RimWorld / EP 26 - Grinding for Goals / Tomb World Survival

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hey everybody running here thanks for tuning in to episode 26 of Tim world survival so last episode I asked all of you to go ahead and vote on new goals so here we have them we've got the old goals on the right here network of tunnels Bionic spine for Tony and open the inch of danger and the new goals build geothermal harvest spare organs like kidneys and lungs and then make up my own goal so thanks for the make up my own goal that does make my life a little bit easier so the first thing I want to do in this episode is address some of the tips that you all have for me so Aerith Aqaba mentioned that I might want to door up some of my new tunnel system so that's a very fair point I really only need to add transport crash I really only need to add a few doors here so four doors will make it unusable for Raiders and just transport crash is on the wrong tiles so you could be the best pawn in the existence of pawns and I really wouldn't be able oh you're actually really good one two but not gonna be able to get you in time so na Nana na na goodbye I know that's a kind of kind of dark way of looking at it alright I do have some other tips but I'm gonna put Tony and stormy on limited radiation with everyone else another thing I'm gonna do is I want to get rid of these oops corpses they're probably gonna rot before I get rid of them because the radiation rots everything really really really quickly another thing I wanted to do is to move my chem fuel generators and we haven't done that yet so let me force genes to do one another thing that occurred to me is the no radiation zone needs to include kazuma's bedroom and should not include here which is has no roof and this has no roof either I think yep okay good another one of my tasks is geothermal generator so I'm going to work on that so I gotta add I gotta add this too limited in no radiation zones as well no radiation can include that whole area as can limited for that reason because that has roof coverage all right some other tips um let's see Travis Shallenberger mentioned that I really should be willing to sell any sculpture that I make to passing trades people because I can always replace them with marble and you're absolutely right that is a very good point so I will start I will always be willing to part with even my master works unless of course it's part of a goal so if you all have a goal for me like create a uranium statue which was a one of the voted options this week to commemorate you know the community or whatever then yeah I won't sell that uranium statue that would be a little small of me so yeah alright I am just painting limited reiation zones arounds that we can we can haul some stones and stuff like that so follow we got a disease here so I'm gonna Tony I'm gonna tend to him these doors because of the hauling I just queued up need to be accessible now I'll just have to keep an eye and making sure people aren't harming themselves aggro and Janes have the highest radiation right now so I'm not allowing them out stormy should probably research before haul so I'll fix that a gross cranking out all these blocks but what it really need is a jacket I know I need materials we're waiting on the last jacket for trade I believe let me double-check on that yep we have five out of six I'm going to let's go ahead and power this on and start to cremate these corpses it's much easier to cremate corpses when they're not rotten because the moment they start to rot it gets real gross for everyone involved I don't know I'm picking on you aggro but you are going to be my little maid for a moment and let's go over some more tips ash mentions that pants and shirts didn't get the only allowed ingredients ticked let me double-check on that pants only allowed ingredients yeah and shirts and tooks and dusters okay dusters are already done and there we go and that allows you to count more accurately count the sort of clothing that I've needed and wanted queued up another thing I could do is change the restrictions now that people aren't all having mental breaks to have them work what else dan Hellman mentioned that the turret at my outpost needs to be hello Dawson needs to be popped up by one moved one forward so it has better line of sight on the West that's a good point once I'm back there next oops I hadn't generated the planet apologies while we load the planet real quick I usually remember to do this first oh boy because I generated 100% of this planet that took a long time to load all right I was going out to the planet here to make sure 15 days yeah I plenty of time ok another thing I should probably do is have a temp T so temp T stockpile here where we are gonna put low and this is another dan Hellman suggestion here where is the psych IT now one we brew tea we will bring it to the temp tea and then I'll eventually they'll move it over to this here which has become a steel cool what I'm gonna do is probably get rid of the steel there just so that it actually becomes a tea house not a steel house sorry the little cave that we opened up here has really cool soil here I didn't realize there'd be lichen on this map but there is so let's start walling it off to keep us cooler somehow resisted the crazy radiation yeah so we should we are about to get access to more cloth and then we'll be able to make that last jacket for the marine armor let's see no radiation home zones you know all this should be the home zone we really ought to clean up our kill box so that it doesn't it's not disgusting when we use it and in fact due to the possibility of an infestation I really should have turrets inside the base that's actually one thing I really meant to do a lot more of atoms see actually made a comment about that the fact that I have this giant underground base I really need to pay more attention to the potential of a a infestation which means having tourist systems and stuff like that around the base that's a very good point so there is one turret sitting there ideally I would want uranium turrets I do need a research deep drilling to enable that uranium turrets aren't flammable and they're tough hence the use of them alright so follow and Jains is having a bad time I think it's the new lovers a grown Kazumi cool that's gonna be useful for bedrooms here because of course I have the potential of a a new few people joining us once we pop this ancient danger open so saving myself a bedroom is awesome so let's try to build an excellent or better bed there it is excellent and then a grow you will we will slightly rearrange this bedroom here and kazumi will move in I wonder how all its follow feels about his daughters new boyfriend who actually