r/IDontWorkHereLady - He Thought I was the LANDLORD

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today's subreddit is our slash I don't work your lady all right this story is called do you know to do you job I figure I should start off the new year right with some positivity so this story is positively one of my favorites from my retail work experience I used to work at a department store specifically in the shoe department of the store and my manager was a total Karen so we will call her Karen she was incredibly sexist and always blamed the males in the department for everything while letting the females get away with murder some of her remarks were pretty borderline harassment too and it didn't help that HR department was practically non-existent and more like the Karen department anyway this story takes place on one of those you are entitled to your mandatory 30 minute break but you can't leave the sales floor unattended so let that be a warning type of days a day where the females often abandoned posts taking hour-long breaks and hiding in other departments leaving myself in a fellow male co-worker to fend for ourselves basically every Saturday this was a weekend after the bigwigs from corporate had decided to take a tour of the store something about a changing of upper management we call it the Changing of the Guard it is the kind of visit where managers start acting like the pope is paying a visit that in itself is another I don't work here story as soon as they approach the shoe department several customers saw suits with gold name tags before the customers could get a do you work here out the bigwigs were gone in a Flash with the managerial Entourage struggling to keep up but I digress after the visit a few people from corporate not from the big wig party decided to stay behind and make sure things were running a bit smooth one of them was an apparel and shoe buyer for the entire their company we will call him Ted now Ted shows up at the department unannounced he doesn't like to make a big deal of things I take notice of him as he walks through the aisles taking notes for whatever reason I figure he has an important job to do so I leave him be after I run back and forth between about 10 customers my co-worker is busy with his own customers on the other side of the department my manager comes striding up to me after I finish with my last customer follow me she tells me grabbing my hands practically leading me like a toddler who had to be put in time out turns out Karen had led me right up to Ted sure I can see if we have a size for you he tells a customer with a shoe in his hand Karen snatches the shoe right out of his hand and shoves it into my chest why are you making Ted do your job you'll get it I glance up at Ted who looks absolutely livid I have no idea what shoe size to get but I just wanted to get the hell out of there however Ted holds out his hand non-verbally asking me for the shoe bag I comply knowing full well although my manager had asked me to get it someone higher up the food chain asked for it back his face changes in a blink of an eye from Fury to downright Pleasant hang on for just a minute while I'll be right back okay thank you Karen and I are rooted in place although I know there are customers that need help I don't dare move from this spot I know the gears are turning in her head as she tries to place the blame on me Ted returns shortly after and hands the customer their desired shoe and thanks them for their patronage and to let them know if they need any more help Ted rejoins a circle and I can feel the tension radiating from it also seems to be keeping everyone else away as snowing approaches he doesn't raise his voice he doesn't make a huge scene and speaks only loud enough for us to hear where the hell do you get off telling me what I can and cannot do asks Ted Karen doesn't say a word all day I've seen this young man running around helping every single customer Under the Sun without any breaks I am getting exhausted just watching him I can't imagine how he must feel Karen's lips are now so thin they are practically non-existent just because I don't work here doesn't mean that I cannot help customers I am an employee of this company I know how to do my job even if it means getting my hands dirty and getting shoes for people do you know how to do yours just because Karen is well a Karen doesn't mean she isn't smart she knows full well it is a loaded question and does not answer go back to your hidey hole and leave us alone says Ted with the tone of finality he turns around just in time to see another customer hi there what can I get for you today this is the first time I have ever seen Karen utterly defeated it's good having him here is all she manages to say man is yes Miss Karen I reply as she walks away a few months later Karen is having an early retirement party ego a little deflated but still full of the same harassment of a drunken Haggard old lady at the club who still thinks she's 40 years younger and trying to get all the guys to buy her drinks we can't get everyone in the picture come down and let Mama sit in your lap I'm just kidding scoot off and we'll share a seat okay now everyone squeeze in oh you bad boy I said squeeze in not squeeze I shudder so hard it probably looks like