r/idontworkherelady | The Baby Boomer Boss You All Fear.

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hey everyone and welcome to story time my name is Jake and today we are gonna be looking at the subreddit our such I don't work here lady where people tell us their craziest stories on when they got mistaken for being an employee as somewhere they didn't work if you know around here please do hit subscribe down below so that you never miss out on another video but for now let's sit back relax and enjoy some reddit stories I quit over a month ago please stop texting me the first summer out of high school I got a job at the only place that was hiring near me dunking donors it wasn't a bad job I actually quite liked it and was getting paid enough at least eighteen year old me thought that I had been there about six months when I approached my manager asking for some days off for a family vacation I was greeted with a oh that won't be a problem the company is actually selling this store the day before bed so you actually won't have a job anymore both great news and not great news at the same time about a month goes by and I a day away from my vacation go in for my last shift which is also the last day the store should be there as I walk in the door cheery for my vacation my manager lets me know I'm scheduled for every single day I'd be in vacation no there must be some mix-up the store is closing and I asked you for those days off I said over and over to which she wasn't having it so I quit straight up took off my apron put it on her desk and told her I was quitting I thought that would be the end of it on my too long of a drive to where I was going on vacation I was bombarded with calls from both my manager and the district manager letting me know I was late for my shift and in trouble I let them all go to voicemail a few days goes by and I stopped receiving calls that seemed to be the end of it about a month later I get a text from an old co-worker whose number had since been deleted from my phone the conversation went hey do you think you can cover my shift on X Day a text I'm sorry I don't work at that store anymore and actually have a new job that I'll be at that day sorry good luck finding someone else to cover you oh about a week goes by and they text me again hey don't forget you're covering my shift tonight like I already told you I don't work there anymore and won't be covering your shift you never said that you lying POS you better come cover my shift I don't give a heck if you don't work here anymore you said you'd cover it and a slew of other rude and very angry texts I blocked her number and carried on like nothing had happened and the last I heard that store had long been torn down good riddance what planet are you living on if you don't understand oh I quit and then you still go on to say oh you're working this shift good like now uh putting me on the schedule doesn't mean that I have to work for you again when I was in my senior year of high school I started working at a local family-owned restaurant my boyfriend was working there before me it was only my third ever job but I could tell that the place wasn't very professional the pay was under the table and the schedule would constantly change there were times where they would add me to the schedule on the day they wanted me to come in I would typically see next week scheduled on Saturday sometimes I would be listed as off for Tuesday but get a call that day saying that I was added to the schedule that morning and that I need to come in the family would always be getting into drama with each other and screaming so loud that the customers would get uncomfortable eventually I decided that I needed a job that had more of a professional environment where I could also get more hours I applied and got in somewhere and gave my two weeks notice I worked at the new place for a few months before I had to quit as they stopped working with my school schedule completely I didn't immediately start looking for a new job because I still live at home and I had several thousands in savings to keep me going plus my classes were getting really tough and I needed more time for homework and studying my boyfriend was still working at the restaurant at the time and one of the waitresses part of the family that owned the restaurant will call her Lindy asked him how I was liking the new job he told them that I had to quit because they couldn't work with my class scheduled Deb told him that I could always come back to work at the restaurant if I needed to and he told her he would let me know maybe a month goes by and he asks me if I had been in contact with the owner I'll call her Deb I said no and asked him why he would ask that he told me that apparently she thought I was working at the restaurant again because she added me to the schedule we both started laughing because she had no reason to think I was working there Lindy must have told Deb but I didn't have a job so she took the opportunity to put me on the schedule without even contacting me my boyfriend decided to just pretend that he didn't see my name on the schedule because it wasn't his problem the day I was scheduled to work comes and he is working as well Lindy asks him where I am and he just says Opie doesn't work here and she says but you told me she wanted to come back he never said anything of the sort and tried to explain that to her but she stuck to her guts they eventually found someone to cover the shifts that they had me down for but I'm still amazed that they didn't even have contact with me for months yet they still put me on the schedule but even if she wanted to come back they still should contact her before I but that's the stupidest thing I've heard the baby boomer bossed you all fear I was the tech girl for a crazy baby boomer boss Deborah who believed that if she typed in her password incorrectly and it asked for again the government was spying on her and we had to shut down everything all of the computers in the office I got paid by the hour and she wouldn't listen to the explanations so fine I did everything technology related for her for two years but this story you need to know I built her website I gave her a three month notice of when I was leaving because it was a small business and me leaving would be a huge hit three months was for her to find a new tech person and cope with losing me emotionally she was extremely attached she wanted to write me into the will and I was the daughter she never had etc I empathized with her but she was an extremely toxic person I leave on the expected day and she has done zero interviews for a new tech person in the first weeks of my leave I would take her calls but she still owed me over a thousand dollars and was asking me to just pop in