Call of Cthulhu | Edge of Darkness | Alex Ward, Joe Johnson, Persephone Valentin, Trisha Hershberger

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hello friends and welcome to a very special evening of call of cthulhu this is a continuation of the calyx our anthology series of spooky horror stuff sponsored by chaosium so thanks so much to them for sponsoring this video and this is a pre-written scenario called edge of darkness you can find out more about it if you follow the links in the description below my name is becca scott and this evening i will be your keeper of arcane lore i have some fabulous friends here uh that i will be trying to kill at all moments just so you know let's start over here we have joe what's going on guys i'm joe johnson you can find me over at tabletop jocks for my youtube channel and at black needle underscore everywhere else let us know who you're playing today today i'll be playing winston green the archaeologist all right all right all right just two and trisha hershberger hello hello becca thank you so much for having me uh i'm trisha hershberger i normally cover tech and video games all over the interwebs i am that girl trish with no eye and the girl on the social media stuffs um and trisha hershberger on twitch and youtube and today i am playing sister mary beatrice the novice nun a novice okay well we'll learn more about her experience and the experiences she's yet to have but first we must meet this side of the table persephone valentine hi i'm persephone valentine you can find me at persephoth basically everywhere on the internet and today i'll be playing francoise are you german no absolutely i'm totally german perfect i know my accents that's french and i knew i'm glad you pointed that out okay good last but not least mr alexander ward yeah uh i'm alexander ward i am an actor i'm in things that involve a lot of spooky stuff so it fits that i'm here you can find me at alex ward 777 on twitter and under my name on most social media things but today i am playing the explorer perry astor it sounds like it's one of those like you call and leave a prank message and you're like i'm perry perry astor that's he's got some trauma from that from being ah it hits you right in the periaster you like that all right that'll be the last time that happens tonight because each of you stand in st mary's teaching hospital in the year 1920 you are staring at the others in this hallway with white linoleum tile fluorescent lights above and the faint clicking of nurses heels as they go in and out of the rooms it's quiet here with the occasional yell or call for a nurse's aid and the room you're standing outside of belongs to rupert merryweather anthropologist well known in high social circles as some may know him and dying man he has called each of you here for different reasons to say his goodbyes you can only assume and the nurse you can tell through the cracked door is checking his chart checking his vitals and comes out into the doorway you can see him now if you could go in one at a time so you don't give him too much of a shock it's not long for this world and you hear her little heels clink off as she leaves you alone no other orderlies or anyone from the hospital is here and you want to go first oh maybe oh my children please say your goodbyes first i feel like what i have to speak with rupert about might be rather final the way that orderly made it sound and might be prudent for you to go in first if you think that is wise everyone come in oh these were all going again [Music] we'll just go in the old man lies in off-white sheets you can't see much below his hospital gown the sheets are pulled up high he is a white man with sickly liver spots covering his large forehead with cloud-like wisps of hair left he looks pale and frail and just as you suspected it is hard to see someone on their deathbed francois he looks at you first and and reaches a shaking hand towards yours do you give it he kisses it my sweet friend saw can you tell us what francois looks like francois is a very delicately built woman about 5'4 heart-shaped face short curly brown hair mixed race evident from the shape of her nose to the bones of her lips and uh looks pretty sad at what is developing whether it's because she was close to him or because it's hard to be around this you can't really tell you are a sight for sore eyes just wonderful to see you again and you ah my old traveling companion you've made it far no you know when you asked me to come there wasn't anything else i was gonna do ah perry astor where were you last uh i was last in south america and what does perry look like perry uh is a tall uh very with very weather beaten skin spends a lot of time outdoors um and has very unruly unkempt hair curly straight curly hmm what's uh any particular articles of clothing to note where is very much wearing uh light linens things for hot weather um but still trying to be presentable while his clothes being very used and um sunbeaten doesn't have particularly nice things certainly his experiences are what make him rich but uh very well dressed standing he looks to the other side of the bed and sees winston winston an honor your work is of note and uh being in your presence is a compliment to me you know what i had the pleasure of hearing about you from my parents so uh i uh pleasure's all mine good folks good folks i've read much of what you've written and the things you have discovered in your archaeology are truly brilliant tell us more about winston winston green is sitting at or standing at six foot two uh kind of looks like idris elba with a big bushy mustache uh kind of low-cut hair uh and he is wearing his wealth he is he's got a lot of money and he's got this tailored three-piece suit on and he's he when he walks in the room he lets people know like i got this nice little pocket watch too so yeah yeah he projects the image um and his parents were of note parents were also a famous archaeologist they were too um uh they kind of you know were born kind of born into the wealth so it was like all right well he's rolling right into their big vision he stepped into the big shoes the footsteps that were before him yes uh friend i i hope i can call you friend your parents were that to me most definitely yes and i hope they can forgive me for what i'm about to tell you but first mary beatrice my newest friend dare i say companion thank you thank you for teaching me maybe there is redemption for an old fool my child you know there is redemption for all thank you so much for having me here in your final moments you have come so far what does mary beatrice looks like uh sister mary beatrice is uh she's a novice nun so while she seems meek and mild uh mannered you you see that there's more going on in in her mind than she often verbalizes um she's also uh she's about five eleven so a little taller than some of the other uh sisters that are walking around this hospital um and and a little broader as well so you know if it were not the 1920s one might assume that maybe sister mary beatrice works out a little on the side dangerous for your health in these times yeah yeah so you're not quite quite sure uh where her strength comes from but she whether it is a a manifestation of her spiritual strength in physical form or what but that is sister mary beatrice as these four investigators adventurers stand around the bedside he looks at you and he says to you for i must impart a difficult secret i trust each of you and i see your particular strength i have something to ask of you it is not an easy task it is a dangerous task and that is why i seek permission but i must ask it when i was a boy well a young man really friends of mine from students fellow students we formed a sort of group we called ourselves the dark brotherhood led by one of our professors we in secret started holding seances silly things or so we thought but we became more serious about it and and brought our favorite professor into these rituals he knew more than we did but still had so much to learn together there were six of us including professor mary and alan and the six of us purchased a farmhouse that is where we made a grave mistake in summoning what we thought to be a gin to grant our every wish we summoned something much worse uh if you would sister um in my personal things over there you'll find a journal and gold box an envelope and a letter he hands these items and he says the box please to to the to mr green there i trust you know a bit of egyptian hieroglyphs i myself do not he hands you or a sister hands you a small gold box it looks like a petite miniature version of what you know to be a sarcophagus with egyptian scrawl over the top of it and there is no lock it opens and closes uh the journal sister would you pass it to my friend the explorer you know much of writing of your travels perhaps mine may be less impressive but i tried to document well all the same and key and indeed there yes you have the letter right i um i think when i had more clarity i wrote down all you'll need to know in that letter but well i i just hope that you can undo what we did all those years ago i've been too afraid and too cowardly to turn back myself but i fear since i am the last of us to perish a little spot of blood comes out when he coughs and falls onto the hospital gown i fear that we'll release this thing upon the world winston as you're looking at the box do you open it so the hybrid looks on the outside of it on the lid on the lid hmm can i see if i can make out what it says before i open it sure give me a roll do you have egyptian as a skill under languages i do not there's latin but i am great we'll see you have uh five percent in egyptian hieroglyphs give me a roll right two i'm rolling two d10s yes and if you like a soft felt place the roll yeah that is a 90 what was that 89 89 89 89 is that good or bad that is terrible i don't know what's on this as you hold this tiny sarcophagus in your hands and gleams in the light you think those sure are pretty letters and you have no idea what they say yep i haven't got a clue anybody near read hieroglyphics um not my strong suit is that supposed to be a common thing to know in this room i haven't exactly gone around my life thinking oh you know it'd be really useful hieroglyphics that would be very useful till now did you open it it is a less common skill i would hope so should i open it yeah let's go ahead as you do the old man in the bed rupert merryweather begins to cough and he starts raising his hand and signaling like he wants you to go get the nurse or he he continues to cough as as more and more blood flies out of his mouth and uh can everyone roll for dodge how do we do that d100 roll with d100 you have your dodge on the bottom of your sheet as well as under the d's just oh actually i made a regular success excellent oh i'm good uh i made exactly my uh half mark oh uh hard success hard success regular success uh i roll a 69. oh nice nice okay um but that is 35. so that is a fail okay i i failed by five excellent all right so but i was very close to him yes you were you would have been leaning in as he started coughing up whatever is inside of him uh and for our friends at home call of cthulhu is built on a d100 system all of your skills are a percentage and you roll two d10s to create percentile dice you're trying to roll on or below your skill level and if you don't have any particular skill in that everyone's got a little depending on what the skill is there is a base stat listed in parentheses and with that we go back to the hospital room where the splatter of blood lands primarily on you winston you were sitting on the bed checking out the sarcophagus as a huge splatter of blood is on your face and your shirt and sister mary you as well get the splatter of it across your beautiful white linens and you see his eyes roll back into his head and he starts to seizure i'm trimming i run out into the hallway and uh nurse nurse uh you hear the tip tapping and it comes a little closer it's the nurse you saw earlier is it time uh um and she pushes a button on the wall and you see a light begin to flash a red light in the hallway she goes in and she starts to shoo you out everyone except for sister mary who she doesn't touch what is the prayer you say over bless you my child i know these last moments have not been easy but you have come such a long way in your journey and your father loves you he loves you father father i'm a boy again and then his eyes roll back and you see the whites of them as he continues to shake and the doctor runs in rushes you fall out as you're rushed out of the hospital room we cut to the four of you gathering your thoughts next door at the coffee shop juice parlor as they had in these days of course nothing alcoholic could be imbibed in public as we know and you gather your thoughts tell you these things he gave us any of them mean anything to any of you not even then you don't i'm not i mean i it's a journal but i don't see any reason why you would have given me this i don't i mean and i just kind of i'm looking through it but i'm not really uh i'm doing books like um physical experiences in one of my things like me to look at it trump you won't i don't i don't know why it was given to me we'll start to flip through it sure it is bound in plain leather and it's held together by cords it is handmade its entries began in the late 1800s and uh 1876 is the first entry all the way to 1881 that's about 30 years ago was the last entry if you want to take some time and read through all of it you can give me a language use rule rule but that will take a few hours to read all the journal entries in it how about i quickly read the first two entries in the last two entries okay give me a language use rule let's just see how good you are at reading just to see oh that's an 84. okay and your english skill is a 30. cool um it's not my first language you're better with speaking english than you are of reading it perhaps someone else take a look at this this is written in very technical language i think that there's a but here that i don't understand but you do get a few things from it and the first entry talks about marion allen his professor acquiring a sarcophagus from his uncle um inside is a large piece of amber uh it entraps a specimen of some unknown species of uh as you pass around people help you out with species uh anthropologists species species yes as good as mine i think whatever i opened up might have been bad i mean that doesn't make any sense it's just a box don't blame yourself he was very sick just because you open the box at the same time it doesn't mean anything that's not violation i am sorry my children for all of your loss this is a very tough time we need not place blame on ourselves and as rupert has stated he had some dealings with the occult which is a very very serious business and on one hand i am i am saddened that this has affected his life so but i am i am glad and it is encouraging that he has taken it so seriously in his final moments as to ask us to finish this story for him i mean though just to put it out there like is that true i mean everything he said seems real far-fetched and that might just be something an old man would say on his deathbed isn't a made-up story like i mean he's talking about summoning some kind of thing to haunt uh i i don't know but like that seems like a lot and i mean this is true that things like this where it's a final request can be more fully living than well the recently dead when my parents died i did something similar not a cult but my father requested that i spread his ashes at the top of manchu picchu in peru so the least we can do is humor his final request i have no problem humor his request i just i don't think we're gonna find anything i don't believe so either but same as i don't think a box killed him but here's the thing if we do in fact find something and we can prove it i mean we're going to be real rich fair point i have dedicated my entire life to studying things that humans cannot understand and with the belief in a higher power also must come the openness that there are other powers that may be more dangerous in nature than what we're aware of so i'm i am apt to believe that whatever rupert believed was true there must be some truth to it however it's very very should be taken