Rimworld: Critical Chaos - Part 3: The Many Uses Of Leather

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hey folks this is decoherent and welcome back to rim world future decohere past me forgot to leave a segment for the free rim world drawing so i'd just like to say congrats to alexander mark if you could go ahead and email me or PM me and discord that would be great and now back to the show so today we begin on kind of a sad note when I was editing I went and took a look at the footage wherein our cat died and I think that actually I probably could have saved her I had the settings let's see here between pharmacist and the cat were set up conflicting pharmacists will override medicine one direction but not the other but the point is I had plenty of time to notice that whoever was tending her was not using medicine and echo to fix that and then she probably would have survived so sad but true along the medicine side I actually went around that I find a whole bunch of the wild hero and I have this set to harvest so we'll have some herbal medicine at least still that'll be kind of nice I also have the dead elk down here set to holler gently there's only three of them we'll get them hauled up we need mostly the leather we're actually doing okay on meat but we won't be for long we do need to get some indoor growing going obviously I can do some hunting for a while what I'm probably gonna need to do actually is set up kind of an indoor growing zone it's not gonna be very efficient not using hydroponics but we're gonna need it we can probably get through this winter with only hunting and stuff like that given the we only have four people some subsequent years with more colonists that's obviously not gonna work so there's that am i moving the stone cutting over here to kind of get it out of the way it would have been smart if I built this base flipped so that I can actually wall this in and use it for heating I'll do that soon we'll get to it we'll move things from one side of the other at this point it doesn't matter it's not really all that cold out so I'm also thinking of changing our research priorities so we're gonna finish up machining either way because I need that we need to be able to make at least some basic armor on helmets and stuff like that I'm seriously considering going to microelectronic so that I can go straight for hospital beds given that we already had one entity one colonists not a colonists one valued member of the team died of a disease this is gonna keep happening so I think I may do that after we finished researching machinery but I don't know well to decide about that soon so anyway carry on if you guys can go ahead and get those Dan animals up here uh-oh I'm gonna switch let's see here I'm gonna switch hunting between Moody and Noriko so if you take a look at the work tab it actually isn't real useful it says like a 2 out of 20 but actually her shooting is at a 4.7 and he's at a 3.8 and he's got a passion for it and more to the point he's not nearly as useful so I'm gonna have her drop this gun and go swap guns with who's got the pistol and think Teddy like like everything is all wrong for guns here so let's go ahead and let's swap this so you go ahead and drop that and then Moody's gonna come get it as soon as I can click on moody you come equip this and then moody is gonna keep the helmet correct yes okay and Teddy you go ahead and you drop this gun because you're gonna be mostly inside so you go ahead and drop the gun sorry I like things are not quite where I expect them to be it's a little confusing okay forget about that and go ahead and go equip this okay there we go perfect all right now mind you no Rico's got the UM flak vest on but that's okay all right you guys going to go ahead and get that out cuz that would cheer up two good Holling elk excellent yeah 37 hard snow is it even staying warm enough inside it it is kinda sort of more or less yeah hard snow already is pretty bad yeah we're not gonna really get anything else grown around here hmm tricky but we'll give it a try all right go ahead and move things around um I should probably have you let's see here you're harvesting Moody you're right here can you go ahead and don't don't do that where's the butcher here just butcher all that up just to get him out of the way yep and she's gonna take out all the trees okay it looks like you're gonna carry that meat around okay that's fine too yeah go ahead and do that okay now you should be going around getting all the he over it right yep there's still quite a bit of it on the map I didn't flag all of it because I don't really want um I don't really want them like running all over the map at the moment so unfortunately it looks like while you're up does not necessarily trigger exactly the way it should but call this meet we have good god it's amazing alright so you go ahead and eat and as soon as you're done eating you can play horseshoes in a moment why don't you go ahead and move this Stonecutters table out of the way and now just because it's inside some walls it loses the temperature for being outside I'm not gonna heat it but I could so that's the thing that could happen it's just not going to happen so anyway missing primer weapon yep we got to make you forget about that come on there we go nine point five getting closer okay now