Alan Wake Remastered - Part 7: If I Were A Painter

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hey folks this is Deco here and welcome back to Alan Wake so here we are in a ghost town man cross the ghost town yeah that's that's uh that's inspiring ah speaking of which what is this oh good I want to take a look at this so gr Peak Gorge originally founded in 1928 the gr Peak Gorge mining town was one of the permanent settlements that the bright Falls Mining Company built for its workers the nearby graveyard is a testament to the dangers the miners faced on a daily basis most of the men who lost their lives over the years were buried there a grim reminder to be careful for those who remained great peat Gorge was abandoned almost overnight when the bright Falls Mining Company closed its doors in 1970 great awesome okay well even more awesome is that I feel the need to compulsively explore everywhere because of course I do it's kind of bothering me I can't get through that one little stupid stick there anyway whatever ah nothing known like officially as a ghost town is is good and this place has seen better days for sure being a ghost town you know otherwise it' just be a town and we would be friends that's worrying that there's just like batteries sitting there that uh oh and coffee thermos that does not make me happy okay sorry but I don't want to go over there over here it's nice and safe and nothing has tried to kill me in like 30 or 40 seconds but you know that once I cross that fence or maybe not the fence maybe there's like a bridge or something all hell is going to break loose so let's take a look at the stock car real quick here and then go to our Doom it was inevitable maybe if I stay slightly off to the side nothing will notice me nope well that's not good whoa hey that's enough of that I want to say I'm real proud of that jump there that was all me okay great seriously that is not happy with me can I stay off to the side to use this yes I can oh but i' better be able to get rid of this or else something really bad is oh about to happen right now one come on crap two see I wonder if I can kill this one fast enough or slow enough I don't have to use a battery uh nope not going to happen well so far so good anything else want to like animate itself and throw itself at me why do I say things like that shut up Toco mhm you things I tell you uh-oh um um okay that was a lot closer than it needed to be [ __ ] sake you things come here I don't want to waste too much battery power let's get it nice and close come on come on come on see fine is that something growling please don't be something growling why is there trash can a key for the door well yes that's how doors work my friend these are stupid thermoses I think someone did tell me they're for like an achievement but I I don't care I just think it's funny to find them well that was suspiciously easyi not to worry we've got the key oh Safe Haven I was like why do I even want oh wow look at this this is great flare gun ammo batteries a TV that's not doing anything weird I heard that yeah I see you out there great okay anyway ammo ammo um what do I want to use I guess I have to switch to the hunting rifle I would rather not because I like the shotgun better but I suppose you get what you get just checking one more time to make sure I didn't miss anything because once I go outside it's going to suck again [Music] hi yeah I hear that shut up stop making sounds like that can I actually get up here no of course not I'm a rider do you hear that breathing the kidnapper had sent me a text the message was full of spelling errors and insults it was telling me to hurry up well he can [ __ ] right off nice very very nice um I'll stick on flashbangs is what I think I just selected yeah I'm getting tired of this like breathing that's the building I wanted to get into jump down and die in the process nah tempting Birds yep Ready I didn't do a great job at that um May wouldn't they actually fly towards me or are you just waiting to flank me I don't like you whoa well let's seal that question nice hey that worked accidentally but that's okay I heard that hi right there think I missed those nope apparently not whoa okay seriously I'm not that bad of a shot am [Music] I apparently I [Music] am go away go away go away oh who okay I regret everything that I just did but there's a page up there too God I hate it so quiet tunnels go to cauldron Lake Al without warning the headache stabbed in my brain you're fine Alan Alan where are you help no help me Alice whoa I'm losing it I got to get out of here right the hunters were big thick set men confident and at home in the woods they were feeling good running on beer ghost stories and camaraderie late into the night it did them no good as they were taken by the dark presence sucked deep into a Darkness far worse than any ghost story they ever told or heard yeah okay so is there a I thought there's a fork up here apparently not no yeah okay this is right where