very seriously it's very dangerous right well i'll leave all the higher power stuff to you i'd deal with more what exists and a tactile sense i think that regardless of what our individual beliefs are the best we can hope for is that we find relatively nothing it is just a request from an old man yeah fine if we want to go check it out that's fine with me um did you know rupert well he uh helped me out in a time where i needed help and i am i was you know i was young and i was down in my luck and he hired me to be part of his expedition and um it helped me out it kind of put me on a path and we've been friends ever since and we kept in touch via letter and whatnot but he he's a good man a generous soul yeah i will just need to write to my superior um often i am allowed to go outside of my usual day-to-day activities if it is in the spirit of helping others and i do believe that this is helping rubert as well as the three of you so that should be no problem for me mary beatrice is motivated by the desire to learn more of other powers of other worlds of understanding to protect is what i'm gathering if it is in the aid of others um then yes yes i am able to justify uh even the pers the scholarly pursuit of things that would often fall into a uh more taboo category within the catholic church's teachings of course and winston green not only the prestige but also potential wealth that could be in such a place draws you oh yeah let's get that money uh perry astor how are you motivated i'm happy to do a favor for an old friend the prospect of some unknown thing does stir me a little and yet perry is skeptical i'm skeptical that any unseen supernatural force killed this man other than he was old and died certainly and uh finally francois francois is motivated by the desire to help an old friend but also incredibly curious about what this is because she did not know rupa to be someone to valley so she thinks that there might be something more to these so she does have a bit of a belief in the other worldly she does have a bit of a belief in the other worldly yes excellent does sister mary open the letter she was given i was going to ask yes excellent i i believe we should do as much much research as we can with the tools we've been given shall i read it aloud to everyone please if you feel it's appropriate if i reach any parts that i think rupert may have wanted to keep private i will keep that to myself but nevertheless here it is right dear friends in the plural in the years after the nightmarish events of that and my youth i have seen many strange things only now do i begin to grasp the truth of reality and the scope of what is happening in the world i've tried in my small way to combat the horrors and make amends for my part in bringing one to our plane of existence what i have left to offer what riches and wealth i have i will put to good use in dealing with these abominations it is the very least this old coward can do i could never make myself go back to that little farmhouse and put those events to right i too gravely feared that which my friends and i had loosed upon this countryside nothing of consequence has yet taken place but with my death i fear the bonds will be broken and that horror free to come and go as it pleases lives not yet taken already weigh heavy on my conscience the method of delivering the thing out of this world is still in that accursed house the translations made by marion from the book divermus mysterious i was never strong enough to take on that task but i have hope that you are in ridding the world of this perhaps you will save my soul from hell for i fear that my deeds have not been enough to release me from this heavy burden i do not expect your forgiveness for what i ask of you rupert merryweather uh can i use my uh latin knowledge to translate the meaning of that book the title of the book sure give me a roll for latin i got a 76 so i missed it by six percentage oh good thing i don't know of um of the mystery perhaps given the the base but i do not know more than that uh as you all have found a reason why you would like to do this thing that was asked of you let's cut to the car you were riding in a car who would own a car amongst you several uh are you driving or is one of you driving or is there a driver okay excellent you are riding in winston green's vehicle with a driver behind the wheel as you head at where the deed had an address on any map of massachusetts you would find about an hour outside of arkham a few hours from boston is a small town this address looks like there's very little very rural on what you saw on the map there is ross's corners labeled very faintly um in most maps in the tiniest print imaginable and you ride along in the road well this is very opulent never had an opportunity to be in a car much in your life yeah car cars yes as a means of transportation but nothing nothing like this or with a driver is one of those luxuries that i am somewhat accustomed to i don't really do this much either as you ride in the car you approach you can see it was just trees and trees for many for most of the hour and then you drive up to a small township a little hamlet there is a general store there's a few little houses a few tired buildings and it doesn't seem like more than 40 people live here there is of course a church on the street but just the one street gas station as well extremely rare i've never known we're about to be one to enjoy such things would you like to pull over and stop or would you like to head on following the map to the location of the farm house that you were given on the deed are there any preparations we should make if this is our closest church to the to the destination it may be worth going in just to see if they've found anything unusual as of late i'm sure um i'm alone for the ride um i'm willing to do that as well frank pull over over here thank you this this will only take a few moments i'm sorry you said lurch frank um frank pulls over the car and uh leans back in a seat and tips his driver hat over his eyes to just chill there as you step out you want to go into the church sure it is just a modest small town church there is a big steepled roof um over a square shape that a long square shape with a cross in the top that had once been painted white and the white paints flecked away simple door as you go in uh hello hello are there any uh any clergyman or caretakers here your voice echoes over the empty pews with frayed velvet cushions and you hear a scuffle in the back coming uh just uh oh just a moment and you hear it sounds like someone's dressing quickly or bumping into stuff then um an old man peeks his head out from behind from the rectory back there perfect i'm gonna genuflect uh to the front of the church and stand up uh excuse me sir i do not mean to to interrupt uh your daily business but we have been told that there may have been some more otherworldly uh experiences going on in the area and i just wondered if your parish had encountered anything like that as of late outsiders yes well dread lightly in this town um people are not used to seeing uh those that aren't already in our community uh father joseph randolph it's a pleasure uh you are a sister of the cloth sister mary beatrice yes yes well well good to you yes good day to you thank you father um strange you said yes anything that could be perceived as having to do with the occult you have not needed to call for any um exorcisms or conversely uh had any any unexplained miracles of late my child i haven't seen what one might call a miracle in over 50 years yes in my youth but no no no um nothing strange here no the town is very quiet father um forgive me for interrupting do you happen to know a rupert's merryweather do i have a knack for names and that one doesn't ring a bell he's uh white man gray hair kind of like bushy balding on top but just let it stay that way a little kind of a lumpy figure i'd say normal size he was um one of a few college students that purchased a farmhouse not too far from here wait a minute we'll say that last part again uh there were six college students that purchased a farmhouse several decades ago and one of them was merryweather i don't know do we have do we have the list of names you did look at the last journal entry so we'll get to that in a moment first when you say merryweather again in relation to sixth college student he says oh i did know that name it's not typical for someone to own property near ross's corners that isn't in my congregation so yes uh us town spoke we do gossip a bit about who would sit on an old farmhouse like that let it become so dilapidated in our community if you know him i would have a word i'd advise him to sell the property to a local that might be a little difficult we are here to take care of some unfinished business that he may have at the time found him that he may have at the farmhouse he did receive his last rights before passing so he was brought into the fold ah yes a great comfort that is to me um and i do appreciate it um if sister mary if you would roll for um you had asked him something uh yes i i had asked him if he had seen anything out of the ordinary wilfred persuade for me okay okay that is a regular success sister i do appreciate that you have given last rites to one that well he may not be of our community certainly well has set foot here there is one strange thing a woman who owns a farm not far a few miles maggie mcferter she went missing last night [Music] her husband has not seen her and well people are a bit up in arms if if you see any other townspeople while you're here well forgive any distrust they may have of outsiders she's just been missing since last night that's right so less than a 24-hour period well it's a small town and no one goes away without giving ample notice and having someone set to milk the cows and feed the pigs right right this is out of the ordinary behavior for her oh my yes yes very much so i'm so sorry to hear this if we shall find out any information in our information seeking if you will uh we will certainly report back excellent yeah she was last seen going out to check on the horses you say dark you said her farm is a few miles is that a few miles from here at the church or a few miles from the uh the farmhouse that is our destination oh yes i well i think where you're headed it's just beyond just a little ways up um yes it's not far from the mcfurta farm [Music] the mcphotophone for photos father joseph just in case um we do find something that tends to be more uh otherworldly in nature when we get there i i must ask do you have a spare vial of blessed water you could lend us i don't much agree with you seeking out something oh untoward oh plea please do not misunderstand it was rupert's dying wish that we go and finish whatever he believes he has started uh in this time of his life when he was not brought into the fold of the church so he is confided in me as part of his coming around to the flock um and asked that we go and finish this chapter for him i'm just trying to be prepared as possible if we should run into anything that maybe a novice nun such as myself might not be as equipped to deal with right he looks at each of you and takes you in sort of like memorizing your faces and looks at mary and says i can always trust a sister and it is my duty to aid you let me see what i have and he goes back and comes out with a small vial it's you see him put this glass vial into a little leather pouch with a string around it and he hands it to you thank you so much i believe it is our lord that is our best protection from these things if that is what we happen to encounter there indeed and he gives a sign of the cross uh and he does a little blessing to each of you if you allow him and um touches each of you gives you a moment of eye contact uh may god go with you thank you father and also with you amen all right all right do you head back out to the car anything else anyone wants to do um and if you want to you can check your inventory just a little out of game moment see if there's anything else you think you would already have with you something you might want to pick up uh if there's nothing written there feel free to put some stuff in there what might you have i have my camera my gun great so it is whatever you have is what you have and now hints forward if you ask me if you have a thing i'll make you roll for luck i did add a cameo just like a picture yes um it is a carved ivory portrait of my mother yeah i got a duffel bag with me it's full of like a change of clothes and some basic you know like camping canteen and stuff like that and then i got my rifle my bowie knife ready to go about it anything for winston uh i mean yeah he's got his he got his gun he's got a uh um a knife like a little pocket knife just to kind of cut rope or something like that and then um um i guess an archaeologist would probably have a magnifying glass or something like look at sure you can have a magnifying glass yeah yeah little dusting kit yeah a little kid of course you do you would have rope for sure all right all right before we go anywhere francois is going to take out her camera and start photographing certain parts of the the church and the town if i'm out here i might as well get some shots give me a role for photography okie dokie photography photography photography i don't have that on here it's written uh special arts craft it's not alphabetical it's handwritten under arts that is can i actually use three points of luck to make your photography even better to make my photography a half success sure a hard success absolutely so you permanently lose those three points of luck if i ask you to roll for luck later now the value you're aiming for is lower but hey it's always nice to um take a beautiful photograph of a church uh you'll you do so you capture the church the general store you see ma's general store with the ma kind of like hanging off the side all clapboard none of the paint is fresh on any of this and you do see an old woman dressed in kind of a muumuu or a middle-aged woman brown hair looking at you through the general store doorway she's got a broom in hand and when you look at her she looks down and just sweeps the porch of the general store and then goes inside and shuts the door behind her does anyone need anything from the general store danny i see her at all um you uh you didn't unless you want to roll for spot hidden if you'd like to sure i'll say events are i might just mention it sure uh i succeed yeah you saw her look like she was just checking you out it didn't seem like she was doing anything sketchy i mean i don't think it hurts us to go by there just to see maybe that's something i forgot father joseph did say that the locals would be distrustful especially given maggie's disappearance that is fair but perhaps the locals might know something that they did not want to share with the father you couldn't ask okay all right as you go into the general store same woman is the only person inside a few picked over shelves not much for sale in here what can i get you um hello uh we are just visiting we're taking care of some business for a past friend of ours we're just wondering um has anything odd recently happened in town you're around it no everything's fine here that merryweather farm huh yes the merryweather fun i'll buy from you i don't believe that well oh i do have to do it um what you want for that dude i'll give you 25 i don't think we're in the market to sell it just yet 26 uh the owner has asked us to finish looking after some parts of the property before thinking about transferring ownership i hope that's all right with you you lying to me sister because she just said the word passed yes it did pass so what is he going to do with a farmhouse he wasn't even keeping up anyways i'd keep that up dying wishes we are trying to take care exactly of his dying wishes before we get rid of the deed we might consider giving it to you um if you knew anything from what's been happening around town roll for would you like persuade intimidate or any other social skill uh let's see the four social skills are persuade intimidate fast talk and charm maybe you were charmed yeah definitely ah that's a 99 so uh 96 that's nice uh so um and 100 is always a fumble that's a crit fail that means it goes terribly wrong if you have 50 or