r/EntitledParents - My Mom DESTROYED My Dress

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach in today's subredditizarre entitled parents this story is called a Costco pharmacy entitled mom meta certified Karen we have all met our share of Karen's but sometimes they're so obnoxious that you wonder how they've managed to get this far in life being so entitled I wish I had recorded this but I was also incredulous and didn't know what to do I was at Costco picking up a prescription at the pharmacy they have a yellow line that you are supposed to stand behind while you wait so as to give the patient privacy as they are speaking to the pharmacy assistant the line kind of directs you behind the pharmacy but it's obvious when there are people waiting no big deal right not for a Karen the cast entitled Mada whose actual name is Karen I crap you not spawn one about four Spawn Two about eight pharmacy assistant angry man Stone Urban oh department head of Pharmacy things seemed to be a bit hectic at the Costco pharmacy there was only one assistant doing the pickups and I could sense that things were busy behind the scenes an older couple in front of me were concerned about the medication and said they couldn't read so they had the assistant read the drug pamphlet to them they were there for about 10 minutes and it was a bit frustrating but what can you do but wait so I was next in line standing way back behind the yellow line there were a handful of people behind me while I was waiting I could hear a kid throwing a tantrum somewhere in the pharmacy Department the older couple was finishing up with the farm assistant and then suddenly this woman appeared between the adjacent Isles huffing and puffing her spawn one was literally gripping to her legs as she walked she showed up in such a flurry of anger you could feel the energy shift so I was careful not to make eye contact she started tapping her foot and I I was starting to wonder what she was doing there then the older couple started pushing their card away I started to walk toward the counter she wags her finger toward me it's my turn meanwhile the older couple turned back to the pharmacist they have oh I had more question I say to the entitled mother there's actually a whole line here it's my turn next the line is back there well why aren't you standing here if you're in line she says with actual air quotes as this sign says here they want us to stand back here to give the patient privacy we have all been waiting for quite some time then the older couple actually finishes up I start to try to walk in front of the entitled mother entitled mother steps in and holds her hands up towards me starts saying something to the pharmacistant this is ridiculous get to the back of the line and wait like the rest of us we all saw you get here after us wait in line ma'am they are cracked they happen waiting in line and I'm gonna have to ask you to step to the back of the line and wait oh they're gonna be fine with me going first she summons her other spawn spawn 2 appears from one of the aisles looking content then entitled mother says Hani and snaps her fingers Spawn Two out of nowhere foreign [Music] and start stomping sobbing and screaming as loud as possible look at us I'm sure you want me to go first so I can get this child away from you did you teach her to do that am I actually witnessing this did you just signal to your child to start screaming get to the back of the line nope my kid needs to go to bed I'll be quick and then I'll leave with my kids and you can talk to the pharmacist in peace you'll understand when you have children one day ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to cooperate or I will call security security security my child is tired and hungry you're gonna call Security on my poor child this is ridiculous let me talk to your manager I can't believe we're being treated like this my children are tired uh crap we got ourselves a Karen everyone entitled mother spins on her heels and Stomps closer what did you just say how do you know my name tell me now young man how do you know my name wait you your actual name is Garrett you can't write this crap man I start laughing the angry man behind me starts snickering Stoner bro is laughing this has become a comedy sketch ma'am I'm calling security we have several patients to get through and you're being disruptive I see her pop into the other side and say something to whom I assume to be a pharmacist now entitled mother totally flips her feces my children need to get home just let me get my prescription and leave do you know how much money I spend here do you know how long I've been a member she pulls a card from her pocket look at that look she snaps her fingers right yeah remember since 2012 2012. can you read that for seven years I've spent an exorbitant amounts of money here you do not want me to take my business elsewhere department head pharmacist appears what's the issue here folks this woman here great yeah yeah I need to make a complaint I've been waiting patiently than all these people are trying to get me to go to the back of fine my children I'm patient and hungry and I need to get going and this woman he is being difficult and I'd like to report