Rimworld: Deserter Doom - Part 62: Please Form A Single-File Line

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hey folks this is Deco and welcome back to rim world so it's been a couple days but we have many plans today so um let's start with the Empire because I have someone right over here Bush I don't you come talk to the Empire here real quick and here's the plan the problem is is I can't do both the raid for our next step here as well as going to get the Supply Depot so I think what I'm going to do this is we're going to do this right away while we do a bunch of construction over here and then I'm going to send out two teams to get Intel where's the where's the intel ones Intel time 8 so that's another of five well I guess we'll see I guess we'll see what we can figure out but that's that's that's the plan in fact you know what there's no reason not to just take this right now we have a bunch of these to do but we will definitely get done before 1.5 drops so let's go ahead and let's just pop it no let's let's wait just a little bit let's do our other stuff first here so um oh yeah so um one of the people on the internet not even from the forums I have no idea how to say their name so it's up there um wrote me an XML patch to make the violence generator and the other like um architect stuff quieter and that's great and now I know enough how to mod just enough to get myself into some trouble so that's going to be awesome um I am going to put the baby in the tube for the growth tube and the reason is is that you still called grunt or something like that no you're not grunt you're baby Connor oh it might be because um baby is currently being handle yes okay so um I'm going to throw them in there um they won't get any passions but I don't care cuz what I really need right now is people carrying things around so just a holler basically so let's talk about this stuff over here so as uh expected we are being eaten out of house and home by all of our vehicles so I am going to build yet another um Hydroponics area this one's not going to hook together um I've decided instead to move the vehicles kind of all around so I'm going to put the two tanks in here the battle tanks once I've got that cleared out um I'm going to need another support vehicle here besides the cargo so that I can send out two groups um oh you know what I could actually just send out the helicopter I don't know if I can do that we'll test that that could be interesting so we'll build another one of those um in the very near future here um it's just going to be weird but we're going to end up now with two tanks um two rocket artillery two support vehicles um are quick quick strike helicopter and then our enormous Sikorski here that we have absolutely no use for so there it is so that's going to be all fun in games and that is actually it I just need stuff done lots of stuff done so much stuff done in fact um a before any of this stuff even gets built can you prioritize packing but that's not what I want I want to drive it there that was too difficult heads up people oh yeah and I need to build another Bridge oh actually you know what that should be three wide I've just decided um it probably doesn't need to be but I want it to be so to get you over here is it going to be kind of a long trip around oh that's right none of the stuff is built so easy so just come Park in here somewhere yeah yeah yeah yeah let's see if I can park two of these guys in here at all okay well I guess that's not really the best spot okay that's fine go ahead and unload and actually since you're awake one why don't you come move the cargo cult as well there's nothing in the way of the cargo Cults you can just go ahead and Park oh good the psychic drone is ending thank God okay this is parking is going to be a problem because I suck at this come on dude you got this ready steady ah so close okay let's try this again I almost got it [Music] yes perfect Kevin what are you doing up here did you really fall all the way through to mining Oh okay that's cool I'm fine with that okay yep now we can go ahead and we can put the baby back in the tube perfect now we need to get this stuff built you guys are taking this apart in a hurry and I really appreciate it we're really going to need that space to get our tanks in and out ah there's no roof over here right let's just make sure so yeah I need to time you guys want to do some construction that'd be pretty great who set on construction Moto should be over here Bush should be over here what are all you guys doing besides not constructing a glitter World Trader okay app are you around here somewhere no but come talk to them when you have a chance things are getting moved bit by bit tumba you and Gwen what's up Gwen made a contemptuous remark about Tuma artistic skills well Tuma any good at Art no Tuma is terrible oh well that's too bad do you guys hate each other oh yeah they hate each other understandable tragic but understandable okay okay let's do it this way so I'm going to get fatal blow because Hawk now has um some side abilities I'm going to sell them some tea smoke Leaf latte go juu beer a elephant tusk um and then two things down here that we're not using um I'm just spending some money on