saved her life so you know what actually he doesn't get a say alright Jane's aggro is moving the bed cool this Camry after needs to be powered on a grow and Kazumi sews bedroom is now no longer used I'm just gonna power off the heater because we don't really need to heat it down there anymore actually looking at this we don't need these marble doors anymore I'm just turning them into walls I'd want people to go around and not track filth into the research room if possible combat supplier flying overhead cool let's see I'm going to follow Travis's suggestions to follow you must be yet over your infection and uninstall all of my beautiful art alright you'll never halt stormy and I'm even gonna uninstall the big grand sculpture just so that could do some good trades cuz I can always replace it and here is the cotton I need the cloth to get my new my new beautiful jacket produced Kim fuel alright let's move this guy over to I want to keep that door open keep this door closed and my warden my best trader would be probably stormy as well so we'll get that going comment supplier let me think yeah I have some random weapons and stuff that I could smelt down but I'm just I guess equally eager to sell them an old revolver all of my beautiful statues and as far as buying something goes I'm not going to be able to afford probably much here got 600 for 600 I could get a change shotgun that's actually not terrible but I think I'd prefer to hmm yeah I'd prefer the silver for now so in order to move the silver we need to add a limited radiation zone underneath it I had some limiter issue radiation zones here here here these were all corpses so we can get rid of those here was a turret but it's not there anymore hadn't built any of the doors to the ancient danger but that's mostly because the follow has been sick and Jains is on a no radiation because he has really high radiation alright we're making the last jacket now the next thing I want to do is another grand statue which means change the grump here we'll be able to enjoy some art make sure he's not making a small one oh yeah he was making a small one we need more material for it alright now that everyone's cremated go ahead and kill that alright we still need more materials once Tony's done someone should start doing the haul in this marble that's not a very good place for you to work buddy you're already in a bad mood trouble is dazing going on a days is real dangerous right so mood management is important let's see I'm gonna go force him to drink beer and tea not a bad thing to force a person to do I'm forcing you to go enjoy yourself and we should see that mood spring back up yep spring and right back up out of the danger zone alright so now the chem fuel is pretty close to where we store it and it's nice and smooth the corridor is nice and smooth so we can travel to it quickly and I think I'll put another standing lamp here now Kazumi and aggro presumably should be in high spirits because they are in a relationship now 6 and 10 probably yaks Kazumi was rescued and recruited by agro so it's alright so now that we have now we have all our jackets we can go deliver them but have to decide who to do it we also need to resew the crops they're cool my hen has the plague let's see so if I go to pets I'm going to include two spots here that include animals sleeping spots and that way I can actually heal the hen the hen here let's heal with we have enough herbal I'm just gonna heal it with herbal it seems like probably like overkill the probably most of you but honestly I'd rather have the eggs then they're herbal meds but these jerks aren't even tending nothing I could do is probably an auto door here speeds up travel time yeah I'll just go ahead and do that and there's nowhere to store the mile blocks I'm gonna store them here for now I'm gonna put it on low we haven't actually built any of these doors yet but so follow as follows now on his feet so he should be contributing yes okay now it's a little bit quicker to move around the kitchen and he's hiding in his room okay good well that's a lot less dangerous than the wandering that he could have done so all things considered I'm not complaining so stormy is working on advanced fabrication which will allow us to get the Bionic parts one of which is for Tony for her spine but then probably all the people that are you know have bad legs and whatnot Jane's has a peg leg and Kazumi has really messed up left and right leg for that matter they will get some 10 tending to as well it's warning me about low food but I'm not entirely sure that's true but actually you know what it is a little low let's turn this back to rice and this back to rice okay now we're working on dusters we can fulfill that trade order I haven't done that yet but I do plan on it I just have to decide who should go probably Tony even though she has a bad back all right so jeans you are a hauler but let's lay up on the hauling a little bit actually I don't know why you're tailing her being either trying to figure out what exactly he's doing here you just she's still just sort of hauling everything well it's because you said on no radiation zone because I don't want them traveling to too far but I'm gonna lift that to limited radiation now and see if you can't start constructing what I need constructed okay so your first building this wall that's fine just don't have a major break while you're out here that would be extraordinarily bad 34 okay probably back to no radiation there was a lot of radiation for even that quick jump okay I no longer have the low food warning anymore that's really weird that they rice and cycloid leaves side by side there Jaynes is finally cranking out the grand statue that's cool he's using just about every block in the house all right so Jaynes let's see I'm gonna make sure that you don't have a mental break in the middle of making your art cutting an ear off or something like that does that be bad we still haven't hauled any of this silver anywhere important I suppose the good news is we do have a lot of backup clothing we've got pants shirts tooks in one out of two dusters a lot of people are currently wearing parkas but I do plan on changing them all over dusters pretty soon here Tony is gonna need to be set to no radiation as well we're getting up to that point pretty soon all right yep no radiation now she can't go back out there some cargo pods of flake and that might as well be on Mars because he's really far this kitchen is looking filthy trouble is the kitchen is also like a major three-way the other problem is this little crafting area is very inaccessible safely okay so the hen is over the plague cool that means that you are going to lose wandering rights now was gonna have Tony do the trade order but