Alan Wake Remastered - Part 1: Anyone Got A Light?

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hey folks this is Deco here and welcome to Alan Wake now I know what you're probably thinking hey Deo did this game come out like 14 years ago and aren't you talking about being Slamm for time with Rim World well first of all shut up second of all Alan Wake came out at kind of a weird point in my life when I really wasn't playing games and I just kind of missed it I've been vaguely aware of it uh more so since I played control which I love with all of my heart and soul so learning they're in the same universe made it register a bit more clearly and yes I am wildly crushed for time but I need something different to do and playing through a psychological horror game made by a studio that I love seems like just the right thing um and that by the way is the full extent of what I know about Alan Wake I mean I picked some bits up from playing through control um and I've sort of accumulated some more Impressions here and there but for a 14-year-old game um I'm basically going in blind here and since I'm starting here with the intention of going through Alan WG 2 as well uh I'm pretty excited about something new but enough talk let's get going shall we all right we'll go through normal because I'm a coward and hopefully this is okay Stephen King once wrote that nightmares exist outside of logic and there's little fun to be had in explanations they're antithetical to the Poetry of fear in a horror story the victim keeps asking why but there can be no explanation and there shouldn't be one the unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest and is what we'll remember in the end my name is Alan Wake I'm a writer hello I've always had a vivid imagination but this dream unsettled me it was wild and dark and weird even by my standards H so yes it began with the dream following a typical nightmare pattern I was late desperately trying to reach my destination a lighthouse for some urgent reason I couldn't remember I've been driving too fast down a coastal road to get there I'd seen The Hitchhiker too late he was dead I was convinced they'd put me in jail and I would never see Alice again well that's normal and so is that suddenly his body was gone I was in shock from the crash I could hardly stand my feet okay there we go so yeah not a great start to the day that's for sure um this is just the size the subtitles are by the way I don't have them like gigantic for you or anything like that but that's okay I had to go to the lighthouse I knew there was something important waiting for me there let's do it then [Music] uh ah you don't even recognize me do you Ryder you think you're God you think you can just make up stuff play with people's lives and kill them when you think it adds to the drama apparently you're in this story now and I'll make you suffer I'd rather you didn't so there would be a single readable sentence in your books if it wasn't for your editor hey never publish another you missed your deadline um damn okay Dodge yeah okay nice job you can't stop me I realized that the hitchhiker was a character from the story I've been working on I wish they' stop doing that to die by the hands of your own creation um that's totally normal right things do that like all the time yeah well come on lights stop doing that this way this way working on it uh hurry this is my maximum speed hi that's good right it's fre it's me I still it remember no quickly get inside there's no time to lose okay I like this plan oh oh no stop no damn it die no no ah uh-huh uh I was trapped there was no way out okay no thank you I wish you would stop saying that right the cabin was a death trap I had to get out okay I love this plan okay come on give my damn controls back follow the light okay that's always worked out for me in the past you are hurt you should go into the light you are only safe there okay right uh well done I have something important to tell you it goes like this for he did not know that be beyond the lake he called home lies a deeper darker ocean green where waves are both Wilder and more Serene to its ports I've been to its ports I've been do you understand no no follow my light cool I entered your dream toach you the darkness is dangerous it's sleeping now when it feels you coming it will wake up there's no time I can only show you the most important thing The Hitchhiker has been taken over by the dark presence you can't hurt him now the darkness protects him from all harm only light can drive the darkness away make him vulnerable again here take the light okay turn a flashlight toward him and burn the darkness away [Applause] [Music] nice all right cool now the darkness no longer protects him but it's still inside controlling him he can't be saved he's still a threat he is still your enemy okay here take the gun okay now you die huh good you've done well remember what I've taught you that's all I will give you back your dream now oh um in the nightmare a terrible Darkness was taking