components just to drop you know the amount of money that we have should probably get more I should probably sell this devil strand I know it's good but I don't think that I can make spacer suits out of it let's find out actually yeah this only uses hyperweave so you know what we'll just leave it in storage I don't care maybe I should have bought more components you know Apple if you gotten too far away You're harvesting come back back and talk to them again let's just B their components yeah that's fine one more uranium is it someplace convenient hey it's outside our base for once that's kind of nice oh that's a really good spot that's a really good spot unfortunately I have to turn this one back on because we are going to run low on it oh we're already very low on it okay well once we're done building over here we got to find some place to put those guys yeah in fact we're not even going to have enough for right now that's not good [Music] H don't you mind for a bit oh fibrous mechanites okay okay that's not great but it's okay going to move these dirt Pikes I forgot about them um okay I can probably wedge you in here if I'm [Music] careful actually I think I'd want you back here M that's blocking everything um I didn't think about this and you can't through go through doors okay so what's the plan then well I guess there is two grid spaces in between them so I guess I don't love it but we'll see how things turn [Music] out I'm going have to build another little spot for him you know what I should probably put them in storage for right now want just come up here all right they're there if we need them a corpse Obsession cuz you're in serious pain oh yeah cuz the mechanites ah I should unearth all these and just like burn them in fact you know what let's deconstruct that then we can fill this up and burn it easier I like that plan okay well over here is basically set up um honestly I don't love this but it's all right okay where' you leave the body there's so many tables you could have put it [Music] on well it'll show up um especially this part I do not like this at all I like having two-way like um two tile passages but it kind of is what it is so let's stop complaining about it Deco and just turn this way down so I can kind of see but I don't have to see I could just put Asphalt in here I still have a lot of sandstone let's let's let's let's keep doing the floors right we were doing um sandstone lag Stone out here and then also in here so go ahead and take care of that which is of no use whatsoever okay well that took just a ridiculous amount of time let's go ahead and let's get our stuff going in here we need you and we need you and then a bunch of [Music] these I know I'm probably doing it wrong and I'm sorry okay well I'm not that sorry but I am a little sorry no I'm not sorry at all just kidding I've spent a long time watching them build these things [Music] and I have turned on some more of these but they're going to take quite a while because my Builders need to focus on these so we'll get there we'll get there but everything is now basically how I want it um I might as well work on the tank since that's what I was building things up for anyway and I should actually go with that Quest yeah let's do that there I see you you're hauling green him excellent that's a great idea contact the deserters oh yeah and I could use some more ocrant too maybe I should have done that as we were going all right let's hope this one works okay it's right there okay so now that nobody's hiding in the room or anything let's go ahead and let's have a party we like parties was this the one where I couldn't find the active loudspeakers yeah so we have to move our speakers over annoying but it's okay they're really going to add to this I think we'll bring them all in why not that's the wrong direction you wouldn't be able to hear that that would be stupid I know watching Deco move speakers okay that one's also backwards but it's fine so people will move those then we can have a party and everyone will be happy again I hope okay now can we have a party a good party 98% all right let's do it [Music] nice it was fun okay I was hoping for unforgettable but you know plus a mood is very very good right now very good acidic smog has begun due to the the pollution in this area oh oh hey we've actually got all the stuff done here for our tank so let's make it and then we can stop screwing around and uh get on the road and go do some of this stuff okay so we ran out of steel so I'm setting up a new mine whatever um this is too much screwing around at this point Come On In everyone change do whatever it is as you do I know a few of you are wearing the wrong hats so let's get that all set up and then we're just going to head out I think I'm going to take oh probably attitude adjuster the cargo cult and then maybe questionable [Music] ethics much kind fuel do we have I can give you another 150 okay so on our way out here um let's use up the rest of our Intel before it goes bad and just to day here [Music] um let's get this one who hold on come back [Music] okay that's good so what does the world look like now not so great time left 5 days yeah it's okay we'll be ready in 5 days no problem um in fact now that it's morning