below or below 50 in the skill and you roll a 95 to 100 it's also a fumble but if you're above 50 then only the 100 is the fumble okay cool so was your regular success above 50. uh yes oh but okay so just a plain old fail i see nope nope nothing strange nothing i know you won't sell it to me that's fine can i sell you anything and she goes behind she lifts up one of those part of the counter that lifts and goes behind it and crosses her arms that's what's certainly not the best um can we roll to see what we might find in the store um what are you looking for uh answers no there's pistol ammo if you're interested in such things there's provisions there's cans of beans and canned vegetables and jerky now you're speaking my language we got jerky right here she spins around a display would you like beef jerky pork jerky duck jerky uh that one's exotic i had that shipped in those are my jerkys that's a lot of jerky that is indeed not the jerky i'll try you know i'm on vacation i'll take some duck jerky my man 12 cents 12 seconds a pair um well we were just over meeting with the father and um not particularly all right i respect that um he mentioned someone went missing last night hear anything about that now why would he go running his mouth i don't know but he said it's from here yeah yeah little maggie's missing right i mean she's a grown woman but i call her little maggie oh was that your question question yes just stupid all right down here i've known her since she was little so she's with maggie just to be sure um we're not trying to cause problems with the town at all we really aren't woman with looks like you always causes problems yes for men but not for the people of this town i don't know men with money ramifications women like me let's try to keep i'm not playing to steal your husband ladies i don't have a husband anymore so you can't steal him i'm so sorry for your loss i'm not a hussy he didn't die i just kicked him out ladies i know you are a good god-fearing woman father judgment the judgment has no place here you're right i honor a sister's word and i will withhold all judgments if others can do the same now you bought your jerky if you're not paying customers i do need to keep sweeping fair enough totally fair lovely meeting you anything else anyone would like to do in town before you hop back in your vehicle no i think it's time we get to where we're going i need to buy some bullets apparently sure and i just uh do i show him the rifle or do i or show my gun her is my pronoun i don't know if it's it's legal to do that in the town or anything oh this is 1920s everybody's got a gun all right cool i don't know that's my rule uh yes winston pulls pulls back this code kind of just goes hey she reaches under the counter i just need some bullets oh all right yeah um for this caliber that looks like a 38. yeah she reaches up grabs a box of 20 bullets sounds good to me yeah three dollars keep the chain she grabs the five dollar bill and puts it in a register real fast uh thank you for your help it was a pleasure anytime you would like to patronage my store you sir you come on in here remember ma i got your mind well they see that you like him he's paying customers paying customers oh do you want me to be the paying customer yes very much so give me bullets for 32. she does yes thank you all right then thank you man no it was a pleasure i bet it was fun and i am glad my husband is no longer my husband yes maybe not after i meet him have a blessed day thank you so much for your help and i'm gonna start assuring everyone towards the door do you need bullets sister oh oh no no no no instruments of violence for me my uh my weapon of choice is prayer when you travel as much as i do sometimes you just need to make sure that certain people keep away i understand i am not judging your tactics in any way francois frank is instantly at alert stay uh in the car as soon as you get back in and as you ride a little further down you do remember one other thing that the priest said that father said which is that um you turn off when you see the tree blackened by lightning and you turn there you see a small sign that says boone road swinging in the gentle wind and you turn off in onto a road that is very overgrown with brush there are recent tire tracks and you pass a sign on your left hand side that says mcferter farm and you see and then you keep on driving and according to your map it looks like this place should be close the driver frank turns down a driveway that is indeed extremely overgrown he actually has to get out at one point and take away drag a log out of the gravel drive but once he does you can see the farmhouse beyond and as you drive closer you see it's in a clearing with a looming barn behind and just a simple farmhouse box style there's a porch in front you can tell the shutters are sagging and the whole house is in a state of disrepair that gives it an eerie quiet and in fact it seems that even the wind has gone still as the car stops here well it certainly does look neglected as that kind woman from the general store has said this place has seen better days for sure where would you all like to look around would you like to go straight into the farmhouse look around elsewhere i'm going to walk up to the farmhouse but stay about 10 feet from the front of the porch above the door you see symbols of some kind etched into the wood and as you continue to scan the front of the house you see the same over each window in the front of this building similar carvings and etchings they look to be some kind of writing that is very simplistic and you see the chains of a porch swing but the swing itself has fallen to the floorboards and the chains just hang limply gathering dust winston perry francois does anyone know what these markings might be and i'll gesture up to the markings above the windows doors i can assure they tell you that i probably don't would if anyone would like to give me a roll for a cult or i'll make the role oh five percent i think we all have exactly five percent amazing oh that's awesome no close but no were we continuing with more than a one shot i would say put a check mark in the box to the left of that skill when you get a success then in your investigator development phase in between running your campaign or each scenario you may improve upon that skill you can check it just for fun if it makes it check it out yeah all right francois as you step onto the porch and the boards creak below your weight you look at the sigils and you don't even need to understand what they say to feel a power within them that is telling you these ward against evil passing through either into or out of is the feeling that you get and with your modest but existent knowledge of the occult you know that um a space is not just walls i mean the walls when they're put there with the idea of a perimeter in the building imbues them with a sort of power so this sigil above the door is protecting the walls as well that what holds this room beyond the threshold francoise will put a hand on her head and shake it a bit um sorry uh what was i doing um uh the symbols uh they i think they might be some sort of protection or intended as such anyway you know sort of the belief that the threshold of a home or a place of occupation is something available in just a place sister you also notice hanging on the front porch is beside the door a lantern an oil lamp but it doesn't seem to have a wick inside that you can see i'm gonna go ahead and walk back around the back of the house kind of check out the perimeter of the building just get a lay of how this place looks absolutely you walk around back and around to the left of the house the path continues actually the path wraps all their way around the old farmhouse you see a collapsed lean to and a privy behind the house to the left on the back of the house there is a door a back door that faces the large barn which you can see the doors of the barn stand wide open and you can see through to the sky in there uh it just years of disrepair and it was not built as strongly as the farmhouse it's just an empty old barn my bag up closer on my shoulder and i'm gonna take a look inside that barn could you give me a dex roll please that's one of your main characteristics up top zero that's a 100 yeah 100. the best roll you could possibly get is a zero zero one so a complete failure worst roll you could get is a 100 that is a fumble sir so you will take three points of hp damage as you fall onto broken glass and as your arms hit the ground you see that someone had just been throwing bottles back here be it teenagers or vagrants who knows it's covered in glass and now you are covered in cuts so i just i tripped coming in and fell down all right [ __ ] all right i sit up take a minute to take any glasses in my hands out i'm gonna reach into my bag and get something tear some cloth and kind of try and first aid my hands a little bit sure give me a roll for first date failure yeah you don't tie it tight enough and there are still little bits of glass in there that you wrapped up in that wound you're gonna maybe want some help from a friends but i want one more roll from you which is a spot hidden to see what you notice inside the barn what is going on with me oh no uh a 53 failure do you are you close enough to spin luck my spot hidden is 30. no you sure aren't i mean i could spend enough luck to do that well here's the thing for viewers at home one may spin it's an optional rule your keeper can decide whether you are able to spin luck one for one to make a role succeed i say no more than 10 in a single instance otherwise what good is a rule yeah um so you look around you just uh you don't hear anything you don't hear any animals you don't hear even a mouse and there's just some rusty old farm tools there some hoes and some axes why did i come here let's stand up someone want to help me out i'm gonna come yeah let's cut to um we've checked in what is winston doing is there anything you wanted to check out i'm still about a car with frank i'm kind of like assessing the situation i'm kind of like man frank uh i don't like this place if some stuff goes down i'm gonna need you to have my back got it cool and you see his hand go to his hip where you know he carries a revolver as well as you've instructed him to do oh frankie two hands i got you that's right um all right i guess i'll start walking up to meet up with everyone to kind of look at the symbols if we hear him ask for help i'm gonna immediately go in that direction same sure do you come out of the barn no i'm standing in the doorway in the barn okay great you all go to the barn uh you're waiting go to the barn oh yeah all right the group is now in the barn slightly embarrassed hey um look how there's some broken glass any of you all yeah first aid training yeah just you know and i just showed got a bunch of cuts and i'm going to try to first aid his hands excellent give me a first aid roll [Music] uh nope that's a 74. yeah you pray over his hands that wasn't one of man's sister but i appreciate the effort i guess i'll try even though i have nothing infestated on medicine you start with 30 in first aid nope 88 all right hey you know what let's give it a shot wow we're all capable adults that was definitely 90 98. what is your skill in first aid nothing so 30. so that's a fumble sir as you look at his hands and you go it's fine if you try to brush it off as you jam the glass a little further okay i'll appreciate it if you didn't do that all four of you have tried and failed to pull the glass out of paris maybe maybe we're just gonna stay there for now and laugh it really tight doesn't bleed and get you some help later at the hospital and with the cursory look from all of you this barn is empty and abandoned you can see like all there's no hidden compartments all the doors are kind of torn away with time um and dilapidation nothing in here huh as he's seen to the hand and messing it up can i just look around a little bit sure um give me an intelligence role intelligence okay and i'm gonna need a heart success okay heart success oh that's an extreme yeah oh wait that's a yeah extreme success all right you got a 13 and you're extremely 14. okay uh francois you step further into the barn the light streaks down from the broken roof and shines to a spot in the middle that you step into like a spotlight for a moment photographer knows how to find the line and you listen to the birds chirp or you try to and you notice not a single bird is chirping you would expect there to be some kind of critter crawling around some kind of nest here and you do see uh a few little like hidey holes that rodents maybe once burrowed in but there's nothing making noise there now it is eerily quiet in this barn has it been eerily quiet since we stepped onto the property yes um everyone uh have you heard anything since we stepped onto the property rather than following a bunch of glass no you mean heard things like anything anything whatsoever no come to think of it i have not we're in the woods at the farmhouse there's no animals around there's no mice there's burger holes here but there's there's nothing yeah you'd rather just say my own i do not like this place i'm starting to feel that way myself robert did say in his letter that he apologizes for asking us to come here yeah maybe it's the wrong season maybe the birds in this area have left harry i appreciate your skepticism thank you for that you're welcome what season is it it is uh early fall it's brisk but not freezing cold but you wouldn't want to be sleeping outside this time of year and with that extreme intelligence check you also feel the weight of the key that the sister passed you when she passed you the deed we should go into the farmhouse bite the bullet and get this over with it is what we have come here to do do you go into the front door or the back door vector who are the symbols at in the front or in the back or other symbols as you turn from the entrance of the barn to face the house you see the back door and above it are the same sigils now same with above the windows on the back of the house the same inscription not exactly you know done by hand so each one's a little different but they seem to all have this warding as francois identified it those markings one wonders if they are meant to keep something out or keep something in well then you said they were like a barrier like yeah a protection barrier of sorts you know like some ancient cultures believe that uh there are words of power that protects places and such like that i mean forgive me if i'm misunderstanding but i think those things only really work if you believe in them so i think we should be able to get into the house for it i don't believe that they are for people going into the house in theory they are nothing i've seen before in roman catholic doctrine so to the back door you notice that when you go to put the key in there is uh a wire poking out of the keyhole and when you turn the knob it opens easily what is this wire has someone been here before us oh a lockpick i don't know as you enter the room do all of you follow uh perry's gonna follow but he's gonna open up his bag and he's gonna pull out his rifle and just have it out perhaps you should go fast i'm muttering the hail mary under my breath as i enter the building all right i'll he'll perry'll go in first to clear the room yeah i'll leave the i'll let you guys go in and i'll kind of like pull out my my 38 and just kind of like make sure nobody's following us excellent checking the perimeter behind um great give me a spot hidden as you look around and for those that have already stepped into the room you see oh go ahead and roll home i'm looking for an extreme spot hidden nope that's a fail okay uh you see the perimeter of trees at the edge of this clearing and you don't see anything strange not a single bit of movement not a bird taking off in flight um and then uh francoise you step into the room you can tell that there is uh this is the second room it seems to be a two-room farm house from what you can see of the dimensions there is a fireplace in this room there is a desk on the back wall that has a walking stick laying upon it there is a winged armchair in the room as well as a rug and near the fireplace there is a balled up wool blanket and there