r/idontworkherelady | "I HAVEN'T WORKED HERE IN 20 YEARS!"

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hey everyone and welcome to story time my name is Jake and today we are gonna be looking at the subreddit our such I don't work here lady where people tell us their craziest stories on when they got mistaken for being an employee as somewhere they didn't work if you know rant if please do hit subscribe down below so that you never miss out on another video but for now let's sit back relax and enjoy some reddit stories woman threatens to have me fired from a store I don't work out for some context I work at a pretty popular grocery store in the Midwest that's based out of Iowa now when I say popular I mean popular the town I lived in though if this grocery store as the best grocery store in the county for the third year in a row and this store opened in 2015 my uniform consisted of a red polo with the company name embroidered in white black dress pants and black shoes now to the story this happened last night I had just gotten off work was still in my work uniform on my way home when I realized I forgot to get groceries after I clocked out instead of turning around and going back to the store I decided to stop by Walmart since it was on the way back to my apartment and I only needed two things I go into Walmart pretty tired from my nine hour shift I work in a floral department and since it's Homecoming season I spent my entire shift wrapping flowers and making corsages and all that fun stuff it was very busy that day and go to look for some bread to make french toast in the morning I'm standing in front of the bakery looking for the right type of bread for a few minutes when I felt a tap on my shoulder and someone sighing heavily when I turned around I saw her Karen she had the haircut the makeup the everything can I help you I've been standing here for minutes waiting for you to help me and you're just looking at you are terrible at your job now help me find the toilet paper ma'am I don't work here I work at a different store down the road I'm just a customer Karen pauses for a second and looks at my shirt before huffing in my direction you're lying that store would never have someone like you working for them take me to the toilet paper now at this point I'm starting to lose my patience it's been a long day and I really did not want to deal with her attitude ma'am if I did work here why would I be wearing the uniform of their number-one competitor in town so you can get away with being a piece of lazy trash of work but I won't stand for that I'm getting your manager whatever lady Karen storms off with her car and I carry on with my shopping I grab the bread I needed and a gallon of milk I'm about to go to the checkout lane when I see Karen come barreling towards me with a manager in tow her that is the worker who's being very rude and isn't doing her job fire her the manager gives me a confused look noticing my polo that has the company name of the store I work at ma'am this girl doesn't work here I've never seen her before and I know all the workers on my night crew and it's pretty obvious that she doesn't work here considering she has a polo for another grocery store you both are liars is this how you treat your paying customer I'm never shopping here again the wild Karen storms off and the manager apologizes to me for the trouble and ended up giving my two groceries to me for free considering what just happened the only reason I'm posting this now is because this morning before I went to my college class I stopped by my store to cash a check at customer service and I told my coworker about the story the best part about this story I had a feeling in my gut and asked to see the list of banned customers from our store guess whose picture was at the top of the list Kara apparently there were three recorded times where she left carts of frozen or cold products in front of the restaurant connected to the store containing hundreds of dollars worth of product for hours and then just left the store without paying Fran I'm talking about expensive steaks crab legs Lobster large cheese cakes milk etc all of this product had to be thrown away because it was no longer safe for consumption after the third time of this happening she was banned from my store I guess I'm lucky even though she knows where I work she can't legally enter the store alright I'm taking bets on how long it'll take her to actually get banned from the warmer as well she's gonna do the exact same thing and she's gonna get banned from everywhere I haven't worked here in 20 years I can't help you over the weekend I visited my old neighborhood about a two-hour trip I said hello to friends family etc I then decided to walk over to a retail store where I had my first job in 1999 I was a stock boy about 21 I'm 40 now the small store has changed here and there new management new sales girls hair in there and so forth I wasn't expecting anyone to recognize me but sure enough someone did and we gave each other a big hug she's an older lady in her 60s or so a real sweetheart we were catching up while she was tending to the lady section occasionally grubbing items from an open box and hanging them on hangers I noticed after the second time of her walking too far to where the box was put down by an actual employee I said oh here let me bring that closer there I picked up the box and brought it over to her she thanked me and we continued to chat and tell a couple around the same age as the sales lady I'd been catching up with start asking me questions about items in the men's section I could clearly see that the men's section had