over the world the lighthouse was the last safe place on Earth okay you made me this way and now I'm going to kill you okay so this seems to work without of being boosted just not necessarily as fast maybe Nice Shot better okay so far so good you know kind of it I didn't finish getting that guy should probably focus on one and then the other but I'm not known for my strategic thinking okay so far so good hello light a flare gun okay we'll obviously have to test it cool okay you did just like man it's hard to tell which one's going to be up there in the front first and I picked wrong back off all of you reload okay we're doing great almost there oh man can I just avoid dealing with you entirely flare gun huh well I got to try it let's find the next guy and shoot it at him dead oh just like oh okay I'm in love huh I don't want to can I just like avoid dealing with you entirely what if we just do that what if I just run for it I keep this up forever oh [ __ ] I assure you that I can't come on come on come on come on come on come on oh yeah that looks great yep everything's fine there come on come on is that a thermos okay oh Jesus why did I stop to play with the thermos okay [Music] okay this is good okay this is bad um easy here Alan Wake up baby just another nightmare everything's fine you dozed off right anything more than dozed off would be news for everyone cheer up handsome we're here here being bre Falls [Music] [Music] apparently very [Music] picturesque hm I hate fairies let's act like we're on vacation go stand next to that old gentleman there I want a shot of you with the town in the background sure I'll even give you a title for the shot a city boy moments before he got eaten by a bear huh wait you're in the middle of the water there should be no Bear's hair hi hello there you picked a good time to visit our Town deer Fest is just two weeks away deer Fest huh did you hear that honey you have a lovely wife if you don't mind me saying I do Pat M by the way nice to meet you yeah I'm Alan Wake I won't pretend I don't recognize a famous writer such as yourself Mr wake a pleasure I'm an Avid Reader myself I hope this isn't too presumptuous of me but I'm the night host of the local radio station any chance I could get an interview look Mr Maine I'm on vacation in fact I'd appreciate it if we could keep my being here just between the two of us I'm sure you understand fair enough you can trust me to be this week not a hard man to track down if you change your mind though I hope you two have a lovely holiday thank you happy very nice I got a couple of really good ones and I see you made a friend that's cute right yeah hey besteller how's my favorite Rider are you there yet Barry yeah we just got here are the locals giving you trouble just say the word and I'll hop on a plane and come make sure that you're left alone Al no Barry we're fine great great just want to make sure you can relax and recharge so how is the place as a guy got your creative juic is Flowing Barry we're just settling in okay I'll call back later to make sure you're doing okay and you call me if there's a problem okay okay I'm just looking out for you buddy talk to you later I love you too Barry you know he's going to be calling you every 5 minutes mhm Barry is Barry I can always turn off the phone what did I tell you text message from Barry he says hi to you too oh look we're here we're here come on let's get back to the car dear Fest huh all right we need to stop at the local Diner to get the cabin key from the landlord a Mr Carl Stucky he's waiting for us okay I'll go fill her up while you get the key I'll pick you up here in say 15 minutes sure Alan thank you for coming here with me I love you too go on I'll promise to behave but I aim to misbehave anyway I've forgotten there were still places like this oh my God towns where everybody knew everybody Welcome to the O deer Diner hi I was wonder if you could help me I'm looking for Mr wake Alan Wake oh God I am your biggest fan I know people say that all the time but I really am I'm glad to hear that rose rose I'm looking for Mr Stucky Carl Stucky Carl of course Mr wake he must have gone to visit the restroom he'll be back in a moment I can't believe it I've got all your books I got the cut out from the bookstore when they took it out of the window right so much for a quiet vacation and you keep it here well okay good for you too right what's up man something coffee dangerous Trail me when you fall in love cuz it'll break your heart when you have to leave Rusty here is no longer human nothing but black coffee under a thin layer of skin that's OD disturbing two of us do me a favor sunny I could really use a tune right now okay coconut number six in the Jukebox okay I'd do it myself but both of my legs have gone to sleep bad circulation yeah are you serious coconut again you disgust me call yourself a rocker unbelievable it does that get stuck yeah you need to give it a good solid work okay there we go now that's what I'm talking about yes this is it I've died