you all are hit with a waft of just must that is almost uh you can taste it it is a thick coating of molding furniture and just dust when you walk into this room i don't think that we can sell this place actually going back to our earlier conversation this place is rotted to the car from far away you hear the echo of a woman's voice say i don't care i'll buy it um hello anyone in here you don't hear a woman's voice that was a lie um no i mean i'm just generally uh do we do we smell anything i assume uh sister mary beatrice has spent a lot of time in the hospital particularly dealing with people in their last moments do i smell anything that resembles the smell of death give me a roll for natural world and perry can you give me a roll for listen yeah as you call out to ask if anyone is here all right that's gonna be a i'm gonna use two points of luck to make that a hard success please spend your luck to do so and as you call out is anyone here there is no reply but you hear uh shuffling coming from the front room you're in the back room of the farmhouse right now okay everybody wait here and i'm gonna kind of stealthily go and try and take a look have my rifle at the ready the door is open or there it's just a door frame between these two rooms and you see a kitchen with a simple iron stove a little seating area again more must and mold shelves that once held food stuffs are now empty with just a few plates and cups some knocked over all covered in dust and stairs down and with that extreme success on the listen that's where it feels like that shuffle quiet little thing came from and your roll you just rolled yes i rolled to see if it smells like rotting flesh in this house did you succeed um it was not a success it smells bad just really awful just a lot of bad it's yeah you can't tell if it's mold or thyme or the wood or maybe termites no one's sure there are maybe rotten foodstuffs somewhere in this building can i go and just like with a foot like kick open the blanket yeah you kick it and it unfurls it's just a wool blanket but out from it rolls an empty tin can with an old rusted ten spoon looks like maybe army issue what do you do winston i'm gonna probably follow i'm gonna close the door okay as i like slightly back up so i'll make sure that all right nobody's there i'm gonna close the door now okay just closed but you um do you check the lock oh yeah actually can i try to prop it up with something try well the panel just opened up um you want to prop it closed so that something can't come in yeah trying to come in behind us sure great idea oh yeah just put our chair or something sure there was a chair at the desk right next to the door and you can definitely wedge the back of the chair under the doorknob so that it can't open your clothes cool uh perry will come back and then hey um there's a staircase that heads down um i think i'm hearing some shuffling down there so i want to check it out but i just want everybody to be aware we shouldn't let you go alone no i'd prefer not to prince swaz would pull out the gun and just time of day check you had set out um it was the same day when you saw your friend in the hospital it was about midday when you hit the road and now it's beginning to get towards that twilighty hour the sun is low in the sky uh you all grabbed that lantern off the porch uh i i saw that it had no wick but i could i could go investigate a little farther well it's fine anybody got a light source or anything no no i'll go i'll go check it um and i'm gonna walk towards it there may be wicks somewhere in the building yes we can make one as you go to the front door it's got a deadbolt locking it and you can unlock that and it's the kind that could have been unlocked with a key from the other side okay as you open it you can grab the lantern and as you shake it there's no oil inside either and you can still see there's no wick there okay you have a lantern i'm gonna come back in um no oil and no wick so if anyone sees any supplies here and um uh winston i i know that you lock the back door so i'm going to lock this one behind me as well fair enough um one thing you notice when you pass through this room is that there seems to be some water damage from the roof there's some spots where the floorboards are more warped than the other spots and uh you can see in the ceiling it's just there's not not even they didn't have drywall back then it's just boards that you can kind of see dust falling down from beneath between those i'm going to go into the kitchen and check the drawers for something that we can use as a wick or oil or anything like that roll for spot hidden please that is a hard success and with that hard success i'll say that yeah there is a wick down there um and with that you do remember seeing uh a can of oil when you popped into the barn briefly i see um i found it wick but they do think there's oil in the bone should i go graphics we need to cook yes and i'll come with you okay okay the two of you go to fetch the oil uh perry sorry what was that oh no are you gonna go are you going to wait for them to come back i'm going to come back but i'm going to keep an eye on the stairs make sure no one nothing no one comes out of it there's just open stairs you don't see a door and down there you just see darkness yeah i'm going to wait and just make sure no one comes out okay unless there's anything else you want to do i'll say you make it to the barn you find the oil you come back you're able to load up that lantern this is the thing everybody knows how to do back then and now that you have a lantern nice that's awesome okay cool i knew it uh sister mary beatrice will take the lantern um since everyone else has some form of weaponry i don't mind holding light are you coming down into the basement yes yeah i don't think we should split up no the lie would be helpful thank you all right are you leading the way before we go down there can i go outside and try to signal to frank to like just be at the port like be at the front because i don't want to lock him out sure you were in the kitchen that's where the stairs to the cellar are and the door that was just unlocked by the sister you peep your head out that's where the car was parked he you want him on the porch on the porch he comes and stands guard okay okay do you lock the door i don't ugh lock the door that he can't get in but if he gets killed by something hey you don't know there's nothing there you're right you're right do you lock the door that's the part hey if we uh we got frank out there he gets caught up then uh he's you know he's kind of trapped should we leave the door unlocked i would say yeah leave it unlocked i mean if someone really wants to get in here these walls are rotten you're right they're getting through that's true that's very true fair point glass is barely holding together and if something magical is out not right on top of the door stopping it from coming in i believe we're worried about whatever's in the basement moving around right now i agree with you let's get this money so what's the marching order uh i'll go down first i'll be behind i'll leave the rear um middle back okay uh out of an abundance of caution please don't mind me and i'm gonna take out my rosary so i'm rosary in one hand and lantern in the other perfect rosary first okay as you step down into the cellar sister mary you reach the bottom first you feel under your shoe a dirt floor it smells less of that musty smell more of a dirt dirt smell as you hear and running full speed from the other side of the room you see a man with a red scraggly beard and beaten clothing and tatters running at you with a table leg in his arm same which as soon as he approaches sister mary he pauses for an instant when he sees a nun holding a rosary at him but it's too late perry and francois have already fired give me a roll for your firearms whatever is applicable i believe it would be shotgun for perry and just a pistol or handgun yeah for francois lucky lucky man i succeed i do not no no not a hard but just a regular season a regular success give me a roll for the damage on your weapon i will do that oh not good wowie wowie wow well he ran at us with the table leg oof that's gonna be uh it's 11 points of damage he stops dead in his tracks as a bolt action shotgun shell hits him square in the chest for 11 points of damage as blood splatters once again all over sister mary beatrice and uh i did not have you when you were splattered with your friends blood as the hospital as i should but i will now have you roll for sanity as a man is shot a few feet in front of you as perry's shotgun is trained over your shoulder uh that is a success okay you roll below your sanity roll below my sanity okay you do not lose any sanity but you are shaken out you see uh his he was wearing um he is wearing a red checkered shirt that is frayed on every edge um as it's blown clear through and you see his chest is just raw uh you can't see inside his chest luckily but he falls backwards to the ground he says may the lord forgive me as i'm gonna like cradle his head as best as sure he rushed down into the dirt floor and he's uh the dirt is sticking clumping to the blood that's now covering him and you see desperate eyes in a sagging um sun worn face his his eyes just look at you with such sorrow and pain as his hat has fallen backwards barely a hat at like the barn that covered the roof this hat was full of holes perry wood to you too uh your shot went wild francois you did not hit him but you did try to yes i did oh [ __ ] um tell my mother i love her and be at peace my child he has to roll for constitution because he has taken a major wooed wound that's a 32 he succeeds in uh not passing out with this major wound he has taken but he looks completely immobile can we get this man help um your driver winston perhaps this man needs medical attention we need to do something yeah he second time today you see a man cough up blood in your arms and uh he is not doing well can we try to stomp the wound uh i can try my best i'll try for first aid i'll do so too i guess oh yeah that's just a straight up fail fail for me um oh this is 16. yeah oh get it okay uh describe to me winston how you step up and help staunch the wound perhaps there there are shelves in this room to the right of the stairs and you can see more shelves dimly lit against the back wall and you see a box labeled um gauze okay i've seen this i've seen this before um take this and uh we should probably probably like cauterize the wound a little bit uh go through this is not good back oh man this is uh do you use the oil lamp to cauterize his chest wound i was thinking but no probably not because that would be bad um i'm just going to try to wrap it up as much as i can like wrap everyone give me a spot hidden oh that's um that is a hard success francoise you ripped the bottom of your dress very elegantly yeah and i hand the fabric to you to tie up the wound all right cool uh bite down to this man bite down on this and i take the uh liquor and i just kind of throw it over the wound so it kind of yeah and let me just recap that that wound is a very concise tight rifle hole obviously i know the difference between a shotgun and a bolt-action rifle so we have a rifle wound clearly hopefully he's like he's not living oh shotgun it was a shotgun since you didn't get a crit on the shot i'm going to say uh he's bleeding a lot but it looks like it didn't pierce anything critical it's kind of more like upper shoulder area but you know none of you are a doctor hard to say no um so you poor he screams in pain but he is biting down on whatever wooden spoon you found down there to put in his mouth and uh and he his eyes bulge before he closes them but you still hear his subtle breathing sister mary and uh did you you rolled what was your role for first aid there's label 16. is that an extreme success i think so first lady is 30 so your extremes it would be a hard success spend one it's an extreme sense i'll do that i will do that all right typically a first aid can only heal one hp but since it's extreme i'll let it heal too heck yeah nice who is this man he is uh he passed out he's a little passed out from the pain um but he seems to the blood seems to be coagulating and slowing and the bandages that you've wrapped tightly don't seem to be completely filling up with blood immediately he seems to have done some good here can i see if he has like a wallet on him or something that might identify who he is sure so you want to search his pockets yes go ahead and give me a spot hidden when i see francois doing that i'm just uh i'll look at him and so just so you're aware we are going to look for any medical information that might help us help you uh that's a 73 do i use 10 luck to get it down to 63. you're just searching his pockets yeah no uh maybe you missed a pocket but yeah you you find you find a a straight razor in there and um you don't find any wallet i think you got another use out of this i didn't find a wallet i have no idea who he is even despite you feeling that spot hidden sister mary you're very close to him when you say this to him about searching for medical information and you smell the smell on this guy you see the unkempt appearance and the clothing in tatters he's wearing denim coveralls over this busted open gingham shirt and he doesn't look like he's got anything uh 32 cents stump falls out of a pocket and onto the floor as you're searching i apologize i he spooked me and ranted us out of the dark you're not the only one you shot that's fine unfortunate miscommunication for sure um sir sir are you capable of of answering questions in this moment he blinks his eyes and they flutter open just a little bit how are you we were friends of of rupert meriwether do you know him i don't know nothing i just was looking for a night a place to stay for the night how long have you been to him i just came back to get my things i i couldn't sleep in a place like this yeah what do you mean a place like this there's something there's something it chased me it chased me it was too much get me out of here and he gets uh moves to try and get up like but oh um you see a pulse of blood like the bandages reds splotches just a bit as he does that and he lays back down stay down be stuck can we make a mistake from some of these wood on these shells can we get to the part like a litter or something oh we can try i don't know how much good that's going to do he just needs a lace tail we need to get him to a hospital yeah at least it down i mean i can have frank take him back but then that's one man down uh temporarily of how far do we think the nearest hospital is hmm may not tell him uh we're we are near arkham correct relatively yeah there's definitely a hospital now you were at the hospital in arkham this morning and you know it's about an hour hour and a half away um give me a roll for psychology while you're speaking to him to see if you can kind of get him to open up to you i'm gonna spend seven points of luck okay to make that a success excellent and just a reminder of one other mechanic and call of cthulhu you have the opportunity so long as you're not currently in combat of pushing your roll but uh a push is a re-roll but i will tell you something bad will happen if you don't make your push roll and i can tell you what that is you can help me come up with what that is but if you fail the push roll it's not good no um did you also were we at the hospital in arkham or were we in boston i'm a little confused it was nearby boston is a nearby town uh you're in arkham sorry if i said boston at any point no i've probably just misheard uh the least we can do is get him to town okay plan to get him to town you can start looking around to see if you there's wood that you can make shift if you want to um give me a mechanical repair roll for anybody that wants to help put together a stretcher and then um you succeeded on the psychology when you spent seven luck excellent so you mark that down mechanical repair success all right you're leading the charge of helping them put the litter together if anybody wants to help and with that psychology role um you can ask him questions and he seems open he can tell first of all you're a nun second of all he needs help right now and um he's he's open to it okay he's not really sure why he's hurt