I re-coded Minecraft, purely for MAXIMUM FPS (World Record)

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there have been multiple attempts to break the highest FPS record for Minecraft on YouTube and as of today 20,000 was the highest which was quite impressive but what do we do on this channel we do Unthinkable things in Minecraft so we're going to be trying to achieve six figures FPS in Minecraft so they have used multiple methods ranging from getting a better PC overclocking the CPU changing the version of the game to even installing a completely different operating system but I don't need to do any of that my Minecraft is notorious for having a horribly optimized source code so instead of changing all the outside variables what if I fix the problem that lies deep within Minecraft itself now you may be asking if this is unfair but you also got to realize that many of the FPS records were beaten with the help of client and OptiFine which in a way change how the game code works so let's get right into achieving an ungodly High FPS in Minecraft all right so this is completely vanilla and let's see we're currently getting about 8 85 however if I go to a flat world and change everything to minimum I get about 500 and if I go into the sky for some reason I get almost 1,000 so this is a modified instance of Minecraft that I'm coded for better performance but uh yeah it's exactly the same as my vula Minecraft and also if you look far away it looks deep right I don't know why it it's ugly as heck it's disgusting so currently I'm using a ryzen 7 5800 X CPU which is pretty fast but thanks to today's sponsor star Forge I got my hands on on I9 14900 K paired up with of 480 super so let's see how fast will the vanilla Minecraft run oh my gosh 2,000 frames per second I honestly didn't know I needed this until I had it like for example my code compiles two to three times faster saving me a lot of time I used to use internal Graphics in my old videos yeah disgusting right and I switched to a 30 7 pre-build PC and the Improvement was like night and day if you're looking for something cheaper or better than mine star Forge got you because they offer multiple different options for your next PC Horizon PCS perfect for everyday Gamers affordable and Powerful my favorite has to be the Horizon 2 for its excellent value the parts on Amazon are way more expensive than what is listed on here on top of that they also offer 2 years warranty on all of their products if you want to take a step further you can try the Navigator which provides solid performance that will last you for years now if you're that guy who wants a top of the top buer pieces are just for you paired with 40 series gpus they will tackle anything effortlessly for those who prefer building their own PCS StarForce also offers custom backlights that will enhance the PC's appearance so if you're interested go and check the description down below for more info thank you star Forge for sponsoring this video and now let me show you guys how I manage to get five figures FPS and maybe even six figures as well so first of all let's try to remove all the blocks and entities in Minecraft and uh yeah let's see what happens oh my gosh so we're back to the ryzen 7 PC for now because I want to optimize it and then load it to our Star Force computer later so um yeah everything is pretty much gone and whenever I spawn a zombie they're completely invisible because cuz I've also made them not render and we're getting about 700 800 wow okay 1,000 okay okay interesting so I have removed the sky and the fog and let's see what this looks like yeah it's sort of possible because it says I'm pointing in a grass block so it's it's sort of kind of possible I've also made the entities to appear again because I think it's just too stupid to just completely remove them and my FPS is around the same 800 maybe 1,000 yeah it's about the same however while examining the code closely I have found a critical issue consider a scenario where Minecraft operates at th000 frames per second this means the game tries to update the screen th000 times per second however standard gaming monitors typically Capt their refresh rat between 60 to 240 times per second this is just like fitting race car tires onto a Honda Civic the excess Tire performance doesn't translate into meaningful change while it could be advantageous if Minecraft automatically adjusted to the display's frame rate it simply does not the game continues to send display update requests even when the monitor cannot match the pace and these fule requests were taking way too much time decreasing the performance significantly so to increase the FPS we have to limit the request to update the display which will prevent the game from expanding its resources on futile display updates now you may be thinking that this pretty much defeats the whole purpose and I totally get you but limiting the screen update isn't really cheating instead it is eliminating unnecessary tasks done by the code the FPS is determined by many other tasks such as drawing blocks and entities guis lighting system fogs calculating the player's movement taking every single mob and block in the game and way more after Minecraft complete all these tasks it increases the frame count by one and repeats it all over again however many times Minecraft was able to increase the frame count in 1 second becomes the displayed frames per second and this is all done by one single core so upgrading your computer to a CPU that is more