now that her radiation is a little higher than I'm comfortable with that's probably going to be delayed so follows working on the doors to prevent Raiders from using my tunnel system and his radiation is a big whopping zero sometimes when you cross open territory like this you don't get radiation it takes it's based upon ticks so if you [Music] aren't out there for a specific tick you don't end up you know wound harmed by it so we have we're working on the doors to protect the ancient danger and then I plan on crack and open the integer I would like the power armor looking at my outpost here it would need to be a constructor that obtains the power armor maybe I'm looking at yousa follow although your pacifists oh god I would really hate for you to be stopped by like a raid or something and have you just roll over and die and that if not so follow that only really leaves Jane's although I do believe aggro could probably manage a constructing of a transport pod he's got a construction of seven so it's above six which is the minimum so maybe I'll send aggro to do it aggro is likely to be the one to wear it all right so right now they're doing something really silly which is to bring half of what we need for the doors and leaving the other half and we're starting to dig the tunnel to the cephalo can build this to the steam geyser James at this extreme brief risk yeah all right I'm gonna allow Jane's to basically do what he wants for a bit I'm sort of fearful that he'll have a like a dangerous mental break and cause harm to people now another issue is I'm gonna need plasteel in gold to make any sort of bionics and I don't have a deep drill source of plasteel or gold and I wouldn't really be all that comfortable deep drilling for it unless I had a lot of defenses to protect against the [Music] likelihood of the likelihood of an infestation digging up through the deep drill I'm changing this around she's a little bit more putting the door here and we got an eclipse okay I think we're almost through this tunnel here which means I'm gonna have sue follow start to do the steam geyser the ever-important steam geyser so I'm probably gonna force aggro to do the rest is mining so that we have a tunnel out to the steam geyser area and then eventually what I'll do is I'll wall up the the steam geyser once I'm able capable whatever all right now I do want to make sure that Oh God so follows you're already doing it that we're not harming ourselves standing on Islands here so what I'm going to do here is to remove the limited radiation zones here I don't want anyone wandering out anymore for Stone hauling or slag okay it looks good what we do need is some more steel for that geothermal I'd love to work on goals that I can cross off the list quick Agra is going to be mining there looks like jeans is joining we got cargo pods of agave but it's at the trade post so that's basically impossible making sure that there's overhead Mountain where we're mining out mr. Stefano you're already working on the geothermal perfect so the idea here is to build it wire it up and wall it off so the wires are going to look something like this which is ridiculous but I really see no alternative I could wire it straight there but that means that if there's fires I'm gonna have to be outside which is a dangerous which also means that this is also going to become a home zone and I'll probably smooth this out as well which is a whole lot of smoothing but that will allow me to traverse to do repairs and stuff like that pretty quickly I also should also home zone up these doors as well so follow your build up his initial I got to be careful about the amount of build-up that we allowed and then aggro is going to need to be cranking out more components Wow eating a meal and drinking a beer out there that is an extraordinarily bad idea let me tell you why you will grow extra limbs and not want them alright so we got the advanced components here deep drilling and ground-penetrating radar is absolutely the next step I think for us we're slowly building up our stocks of rice again and tea beer is sort of lagging behind a little bit I'll turn these two hops soon actually what I should do is put hops in here and we don't need that much he'll route and this is supposed to be rice anyway we'll fix it all all right so that power cables running pretty far now and Jains is helping out and he's gonna be in a major break risk cool I still have a bunch of time for that trade to be fulfilled that's not that risky just sort of letting it time run out okay the Eclipse is ending as you could see throughout the Eclipse I did not run into any like power outages or anything like that which is great does that be a real real threat it's also a good way for Agra to get some more more experience building and stuff alright so that should have live power yep it's one continuous line sosa follows just gonna finish this off stop eating your meals outside dude you're gonna have lots of time to dig away at that at your lifeforce don't spend it pointless Lee I could micromanage him to you know not do that to himself but I think it's actually kind of funny okay so this whole area of mining is done if we need more steel there is more steel available but I think we're okay for now it actually probably wouldn't be a terrible idea to queue up a little bit more steel because it's nice to have an excess in case I need traps or repairs or whatever that was the second last delivery of steel I think I hope he's hauling steel for really dumb places though which is why it's taken to follow so long to build this up sitting kazumi on no radiation hurry Asian climbed a bit too high higher than I'm comfortable with all right at this point I need components so mr. agro you were gonna be put on smithing higher than mining so we'll finish that node and at this point I'm just about out of time guys so if you have any tips tricks feedback for me drop me a line all the people that voted I wanted to thank you for your your vote and your contribution to this series if you have any suggestions that you would like to see on the poll and you're not a patreon I do have a suggestion box in discord you can find the link to discord at RADA Montcalm if you would like to become a pawn in the series four of my patrons have been edited into the H endanger a little bit of spoiler there there are four spots for people and they get to become characters in the series and if that interests you just let me know thanks for watching catch you all later adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 9,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Choose Your Own Adventure
Id: Ddw3TBj9RIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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