Rimworld: Critical Chaos - Part 5: Rock vs. Wolf

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hey folks this is Tico here to an welcome back to rim world so we begin today on a slightly concerning note I think we're gonna starve to death we only have a thousand units of food we now have four colonists two paths which for some reason it can't click on there we go hi this is not this is not good because most of the wildlife has gone off the map there is still a pack of wild boars over here I thinking I may actually just grab everybody and come hunt them because otherwise we may run out of food and die so that would not be so great I'd really really really wanted to get some other stuff up and going here for power before I put in a Sun lamp but it looks like that's just not gonna happen so I'm gonna use our stuff to go ahead and put in one wind turbine we'll just put that kind of over here and actually does fit in which is kind of nice I'd rather use solar panels but I don't have those researched yet so I don't know we're just gonna get what we get right so that's a hundred okay yep that's still fine and then we put this in here let's see here Sun lamp is only forty steel okay that's right now I was gonna put it like that which is fine right yeah that's fine we put it in something like that and then this is actually a good idea that for some reason I hadn't thought about is that I should be using these coolers to actually heat in here so I'm just gonna kind of move this over actually so we'll just kind of shift that over here it's at the right direction yep I may have to move them around in the spring but I might not so we'll just kind of see how that works out and then we need a little more power running around here we'll need to run over to there and I think we're gonna need to run further down here too so we're gonna get that in pretty much right away we do if a prisoner coming in that we may or may not be able to say if we'll find out momentarily here actually we're getting a lot of food sickness like all kinds of things are just not going great so you've got two hours moody's gonna come ten to you possibly let's see if you survived this should be interesting I do have rare thrombo sold on my do home not installed that has them prioritize the worst problems first I don't remember that's called you'd have to look at the mod list yeah shivering well it's because I took away our clothes because I thought you're gonna die okay so let's recur you you're actually really easy to recruit I keep clicking those backwards and glad I got it right this time yeah we can we can use you if not at exactly this moment at some point in the near future alright so everybody has a gun of some kind right yep okay so everybody let's come get all these boars because I want to get them before they wander off the map are they still over here yes and they're being hunted by the Cougar that's okay we can take care of that too so everyone come on up here and we're just gonna kill everything over here and we're gonna kill that I think that's a snow lion we're just killing everything that's the plan we need meat we'll start with the Predators and then we'll go from there my guys hurry up much to do and less time to do it in why don't you go ahead and start over here or you might completely miss it okay good job one down now I gotta get this one this one is not injured so you have to be a little more careful okay doing great so far [Music] come on come on okay good good job all right then come on over here and let's just kill everything else over here why not all right well done so let's get everything up here on forbidden yep and I'm gonna unrestricted carry back a dead boar so you've already got one on why don't you haul that one moody why don't you grab the Cougar um noriko when you're done with that where's another one that's not being hauled go ahead and haul that one and then imma set the others to holler gently so that you guys come back and get them right away because we need to not lose these corpses there's not a lot left on the map but some things will be on the map so quick Oh what do you eat anyway and I guess how much do you eat I'm actually not totally confident that I can keep all these pets alive like I might be able to but I also might not so I don't know I guess we're gonna find out thrombosed can we kill a thrombo no we can't kill a thrombo not yet not until we've got some better weaponry so go ahead and work on things as they are Teddy I guess it's okay if you keep researching it's not ideal but okay you're not gonna die right yeah you're fine mind-shattering pay and what's the worst that could happen you didn't lose any limbs okay I never even looked wouldn't that have been funny oh yeah let's get these doors held open for ease of transport we can go ahead and we can put another animal bed in here more or less and then we're gonna have to bring someone in to get some cleaning done in here too I don't really have things prioritize perfectly yeah see this is gonna be our problem okay so 11 is coming back inside to sleep correct let me actually add an indoor zone okay so now I have a zone set up that's just this so if you guys get inside I don't really want to deal with that badger right at the moment I mean it's hunting 11 but 11 is now inside I don't think it'll come through the door oh god maybe it's gonna come through the door okay it changes my just in time good God okay yeah there's not much left on the map for it to eat is the problem thrown Bo's eat trees so they're not an issue I think and wait rotted away in storage what oh crap I forgot meals are out here they're supposed to be in here oops that's not good how long do these have 1.9 days now yeah twelve okay they'll be fine look at taking care of in the morning well that's less than ideal thank you much appreciated so should we come out here and try to kill this badger I mean I think we have to its melee dps is pretty