Moody's falling through to just constructing so let's go ahead or just a cutting stone so let's just go ahead and let's just start replacing the walls it doesn't really matter what we make them out of marble is fine actually maybe I should finish this area up first we're just gonna throw some embrasures up and then just a doorway and just kind of call it a day okay good you made some dusters everybody should have access to a duster now and that should keep everybody nice and warm actually that's not gonna be warm out how much does this give you only 15 degrees oh this is pretty cool look at that I like that oh that's neat I think that the Mater who made this um watches the channel so if you could actually add a second thing for simple sidearms that would be super cool I don't know if that's easier or not and I don't know if you actually exist or not but if you do that would be a cool thing to happen and while I'm over here I should go ahead and just add a door it doesn't matter what kind of door but let's make it outta stone um let's make a slate door right there and then we can close this off when we get Manhunters and whatnot oh there's Hubert right here what's convenient and Rico are you off doing all that stuff you are very good and now you're coming back to attempt to recruit let's see how you're doing mood is fine you have to up you up you're set to lavish meals wouldn't that be nice haha I talked about pemmican talked about comfortable furniture yeah 7.50 you're gonna be you're gonna be recruited before you know it this is gonna be great Oh check it out there's a boulder mite oh I should try to tame you although that won't happen because what's my best handler at we were at a seven um that would be kind of neat although honestly we really needed something that we could harvest wolfram because a mega badger but you are a mega badger hi the size of an elephant neat known to wipe out entire colonies okay I'll completely avoid it sounds good hunting a hare okay that's not my problem there's bears and stuff but what I really need is something that will give us wall yeah ascension war had so sentient war had what would your tame ability chance be while this is only fifty percent I know that's a terrible idea it'd be really funny if I was doing like throwaway saves but since I'm not no sorry I'm gonna have to pass on that alright so I'm gonna have to find all this stuff then yeah there's a lot of it and then haul it and that's gonna waste a whole bunch of labor but we need it so go ahead and go do that and the store needs to be held open and I will just go ahead and it looks like we can just use marble walls that will be sufficient for now and I'm just gonna start replacing these walls over here because we need to get those taken care of although should I start up the grow zone already Wow I guess I'm not sure I'll have to think about that all right machining is done cool so I think I'm gonna do what I said and go ahead and go from micro electronics it's not so much that like going for turrets is so critical it's the fact that like I won't be able to make any guns at all we're just gonna have to depend on that pistol and that rifle but I think I think we're gonna do it I think that's what we got to do oh yeah and instead of replacing these walls I really should be um making some traps and stuff would be a much better idea so let's go ahead and let's do that instead we're gonna have the main entrance be here let's say for a while we can do something like this and then we can put in some security stuff let's see here yeah sure do something like that yeah sure and we will have to bridge over some of that but that's okay so we've got let's see here that's enough to be cut down too so we've got just the sandbag so they can't hide around the corner and then two steel traps and then a couple of doors and that should be okay I think and you have warm clothes I don't have really I don't know so you're good down - yeah only 29 yeah that's really not great long-sleeve shirts are not a big improvement hats would help a lot parkas would help a lot but I don't have materials to make those I can't make parkas out of leather can I oh my god I can make leather parkas let's make a leather parks that just sounds hilarious doesn't it I'm still not sold on these menus yeah yeah yeah yeah let's make one leather Park up and let's see how that works 80 ingredients how much how much do we have of any one leather 133 so we can make one and then we'll have to go in from there 5.9 all right you've made a parka so let's check out this par cot so a it's poor quality and it gives okay fifty one heat insulation that is pretty good okay I'll have to make someone wear that a little later it's okay for right now that they're doing whatever it is they do but at least now I know I can make a leather parka and even though they're garbage it's better than nothing yeah Beauty mass yeah that's okay they used to have a work speed penalty associated with them so I'm glad that they don't yes and it's actually good that you're wearing it cuz you're wearing a helmet alright so we are getting a mood debuff for slept in the cold which is unfortunate but they're just gonna have to deal with it for the moment we'll start replacing these walls and that should help so go ahead and get going on that I'm wondering if it's a