grab $60 and fix something up since I was already there I accepted once fully realizing this would be her method of getting free work out of me but needed the money and declined ever since the fun part one month out and I'm getting non-stop calls multiple a day from my old boss she seems to have forgotten I had quit voicemails range from a cooing voice saying okay sweetie this is a fun vacation but I can't wait for you to get back to a high stress and annoyed okay this isn't funny the website is crashing the guy on the phone doesn't know what to do you have to come back here and fix this and make a new one while you're at it for another company I have call me back now I almost thought that I didn't properly tell her I was quitting but I did so on this day while at my new job I'm getting the chain calls from the Deb Starr my ex-boss Deborah I can't take them since I'm in a meat so I silenced my phone then my mother calls I think either it's an emergency or Debbie broke my rule important to note while I worked there she called my mother for information on me when I was 10 minutes late a phone number she shouldn't have had and probably stole from me I told her that as a professional if she ever contacted my parents again it would be the last she heard of me no warning I step out of the meeting to take my mother's call she says what I expect that Debbie is looking for me and I tell her to block the number and avoid all unknown calls another less than morally upstanding tendency of the Deb Starr I refuse to pick up any more calls I put her ringtone on silence and all the messages get progressively more psycho eventually they stop and today I live Debbie free thank God I'm telling you it's these lazy Millennials that always on vacation and everything shows baby boomers we know everything mum wants me to pull her child out of class I don't work at this school for context my mom teaches special education kindergartens and I volunteer in her room specifically every Friday because I get out of my high school at noon on Fridays and the elementary school doesn't get out until 4:00 I'm 17 with a baby face and there's absolutely no way this lady could read the loud visitor sticker on my shirt I was running some papers for my mom to the main office so I could make photocopies of something and turn in other things to the front desk while turning in the papers I was chatting with my aunt who also works at the school in the main office she doesn't handle visitors with the school that's a different desk her desk is in the back in walks rude lady my aunt gets up to go room the papers I gave to her wherever they need to go and rude lady snaps her fingers at me excuse me I called an hour ago I need to pick up my daughter oh sorry I don't work here but I can find you miss main desk lady no no no I need to pick up my daughter now it's very important I keep trying to explain that I am NOT an employee and cannot take her to get her child nor can I call the classroom to have her daughter come into the office I tell her that I'm sorry and aunt or miss main desk lady will be back shortly I'll go grab someone from the break room she seems relatively okay with that answer until I come back without a person to help her she doesn't quite lose it but she's being very rude at this point where is someone that can help me I couldn't find any office staff miss main desk lady might be in the restroom it won't be long until someone can help you I tried to leave but she stood in front of the door I'm not sure why because there's more than one exit but she seemed extra angry when I just turned around grabbed my photo coffees and laughed I'm sure she got her daughter eventually because when I went back to the office to use the staff restroom volunteers are allowed to use she was gone and both my aunt and miss main desk lady were there and nobody else was in there awesome entitled parents I don't work here lady cross over oh that's always the worst job keep scheduling well beyond time that I quit a few years back I was waiting tables at one of those places where you could easily pay all your bills and plus some working three to four shifts a week because I had so much downtime and would do things like have random road trips if I had many days off I decided it would be a good idea to get a second job I ended up taking a job working at a hotel waiting tables for breakfast surprisingly Hotel breakfast servers in nice hotels can make decent money this might be a good time to mention that they had to hire breakfast people because existing staff just wouldn't show up if scheduled anyway it's a mess from the beginning they're trying to do team service during breakfast which was unnecessary and confusing to guests more than once I'd show up and be the only front waiter the person who actually takes the order and talks to guests with three people whose only job it is to keep drinks full who would have a fit every time I salt alcohol it's a drinking City any people want booze for breakfast and another three whose only job was to clear and reser completely unacceptable on a Saturday morning in a full hotel eventually I was over a and turned in my two weeks notice the schedule comes out for the week after I'm supposed to be done and I'm on it I talked to the manager and remind him that I turned in my notice and I'm scheduled past my last day I agreed to work that week but that's their next schedule same thing same conversation third week rolls around and I'm over it I remind all managers that my last day was two weeks ago and advised them to look at the schedule I didn't show up for any of the shifts that week so I assumed the matter was closed fast forward two weeks later now seven weeks after I turned in my notice and five weeks after what was supposed to be my last day my phone is ringing off the hook at 7 a.m. it's one of the managers they're desperate and trying to call me in I remind him that I quit over a month earlier turns out that not a single front waiter showed up and the small army on the floor was incapable of doing anything beyond pouring a coffee or grabbing a juice things I told them about as part of my reason for leaving I just told him sorry I don't work there and it's not my problem and hung up never heard from them again after that hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories think you can do so by joining the discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon
Channel: Life Stories
Views: 73,905
Rating: 4.888545 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, rslash, idont, work, here, lady, idonrworkherelady, r/idont, r/work, r/here, r/lady, reddit idontworkherelady, rslash idontworkherelady
Id: SKgtVdDTz7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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