RimWorld / EP 5 - Twisted Flame and Terrible Fury / Survive the Pantheon

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roll to the rules I want to make two amount announcements one next week survive the Pantheon will air but it will air two hours sooner and that will be a permanent change it works better for me so I don't miss any of these and then the other one is tomorrow is a twitch toolkit enabled zombie apocalypse twitch series that will air for three hours from 1:00 to 4:00 and I've got more info on that on the website so as far as the rules go here we are again a link I'm sorry about that but of course you know there's just way too much information to have up on the screen for you the mod Cline is rolling the rules and all that goodness and let's get going so last episode was a little rough we probably had the most comment that we've seen so far and as a result oh okay go away I don't know what that was about as a result we are pretty chuffed up we have a lot of missing body parts and the like so yeah that's terrible I guess you know you know how it is uh though max thanks for the subscription there that's awesome alright so what I am doing right now is having Epiphany get patched up first cuz death in two hours seems a mite bit quick to me all of the raid thread is over so Wow I have a lot of different zoning but yeah we patched that up we lamed pretty heavily on the two thrombo to help us defend ourselves and they also need to get patched up but they don't have any severe injuries or anything like that which is nice we are patching up some of the well the basically the remnant stump of Epiphanes leg crap you are still alive you just have a second addiction that is really not going away anytime soon that's been a little rough but you know these things are common I suppose all right so the people that are wounded are getting patched up epiphany is gonna need to go for a full-on double peg leg soon he'll be a spongebob character I think these shrine if you're curious is probably a little bit lower than it will be once it's all cleaned up because at the moment is a little gross but the shrine is at extremely impressive not quite unbelievable yet but there's some corpses in there that I'm sure are penalizing me all right taking a look epiphany it's fully patched up enjoy is gonna need some patching and the BC needs to be carried somewhere nicer than just sleeping in the middle of the uh oh yeah we got some traits being purchased so book head purchased removal of psychopath okay nice so checking the bio wimp pessimist abrasive okay well maybe psychopath wood is the best thing about you but alright that's alright and then serenity purchased the removal of misogynist that's gonna be nice cuz she was a bit of a gay woman hater which is a really strange sort of mixed to have for all the people first tuning in welcome welcome I very much appreciate it so the long story short I'm trying to make twitch partners so the more people to tune in today and tomorrow I think if there's a good turnout for both days I could possibly make twitch partner this week which would be amazing it would allow me to stream a lot more often and a lot more informally which would be really good for the viewer that just wants to hang out from time to time but until I make twitch partner I have to be more careful about that kind of stuff okay crab is going on a bezerk not the first one I think this is crab this is number three so I appreciate that you just twitch prime sub but you are also beating the crap out of me in games so I don't know how I feel about you right now I love hate relationship I think you are really winning too so I'm sending backup lots and lots of backup Hey Hodel hold oh so hold on here I want to give a big thanks so tomorrow I'm gonna be you know premiering the whole Zombie Survival stream on the twitch toolkit and he helped to integrate both the zombie mod and twitch tool kit together so that you guys can purchase swarms of zombies to send me that's gonna be a lot of fun so I have to do a little bit of balancing and get the item list and event list up for tomorrow but needless to say there will be a lot of little biters gonna remind me a bit of like an infestation but worse because the zombies can convert everything to zombies which is a little scary food source and all so if you're just getting here and you want to check your balance or buy stuff you got to go to the command Chet that way the stream chat stays nice and clear and is still somewhat legible yes so go ahead and do that because that's where the commands work it won't work elsewhere beer being dropped in by check Norris I kind of like that name I think you dropped beer into my temple which is a kind of funny spot to put it considering I think aggro who's pregnant middle stage is likely to consume it more than anyone else a cookie bunny asks if tomorrow stream is two hours earlier than today and yes it will be in fact all of the weekend streams will be two hours earlier so that you know the blocks of time that I have available are easier for me from 1 to 4 then 3 to 6 and I hope it doesn't affect you guys too negatively oh hey sign curve my favorite pacifist re subbing for a little bit of a streak still a pacifist but boy are you useful well Rhino is angry well borrow definitely pissed it off alright it looks like it's just the one right now and not multiples which is good oh wow even my visitors are punching each other alright this Rhino is fast diamond go north who are you chasing it's hard to tell I don't want to get gored to death do we have discernible backup in the nearby area no we really don't no one is close alright you two you guys gotta sort it out this Rhino was moving at four seven so that is way faster than a bar Oh got to land some good shots especially two legs here maybe run a bit of a circle enjoy just got an infection in his arms he is due for meds but I'm gonna kick Ben out of the bed there but I can't pay attention that that much right now cuz I don't want to borrow dying to this Rhino alright now you're moving at three three so that is far more manageable if you're having trouble with the bot it might be backed up but it looks like it is working oh no I let it catch me borrow run wow he got gored in the eyeball that is just a kind of the worst spot to possibly be hit by a rhino man this Rhino won't give up trait perched nimble for serenity cool you are now a nimble lesbian I find that I'm curious how you're gonna end up designing that pawn the joy of this you know mod of course is that I can assign certain pawns to viewers so if you're unfamiliar those specific viewers can change their pawns however they want buying traits removing traits backstory that kind of stuff alright so that Rhino did go down and we will eat said rhino now there's a lot of them sort of cleanup I need to do oh my god there's just so much stuff cookie can you is anyone awake that can doctor enjoy can't come a see I'm just gonna have to wake you up sorry you're on the night crew here because of course enjoy has a infection that's only gonna get worse untreated in a burrow head is I nearly couched out by a fire rhino oh man what a day these guys have had of course the thrombo seem okay I'm just making sure the thrombo zone is okay this rumbles Oh needs to be be repainted just a tad another thing I changed this episode guys is the that's weird the minimum by four things is lowered so it's a little bit cheaper for a minimum of I not to say I want to be spammed or whatever but it will be a little bit easier to purchase stuff if you want to see the cost of certain things you got to go to the website that has been posted it's a very very long list and it will be a PDF in both events and items a psychic soother this came from sine curve and sine curve says someone has to be the peace and love and bunnies and unicorns person between you and cookie yeah I would I'd say you're both sort of right there fortunately we do have a wedding that just got kicked off recently so a baurel might be like really in the dumps mood wise but almost everyone else is pretty decent so I'll probably keep that sue there for like emergency situations wait do we not do we not have a bedroom for serenity here I was pretty sure we had enough bedrooms for everyone but no I pretty definitively I can say we don't huh I feel real bad making them sleep on the floor that's ungentlemanly so let's go set one up expand the zone and I guess I don't really need to paint the toxic safety stuff until we get another toxic fallout so I'm not gonna bother the new limit is 500 I think last two episodes ago is about 300 and at 300 you could spam kind of a lot of junk at me and at 500 and then last episode was a thousand and that was a little bit too much there was not enough going on so at 500 I hope it's like a nice medium where you can't just send three beers you gotta send more like six or eight or something alright so we were can Oh someone is hunting really this Panther is very bold Oh sine curve is a pacifist that's not really your gonna work Panther is hunting me like at my base on the other hand I don't have anyone to field at the moment Wow epiphany is hobbling around double-strand coming from crap awesome trying to make up for all the punching of serenity face I think serenity here needs a bow let's see sine curve could you just try to like ignite the cat now apparently I can let's do that a skill increase purchase serenity for serenity going up in melee cool nice diamond let's get you out here I don't have a whole lot of healthy people so ava is going to get I'm cancelling me oh wait where you go oh you're hunting my Fox oh that is all sorts of evil I thought it was Ava and it was like a fair flight but hunting a fox is kind of low for the panther there EDB d thanks for the s up there took me a second with that name okay so book head is close enough that he could start helping out card is not that far behind what was Cardo Cardo is hauling a plasteel knife what oh wow just you bit the leg for an insta-kill that almost saying it seems ridiculous to me but whatever these things happen I suppose a life for a life you know how it is I for an eye makes the whole world blind or in this case fed dunk alright here we go well that's too bad about the Fox but you know it's one less person to feed yeah hold all here in the audience was actually the original mod maker he's responsible for the old twitch toolkit the whole kit and kaboodle so to speak so without this you guys wouldn't be able to torment me with raiders or gift me your human flesh or whatever wreck deprived I guess that's true all right I got a ton man these rhinos are mic bit touchy oh wow and that Rhino is in the deep middle of elephants what's funny is Gerry will not be outrun so I'm not all that Wow he got his next hit actually I don't even think it was next hit I think the Rhino just collapsed or something chocolate from Kings ombre the pawns need something sweet in their life I like that I like that unfortunately Kings ombre I think I'm due to kill your boom rat so maybe I shouldn't I'm gonna put no pets and call this little zombie there we go I'm probably gonna release him at enemies just to give you a heads up but for now he gets to survive we are we got a paint in no pets here keep them out of this bedroom and then serenity will have a new bedroom which is cool jerry is we probably could suspend butchering for a bit and try to wait I almost always forget but try to wait until these animals are about to get spoiled and then butcher and then we'll be able to have food that lasts a little bit longer all right there we go we now have the new bedroom and as soon as crab gets out of detention let's call it we're gonna need yet another one I guess I also need to make a bed who is my constructor I always forget Kabhi see Oh but could be seized in really no condition to do constructing looks like I need to expand the home zone too huh oh no it they're just not cleaning it you never do clean oh well okay all right Jeffrey made a normal bed that's gonna have to do if I sacrifice the little zombie I'll fat face the wrath of the gods okay what if I don't sacrifice him I just you know use him in combat