nasty I mean there's no way that we can tame a mega badger I guess well let's wait and see maybe it'll go away he says confidently it's not like our animals are doing anything at the moment anyway so whatever oh yeah and I could make a bed for a prisoner I mean I don't have any wood right now but I could that's the thing that could happen okay I see you're hauling but why don't you here hold on let me change that why don't you go ahead and make these graves first and get rid of the corpses because I don't want to deal with that constant mood debuff come back okay and please halt and please halt get good it looks like Noriko's taking care of things and by the way I know that I'm pronouncing Boulder mite incorrectly but I think it rolls off the tongue better so well looks like we're gonna be doing a little bit of huntin anyway even though I don't want to and I don't have my entire colony here at the moment of course let's close these doors as you go past maybe it'll have to go through the traps then if there's enough time pull back pull back pull back maybe actually Norco stay over here okay it'll go through one trap so that's better than zero yeah this is gonna be a problem or it can not trip it at all that's totally a thing that could happen I think these should be automatically hostile where are you going now okay well that's less than good let's try to kite it a little bit okay you keep changing your mind um I guess that's fine I wish you wouldn't but okay oh god oh god it has a lot of melee DPS please hit it slow it down slow it down slow it down and there we go keep shooting it keep shooting it there you go shoot it in the legs actually there you go doing great so far so good here comes Teddy okay now let's changed its mind now it's going up for mutti mutti get going hey teddy good news come around the corner here and we're trying to kill a mega badger for some reason well it's not for some reason it's because it's trying to kill us first oops it changed targets and I wasn't paying enough attention well I mean I was paying enough attention move oh my god you guys got it I am impressed I'm not gonna lie I'm really impressed good job see I may need to keep all of our animals inside anyway cuz never just downed all that's actually just an arctic wolf you know what our animals can handle an arctic wolf they're clever I have faith in them now I'm wondering if we could kill a thrombo no thrombosed Romo's are too hardcore we can't do that the rim bows are too serious business I don't know why we're in combat I don't know what's going on here there we go yeah we just can't we can't handle the throne boy yet soon but not yet converting what are you doing okay you're getting a wild boar Moody can you actually just haul this inside I want these inside so that like these stupid squirrels don't come and eat them or something you know I mean there's some of XE and stuff wandering past so we're not like completely helpless in the face of starvation but it's not good what I need you to do buddy okay you're making the spike traps okay major break risk yeah I know doing it we can you'll be back inside here shortly and they're gonna be a lot happier miss these traps are super quick and don't require a lot of materials but then we need this powerup is that what you're working on now no and I are consuming a simple meal okay build the other trap then come build some power and you're having a tantrum you're gonna destroy an Arctic lion okay well whatever you go ahead and do that I mean I wouldn't have minded the meat and stuff but whatever if that's all you're gonna destroy him okay with that okay now what are you doing okay good now you're building actually things that I care about okay good and arctic wolf see eleven where are you oh you're in the base okay we can handle you then no problem it's wait for it to get a little closer here guys Teddy you get to come help convergent you get to come help as well yep let's change targets it's fine don't shoot quick oh oh no actually now it's attacking quick oh oh no this isn't good go in door is it possible otherwise our colonists are gonna kill you because they're stupid let's step out of the way here oh no I don't have any other way to get outside at the moment do I let's make a way outside cuz I should have another way outside I really should I mean quick oh my twin certainly but quickl might not you guys see it from over here is I know it's gonna have cover and quick oh just annihilated that thing like quick Oh didn't even care Wow okay well we've learned something important today do not mess with our bowl thermite oh and we got a raid a group of Outlanders okay um okay well that's quite a bit more Outlanders than i'd prefer how many traps did we get rebuilt oh all of them okay that's good okay so let's go ahead and let's do some things like this so let's get these doors to automatically close and let's get this door to close Teddy why don't you come start howling this wolf the rest of you I realize you're actually in bed together literally and let's get you guys inside okay because we need this door to close and the wolf will prevent it so go ahead and get out here I think four of us oh no I was gonna grab that shotgun on somebody because shotguns are way better than pistols [Music] you're rocking an auto pistol so I'm gonna have you come get that shotgun auto pistols are pretty bad we're gonna have enough time oh yeah we got we got plenty of time oh no nobody rebuilt this um oh oh this could be a real problem here you know what take this apart because that'll be faster than walking over there there we go now build this now Teddy go ahead and drop the wolf and come equip this and Norco I haven't brought you out here yet c'mere converting haven't brought you out here yet c'mere that was almost pretty funny huh um the revolvers okay come on up here it's not ideal but it's not that but actually wonder if I should no no machine pistols are pretty