her the management to be reprimanded I just want to get my prescription and I will leave she cut in front of everyone ma'am I just dealt with you over there when you dropped off your prescription we told you it would be an hour it wasn't you it was someone else that racial slur there and I don't care go back and fill my prescription my kids screaming and tired by this point the kids were literally doing nothing but then heard her say this and started screaming lacklusterly I have Security on their way he turns to me how about pharmacist and helps you here excuse me I am voiced I demand you get my prescription I am a paying customer so are all these people your prescription won't even be finished for another hour and you are going to be escorted out of here for disrupting the store security shows up Mom I'm gonna need you to come with me you're being rude and disrespectful let's go sort this out privately my rights I am leaving to get a refund for my membership you people will never see a dime from me again and storms off as security follows her but Karen then I proceeded to finally go to the counter and get my prescription apologizing to the farm assistant on behalf of Karen the pharmacist tells me quietly that she's dealt with her before but she's never been that bad and yes the kids cry on demand I hear angry man behind me saying that he sincerely hopes they call Child Services because those poor kids are being taught to be brats Stoner bro just laughs and says I can't believe we all been a Karen in the wild what a trip wow that's okay I I feel bad for those kids but honestly you have to admire she made them cry on command she knew what she was doing wow um okay well obviously bad woman very bad woman horrible mother obviously but you gotta admire that that's some strategy right there this story's called my extra extra extra large mother thought she could fit into my medium shirt so I grew up being underweight 162 centimeters tall 50 kilograms then I went to America for 12 months I came home with the 15 extra kilograms weight gained and it was super traumatizing the first thing that my adopted mom said when she saw me oh my God you're a giant now while she had her quadruple XL body squeezed in a 2XL top and some pants that showed the line of her underwear maybe be pretty like your cousin I still remember this because I just got back home and she instead of welcoming me made comments about my weight my face and everything anyways a few months later I managed to lose 5 kilograms but I was never big when I gained weight either however my adopted mom would fit me into these quadruple XL clothes so I felt like I was too big for medium clothes but that's not what my adopted mom saw she thought I was the same size as her so she'd keep donating her ginormous clothes to me then I found this one shirt that she previously owned it's a brown top with satin fabric the buttons are aligned perfectly its shape is for professional social Gatherings however it was a medium size so I didn't know if I could fit into it at all I thought I was as big as those people on my 600 pound life I tried it fitted it looked great for once I looked like a normal human being and not a drug dealer wannabe with the clothes I had been wearing my adopted mom saw me wearing it but didn't say anything she just looked at me then walked away I asked her if I could keep it and she nodded a couple of weeks passed by and I was on a trip with my current partner I got back home to get ready for the new semester at the University then I saw that shirt here's the cast my adopted mother my grandmother and me uh grandma what happened to this I don't know kiddo looks broken though it is broken the buttons are missing and the underarm sleeves are kaput did the washer do this I don't think the washing machine could have done that either ask your mother so I took the shirt and asked my mother what is it now this shirt is ruined wear it properly next time then I was gone for weeks and didn't take it with me well it is only you who wears that chat I doubt it so I asked her if she still wanted it obviously didn't fit me what do you mean it's broken can't you see yeah and I'm wondering why it's broken it didn't fit me duh so you wore it then she went quiet obviously I wore it because we're the same size you're even bigger so it should fit me if it fit your quadruple XL body I went quiet I look looked at her and just face pawned really I mean how is a medium going to fit on a quadruple XL body this was the first time I actually noticed how freaking delusional my adopted mother was and is the top got wrecked by her and she was pretty flabbergasted as to how it was destroyed when she worked F my life that top could never be replaced it was the only piece of clothing that made me look like a human being this story is called entitled dad demands used car be given to his son instead of serious buyers I'm relaying this story as told to me by my friend a mechanic trying to help out his brother as he encounters an entitled dad we'll call him the mechanic in the story the mechanic's brother recently got a new job to get to this job every day he borrowed his father-in-law's car he did not know how long he would be able to use the car