like legitimately I release him upon enemies to try to kill them or whatever a joy wire a joy wire well at what to joy wires Wow Wow okay um if I was to joy wire someone I'm not sure who I would to be honest and book head give this to book head and check his relationships please okay steel mace - book head where is book Eddie oh well I can't do that right now but relationships you have a friend named Carta and you have two rivals QVC and enjoy and apparently you want to be a male oh I guess a pessimist abrasive wimp male heir you are not gonna last very long hey Ava welcome back your uh your is still alive still alive and kicking I've been trying to feed them it's been not easy through a toxic fallout and a bunch of other weather events alright at this point I'm starting to think serenity just likes falling asleep on the floor because I went to the lengths of building a bed and all that and still on the floor you think one of the rum Beau's can't get to the bed they have alright let me take a look yes you are absolutely correct he'll mix serum from QVC probably I should use that on QVC cuz you know that would make sense now one of the issues I had with this mod is it kind of makes the the artifacts some artifacts hidden like the shock Lance's but what I'll do is I'll wait for Kofi sees all the health things that we're gonna just automatically clear up to clear up and then we will we'll hit her with the heal mech serum and will regrow a thumb or something not quite a leg like epiphany and so wicked sends even more glow pods illuminating the met I like it oh go Finn I'm guessing your finish cuz I'm sure I pronounced your name wrong but thanks for the sub there that's awesome alright I'm trying to keep the let's let's make sure to do I keep doing screwing that up make sure to illuminate the dining room that's probably one of the most important areas because if they're eating and they're in the dark they're not gonna be happy about that alright we're gonna have mass spoiling but you know for a tribe of or sort of tribe I guess we're sort of medieval of not having technology that's just something that's gonna happen alright that's better illuminated clean up some of this blood as far as moods go other than book head and that's his own fault everyone else is doing pretty good enjoy here has oh okay he's okay that's a pretty bad extreme infection there so he doesn't have either ear but somehow his hearing I know his earring is none I guess I really hope if there's like ever in a insult spree or whatever that he gets targeted cuz he's immune you know it's apparently in this game there is no sign language or middle fingers for that reason it looks like we hauled a good bit of our Raiders to the Raider pool so kartaa would you do the honors where is my mall tubs I never ever can find them all that easily I'm staring did I put them in the temple nope oh you know I don't even need them I'm just gonna ignite it manually cuz I have a mod for that alright so don't eat your chocolate in there what a what a weird spot eat chocolates [Music] all right so we have a little bit the starvation that's his fault a little bit of a tattered apparel what is tattered here oh I have some things that are forced so serenity is a recent recruit so I probably I haven't even done know haven't even done the the old job priority stuff I'm not exactly sure what I even want what are you passionate about do you even have passions Panther or something wow these Panthers man okay so let's volley the Panthers to death now you guys get to vote just a reminder you can vote just with numbers in the stream chat [Music] is one dead Panther I think oh yes we've been having a lot of Panthers trying to murder me huh oh the inferno wants wood burned okay I could do that I like what gods have simple simple requests I'm a simple person and oh maybe don't send the dude with one leg to do it though wait wait wait hold on what is going on here no no it's not home zone don't do it let him burn all right Jeffrey let's go ignite the wood because the gods told me to do it and hope it don't spread to a forest fire I don't want no Amazon going on here you know all right so enjoy obviously got over his super sickness Kabhi she's still healing up from all the bastard sword slashing that she got rich through the gods of clubs sending me slate clubs I just don't know what to do with your clubs man hey it's not that I don't appreciate it it's just they're never useful alright so book heads finally snapped out of it how about you haul the meal to consume it on the table and then I'm supposed to give you a steel mace uh so the gods have said this refugee needs to be saved they're running around with a guild Tabard or whatever Wow Wow is leaking just a tavern I mean and they're a slowpoke who's trigger-happy and has no shooting skill pretty good with the plants and animals though so let's call her a druid maybe but of course you know how this goes after I know that she's safe and sound from the will be Raiders every subscriber that is currently subscribed will have a chance to guest numbers not yet but guest numbers and see you know who could possibly own this new druid I also have to fix Oh yep that turned into a forest fire cool that's exactly what I didn't want to have happen I'm putting the animals in the barn because we're about to get a rain so jagged Vikings very angry and there's 15 of them and I am really not all that recovered from like the fights that have had recently but you know we don't wait for for things to get better we just keep expecting it to get worse all right sign curve you get to take the night off because you uh you're not gonna really fight so we'll just line up our shooters what happened is ushi you got bit by a chinchilla like I almost don't even feel bad for you Frenchy doesn't even know how to get to the barn all right epiphany you need a bow think I've said that before and just never equipped one Jerry we need you over here your little Lucy addict these guys are coming in the north as I sort of suspected crabs not going crazy been let's get you front and center alright so she's a trigger-happy so we'll give her about an epiphany now has a bow 400 sine curve just just working all right so I've conscripted everybody but Jeffrey who's behind the raid looks not and then of course giving Kiska DC a night off because she's hurt and that seems a fair thing to do all right so it's a big old oh uh you guys aren't no no there yep sine curve don't do that they're gonna desecrate the temple I left the doors open all right well I'm gonna have to get aggressive with these guys if they are trying to steal my sculptures which they are okay well if they're desecrating the temple that is of course a big old no-no so let's go and punish them our gods would want it all right then Remy Pitney you can stop because you're not gonna be able to chase anyone well a massive volley of bow shots and like no one got hit alright so bet the male Ayers did their job but the Rangers did not the Rangers are sadly missing quite a bit Geoffrey's finally getting hit by someone up north I don't take too kindly to that so let's go kill them look head wants to use his new weapons so let's go hey squirt squint whatever your name is I know you don't have any hard on you but what a lovely lovely volley there so I think what I'm gonna do is have Jerry chase down the art thieves because he's a Lucy addict and very very fast alright that guy's dead they're trying to take my Jade aren't they I never really hauled that over get back here Bowman yeah your Inferno definitely got hot and spread everywhere and you coming low-key problems but that's okay alright definitely gonna have to keep the door here closed I'll probably what I'll end up doing is making it steel and just keeping it permanently closed so I don't think I'm gonna be able to get this grand sculpture back it's just not likely so I'm gonna start working on Warren's sculpture that's way more likely to be recovered yep alright that's recovered so I was right the one that I did not think I was gonna get back did not get back all right note to self keep that damn door closed actually you know what I could make that plasteel that would be a good material for it tough but opens up quick why does Bowman have an axe I don't know that's an age-old question isn't it maybe he is I don't know named Bo oh alright so we chased this guy down who is the mr. I must steal your Jade and then didn't I'm gonna start hauling the Jade in now cookie you got him you killed him have a beer book head collapsed due to exhaustion because I have them on a tight work schedule now for Miller the therapist who survived this whole ordeal first off we want to what is this no I think it's unrestricted yes so in the subscriber room if you're a subscriber currently watching thinking of a number between one and twenty and here we go if you want Milla the cowboy hat wearing trigger-happy slowpoke you can go ahead and guess all right so that was a raid tattered serenity you still have to average apparel maybe that was an assignment that I just need a clear force try to do that another thing is we have Lucy attics and we don't have TV Lucy scheduling so I really ought to do that shouldn't I who is our Lucy attics also the animals need to be let out so the cats here are gonna be temple cats and then the thrombo oh god this is so confusing every time go to where they go all right uh dub Mela is yours so let's see tool kit name Q I thought going backwards would work there you go already being a good druid doctor I like that I'm assigning you know like jobs and the first thing I noticed is she's uh patching up people that is when you know that you've invited someone that's actually going to help for sure so I'm making you the grower and a little bit of everything all right your um your request to set that stack of wood on fire has definitely snowpark the opposite of snow balled fireballed there's issues now everywhere all right serenity finally taken off that awful sell it another thing I ought to do is to well first let's reinstall some of the art that was stolen oops but not on the plants is that a growing zone with the roof did I really do that why would I do that I don't even know that doesn't that doesn't seem like me right there's definitely no ambrosia there anymore what about all the other umbrella I kept getting random and broza and I think they don't died yeah most of it looks dead oh yeah that's definitely you got your inferno the gods won an inferno you got one okay so I thought we recovered one more piece of art they only managed to steal one yeah here it is Zeus you okay you're patched up I don't like when animals are just bleeding forever and ever okay so simple meals I'm gonna suspend five meals I'm gonna do until I have maybe not 107 but let's do until we have 20 and we'll reinstate the butcher sine curve it's becoming a better dock I like it your your you actually pushed yourself over from five to six so an actual skill increase kind of nice I kind of wish there was a I know there's mods for it so you don't have to tell me but I kind of wish in vanilla you could just set a zone to always be plant cut like don't allow anything not even grass to grow there obviously you can do it where you can just call trees automatically once they hit growing size but not like please remove weeds why is Courvoisier displeased did they get the healer mix serum Who am I supposed to use this healer experiment I was gonna use it on QVC because you gave it to me but right now if I used it on you you would end up just healing up well it would remove your ambrosia warmth I think which is just a poor use of heal mixer level skill and skill increase events if you're curious about the difference if Hodel is still watching he'd be the person ask I am NOT certain another thing I need to do is Epiphany needs a leg right so let's do prosthetic right leg using the best meds we have I'm kicking Jeffrey out of the out of the bed there and then I think the best doctor is gonna be cam here doing the operating what healer mixer they stole it Oh Daft bastards that's what happened I didn't quite see that all right so I'm definitely definitely definitely going