and gone to [Music] Hell hi don't go in there young man you can hurt yourself in the dark I think I can handle it ma'am I didn't want to wait I wanted to find Stucky to get the key and get out as soon as possible the waitress was giving me a headache OV fans always did well I'm sure I can handle this gender specific bathrooms yeah hello hello Mr Stucky oh Jesus Carl couldn't make it unfortunately he was taken ill but I have the key for you and instructions on how to get to the lake okay I wish you a good stay in my cabin I'll come by later to check how you've settled in and to meet your wife okay I insist thanks huh but luckily that wasn't creepy in any way shape or form cauldron lake is a special place very inspiring great see look I'm fine lucky this time young man you can hurt yourself in the dark okay this really ought to be fixed and then I must remind Sarah to change the light at this even that sounds better than your singing are you all right Splendid Splendid damn Heria it swells up like a balloon if I lift it heavier than a spoon yeah spended it's been a long time Tom good to see him hey you wouldn't happen to have a bottle on you would you Tom I wish all right the Andersons they're uh local musicians we're waiting for Dr Harman to come pick them up they wanted off from his clinic at The Cauldron Lake Lodge ah makes sense well anyway it's been fun I'm just going to ditch bye Mr wake bye mission accomplished the key and the directions my hero I got some flashlights just in case good hey wait Mrs wake you're your keys um that Diner was a real nut housee can you believe this place this would make a wonderful setting for a book we're supposed to be on vacation Alice I'll figure it out when we get back home okay okay we can talk about this later P here on K I didn't want to talk about it I wanted to bury my head in sand here's another one of my favorites to go with it once upon a time I was a successful writer but that was a long time ago I hadn't been able to write a word in 2 years not since my last book and now the weather it's going to be a clear night so you folks from the big city might want to look up every once in a while see those Stars winking down at you it gets pretty dark out here but they'll light your way hm [Music] nice well here we are wow it's gorgeous Alan it's something all right don't worry honey I'll get you inside safe and sound before it gets dark and I've got the flashlight I know I'm okay okay had a phobia the fear of darkness I wanted to make sure we were inside with the lights on Before Sunset makes sense bird leg cabin okay we've definitely got some birds going on here hello here we go let's take a look inside come on it's dark in there we need lights can you figure out how to get the power on honey yeah sure sure thing I'm on it why not pretty hello anyone here okay was hoping for like a fuse box or something upstairs doesn't seem like the right choice yeah um these are often on the outside of the house so maybe the power C goes to that shed over there oh so it does okay shed an old Generator had been connected to the power cable there we go let there be light I hope the lights are on good work honey I'll freshen up a bit and start settling in okay okay I'll look around a bit sure thing have fun thank you I wasn't going to look in the cellar it was a beautiful place I told myself I could rest here sleep here and forget about my work that'd be nice I hear you man I thought we could be happy here well I'm sure that generator won't get annoying at night while I'm trying to sleep Alice honey the old door had played a trick on me Alice wouldn't have come out in the dark famous artist no less see if we can rope him into an interview later on now let's go to the phone's caller you're on kbf FM hi Pat it's Rose hi Rose hello Rose what's on your mind I know who that famous artist was it was Alan Wake wasn't it favorite wrer I just saw him at the am so he here wow the water was black I couldn't help but imagine all sorts of Horrors lurking in the depths below dude you can't just like enjoy a pretty Lake cuz this is pretty glorious not going to lie all right oh look there's a nice place to stay I needed to go back inside Alice was waiting for me in the cabin all right all right just wind to look at the lake which is apparently full of Horrors just below the [Music] surface Alan I'm upstairs I have a surprise for you oh well hello there hello I'm not the surprise it's in the study go take a look okay if you're sure sure what surprise Alice what is this I guess I have a small confession to make I thought maybe you could write here that a change of scenery would get you pass damn Alice you everyone hey hey hey just hear me out there's a local doctor Dr Hartman is he has a private Clinic here he specializes in helping artists so now you want to get me committed no it's not like that that's not Alan Alan I saw that don't just don't I don't want to hear it God damn it Alice God damn it I knew she wouldn't follow me in the dark I needed some time alone to think