r/PettyRevenge - He STOLE My Dog's BALLS

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today's subredditizer slash Petty Revenge all right this one is mysteriously called the ball stalker whose balls are being stalked twice a week my hound and I like to go to my favorite dog park is it like an actual Hound because I like hounds this dog park is relatively large so I like to have my dog run his energy out by playing his all-time favorite game fetch after a long throw my 10 month old pup caught his tennis ball and came head to head with an older Shepherd mix dog who aggressively ripped the ball from his mouth now as this is relatively normal dog behavior I wasn't about to make any huge deal of anything but it is typically common courtesy to return tennis balls to their owners or at the very least not leave the dog park with another dog's toys reuniting with his owner I kindly attempted to flag them down for the ball back as it is the most efficient way to keep my dog out of Harm's Way example gratia if there is an overly aggressive dog to lead him in another Direction Etc the man did not respond but continue to ignore me and his own two dogs walking away engaged in his phone conversation with little else to do I began to follow him in hopes of asking him to retrieve the ball from his dog after he hung up the phone I tried to alert him once more shouting excuse me sir once twice three times this bloke did not respond but continued walking in the other direction half an hour later I gave up on shouting after him but rather frustrated I continued to follow him from a socially responsible distance I kept on following him until he reached a fork near the Park's entrance at which point I called my dog leashed him and began to leave to which the gentleman pursued still refusing to make contact raised up his arms in relief now I likely should have let this go at this point but something within me hung on and after driving away I looped back around to find the man and his dogs entering his car I gave him a wave and started following him once more after about 20 minutes of drive time a few abrupt turns he stopped at a liquor store and I waited from a convenient parking space on the street for about 10 minutes reading up on city laws and ordinances regarding stalking seeing me on my way out of the parking lot he peeled away like a bat out of hell and we went our separate ways maybe it's a bit much but I'll sleep soundly knowing he may be ever so slightly more paranoid aware of his surroundings and courteous to the people around him if only for a little while still I want my ball back honestly at this point that's grounds for public execution like don't don't steal dog toys especially from a dog who's playing with it it's messed up man honestly um if you're capable of doing that like stealing a toy from a puppy well that's like worse than stealing candy from a baby baby what else are you gonna do murder people probably no no you've already escalated past that uh stealing toy from puppies way worse than murder but you get my point when does it stop all right this story's called mess with my noodles here have the result I don't know if it really is petty I do feel so though so I thought I'll share it here since I really enjoy your stories I hope you enjoy mine my phone likes to mess with me please excuse any mistake it was a few days before Christmas this year we are renting from my parents they do not live here and they wanted to visit and also renovate the other empty unit they had brought my brother Brandon and his son my nephew Nate we are my partner our daughter and me I believe in boundaries also for kids no hitting or anything but kind explanations as to why in what we are doing and stuff this led to my really sweet daughter of two and a half years old stop doing things as soon as I say stop like don't touch the oven well Nate uh three and a half years old has always been kind of wild not running in the woods wild like daughter but not listening even if I shout don't touch the goddamn oven wild I think that as the bad wild so they kind of dumped nephew on me and went on renovating no problem I just had to keep both eyes on him my mother was over and wanted us too to make lunch also no problem it started only when I unpacked my noodle machine electric you add flour and water and it makes you noodles what okay part of me thinks that's blasphemy because you know I like I like seeing people make noodles by hand but I'll allow it because that sounds badass I love that thing hey okay Nate wants to play with doubt I told him there is none but if he waits a bit I will make some not good enough and this one toddler also so hasn't learned patience yet he decided to grab into the freshly made noodles no and use the dough stamps on them why that's actually upsetting me I love fresh noodles those look so cool daughter wanted to try it too but I said no don't do that to both one listened the other one looked at me and pinched the noodles harder of course they are now like a clump of dough mess with a bit of noodle texture I asked my mother to stop him from ruining the noodles while I sort it out out her answer he just wants to play Just doll I decided fudge it inmate just made some dough for them but he continued to abuse my noodles mother she is kind of one of his caretakers and I thought had more Authority than me just stood there and laughed yeah sure your lunch I just cooked the clumps as they are I did try to pry them a bit but they are fist big clumps and unsavable I just cooked them longer Brandon my father and mother complained the noodles are not as good as last time and in kilometers in summer dissolving While others are still dry on the inside I just look at Brandon and tell him complain to your son