to need to plasteel door that there I'm definitely gonna have to burn their village down for sure we do still have to draw wires but I'm not exactly sure who I would like to joy where I don't really have any pawns that probably want it I'll put put it that way except for maybe how book head is going because book heads a pessimist abrasive wimp that's that's a probably good candidate to joy wire yeah now I'm surprised it didn't notice them going for it but yeah we're about to get a plasteel door so they won't be waltzing in here anymore Oh VC very mad about the whole healer mix serum situation and just broke up with Jeffrey we're gonna let her keep the bedroom because she is quite the heavy lifter for this group mi favouritism Inge yes yes I am okay this little island of whatever can obviously get destroyed here's another nail mech serum that I will hopefully not make go to waste don't these Lulu's these okay I will I it's funny I like put them in the temple cuz I was like oh the temple should be safe like nope nothing like it mod making making it right I just didn't notice in time and that's that's on me let's get a bug pod a glow pod installed in here it may be in our barn to put a few in there herbal meds from Dublin art I can't research prosthetics cuz they don't exist this is a sort of medieval technology only and prosthetics are way out of its after machining so can't can't fulfill that even if I wanted to who's naked dub you're naked you have what are you a nudist no you're not a news what are you doing there is plenty of good clothing you're just choosing not to wear it all right I'm gonna go force to wear maybe I don't have a shirt though oh no it's tattered apparel Oh cuz the Duster sucks oops man there is just permanent rain isn't there some kibble from Ava feeding the animals here I like it I'll definitely use that up so yeah let's set up the home zone and clear no pets there we go we'll keep them out of our farms and whatnot we're getting another bedroom because Jeffery who just got dumped is now sleeping on the ground I think yeah he's sleeping in the barn man that is that's a level of sad I didn't fully expect you know what I could do uh here we go Jeffrey maybe a double bed is a bad idea but cuz it will remind you that you're next to someone and dump needs a room as well yeah I'm hoping that there's like some sort of relationship that's gonna happen soon so I'm gonna temporarily make the temple this temple a refugee camp of sorts of course they're next with that body but you know these guys don't mind the random events that you vote on happen when pretty much Klein or the time trigger it as for purchasing of purchasing events you could do that anytime if providing you of the coins definitely need to remove some rubes and build some as well does this zone look correct yeah more or less I don't want to put floors on the bedrooms because floors get dirty and then I'll be spending a crazy amount of time cleaning up dirt which is annoying which is exactly why I haven't floored really anything I have no floor tiles except for in the temple and as you can see this filth there all right Jeff Lee oh it's excellent nice and then I need I believe one more okay could you just ignite some of these guys men there's I'm so glad that I could just ignite things cuz there's a lot of corpses all the time skill increase purchased serenity is now more artistic or rather serenity about it for epiphany cool our art going up and then kibble yeah I already read that good good alright conveys fully fully healed um let's put you on well first I need to who's my drug addict Lucy addicts so you're a Lucy addict Jeffrey is and Jerry is so Jerry and Jeffrey are gonna be on a different drug regimen and here we go events farm animals gold or dry thunderstorm our PW gave me a whole bunch of granite chunks that's actually pretty useful because I'm out of granite and could use some another thing I probably ought to do maybe I'll send Jerry Jerry what your needs are okay let's go ahead and send Jerry because he runs real fast and we are gonna go sell a lot of the stuff I just don't want so I don't think I ever recipient for the joy wire so I'm gonna turn that into something more productive and then a lot of these little items that are just littering up the area I'm gonna sell as well in hopes of in hopes of being able to afford something nicer and we'll go to arbitrarily go to some neighbors I'm basically just trying to clean up my stock rooms because they're just too full oh you know these um fermenting barrels really shouldn't be here I'm not sure if you can move or a fermenting barrel while it's fermenting but I guess I'll find out in a moment I'm very clearly missing a great big hole for art hopefully we'll make that soon dub still being naked that's not weird or anything right crabs on another berserk book head finally got some research done and gold cuz you all voted for gold sweet so we have quite a lot of gold now soon we're gonna be cranking out really nice gold art pushing the goal of a wondrous sooner Oh Jeffries in two days from the break-up she's very neurotic to begin with so that's a bummer alright kabhi see i need you to take over because you're the best repair her and in fact Kumasi could you throw blow pod next to her that also benefits you I think cuz yeah now you're in light the glow pod here - there we go I could joy wire him the disadvantage of that of course is he is a Luciferian brawler and that's a really really powerful thing to be and if I'm if I join him his combat effectiveness will drop which is probably not something I want to do like long term all right as soon as kabisa uses the embrasure warmth i could consider the he'll mix serum and then i have to decide who else gets the other one whether it's enjoy for like an ear or i am not exactly sure who else we grow leg something like that ah there's a little bit of research there's three more or actually there's a lot of the drug production as well to research crab buying up clear weather because I'm almost permanently in the rain Dubbs not naked anymore that's good well that's a whole lot of uranium I kind of forgot about beer from gecko killa I think that's the first time you've ever said to anything am i right medicine cannot be researched medicine is stuck way way behind micro electronics that is you can send it to me but I definitely cannot be manufacturing it crab apologizing for the berserk I mean soon you're 91% suck it with trial so like soon you'll be able to be added to the group right now you're just very angry very angry human being that just keeps trying to bash your way out that's a lot of insect jelly nice I don't even know where the eggs went oh okay I'm gonna forbid them so they have a chance of you know seeing daylight well at least you're helping cookie the Headless Horseman level up some repair all right Jeffrey should be snapping out of his mental break soonish I think I hope all right the question was and I actually don't know the answer can fermenting barrels be moved while they're fermenting we will find out in mere moments all right can be see it is time for you to use heal neck serum let's get that toe back in fact I'm gonna get the thumb back to it's probably a big waste but that's just how I'm gonna spend it you are after all the mega constructor and not having a mega constructor that has a thumb probably puts a real damper on you know constructing stuff speaking of which he was about to break out I do need so taking a look at drug production psycho refining does not need to intervene everything else does so second refining is something I could do which makes flaking yeah or just yeah I think one of the two required I almost never do a lot of drugs like make a lot of drugs in game I should preface but one of the two requires a mute and the other does not always forget between the two and one of my dogs in real life is having a bit of a nightmare behind me I don't know if you all can hear that or not it's pretty funny all right Massey is doing a really good job of keeping us clothed Geoffrey's now starving see I didn't waste the he'll make serum it was actually used pleased about that yes so fermenting barrels can be moved that's cool I honestly didn't even know so some of the meats do King a lot of it and some neuter mean cool once the research is done we'll be able to make some interesting drugs all right so Dimond why are you having a mental break I think it's about time well we have of the simple meals yeah we're about to lose all their simple meals so Gerry just made it to the trade he's got pemmican and berries so I'm selling the joy wires wow they still have my kidneys why why would they keep him that long weapons have pretty terrible resale value arguably but you know whatever they don't have telescopes that's what I mean that's one of the things I'm really always hoping to find but not this time I'm gonna buy their Luciferian so that my Lucy attics including Gerry himself does not go dry about the temperature in the kitchen there is never going to be a scenario where a passive cooler can actually refrigerate anything passive cool whose only get down to negative far out to 58 59 degrees Oh sine curve you're not good enough at constructing he's about to break out dunk alright well book head hopefully won't kill crab or Epiphany I noticed this a little bit too late alright health oh you're fine everybody's fine we're all good rule D V thanks for the sub actually you know I'm gonna make it a keep it a marble door I'm not gonna redesign anything here um oka BC was doing it let's get could BC to do it then here's a new sculpture looks very similar to the other ones originality set to zero Jeffery still starving and all broken up on the inside about the break-up but all right the door is locked and we're good how long has the volcanic winter been going on 16 days my cat's ear are gone I have to be know petted because they're gonna starve in there soon they ran out of corpses to eat I was basically feeding them Raiders and [Music] ran out as far as wildlife goes let's hunt the relatively safe to hunt alpaca for some wheat we also have this prosthetic arm does anyone need it is I guess the good question so yeah prosthetic arms are what they are they owe 50 percent no nevermind we're higher than that confirm if dub is well I don't need to confirm James if dubs assigned correctly because they inherited the correct name but I'll double-check yeah it's it's named name properly it might just be a save load type of thing alright so Jeffrey snapped out of it Jerry's back having purchased some drugs and let's check your needs I'm probably likely gonna send Jerry out almost immediately again because he's a jogger with a Luciferian addiction meaning that he can move lickety-split which is pretty nice inferno requires more inferno okay well I've wizened up to your ploys here so I will burn it but I'm gonna take precautions this time whether that angers you or not I guess I'll see where are my berry bushes whoa way too many there we go I need something to mix to make fine meals and pemmican I am cutting the rice plants yeah you're right we'll fix that all right epiphany it's also raining so cat meat that's gross an offering of cat meat all right well I mean sure you know what's actually funny about that so my wife has a a friend named so so she did an exchange program in college she went to China and her friend's name was Mao row now if anyone that knows Mandarin knows that my row literally means cat me so he was in China with the name cat me that was not a good name to have but you know I thought that was funny I want to build a roof there but you don't construct you do construct I'm trying to burn the wood but the web the gods of the weather say not to you so I'm trying to game the system here there we go and that's not even all the would someone stacked most of your wood and stole it alright so the dead animals are filling up I'm gonna start burning them and let's see I'm going to allow everything I don't know what's out there but we'll haul it or whatever ok I need to move this fermenting barrel this is now and it's sitting it extremely impressive I need to use something nicer over there huh