Rimworld: Critical Chaos - Part 9: We Need Breathing Room!

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hey folks this is decoherent and welcome back to rim world so we begin today on well kind of a home improvement note I'm going to do a big base redesign ooh [Music] this is actually kind of a large base for this state in the game usually at this point I'm still cramming everyone into little cupboards and stuff but I am gonna go ahead and build things up here so let me kind of walk you through this so let's start up here this is gonna be another growing area mm-hm pardon me you'll notice that it is asymmetrical that's mostly to annoy people well that's not quite sure the lamp fits in here a little better but not completely the main problem is is I don't want to have this you know like one tile off so we'll just fix that so I'm gonna box this whole area in and this is where the bedrooms are gonna go I've got six standard sized bedrooms this will probably become a visitor bedroom so it's a little larger and this area is going to become the overflow from the freezer I'm gonna put some walls in here this is gonna become the dining area down here is going to become actually kind of an overly large hospital it's actually already too big for 8 bats but we can go ahead and put some cloning bats and stuff in there so that'll be nice this area right here is going to be my crafting area well you know for like research and that kind of crafting down here is gonna be the rec area a little small at the moment but it'll be fine this is gonna be the barn and then this is gonna be the place where we you know cut stone and stuff like that so and the smelter and stuff will be here eventually as well so will this be fun it is gonna take kind of a staggering amount of wood because we do need rather a lot of bridges let's see here did you this whole area is yeah 600 just for the walls and then these and everything else like that so we're gonna start cutting these down this area right here besides a hallway will give me an entrance to base on this side that would be kind of nice and I think that's it it'll let me extend my kill box down here a little bit into this modern marsh which would be great that'll slow down baddies then I can move the top down if I want and I can do what the freezers and stuff if I feel like it so I think that's it I think that's the plan well we have people moving around other things on my list here so I'm not gonna be using the more bridges mod because I specifically think that kind of the point of bridges is that they should be really fragile so I am doing that on purpose oh I also switch to my research when you're done talking about demons why don't you come refuel this power generator by the way I'm gonna go ahead and switch over to biofuel refining instead so that I've can fuel extended that for all kinds of things I do have what was something bad happened hold on okay okay we're back I do have Moses saying oh yeah modular weapons researched so I'm not planning on using a ton of moths or a ton of the stuff from Remsen all but modular weapons if I recall correctly and it probably don't are a good bridge between you know the lower tech and then the higher tech weapons so that should give us I don't know something to build instead of revolvers we're gonna be starting up room Atomics here very shortly and converting is almost up where I want him in terms of growing he just needs a little more growing as soon as he it's 8 K he's dropping off this so Noriko is gonna do well warden and handling if we need that or warning I'm sorry and negotiating she's going to be cooking and then growing in plant cutting and then kind of picking up some cleaning after that moody is gonna be doing constructing and then mining and then fall through the hauling teddy is going to be cleaning and hauling and then mining I suppose I don't know whatever you know and fats and stuff and then like I said converting is gonna flip over to basically all crafting and then Wilkins just hanging around researching because he's boring is that it I think that's it is our power increasing not at the moment as such mostly we just need people to come chop down all these trees so and actually when converting does that that will also give him a little bit of plant cutting so this may actually not take very long at all what are you doing buddy you're taking insect meat oh you're training okay well that's fine where are you okay you're right here go ahead my animals restricted to indoors or something oh I must have okay do I have everyone restricted indoors I do well that's dumb go ahead and go do outdoor stuff oh that's right is cuz the grizzly bear is I was gonna go hunt those man let's not worry about it I'm sure things will be fine okay it trained in obedience you failed that oops and we're out of power okay what can I turn off I can turn this off [Music] mostly we just need the wind to pick up is what we need yeah yeah we'll be fine again this is why we need a room Atomics going yes I could build geothermal and stuff but I don't wanna you know I want to build atoms I'm just kind of trying to get away with this whole renewable thing as long as I can can - Rico what are you up to okay oh good fern