Rimworld: Critical Chaos - Part 1: Smarter Than An Elk

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[Music] hey folks the city cohere - and welcome to a new rim world series so let me give you a quick rundown of the major mods this time as you may have guessed our tentpole mod for this run is going to be rim Atomics this adds nuclear reactors energy weapons nukes I haven't really tested it because I like surprises especially those that involve fallout we are gonna be going for kind of a post-apocalyptic feel this time I am gonna set up our colony in a cold bog biome because it looks neat it's full of marshes full of diseases I'm also gonna be removing tribal factions since our society has not been collapsed that long so that should be fun since we're actually gonna have some nature this time I've also decided to exercise our dominance over the world with a bunch of new plants and animals the first up is vgp more veggies and extra trees and flowers these just add a whole bunch of interesting plant varieties with this I'm not going to use any hydroponics our colonists are just gonna have to get their hands dirty if they want to eat for animals I'm using alpha animals again because it's well awesome as well as the animal collab project mega fauna and some extra caps and dogs with spider camps dog pack and let's have a cat in conjunction with these of course I have added the giddyup mods I should have used these a long time ago this way our colonists will be able to ride our animals across the map or across the world since animals can also be used for caravans I'm reloading these set up camp mod for when my caravans need to stop and address I don't know whatever's happened you know for medical stuff I'm gonna be trying out roz bionics and surgery expansion the hardcore version this adjusts some medical operations and adds craft bionics it started out as an alternative to EPO II but has since you know developed into its own complete system from a quick look it seems a little less super power than EPO II which is good because it's really easy to make a colony of super soldiers otherwise questionable ethics is still included but I'm only going to be using that for replacement organs and limbs cloning was pretty overpowered although fun the growing replacement parts was actually really hard and I liked having more flexibility than just you know building prosthetics to try to improve my battle skills I have included gear up and go which gives you a one-click button to go ahead have your colonists run back to base change into armor switch weapons and then go to a preset position it looks pretty cool I'll probably never use it but it'll be there and you guys can about it remson hellos still installed but I'm really gonna use less of its weapons and instead try out the armor excited and really give those much of a trial last time I've also included remote tech which adds remotely detonated explosives which should be hilarious and I figure you guys would enjoy that as well for some slightly friendlier combat I've added the mug ugh you got me which convinces pawns to stop social fighting with someone gets a serious injury since I prefer beating my pawns rather than resolving conflicts in a non-violent manner this will hopefully help with the whole biting a leg off thing then there's the weird stuff I decided that sharknado needed to be included and there's also a thrombo race because of course there is so that should be entertaining there's also lots of other smaller mods either those I've used previously or that will mention as we go along and we'll just deal with those as they come and as always the mod list is linked in the description below ok with all that said let's go ahead and let's get started we'll just use the regular crash-landed scenario there is a thrombo and wanderer or one so if you really want to play as a throwable person I don't know there's your chance anyway merciless I do not trust Ironman with this many mods and let's see here it is actually surprisingly difficult to get a cold bog to generate I had to play with this for quite a while to get him to appear alright here we are and there's some right in the middle here umm there we go cold bog small hills we'll go ahead we'll make this a little bigger we have some extra factions going on here cuz I turn them up just a bit so we've got lots of people this will be fun and for colonists I've actually got a preset that I set up here so I've got three people that are not totally worthless they're not great but they're not awful um I didn't set up any relationships oh my god you guys actually are married I didn't realize that okay that's weird okay for equipment I had to think hard about a pet but I decided that a female Maine kitty was gonna be the way to go there are lots of other good options but seriously kitty so I think that's it let's go ahead and let's get started alright and here we are so let's go and let's take a look around this map all right this isn't too bad it's marshy haha our ancient danger is conveniently located right there in the center okay so probably the thing to do here let's take a look like where can I build ooh that's not good that's not good at all hmm okay so it looks like we're actually gonna be using this area if I wanted to do anything in the middle