so did say I wanted to send Jerry back out Jerry is ready to go I'm gonna go north to the other place we're allied with you or neutral yeah okay mr. Jerry you are going to take some stuff what are you gonna take fox fur light leather and a bunch of these weapons I guess that's a lot of elephant tusks I wanted to bring more um is there someone with a good amount of care weight that can move dub you get to go with him you become our beast of burden why cuz I have no one else okay that's poor quality is that human oh it's elephant skin for a second I thought I said human leather and I was like gross I left that helmet out for a long long time huh let's bring the survival meals but probably only like five of them and what else can we bring we have a lot of a brochure uh you know I'll keep it well no I'm not gonna keep it cuz it's gonna spoil anyway so I'm gonna bring some of it actually some of it is already spoiling and then as many elephant tusks as we can cool there we go rats join Myles say make a where are my rats what was that message I kind of skipped over that so uh Rat King requests a wooden statue and burn it in the inferno alright I could do that make a small wooden statue you know I didn't realize our artist really is like a double mango isn't he an heiress cent more glow pods awesome alright so Jerry and dub on their way we've got two rats ready to be slaughtered can you say that again he didn't hear me I'm never gonna be able to say it loud enough for him de bello hew me to be honest cuz he is super death I like how he's still chatting with people like I don't think that's realistic oof the random statue we made is of a person I think so this is like Burning Man I guess I'll read the art so the art is portrays Jerry narrowly avoiding a cave-in alright nice apparently Jerry has of pigtails I didn't know and there is the burn statue actually you know what we probably need to burn it in the temple don't we um I'll burn it in the corner so let's go do that eh traits being purchased a trait removal cyclically death is being removed from Jerry I like how he's repairing it only to sit in the fire again only to put it out alright let's leave it alone now corporate eggs use me as you please alright fertilize Cobra eggs okay well we'll let you hatch alright so the statue burned turned into wood now the woods burning I'm reading is low food alright let's allow simple meals do until I have 20 and make it entirely of meat that is not human or insect not really interested in the mood diva and purchased fast learner so jogger fast learner I like it that is one useful pond oh thanks whit see apparently I've been doing such a good job satisfying the god of the fires that I've been rewarded I like it but not just rewarded with gifts in game but gifts in real life and kabisa extended prime I guess that's what I get for you know putting your fingers and toes back and giving you beer to house crabs recovery going he's probably over oh 99% so effectively over I'm gonna start recruiting watch him you know I'm gonna wait uh I know how this works I've done this in the past where the like 99% done you can even be a hundred percent done it just has to disappear HP 2zz sending me some pics just one pic should we fight this fair why fight fair when you could fight dirty yes that is actually food for the cats that's a very fair point we're oh he's here a chat event clearweather nice that's gonna allow me to shoot him good all right epiphany is not gonna be able to flee from a fight cuz double amputee captain peg legs but we'll set up for oh he's not even coming my way is he turn around and second hit Geoffrey loses a leg of course he does of course he does why would it not why why why ever would I have the luck of not losing an immediate Lake okay well that happened um Kumasi guess what you get to stick another peg on another guy where's that serum now the thing is I have so many people that have like peg legs that this is sort of like normal at this rate and yeah there might be more serum in the future that was pretty harsh orangey uh but let's see was it burned yaki a terrible blunt armor resistance for his pants my a Neum who's an iam iam yes yeah I didn't have any armor on but even if he had armor on it wouldn't have covered his legs he would need stronger leg armor but that doesn't really exist for us that aren't you know tech all right so temple cats going to the back to the temple and actually um where's my boomers they're going to the temple to you King boomer a little somber and they're pregnant oh great my cats are my boom rats are expanding yeah for all the people saying poor track Trek would have died like weeks ago he would have landed and like just been impaled on something and immediately have died that is the trek luck all right I think what I'm gonna do here is the bridge there and granite walls here and granite doors so this is gonna get removed or actually I kind of like it there so let's rework that real quick I'm just gonna have a big long line of traps in case I need one and let's do plasteel doors oh except for that's a bad place for it cuz I need a granite door here so this guy via Platteville door well there we go more Jade coming down not sending me clubs this time I see I'm just gonna bridge up this whole area get rid of this swamp alright so another thing I need to do is no pets in the trap zone and allow them to traverse this here and that should keep you safe door at the bottom - uh yeah definitely a door at the bottom as well I'm gonna do this one in flat steel as well it's tough let's start mining the plasteel and let's make sure our miners have nine or over skill which they do now they didn't before and all this bridge stuff is really good at burning in case I get attacked by numbers I just can't manage to get a hold on myself and then these doors here I can leave open if I think if I perceive the threat to not be that dangerous I've accepted the clubs and I sell them and try to turn your gifts into something use I don't want to say useful useless kind of harsh but productive alright so Jerry's Caravan has arrived we've got why do we have a pack of meat I don't recall sending them without packing me maybe he was training animals or something I'm sort of curious about that oh we are profit here are we ever all right do they have anything I want to buy that is the real question they have a trouble for Tabard does this / doesn't even provide what a waste a thrombo for a man doesn't even provide armor it's some of the best material in the game and it does nothing so telescopes nope but they do have Luciferian do they have anything weird no not really they have neat Rumia now if I wanted it but I don't know if I need that much new let's buy a few fine meals on our way home and then let's pick up I wish there was like a max one 190 no 185 three yes 183 that's pretty good guessing right Oh tornado just sent me some muffle oohs so one thing I need to do real quick is to oops show all because I can't really see who's who I'm gonna train this dude up so toward uh why did I name you Tour de tournay Tornai muffle oh we're gonna train them up so that they can help with the caravan rounds I suppose that is yet another mouth to feed but I guess that's my burden to bear looks like most of the training that we need is done so I'm gonna start training more hauling I don't have a really good billiards or poker table the Aurora event is still broken okay well definitely don't buy it a toolkit event disabled there now can't be accidentally purchased I think traits purchased for serenity fast learner people like fast learner I do too not gonna lie so this bridge area is going to be real filthy dirty but that's okay expanding my my home zone although no it looks pretty good most of what it needs to cover covers we got that southern door built Jerry is better at social I think Jerry realized that I'm going on a lot of trade runs with him because he's an awesome runner so might as well get more bang for my buck a fair portion of my stockpile has been excavated I don't know I don't know what the right word is there what I'm gonna do is put blocks here I have a lot of blocks and I don't need to store them indoors they are not sensitive to weather or anything I'm hearing someone eat raw ooh do I not have meals I don't likes it is elephant time who wants to get crushed by an elephant all right so what I'll probably do here is do a team hunt Oh kevie see he doesn't have a weapon that's nonsense why not cuz you got knocked out or something um all right we'll give you that long sword herbal meds my wolf wishes to rescue okay cool I could do that Ava wants to rescue I'll fully train a but actually in everything it's a good way to have me read something for sure okay hunting enjoy serenity Carta you three are going to go to these elephants dubbin art wants me to eat I love it I like when gods don't like famine gods that like famines scare me a little bit not gonna lie alright so a boar on cam gonna go elephant hunting as well we are gonna get ourselves a meal one that violates the World Health Organization and their interest of not having elephants hunted to extinction but a meal nonetheless all right our Fox is fully healed I think what's happening is a lot of our pets are having it forged for themselves and as a result they don't have a lot of food I've been starving them accidentally let's get all three and Oboro gets one Oh cams not even assigned to hunting that seems incorrect neither's enjoy also seems incorrect but none of you are hunters work at the very least I'm gonna assign them as like four tier Jerry has inspired surgery he likes apparently he likes the road he's been very happy on the road doesn't he have a spouse his spouse Kumasi may become a CEO should accompany Jerry in the future um serenity single flame in shooting that's a good point so serenity you're gonna be raised up and hunting and actually I'm gonna take oh yeah let's make sure our male layers stay out of it so Jeffrey then shouldn't be hunting kvc shouldn't be hunting and joey could hunt at level four all right that looks about right a care package a thrombo fir from Jacob awesome we'll try to turn that into a useful armor or something all right I am a little low on wood aren't I yeah six that forest fire definitely didn't do an ant any help there's not a lot of yield Abal wood around there is however a lot of plasteel that is gonna be fun we're gonna turn those into blades and armor I'm excited I could use an elephant for caravanning they just eat a lot actually I don't think they carry anything do they let's see I can check right now they just came home I'm not sending them out but animals if I sent let's say one yeah I guess the elephant does have they eat almost three times more than a buffalo and they only carry less than twice so yeah they're not you're great at carrying stuff they're just not that efficient at it these the long the short of it I suppose really you're gonna hunt miles right while you're standing next to a Lucy junkie yeah that's not gonna go well for you dude don't worry mr. little rat I got you got your back all right I definitely need you have another bedroom populations really swelling isn't it not that I have a problem with that it's just I need to account for it that's a pretty crap bedroom but what can I do there it is oh definitely not plasteel door though we don't need something that nice all right there we go I can yeah let's go ahead recruit him I could probably release him but he has no resistance so I might as well properly recruit him I like how it kind of looks like we've been feeding him raw meat hey c'mon you've been busy patching people up making sure they don't die Oh Ava got hurt got hit by alpaca I don't like that all right let's go ahead and yeah we should be doing no I want you to make kibble and you just want a butcher so let's go ahead and allow for rice to be cabled because I think that's the problem here there we go uh got a whole bunch of gold from Pansear awesome and Ben has a inspiration he's a bit of a constructor so that's pretty useful this art is new isn't it cool I like new art get that installed we're in the unbelievably impressive territory now [Music] grand sculpture let's make this so what is this 220 ingredients I need a lot more goal to make that but I could do it in Jade more silver I'm gonna do in Jade yeah let's go in try and Jade I'm trying to feed her elephant yeah I didn't have a lot of kibble and my my pets are definitely getting wounded trying to scavenge for themselves so I'm trying to fix that crab immediately gets recruited no issue there so named Q this one is just gonna go straight to crab how would you okay grab a - all right I think that should be assigned properly and it is and you don't have a bedroom but I'm working on it I never thought my population would swell quite like it has that just makes us more powerful I suppose it should be a flat steel door I should be using class steel doors for protection now they're a little flammable but there are a lot more powerful oh the the temple pets don't have corpses that is low key turning into the like Black Lake 2.0 you're not wrong about that elephant got pissed off being hunted are they all pissed yes they are all pissed well Diamond has a scratch scar he's not going to be a particularly good first responder or even the ability to okay let's get some backup going up north don't shoot just run so there's only 200 boar oh okay so the ones north of the bar are not pissed that's good to know Oh crab dropping up some love here the Viking is back he's no longer an addict in triple-a but here to help come on guys Lane your shots and acid reefs absque ribe awesome thank you oh boy I've been run this is not my best stutter stepping yes I think this is what it's called all right ones down second one oh that's sad elephant noise how's the bro doing up here alright you're free tada no one's dead that's all that matters and dub got da little bruise nothing serious nothing serious at all all right taking a look at our art enjoy is definitely not doing it why not you should be off a plant cut go into the art there we go we other people can cut trees that does not require skill believe it or not alright so we can make we can make chocolate let's do drug production next and more J coming down from a PC I bet you're excited about a pure inoculum just saying I sure as hell an a my lagging uh well let's hope it's not me on another note my real-life bladders are about to explode so I might have to break for just a moment I think I drink too much coffee had myself a little bit too much wake up you know what I mean but all I'll go a little bit longer and then you all can devise a plan to ruin my day if you want not that I'm trying to encourage that I'm just saying might make things interesting alright so what's going on here am I at a marble you know I'm definitely definitely not out of marble I just haven't built that yet Ben let's get constructing would I require fire all right let me forbid that pile ignite and homes humming all around it I keep cheating in different ways don't I alright so crab now has a bedroom someone has to be be the fire Tiffany could you do it nope if T's like um my legs are wood maybe I shouldn't be the one putting this out I'm like you'll be okay and epiphany is like no no no you don't understand I'm literally half wood the Scarecrow is scared sorry I borrow it's just you're the fire tender now Jesus this wood takes a long time to burn there we go alright so here's what I will do I will leave it rolling real slow I won't even pause I'll just give you a bird's-eye view and I'm gonna be right back just a second all right I see how the chat is chat event dry thunderstorm all right trying to set things on fire while I was away welcome to everyone catching this live I just wanted to throw out a quick reminder that of course tomorrow I've got a very similar series in spirit because it's twitch toolkit enabled but it will be zombies a lot a lot of zombies it will be a zombie apocalypse series so if you're interested in catching that go ahead and tune in tomorrow at 1:00 to 4:00 I just figured I'd throw that out there it's my attempt to try to make twitch partner I don't know how fast that's going but you know we'll see we'll see after Sunday if with all of your help that is even a attainable thing okay I'm gonna suspend butcher elephant because we have a lot of them I don't think I need any more working on our first jade sculpture trip pushing on along with this whole temple thing that we one thing I could do which is not that expensive is just plant a silly amount of like flowers and then you know when I don't need the flowers anymore we can plant a build over them or something Wow that narrowly hit Andy that almost hit Andy in the face one two four eastern time so that would actually be two hours earlier oh and it caught my class steel door on fire of course it did what inferno did you like secretly plan the lightning strikes here because it sure feels like it alright looks like we're getting a fair bit of rice that was something that I had trouble with for a long long time he's having a sufficient amount of food and now I finally feel like I have a decent amount of food unfortunately have to kill elephants for it which isn't great but you know you do what you got to do sometimes I'm gonna start moving the plasteel to somewhere safe probably should also start sniffing it so what we want to make I don't actually know these weapons all that well but I would say a last steel Claymore sounds awesome to me so I'm gonna make one of those uh Jade shelf requests when you sent Jia hold on Jade shelf at the temple oh yeah actually no it did work I just didn't see it my bed Jade shelf let's get rid of this granite shelf that's not nice enough well replace it with the Jade one I'll build the shelf here and then I'll move it in and we'll build it with our best possible constructor bot is not working okay let's reconnect apparently I have home zones all the way out of here why I don't know I'm gonna quickly check for other home zones that just are misplaced you know this should be a home zone it just isn't yet my little Irish fun okay so here's a group Jade shelf and all this between reconnecting the bots and all this fire I'm running it like negative frames per second one frame every two seconds all right guys you don't need to put that fire out that's not our base more beer being brewed Mikey all right so here this poor knife really could use a nice home because it's been laying there for a long long time and yeah it is slowly decaying even though it's supposed to not so what is this knife this is a good knife so let's require guter better quality dub you're standing here by there we go now that knife won't go anywhere looks like we have the bedroom for Jeffrey if I could do that correctly and then we don't need squatters in the temple Buffalo wool what do you call a horde of attacking Buffalo a blue screen of death I kind of like it that's a good one oh do we did not meet the bedroom oh no Jeffrey does I'm surprised there hasn't been more relationships an armchair made for real arms Koechlin well yeah I mean there's suppose that's true Pecha loader and all I'm gonna give it to Kumasi have her sit on the chair alright so how is this coming along 173 not bad I just need to hit 240 I'm chairs it probably something I could afford to do a lot more of - wow this is bad there is flat steel in the fire it doesn't burn but it doesn't feel good either knowing that my hard work is up in flames you guys really conspire to have the whole map on fire didn't you yep seven Lucy left that is like two months worth however man yeah about two months worth kind of a while and of course you could always send a gift basket alright so Geoffrey you're still broken up about the break-up yeah you are I do like how they worship here often I find that very cool obviously I didn't really design it that way cuz you know they're just viewing the art but it does seem like they're coming here to worship all the time all right that rain is gonna help my frame rates because all these massive fires are not doing me wonders fires are almost out yeah there's huge swaths of just empty land here and it's back to a dry thunderstorm again you know the gods up ahead or oh well I think sanguine actually got hit by a lightning bolt cuz it has a he's got a burn scar in his eye Rory ran into fire but usually animals are pretty good about avoiding that kind of stuff I don't believe there's any mechanoid grades because this has a full conversion mod that doesn't have that kind of stuff just FYI tadpole sending me some beer I like it what is my beer like anyway I suppose I need a shelf for beer and and whatnot and power music sending me jokes haha oh boy that's a cheesy one let's see maybe marble shelves I'm gonna install some marble shelves in our kitchenette area so that we can store our beer and teeth pemmican from Devon art thank you alright so this marble shelf will be for beer drugs beer there we go Wow Bree you're really cranking up the weather to 11 looks like medicines gonna be needed probably and then this one will be the psychic team if when I have something actually I have a lot of meds right now up so the Carver's hatched animals they're not mine though I don't own them just because they hatch around me I'm gonna hunt them the ostriches have yet to pop out I'm just using yours is target practice is the Jade shelf in here yes it is you've got it you asked for it you got it well you guys decided what is this back-to-back events so I just got malaria with commercia and diamond so I guess no plasti will play more for the time being where is damage go rest in the hospital and these guys are getting med treatments Kumasi is gonna have to temporarily lower her doctoring so she doesn't keep getting at a bad day to heal others and it looks like you guys are voting for double disease lucky me lucky lucky me Wow look at all this plasteel maya colony wealth is probably ridiculous really really yet lightning versus the beer Thor obviously needs to just chill and have a beer cuz you set my farm on fire well it's only somewhat impressive in here another thing I really had to do is I wonder if the gods would be mad if I used all right we'll test how angry the gods get Jade billiards table and Jade poker table will this anger the gods I don't know Oh yep it does says I've been saving for a while sent me six from book head all right animals what I think I'm gonna do is I'm not gonna bother moving the thrombo the throw bow can handle themselves that'll move everyone else to cover and it's a tiebreaker it looks like disease it is and everybody gets muscle parasites just about cool that's the best kind of parasites the muscle ones I don't even have numbers installed so it's kind of hard to Oh so apparently muscle parasites nah Oh cuz book has a wimp uh what's calling all these these events here is this you client or is this just the mod going all haywire all right so these guys are coming in theoretically are they bashing you and it looks like they want to know salt in my voice super disease is super funny crab you don't even have a weapon yet do you well here we go there's a war hammer all right Jeffrey the one-legged picked it's gonna go say hello all right that was a quick hello Carta all right these stupid Raiders just basically killed themselves I was down to fight but they were down to just kill themselves oh I didn't even realize that the the events were purchasable or not for a reasonable amount given that you have like infinite coin so what is this the talker show we talked about yeah it's it's purchasable I kind of like the democratic voting of events so overwhelming you all have voted for a neutral whatever that is some dude showing up to sell me some stuff probably like Avon stuff haha King Sombra saying he doesn't want fire anymore in in not so polite terms a whole lot of colonists need treatment and there's a bit of a weather fight going on apparently okay so the poker tables only good that is definitely not what I was hoping for but I'll let it pass I suppose I think what I'm most eager about is trying to get enjoy to make some of these nicer furnitures or uh art rather and getting the temple even better quality I just taking a look around seeing how bad it is all right so we do have some people that