convert good is doing things soaking wet yeah yeah plants oh my god you're already up to 7.7 Kay oh this is gonna be so great yeah ship chunks we'll get to them where are you up buddy wait what are you up to cutting hay grass oh this is so good this is exactly what I was hoping you would be doing and you are up to a thousand in like five seconds as soon as you're done training training our snow leopard oh that's so weird okay well you failed well that's okay go ahead and keep working guys yeah batteries roll this is a real problem when that wind doesn't pick up I think I'm gonna have to kind of bite the bullet and go ahead and build another solar generator for during the day I didn't wanna axe I don't have a lot of materials but I think I got to do it so we'll get that done it'll be cool and moody is gonna be constructing that her school Oh a suit who is currently sleeping but he'll take care of that in the morning oh so much to do converted buddy I just need you to kick over to eight and then you can do something else that's all I ask there we go and hopefully that'll give us enough power now so converting was that you kicking up to eight plants eight tada here if it's died from rotting oh oh oh yeah okay yeah so we need to shrink the zone up here I was just gonna say like that doesn't seem right yeah yeah yeah I must have messed that up go ahead and cut that okay so converting good news buddy you don't have to grow any more yeah I know you love it but I need you to do other things first so you go craft show the view when cleaning no I want you crafting I guess hunting is fine although not really okay go do the other things go cut down trees and stuff like that and we have grizzly bears yeah I'm not too surprising huh go where you at are you someplace nearby ish why don't you stay outside come around the corner here and let's grab everybody else and let's come meet down here although Dooley may let the bear in or something over there might kill the bear our animals have been doing things like that no don't do that yet just wait patiently Oh didn't realize moody was way up there I think Blaine was like trying to attack the bear so it's nice that you didn't okay well anyway come on you guys get over here there you go just do it everyone thing and by that I mean shoot at it there you go well you showed that bear didn't show one headshot it's gonna run away huh let's go chase to town you must pay for its mistake another grizzly bear okay now you're hunting Dooley really well that's not gonna happen obviously thank you carry on and go ahead and cut a bear up that's the end of mr. bear I think that's the same bear that's been giving us trouble so oh and a party great well it's too bad I haven't had a chance to build a nice rec room yet um guys you can go ahead and go to the party looks like you're going to in just a moment neat we don't even need a party but it's nice to have one I'm just gonna wait for all these trees to get cut down because then I'll have enough wood to actually build the exterior structure here oh it looks like accidentally built one I spent so much time like making and saving at Moody shouldn't you be in a party apparently not oh the party's finished okay sorry never mind 15.5 it won't be long and you're gonna be joining us yes there's no escape from my colonies well I guess there kinda is but that's not the point actually while you're doing that I guess there's no reason not to go ahead and start building all the bridges that we're gonna need for this exterior wall so that's gonna be the first one we're gonna have to deal with yeah I can't really go this direction for anything useful we've got mud I'm assuming that RIM Atomics is gonna require Oh neat okay hold on I'm assuming that room Atomics is gonna require a bunch of on solid ground that's why I'm putting on all my crafting and stuff here in the middle because things like the research benches and the crafting bench require actual ground okay so transport pod Alfred Chemical fascination is obnoxious yeah we can grab you yeah yeah sure we're gonna have to stick another mile just sleeping floor in here unfortunately unfortunate but true converting your outside why don't you come grab this guy come capture him actually if we rescue him he might just join us that's actually a good idea let's try that and if he doesn't then we'll arrest him so that's that's a good strategy good thinking I like that actually I'm having Rico do it because you could always use some extra some extra plant cutting just to keep that stat up nice and high well this would be convenient you're not a great character but you're not bad I guess like chemical fascinations in doing but I tend not to keep drugs around I mean we've got some Go juice and stuff so Anson flake maybe we should get rid of that yeah maybe I should do some wealth destruction really quick here let's do that while you're you know go ahead and getting him patched up and everything let's build the campfire and let's burn all that stuff okay and I need to write a note for who's my doctor it is mu D mu D is praying I have a better idea why don't you come tend to Alfred so he doesn't die in seven hours wasting fuel oh that's interesting well I'm not gonna deal with