things through fair oh man damn damn it Alice uhoh Alice Alice Alice what Alice oh [ __ ] the cabin had gone dark all the lights were out Alan Alan where are you help Alex I'm coming it's all right I'm coming what the hell Alex help me I'm trying Alan Alice Alice um oh no what keep going Alice wake up [Music] Alice waking up in the crashed car felt like I had woken from one Nightmare and entered another what I couldn't remember how I got there all I knew was that something terrible had happened to Alice the phone was dead I'd have to find help on [Music] foot nice job man among Alice's things was a book The Creator's dilemma by a doctor Emil Hartman seeing the book brought back my fight with Alice I didn't like it and I didn't like the guy's smug face on the cover either Fair I'll just walk right underneath these wires here don't mind me the gas station was my best bet they'd have a phone I could use it looked like a long hike through the forest to get there okay we can do that long he through the forest no problem damn it was like that when I got it um I'm sure it's fine the insurance company will be very forgiving hello oh it's our light hi hello is someone [Music] there the loose sheets of paper were pages from a manuscript entitled departure that was the name I plann to use for the next novel I had never gotten started I was named the author I hadn't written it I couldn't remember writing it in the scene on the page the hero was attacked by an axe murderer in the woods at night a crap departure by Al and wake the man turned to face me his face was covered in Shadows it was hard to make him out in the darkness of the forest that surrounded us but the ax he lifted was plain to see it glistened with the blood of his victim he grinned madly the Shadows were alive distorting his features it was a scene from a nightmare but I was awake I heard them before I saw them swooping down from the sky and screeching as they came I spun around just as the cloud was upon me for an instant I stared into aund dead eyes black pearls glittering in the darkness I raised the flashlight and the Swarm exploded like fireworks feathers burned turned into Ash I couldn't hear my scream above theirs oh I stepped into the gas station's garage it was dark and quiet the place was a mess it looked like someone trashed the place or that there had been some kind of fight light spilled into the room through an open door at the back and I made my way toward it without any warning I was blinded by a bright light an old portable TV on the Shelf had come alive by itself impossibly I could see myself on the screen talking like a madman well it does sound like me okay spoiler alert I suppose anybody there [ __ ] please I've been in an accident come on gas station the lights up ahead were a good sign maybe I wouldn't have to hike all the way down to the gas station to find a phone that'd be nice okay this is dangerous kids don't try this at home whoa there we go anybody there please I've been in an accident hey hey you fail there's been an accident I need need help listen I need to premium cabins for rent in oh hell Carl Stucky please toin you nonrefundable reservation required fine fair and squirt I don't disagree with you and I'm totally fine with that I completely agree oh [ __ ] go go go go ah there and [ __ ] I'm fine with it balls you can keep the deposit I had to figure a way out of this any second now and Stucky would be knocking on the door with his axe like Nicholson in The Shining that's all you need right batteries good good I'd rather take a helmet but you know okay during your recomend trying it's the latest thing in right station Stone a crap um come on go dude this isn't good for whoa ow this isn't good for any of us okay convenient more of them where oh hi couple of them come on go go go ah reload reload reload okay headbound it with a concussion I'd never fired a gun outside a shooting range and now I just killed someone or something there were no bodies they just disappeared if I was dreaming it felt real enough to make me sick oh that's nice uh Eerie hand pained graffiti was revealed by my flashlight someone had hidden a chest of supplies near it hey it's the flare gun we are unfortunately not going to be using it yet not until things really go sideways you may be thinking aren't things already already going sideways well no maybe not I'm just going to assume this is what a normal lard looks like I've never actually been in one so there we go I how to fix it good job Ray the Dark Forest was the last place I wanted to go but I had no choice I had to get to the gas station yeah and after kicking out the one power switch and killing the battery on the nice light we're in a great place rid season can you say that okay see no problem I'll just hang up by this electric wire [Music] yeah I know what's going to happen here ready [Music] Ah that's a totally normal thing right that when I saw the river below something uncoiled itself inside my my head I realized that I'd have to find a way across I didn't even