good idea to do this first or if I should go ahead and start on my growing area I don't know I mean there's berries and stuff around here but I don't want them eating the berries as is because they'll just get food poisoning and that sucks and I'd rather avoid that if possible so what's the C think about bandits commented about hauling ol lavish meals remember meals meals are so delicious back before we had to eat out of a nutrient paste machine those were the days he's set to high enough priority oh they're not these actually need to be set to the next one up critical yeah we'll set it to critical just oh they say fall Aereo alright and let's keep this going a little further we've got a little more stone so let's just finish up to right here because that is now sandstone and I think that'll keep them just a little bit warmer I don't remember what the thermal conductivity changes between one to the other once again we can make star drives but we can't like stuff some insulation between two walls and make it nice and warm so I'll last you get what you get right when you're done with that actually would you mind coming in like hauling all this wood like there's a lot of wood out here just go pick it up we need it it's for power and everything thank you much appreciated at least you've got 52 of it and noriko you're going for a walk I have an idea how about you go for a walk over here to pick up this wood and then haul it wasn't that a nice walk yes yes it was okay and then I'll check on the temperatures overnight so we're probably gonna need batteries actually well not necessarily the only way we'd need batteries is if I was gonna set this up such that um during the day it was slowly like losing power but I don't think so we're gonna need three wood-fired generators anyway because the Sun lamps use um 3000 or 2,500 watts something like that 2250 what's gonna plan this out while they're asleep so if I were to put it here no I'd want to put it here actually to maximize the amount of rich soil so if I were to do that so if I were to do that I'd want to put walls more or less like that hmm and it would be unfortunate to have to heat that manually rather than using the steam geyser but I want to use this fertile soil so in fact how much over here can I build on that I didn't oh that's right there's a marsh coming right up to here yeah yeah that's okay all right it's staying a little warmer but not warm enough we need another heater oh well that's fine Oh a farming goods trader iy4 but I forgot to put on a trade spot here let's see here miscellaneous on trading spot we can just put it right out here that's fine and our party spot should also go right here let's not forget about that a kitchen covered increases cooking and butchering speed Oh neat that must be from the more linkable snod oh that's pretty cool yeah that's really cool alright we're gonna need some more steel soon so I think unfortunately we need to start mining and we've got 25 components we can probably get away with that for a while yet but let's go ahead and let's get some steel up now who's gonna be my primary miner um it looks like it's gonna be moody at 4 okay yeah yeah okay well that's fine you'll get it taken care of I have faith in you all right and Noriko is gonna have our highest negotiating skill right yep so as soon as you're done Holly now why don't you come trade with them I don't think we'll have anything interesting to talk about but we might you never know okay so we could buy a rabbit and angora dough oh really I bet that they don't give us um Waldo which is what we actually need anything we want to do not really you guys will buy hey orgasm by wood really well okay in this biome you'll buy wood huh okay whatever works for you man whoops and there goes all of our plants cuz I wasn't planning ahead alas well it's gonna harvest everything we can and unfortunately they're all gonna be gone by morning well that was a waste oh well this will just add a bit of excitement right right exactly all right let's go and let's just delete these zones then and it looks like well making our indoor growing area is now our top priority we've got some marbles so let's go ahead and let's just get that built we'll put the door on this side hey resistance has been broken excellent you will join us it's not optional so before we even get going on this area um obviously we want to riff this in quickly I think before I even start on this I want to go ahead and put in proper walls around it I don't want some random Raiders deciding to stop by and blow up my poor growing area actually that's all the stone we have gonna have to have forced some labor on that unfortunately but it should be it should be okay now what is the Sun what is the Sun lamp take oh just steel I thought two components well nevermind this will be fine then yeah this will be just fine go ahead and get that and then if you can please get those walls reconstructed so the replace walls thing is nice because you'll notice it doesn't actually rip the wall out it just kind of does it at the same time so you don't suddenly expose like the inside of your base to freezing temperatures or something and then all your plants die and then you're sad because that kind of a thing is terrible and that happens and nobody wants that so we're not gonna do that you know I