changed significantly over the years different brand names and searched from what I used to inventory 20 years ago I was not familiar with these brands or designs or whatever before I could even speak my friend the sales lady chimes end Oh miss he doesn't work here the customer lady says oh isn't he one of the managers I saw you two talking and he was helping you ma'am I haven't worked here in 20 years I couldn't possibly help I then turned to the sales lady is the old manager around tonight oh no my love he hasn't worked here in four years our manager is a guy I've never heard of oh wow okay hmm I'm scanning the store I then lock eyes with the salesgirl in the men's section I turned to the sales lady friend hey wait a minute is that Karen yes there was a sales girl named Karen I knew her when she first started the job almost a year after I did she was a teenager then so by now had to be in her early to mid 30s very attractive blonde not at all like the evil Karen's you read about in other subs me to the customer lady see that girl over there she can help you find what you need Karen saw I was pointing to her eye wave but I found out later that she doesn't quite remember me but we had a nice two-minute awkward chat wall the lady customer looks over at Karen and turns to me and says okay thank you are you sure you don't work here I chuckle a bear and respond I'm positive that sales lady and I worked together a very long time ago we were just catching up that's all the couple walks away and the sales lady and I face each other honey I'm sorry about that ha it's okay that could have turned out a lot worse what do you mean I pull out my phone and load up the ready app and reply with there's a little something I want to read to you the next few minutes are breezing through a few I don't work here lady stories got a few oh my goodness and what a crazy out of my dear old friend it was getting close to closing time so I gave the sales lady a hook and a kiss and left the old star in more capable hands wait what a wholesome story with a Karen in it as well times are changing I'm telling you she doesn't work here but I do I'm a bartender at a small restaurant some hobby nonsense of an old boom a couple but it keeps the lights on and it's been getting better for a while it's near the end of the night around quarter past one the place is dead we have one regular but nobody else most of the staff are looking busy or goofing off one girl standing up front and her little sister's shown up to hang out with her a bear and get some food she's given her order to her sister front but she hasn't sat down she's just by the front entrance because reasons she wanted her food directly in a box we don't normally do but the employees sometimes take a meal home like that the actual employee there ducks into the kitchen once they finish their conversation like she couldn't bear to talk to her sister for one more second and she's gone quite a while then they show up 45 minutes before we close of course why would they ever not see we have these two regulars an old boomer couple we just call him and her or equivalent that are extremely awful to deal with they don't show up often but they look for any excuse to complain because the husband used to be the onus pasta and both the owner and his wife think the world of them read they treat their staff like slaves get free food half the time and never tip so of course they walk right past the girl sit down and glare at her she kinda shrugs back and he gorks for a moment before telling her to get a move on you want off yet I didn't hear what she said to her husband but I'm guessing something about kids these days all the young teenager up front dead was look around confused he repeated himself you are you high get our menus and she did err she made that mistake she got their menus and then told them I don't work here I'm just waiting for my order of course she didn't believe her don't give me that I see you serving here all the time I start making my way over but the girl tries to explain no my sister works here I'm 14 he rolls his eyes not your sister you I'm not blind I know owner's wife left early today but you can't weasel your way out of serving us so if the 14 and 19 year old look-alike - who is that a compliment and - who is that in Seoul this is when I arrived getting scales from both of them they really don't like me excuse me this is waitress names little sister her big sister is in the kitchen right now getting her order and will not be serving you tonight I was adamant about that the way they've treated her before was unacceptable and if I had my way they'd never be back one of the other servers should be able to take your order though quickly a waiter does arrive and take their order having apparently just noticed what's happening up front but while he was ordering she was being herself why do you keep defending her she's lazy and can't do her job I don't get a chance to answer but one this is not the same girl - you're unacceptably awful - the girl you're thinking of and three I hate you about this point the girl's sister shows up with her box and quickly holds her away from them I was disappointed she was only confused not embarrassed she might be incapable of feeling shame I look her dead in the eyes and tell her have a nice meal buzz closed due to excess paperwork I then went to play solitaire I had no paperwork left there wasn't much to begin with I just was not willing to serve them if I could avoid air they eat and leave with no further incident not five minutes before we closed several staff members had to stay late because of them and so did I to help out a