'm loading a heart into the caravan well whatever Jerry aren't shouldn't you not be in that armor let me ditch it yeah the plasteel yet again was the one that we couldn't survival meals coming down little blight I angered the rack God and we have the potato famine that I was trying to figure okay potato famine let's go and not reso luckily I did sort of wall off separate these areas so not all these plants are this blight won't spread his bed some of this is miss clicking but whatever I don't have a clear blight all mud on because I never do zero day are you having other people do your bidding because as far as I know there was only one rat god that was miles and I didn't anger miles with this APC you sending me food I keep getting messages about these rats apparently and none of them were fit oh no rat seven is still alive all of my plant people I'm gonna probably have to manage new area so this will be the bonfire kind of like bonfire but you know full of bones area too so who are my planters cookie Epiphany and elm so cookie elm and Epiphany gonna get zoom restricted to do the work we have two survivors now are they gonna get infected oh wow I burned out that's pretty metal nope my plant cutters decided a great big nap was more ideal but blights gone and I got to get rid of that zone restriction and I also need to plant the hay up here and then make that nada animal zone so hay grass home zone no pets it is so complicated sometimes isn't it I think I patched up rat mantras pregnant again rage I think you're very very busy cat is all I'm gonna say uh Jerry leave yet nope load load Jerry is never gonna be able to leave neuro mech from low fat noodle for what is this melee uh Cookie Monster let's just give it to you I don't even really care skill wise fifteen melee Okada and a party from seeker ooh nice sorry Jerry you don't get to attend Oh Elm fell asleep up there that's really inconsiderate Jerry would you um inject go juice and take wake up no no no ticket up he's overdosing again but he's the kind of overdosing where he can move will you make a some food and zoom it how fast is he moving this that's the real question he is moving it actually the overdose is kind of hurting the mole move bit caravan Peck spot and zone restrict let's get that elephant down here where's L me there you are hello-o you cuz I am currently caravanning elms not listening breads being hunted for food where oh this Panther hello Panther no food for you end game spaceship no the end game is actually just to get this tomb to 240 it sounds easier than it is I'm at 217 and you can look at the amount of crazy stuff that's in there 240 is a brutal goal but I'm down another assignment I want to do is no shields I also don't want anyone to wear plate armor unless I tell them to the shields people can I guess but we have some people that have shields on that shouldn't all right elves actually move in good good good now we can actually start loading stuff up everything is something red for food wow there's X there's some really nice armor out here ball Cook Strait are coming in from Ava where Jerry go this is like the longest I've ever spent trying to caravan miles just died you were attacking a red I guess I wasn't really watching hi there attack Ava the wolf that will end well for you switching the dining room shows for the armchairs yeah I could do that par music giving me some paced meals everyone's gunning for the pace meals because I don't have any food medicine some from serife in' and we're gonna kill that Cobra for the mental anguish alright I'm just gonna let Jerry go caravan I'm sure there was more stuff but it's taken too long alright this prisoner still has some resistance more blight little girl blighting me uh do I still have that area one no all right I switch the area it's just pure potatoes just over and over again it's it's the potatoes so Ben and um who else was this cookie Epiphany here let me just sort no you were already planning well you're gonna plant down here let's see if you two can handle it a psychic soothe some other gods have a little bit of mercy for the potato torment oops feel like I'm playing cookie clicker epiphany just goes to sleep ahem epiphany uh work cookie work and Ben work got a little sloppy there oops nuts not what I want it Geoffrey your uh day night stay nice day alright ha all right unrestricted and fixed I have another night owl do I is it Epiphany yes let me fix that don't forget the caravan I sent you I won't dry thunderstorms er dey is mad and psychic soothe from case T where is this Caravan it's up here come no come a co-sleeping who else could do it sign curve you're up this will be a good way to sell off some leathers and blocks and whatnot so Panther camel hmm pants roughed-up hat unfortunately these guys don't have a lot of materials that I'd want to buy it's very one-sided they have chocolate I have chocolate I don't know we'll just we'll go with silver solar flare from awesome monkey trait purchased beautiful for Elm and clear weather from Kings ombre can Massey are you're currently starving because there's nothing to eat cuz there's no cooks in the kitchen bulkhead here's what we do I think what's happening is the people that got worms and mecha knights and all that they're just staying in bed and never getting up and as a result I don't have anything to eat which is not a really healthy position to be in I don't know where book head was going Lynx join so [Music] okay so this is food links it's an odd creature to send but I'm down I guess vomit rain Wow that doesn't look like Robert rain that looks very much like murder rain deck Jack whitened the weather here enjoy just got inspiration for surgery so he's able to do any surgery no problem did we have one queued up whoa javie see you are missing a lot of toes I didn't realize Manor ham pack from glitch BB of one bear I think the storyteller doesn't know what a pack is also this bear is just gonna wander right into the bulk oh no he's coming south uh-oh he's coming to Lemon kin and that's gonna piss off zombie I will do what I can to try to stop that leave lemmi alone Dimond