I thought it was I was wrong okay oh no um well I'm losing it I got to get out of here it was a good idea I maintain is this the same page then yeah for science you monster see where did I start right here is where our friend the painter told us about the tunnel right yep there we go okay so this is right where we came in isn't it night time out I'm pretty confident it's night time out uhoh it's never a good sign okay even behind the closed doors and curtains of his grimy room at the Majestic the local Motel Nightingale could feel the locals eyes on him the unrelenting pressure of their judgment he forced it out of his mind for all he knew they could all be under wake spell already you do what you have to do to get the job done he took comfort from the bottle in his hand please he thought just let me get through this h uhoh now what what crap called it all accidents could be oh here you know what I don't want to deal with you guys I know there's one off to my side whoa in fact [ __ ] you guys I got bigger problems namely that guy um who is no longer as bothered by me as he should be okay that was totally worth using the flashbangs because the last thing I needed is to get beaten up by all these ads I really feel bad killing all these people but like first of all they don't seem completely real they're all like too identical and I think that whatever was in them that made them a person is long gone okay just I didn't think about this earlier well it's worth a try I'd have to make my way up this m shaft in order to go on maybe the Machinery could help me with that whoa okay I like Machinery move the elevator okay easy and I'm dead I'd have to make my way up this m shaft in order to go on maybe the Machinery could help help me with that you know I rather like mines too and this is kind of taking the Shine off them lik in the light good good okay bring this up a little further that is not good do I have any further up I can go can I like ah gotcha and then let's see here and is that a connection between those two now I think so let's go check it out real quick here that was I thought I saw a ladder okay so maybe I'm wrong nope here's a ladder okay okay so far so good okay kick okay oh I see okay like why am I kicking this um that's too high hold on there we go that ought to do a right don't mind me it's not like running around here is like giving me a dry mouth as I'm like leaping over dark M shafts yeah that's not a sound your mind should make I just checked and that's true see and I turn it back out tonight mhm that was [Applause] weird okay oh hi um but I want to look down here there could be cool stuff I'm going to get killed more importantly I'm going to waste flare gun ammo no I'm not yeah now we're talking oh great another cable car oh no okay let me see if I could have gone up any further then or if that was the end of it stairs yeah okay no wait this goes up further see no birds everything's fine okay well I got a couple flares out of it I I admit I'd hoped for a page oh here we go aha nice lightning flash behind the windows of cauldron Lake Lodge tor Anderson laughed and held the steel Hammer above his head nurse Sinclair was trying to calm him down without success Tor grinned madly and shouted my Hammer's up here's a friendly poke from mulir wench he brought the hammer down with all his might on Sinclair's head we're on a comeback tour baby oh I love that Focus okay well that was awful back down we go the slightly less awful Place another cable car that worked out great for us last time so I'm not concerned about it at all at least the birds have [ __ ] off for a couple of minutes okay yep oh come on go away I think I got him probably not apparently not have like one more flare and then I'm in a lot of trouble mean I do have my flashlight and lots of batteries no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] um okay that is the second least worst way that could have happened I saw him where'd he go there he is hi guys the really irritating ones in the tracksuit too cuz you guys carry like two knives huh okay oh [ __ ] where did that come from ooh flares no but that's okay okay come on obviously nice perfect use of ammo I don't love this I can't tell where it's coming from so please don't just don't um might as well oh no hi um I'm stuck no no no no no no no no no ah all right let's find those guys before they find us this time there you are hi that's right and Away with you okay I take it back I do like this gun quite a bit so is it like manifesting these guys directly now and I know they're over there oh crap there's another one behind me all right that was not a good use but I was kind of getting cornered there oh my God okay okay we're fine everything's fine so they seem to be like lying in weight Behind These trees and stuff which is one of the many reasons I'm trying to like look behind them first ah [ __ ] come here Sor this is requiring more of my brain than I expected which says something bad about my brain okay as