wonder if I should just roof a bunch of this area into while I'm at it you know that'll keep snow off let's just do it don't get though get a mood penalty from being in the darkness but on the other hand at least you won't have to do without the mood are they got movement penalty from snow so go ahead and do that so while I've been in the process of not paying attention it is now really cold outside so we're gonna have to do a little more hunting here so that we can get some more leather and make another parka at least one more parka a bit more elk or something easy to kill like that we do and they're over here we could take a hunting party and go do that that'd be fine that would be um Noriko and moody yeah come over here let's come kill us milk that worked okay last time I mean it was kind of funny and Snow Leopard is hunting Noriko well this is actually just about the perfect time for that to be happening you stay right there and you back up nice shot buddy okay that was a good shot keep getting some more damage in come on shoot it leopards don't change their spots mines well that wasn't fun even by my standards I'm really sorry about that that was just that was just awful oh you're gonna consume that gander then well you know what I don't even really need to kill you then do I but I might as well like we're right here well on the other hand how long until you die on your own eight hours okay so given the way these guys shoot let's go ahead let's just go do something else all right nicely done guys you did very well so let's go ahead and let's set these to hunt the ones that are still alive which isn't many of them okay you guys let's see here you are consuming a meal you are hunting an elk instead of that how about you all this elk all the elk and where's the other dead one there's another dead one right up here go ahead and haul that one and there's one here that's dead and there may have been one more but it doesn't matter oh there's some gold there that's good to know we'll need that for the multi analyzer yeah that's cool yeah we can go ahead and we cannot finish off the Snow Leopard - I don't know what that would give us in terms of leathers it's a no Reeko yep you're butchering perfect was exactly what I'd like you to do perfect look at the meat hauled thank you very much and will this give us enough leather to make another parka I think it will I'm just gonna set this to make two more and then when you guys get to it that'll be good enough and what are you doing you're cutting cypress trees okay that's cuz I did this whole roofing thing isn't it maybe that was actually not a good idea because I actually do need this area built first so I need you guys to I finished working on that please a black hive attack okay we came across these last time these are on the best of the best designed to be much more aggressive than other insects and what do we have two scarabs and a louse okay that should be fine yeah we can handle this let's go ahead and let's set you guys to our base only policy look I got some basic setups let's close these doors we can go ahead and we can afford the steel to have these um trigger teddy why don't you come close these doors for me please they'll probably die to the traps and if not we'll just go ahead and we'll just shoot them it's no big deal and we will get actually some black insect jelly from these guys which is good that's very good stuff it's highly nutritious and it adds recreation I think something like that coming up here guys you get to come help Teddy a wacom with his club yes draw your steel club thank you come over here hopefully they'll just die on the way in and we won't have to deal with it come on bugs here's the first two don't probably both die two traps and that'll be okay one two and where's the third it's right here coming on through that's a waste of a lot of Steel but oh you know what that's not home area so that didn't get remade that bill didn't get remade I got to fix that okay any time you guys want to hit this bug before it kills caddy Teddy that would be nice okay and it's technically got cover here why don't you shift over there can you move so it moves yes go ahead come on shoot it there we go good job all right how badly injured are you not great not great at all hmm we can take care of you though in the sense that Moody will take care of you okay so bugs are totally worthless unfortunately actually I should put bug corpses out here this is my human only however I could put insect corpses out there and not in here yeah okay yeah that should be fine and let's get that home zone fixed as such and we're gonna have to go ahead and make those stupid deadfall traps again mildly annoying but not that big of a deal and have you been tended to yet you have not Moody is tending okay here we go like the last thing we need is like infections or anything right yeah we need to get those parkas done unfortunately yeah in fact I think that's gonna be our next top priority Park hasn't sought you up did you guys get all those elk or are there still a bunch of dead elk around here there's still a bunch of dead elk around here okay well moody since you're already nice and warm why don't you come let me under strict you guys and then you can go ahead and come haul one of these yep and then Noriko can stay in the base hopefully and