let's have everybody get out well that was a weird noise make sure they eat all that good stuff they look pretty happy okay so we are going to take the questionable ethics as I saw Yes okay that kind of makes sense sort of first avel the Furious cresendo [Music] animals [Music] oh yeah but I got to I got to do this first okay um should I try to go big here and make a three person Carousel Carousel Caravan let's find out all right as soon as I have this tank ready then the rest rest of us can head out although I do need another Nomad hey it worked [Music] cool all right see if it's broken please don't be broken okay so who's the guy we're looking for here the baddy um [Music] boros so let's go ahead and let's deploy you we'll bring you two up just a bit we'll kind of see what happens so far not much but that's okay not much as good first thing I want to do is take out those shuttles I've been detected by security yeah I'll betat oh no please don't crash oh he must have been in there ha hilarious should gra the rest of their stuff just like while we're [Music] here um [Music] maybe this is hardly ideal well it's nice to see that it works this time okay wait careful where you shoot careful where you shoot in fact why don't you shoot at these people that are kind of a long ways away can you not see him not yet but you will be able to so let's hold on yep now you can see him let's just drop that right there that'll absolutely ruin everyone's Day hot C mder wow there's a lot of these guys okay wow um leave my tank alone like seriously I admit these guys are putting up more of a fight than I expected especially to my poor tank you're loaded right right okay yeah good go get those guys oh no Hawk you are taking a lot of damage go get that guy [Music] um okay like wow okay um many of these guys are still alive let's change that I admit I kind of forgot about my my uh artillery okay some of you are still alive again very poor decision on your [Applause] part how are you guys still up who's still shooting at us this dude right there not for long uh-huh okay prosthesis trador whatever exhaustion let's load back up and just kind of manually form our Caravan because I don't really care about anything they've got here come on hurry up I got to get back and deal with the Mech okay perfect all right so let's merge you together and come on back home as fast as you can please and I know you guys will tend yourselves as you come back okay so what do we got okay so you got some stuff that came down on with you okay this isn't ideal but we've definitely had worse um you two I need you down here so I can get on my Mech set up um do I have enough people to try to like do some gunning here I don't know if I will but I'll give it a try [Music] okay let's get all you guys set up okay Rockets go here for a [Music] bit not completely sure why I'm bothering given that they have shields but maybe we can take a few of them out like the little guys oh the war Queens have been ni to take out I don't really have a lot of Steel I don't really want to send any more out well all right I guess it's okay okay they're beginning their assault well that worked okay we could have been better that's for sure and oh please tell me I left someone that's got yeah yeah yeah EMP grenades obviously oh there's two groups whoops okay I think we'll be all right probably okay we'll we'll come back to that yeah this is this is not great let's keep these guys going then to slow them down try to get them all spread out as much as I can this isn't going to help very much oh man this is going to be exciting okay you're in an okay spot but we'll bring you up just a little bit yeah they're going to go after like the cyers and stuff which is not quite so useful but we'll give it a try all right well here they come um let's see here let's get you set up but not actually firing yet so don't fire well yet um yeah I mean I can try to protect these guys a little bit that's where everybody is is down here so I don't know whatever didn't I just say to Hold Your Fire I'm pretty sure I did but it's [Music] okay I understand it it's probably super fun okay these little guys are are going to be a problem these are going to be a real problem I hadn't thought about this looks like you can get that guy fairly safely okay now back up yeah please don't have a major break RIS please we really really really need I think the siege gun on top of the hell spere cannon that should take care of a lot of stuff damn it don't shoot at the little guys we've got that okay oh here we go these are the guys that were not damaged coming in those guys will fall over pretty easy once they get here yeah okay this is all right yeah works are obnoxious I'm glad that I have of these um Scyther because otherwise this would have been really frustrating okay brus I think you can just go and switch back to where get the gun there's no need for that and honestly there's no need for the hell spere Cannon either these guys have like no [Music] health I love that like anti-personal weapon this um Spike lamp that's what making all the explosions and I think it's really funny okay so there's one more out here doing what just kind of hanging out oh our caravan's back this is maybe not the best