he wanted to make dough bread with my noodles I did serve my partner daughter and myself a new portion with no clumps I hate clumps nice I approve of this one edits I was away in this post exploded thanks for the rewards I will check the machine at home and then post an update and PM all those who asked if I get the chance ah edit two edit two there we go it's called gecker pasta maker fully automatic stainless steel pasta maker automatic mixing kneading and spreading whoa I compared a lot once I discovered there was such a thing like electrical pasta maker and decided for this one from Amazon but it doesn't make perfect dumpling wrapper only a long doe band but the noodles are perfect I love it I'ma buy one of these eventually not even joking I'm gonna copy and paste it into a new tab and I'm gonna just keep that tab open like forever alright this story is called revenge of the cheerleaders then us then the cheerleaders again this is a story of how Mutual escalation changed the 4th of July parade in my town forever my family lived in the first house on the parade route so we have all always gone all out for the holiday sin we are the first house on the route lots of people wanted to be in our yard we always had a big crowd of friends turn up for the day but my parents didn't believe in staking out our yard and shoeing strangers away so the huge crowd on our lawn was always a mix of friends and strangers that sounds actually pretty cool traditionally during the parade some of the floats had water pistols the little baseball teams the Boy Scouts Etc basically any float that had a bunch of kids on it had water pistols what water could make it to the side of the road would barely get you wet it would be a few drops here and there one year the High School varsity cheerleaders who always rode on top of a big fire truck thought it would be funny to bring Super Soakers and completely soak people in the crowd that's I dig it I can't remember who they got in our yard but it made my mom pretty mad the next year my older brother and sister were given their marching orders they sat on opposite sides of our front lawn looking innocuous the cheerleaders turned onto the route giant Super Soakers in hand my brother and sister were under strict orders not to fire unless fired upon so in the first cheerleader targeted someone in the crowd and started spraying both my siblings surged to their feet in their hands spray nozzles attached to garden hoses they let loose and sprayed every cheerleader on the fire truck until they were soaking wet and dripping oh again we were the first house so the cheerleaders had to ride the entire route route with wet hair and makeup running down their faces suckers the next year we had the garden hoses ready but hope the cheerleaders had learn their lesson what we had forgotten was that they were on top of a fire truck those Wiley pep experts had swayed the firemen to their cause they let loose with Super Soakers we retaliated with garden hoses and all of a sudden our entire yard was a catastrophic Deluge of water that's right they turned the fire hoses on us probably 50 people were soaked through the bone isn't that dangerous though I'm sure they could I'm sure they could limit the pressure on the water hoses right on the fire hoses right obviously right why wouldn't they that's a safety feature probably necessary anyway sorry anyway since there were always strangers on our lawn many of whom didn't know about the cheerleader War there was a lot of innocent collateral damage someone complained to the city council about an expensive ruined camera oh no the next year all water guns of every kind were banned from the parade and they've been banned ever since well fought cheerleaders no they're dummies what who thought it was a good idea to freaking turn a fire hose on a on a crowd I'm pretty like isn't that like a crowd control method though jeez poor guy's camera poor woman I know ladies could be photographers you know taking pictures of uh their their dog or food for Instagram very I know they're a talented photographers out there that are female I'm joking about the food in dog you get what I'm saying all right this story is called customer barked me out for not wanting to reopen my department to make her a pizza so I wasted her time you didn't kill her or they I don't know who it is anyway got it friendly reminder this is petty Revenge not am I the butthole and whether or not I am a jerk for this isn't really what I'm looking for here I got petty revenge against a customer who was treating me poorly if you don't like that tough I really don't care if my work ethic at a minimum wage part-time job is coming under question here well buddy sounding a little different affair I'm joking uh this is a really dumb one but it was satisfying so why not share it I'm a university student working a supermarket job that's just slightly above minimum wage it's a nice enough job and the managers and colleagues are friendly so I don't mind doing it the customers are a mixed bag though every single week without fail this old woman comes in and asks for four gluten-free pizzas with triple mushroom and triple bacon she always arrives super late into the shift normally when we are running out of ingredients or are about to close and it's usually Hit or Miss whether we have gluten-free bases in store and you had better believe she blames me when this happens I don't mind making large orders but it's pretty inconvenient especially when she comes in so late in the evening worse still she always has an attitude in his overall a nightmare to deal with I've always worked with that rule that if a customer is polite and nice to me I will return the favor and be nice back there just might mean I give them extra