that but that's cool I didn't know that was the thing that the power mod would track so cool well done on that one I like that yeah we'll go ahead and we'll crimp love you burn these drugs would I rather sell them yes but that appears like it's not gonna be impossible oh I played with this just a little bit to here oh I can't oh yeah burn drugs yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so let's see here so we want to get rid of flake go-juice yoyo and wake up yeah and the others we can leave yep so we'll burn those we'll do that before it all forgets up daddy's visiting a grave oh yeah there's a grave over there from our poor kitty our poor Kitty's that I can never ever ever keep alive for any reason whatsoever and I'm not sure what to do with Greg I'm not sure if his disgusting meals can be used as on biofuel stock if so that would actually be pretty cool items - quest a Lancers figure all that would be neat where is it we didn't get any of those in our last playthrough umm it's nearby kinda 1.4 days yeah maybe wants to pick up one more person hey and there's biofuel refining okay so in that case what should we be working towards I'm really surprised we haven't started getting illnesses that really really really surprises me I mean given that this is a bog I expect to just be constantly dealing with that um we may switch over to mortars actually and then what's a refinery gonna cost us when I make it 150 steel three components yeah we'll be able to afford that when we get to it yeah not at the moment I don't need it for anything yet but soon okay got those drugs built or I'm sorry got those drugs burned all right well it would have been nice if I could have assigned someone to do some crafting a little more but we can go ahead and we can just get going with what we have animal needs treatment y11 what are you doing okay well you managed to kill that so good job but that's not good new arun all right I need a medical animal bed too by the way I should add at least one more here I am gonna add some like proper beds and stuff the problem is we've got here let's just make this medical that's funny we've got kind of a mix of differently sized animals and the big ones need actual beds not boxes and I really don't have the leather to spare I also desperately need cotton so I can make flak vests that's something I'm actually quite concerned about all right we can go ahead and just start oh oh mad elk mmm okay how many else do we have five five is a non-trivial number five is enough that I would rather not deal with that out in the open why don't you guys come in into the base and why don't you guys all come into the base and then we'll kind of deal with them on the way and let's close the store so they don't go through that one um I don't want them triggering traps in 11 come on back and don't die quick oh don't be outside come on come on buddy wait that didn't work hold on oh that's because they don't have a base zone set up yet oh look you can ride all that's cool although I don't think Gregg will be any faster in any way but oh that's cool oh now we need to get Blaine trained up as well so we can do the same thing oh this is gonna be so neat guys I'm super excited about this actually let's have everybody come over here and we'll just be ready to kill the ox they should come in the main entrance here I'll actually they might be attacking Coco I'm actually not sure okay well obviously they've decided to come around the other way so we'll just go ahead and watch the others die here quick I don't know where that one's going waste of my traps honestly wait I saw one going north what's it doing who knows let's go find it let's just go deal with it directly we have better things to do than wait for it to come around the corner right we've got places to go things to do Oh God moody I um I forgot about eleven yeah go ten to eleven come on elk you're not even particularly hard to kill I say as they proceed to utterly miss it okay thanks and let's go ahead and let's put everything back were you supposed to be so normal and normal and carry on thank you I'm annoyed it destroyed those traps at least it only destroyed ones steel trap they're really expensive okay yeah so the red pandas are eating the disgusting meals that's fine they're also letting all the heat out but that's okay we're letting all the cold out or I mean that's not how thermodynamics works but you know what I mean cargo pods you say anything good overgrown Colossus meat that actually is pretty good um that looks like I may have to assign someone to manually come halt that some of that stuff I wouldn't mind some free meat don't have anyone else nearby that I can kind of make do this you're watching the sunset why don't you come Halston as well that'll be two stacks if someone gets around to it wait don't watch the sunset I just said come halt meet pay attention did moody just do the same thing I was sad wonder unsightly environment okay fine oh look these people passing by look you're writing you're writing an elk or a ram or whatever oh man this is so cool I'm really psyched to see this happen Enrico actually if you're gonna be cooking it really would be probably more efficient for you to come pick up some of