time for you guys but it's okay okay um well actually it's fine since that thing's just kind of wandering around come on over here and then we'll figure stuff out afterwards I feel like I should send some people out yes it took so much damage that's phenomenal okay you you don't have to do that anymore or maybe I'll just finish it off with a tank or something here come here who can't path there you can path there doing a rocket Sala would be really annoying we'll just park I feel like this shows a lot of contempt that we're just like tooling around killing them because we can well it does have that Shield there we go and that's the end of that okay well wasn't that exciting the answer is yes it was all right the hardest part of this entire game part working too close ah I did it [Music] again okay you almost got this come on nice and easy perfect absolutely perfect all right well welcome back okay well you guys repair those two is the prosthesis Trader still around they are let's give them a call and let's see what they have to say you took off in a hurry to come over here and mine Sandstone chunks which is not what I asked by the way away I'm just saying Kevin why don't you be useful and bring a drill down okay you're in a days well that's understandable it's been kind of a crap day okay well we miss them okay so welcome so now you can have passion for ooh construction and medical those are two that we could use at the moment and fast learner yeah yeah you're like a valued member of the community now I mean kind of okay if I want to take this Quest and I do I need Moto back inside and that's a problem cuz Moto's wandering I could come stun Moto there's a couple people that have stun batons m I don't know okay well it's time to come knock Moto out so how can I do this the most gently okay so let's go knock him out ah there it is okay I understand come on buddy we need you 2 hours okay good so yeah good okay so um okay um allow selection you guys should be undrafted thanks for your help and we need to take this stuff back why don't you rescue and then this stuff needs to be hauled urgently no storage space well you'll figure it out or else okay we've got 1 hour once everybody's inside which it looks like we are [Music] okay we're going to have to take it now so we've got 6 hours until I hit it yeah sure just just drop him on the ground he's fine that's exactly what we need why don't you come pick him up H okay I think this is about the best we're going to get so the question is are we going to attack them or what I mean we've got 67 of them that's kind of a lot I don't know you know what let's let's do it [Music] um boy the rest of you guys I feel really bad for you I'm sorry we should be able to probably I think we may end up nuking these things which is too bad um okay yeah cuz this is going to be primarily on the Mex so hope they're up for it hope I'm up for it okay so what are you guys anyway huh okay so most of the time this thing is a harmless lizard that feeds on vegetation and small arthropods they're unusually intelligent and can be kept as pets however when they become aggressive in any way usually in self-defense an unstable cocktail of growth hormones and biomechanical mechanites causes a runaway growth of the creature cells turning it into a hulking crocodilian nightmare the effect is temporary lasting a few hours and afterwards it must recover its strength and in order to go through it again becoming extremely hungry in the interim oh okay well we should be okay how about everyone who can move come over here to your defensive positions and I think we'll be fine pro pro probably we don't need the Shield or anything um yeah we should be okay really bugs me that Apple doesn't have a spot somehow like how did I mess this up so that apple does not have a spot Apple is very important you know what here let's set this as your defensive position okay all the Mex are deployed um let's slow him down a [Music] little I expect this to do absolutely nothing but maybe it'll slow them down a little and you guys are kind of limping around to some degree H whoa you weren't kidding oh my God whoa okay what are your stats now that you're gigantic I didn't look ahead of time I should have okay you're not too scary wow oh okay I say you're not too scar as I look at this and I'm just terrified well we've got this set up to deal with them so it's okay here you know what we should do actually where's our harmonizer let's get that in here and grunt can you do that please I don't know if I should be tricking these guys ahead of time or not I can't tell if it's stupid I mean probably I was really hoping a few more of you would come in here um do not fire it well y I figured that's what was going to kind of happen just got to be real careful with azy down there rip azy down [Music] there and I'm actually kind of specifically avoiding putting Hawk out I guess I can bring Hawk out to here no what are you guys doing you're just moving okay like I'm going to let some people go well it's a problem that verto is falling asleep I mean her mechs will still hang out I just can't make them do anything I think they're just kind of stuck to be honest yeah none of them are coming this way so what's your guys schedule