toppings or I'll work on the presentation a little more for them normally it just means I'll be friendlier to them similarly if a customer is being a cooter I will put the bare minimum effort into whatever task I am doing for them I finish at the same time every week 8 P.M today at about 7 15 I was closing my department had already covered the pizza ingredients put away the utensils Etc Midway through cleaning the Omega bimbo rolls up to the counter I apologize and explain that I am closing down and finish at 8pm she immediately starts complaining that she has been told we are open until 9 pm I tell her that the store is open until nine but the pizza Department closes at 8pm at the latest and as I am only working until that time I have to close everything down down an hour earlier she gets even angrier and walks off before returning maybe five seconds later after the thought of a sad pizza last night flashes through her tiny brain and she tells me something along the lines of no you have enough time stop cleaning and make me my pizzas you don't close until you've done that I argued back a little but she was getting irritable and as much as I like arguing with uh Barky customers I don't want to get in crap with my managers so I just look at her and say I'll go to the freezer and see if we have any gluten-free bases so I dip out to the warehouse knowing full well that we have bases and just chill there for maybe 10 minutes or so catch up with the warehouse team check my phone you know the rest when I feel like enough time has passed I head back and she's still waiting there with the most dead pan voice I can muster I just said we don't have any of the bases the look of anger and defeat that flashed across her face was so damn satisfying she kind of just threw her hands up before leaving and I got back to finishing cleaning up the thing is I don't mind making late orders for customers it's super inconvenient in making a late Pizza means I have to re-sanitize the services re-clean the utensils Etc but if somebody is polite to me I respect the urge for a late night pizza no I mean seven o'clock isn't really late night especially for pizza anyway sorry not the point if a customer's Gonna Be a Jerk though there's no way in hell I'm gonna make that pizza I will go out of my way to make sure they can't have it hope you enjoyed hearing about this if anything else like this happens I'll share it here so many high horses man I'm assuming because the edit at the beginning uh dude I'm I'm just gonna be real with you this guy did nothing wrong um like if we are hard to believe the okay not talking about that anyway um op I feel like he was well within his right to not make that pizza and the whole thing going to check the back to see if there's gluten-free pizza bases and they're worth but he's like nah nah have anything I can relate to that people aren't freaking robots Okay and people need to get that through their heads just because you work in the service industry doesn't mean that they're your servant you know what I'm saying they could be your server but that's not an ant okay notice ER ant different ants are small insignificant and you can squash them without any reward remorse unless you're some weird Yogi freak uh but ER like like Terminator but replace the or with an ER boom you can't disrespect the Terminator because he'll be back but you won't all right this story's called if it'll load thank you okay coffee shop Revenge I work at a coffee shop doing things any Barista would do I make coffees bus tables and deal with annoying customers lots of annoying customers One customer in particular has aggravated me enough that I have dubbed him as my arch nemesis for the sake of this story he shall be called Tad Tad orders a modified drink that no longer is on our menu at this point we just make it for him making the drink wouldn't be such a big deal if he were gracious polite or had a shred of human decency but he unfortunately is lacking in all three so I have made a point of messing with his drink every time I see him coming now I've seen stories where people will spit in the food or put other undesirable substances in the product being made what what where while these are funny oh no that's kind of scary I really don't want to do anything that could get me fired so instead I will accidentally spill chocolate syrup on the outside of his cup it's a little thing and it's really hard to prove there was any kind of malicious intent in The Spill I mean it's a coffee shop accidents happen but Tad will have chocolate syrup all over his hands and it will be mildly irritating for him the satisfaction of knowing Tad will have sticky hands is well worth our interactions I subsequently have to put up with it's the little things that make me love my job and it's spitting in or tampering with the contents of an individual's food is not funny it is a means by which disgruntled workers can find some sense of satisfaction in karmic Justice in their work I personally would not and have not ever spit in another's food and I do not recommend doing so but I can understand why an individual would choose to do so a basic moral of the story don't be a jerk to the people making your food and we will get along fine also please keep in mind this is an r slash Petty Revenge story not some wholesome sunshine sunshine and you hear that sneeze in the background and rainbows won if it sounds mean it's because I was being mean no you were being uh preemptively defensive for the next time basically and it's great don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 1,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: uMbxMpy7YL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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