coarse or a better graphics card like a 490 isn't going to be doing that much unless you over collect your CPU or get a better CPU that is a higher gigahertz rating so yeah let's see what the frame limiter has done to my game's FPS all right so everything is back to normal except for my frame limiter so let's see we're getting about oo nice what happens if it go farther away from the ground yeah oh 1,400 nice nice nice nice we're getting somewhere so this FPS counter and my console shows how much fps the Minecraft is currently getting so without the GUI why I'm actually getting about like 10,000 FPS 9,400 and without my um hot bar I'm getting about 14,000 so the GUI is taking so much of the FPS so I'm going to be deleting everything except for the FPS counter and we should be able to see some increase and we're getting about 5,000 okay that is not bad what happens if I change my render distance to a one chunk so this is not possible in V Minecraft but we're just going to be trying oh yep yep definitely faster o all right so before I go try something insane that may or may not blow my entire house you will be surprised with the FPS the title screen is running at in vanilla Minecraft all right so in a normal World we're getting about 300 but if we go aside let's see we're getting wow 1,600 1,800 wow that is impressive multiplayer is even higher for some reason okay I think the language have may be the highest I don't know if you can hear this but my computer is literal with to explode so remember when I told you that I'm going to be limiting the frame rate yeah so there's like two parts of the frame and I just did one last time so this time I've tackled this problem as well let's see what uh what I've done so uh this could potentially hit up to like 10,000 frames per second let's see 3 2 1 bam bro what there's no way okay so I've just exited the full screen and now I'm at 70,000 frames per second I don't even know how that's possible but just because I exit the full screen I've doubled almost tripled my FPS okay what if I make the screen even smaller with 100,000 FPS this is unbelievable we have just hit 100,000 FPS in Minecraft without any uis it's about the same as well so we're going to be trying this thing again on our Star Force I9 computer with a 4080 graphics card but I want to see if this displayed FPS is true because it does look like it's a little bit too good to be true I'm going to be uh exploding 10,000 TNTs and see if the frame rate drop with the actual thing and uh yeah that is [Music] legit wow yep that frame rate is pretty much legit so this thing only works if there's like uh like almost nothing in Minecraft so I'm going to be um spotting a lot of zombies Bam Bam Bam Bam this is an exponential growth oh wow we have just went down to 140 perfect 3 FPS yeah all right so we're going to be going to a normal Minecraft W um bam and we're getting that's it that's it so that was really weird weird because we were just at hundreds but like we just went up to 58,000 which is pretty unusual so with the slightest stress such as like loading five chunks it goes on to like 100 to 200 FPS now let's start messing around and try out our new star force computer with an I9 processor not surprisingly we're getting around 160,000 FPS I know this is a really high number but you got to realize that we already hit 100,000 FPS with our older PC so it only makes sense for better and bigger numbers to appear on our star Forge computer now I make the screen even smaller and now we're hitting almost 200,000 frames per second I think we absolutely decimated the previous records on YouTube around this time I decided to open the resource monitor to see how much GPU it is using and to my surprise it is taking half of the 4080 supers performance previously I've mentioned that a GPU wouldn't matter that much if you're trying to increase your FPS as much as possible but I guess the story is different if the FPS count is this High just for reference when van Minecraft 1.20 is running at 2,000 FPS it only uses like 5% of the 4080 super previously I've said every single time the code executes it increases the FPS by one yeah I've made it increase by tens of thousands and now we're getting a ridiculously high FPS I know this is a blatant cheater to achieve the highest FPS because I've artificially modified the frame counting algorithm faking the displayed FPS but you have to admit it is still pretty insane to ster at it I've just added even more zeros and it is even higher now perhaps in the near future if you get a CPU that could pull off a couple of terahertz instead of a couple of gigahertz this should actually be possible so yeah lastly if you're looking to upgrade your PC there's no better place to look at than Star Force as they have a PC suited just for you so instead of buying the cheapest possible PC on eBay I think the low to mid-range like the horizon or Navigator could be the best choice cuz in my opinion it could be more cost effective to invest in one really nice thing instead of multiple cheap items that break or become outdated in a couple of years as you will save more money down the road but you know if you can afford a voyager honestly nobody's stopping you but other than data thanks for watching
Channel: Element X
Views: 278,026
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Id: SryOAY9JzwI
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Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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