want to look at the water well that's you be both friend God this is much harder than it looks I assure you don't do this okay who puts things like this anyway manuscript page the taken stood before me it was impossible to focus on it as if it stood in a blind spot caused by a brain tumor and eye disease it was bleeding Shadows like ink underwater like a cloud of blood from a shark bite I was terrified I squeezed the flashlight like my life depended on it willing it to stop coming any closer suddenly something gave and the light seemed to shine brighter well can't go wrong with brighter lights right okay this is a dead end unfortunately these pretty little trees they're nice I hear you Stucky was still out there in the dark stalking me noticing that whatever the hell he is he's certainly not Stucky you just throw that at me it is nice how like when they lose their light it kind of staggers them for a second Come on load load okay that's creepy okay more paint is this good bad ugly none of the above I'm almost willing to F like follow weird phosphorescent paint if I can bypass this whole creepy area I'm happy about that taken they're taken the taken are filled with Darkness okay whoever's breathing I really wish they would stop unless it's me in which case I really hope it doesn't stop the taken are filled with Darkness okay I suppose that's good to know I mean we could kind of tell that anyway okay so that Arrow was just directing me back over here to where I would find okay the scary slogan gotcha the staircase was broken I had to make my way up some other way okay can do oh reach the path above okay maybe climbing that or or if I can move that there was no power there was bound to be a generator somewhere at the logging site any obvious wiring actually no it's kind of hard to tell where it goes with all this forestry equipment around there had to be something I could use to reach the top a crap hey no throwing stuff at me uh-oh one two wait do you guys redar cuz that's just rude if so yes Lights by any chance okay a light fair enough anything in here I stepped into the gas station's garage it was dark wrong page Barry wheeler was bouncing off the walls he jumped on a plane after his calls were ignored by both Al and Alice for several days it could mean that they were both on a second honeymoon but Barry didn't buy it Al had been way too unstable for that not sleeping messed up Barry had years of experience dealing with alen wake and he couldn't ignore it something was wrong you're telling me a shotgun you say nice still sticking with the pistols that's what I've been given I have two rounds of shotgun ammo so you know okay so let's head back to the control thingy control thingy uh I have college degrees ah yep so as long as we can get up on the other side there we can just merily prance across and I intend to prance you know just just to warn you okay no problem oh man seriously where's your athleticism my friend as the kids say you should get out and touch Grass more often all right shotgun ammo nice well I was just outside for a breath of fresh air and what a night I I know most of you are probably in your beds by now but chill up and around take a moment step outside for a spell and breathe in deep the weather is absolutely still the sky is Crystal Clear it's like the forest is quietly breathing along with you you listeners know I'm I'm a night owl and it's on nights like this I wish I wasn't cooped up in the studio get it makes an old man like me wish I could just roam wild but here I am and who' keep you company all night long if I weren't yeah it looks like I'm not the only one staying up late caller you're on the air hey Pat it's morce Horton hello Maurice what are you up to well I was just taking Toby on his walkies oh isn't it beautiful out there sure but Pat the reason I called is that Toby heard something rustling in the undergrowth and took off after it and I couldn't find it probably a rabbit sure Toby loves rabbits well sure anyway I figured that you know if anyone runs into Toby they could grab him my number's on his collar and Toby's a friendly dog Toby loves people usually he comes back but we were pretty far from home and it sounds like he went pretty wild there great dog but he's just too d for his own good okay watch for dogs it's out there now hope Toby comes home soon yeah thanks P you have a good night now like you and I have totally different weather my friend I just want to say you know what actually I want to test this at first I kept finding the pages as if by accident the book I couldn't remember was either a terrible and true prophecy or an act of cre cretion that had Rewritten the world I began to hunt the pages feverishly for they held the answer to the mystery with it I could save myself with it I could save Alice hopefully the gas station was closer now its light welcoming in the darkness Paul makes the best dos in the state first is the best with no mon dog is second best that famous dog is okay well I don't want to argue with you about hot