bad too and actually this ranges fine for what we've got going on here yeah this is absolutely fine okay we should be okay spread out a little bit so we're not taking a ton of damage actually moody Oh yep moody is on the end perfect all right now let's just wait for them to come on in and I forgot to close the outer door whoops can I get there in time I wonder mmm-hmm signs point to no but maybe guess we're about to find out it let's see if the door closes in time well moody got shot so that's not great got shot in the stomach ouch okay two down so far so good yeah you're gonna destroy my door whatever three down come on I should really take away their cover over here by the way like they have actual cover here why don't I get you guys to focus fire by the way come on you only need to kill like maybe one more there we go well you tried okay good enough and we got no people and you're gonna destroy my door that's mildly frustrating oh good you've decided not not to okay good okay thank you carry on that worked fine I'm okay with that was that the perfect outcome no but it is what it is oh I didn't realize you'd gotten shot - okay moody when you're done with that why don't you do some tending and then I think you got a lot of Teddy tend to you that yeah I think that's gonna be the best thing to do taking a simple meal yep okay and Teddy where you at buddy you're researching why don't you go ahead and tend to moody yep this is fine all right good now what I could do quick Oh will you eat corpses no but 11 will [Music] let's put some corpse storage in then actually actually I could do something like this I could just put a stockpile zone on here justjust for the winter because I've already got one here that allows rotten corpses what if I put one here that only allows fresh corpses right only human like except for colonists and what if I set that at a fairly high priority and then I can box it in or I would be able to box it in except that I don't have any wood that might be a good idea yeah all these rats and stuff we're gonna come prompt to eat these bodies seriously seriously well I'm gonna have to turn bedrest back down guys sorry I need you guys up and doing stuff in fact specifically I need you guys come chop down some trees which I realize kind of sucks but I need the wood Teddy you too because if we're gonna do this whole thing with the bodies we got to take care of that right away and converting when you're done I also need you down here come cut down a willow tree yeah no come back keep chopping down trees the others got away but you're stuck here the thrombo is just there like tempting me like come on you could do a man you could totally take this thrombo become a man but I know I can't we would all die horribly it would be it would be super bad but yet but yet Rumble horns the rumble firth Rumble meet sorry I realized I could be queueing this so let me just queue a few uh uh okay there we go that's better all right now we've got enough wood to build all this stuff so go ahead and do that and then let's go ahead and endless store for this area in as such there you go good job and one of these okay hold on hold on I need that in just a second here and then we need just a wooden door here wooden door right there please thank you very much prisoner rescue request huh that doesn't well I can't do it right now yeah we need batteries we need research at least now we can make batteries should we do to her through solar panels I think we'd better what I really need you guys to do is take down this bit of rough I need you guys to hold these corpses inside like there's a lot that needs to be done and you're helping with very little of it so please work more yes get those bodies solved no not here they're not rotting what if I don't allow fresh okay what's wrong with this zone then oh I have a backwards just kidding okay now we have a separate zone named wolf that does not allow the kibble area so hopefully our wolf will come munch on corpses instead it's nice and cold out here everything should be fine okay good so we've got some more power going that's good so now I just need you guys to build this stuff and I think that we'll have enough power for everything maybe I guess we'll find out and I made your brick risk there's lots of major break risks some of that you guys are just meant to do it and I need you guys to chop more trees to all rat it sad wonder okay that's not that's not great I don't know why you're cold we got warm clothes why aren't you wearing a parka hmm oh there's a raccoon in there I must have gotten in there like during that five seconds we had that wall open here you got a shotgun kill it thank you I tell you the animals like have gotten vicious around here in terms of like trying to come in and take our stuff away okay like what's the squirrel going for what does it suddenly decided to eat oh no this wall isn't back up yet okay so that's why everything's falling apart moody I need you to come build this wall ah Teddy come here I don't think you can kill the squirrel before I eat some of our food but at least we can make sure it regrets it come on kill it thank you you did actually get that done in time well done well done indeed they're better construct thank you well our lights been built I'm reasonably certain that we can't deal with turning it on but we're gonna have to try and we're actually gonna set this for rice first which is absolutely not ideal well I'm not used to these little icons okay so you are a food right that's what you look like okay just for fast food like we need it fast and I've also got to put a heater in there which is annoying you know what I could do we've got some marble and although I have lots of other things I need constructed we could just go ahead and we could just bring this indoors yeah oh yeah that's right I can reinstall some glaze I wanted to do that and then let's take this out then that'll use the heat in here to make