I'm having a seizure in case you're wondering that wasn't me she was talking to or um committing acts of what major may not be acts of harassment as the Karen Department HR doesn't really take female on male acts of harassment very seriously but that's another can of worms all on its own who who was she talking to that is wildly inappropriate um but I'm glad she got shut down by our Teddy boy here that was pretty cool alright this story is called Tales From a vaccination clinic volunteer so I fall into here at a few vaccination clinics a week as a non-medical Personnel generally we do around 1300 per Clinic my job is to sort people from a winding Serpentine line like at an airport security to one of the one to six lines where you'll get your actual jab each table has two nurses and we all take a 15-minute lunch break and shifts two quick bathroom breaks if we're lucky my favorite part about the clinics especially for older folks is how nice they are and happy to be getting the vaccine the late 70s and older folks are my favorites as they have experience with mass vaccination from the measles when we get backed up and I have to wait for the lines to thin out I get a nice chance to chat with some of them when I say sorry for the weights when I have to pause dozens some days nearly a hundred of them when we're targeting older folks will say something like oh I don't mind this is much smoother than the measles vaccine site so one of the nurses had the audacity to take her lunch break which led to their only being one nurse for the line and it temporarily moving slower cue the Karen she gets out of line to storm over over to me to tell me her line only has one jabber and I shouldn't have sent her to that line complaining how slow it is compared to other people's lines Etc I apologize and explain the nurse will be back from lunch soon offered to get one of the County Employees to come talk to her now here's an interesting part almost every time someone complains and I explain I'm a volunteer and I look very young for my age that I don't work there and when I offered to get a manager they become indignants in say some version of no I'm talking to you Karen was one of these folks so the cop in my section and I have really bonded over the crazy people we have to deal with a few times a day so he looks at me huge eye roll starts walking over with his chest puffed out and hands under his bulletproof vest to look imposing and hover around Karen she gets the message and gets back in line not three minutes later she comes storming back to inform me she does crowd control professionally so I should listen to her her latest bit of feedback is we need people going through the lines taking elderly people's coats and sweaters off of them before they get to the table sounds like a quick lawsuit to me cue the cop her going back to her life this process repeats every two or three minutes with her coming back to give new feedback and ideas now the final time this happens I genuinely have no idea what she was complaining about that time I just tuned her out this sweet little old lady at least in her 80s Walker and all was waiting at the door to be sorted and had seen Karen's Perpetual berating from further back in the line excuse me scaring still ranting about whatever the Hell she's saying excuse me what has anyone ever told you you're a real bimbo Karen's mouth was a gate for 20 seconds how dare you no how dare you this young man is a volunteer and offered to get you a manager and you're just being a bully police officer walks over I can see him having a harder time suppressing his laughter than I was Karen demands the woman probably 30 years older than her be removed and that she wants to press charges cop laughs and says what for yeah it's cool hearing stories about the vaccination being delivered to administered to lots of people it's cool um it's also pretty cool how um the vaccine works so basically instead of like having like a weakened deluded version of the virus it's like it's an mRNA based thing so essentially um instead of making your body fight of the virus to learn how to you know fight it they basically just give your body instructions in the form of mRNA on how to uh fight off the virus and it's pretty neat so there's like no risk of like accidentally getting the full thing as opposed to you know the weekend thing uh but you know some people do have allergic reactions so just make sure you're okay to take it's still neat huh all right this story is called this is in 1695. my kids attended uh private school in Delaware as a part of their fifth grade curriculum they all visit Colonial Williamsburg they've been doing this for many years the school is pre-kindergarten to 12th grade so a lot of families like ours have kids in several different grades and they all talk about the trip to Williamsburg it's a week they all look forward to and they have all heard stories from the older kids about their trips it is also the first extended four-day overnight trip many parents are still reluctant to send their kids off on an overnight trip so the fifth grade teaching team holds a lottery and selects several parents to go with the kids the parents keep track of the kids during tour and meals and they have their child and usually two others in their room it