of the map right yeah ooh that's really gonna constrain us base wise interesting cuz I can't yeah I'd have to grew I'd have to move over here if I wanted a bigger area but I don't think that I do this will be a fun challenge so what kind of building here in the middle so let's go ahead and sign for but everything on the map oh yeah let's actually take a look around so we've got okay a cougar that's not great where's our kitty our kitty is called Bratz okay sure fine whatever um we've got ganders I don't know what you are you're Birds okay Oh Gander as in yes as an acoustic spectin like some weird room world animal there's just all kinds of new stuff around here I guess we'll just have to kind of discover it as we go Caribous cypresses so let's take a look at our work priorities what I want you guys to do your this is not this is not a high role I'm not gonna lie let's see here seven and six I'll leave you on that maintain that so I guess if we ever get a lot of that you're also gonna be our researcher I can turn bedrest and humming plus and basic on all of you in the beginning this kind of doesn't matter really all that much ooh cooking is pretty dire okay I'm gonna turn hunting off for the moment we'll come deal with that construction of four construction of four let's put these both up pretty high you're gonna be my grower a backup grower you're bad at mining but I don't care everyone gets to mine Smith Taylorcraft all clean okay well most things kind of start off the same here so let's turn off auto building and let's go ahead and let's get our zone set up so I think we'll sleep in here at the beginning and then I'll start building our base around here oh there's a vent right here that could be useful we'll have to see I don't know if that will be useful or not hmm that could go either way anyway look at this stuff hold on let's look at these new buttons let's throw this down here for bid riding area mount drop spot a whole hole this is gonna be so much fun and we've got a tab for room Atomics when we get there remote tack cool we can't build into this stuff yet so we'll have to take a look at it later oh this is gonna be so much fun this is gonna be great I'm looking forward to this so anything else that we really want to do here before I get people moving let's see here can't build a roof over willow tree yeah blah blah blah so who can use a gun shooting at three shooting it - uh-huh and shooting it - okay well in that case why don't you go ahead and grab this revolver why don't you go ahead and grab the bolt-action rifle and why don't you go ahead and grab a knife yeah and just go ahead and haul things please need colonists bed need warm clothes I know as soon as you come and carry stuff over we can do all of that let's just give you guys some sleeping spots they're terrible but I don't care what you think let's go ahead and let's put in some walls it's gonna be so weird having wood it's just like build things like you know like here it is Oh kitty you're so cute look at you anyway alright so let's get going at this okay let's put the food inside because I don't want animals randomly coming by and eating our food so let's go ahead and let's get that set up separately here clear all foods and we'll put this an important priority and that stuff log have moved inside it's the last thing we want is for all these things to get you know eaten by Caribous or whatever what else it is okay so there's our temperature overlay we don't need that at the moment it's cold and they're just gonna have to deal with it things are not so great at the beginning sorry about that you'll just have to learn to love it what else do we want to do around here I wonder if this is an ancient danger - actually let's find out c'mere are you an ancient danger yes you are are you an ancient danger - I have two ancient dangers oh that's gonna be fun ooh all right so what we're gonna be mining let's see here we've got some machinery over here that's good some more over here that's some steel up here hmm there's not a lot of steel on this map is there okay we'll be we'll be okay there's some around here not not a ton but something hmm well what kind of take that as it comes all right Holloway guys so we should have owned 51 meals how many does this scenario start with well I guess it doesn't matter I like the fact that we have geese I'm looking forward to killing geese I do not like Canadian geese that's nothing against Canada we just had a ton of them in the town where I grew up and I just hate them I just hate them to death they're loud they're obnoxious they're mean they poop all over everything they're just I don't care for them there's actually chipmunks oh that's funny actually what's our wildlife look like whoa sentient warhead what what is this genetic engineering what okay that's pretty cool I think it just killed this ermine did it um I actually can't tell did you attack it I have no idea well that's weird all right what else do we have going on here nothing else too weird just lots of little guys we have otters now cute oh they're so adorable okay so anyway and wild pods I don't know what you are what are you you are a lumbering mass of decomposing plant matter a sentient microd creature native to some jungle infested planet in the rim impervious to gunfire