this meat and that would be a better use of your time well no that's not sure but it'd be a use of your time oh and Teddy since you're right here can you just deconstruct this Moody can you just deconstruct this quick it's starting to bother me that it's out there okay thank you I really need converting back like you need to come back and rejoin us as soon as possible Enrico you're good at this stuff can you just come build a few of these and then go eat these don't take long and I got to get these walls started man it's a critical part of this whole process and welcome back okay what're you talking to our prisoner about discuss loyalties talked about our appearance asked to join 11.2 it's not gonna take long now I got to get these walls up before I get floors in is kind of what I'm thinking so that's kind of what's going on here in case you're wondering funny story I forgot to put Noriko back on number one growing ha ha mmm all right so we've got a bunch of marble we'll just go ahead and we'll use marble from the outside it's not the strongest material but yeah it's sufficient so let's go ahead and that 60 and I've got 150 so I think I can do what let's just do like 80 and then we'll go from there but I want to get the exterior wall up first obviously and then we'll start partitioning it up and I can actually go ahead and put a grow zone and right away I suppose just two good things going yeah we could do that actually let's do that right now what should we grow we have all kinds of exciting things we can be doing we do need unfortunately a whole bunch of cotton right away I changed this a little bit so that looks a lot nicer so let's do cotton but then let's make some other interesting things too like we have coffee available to us let's grow some coffee coffee plant and someone said in a comment that red lentils can be used as meat so let's try that I don't even care if it's true it just sounds neat okay we already grew pumpkins beans maybe it would be nice to grow some of these trees like there's an olive tree and it may grow some of those but not at exactly this moment soon maybe oh my god tea we can make tea oh yeah we're gonna make tea too that these are not useful zones I'm sorry I realize that I just want to grow some I don't know interesting sounding stuff and then we should grow some food here what kind of food should we grow eggplant let's grab some Tomatoes that's gonna say I don't like eggplant so we'll grow some tomatoes instead oh and a siege that's not good umm we can probably go take them I don't know if we can or not this could be exciting I was really really really hoping to get mortars up before we got sieges because I have some really short-range weapons but I guess we're just gonna have to do what we can we've got to go get him we have to go get them it just can't you know there's there's there's no other options I'm just go ahead and come indoors so let's get over here pistols and all like we cannot leave them over there I have no way of shooting back we're working on mortars too aren't we yeah like Moody's got the longest range weapon so he's probably gonna be pulling so come on over here and just get within range we're gonna kind of have to do some really stupid things here to try to get them to come attack us here hide behind a tree trees are better than absolutely nothing but only slightly okay I was really hoping you'd move a little further forward okay and then let's get converging to up here you're gonna be my next line of defense come on up here and then you guys are gonna have to kind of come hide over here I'm just gonna spread you out even though this is again this is such a terrible idea this is just not gonna work I hope we can get away with it come on shoot you got to start hitting them oh no Rico you're a lot closer to their construction than I thought okay converting you should be able to get some damage in here okay fire at this guy he's out in the open fire at this guy he's out in the open there we go hey at least they don't have any sandbags yet okay they're assaulting the colony do I try to fall back I think I'm gonna it kind of depends on how fast converging can move you're moving is pretty bad 63% is not good on the other hand they don't seem to have any fast guns okay I take that back you are rocking a change shotgun so when you catch up top converting here we are in a lot of trouble come on converging you can do it you want to get him through here come on come on come on come on come Khan okay you are gonna make it oh no my doors are open because of course they are you're come down here you have the crummiest gun here to set up Noriko you're gonna go over here okay we're gonna close the store behind you Moodie go ahead and get down here Teddy go ahead and get down here I think we can get that door shut and get back out of the way in time okay converting is gonna make it back inside well run away run away okay good good good good and you've got ten hours okay good all right come on in and die well that's implied you better get that guy have to change shotgun um you better get him right now before you like exterminates these like various people okay there we go now they're fleeing it's funny how they like to flee through my