sir we are going to help you get out of here if that is what you want we are going to get you the medical help that you need how did you find this place i knew i should never come back here i i found this place cause i i was just looking for a warm place to sleep for the night but but then i heard something it came for me i went out back because i heard noises and and then it came out and i ran and i ran and i ran and i saw things in the woods that no no man should ever see and oh sound like it got distracted and it went off in the other direction and that's when i hid under a log all night long i hid and then you you came back for your things that's right but then right when i was about to grab him up i heard y'all's car i think you got any more of that whiskey absolutely he uh needs some help holding it to his lips but he uh doesn't let you pull it away quickly why didn't you call for help my child i didn't know if you were working for the monster or what what do you think this monster is after is it is it like anything you'd seen before it no no it wanted it wanted me wanted blood i could hear the growling sounds and it just was so fast like the air itself i looked back and i couldn't see it but i could hear it and i could feel it and you never saw anything nothing nothing no i didn't see nothing i just knew uh you have successfully put together a stretcher of sorts do you want to move him onto it yeah we'll try and move him okay uh you do so and um he screams in pain when you move him but he is on these boards describe to me what you put together um i think down there in the in the basement just finding any two sort of planks of any sort of scrap wood that's down there maybe there's some shelving units that have been decaying or something break off two relatively long pieces of uh wood down there and then take any sort of um if there was cl and if there was like a tarp or anything down yeah we can grab we'll blanket from upstairs and actually fix that uh there is a tarp when you look around looking for supplies you look into the back farthest corner from the stairs and you see a large shape covered in a dusty oiled tarpon oh great i'll go over there and i'll just grab the top and pull it you have a tarp and um i go and affix that to the wood and like make a a rudimentary stretcher out of it uh okay i'm doing that as i pull the tarp off i'm just going to take a second to look at what it was covering is that your question uh there's a large old trunk all right i don't you know i'm busy but i'll come back to that later absolutely all right uh you've moved him onto the stretcher you can move him up is everyone working together to do this absolutely besides we only one of us has a light uh who has the lowest dexterity actually i know this that would be joe i think yeah 50 yeah i was gonna say i'm gonna run upstairs and get frank okay you run to talk to frank tell him what's happening then the next lowest person that's helping uh is sister mary you're gonna do a group dexterity role which means the person with the lowest of that skill does the role for everyone okay sorry everyone no i always i don't need me in there here we go uh that is a fail wait would you be helping or would you just be holding the light i mean [Music] holding too late too late definitely holding the leg but also trying to help maybe that's it lantern in one hand and i'm also yeah uh you dropped the lantern and uh there there is oil that has spilled on the stairs and um the lantern has gone out oh no okay wait it's not at least it went out we'll come back down and get it just let's get to the top of the stairs let's just try not to slip yeah uh as you go back up the stairs the two of you are able to carry the stretcher in the dark out of the cellar you walk the steps down there weren't any missing stair steps or anything and frank is now uh you go to the door boss this is oh crazy there's this guy got it he he goes to the car and opens the doors [Music] frankie two hands that's freaking stupid for you all right cool and i go go to the car open up the door just to make sure they can they can just slide him in in the back and uh let me just get this guy to town and get right back can do cool and uh he runs back inside to help you with the stretcher it's put in the back seat uh and um you're it's a super wide car he can lie down in that back seat that's how they built them back then and you close the doors frank is off heading back to arkham with your only automobile means of get away great maybe we should have gone to town for the night well i can't change that now now it comes back um let's go clean up that lantern and try i want to round it away yeah we dropped it as we were coming up the stairs by that he means i dropped it no it's all right let's see if we can salvage it yeah all right do you all head back to the cellar yeah that's we would i now know what that shuffling was but let's see what's down there we may as well investigate it anyway as you come back down it is dark uh is there any way to salvage what has fallen of the lamp sure yeah you just uh you must have had a flint of some kind to light it the first time so you can use that to light it again i got a box of matches i'll just and what you see is a ladder you see a broken table missing a leg that is sitting in the middle of the floor next to a blood spot and um the shelves have you smell as part of the smell of the rotten foodstuffs there's a bunch of cans that are expired and some things that look like rats have eaten through it though again no rats seem to be occupying this basement the trunk in the corner yeah sister would you bring this over here i want to check out what's in this trunk yes of course does it have similar markings on it to the ones we saw outside to be honest i didn't look there are no markings on the exterior it is a large wooden trunk with leather ties securing it closed they've got buckles and you can unbuckle them and open the trunk i'll unbuckle it and kind of slowly open it as you open it and the lantern shines on the interior of the lid you do see similar wordings on the interior of the lid of the trunk francois um does this look like what you saw outside uh yes it it does it's similar i'm not exactly sure what this is can i roll again sure uh you can roll for the sigils and when you open it perry there are black there's black fabric covering the top of the trunk no one that's about him luck doesn't strike twice no they just look the same they look the same as the ones upstairs and then there's a letter sitting on top of the black fabric i'll pick up the letter and i'll just kind of feel around is there anything else in the trunk if i feel underneath on the black fabric if i pick up the letter and just kind of touch what's there um it feels like there's more stuff down there okay well let's i'll open up the letter yeah do the symbols resemble the box that i opened in the hospital no the warning essentials are something that doesn't look like anything in your archaeological research or your anthropology research that you've seen as like a language that you would know hieroglyphs because of your knowledge you just know immediately egyptian hieroglyphs but these are something different these are something more of a spiritual nature um and you asked me about the letter open up the letter and take a look at it excellent inside it is like a large manila envelope and inside you see a sheaf of all kinds of different yellowing papers there is one that you pull out that says ritual to drive away unwanted spirits in a handwritten scroll there's also six identical pages with what looks like some other language depending on what languages you speak you may or may not recognize it uh and then uh do you go ahead and read everything so looking at the envelope and realizing that i don't know the language at all i just hand it to winston you know maybe you can make sense of that uh and i start looking through the rest of the crate you find these six different sheets all exactly the same strips of paper with what looks like latin well my other language on here is latin so let's roll for it if i can yes okay that's a 60. yeah i don't know all right sister mary beatrice is bless you sister mary beatrice is gonna be like nosely also looking at these papers uh sure does she want to roll for latin oh she sure does okay oh of course catholic catholic in the 20s oh baby absolutely all the latin that's a success all right um so he passes you one of them they're all identical so feel free to pass them out if you want um you roughly translate something about oh spirits and you can tell and the word summon has been crossed out and replaced with exercise so oh spirits i exercise by the power wisdom and virtue of divine knowledge of the dark of void by the name of the old ones the root the trunk the source and origin of all other divine names whence they all draw their life in their power i exercise you by the name nyarlathotep signifying the most excellent bringer of wisdom his majesty so high and brighter than the stars of the void i exercise you by the most powerful name of azathoth the all-powerful who shall punish the crimes i exercise you and again each instance of exercise has been written in hand written or a different hand wrote it in crossing out summon i exercise you and i command you absolutely o demon in whatsoever part of the universe you may be by the virtue of all these names hear you and obey or something to that effect you're latin's little rusty this is this is a lot this is very real there are six of these papers yes which tracks with what rupert said about six friends buying this farmhouse and engaging in activities that he needs us to now put the final chapter on i'm worried that they have summoned and tried unsuccessfully then to exercise well i never got the chance hmm well there are not six of us unless we wait for your driver to come back but then also i'm sure that gentleman who just went to the hospital won't be back no no uh how long would it take us to get back to town if we walked it's nightfall probably a few hours to that small town where father joseph's church were yeah was a shop owner you seem cool well i that is certainly open to opinion right nuns are not generally permitted to perform exorcisms whereas priests are so if we i think you could make a special exception here look we haven't seen anything that needs to be exercised yet we saw one kind of crazy old man and now he's gone what do you make of these this is writing on a paper what have we seen that actually needs to be exercised i guess nothing yet no but there's still no sounds here and no it's not there's red bite marks on these cans and there's no life in here at all this place should be crawling rodents it's not yeah it's weird but it doesn't mean that we need to exercise anything is there anything else in the trunk i'm going and i'm starting to root okay as you pull out one black piece of fabric after another if anyone takes them and holds them up you'll see that they are black cloaks with a hood on each and again there are six of them they certainly took this very seriously didn't they that seems so and after you've pulled out the six black cloaks beneath there is a cigar box a brand and type from the late 1800s 1890s maybe 1880s i'll shake it a little bit and see if there's anything inside of it there's definitely something inside of it opened up there is a smaller wooden box with a sliding lid and then a little metal canister and that's all that's in there do i recognize what this is they're containers within a container but you can open them inside the metal canister is a brown powder and uh if someone else wants to take the small wooden box i'll do it he hands it to you and when you slide it open you see a white talcum-like powdery substance does anybody have a chemistry skill i do really oh that makes sense i'm a photographer i developed my own petals oh that's so close but even with all the luck in the world wouldn't be a success good push i'll push okay something bad will happen maybe you will drop said you drop said box and the talcumi powder bounces onto the dirt floor but uh the box lands face up and there's still some inside about half of it has splashed out into the dirt and is mingled with the dirt now i don't um i'm sorry i grab it up and pick it up it's okay we're we're all a little on edge just a little for a moment when it bounces out and when it hits the dirt there is a momentary spark of like a purpley shimmer like it's going through some sort of process the moment it hits the ground and then in a second it's gone i rub some between my finger i have no idea what this is um also when you saw it bounce out and you looked down and saw that shimmer of purple you also saw in the dirt itself um it feels like you saw the remains of any bugs that once died there kind of like their skeletons flashed into appearance for just a moment um would anyone else like to roll for like um if you don't have chemistry maybe an extreme spot hidden for the other container the metal canister sure i'll this is my hands i'll take a or maybe just like an extreme intelligence i'll take an intelligence oh you know what education i would rather do intelligence yeah i can't rule this right no didn't think so nope 71. let's try it it's a 23. that sounds like a success yeah so that's um oh man it's a hard success i could almost get i would need four five six all right i'll spend seven seven luck seven lots an extreme success on this intelligence role uh as the metal canister is passed to you and the lantern shines on it winston you recognize this uh the smell is sulfurous and uh it and you saw it in quarries in some of the places that you've traveled to there is a copper oxide mixed with um mixed with sulfur and you know that in some cultures it is in certain ceremonies is the kind of thing that might be tossed into fire okay so we got some good news uh certain cultures this is like a flammable ritualistic kind of thing and it uh is it used for like out like bury the dead or like if anyone wants to roll for anthropology yeah i mean that would be you mm-hmm that would be me and i don't have it actually sorry you're an anthropologist and don't have it not far away but you want to spend luck i mean i rolled a no i don't have enough i'd have to get a one and i rolled a 12. hmm might as well right i'm not gonna get the one no 26. all right so i'm assuming that this is something that they would use in a i don't know ritualistic sense that makes perfect sense yes there's also more in the sheaf of letters okay you see a letter with a date 23rd of march 1877 and uh it's signed at the bottom marion allen it is to the effect to give you the sparknotes version of i don't know why i'm putting this on paper it's probably a bad idea but i feel like i need some explanation for my actions i didn't know when i took my uncle sarcophagus that the copper the the the amber inside held something so dangerous and and that it would lead to the death of robert and make harold a man man and these two names make uh you remember francois the journal you looked at earlier you flip to the final entry and there was a list of six names in different pens with dates next to them and the first one was robert that had a date in 1877. it's uh said he had come back to organize the things he left the gold box in rupert's care told him not to sell it and uh went no one's it says his uncle doesn't know about the dark brotherhood and he hopes that rupert will be safe from anyone looking for the box and then the piece the post script says i write this before i close the lid on the trunk the thing is still in the attic it seemed to recognize me and spoke foul curses at me i will carve protective wards on the truck trunk to prevent any tampering with its contents just in case those are two other names that were part of the group the dark brotherhood so to speak you know so something in the attic then apparently which could be our meal ticket don't you have enough money i mean you know you always have more to donate to the church to donate to the church yeah well now thinking back what was it specifically that uh uh mutual friend asked us to do here he asked us to close the door on on this chapter too she's very vague which extremely is very vague yes he said he started something with the dark brotherhood uh that