with bullets simply being absorbed into its mass but very weak to fire reproduces asexually that's interesting it can be hunted or farmed for decent amounts of edible raw fungus huh well that's cool all right you guys freezing to that no it's 58 in here you're fine permanent winter huh oh I guess I don't think I knew that okay well this will be interesting I'm gonna try to grow food in a permanent winter huh okay okay we can do that what kind of build indoors to some degree then I suppose I could go ahead and get some planting going we can just go ahead and throw in a growing zone here and what should we grow we should have all kinds of good things okay okay this is um Dobbs Mint menus or something like that it's kind of cool it lets you like take a look at things a little better rather than having to choose them all at once so we can grow tomatoes that's pretty cool squash rice pumpkins potatoes a short cactus that's interesting Cornhill roses Oh lookit we got flowers we've got coffees and bamboos okay so let's see here growing time five point eight a shoe we just grow some pumpkins to start out with they're not as good as potatoes but it would be pretty funny let's grow some pumpkins yeah they're pretty these are all I was just looking to see if there's anything that likes cold weather better but no they're about the same they're all 32 okay yeah sure do that and who's gonna be my grower let's take a look here looks like Noriko's gonna be my grower okay okay let's set up some time assignments here let's get you guys up in the morning let's get you guys to relax a little before bed and then kind of work a whole bunch sir in the middle the day minor break Chris gallabat is it because things suck at the moment oh medicine should go inside here too I forgot about that manufactured medicine drugs mortar shells explosives all kinds of stuff step over ounce oh boy that'll be fun okay so we should go ahead and we should get some more trees chopped down here for what's gonna be inside of our base just to kind of put some walls around here well you guys think my regular colonies are bad oh-ho-ho-ho-ho you have no idea this is gonna be this one's gonna be grim guys so let's see here let's do it this way let's do the flooring thing so I can see what's going on okay so we can start with a southern wall over here like that that's not terrible well I mean it's terrible but it's not it's not as bad as it could be Moisture pumps are gonna have to be a priority on this map unfortunately new lovers really because they've been here like five minutes moody wood a wood Noriko by complimenting her beliefs okay sure sounds good let's go ahead let's make you a double bed then go for it and you can have someplace to sleep neat good for you guys construction botched are you my best constructor no unfortunately you are well why don't you go ahead and make this anyway that'll make two of you really happy because you will have a shared bed and you will not be sleeping on the ground and then I'll make one more just regular bed here quick so let's just throw that in there actually while I'm thinking about it wouldn't bad I'm sorry you guys have to like sleep in the same room I know it it is frankly super creepy but well you get what you get moody and Noriko okay or Norco or I guess I don't know how to say it alright there we go now you don't have to sleep on the ground you're still gonna be freezing to death but you'll be fine need warm clothes yeah I know this is gonna be tricky without hydroponics hmm I'm gonna have to build indoor grow zones is what I'm gonna have to do but that's gonna be a lot less productive unfortunately hmm okay oh you're put a roof over put this up here so you can put a roofing in good job all right carry on oh no I can't have you guys eating on the floor everyone's gonna freak out here go ahead and just make just a tiny table and then just some wooden stools it'll be better than nothing please don't go crazy oh I think I've forgot to install the war on mod disappointing but alas it is what it is need you guys to cover up our components because they're outside and unroofed yeah just get that taken care of thank you it's better than nothing then at least need defenses I know need a meal source I know need warm clothes I know I may go ahead and start with the nutrient paste dispenser a shooting frenzy okay cool that may just be the best way to go nobody likes a nutrient paste but on the other hand my best cook is what a four a three a four ah well we can give it a try all right so let's take a look at a northern wall here how is this gonna look okay things are not nearly as grim to the north I can go ahead and I can put some walls in like this I just realized I put my growing zone where I probably should have put in my main entrance but alas here we are and then we'll just go ahead and we'll start putting in some structure just slowly but surely they'll get to it bit by bit I imagine probably maybe I can grow on this right yeah this is rich soil so this is actually where I should be growing is this whole corner right here maybe this area should be my main entrance where I community don't have an opening that's not a bad idea it's not a great idea but it's not a bad idea yeah let's open this back up and then we can kind of mine this out too