want to like trade or whatever [Music] I have no idea what components are but I'm gonna buy them from you what else can we buy from you guys you guys like have survival meals in whatever however you made that I have no idea alright kabhi see you definitely need some rest the poker tables going to be moved how's my malaria friends come in they're not getting medical treatment are they come on Doc's will enjoy sleeping oh Jesus all of the elephants are spoiling very quickly who cooks who cooks who cooks Jerry cooks but he's asleep and crapper - shouldn't cook Dimond is sick every way sick serenity you are if you cook all right let's put your that thing oh no you can't can't cook Wow you definitely can't cook I was looking for the wrong thing dub yes I need you over here spoils in two hours oh no no no no no no no no no no no go big or go home there we go alright let's put your three more times the flat steel door is on fire again and it's a common occurrence caused by you guys just a good one Wow could be see don't go all out man reserve all of your crafting skill for when I'm not using precious resources like you know Jade bear man you keep sayin mechanoid raid I keep telling you it's disabled it doesn't exist and it can't happen you can keep requesting it but it doesn't make it any more possible now than the last ten times you said it cuz I have a full conversion mod that disables such things and literally it it can't happen actually a lot can't happen I can't go past electricity no one that has anything high-tech can ever attack me if you're looking about the mods that I have installed just go to the website it will tell you I've got the medieval conversion installed and that prevents such a thing box down again I think the Box tired of being set on fire but maybe not perhaps not I don't know Oh interesting I thought these would auto rearm but I had that disabled I will fix that all right enjoy how is this statue coming along smoke leaf joints straight to the farm and a raid just called blood sent by random nerd well okay not exactly sure how dangerous is raider is with a looks to be a wooden sword yes I think this dude forgot where re is Syrio Forel I think you're lost but don't worry you'll be found soon oh why did time slowed down oh because my rat decided to surf into the fire nice all right so who do we have here we have a few people coming in so let me just get them real quick enjoy I don't want you being doctor I just want you to be an artist now he's trying to kill the boom rant so that's gonna get a mite bit explosive I think so if we didn't already have problems with forest fires we're about to have more despite the fact that this dude has like absolutely terrible okay miles just burned himself to death this dude has absolutely terrible skill at weaponry he still can beat up a boom rat real good miles fully self-immolated Ava looks close why would they walk through the fire like that I don't I don't really fully understand I'm looking at the pathing and they're like ooh fire all right so the boom rats alive you're gonna get patched up I think what I need to do okay most of these are stab scars some of them are burns animals you guys are taking a lot of meds so we're gonna take the meds away but elms given you foods that's good landed right in my kill box well another side effect of all the fire is its removing all the wood the viable wood from around the map again oh right because of the original zone and then make it a little bit harder to feed our thrombo isn't it loke regretting even making I'm Loki regretting even making a plus steel doors given how inflamed everything is how's my jade art I'm still coming yeah at this rate if I had a pyromaniac pound I wouldn't have wouldn't even really notice oh you had malaria you were up on your feet that's not good oh wow my dead creature let's clear these guys out I could put a tile on the floor but I'd have to be too wide actually it couldn't just be the one I could do that to prevent the doors from catching fire though cam got inspired trade I think it's about time what are your needs I don't really care what your needs are you can sleep on the road Jerry where are you and Kim nasiha and a double bed so let's bring not the gold knife oh you know what Cassie is sick isn't she nevermind I got wait man what a sad dude I'm not ever in those anymore I know what they are right into the stockpile which isn't even a home zone which seems like a mistake why aren't you resting bed rest oh well I guess you're trying to firefight all right King boomer boomer I guess is up again didn't even miss Carrie from being stabbed by that dude again our our hops farm gets hit a direct hit seems gods really don't like me eating nice we have a whole lot of hay now and that means that kibble no longer using rice use the hay and put your creatures forever actually you know what I'm gonna do let's do it like this put your creatures until I have 200 meet up some of the ostriches are up where are they the little ostrich gift five dressers wow that is generous alright let's hook these up so these were from turtle sandwich I don't know if turtle sandwich has like a desire about where these go but I'm gonna start hooking them up especially to these sad depressive bones that are very very well depressive I changed the my mind about where I want to install them lots of good goodies coming my way alright so all these like crappy bedrooms that are way back in the end of nowhere gonna get spruced up a bit got some silver coming in from rich tur and Bri is sending yet more dry thunderstorms and a possibility of even more weather I love it the gods are stormy gods Klein who says I don't want to get hurt for tomorrow I'm actually uh if you check the website about the settings the Karma minimum is raised so that means you're even penalized less for negative things as I welcome it that's a whole lot of hay now oh wow I have so much hay you know what I'm gonna do let's replace this with chocolate bot seems to be broken confirm if that is true grand statue is done let's do another one it's excellent grant statue cool put this into the new temple along with some illumination to enjoy the view you are seemingly wanting me to be super disease Oh King bomber just miscarried due to poor health boomer bomber whatever the same I'm into this rate there really isn't a whole lot of forest left you guys really bolsa narrowed this thing someone just got hit or something time just slowed down so someone's on fire rage sushi vogue vogue Lee they all just got burned your muscle parasites can't even hurt me anymore I only got like a one dude that got muscle parasites that's funny I'm gonna allow self tending I like how enjoys like alright screw it guys I've been trying to make art for the temple but you keep harming me so I'm just taking a nap now in here what do I want double strand why not drug productions done I'm gonna wake on work up I mean work on wake up the workshops very impressive now so at least they're getting mood benefits from the very impressive dining room looks like I'm gonna need some more meat this will get some hunting done house come ask yourself oh she's well the bad stuffs being tended to you so that that that's helpful maybe I'll start allowing self-tanning for these docs cuz everyone's getting sick King summer why are you saying I need more meds I have 90 I I think that's quite a lot if it would be an honest wait what happened to you oh just you went mad fruit delivery I loved it I thought I thought I was hunting it boom below meat nice do boom roll up burgers cooked themselves legit question one free alpaca coming up what about your joke oh here we are what did the cantaloupe say to the dynamite let's make a boom elope I like it I like that joke epiphany was trying to do I mean this has probably happens to a lot of doctors in real life they just like fall asleep in the ER exhausted from the workload I think one thing I need to do given how many muscle parasites I've got going around is replace forced work with anything and hope that they work but muscle parasites make you very tired so I don't think I can just keep cracking the whip and having them work all right the smoke leaf joints are for here and for God use only all right so it's like sage sticks I guess what is this uh smoke look joint never yeah we'll get that hauled up maybe sign curve the happy altruist happy to move the joints elephant revenge and I'm already hurt Oh someone else got hurt crab got hurt no crab I don't even know what's going on crab is back to doing psych I really like your many many months in prison weren't enough you really want to do that to yourself I mean I'm not gonna stop you but coz you know you are allowed I just think it's surprising but maybe once a junkie always a junkie straight being purchased beautiful all right we're gonna have maybe you're a freed up bedroom [Music] corn goes against your theme but I could use it yeah I probably could I do have some potatoes but not a whole lot all right well that elephant didn't cause us any time let's clear up our animal graveyard what am i researching I'm researching a wake-up it hopes that I'll be able to make some eventually and then make someone like a joy even more productive he's right now he's uh he's actually his manipulation sucks terribly due to the muscle parasites and the fact it is missing multiple fingers and here's Sokka Massey is over her malaria and diamond here will be soon which is awesome which means you guys are gonna plague me yet again soon aren't you I know how you think you guys are evil I would say approximately over easily over half of the map has been burned Wow little number taken no time out for making new little zombie babies [Music] alright so the food's looking pretty okay diamond just gave up on the community he's pulling the ripcord he's bailing all right so we're gonna force him to stay which was pretty easy I like how my concept of forcing him to stay is just to beat the snot out of him and then he's like alright I guess I'll I'll stick around guys cuz you know you'll kill me if I don't you're not stuck here you just aren't allowed to leave totally totally different not not the same at all you know at least we give a medical care whether I give him his um no this shouldn't be what is this farm - all right let's put cycloid there and here I'm gonna put second I'm thinking I'm gonna make a big batch of tea how's our beer with plenty of beer and almost no - yeah well we'll work on the tea here epiphany you weren't supposed to smoke the holy weed what are you doing yeah it wasn't I didn't do that right there we go now epiphany will behave turtle sandwich says the priests aren't researching enough all right I could I could agree with that hmm where the hell do I put this thing it is big and wonky and I'll put it right here yeah my my full time researchers well one just smoked herself unconscious the other is muscle para sighted unconscious and then the third is trying to do sigh kite again as an addict Wow we are just so functional high-functioning people here I feel like I'm no closer to getting that claim or huh taking a look at my blocks I think I'm good with the granite blocks for now Tiffany and Klein had formed a bond how I have no idea cuz she's not even conscious for it she just went into the dream world and formed a bond with the creature while unconscious so that's that's interesting that's a that's a good way to bond us let's see try thunderstorm yet again no surprise and sync win for crab oh nice crab is now but that's not showing you up yet but I think you're saying one let's see yes you're saying like who's starving Epiphany starving wall Pippi's not even conscious golde coming in from scary bug all right so I do have two researchers allowed to do research but my second researcher here is just sort of a blob ooh dubs no longer a slowpoke nice we already have way too many people that have like stumped legs so slowpokes are particularly nasty trait I think all right epiphany is conscious again so let's get that bow good bad or neutral so simple in its descriptions Jerry and Kumasi you ready to pull the ripcord on this colony just like leave it uh well maybe I'll wait until