can be pretty competitive to get a parent spot when my daughter was in the fifth grade I chaperoned and a few years later my husband went with my son here's the catch this school totally buys into the idea of an immersive Colonial experience I'm assuming that the authentic to the point where everyone is treated like a white guy the kids all wear Colonial outfits that week they eat at a Tavern and get enlisted in the militia they even have a colonial dance one night so some of the girls have more than one outfit sometimes parents borrow Colonial clothes from other families with older children sometimes they are Bots a lot of them are made by the parents they also have a collection of clothes in a colonial closet that kids are able to borrow from often parents donate to clothes from their kids after the last one goes here's the kicker parents are also supposed to dress up in colonial outfits so so I made outfits for my daughter and myself it was way more work than I thought it would be they turned out great obviously a few years later when it was my son's turn he could not wear the dresses coward my husband also was chosen to chaperone no way was I making full Colonial outfits for the boys so we called Opera Delaware and were able to borrow Colonial clothes for both my husband and my son one of the neat things about Colonial Williamsburg is that the historic interpreters that give tours and operate the businesses are in Period dress and act as if they were living during the colonial era oh God hide the minorities one day the kids were eating lunch in one of the taverns my husband who is an attorney needed to check his email and messages so while the kids were eating he ran outside to try and get better phone reception he was dressed in full-on colonial clothes an older lady we can call her Karen came stomping up to what are you doing you are supposed to be in character you shouldn't have that phone out there were no phones during colonial times husband realizes he is in colonial clothes and the kids weren't anywhere to be found ma'am I I don't work here I'm just a chaperone that left Karen very confused I mean why would a grown man visit Williamsburg dressed in Period clothing sounds well still out here on a phone p people won't know that was the last time my husband chaperoned on a school trip that's funny ah that sounds really cool I want to check out Colonial Williamsburg hit up a Tavern and you know make Mary with a bunch of the other people also at the tavern flipping coins is payment sick or or like uh you know killing a squirrel outside and just giving him that his payment alright this story is called as the next door neighbor I must clearly be the landlord my neighbors were moving out of the house they had been renting next to me for the last two years and while I was sad to see them go I completely understood that they were fed up with the condition of the house and the landlord's dismissiveness to their complaints they took on far more Home Improvement and maintenance than they should have been responsible for some of which I helped them with as we were all friends after they had vacated and the house was on the market I was bombarded with all manner of questions from potential buyers and Realtors whenever I was outside usually in the vein of how recently was the roof replaced and questions about flooding mostly I was able to answer and did so pleasantly mostly this one realtor I'll call him Ted because he looked like Ted Danson from the good place anyway Ted catches me going out to check my mail one afternoon after a long night of taste testing my bourbon to make sure it was still good oh fun fact Ted Danson looks exactly like my dad if my dad was old like an old man and wise Ted Danson's in his 70s my dad's under 50. looks just like him it's crazy anyway Ted darts across the lawn to me and starts firing off some pretty rude questions why didn't the previous tenants take care of this place it's a real dump inside were they crackheads who installed the washing machine why did they leave it so dirty okay Ted because I really need needed this right now but again always try to be polite I tell Ted that as far as I knew no the previous neighbors weren't crackheads and they actually put in more than their fair share of the upkeep apparently that was not sufficient for Mighty Ted well what about the washing machine and the track lighting was that done by a professional at this point I'm getting pretty close to being done with this whole Affair I don't know Ted I've been living in this house over here not the one you're trying to sell but surely you would know something about that no dude I'm not the landlord or the owner of that property so yeah well did you at least see some contractors over here doing any work having completely lost it with this clown are we done can I go back inside my house now I don't know Ted looked pretty taken aback but honestly if he had a shred of self-awareness I wouldn't have yelled at him his clients looked embarrassed and who could blame them great way to meet the neighbors by having your realtor Badger them with dumb questions nice guy op dummy headed Ted dummy headset I like that I like that don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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