because we're gonna need stone chunks at some point not for a while it looks like there's actually quite a few but we will run out eventually so we can kind of square that off a bit yep go ahead and keep building our walls I know everyone wants to start with nuclear warheads however you got to have a base before you can blow it up right that's what I always say okay so what should we call this place communal union a deli you ium that's pretty funny I like that campsite at the cave okay we'll call our subtle Natur I like that welcome to Theodore oh good deal here's our Idol why are you idle don't be idle start chopping down trees if you're idle so many trees to chop down this will keep you busy got to finish up these walls will box and the entrance then we got to get some power up um what should we start up with for power we could actually just use a wood-fired generator here that would not be bad to start with that's actually not a bad idea at all in fact I think I will do that yeah for sure okay why is no one wearing these pants oh that's cuz someone is wearing the flak pants that's right did I not build their build that I must have missed it okay so let's go ahead and let's expand our home zone so I don't forget about this because that happens on a regular basis and let's go ahead and let's plan out the rest of this internal area and see what it is I want to do with this so over here is gonna be a growing zone because we do have a little bit of rich soil so I should probably leave this whole area so I could box this in for right now kind of be our indoors area I guess that would be okay I need to get these chat bubbles turned down a little bit I never actually figured out how to do that last time what clothes can I plant over here we'll go we'll go something like this I don't want that to be inside because then it'll make it super hot in there so go ahead do that and then we'll rift this whole area in and that'll be indoors the leg is from progress render and it is mildly annoying but it is also totally worth it because the time lapses are super cool at the end our pumpkins going um they're doing okay they're doing all right maybe we should grow a lot more pumpkins is maybe what I'm thinking and actually while we're at it we should probably grow we could probably use some cotton just to get that started that's not a bad idea cotton yep and wouldn't get the rest of this is there anything else you want right away I don't think that anyone can grow this yet this require is a growing of eight and what's our girl rat yeah six so no one can even grow here right at the moment well that'll be that'll be interesting alright well continue chopping down trees I'll put the generator over here maybe just to put it inside I guess for no particular reason come on hurry up chop faster time's a-wasting much to do and less time to do in it baddies are gonna start showing up when we got to be ready for them you know plus you have 31 meals so you better hurry up and that's for the four of you because Kitty's allowed to eat meals at the moment and did I remember to leave a spot for a door I did good for me let's go ahead and let's just put that in right away construction botched and knowing but true alright let's go ahead let's start putting in our power we can just go ahead yeah I like the idea of using a wood fire generator I'm gonna move it in just a little bit so it can repair the walls behind it I like that idea let's do that and so then inside we're gonna want these wall lamps are super cool you didn't watch the last colony these are really neat I like them and we should probably also put in a heater just so we're not freezing to death at night we can just put that or wherever and then let's go ahead and let's just run some power cabling over it doesn't have to be elegant and it will not be and I don't actually need a battery with a wood fire generator so that's kind of nice Teddy how are you bored what are you not set to plant cutting I guess you can grow yeah I guess you're gonna be my researcher that's gonna have to wait just a little bit longer hi kitty meow indeed so let's turn this into two rooms then let's adjust that over just a little bit actually just kind of like that yes then they can I have two bedrooms and that will make them a little happier a little tiny bit happier not much happier we have thirty components that should be fine 380 would we're gonna need a lot more than that but for the moment that's okay let's go and let's hold this door open okay so hold on construction like you guys need to stop screwing this up well you're only at four so I guess that's maybe the best we can do actually wait is this a door don't do that that's not what I meant to put there I meant to flow it temperature there go ahead and go do something else this is where van needs to be right there and then we can go and reinstall these beds look at the circuiting bedrooms like already like right away at the beginning they're getting bedrooms this is amazing I mean it'd be nice if you guys would come built that generator that'd be pretty cool and then the two of you get in here let's see here that's moody and Marique oh yeah there we go I don't remember off the top of my head which job is refueling I think it's a hauling task that may actually be a problem why