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what's up everyone my name is blue and we are back with some more malicious compliance posts following the rules to make people look like fools if you haven't yet please consider subscribing to the channel and with that let's get into it be quiet don't speak just take a seat and don't say a word okay no problem i was talking to a friend of mine in a chat room and he said i should 100 share it a little backstory this takes place late 2014 pretty fresh out of university my first real job post-graduation i landed a junior position for a construction firm putting up the condos around the greater toronto area at the peak of the condo boom i was lucky enough to be assigned to the lead safety team and the lead engineer was my direct supervisor the company i was working for had just scored a huge contract to re-engineer fix the balconies glass on several condo buildings in the downtown area all managed by the same management company the reason is the glass they used on the balconies had a tendency to randomly shatter sending thousands of tiny pebble-sized shards of glass raining down 10 to 35 stories the official reason was a manufacturing defect the real reason was prioritizing form over function the company that built the buildings didn't factor in all the vibration from the high winds and heat from the city and the solution was literally five centimeters of rubber a thicker shatterproof tempered glass and millions of dollars but with that out of the way i was employed in the safety department we had a difficult time with the design slash art department they cared about form over function and safety we were at the tail end of a project and about to break ground on a condo development two 35-story buildings surrounded by townhomes just off the lakeshore unfortunately to the art department's dismay we had to add in a wind wall right where the building was situated it was a high wind zone because the lake effect wind and the highway there was this wind tunnel that would pass the back road of the building and a wind at a hundred kilometers plus is enough to knock you off your feet but the design department hated it and thought it was ugly and cost sales after months of back and forth between the two departments my boss set up a meeting with the design department and put me in charge of doing the presentation the new junior engineer because in all honesty it was just not an important thing it was just to get them off our backs well it comes to the day of the presentation and i show up a little bit early to set up and i go find the boss of the department i had never met the man before well i get to his desk and try to introduce myself i was met with a be quiet we're waiting for one of the dummies from upstairs um but just be quiet don't say a word and take a seat so that's what i did i text my boss and explained what happened and he just said wait don't say a word just wait so i did 20 minutes pass and you can see the boss getting visibly agitated another 20 minutes pass and the man is seething with rage and makes a call my boss texts me and he says the guy is going to call you in a few minutes you have permission to say what you want well i am sitting in the dead silent meeting area the boss makes a big spectacle of coming out and saying everyone be quiet i'm going to call this dummy and see what's the holdup well my phone starts to ring and i answer before the guy says a thing i spoke i am sorry i can't talk right now i am trying to start a meeting but some dummy won't let me and hung up the man's face went red he didn't stay around for the meeting he went to try to chew my boss out it didn't work and the meeting went off with no problems and well it ended that issue with the design department i only stayed at that job for about a year until my boss recommended me for a better job lead safety at a different company i stayed with them until last year i decided to do my own thing so this boss man is waiting on somebody to come in from a different department see someone who i would assume they didn't recognize from their own department and immediately tells them to sit down and shut up because they're waiting for some random person to show up okay smart move there champ no swear words allowed on a tombstone well i am a headstone designer years ago a gentleman came to the shop looking to buy a grave marker for himself he was in good health just getting his affairs in order ordering a headstone pre-need is a good decision for a few reasons including the fact that you can choose what goes on it our client wanted us to engrave something pretty crude i can't remember the exact phrasing but it included an f word and would definitely cause some backlash in my small town the cemetery not surprisingly rejected our proposal i'm willing to engrave whatever my client wants on a stone but we're constrained by the graveyard's regulation no inappropriate images or wording should appear on the memorial bummer [Music] we found a workaround we engraved the scandalous epitaph on the bottom side of the stone that way nobody had to know what was under there and my customer could read it and laugh for all eternity see right there you need a clause in your will that somebody will go over and tip over your headstone like once twice a month just to you know get the message out there i mean i'm sure after the fact the cemetery would have something to say about it still especially if someone knocked it over but uh what are you gonna do deny the dude's last wishes after the fact i don't think so just put the headstone back up and wait for it to get knocked over again well they had to feed us the school lunch many many moons ago i was in high school in a small town in the central u.s we had an open campus meaning we could leave for lunch and a popular lunchtime event was to go to mcdonald's in a larger nearby town we had a 45-minute lunch period and in 45 minutes you could drive to mickey d's go through the drive-through and stuff your face on the way back of course there was also a school cafeteria however this cafeteria wasn't actually at the high school it was at the middle school and it served the middle school high school and an elementary school busing students in to eat their lunch my senior year the administration set up a new schedule and one thing that it did was shorten the lunch period by five minutes maybe not a big deal for some but the folks that drove to mcdonald's you could do it in 45 minutes you could not do it in 40. they complained it fell on deaf ears so someone and i really wish it had been me came up with a brilliant idea eat at the school cafeteria so suddenly where about 30 percent of the high school students ate at the cafeteria that number nearly doubled the effect of this was that the elementary school who ate after the high school had to stand and wait because the cafeteria schedule was based on how many students they expected to show up so we are eating in the cafeteria and then nearly a hundred kindergarteners are just standing outside waiting to come in there wasn't anything the cafeteria could do they just didn't have the capacity for more students and there wasn't anything the school could do because they can't tell us not to eat at the cafeteria they're legally obliged to provide a lunch to the students that want one it was very effective and they restructured the high school schedule less than two weeks into the year to add those five minutes back so that they didn't have dozens of hungry five-year-olds you would think that somebody in the school would figure out that like only 30 of the high school actually ate lunch at school and kind of factored that in i mean was that five minutes really that crucial i feel like it was more crucial that the high school students left you don't mess with a high school student's mickey d's you just don't that's like the holy grail once you can drive you can finally go to mickey d's on your own and then you order too much from the dollar menu and you really really regret it and that's all the time we have today for these malicious compliance stories if you liked any of the stories make sure to click that like button and if you have anything to say about them let us know in the comments down below also make sure to click that bell and subscribe so you don't miss out on any more stories thanks for listening everyone catch you later you
Channel: Life Stories
Views: 471
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: stories, reddit stories, life stories, r/, reddit, maliciouscompliance, r/maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, comedy, funny reddit, reddit posts, malicious, compliance, reddit story, funny reddit stories, r/MaliciousCompliance Workers, r/maliciouscompliance boss, r/MaliciousCompliance big boss, manager, r/MaliciousCompliance pay, boss, r/prorevenge boss, Workers, Car, Paying, Fines
Id: 2u_XoZvSuWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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