set at let's go to the one that's like do anything you want all the time oh hasn't been updated in kind of a while there do whatever you want please go to sleep oh here comes one that happened good job well I guess we'll just let them do their thing here for a while you became a child that's good remain a colonist obviously I mean it's not like we're short on where are you going buddy okay good just making sure you weren't going outside or something um yeah we'll just hang out and let everyone cheer back up basically most of these people will be in much better moods when they're awake blasto can't go wrong with that all right um so I have an incendiary charge here I'm going to wait till as many of them get in there as possible and then I'm going to detonate it and see if that pisses them off at all okay well that was all right got another one over here I mean I don't really want them to sit out there the whole time I mean it'd be sort of funny if they all starve to death but still like we have things to do wait why are you attacking my doors did someone try to come in these doors like an animal or something because we can't have that uhoh okay well now they're all coming over here so now let's come to our defensive positions and let's just piss him off just because it's funny here we go all right um go ahead and just zap things wherever it doesn't matter [Music] [Music] come on I'm trying here most the damage they take is um Friendly Fire which is hilarious okay these things are getting me in a little further than I would prefer but they're doing okay okay well we lost one less than ideal okay hold your fire for a [Music] second and most of them are still out here didn't I tell you to cease fire okay well um oh jeez nails came through that uh yeah um well done yeah I can't have you leaving the base like that my friend um hold right I'm going to expand base here for a little bit like this is this is really quite tedious okay here comes a few more places everyone oh here comes two more I apologize that's stand [Music] corrected oh no I forgot about this you're going to come like cleaning stuff no don't do that you get friendly fired okay good more of them are coming good [Music] good uh someone took Professor out of the way that's good we just don't have enough steel at from moment to resurrect them so wow these guys really are getting through okay ha I'm going to need you out here for sure whoa okay okay you're going to need to stop being alive right now and so are you crap lost another one again it's all Friendly [Music] Fire and being set on fire which is usually a good thing in terms of baddies but not so much in this case how many more of these stupid things are there can we try to go get [Music] them okay here comes the fun so um which one of you guys has combat Aura I thought it was Lefty obviously I'm wrong there we go combat command let's do it [Music] uh-oh no don't melee take there get that thing leaving jaded over there just to protect because jaded has some problems right now uh-oh keep coming got this this is way scarier than I expected and you guys keep setting hotgun fire which is a problem but it's a problem I expected okay I'm out of melee except for my mechs and Moto is now down this is not good here can you trigger this manually put everybody out like Hawk who I desperately need I'm not as concerned about that one down there although I kind of concerned about it it actually okay I don't think you need to be firing anymore is that it yes that's it okay well that was kind of exciting okay let's let everyone out we taking these serious injuries no once again Friendly Fire Friendly Fire brownly fire brownly fire that's fine God those things are [Music] annoying there's our pods another infinite chem reactor they're funny because they like make so little chem fuel that they're basically worthless I mean we'll install it anyway because of course he will um I don't know [Music] where here I can go right there for the moment more concerned about the fact that we don't have the steel necessary to start resurrecting our mechs we don't have any steel at all basically it's kind of scary I need people down here I think those are the only drills I have active actually [Music] you've decided to have a binge party okay we'll binge on Food and Drugs and a man-hunting Arctic lion a pack that's a little scarier um H you know what this is going to be a good time to take a break on this Cliffhanger um things have been kind of amusing today we took down the next Duke that was fun that was awesome I'm glad the mod's working again correctly um we killed a bunch of lizards and that was kind of cool and now we're going to go kill a bunch of lions and very shortly we're down to 2 days we need to go take out these two staging posts so man we better not forget about that so um yeah in any case as always thanks for watching see you next [Music] time
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld, Biotech, Vanilla Factions Expanded - Deserters, Save The Empire, Sparkling Worlds, Cassandra - Losing Is Fun
Id: gbOg1AHqFZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 6sec (3306 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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