you were you've been very negative Nancy lately some hungry alpha beavers come in to DeForest everything well so I think it's a tradition what like at the end of my streams to just send me everything bad possible mad chinchilla you all were planning this don't forget about the armchairs yeah I know I am I'm a little busy putting fires out God fires great relationship daughter of crab all right I think at this point I am going to barn up everybody except for the rats they can stay in the bone fire the rumbles join have another what Wow you are going to be put to the barn barn safety wood from witzy I should be sitting that inferno but I haven't yet uh I just clicked off something sir about that cassowary gone crazy from deck check another raid from Seraphin and what did I miss more mad alpha beavers while they're already alright yeah when it rains it pours let's get everyone queued up make sure no one's outside of the base so for frass but I can't help that my poor temple got puked on medicine coming down from you know Daniel prisoner is escaping um no you're not oh because the door was left open because someone wanted to eat something and decided to leave it open dak Jax ending another raid let's take a look at this raid yeah it's just a dude all right this time I'm gonna use my cover in walls all of the visitors getting it a bit of punch up tornado from xerte west of us we'll have to keep an eye on that all right unfortunately Fras looks to be targeted Oh Fras also had a bad bang a two hundred and seventeen year old Rumbo still holding her own and zeros tornado is wrecking the temple broom rats joined what is this another walking grenade gonna name this one pull the pin and simple meals from Singh Healy alright these Raiders are leaving me alone well went from two fourteen to one something they're ripping up why do they always aim for the door yeah there goes a significant amount of beauty the trouble is given the expense of a tornado to replace it would be like many many times over the cost which isn't really all that fair oh and the tornado is also trying to kill the Rumbo that's less than cool and these guys trying to kill each other does sort of appear that way now get on the bunch o0 you just killed your own rants hate to be the one that point out to you but you just murdered your own rants and now my visitors are dying well they're not gonna like me very much bye bye visitors I don't know why I get blamed for the tornado well Jerry got here he probably has no idea what's going on back home so I will just enjoy this quick trade here we're gonna need a whole lot of silver to put our temple back to normal so I'm gonna buy some gold do you have jade no of course you don't but I need to buy some meals to nutrit pace sucks but what can I do I don't have that actually all right we got some Jade coming back from zero but I don't think he realizes he broke like thousands worth of Jade for you know the hundred that you returned it's not a fair trade uh what else is going on we're gonna unfirm it everything and we've got a raid from Coach K a big one too big big big raid all right so I think what I'm gonna do is let's get everyone back again I know I just dismissed you but I lied did she help her to you just a teeny little stab more Jade coming down and beer from junk and lizard and the Jade was from pet working Oh Kabhi sees all meddled up yeah some of our brawlers are all meddled up now that's pretty cool now it's burning the bridges well the Trumbo is gonna survive I think I'm just gonna leave the the goods there and and bring this thrombo to cover from bos not safe where it is all right sign curve um Jade yes more Jade lots of Jade Seraphin net some Panther got pissed off it got attacked and Angel a whole bunch of Jade uh let's tend yeah there we go attending here comes the Raiders who are we missing Jeffrey and cocci good death oh hey I don't have a full door yes that's right okay uh here's what I'm gonna do new area air I'm not even the name these animals area to area to area to and epiphany you're gonna release there we go [Music] what was that Oh pull the pin dead well he was supposed to you hey it worked pull the pin I didn't even pay attention to him and he just burned these two guys now that's a pet all right so they're fleeing let's check numbers I do have some enemies left no no not really all right animals let's put you in the barn for now yeah what do we do here it burns that's pretty good man our wallet junk look at it go I didn't realize we had this much junk to put down yeah I would say it was handled pretty decently frass even survived I didn't even really have to intervene we have a whole lot of dead bodies and a terrible Lee ruined temple I think it's safe to say zero is no longer a deity he's an anti deity or something the opposite of a deity for trashing our temple such a disease but we can do is once we're done with this grand sculpture we'll start switching back over to I'm just about out of time but I wanted to thank everybody that gifted that subbed that even participated I just am interested that you guys are having fun if you have any sort of feedback from me about pricing or anything like that all you got to do is jump drop me a line so that I can um you know I can fix it the way you see fit trying to keep it as balanced as I can I think given the destructive damage of a tornado maybe they need to be rebalanced for instance because we lost we lost a heck of a lot of stuff Wow even beds these master work beds and everything uh so yeah that's about it for this if you are inclined I will have a stream tomorrow of survived the swarm and I'm gonna stick around a little bit after the chat here to you know just to I guess tally your feedback thanks for watching thanks for contributing I'll catch you all later adios guys
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 2,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Survive the Pantheon, Twitch
Id: TQ1aN-xMXv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 19sec (10579 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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