dogs to be honest so you do you hot dog wise uhoh hi hi okay this is a terrible idea no okay that one really really wrong okay um I don't think I learned anything from that whoa I mean you know okay remember those things don't just turn on the switch so if you're thinking hey I'll be clever and turn the light on [Music] nope [ __ ] I'm going to be clever and turn the light on he says come here don't like that so much do you I mean I know it didn't help but throwing an axe at me I'd like to save that boost as much as I can so if I can get you guys from a distance uh-oh I'd really rather do that paint Safe [Music] Haven [ __ ] crap come on there we go okay meant to do that I got so excited about reading the sign that I kind of lost track what I was doing Safe Haven okay I love that plan huh okay here we [Music] go doing good probably paint good um whoa T salad though man like me [Music] needs for well I'm going to follow the painting [Music] signs so far they haven't let me wrong they keep leading me to good stuff more flare ammo good which is pretty cool but I'm going to conserve it if possible okay let's go find those guys proceed at your own risk yeah I got that part we enjoy the discretion Valor whoa okay good apparently I don't need any more batteries shotgun ammo good what does this button do ah good it opened the door in there good or the gate [Music] rather okay see everything's [Music] fine the cabin on cauldron Lake she asked the sheriff looked at me suspiciously the early morning light flooded through the office windows I would probably never have gotten out of the woods alive without her help but I couldn't tell her the truth of what I'd faced the previous night she think I was lying or crazy she'd lock me up and she wouldn't help me find Alice that's not supposed to happen Okay um this really does seem like a safety hazard doesn't it Tak us where are you [Music] simp as you be dous patience that's me patient hi come here oh no oh even with the engent cool coming tools is it's nice if I can get a couple at a time um um um crap come on okay it's just the two guys up there now we see them no problem whoa hi okay I'm going need you to not do that my friend where'd he go so you can teleport and I can't find you yeah hey that's awesome there we go if I can burn you will you stop doing that like I'm going to try to run away and he's going to gank me so I've got to get him come on dude there we go gotcha kind of gotcha okay I don't got you go down okay stucky's body vanished leaving behind only a lifetime of nightmares to come right assuming I'd reach the lights of the gas station alive I don't know why I'm picking up these thermoses come on almost there it's a giant deer I recognized the parade float I had seen in bright Falls when I first arrived with Alice see after the insanity I just experienced in the darkness the lights of the gas station felt comforting at least for a moment the San World reasserted itself the garage was a mess it looked like someone had trashed the place or that there had been some kind of fight wa I'll keep writing outside there's only Darkness outside the cabin outside the story there's only Darkness I can feel her presence in the dark just now I could smell her perfume in the room I'll reach her I'll fix it I'll bring her back the story will come true if I stop she's lost I don't believe this it'd been me on the TV talking crazy was I losing my mind yep ner walking this 68th annual deer Fest September 15th to 18th games and activities raffle tickets fishing competition Pie Contest and surprise competitions live music for the children BTO Charlie afternoons and Montgomery the mystic's amazing fantasmagoria in the evenings don't miss the legendary deerfest parade well I may give it a pass right ball sheriff station oh thank God sheriff sheriff Sarah breaker you are I'm Alan Wake but listen I was in a car crash my wife Alice she's missing calm down Mr w we were staying in a cabin on the island on cauldron Lake there's no Island on cauldron Lake not since the big eruption in the 70s please I can take you there okay you look like you've taken a pretty bad knock to the Head are you okay I'm fine listen we'll figure this out please get in the car we'll swing by the lake and then we'll go to the station okay okay Mr wake have you seen Stucky the guy who owns this place no I realized I couldn't tell her what had happened in the forest she wouldn't have believed me and then she wouldn't have helped me with Alice [Music] [Music] that [Music] not [Music] right well and I think we're going to go ahead and take a break so far I am in love and so as always thanks for watching see you next [Music] time
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 1,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alan Wake, Alan Wake Remastered, Bright Falls, Cauldron Lake, Darkness
Id: pW-WGuKWk7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 53sec (4013 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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