the event is over in case you guys send something dangerous to make some chocolate from Oh Gus can king you know I probably also need to store chocolate here right so let's go do that where is it up here there it is chocolate so we'll have chocolate and tea you guys are making me hungry chocolate and tea on one and then be around the other it sounds like a really nice date to me um I'm gonna add this whole zone because I don't want to lose this bridge Dubbs leveling up and muscle parasites are really brutal they stick around a long time how's my big chocolate fine Wow barely sown at all and my hands about to disappear and there's nowhere to store it uh that's okay I have a lot of hay so what the hey I could expand my storage a little bit I'll just have to step over stuff run some milk he wanted a mechanoid raid but he's gonna have to settle for something less yeah sorry about that then the mob disables the mechanoid great I I didn't what is this like self on igniting corpses call me burn rat I could do that where are you burn burn rent you are gonna go to be butchered no you know what you're not because that is that will become a problem hey mr. Carta how about you hit him hit him yes oh what a shot what was it in the spine awesome there's also a psychic soothe I think you all voted for good so that's the results of that sorry burn rant didn't really burn very much but the map still on fire somewhere oh there it is running out of fuel eventually right acid is wondering why hustle drive is available it's because you're the gods you can send things to me that I shouldn't be able to research anyway so things like hospital bed are available even though it is not within my tech tree and that's true of a lot of things like the psychic pulsar you know whatever gods work in mysterious ways and they send me things that I might not understand but doesn't mean I won't appreciate and ambrosia sprout is this a gift it is cool the gate sent and that's a big sprout - that is no joke so let's go paint some zigzags over here and remove the tree oops and ambrosia one and don't allow selling don't turn it into a big potato farm all right so if I don't have something researched maybe you can't send it I'm not exactly sure the limitations there some things require some things don't maybe it looks like more meat is required so let's go hunt stock up our kibble pretty much as much kibble as I ever make it gets immediately used up it's very discouraging I can never ever have enough for my pets oh the whole map shook so I know a bumble up just died hunting hyper wow that is not an easy target on [Music] come on May layers two giant blades versus here we go well she'll need patching up but defending you know our foxes Kamisha and Jerry and probably let's see what I want to bring double bed kidney and elephant tusks oh you know what let's bring the elephant - elephant the elephant coming with us I'm mostly just aiming to free up space so that we have space for more stuff but yeah chinchilla fur no chinchilla fur is kind of nice camel hide I'll bring leather light bird that looks good and some meals although I'm sure we'll forage choose the route we'll go south it's a little quicker anything else I want to bring no all right let's get going nope nothing boom elope just went clop if I see an elephant that's sort of on their own maybe I can target it human meat from tadpole all right no message with that one elephant get ready to be sent out how's my temples we're working on it it really hasn't seen much change in a while oh all right so miles and kilometers you're welcome miles cactus armchair okay got some lizard-skin armchairs I'm gonna hook up the well maybe to the clothing who's fighting Oh what Rick saved you from one Panther in another Panther just eats you come on man at this point he's just Panther bait I can't do anything about that I'll let that one slide I will hunt this Panther though you don't get a free pass eating me that was like the third carnivore trying to eat him dub your trigger-happy right yeah it shows all right cart is about to show you up yep first try lands a hit and kills it who's exhausted epiphany Massey blue and Jerry's on their way and that frees up a lot of space in my my stockpile here herbal medicine coming from HP to ZZ I like it keeping my stock piles up we still haven't turned over this grow zone yet I'm surprised yeah our growers just have not prioritized that at all you really you're fine you can make cable of the human meat I've seen worse I could I think we already oh yeah I mean I hypothetically could resurrect the little fox here I just don't have the serum I see you mentioning it though grande statue man these take a while part of me wants to get enjoy hooked on Luciferian so he works a little faster and he'll up those that that arma is obviously that will take he'll mix serum but he's the only art only viable artist we have and he takes his sweet time grab a - good art crap you want your dude doing a little bit of like Viking art here you can let me know cuz I could build a second table and have you do sort of the the other art oh boy Jesus gypsy gypsy here went full-on out I'm gonna murder myself a bar for food that's impressive guess II was hungry alright so they're here ready to trade that's good what do we got we got bird skin leathers all this stuff let's keep the Luciferian that's not mine to sell they have an arco eye here which I'm gonna try to buy if I can afford oh boy almost yes I can afford it Arco I we have got it awesome just barely barely able to afford it but able to afford it nonetheless LM sending even more kibble trying to keep everyone fed and a treat purchased jugger oh well you went from slowpoke to jogger I like it another thing I probably should do is let's shrink this grow zone not to be in front of these doors because the only like the only trees we sewn are like right in front of the doors there which is just silly and stupid in equal amounts man epiphany you are so slow Oh environment environment I mean animal animal well you guys have interesting choices here you can either I don't know I don't even know what these terms exactly are I haven't like decrypted them but should be interesting whatever happens out cookie Epiphany that's not good we're having so many breakups this episode who rejected the proposal Epiphany so Epiphany you get well you're still together you're just dating oh no ex-lover okay ouch um sorry cookie you're losing a losing the bed there you were the one that said no so you face the consequences and then that means I need another bedroom and I don't have the spot where am I gonna put your bedroom I don't know I guess here that's some weird lumpy zigzag I mean I'm I could do better but yes it's gonna have to do what I will do is replace the granite walls with marble ones and make it nice man this is an episode of heartache at least you still like each other people eating Oh kibble oh no what happened to our cooks diamond you're sleeping oh wow that is an accurate tornado tide Walker just sent let's go tornado drill animals go to help I don't know what else to name it and meteorites okay so it's the end times oh nice come ask his fast Walker to keep up with Jerry all right so that tornado wanted to break the bar but then was like but beers too nice although there here goes our farm and some bedrooms and it pretty much perfectly followed the path of our farm here and like Dee planted everything nice there goes row beds epiphanies slow and almost got caught up all the raw beds yes why not two out of three is this the good one no this was not was the good one at point three health I'm sort of also low-key feeling like this thing is following me around like it is straight up chasing epiphany yep it just merked epiphany for heaven you know stumpy legs so that's annoying animals let's move this zone over huh shall we move help down to here or something yeah what we can just let's just do it this way kill help animals go to your barn Krabs helping the PIFAN Eyup epiphany is fine just definitely Oh nope I thought crab was helping them just decided to steal his beer go you need help do you you dropped your beer don't mind if I help myself to your beer alright so commercia and jerry are back with the cyber eye cookie homeless is homeless we're gonna need a whole lot of replacements on these beds eating a lot of raw where is my damn cooks come on you cookies all right one one one you better start cooking we're eating raw everywhere I never made the Sam stone bed it was a gift I know better is to not make it but I'm not gonna rebuild it I'll rebuild the steel ones though beer coming from quantification oh and more events okay all right so QVC I'm just gonna have queued up to rebuild these row beds some of the gold survived from one of them I also don't have a place for the slag so I'm just gonna plop down a little zone there hey Oboro could you luminate thank you much appreciated in fact I'm gonna do this in all of the affected bedrooms so we can clean it up and repair it more rapidly those bedrooms suck now it has displaced five meals thank you get keeping me fed five meals from crazy jack all right all of my animals you're good to wander about but the thermals in there oh no I just put thrombosed to Temple cats oops I was wondering about that in fact the from Bo's probably should only be in these two beds because I don't need them heating my crops agro has been late-stage pregnant for like ever now haven't fully been able to figure out how long the gestation period of a thrombo is but I can tell you it is a long time there we go excellent dad who do we have that's I guess Komachi and Jerry some rice Oh smooth octopus sending me some some helpful uh helpful goods to keep me alive bad the pets drink beer that's okay as long as they don't get cirrhosis I'm gonna start hauling the slag just to make the bedroom a little bit nicer because they're not aesthetics and cleaning up I don't even know who I've displaced now I don't even know who's in relationships anymore everybody like broke up with everybody so kartaa and who is it and someone that isn't even in the colony sign and someone that's not in the colony Matthew Gerry oh and another tornado from night divinity Oh a whole bunch of them first fires and then tornadoes see the question is what am I doing wrong oh wow and that royal band immediately goes what am I doing wrong that the book had the permanently unconscious is further unconscious I like it the gods are supposed to give me some sort of reason as to why I'm being cursed rather than to curse me or I'm just gonna ignore their demands enjoy could you go oh yeah you're not a doctor anymore are you Kumasi yeah you could do it I didn't smoke the holy weed I did it once and then I fixed it is that warranting the destruction of many many many things I don't know I'm not even gonna help book head de idiots a wimp you want to be a wimp you could be a wimp definitely not gonna help you up though here we go a little bit light all right the animals are all set more meds and a picture shield I don't know if a picture Shields gonna help me hide from tornadoes though but I can try at least equip them if I need them crabs and insult spree come on go insult enjoy you're insulting the wrong person there all right could VC let's rebuild this man these bedrooms suck Krabs done with his insult spree that's nice I guess and the temple is really hasn't changed at all definitely got ripped up oh wow my whole bar is your my whole brewery is gone turn to Adams and I'm getting another person here where'd you come from wait who is this guy what happened here I'm so confused a man in black no I don't want you get out no one asked for you to be here goodbye Ben I already have a band I don't need two beds two bands is nitrogen blood poisoning right forget that that sounds awful uh Wow alright so I that's why I have slag in there alright so QV C you're not in a relationship anymore and as you can see a lot of these people have been displaced I could use the temporary bedrooms to do stuff but I haven't done that yet the one I sent away shouldn't have even shown up it was like a it was a man in black that should have been disabled and additionally