he's afraid that his death would let loose and perhaps we could finish it so that whatever it is wouldn't get out and cause more harm and it seems that whoever locked this trunk wanted whatever it is to not access the contents of the trunk right so i'm thinking we go check the attic see if anything's there if there's nothing there we go home i already shot someone today i don't particularly feel like doing this anymore so maybe we take the contents of this trunk out of the house if sure if you feel like that's the best i think that that would be sufficient i don't that's a vague last request and i feel like coming here and checking everything out there's nothing other than it being a surprising lack of animals in the area i don't see anything else wrong with this house other than maybe some people got a little too into their imagination so that's what you think happened with the the gentleman we inadvertently shot i think he's a crazy homeless man okay who stayed here at night and tried to attack us when we walked down some stairs unfortunately so you think the whatever was chasing him and moving really quickly and i see might have been something when you're out alone at night in the woods things are scary hell a turkey could scare you out in the middle of the night i think that if there were a wolf in the area perhaps i could scare the wildlife maybe that's something perhaps make sense i mean this is certainly a more plausible and easier for all of us solution than anything that uh that my mind has been leading us to so right well i'm i'm not saying you're wrong and i'm not trying to cast any doubt on you i hope i hope that i am wrong i guess i also do too let's go to the attic before you leave um perry you give one more glance into the bottom of the trunk and you see two pages that seem to have slipped out of the sheath and fall into the bottom that are a little worn with time and one has a large drawing on it it's a circle with what you know to be a pentagram in the center with symbols drawn around its edges and some water has dripped onto it but you can still make that out and then the other is the uh ritual to drive away unwanted spirits um handwritten note that uh does have some damage with water and you can see only part of a step-by-step process and you see begin at blank night uh when at at witching hour um there must be at least blank one watcher to see malevolent spirits coming one always chanting at least one to draw the one to burn and hopefully within one to two hours of chanting you will be able to whatever it says in those blanks helpful and yes you can put those the rest of the flavors apparently that's uh the recipe for whatever else they were trying to do sounds like a recipe for disaster honey if they had this recipe why were they not able to execute this plan well maybe they yeah i mean it is all crossed out right so maybe the initial thing was to summon whatever this thing was and this was their fix but never had a chance to enact it to their specification hey he said that they summoned it to get something from it correct um so i said they were supposed to be a genie or something oh yes yes rupert did say that they thought they were summoning some type of gin do do you think that maybe they got something from it supposedly if we are to humor them you know maybe perhaps when did the first two die when does the what are the dates in the book the names are as follows feel free to read them robert notice really robert menken march 1877 held copley august 1877 marian allen in august 1877 crawford harris january 1910 cecile jones march 1919 and rupert merriweather i assume the dates would be today so i'm uh so three within a year a year and then 43 years later nine years after that and what's the date today this is september 3rd 1920. well that accounts for i guess the six people who are supposed to be doing this um well three of them perished right away well at least within a year of each other we don't know how old they were we don't know we do know that they were most of them i believe are college except for marion lebron that's right you're correct [Music] so within a year three students one two students and a professor died which is coincidental to say the least unusual yeah and then in the 1900s 1910 and 1919 nine years about at the 43 years supposedly if we are to take this in the way they did there was 43 years between the first three deaths and the fourth and then from there it is nine years nine years and then to today that is another nine years well that's 60 years of overall one 10 years for each death accounted for interesting i don't know what that means though in context of what we're doing no do i there seems to be nothing else in the cellar of note so attic attic news check it out see if there's anything up there and maybe that's where all the animals when we'll figure that out too strange let's be careful though the i don't trust these stairs to be really sweaty i'm not gonna try not to shoot the next person who runs at us from the dark and more well that is actually a concern but let's also not fall to our deaths in the process yeah as you step up these creaking stairs you do not fall through because you were so careful but you do see out the windows that the sun has reached its uh lowest level it has fallen below the horizon and the last bits of light are sinking as you hear from outside you can hear a shaking and a growling groan come out it is an earth-shatteringly horrific sound this like guttural scream grown cry as you feel something moving outside the front of the farmhouse does anyone look out the window yeah i mean yeah yeah you all look out the window uh and you see nothing but a whoosh of air and you see the leaves swoop up and you can see almost just a bluish shimmer as something is moving towards the tree line and you see the trees and leaves part and you do see one bird fly up in the air as you look out at the tree line and as you do this you see the swoosh of blue swipe it from the air and go back down as you hear a last chirp and then nothing can everyone please roll for sanity [Applause] yeah 49. i failed 6. my sanity is 65. i rolled a 76. okay everyone else made it and that was some extreme success on your sanity check six i was like damn okay winston thinks nothing of it but you perry when you see this your sense of reality is shaken you believed there was nothing strange in this house that couldn't be explained but what you just saw the way that bird was snatched by something and made a horrible sound and then you heard the slightest little sound of tiny hollow bird bones snapping it breaks you and as you have failed your intelligence role oh sorry your sanity role i need an intelligence role from you this you would like to fail perry wants to complete it but perry wants to succeed or whatever i want to i want it to go badly but it didn't i failed it i got a 52 out of 50. so oh good so i failed it that is good um and you lose one sanity point lucky you because it was just air yeah just air moving maybe a wind vortex who's to say um your intelligent rational brain can explain something away you don't actually know what you just saw please tell me someone has a scientific explanation for what we've all just waited i do not i say we go up to the attic see what this thing is there's just it's hunkered down it was outside i think it's in the i think you're just on the first level oh wait just on the first level let's just be cool yeah i mean it's in the whatever that was is over by the trees it's not dealing with us it's i don't know did we take the cloaks with us i believe they're still downstairs let's go get them okay you get the cloaks you can just just humong me i go down and get them great you're able to do so winston as you look up in this first room the one with the front door you just see those stains on the ceiling uh as water or some sort of liquid has dripped through and in the other room you can see uh near the fireplace there is a panel cut out in the ceiling uh but it's got a piece of wood in it okay gotcha whoo what was that ladder i was out it was outside it was actually you remember seeing in the cellar from the cellar okay cool sweet let's go get the ladder go up to that spot in the roof right that seems like that would be where where it is yeah yep uh the the spot is actually inside you see the panel cut out oh okay so we need the ladder and then can we go to that access that point sure yeah you can tell it is an attic access point and you set the ladder up beneath it who is going up there i can go up first if you want i i would rather not go first this time let me take the lantern oh those go second then you can bring up the back in front of the professor on this panel of wood perry as you step up on the ladder to take the first look you see the same carvings you've seen above every door and window on this panel right put my palm on it and i'm going to try and like either slide it or push it up see how it wants to move it slides easily i'll slide it over all right i just put my head through with the lantern up nothing happens you hold the lantern aloft and as its light shines a stench hits you first perry and then everyone and sister mary immediately knows the stench of death there is a strong smell of what is wrong that's definitely dead this is the smell of decaying flesh perry as you smell this horrible stench and you raise the lantern higher in the attic you see a pile of stuff looks like furs maybe old jackets nope that's dead rodents you see a pile of corpses and then you see that they are littlered all around birds raccoon mice anything small enough to have gotten in this house oh okay it's all right it's just some dead animals i think i figured out what happened to the rodents that were in this house they probably poisoned them they're all dead up here and i'm just going to climb into it with a new sense of normalcy okay as you do do you want to take a closer look yeah yeah i'm looking at francois through this i'ma put down the hood now maybe everyone else should do okay your cloak is on you're wearing your hood uh perry as you go up into the attic completely and you step closer to some of these animal corpses you see a raccoon uh in front of you it is lying on its back and there is a bloody wound on its chest and as you get closer you see its tiny rib cage has been pried apart as if with powerful hands and inside it looks as if something some organ has been ripped out please roll for sanity i succeed 49 under 64. you swallow deeply and hold down whatever was starting to come up because you know this is not just normal prey this is not something being eaten and this is not humans doing rodent control something ripped what looks like maybe a heart out of this rodent's chest uh don't come up here yet what did you find what did you find my earlier assessment of the situation is most definitely wrong and i'm going to turn around and shine the light on the rest of the attic as you turn the light glints shines out a small window facing the front of the farmhouse and in the direction you saw the swirling vortex go for just a moment as you turn the lantern you see nothing else of note aside from junk okay there's nothing else up here you can you can come up it looks like something killed these rodents uh so something killed them on purpose it wasn't pest control or anything like that how long has it been since um frank left i'm gonna say it's been 30 to 40 minutes okay so we still hadn't made it to the hospital yet damn it um do we need to be up to sales to do whatever it is we need to do i mean it was just to check out what was up here i don't know if we need to be able to have now done that let's go back downstairs i have given you the splotched piece of paper that had the ritual steps that are hard to read but you could piece together we don't have enough people do we no we don't not not not by whatever recipe this is is it calls for at least five yes i think yeah i mean it's i think we could do it with full but if we were to do it it would just be a high chance of if something goes wrong uh the specifications wouldn't be met is there anything just for our audience's benefit would you go over what the things are that need to be done to your knowledge apparently we've got to begin at midnight uh we might have to it's something about reading the ritual phrases aloud continuously uh for a set amount of time i'm guessing one or two hours if if we break the ritual at any point it looks like it's going to fail uh some person has to draw the sacred shape one person burns i think chemicals and one watcher someone has to watch for a spirits so technically we could do it with four it just has a higher chance of failure by the rules set forth by this piece of paper um can i tap into what i know and have read about exorcisms to see if there's any parallels between what an exorcism would look like in the catholic faith and either this chant or those steps yeah absolutely um let's see there's not a catholicism but let's go with the cults yes i think yeah you have some in there unless there's something else you want to roll for is there anything else in the attic anymore i would say hard education works as well okay all right let's go education nope that's a fail these dice are mean today they are mean um to your knowledge this is not a catholic exorcism catholic exorcism is the rosary it is prayer holy water yeah this is uh uh some sacred symbol and a latin chant i mean latin chance latin champ is the only parallel yeah sure sure um is there anything else just anything else or is this a completely empty attic there's nothing else that you notice in the attic you you if you want to dig through these animal corpses you just find more remains up there just older ones it looks like we might be able to do it before yeah we have to stay here till midnight though i don't think that's going to be a problem unfortunately well um i guess we can go head down there's nothing really to be had up here whoever was up here according to that riding doesn't appear to be here anymore well and if they return we probably don't want to be here right so so you come down from the ladder i'm going to put the thing back in place oh good choice as all of you were in the living room is there anything you want to do besides wait until midnight before we jump ahead in time how many hours do we have the sun just set so maybe five part of me wants to look inside the barn but that's probably not a good idea well if we if we do have five hours and uh frank is his name makes it back here safely that would give us a fifth if we decided to attempt this this is seven o'clock in the september mm-hmm oh oh in massachusetts some would probably set much earlier but we'll just say seven because that's what i said and here i'm god all right we should check it while we slept daylight yeah all right hear me check what well we still have daylight oh yeah check the bound you have no more daylight you do have one lantern i see all right hear me out what if we just just burn this thing to the ground i don't think that's going to solve the problem at hand i mean i don't know if it wouldn't but it could and it's a a surefire way of doing something well it is whatever this this spirit this demon whatever we want to call it uh if it is tied to the physical location that is the house but that may be a solution but have we seen anything to draw that conclusion i saw something outside the house i'm not supposed to bailing it down after but i don't think it's going to solve our problems or make it so that we can survive the night well if we do i'd like for the car to be here before we do it but if hypothetically speaking if we're going to go by the rules that apparently have been set forward by all these pieces of paper we've been finding there is equal possibility that it is bound here by the house and if we destroy the house it gets free and goes off somewhere else i it got that presumably with all the wilds that are here maybe with rupert's death if that was the seal breaking can i um to the journal that was handed to me a little while ago we have a few hours can i read through sure okay just to get a general gist i'm gonna keep an eye out out of the window and keep watch for the thing in the woods winston can i see that sarcophagus that you opened in the hospital again yes indeed