it a lot warmer I think I'm gonna have to force people do that manually but it's better than nothing so we'll see yeah our power is going away at night hi traders will chat with you in the morning okay Noriko as soon as you're done why don't you come trade with them I don't think we'll have much to say to each other what we can try okay so yeah I was hoping it'd have something to sell to you and I don't so alas yeah we do not have enough power to turn this light on so I'm just gonna turn it off wait what happened to the research bench did I take that apart I must have well good thinking me too I have enough stuff to make one I do but just barely just barely okay all right well I need you guys to keep these things power it up then please no great and now you're all sick because nobody's cleaning okay let me fix this who should be cleaning let's put Norco you get to be a normal one cleaner now I'm sorry about this but it's true okay there we go now this should make it warmer in here maybe well this door probably shouldn't be held open if I would like that to work can you come stand here please and close the store thank you okay now this should help yeah it should be fine ooh there's wildlife there's Elks like right here now moving means it's leaving the map though yeah we're gonna have to wait for solar panels unfortunately that's the only way that's gonna work what are you up to buddy digging a compacted steel well that's good cuz I need to do some more of it I need all the steel where are you going well this raccoon got way over there wow that's vengeance on your part I'm rather impressed okay so I did not mean to take that apart but I did it anyway so there we go and we'll still be okay as long as we have wood as soon as we stop having wood were in a lot of trouble that's what she said anyway never mind and they left us a gift you left us uranium a kingly gift indeed very nice here's a bit of comedy our prisoner is in a good mood right he's a nudist yeah you're gonna take over his full-time researcher buddy you can stay inside most of the time and at that point frankly you can just stay nude I guess I guess I don't even care well this needs to be hauled thank you okay yeah cuz that was from a dirty cooking area and it made convert and put on that crummy thing recreation deprived what you should have tons of time to do recreation half your day is open and I have several hours of enforced recreation you should have you should be doing great wait hold on what's that hold on a wooly horse look at this it's adorable a plump horse covered in a thick fur for much colder climates they have a throwback to their slow ancestors they have toad feet really huh 85% means I can't tame you but I really really really hope I can at some point in the future yeah now everyone's gonna get food poisoning crap all right well please work away you're still healthy right yep work away this is using a non-trivial amount of power and this is not generating much so Solar Flare that's pretty bad luckily we don't have any plants so that doesn't really matter but we had better go ahead and put some camp fires in like right now and we're gonna need one in here at the prison or to exceed doesn't have any clothes on so I need you to come build this one and I need you to come build this one we'll just just do it the other way that's fine so otherwise you will freeze to death fairly quickly I don't think he'll overheat in here no everyone else is gonna be pretty unhappy for a while alas yeah yeah you should be an okay temperature and fortunately this means that research stopped and that is a pretty big problem so I tell you what then Oh an Aurora that's nice a tantrum okay an Aurora is nice though we've got some more woods set up let me just what you guys are killing time yeah the rice plant is died that's okay those are plants that I didn't actually intend for them to start planting it but they're doing it anyway because they're forward-thinking so that's kind of nice ah here how some of this in I really don't want Teddy to destroy things okay there we go thank you do whatever you want and a solar flare ended good good good good I have several people that I have appended cleaning number one two actually everybody as the problem is they're not following through from their other priorities cargo pod song Jade huh all right well someone will get to that in fact let me actually turn Halling down because I'd rather have you cleaning more than hauling at the moment yeah that's for sure that's definitely what I would prefer a prison break really okay well I don't want you to prison break I mean I can make sure that you don't believe me come no no no come melee attack come melee attack I realized I could just try to arrest but I like punching people I really enjoy punching people there are always nonviolent solutions and that's usually my last choice come on perfect thank you caPSURE did you lose any limbs not as such alright good enough you come clean this place up please when you're done thank you and it's someone tending Moody's decided to tender all right that's fine hey these solar panels are done all right I think that we're gonna head towards hospital beds strangely enough but do we have enough stuff to make a solar panel we need at least one yes actually we do we definitely do okay that's good so we can go ahead and we can connect that we can put a heater inside I think I still of enough steel for that I do and then we can go ahead I can't I can't see I can't see cuz of these bubbles I can plunk it right there and keep this place nice and warm and then I can turn this on all right this looks good but at this point let's go ahead and let's take a break so thanks for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 48,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Rimworld, Bog, Atoms
Id: eO126YW0kuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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