my colony wasn't in like peril so the man in black showing up was kind of silly if you ask me and that's why I just missed him I didn't really look at his stats I just said be gone you male sock wanderer joins named gorillas nervous jogger abrasive doesn't do dumb labor and is old as sin well not really health is bad back and torsos car Wow a real keeper guys so twitch subs go ahead start guessing a number from 120 and I got one in my head and whoever gets it more closest after a sufficient period of time gets to be gorillas Ross Rock Dubois kymaro gorilla epiphany is gonna duck up a corpse cool desecrating our temple that's a good way to be whatever happened to book head you're still unconscious somewhere yeah you are all right I like how this is obviously totally ravaged and yet somehow still nice enough to be mediocre I kind of there's like definitely some oh yeah you don't do dumb labor there's something funny about that to me all right thanks Epiphany could we put them back now it's too bad I can't take his implant out I I think the joy could enjoy that can boomer out salt no they can't very very very few creatures can haul boom wraps are not one of them all right so this is gonna be the new Jerry Capeci bed room cuz it's nice sir and then I don't think we have any other partners anymore that are both in the colony Oh zero day hey man thanks for the sub we need you to bring these guys back alive so I'm just gonna give it to get the nicer one to kabhi see and then this one to cookie totally arbitrary just people that need it best um door what am i doing marble door I'll put it here can book head and gorillas have the last bed oh well they're not a thing they're not gonna want to share beds with one another trait purchased sorry needed the traits lot okay yeah that's fair I won't accuse you of being homophobic all right uh governor you get gorilla that's not the number I was guessing but it's been long enough so let's name Q oh and what just happened a raid free cat food that's a lot of cat food I think you underestimate how hungry these cats are man um barn for the animals except for the thrombo you know I think what I'm gonna do is run Bo defense no pets okay rumble defense will be your in here animals from a defense and then everybody said everybody yeah everybody let's get ready to rumble I suppose and we can see who doesn't have weapons pretty easily as a result so epiphany you got tornado tore something you need a bow and diamond kinda out of stuff aren't we I will have to crap some up once comercio finishes what they want to do alright more Vikings are these alright Vikings in Caliphate they're gonna fight each other I think I guess you see that I have like 20 minutes left and you want to make the last 20 minutes the most enjoyable so bring it on make it enjoyable I'm gonna make these Raiders use traps know that there's even more of them all right Tiffany has a bow dubbing art you've got a little stabby what are you good at oh you're actually pretty good at melee wait what is going on oh no even though I tell you to get in the bar and you took too long and now you're dead awful way to die how a wolf can't help run some little Caliphate Raiders I don't know but just got beaten down to death all right so pics heading in just a pict okay so the other guys are fleeing and panic oh and they killed the Vikings um aggro it I think it takes a lot to have a let's call accidental miscarriage of a thrombo it's it's not something that happens easily so I'm not all that worried about you guys fighting but with that said I will put you back on thrombo zones perfect sir glass can by trade if you don't have a pond no but you can level up a tree it just does one I think at random I'm not exactly sure how it assigns all right Ben there's a lot of rubble here and it's banging these bedrooms suck do I trust Geoffrey yeah I'm gonna trust Geoffrey Oh oops I didn't do that correctly luckily carta survived I meant to send them on an intercept and kind of over in it don't all right well there will be cat food I really need to remember never to send Epiphany anywhere because the Pimpin e walks at the speed of nothing it doesn't move at all all right we're getting the brewery back together and I guess Devon art doesn't have work yet no you do make art that's good to know some of these corpses are gonna go to food I'm not gonna burn them because I got a lot of animals and they need to eat so temple cat and no pets temple cat I'm even have my um my monkey chinchilla why not rats why not you're all temple cats now trait removal of abrasive Oh Devon art is less abrasive he's also researching I didn't even realize that was a thing maybe I'll allow you to have some light - oh poor Ava that was a bummer hopefully Ava the sub isn't here to witness that these bedrooms look awful I'm gonna forbid that so the kabisa can finish it off Jade statue you're asking about that's this one is intact and the other one is not here yet another thing I need to do is crank out some bows so I'm gonna make great bows deal until I have one that is excellent or better made by Kumasi and a Manhunter pack of gazelles slay them without injury and I get a blessing all right um man this barn is getting a lot of action I'm gonna even send my everyone in there Oh some great boughs rule DB has a feeling I need great boughs so I get them um so I gotta slay a bunch of stuff and I can't get touched these are all normal quality what do I have got going on I guess some rainy day I'm gonna let you rest Wow book head you've been real helpful increased skill for animals for Jerry alright um let's see army am I even gonna be able to get to the foes in time probably not Dimond you're gonna have to wait you're slow on the uptake so let's just take cover alright so here they come Oh sneaky little bastards coming from both sides I always should leave epiphany out of this so let's get app if knee out of that man you are so slow muscle parasites plus everything else makes for a really ridiculous combo alright there's two down keep everyone else inside nope guess I'm getting hurt I haven't gotten hurt yet but I'm definitely gonna get hurt oh well like six misses in a row definitely causes that but at least we're getting a little bit of melee action here fair man if you're wondering why there's a minimum of I it's so that I don't get spammed tis the rules which is the way it works if you're wondering why just revisit the first episode you will know immediately why those rules have been enacted like because it couldn't be any more obvious um all right rumbles back to thrombo until Oh rats god I have too many pets I wish they could just have like a position one position to bot is down all right let's get the butt back up it's funny actually meteors are designed to never be able to hit colonists so they could never really cause damage to me hope this is not a bedroom for you dove in art sorry even more great Bose coming from a PC and these are even higher quality I like that all right so that dresser Kovach to be excellent our food is I don't know I don't I wouldn't say we have like super good food security but it's good enough given the tornadoes and the rampage that's been going on I have oh yeah there goes the bots I could feel when it reconnects because my frame rates died a dramatic Oh dub just got infected so to the hospital for you okay you're just gonna be unconscious for a bit enjoy is not a doctor Kumasi is though Manhunter pack because I failed of dromedaries okey doke that's fair so let's see animals and camel hair so I'm about to have a lot of camel hair a blood murder/death/kill easy there Dimond way out of position alright you're just gonna get smacked down here oh you've got an eye bit out fortunately for you I have a spare eye skill increase fix your honey I don't think it's gonna fix your own infection but it's a start Oh Klein why are you asleep all you guys are asleep no you're supposed to wake up um all right let's see what I could do here training you have a bond to epiphany Epiphany you were going to aggro who else you have to bond to cookie Epiphany all right Epiphany where are you in these stupid animals actually do their job for once that's the real question the answers probably but not right now or something like that there we go another up nope they're taking a nap Epiphany where are oh god the slowest why are you so slow I like how Agra is being hit and like doesn't care uh who else is fighting here Carta perfect Carta put napping no where are you going you aren't even assign their klein you're drunk get back here now that I grow is doing it oh this is hilarious these guys seemingly have no idea of what combat is now who's in here book head a epiphanies moving at a quarter meter per second Jeffrey you're up cool [Applause] all right all animals to hear how's that sound [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not even gonna pick up the ones that went down not on purpose at least alright animal you all are gonna be on no pets I don't care where you go oh look I'm have like a litter zone unhappy nudity okay mobile try to fix it ah the Box down again well I will bring it back up just a moment thrown Bofur well that's a long Joe I don't ain't got time for that I'm doing triage here wait the pity and cookie why are you sharing a bed who wants me to like in prison book head for being a wimp up here what can I do to you you need to be punished somehow Rhian useless a vain all right tough for serenity that's cool who else needs treatment epiphany needs treatment and I'll borrow and dump all right that's not that bad I think Aurora doesn't work so don't buy it it's supposed to be disabled so if it is still not being disabled it should be FY to the I mod doesn't always perfectly work Wow this is one gross bass I dub bedrest for everybody including you anyone with an infection needs to rest M is the rules now don't consume well bed rest doesn't make sense to her that's fine Geoffrey gave up again wasn't he the first one who wants to stop them crab you get to stop with your battle axe yeah the bot died so you all can't seem to vote gear I have noticed no crab wasn't up to the task not even a little bit but now he's just on a rampage alright so many black shows up well guess what mr. black I'm just kicking you out again he's trying to rampage oh good job kill bomber and set himself a fire nice let's see been tiffany and killed Faust the cat and about to kill extreme - all right well you've harmed enough people that I am gonna start using lethal force if you survive oh I guess you survived it's gonna say if you don't survive I just have more elusive fury but myself but nope you lived [Music] Kumasi tea is back to crafting this Claymore is like never gonna get done crab died oh yeah well I suppose crap you uh you lost the fight so it is what needs to do but we'll put you we'll put you where you go actually a proper Viking burial crab do you want a proper Viking burial alternatively if you have the points there is Reznik serum just sand but other than that yeah and injured in despondent pond got you killed real fast well we have a lot of starvation everywhere just cuz they're whatnot eating a lot of mangled organs too well that's about all the time I have because been warned by uptime from the moderator so quick reminder to everyone tomorrow at 1 p.m. Eastern us Eastern Time the survived the swarm series starts where I have to endure swarms and swarms of zombies from all you guys if you have any questions about that I'll be in the chat for a little bit after this all ends and then also from next episode for this foreseeable future these will air two hours earlier and n two hours earlier so these same timeframe as tomorrow's stream and of course I stick around and chat if you guys want to chat thanks all for watching thanks for all the new subs that have subbed this episode and I'll catch you all next episode adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 3,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Twitch
Id: zXYt0ErC_X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 22sec (10882 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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