i'm not opening it i just want to look at it see if there's a need it's really pretty cravings engravings or anything on it um there are no other engravings aside from the hieroglyphs on top the inside is velvet it's well worn but you didn't open it um nothing on the bottom when you opened it initially what was there anything you saw inside didn't we read one of these papers that said something about a something trapped in amber inside we did open it earlier yeah there's supposedly a specimen that is unidentified within the amber is that that was what we are told christ in the box you did not see a chunk of amber with the specimen inside in the box and as francois sits down to examine the journal that you know to be your friend rupert's you skim the entries and in the several hours that passed garner a lot of information um you see he's writing about marion allen his professor who acquired this artifact egyptian that has this unknown species of arthropod the box corresponds to a description he found in an ordinary reference volume in the university's oren library in another book the de vermis mysterious which was mentioned to you in the letter from your friend it says that the small animal trapped in the amber is the host to abound jen a guide to the spirit world we are going to summon uh with a ceremony we've chosen the night of saturday 18th of march the night before the new moon you can tell that this next entry ends abruptly in the middle of a sentence it says they began the ceremony as described they set the fire just as the ceremony described and drew the pentagram and chalk on the floor they wrote the appropriate symbols illuminated by the taper candles and as everyone sits he is the watcher guarding for malevolent spirits sitting in the room he's comfortable in the chair as you watch the others chant as they put the powder in the fire and then the amber seems to be smoking and bubbling can it be that we cuts off the next day march 20th it says we've finished our plans and have sworn a pact to never speak of what happened we've explained the death of poor robert in the staged carrot carriage accident and harold has been committed for his madness we will never speak of what happened here the thing that we saw in the center of the pentagram shapeless nearly invisible we should have known from its terrible voice that it was no jinn when alan cast the dust of benghazi he called that's when we all saw it clearly for a moment the thing the faceless thing with the thousand moths we hope to never see it again essentially um and that is the information that you get all right okay there's a lot of things um first off if we're doing this we need candles i think while they were reading that journal over the after about an hour or so of waiting in the house uh perry gets pretty anxious and feels like he needs to do something he's i'm gonna i'm gonna go check out that bar and i gotta i just wanna know if there's anything in there saying is we didn't really check it out just you i got i got my gun you guys keep doing what you're doing i'll be right back i just need to stretch my legs do you go out the front door or the back back door if all you do um can we light the fire so that we can send the lantern with him sure there's a fireplace mentioned earlier sure you have a flint um and if you look around on the desk in the room with the fireplace where the walking stick was laid across the desk where you've taken the chair there are a number of items neatly placed on a wrinkled gangnam fabric and there is a flint and a stub of candle right there you also see a jackknife half full box of matches a tiny piece of soap and a tin cup yeah before we hand this off let's start this fire i think it wise that one of us go downstairs at least and collect the extra robes that powder and uh i collected the herbs and i probably would have grabbed the powder when i was down there as well great not saying that you know whatever this heathen's ritual is that is something that we should necessarily engage in but if we come to that i think it's coming to that quite shortly all right you're able to start a fire in the living room in the fireplace and one more quick thing you saw in the journal was the the second to last entry before all the names and dates just was uh scrolling that marion allen is going to new orleans to search he thinks he can find how to dispel this creature we'll all return someday and dispel it together says that he was going to the professor was going to research had to dispel this but never came back but we have that letter correct yes and that was written by marian so presumably this is the ritual that he found in new orleans before he died um other things i believe the shape mentioned it here is a pentagram because i mentioned using it so that must be the shake it's sacred shape that is mentioned here you do have the pentagram that was on a separate piece of paper at the bottom of the trunk inside of a circle with other little symbols that someone could have side by side with them and also um other things that were clarified here um one burns the i think that might be the dust i would that he said it was used for burning yeah yeah so there were two packages of dust one brown one white that i spilled a lot of correct yeah okay i guess we had to burn both or what was one whatever was used to see the face of this creature i think that would be the one that i held because i when it fell i like this one that i saw everything that died in that one section of the basement everybody every insect every nice little creature that passed there i'm so sorry it i thought it was imagined but now it should melt just like that thing outside oh right then you said you're going to check out the bar yeah just just to i'd feel better knowing there wasn't anything in there all right i got a plan all right so ritual is a thing but the thing came from the thing with the hieroglyphics on it what if that's like we'll seal it back up like a trap this is way beyond my anything i know about it so sure why not i mean we could put it outside see if it goes back in i don't think this is going to work put some cheese in there if it was that simple why wouldn't they just seal it back up inside they had the box yeah i mean you know what smart people tend to over complicate things a lot of the time i'd say we i mean it's not going to hurt us to put it out there yeah i think maybe we might need it for the ritual well then we can pull it back inside by the time we do the ritual if the creature doesn't take it if it does not destroy it no well if it's a gin that's like a genie right it's not the genie though um it's not the chicken i don't know it could go right back in the lamp i don't know man what was the translation of the nationality something to summon ah is it as long oh something of the wise fountain of virtue exercise thank you mm-hmm the second one is the translation okay uh oh spirits you i exercise by the power wisdom and virtue by the divine knowledge by the dark void by the name of the old ones the root trunk source and origin of all the other divine names once they all draw their life and their power i'm very uncomfortable with this language for something else mean to interrupt you but if these are the words that we have to say to do a thing to make stuff happen maybe don't read them all out loud yeah that's just fine i don't know how this works that is really fair uh so i will skip to the pertinent parts uh by we so we say we will be dispelling this thing by the name near lothotep which sounds to me to be egyptian um signifying the most okay okay um and then we also uh ask this spirit to be dispelled by the most powerful name of azertoth or as a thoth who shall punish the crimes oh okay and then uh then we we call this being o demon um in whatever whatsoever part of the universe you may be uh by the virtue of all these names obey so we we do not name this specific being we call on these these names of these other presuma deities uh to to obey which is not terribly dissimilar from the exorcisms that i'm used to where you you call on the demon by name if you have it and ask it to obey the almighty father well i'm gonna go check out the boat before he go obviously you're the one that's going to have to lead the incantation if that is what it must be i i i will read the when you get back we'll divide the parts joe you step out the back door after removing the chair that winston had placed to keep it shut and as soon as you open it you feel the breeze blow against your face you step down the steps heading towards the barn and as you're about ten paces away from the back door from the front of the house the whooshing starts to move along the edge of the tree line and then it cuts across the clearing as you turn back towards the house you see this roiling blue vortex coming straight towards you what do you do nope man i just run back for the house roll for dodge oh no no 96. all right dodge is 35. that's a fumble you trip and fall on your face as it flies at you and i have such good decks why is this happening i got 17 decks the thing flies at you and you only see an invisible force but you can see the pressure with which it's pushing up the dirt pushing around leaves and just this faint blue glimmer that comes at you and you feel a swipe across your face that hangs in your jaw for just a moment you feel what feels like a talon of invisible force rip your jaw as you take seven points of damage is that more than half of your total hp i'm down to three hp is it more than half of what you started with that's six uh seven yes it would be more than half you've taken a major wound i need you to roll for constitution to stay see if you stay conscious i succeed my conversation is 70. i rolled a 57. you feel it flying past you and when you see the dirt indicate its movement it's coming back towards you as you scramble to your feet and run you make it to the door frame i slam the door behind me what happened to you invisible force hits the side of the building uh and it's as if like you see a little bit of blue force start to seep through the wall and then immediately bounce backwards as the sigil above the door pulsates with a blue light am i bleeding like mine you are bleeding profusely oh no we have to do something yes no wait uh exactly yes oh you got it okay would it help if i also succeeded yes minus five um first eight points too okay the two of you worked together to administer first aid tell me how you did that in just a minute what you're seeing is three huge slashes two across the neck and one across the jawline that are just gushing blood uh regain two hp one from each of your friends that succeeds in this first date check did winston did you try and fail i was gonna i didn't try i was running downstairs to get the stuff so they could help them out because it's still working all the supplies that you have down there yeah yeah you run and grab those and come back do you want to roll for first date as well sure why not help out or not hopefully it won't hurt oh that is a 19. heck yeah yeah then regain one more hp all right uh describe to me the way in which each of you helps patch them up all right so we need to staunch the wound and necklines bleed very rapidly and if they feel so ugly he's going to die yes of course um i i'm going to get the alcohol if you brought it from downstairs soak a rag and immediately put it on to try to sit back and i'll work the remainder of the upper part of my skirt not carrying out and just start wrapping it tightly around the neck still somehow fashionable the way you ripped it yes don't go outside it's okay don't speak don't speak i think i think we're in trouble well it seems uh that these these symbols uh have kept it out of this portion of the house i i mean i is it is it potentially getting out through the roof which badly needs repair is it due to rupert is there a sigil carved in on the roof slat on the attic on the attic slide board yeah and it's closed he closed it yes and all the windows have it as well above all the windows you've seen the schedules double check okay yeah you can double check for sure yeah they're all there okay they're all there so for now we're we're okay we gotta get the car we gotta get in the car we gotta oh this is bad we uh does anyone know what time it is i don't know you have a pocket watch don't you i do come on let me see how much time is it it's now eight o'clock all right we have four hours to prepare we found candles um we have the powder we're gonna skip ahead a little bit we'll say you found all of the candles you found everything that you think you need for this ritual unless there's anything anybody wanted to mention that they haven't mentioned that they want to get and then it is now a few minutes before midnight did he ever come back outside you hear uh the car did not return you've been waiting for hours you don't know if he was held up at the hospital you don't know if the car ever got there if only there was some sort of technology where you could have a very long cord for a telephone go in a car um you do in this time that you've been running around the house you've caught glimpses of the swirling vortex outside the window sometimes stationary sometimes you feel its force moving quickly past the wall and shaking the wall you feel it move into the attic and sometimes just sounds and smells have been coming down and you can feel its presence above you but it doesn't seem to be able to permeate whatever is warding not just the doors and windows but the walls as mentioned before seem to be a part of like the intention when building the room and when laying the sigils was to protect the room and that intention seems to be able to keep it out for now if i see rupert in the afterlife i'm going to kill him again he did say the task he was asking of us would be unforgivable he didn't i am i take back what i said about all this we should probably do the ritual i think you can save your your voice and your time i will i will be the one who reads the chant yeah i can i i think i think yeah you're probably going to have to be the watcher um okay that leaves one to the other secret shape and one to pound the chemicals ah chemical action let's do it then okay uh the clock strikes midnight and you do hear buried in the kitchen beneath some fallen cutlery a little clock strikes midnight we begin i start drawing the truck line i've got my rifle and i'm sitting in the living room and i'm just watching i'm just slowly just watching around and keeping an eye on everything all right i'll take the the two powders and i'll put them together in front of the thing and i'll just start you mix together the two powders mixed together okay oh no oh hey you did it you did it you did it you didn't do it and you put them directly in the fire you mix them first i mix them first um as you do you see a blue shimmer go through the brown powder when it makes contact with the white talcum powder and as you're looking into it you can see a flash in your mind of the way it was mined when it was created the dirt and the layers and when it was scraped up and put in this canister all of that flashes in your mind for just a split second as these two chemicals mix oh that winston are your heights uh well for sanity please that is a seven oh you succeed uh you are able to handle whatever it is you saw oh that was a trip i saw the past and how everything was made i we gotta get to this let's go let's go let's go do you do anything else with the chemicals i don't think so i think i just burned the balls you burned them yeah okay uh in the fire in the fire okay you toss them in the fire and um uh the fire pulse is more red and purple and seems to be taking on a life of its own like it doesn't even care about what word is being burned the fire has its own intensity now and you're chanting you're drawing you are watching his own pair potantiums are pentantium virtual mixer persian and tm is anyone else in the chant tenebrosam paranorman veteran and as it does you continue this you join in thank you uh as you feel the intensity uh grow of the the agitation of the thing this lurker in the attic you feel it pounding on the attic uh boards you smell strange things you smell fresh baked pie and then death and then sulfur mines and then uh is that clover and uh all these things and then