base but it does give me stop okay unde raft okay that works really well good job guys well it didn't work really well no actually I'm pretty happy with that I think that worked well okay animals go ahead and go back and do your own thing so what did we get from you guys from over here all kinds of good stuff oh look at this stuff meals and steel and shells I don't care about the wood it's too far away for me to deal with nice what do we get for injuries you got shot in the leg you got a bruise that's not so bad and you got a bunch of shots in oh that's not good yeah that's not good Moody I don't have to have you tend to yourself unfortunately or I'm sorry who's tending this off oh it should be Moody actually I'm gonna go ahead and turn that on go ahead and tend to yourself there you go now do I want need these guys it's just to take a look at them [Music] mmm now you wouldn't bring anything to the table how about you you're a great cook and a good crafter how about you versus Alfred Alfred is good at constructing but not much else you're good at cooking and crafting which would let me free open Rico to go do other things yeah let's capture him come get him and the other person do we want anything you're wearing yes yes we do okay and what are you up to you're consuming a simple meal bad idea instead I need you to strip this guy for his gear so we got a shotgun and Touche change shotguns oh that's nice oh that's real nice and a couple of corpses delicious delicious corpses are you gonna get off the map are you gonna fall over now you'll get off the map that's okay I should probably just go ahead and kill this guy directly but I don't feel like it okay and moody you are okay that's fine you're consuming a simple meal where are you actually instead of that can you come do some tending like especially to convert and then to eaten oh did we run out of places for meat hold on huh um an animal must have brought it down that's interesting and Noriko you just had some bruises right yeah yeah you're fine okay I'm trying to have Teddy make some graves heels failed literally five times in a row trying to make a stupid grave it's a hole buddy all you're doing is digging a hole holes are easy the holes only natural enemy is the pile it'll be fine just dig a hole anyway these guys aren't gonna be super super happy they're crammed in the same room but I am a little indifferent to it at the moment look in your researching why don't you come try it building these graves because it seems like nobody else can I've still got two more people yeah I could feed them to my animals but I need them taken care of I need them out of the way so we'll just get him into the dirt at the moment okay now we'll get those out of the way and that'll take care of our minor break risk okay looking good so it looks like everyone except for convergence fully healed yeah it's gonna take you a little bit but it's okay I do need some of this construction done ahead kick kick come up to construction at number one here we go and now it's time for the diseases mm-hmm all right so what we're gonna have to do to make sure that this works is we're gonna have to do something like this I'd have to move you over here and we're gonna have to turn this back into not colonists yeah and this one's gonna have to go medical and okay I'm actually just gonna have convergent come like make two more hospital beds quick this will just take a moment we do need to get these people treated can you please come move these guys over to their new spot we just need them out of there put them in here okay good now forget about them now converting are you gonna make these beds right away you will and then doctoring should be Moody are yous is moody sick no he's not okay that's perfect okay go tend and converting are you building these yes okay this needs to not be a gathering spot please well actually this should go in here at some point just put it there and then go ahead and put that stool in their honor I don't care when just just get to it okay and as mu D mu D is not sick but Teddy and Moken are Teddy what are you up to man you're relaxing socially oaken what are you up to you're wearing pants that's odd but okay and unfortunately I have to have Moody built these because it requires what 8 or something like that I think he's the only one who can build them so this is good now okay come rest until healed and Moe can come rest until healed perfect and this can be not medical and then we'll get everything else taken care of and don't sleep in there please thank you okay so let's take a look at their illness so are you guys gonna be okay so you are at 8 and 10 no problem you are at 7 and 12 no problem and you are at 7 and 8 also no problem ok but at this point let's go ahead and let's take a break so we come back we're gonna get rid of this flu we're gonna finish boxing in this area and this is just taken forever and then hopefully start filling in the middle of the base so as always thanks for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 35,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Rimworld, Bog, Atoms
Id: RitLtfu2QJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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