bear and lock the place up that's all right what I want to know is it was 1:15 a.m. I presume because it said it's near the end of the night but what kind of person goes for a meal at 1:15 I don't understand is that a thing that actually happens or is this just like really weird old guy at supermarket asks me where the baby shampoo is so this just happened today I was leaving work and needing a few things so I went to the supermarket I'm in the shampoo aisle with my cart of goodies and I'm looking for the shampoo I use there's an old man there about in his 60s also look it I grabbed a can of shaving cream I'm needing as well before he asks if I know where the baby shampoo is I tell him my dome but he might want to try Walmart in their baby section he tells me he can't seem to find there and he needs it for his dog I'm a dog groomer so my ears perk up for your dog yes the vet said I should try it does she have dry skin or something no I just like to keep her clean and give her baths she likes baths you know that can dry out her skin yes that's why the vet said baby shampoo okay so we've come full circle I tell him again I don't know about here but warm-up should have it in there baby section I then tell him I don't know much about human shampoos but I know a bit about dog shampoos as I'm a dog groomer he looks surprised and we start talking about his dog and my dog he says he takes her to a nearby park and she is small so she'll stop to smell where all the other dogs have peed on the side of the paths and get all messy with pee on her feet and legs I tell him he might want to try dog wipes or baby wet wipes and use those for a quick wipe down to get the pee off and that it worked for my old dog when she would pee on herself we then showed each other pictures of our dogs and then started to talk about where I work and he also asks me if I know anything about Hawks flying off with dogs I tell him it's only the really super small dogs like chihuahuas your keys and Maltese that would be able to be lifted off the ground he had a min pin pretty good size 13 pounds he then tells me he would feel so awful if it happened to her so he stands outside vert to finish going potty he then says she is the only family he has laughed his wife passed away last December from a very serious illness that cost him 24/7 care for her he said everything else around him started falling apart like his house he needs to get it fixed up it's just him and his dog I said I'm sorry and started feeling bad for him I told him he reminded me a lot of my grandpa in looks and his mannerism he then joked and was like how old is that I told him he was in his 60s and he was like oh good I was hoping you wouldn't say 70s I then told him my grandpa plays poker and if he did he only plays online not in person so it probably wouldn't suit him I then tell him he also owns property and fixes it up for residents and that's when he tells me about the state of his house he goes on to say retirement hasn't getting quite bored from owning a business to do nothing I tell him that's how my grandpa was to with owning computer stars - then retiring and not feeling air so he started buying and renting out property he understood that at this point I'm just trying to get him a social life with people his own age don't know if my grandpa would be too keen on air but if the guy played poker IRL then maybe a new poker buddy after talking for quite a bit in this tiny aisle with everyone going around us sorry people he then says that he has to buy dog food shortly and his vet told him a brand I tell him to be careful as some brands people are finding bugs in their when they opened and maybe a wet dog food would be better than the bags he was shocked but thanked me for the warning and then said if he sees me he'll say hi he gave me his name and I gave him mine he then asks if maybe some time I want to go get coffee and just chat I'm a bit hesitant mostly because I don't drink coffee and he sees this and goes of course you don't have to I'm sure you're busy with your boyfriend I just laugh and tell him now we then part ways and I start thinking to myself he's just lonely he has no family left and it's just him and his dog I'm probably one of the only few people he's had an actual conversation with in a while it then reminded me of retirement homes that migrated Crump I was in before he passed we would all constantly go over to visit him my family told me that the old folks in homes like this a lot of the times their families would just put them here and forget about them that makes me sad to think about it made me sad to think about this old guy has no one left and is just all alone with his dog as his only companion I wouldn't mind taking him up on his offer if it just meant he needed human company for a bear so yeah not a horrible story just a sad one and it all started with someone asking if I knew where the baby shampoo was I feel so bad for that guy I really want them to like me up and then bring the grump our log even if they don't get along maybe their grandpa has more friends that they could introduce them to and everything just kind of like give him a social life you know hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories think you can do so by joining the discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon
Channel: Life Stories
Views: 39,809
Rating: 4.9211655 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, rslash, idontworkherelady, r idontworkherelady, reddit idontworkherelady, rslash idontworkherelady
Id: 9bLquguPLtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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