if you look up you feel a dripping as green acid drips through the floorboards everyone rolled to dodge oh good that's a success i'm gonna spend barely points of luck to make it a success okay uh can you push a dodge roll you cannot push a dog they're not fail yep buy a lot apparently i can't dodge anything you each take two points of damage from the acid my dog my dog is 35 and i rolled at 86. is that still just a regular failure just a regular failure yeah uh you are in too much pain you saw it dripping towards you it just landed on you and it eats through your clothing and into your skin and then dissipates before you even can get the chance to wipe it off but importantly winston in this moment you're chanting stops as you are distracted momentarily luckily your chanting continues you may join back in but your chanting was disrupted momentarily we can't stop we can't okay i'm gonna keep i'm okay i'll find my thing i'll pick it back up helped me give me let's see um i wanna know how good your drawing is but you don't have uh hard like arts and crafts skills so let's go with um a hard success for your photography it's your artistic eye i failed completely 94. it's not the best you keep referring to the image that you were looking side by side noticing how off your lines are drawing them again it's taking you longer than expected to emulate this that's okay uh you have time as your ritual said to continue chanting for one to two hours as you continue the chant the ooze drips caught some of you and roll for spot hidden if you will all of us everybody uh you are focused on the chance readings hard success where was that a second ago girl all right that's better hard success as well the chanting continues the fire burns brightly you look up from your pentagram out the back door window and see a figure moving closer to the house oh no there's something coming yeah so you see it as well perry i'm gonna head over and take a look out the window get closer try and see what it is when you take a closer look you see a figure of you think a woman you can see a skirt the outline of shoulder length hair looks to be curled and and you see the reflections in two eyes that are open wide and don't seem to be blinking as something lurches step by step closer to the back door and you notice a big red stain in the open the front of this dress we're not opening the door not opening it as the figure approaches it slams itself against the door the window within the door shakes slightly and you see a woman's face she doesn't say anything she just looks at you i'm guessing that's a missing woman the door is not cut yeah pound pound she stands there and continues to bang mm-hmm do you continue your chance oh yeah keeping the chain going what is everyone else doing i'm keeping an eye on the still trying woman all right let's see if she is able to break the glass on the window she's not she slams as hard as she could in the glass somehow this old dusty clouded glass does not break yet but she continues to slam against it i'm keeping an eye on her but i'm like every once in a while i check the surroundings as well to just look for other spirits are the are the ruins going off as she got closer you do see a faint flash of that bluish light each time she hits the glass there just a little shimmer of light in the runes above the door anyone else chanting yeah i'm a kid will keep chaining that's all maybe i'll chant as i go just in case uh sure yeah you can it's close enough to friendship enough times in your head uh that you try and join in with some of the sounds romance that latin is the root of all these languages i can fumble my way [Music] the thing feels angrier and angrier you heal growls and then uh you feel it flash into the woods again and you continue chanting longer and longer this takes a while this ritual and a few minutes later coming up behind the woman who's pounding on the door you see something else something furry and large running full speed at the back door uh it slams maggie into the glass as you see it rears up on its hind legs and you see the deranged eyes of a grizzly bear its chest too has been ripped open its ribs split something missing from inside just like maggie's ripped open dress what are you doing i'm just have my rifle already in case those ruins fail the glass shatters as the bear slams against the woman she falls through the farmhouse door and is clawing uh anxiously at you but anytime an arm goes past the facade of the door it falls limp and she pulls it back out looks at it sends it through it falls limp and she pulls it back out oh no we'll say your pentagram is now completed anything else anyone is doing you're watching you see a little raccoon coming uh that had not the same one you saw in the attic but another is at the window besides you on the opposite side of the room just like feral and uh in the window and it's approaching an hour we've got one two three people chanting an hour and a half goes by more time and you feel if each of you could expend could you please give me six points of magic uh sorry four points of magic two points of magic two points of magic your magic points yeah um you feel a thrombing throughout you you feel like uh the hum the intonation sort of that um vibration through you as you've been saying this so much it's taken on kind of a voice of its own and the sounds of your voice meld together in the chanting and you as the watcher see them like their their spirits their auras kind of floating above them and combining and harmonizing and swirling around the pentagram that's been made on the floor as from above through the ceiling the blue vortex is now a cloud of black smoke you can tell its identity as this thing this lurker but it is in a column coming up from the center of the pentagram and in this swirling roiling gray you see the face of the sister that taught you everything you know i'm sorry the mother mother agnes smithers face appears to you my child come the lord is waiting for you here and step inside this pentagram he's been waiting he's so proud you're one of his greatest achievements um all right as much as i want to respond to her i am going to continue with my chanting um and try not to make eye contact give me a sanity roll yeah at 13. yeah boy you push her face away and you keep your eyes locked on your paper you specifically said so you don't see as above you her face fades away into a growling as a tentacle swoops down but you feel it start to move towards you but is caught in that vertical column created above the pentagram it swirls again and you see your best friend as a girl francois evelyn magnolia that sweet flower of a uh woman not a woman because in your youth she got a fever and perished it is very nice here what are you doing here i've come for you of course come for me it's very nice here you will like it oh there is so much to photograph you should see the rain where it falls here you can see all of the rainbow iridescence in each drop can you roll for sanity [Music] you see these faces as well though you don't recognize them perry as the watcher this is success 60 right mm-hmm what was your sanity yeah you hadn't lost any okay all right uh wow that's a high starting sanity damn yeah the magnolia she doesn't she doesn't do for you you she doesn't possess you to get up and come in you're not real go away be gone who does perry love most in the world um it'll probably be his dad son there are adventures to seek here you better believe the women i'll tell you about the women they just come on in here nope nope come on remember that swimming hole that took you to as a boy it feels like diving in a swimming hole and then there's no more pain that gash that wound that'll heal up so fast i don't feel like swimming well for sanity it's cocked that sucks i don't know uh no i still succeed uh barely a 61 under a 64. i said get in the swimming hole the tentacles lash out but they're stopped by the column of force by this perfectly misshapen pentagram sweet winston the fire burns bright at your command and would you see your parents perhaps you see them together uh but they're still alive aren't they no yeah they still are alive that's fine they're still alive and they are in there and they are screaming help us oh winston please it's me please pull me out of here just pull me out of here reach in here and pull me out of here please winston winston your father your father he's not he's not feeling well how did y'all get there what's going on that's what we want to know we can figure it out together we were we were in a dick we were in a dig guys i got to stop i gotta stop chanting i gotta just hurt my parents i gotta stop i gotta stop i gotta stop 88 but my sanity is 97. no that's your maximum that's my max entity uh wait where is the oh yeah i'm i'm done 88. let's roll just one of no no no no please lose five sanity and as you do you risk temporary insanity because losing more than five in a single instance of sanity loss calls this is when i should have had you roll for intelligence when you lose five or more so would you please roll for intelligence to see if you comprehend how your mind has just begun to shatter all right that's high number it's 73. my intelligence is 80 success plus yeah um you see your parents and some part of you knows that this is the things doing the lurker's doing and yet you feel that they are very much in jeopardy and in this moment you lurch forward involuntarily to reach for them because you have the fear of them dying but we're also going to give you a phobia you are now granted dk mania which is an obsession to see justice done you want to hurt whatever has hurt your parents and you feel like you could reach through like they are really there and you could pull them out and save them as you stop the chanting and you lunge forward can i try and stop him yes i'm far away but i'm gonna turn what would i need to roll to stop him uh you're running to grab him um i would like you two to do a contested strength roll so strength versus strength okay oh that is uh a hard success that's a 59 so what level of success is that that is a regular success you are able tell me how you graph i just i'm in i'm standing in the delineation between the living room and the kitchen area watching the bear and the woman smash at the window and i just turned for a second as i'm scanning the rest of the house to see uh that was crazy to see him lurching and i mean i just rush him and go to tackle him to the ground those are my parents and i'm just i just look at you when i go no what just happened i need to keep reading i need to keep reading and keep reading you gotta do that you are now temporarily insane if you would check that box um i'll let you control your own turns but you are going to be insane for the next four turns or we'll call it four minutes of game in game time um but the chanting continues and the thing as you all continue or at least you two are still chanting yes yes yes you see it start to roil and pull if you look up you just see eyes and then mouths and then uh just tentacles as it starts to shrink inside the column it dissipates less and less bursts of smoke and ash fly out but they don't seem to sting you or hurt you as you continue to chant and it drops you hear a plunk as a small piece of amber sits empty in front of you the fire dies down [Music] as the box shuts each of you feels a great sense of relief [Music] whatever had been tormenting you seems to have no more power here huh can i roll a sandy check for just like coming to terms with the whole thing please i would love that roll for just for fun sanity everyone roll for just for fun sanity failed okay yes one success i failed as well i failed again it was that it took the whole thing sister mary you lose four sanity okay i also lose also lost winston you lose three sanity as each of you grapples with the fact that the car never came back that those six names are dead was it at this thing's hand was it not though the the woman and the bear at the door um the moment that the thing dissipated and dropped into this little amber you notice there's no more pounding that when you look out the window you see they've both fallen dead dead no more undead they're dead i think we should still burn this place down i don't want to take anything back nope i am in film agreement with you but we can't let that box down we can't let that ever be found what if it's devised a fire we don't know what it actually is i'm going to take it with us we'll do something with it oil in the barn you find what was left in the lantern and another lantern down in the cellar and you cover the house in oil if you wish we should take the box with us sister before we burn the place um why don't you go up front for a beat please winston why don't you go with her sure if you are looking for a place to hold that box the church does have special protections for things of this nature just throwing it out there i respect your wishes francoise i'm gonna go out front we need to bang those bodies oh oh sure i don't want them to ask where this person went and asked connected to us yeah i don't know if i can the bear can stay the bear can be dead somewhere it's just a woman yeah let's get her in you pull the body of what you assume to be maggie mcferter correct correctly or incorrectly uh into the living room and pour the oil that you've been spreading over the house on her as well do you go out front with the others yes who lights the match i'll i'll do it yeah and i just flick it it alights slowly at first and then an ablaze as you step back standing in the front you see the farmhouse burn and with it you gain back sanity everyone gets 10 points of sanity yay not beyond your max though or can you go oh you're not beyond your max 10 increase no it can go beyond your starting sanity yes you're at your mac it's not past your magazine okay gotcha uh as you all have the deep sense of relief that you have helped to save the world from this thing this day is there any final things that maybe these characters would like to do after they leave here uh aside from getting patched up in the hospital of course yeah uh i just want we i guess we walk did frank ever come back frank never came back damn it he lost a car lost a friend frankie two hands hope he didn't go down without blaze glory we don't know if he's sure yet maybe he's just at the hospital that's true we passed two corpses hanging in the distance you hear a speeding automobile racing up uh jumping over logs and cracking them as it comes frankie's here [Music] yeah timing is everything frank we gonna talk about that go to the hospital another way hop in and as you hop into this packard or wherever it is you go off in the wee hours as the sun begins to rise and you know you made the world a better place for now and that's the end of our adventure thank you so much for watching once more to trisha hershberger thank you for having me i'm joe johnson thank you for having me alex ward thank you a lot of fun thank you and for stephanie valentine thank you for having me all right we're going to do a little talkback session on our patreon good time society you have to but if you want to come join us we'd love to see you there a huge huge thank you to chaosium for sponsoring this video this scenario and two others are all part of their starter set this one is called edge of darkness you can find everything you need to know to get your friends started on the game in that starter set you can find a link our affiliate link if you want to help us out is in the description below and um yeah yeah katulou targan yeah amen yeah bye you
Channel: Good Time Society
Views: 127,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good time society, becca scott, board games, tabletop games, gaming, tabletop, nerd, geek, geek culture, board gaming, tabletop gaming, games, gamer girl, gamer, female gamers, alex ward, trisha hershberger, persephone valentine, ttrpg, call of cthulhu, cosmic horror, blackneto, tabletop jocks, joseph johnson, edge of darkness, call of cthulhu beginner scenarios, black dice society, actual play, cthulhu, permadeath, chaosium, dimension 20, rpg geeks
Id: 8R7sO4wxDBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 51sec (10491 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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