don't one of you just come fill this up please because we need it there we go now we've got lights and we've got warm this is very good okay so at that point let's go ahead and let's get started with our research we just we just need to get that going so go ahead just stick it over here that's fine I don't know what I'm gonna do with food production yet that may end up being a separate area and for the moment I need this going this is fun having access to all this wood this is great colonist Idol all right so let's get our research going so hmm we have a lot of options so this is bionics so we can go ahead and we can do a whole bunch of those remote tech Remsen oil questionable ethics more turrets vegetables rim Atomics that'll take us a bit and more linkable this adds some extra lettuce and stuff so that's something left to deal with later that's quite a ways in the future shree go straight for guns like usual or should we go through micro electronics to moisture pumps which would actually be pretty handy the sooner we get micro electronics done the better because you know it's got that increased work speed on the other hand I think we're gonna need to get some guns made yeah we'd better we better start with smithing yeah okay yep do that come on a Seidel again you guys should not be idle just chop things down we need a lot of wood so go ahead and cut everything down and how should we set up some defensive structures let's see here this is actually a bad place to put the stockpile the stockpile should actually be back here so I can go ahead and move that that's fine let's just keep building things out of wood because there's no problem that could ever develop from building our entire base out of wood everybody knows that it's just science okay thank you for building those walls let's go ahead and let's just move our stockpile zone over here that'll be okay and then everything can just kind of go in here and we'll deal with it later I'm still on the fence over whether or not we're gonna start with the nutrient paste dispenser or not I think I think maybe not oh here's our first red hooray pirates hi you're a pirate equipped with the club are you gonna be worth trying to oh my god let's do our level best not to kill him look at that guy okay cool all right well let's set up some zones here we can just start with just one zone called base for right now that's okay that'll keep him inside at least he's just got a club we don't really need to worry about him we'll just shoot him a little when he gets too close and then hopefully again not not actually kill him and he should come around through the inside here and let's restrict I already forgot let's restrict everybody to the base and our kitty to the base yep and we'll go ahead and we'll deal with those things a little later are you guys gonna finish chopping down those trees or not apparently not okay here he comes guys get ready come on over Oh a check this out this is another mod that shows what weapons they're equipped with when they're drafted isn't that cool that's gonna make life so much easier and you guys can just back up a bit let's not like you need cover but back up a little bit anyway all right let's wait for him to come around the corner and then we strike all right here he comes nice shot well this battles off to a good start okay why don't you back up and you downed him without killing him I'm so impressed oh I'm so impressed and death on only eight hours oh this is this is fantastic bad news Teddy um you're losing your bedroom temporarily we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna build you another bed out here that I will turn into the indoors but at the moment and actually this is totally wrong I'm actually gonna have to change some of this as well already aren't I over already got a steel oh crap okay well let's keep this door closed then at least so this is gonna become a prisoner area need colonist beds yes obviously so go ahead and capture the sky oh I hope we can recruit this guy that would be really cool that would be really convenient and let Sun restrict everybody for right now I'll get the rest of these zones sorted out don't worry so if you could just go ahead and believe that that would be great okay so who's gonna doctor survival meal attending okay perfect where where are you going Odin up with the medicine where over there that's not ideal but okay so are we gonna be able to convince you to join us 31 hmm we're not we're not gonna be able to you know what I'll leave you on that for a little bit but there's no way we're gonna be able to convince you um I'll leave Noriko on there since you'll actually learn how to do it but that's pretty grim and we're not out of Steel it's just not in the right zone yeah that's really that's really quite grim hey buddy just I need someone to come make this bad Mariko I don't care if you're any girl that has just come make it we just need a bad okay so we can walk so that's good all right let's build you a light in there too then you won't be in the dark there we go and it may even add a table or something for you it's possible many things are possible okay so what are gonna do with food got to make a decision here I could put in a nutrient paste dispenser like right here and you know what I think I might have to I