work on things cuz she's not as warm she doesn't have a parka yet this Park is gonna turn out terrible - because Teddy's like injured but whatever Noriko what's up with this room - can you come clean this place like shouldn't you be recruiting this guy just saying oh you're gonna butcher these stupid okay whatever actually the insect chitin is pretty good stuff so I guess it's worth butchering him that's fine okay so we've got the wells replaced we just need one or two more let's see here let's just get these done and then we'll go ahead and we'll get a door put on here and then after that then we can go ahead and we can put a Sun lamp in yep and that'll be fine let's go and let's leave these doors propped open again cuz we don't need to deal with them yep very good where are you going buddy howling blocks okay yep and you're in a bad mood because you're sick mostly yeah intense pain tired yeah sorry man I promise you we're gonna work on it it's our next highest priority our next highest priority after moving these kite ins and after moving this plane leather and after moving this fur oh here's something getting killed what was that whoa hold on a third on a thermo Don got killed by the mega badger what are you well now we'll never know what do you give I have no idea we should find that out after we let the mega badger heat it Nariko actually do you mind hauling it I know it's the middle of the night and it's gonna make you sad this place is a pit in here too moody when you get up in the morning and you didn't do but let it cleaning just at least get the blood taken care of okay parkas are done looks good had to wake Noriko up from the night because she's not feeding new guy our prisoner that she's supposed to be recruiting who I notice is not being recruited I'm just saying that there could be more recruiting going on at the moment then there is okay let's see what do you give do you give chitin ah yes you get black insect chitin very good wait hold on hold on hold on this should not include insect meat okay good the hopper is already set correctly but yeah we do not need insect meat inside there I would definitely prefer you not to be wasting space with that so anytime you want to take care that would be nice okay and I think we're about ready to start planting yes yes we are Teddy how are you doing buddy getting better serious pain that's not so bad you know what we should do actually we should chop down some more trees and we should put floors and all these bedrooms wouldn't that be nice let's do that which floor did we use last time was it the vertical wooden flooring I think so go ahead and use this let's make these look a little nicer and I need to get someone turned up a little higher in um cleanings this place is a pit well I hope that honey badger doesn't decide to come kill us that could actually be a problem if it decides to attack us so let's just assume that it won't be a problem those are the best kinds of problems right okay now that it's already snowy why don't you go ahead and try to riff all this area and again it just means I'll have to come clear it off but it's better than nothing right and we have arrayed a group of pirates how many pirates do we have for pirates and what do you have you have some guns oh good thank you for bringing some weapons so should we just hang out and wait for him um let's hang out and wait for them we can hang out for a bit that's okay I'll need to wake someone up to come close these doors but that can wait until morning because they're gonna prepare anyway so hopefully the first two will die on the way in is anyone wearing a helmet you are not so the first two should die on the way in and we should be able to kill the third or a third hopefully maybe okay they're beginning their assault come close to the store please and come on over here and Teddy well I don't know come on over here I guess none of these are great options but like I said delete some traps on the way and so that'll be okay I mean I guess I could bring two rico back over here well whatever it doesn't matter just come on in like I said two of them should die two traps and the third we can probably kill quickly enough that it won't be a big deal you can see 52% snow movement because the snow is a pretty big deal we've got to clean out this whole area so we can walk through a little more easily all right one down perfect and they're fleeing perfect absolutely perfect let's open these doors why don't you come strip this guy that's alive really really really fast they gave us two pistols which is fine are you even worth capturing good lord yes yes you are I'd have to stuff you guys in the same room what's your health look like um Oh two hours I can't save you anyway so it's not even worth the effort sorry it's really not in fact we're just barely gonna get your gear yep which is a wool parka a hat oh this is great why don't you go ahead and equip the auto pistol because they kind of suck and then we'll deal with this other revolver here momentarily but this is a good point to go ahead and take a break so thanks for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 63,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Rimworld, Bog, Atoms
Id: qu5H4cYPsPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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