and didn't have the money to buy his own the mechanic offered to find a cheap car fix it up and give it to his brother who might pay him back someday in the future the first person the mechanic checked with was his boss the boss owned and managed the shop the mechanic worked at and had a side business fixing up and flipping cars he saw the mechanic a 98 Toyota Corolla at cost that still needed to be fixed up for six hundred dollars the mechanic told his brother that a car was on the way and started fixing it up he spent 175 dollars on the parts bringing the total cost to 775 dollars with the car fixed and ready the brother informed his father-in-law that he would be returning the borrowed car the father-in-law had a surprise his intention all along was to give the car to him as a gift he was waiting for his daughter's fast approaching wedding anniversary to announce it he had no knowledge of the mechanic's efforts to this point the mechanic told his boss he would be willing to buy it back at 775 dollars but then the labor would be for nothing the boss convinced him to try to sell the car himself he listed the car at eleven hundred dollars knowing he would be haggled down and received quite a few inquiries only two were interested enough to come out to see the car he scheduled them on the same day an hour apart the time for the first showing came and went with no one showing up the mechanic assumed they were no longer interested and waited for the second appointment right on time for the second showing two men arrived the mechanic greeted them and they immediately started discussing the car they talked about mileage reliability the work done on the car all the normal stuff then they went on a test drive enter the entitled Dad when the potential buyers returned from the test drive with the mechanic there was a car full of people waiting for them a man got out of the car from the driver's seat the mechanic approached him before he could speak the man said where the hell have you been the mechanic was shocked and you are we had an appointment that was over an hour ago the mechanic replied he assumed the man was referring to the earlier appointment a teenage boy emerged from the passenger seat is that my car daddy the teen asked yes son it will be soon the mechanic was somewhat dumbfounded he looked at the car that the entitled dad and his son had arrived in and saw a woman and two small children in the back seat it looked like they were keeping their heads down the teen approached the car for sale as the two potential buyers that had just test drove it moved away one of them on his phone it's around Rusty the teen said while pointing to a rough spot on the passenger door yeah it looks pretty crappy entitled dad turned to the mechanic does this piece of sushi even run you saw us arrive in it and you saw the rust spot in the photos not worth the asking price those other guys were on time so you can wait if you scheduled two showings at the same time no you were late the mechanic turned away to talk to the potential buyers hurry entitled dad exclaimed forget those guys I will give you 550 in cash one of the potential buyers laughed the entitled dad amused him the mechanic continued to face away from entitled Dad if you're not serious about this just leave he said while walking toward the potential buyers entitled dad's son got in the car and sat in the driver's seat hey the mechanic knew that they left the key in the ignition the next moment the engine rumbled to life and the Teen sat back in the seat with his hands on the steering wheel hey the mechanic yelled again and ran to the driver's side door which was still open he reached in and shut the car off taking the keys get out daddy the teenager called out it creeped the mechanic out how the teenage boy kept calling his father Daddy are you okay son entitled dad glared at the mechanic he's trying it out no he's not take your kid and leave the teen ran from the car and leaned against his father's side with an exaggerated sad face he's just a kid entitled dad explained he wants a car so give him the car and he'll get your 550. we'll take it the potential buyer who was on his phone a moment ago called out making sure that everyone could hear him we'll pay what we agreed to they had not agreed to anything yet but the mechanic jumped on his chance for an out sorry you've been outbid 550 is way too low anyone who pays more for this piece of sundress is a entitled dead roughly grabs his son's wrist and practically throws him into their car without another word he drives off one of the potential buyers could not hide his amusement and kept laughing the other smiled at the mechanic we really do want the car he said not that booty hole is gone we can talk about the price if you agree to 980 we can give that to you in cash right now the mechanic agreed making a 200 plus profit okay what was that story I'm very concerned I'm was was the teenage boy his sugar baby or something that's the only explanation what don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 2,875
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: tE8crRB4VFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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