think that may just be the way things have to go because I could put it in like here actually I'd want to put it in here and then put in three hoppers next to it and then there's still room for a cooler yeah I'm gonna have to do that sorry guys I know you're not gonna like it but it's it's just gotta be what it is hoppers you can have three hoppers and we're actually gonna need to put in some stone walls yeah let's forbid that for a second here we need to get some stone cutting done yeah let's get that taken care of stone cutters table we'll just make that out of wood it doesn't matter where it goes it just needs to be somewhere I don't care that it's outside yeah we're down to 12 meals that's not good oh this is kind of cool so it does the same thing here make any stone blocks this is pretty neat I do forever just drop it on the ground any worker but we're gonna leave a really tight radius here so you guys aren't running all over the place you know what maybe maybe maybe I can't wait for that at the beginning here yeah it's it's pretty cold out it should be able to keep this place cool okay so let's go ahead and let's put a fridge in here this is gonna now be our cooled area yeah go ahead and do that and may have to play with crafting a little bit but we'll get it taken care of so I think the plan is then then I'm gonna go do a bunch of hunting and we'll just live off meat for a little bit I guess that's not that's not a terrible idea can you make this cold enough in here with the power that we have we should be able to this give us out a thousand watts okay let's run some power over to this berserk okay hold on hold on hold on let me get some power over first hold on oh you're a prisoner that went berserk oh well life is pain buddy all of you come over here we're gonna have to beat this guy up he's gonna destroy the door before I have a chance to get in there so just go ahead let him do that hold your fire soon as it comes out everyone just can punch him actually I take that back moody don't come punch him you guys come punch him oh you needed to get back a little bit come on back up right now go get him there we go okay ah that idiot all right can someone please go and recapture them teddy did you just take a bruise yeah that's fine and you just took some bruises that's fine too all right all right all right all right run some power over to the nutrient paste dispenser and then hmm all right now we should have all the food that we need ya see this resistance I don't know maybe maybe we can do it let's do some hunting let's get some hunting set up who wants to hunt hmm you know what you're really bad at that I guess I guess we'll do it this way no Rico can do some hunting I should bring everybody though to come do some hunting the first time let's go ahead and let's set up just our various production spots here we'll just put in a butchering spot outside because it doesn't really matter and this can just set me to what butcher all animals forever probably that willow tree is really knowing enough to get rid of that what's your creature do forever a radius that means it's inside of our base and take two best stockpile that's fine and these should be set to allow any food unimportant yep okay so let's get the two of you with guns which is Noriko and Teddy who thinks he's sleeping but actually he's not come over here and let's try killing an elk let's see if we can kill an elk and then we won't starve to death and if we can't kill an out then we're probably fated to die to begin with come on guys you got this out Wow maybe you don't cut the salary there you go you hit it now we could just wait patiently for it to die ah you stupid elk get back here alright now we've got you now there's no escape there we go destroy kill wow this elk is really quite wily this is by far the smartest elk I've ever seen come on guys okay watching them get outsmarted by this elk is hilarious there we go alright now let's go ahead let's finish this off mutti too bad you're right here go ahead and finish it off yep and who is our putative cook no Rico bad news you have to come butcher and get that meat loaded and you're already carrying it around perfect and now we have food okay and at this point we're gonna go ahead and let's take a break so before you leave my usual standard end of first episodes filled if room or looks like fun to you you should go by it it is important to support the game creators that make the games that we love so that they can continue to make them you should also go pick up the soundtrack it's pretty cheap and posters don't get the love they deserve also it's become apparently kind of an expensive tradition that I'm giving away a copy of rim world for the first episode so if you'd like a copy just leave a comment and I will random off for that let's see here it's kind of late let's say at the very beginning of episode 3 yeah we'll go ahead and do that so otherwise feel free to subscribe or leave a like or whatever but in any case thanks for watching and I hope to see you next time [Music]
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 183,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Rimworld, Bog, Atoms
Id: 9LWazo4qF2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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