long as there's no one coming up behind me I'm fine gotcha not loving this okay what do we got hunting rifle ammo good good good um I can switch back to the revolver for a while cauldron Lake the eighth deepest lake in the world cauldron lake is a Caldera Lake formed in a volcanic crater the volcano itself could be considered to be active but has not erupted since the volcanic earthquakes of 1970 and even then the underground activity was comparatively mild despite some property damage there are no casualties cauldron lake is one of the most beautiful spots in the brightfalls area as well as a central figure in many local folktales it's a popular recreational area for the area residents minor property damage didn't an island disappear sorry I know it can be annoying for like someone searching all the corners and stuff but I really don't want to miss any Pages oh great Ready Steady no run run okay really I uh really wish I was running but I'm not oh no no why did I do that that's not what I meant to do okay actually let's focus on you guys over here you're way smaller and then let's deal with the big guy in a second here I did not mean to use that flashbang I hear him I hear him die oh I missed the other gun I should really just be using it okay well rip flares do I really not have any more flares I don't okay um I saw something over here well paint paint paint that way why okay hey flares yay okay so far so good except I don't know where I'm going this way apparently oh okay mod had checked all of Stucky rental cabins there had been no sign of the wakes it was dark when he'd found their car parked at the End of the Road by cauldron Lake it made no sense they must have taken a wrong turn but there was no sign of them and the car had been there for hours already frustrated M stood on the rotten ruin of the foot bridge that had once led to diver's aisle before it sank beneath the waves years ago the boss wouldn't be happy well good cuz I don't like that guy that's the guy that has uh poor intentions towards my [Music] wife huh neat remember when like getting to Lover's Peak was a big deal or L Lookout or whatever it was do I have to go in there I don't want to go in there something in there wants me to come in in there but I don't want to go in there stupid thermos hi oh crap oh I'm going have to go in via the basement oh no how much do I really like Alice a lot oh who's CW right this room looks safe okay this room looks safe I don't like like whatever is breathing and it's not always just me I'm a shotgun ammo man I miss my shotgun oh no okay I hate that sound oh hi guys wow here let's just kind of get you guys to like slow your roll here okay for at least a couple seconds you know what I have more flares oh crap okay we're going in h the flares even though this is n ideal given that they're all like around me dropping come on oh hi I didn't know you were over there which was obviously your purpose all along are you guys like decloaked yet I think so uh-oh I have a lot of flares so I'm just going to keep these up more or less damn it mostly cuz they don't like it and I don't want them shooting me forget flares man who likes flares anyway uh-oh uh-oh I can't tell if he's the only one left or not nope did I get him I think so see flares man okay should we try this again this is my personal hell cross the mountain ruins okay in fact we're going to move down a l fast please tell me that's a light I could see cauldron Lake I thought I could make out the spot where the island and the cabin had been there was a light near it it had to be a boat well that's good right I was close now I had to get there fast I dreaded what I would find I tried to hold on to Alice but her form melted away I was losing control Dr Hartman stood in her place I wanted to hit him but my arms were jelly he smiled it was a reassuring smile and I hated him for it I had to give you a sedative don't find it you went through another rough period right now it's very important that you stay calm we don't want you to have another episode you're a patient at my clinic have been for a while now H okay sorry just checking out to land here quick and then we promptly go to that you wait hey I'm here I'm coming no get away uhoh sorry please lady the boss didn't know who he was messing with I didn't know I swear I didn't know we don't have his wife we don't know where she is she's probably Brown we just said we had her to make a play ball you see you see they get him writing for us please please I'm sorry please don't H me I'm wondering if the lady was this creepy Val lady we've seen a couple times a oh [ __ ] and on this note we're going to go ahead and take a break and so as always thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alan Wake, Alan Wake Remastered, Bright Falls, Cauldron Lake, Darkness
Id: R0EIqPlN18k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 37sec (2857 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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