r/IDontWorkHereLady - POLICE CALLED from one simple mistake

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today's subreddits are slash i don't work your lady all right here we have a story called i work for this corporation but not this location i had this happen a few days ago i work for a state corporate mega mart since i don't work as a server since getting fired because of needing to cut payroll so i am doing some shopping across town for some things i needed i'm in a local gaming store as i wanted a hoary joystick for playing street fighter 5 and some other 2d fighting games for my ps4 i get a text message from my mom asking me to stop at the local mega mart to pick up a few things as i needed to pick up some stuff of my own since i am a vegan found a way to mention it didn't you buddy i get into the local mega mart and start getting stuff from off of my list and stuff from my mom's shopping list i'm hanging around the deli getting some cheese for my mom when kevin showed up i'm looking around for blocks of mozzarella and some sliced provolone as well as sliced garlic bologna and ham when i am grabbed from behind excuse me what the hell do you think you're doing what why don't you get behind the counter do your freaking job and slice me some meat cheese and macaroni salad keep in mind the store uniform is black pants black shoes and a red shirt with the corporate logo on the right breast i'm wearing a japanese wrestling shirt black skirts black thigh-high socks my duck martin mary janes and a los ingo bernabo's or is it one of those situations where like the g is silent like he know burnables or something i don't know baseball cap i'm sorry sir i can't help you what are you saying you can't freaking help me why don't you get your manager so i could get your freaking ass fired you stupid floozy i'm telling you i can't help you i do work for this corporation but i don't work for this location that makes the freaking difference give me a freaking manager by this time a deli associate comes out and asks us if he can help us yeah can you give me your manager so this bimbo can be fired i'll be back in a minute he goes back and gets a manager the manager recognizes me because he came to our store to do our orientation when i was being trained to be a cashier hey insert name here what's up not much customer wanting to be a jerk hey i resent that especially coming with someone being a bimbo and your problem being she won't go back behind the counter and slice cheese and meat for me manager looks over at me and gives me a knowing grit sir she really doesn't work at the store she works across town and besides she wouldn't be able to help you anyway since she can't operate the gutter since she isn't old enough he's getting angrier at this point i also resent you calling her all the names you calling her yes she works for this company but she doesn't work at this location she isn't a bimbo or a floozy she is a hard-working young woman so you're gonna fire her for not helping me no i'm not firing her for not helping you if anything i can ask you to leave the store kevin yells something unintelligible and walks away leaving me to stand there and shake my head i hate stupid people man don't y'all just wish they didn't have stories like this like nothing else to him like i hate it man like i hate op for that i hate you op oh holy mother of unpredictability what's this uh another par an update is this an update to the previous story there's no way man there's no way that's too convenient okay well it says update sorry i work for this corporation but not this location it's gotta be it's the same username and everything wow guys we got lucky okay i just got off work from not long ago and got home i had to update the story of my kevin running if you're unfamiliar with my kevin run in click here and they left a cute little link it's cute because it's cute uh so i'm working today 11am to 4pm and all is going well we're slammed with the usual after church crowd that is buying stuff to make lunch or for dinner with friends i'm about three hours into the shift when my kevin and his wife show up in my line when i say my kevin i'm talking about the kevin i had to run in with not my boyfriend's name today i decided to give my eyes a break from wearing contacts and decided to wear my glasses so he doesn't recognize me i'm also helped by the fact that i have my bald head exposed instead of wearing a baseball cap as i did a week ago i greet them with a hello she says hi back and he says nothing i expected as much then i ask the question did you find everything okay and he launches into a tirade yeah you didn't have the park and ketchup you had on the flyer in today's paper we had advertised a tremendous deal on pork shoulder and ketchup my mom and i saw the advertisement in today's paper and mom wanted me to get some pork and ketchup before i started work text her and she'd come and get it off me i could only get a rain check for the pork but i did get two goes of ketchup since it's only limit six we're totally out of both after we're done here you can go over to customer service and they will gladly give you a rain check for both the pork and the ketchup but i don't wanna wait to get my pork and catch up i want them no i'm sorry the only thing i can tell you is you can go over to customer service and get a rain check you'll be guaranteed to get the items you want your alternative is to come back tomorrow and see if we got it in but you won't be guaranteed to get it great just great you tell me you're going to be a freaking bimbo floozy to me again aren't you i bet you're lying to me and i'm more of both in the back are you lying to me i'm starting to get pissed at this point as i'm running their stuff through the register i'm not lying to you sir as a matter of fact when i was shopping earlier i asked which is how i know i bet you're hiding pork and ketchup under your register that you're trying to keep away from me i got my rain check for the pork and i bought ketchup yeah see i know you're stealing it out from under me i got it before my shift started and there was plenty at this point i was getting near the end of their order my supervisor comes walking over hey op sorry we didn't get you to break yet we've been slammed trying to get others off to break when you're done with this customer go take your lunch and your 15 since you're getting close to the end of your shift okay kevin to the super as she's turning away hey hey sweetness get me a manager this bimbo pointing to me needs either to get written up or fired i'll get you someone at this point his wife is really embarrassed by the way he's acting really wants to get out of there what's the total i just want to get out of here before he causes more of a scene i give her the total he hears me giving her the total and he starts back in oh no no no we're not paying for crap until we talk to a manager at this point i turn my back to them waiting for a manager to come the kevin grabs my shoulder to turn me around you look at me bimbo as he's starting to turn me i take my left hand and grab his wrist i turn and twist his wrist as people are watching now i talked to him i let's the first time you grabbed me go i'm not letting this time go you have fair warning the next time you grab me i'm putting you on the floor and you will be in a world of hurt he snorts and starts to yell you saw that she threatened me she assaulted me i shake my head turn my back to him and turn my light off a few minutes later i see my supervisor come but she has two people coming with her not an assistant manager not the general manager but the district and regional managers kevin starts in about me before they have a chance to get my side or ask any questions he starts in that i'm stealing crap and that i bought ketchup out from under him when he needed it and how i didn't help him before at the other store the district manager told him to shut up i explained my side of the story i showed the raincheck for the pork and the receipts for the two goes of ketchup when kevin talked about me grabbing his wrist and nearly breaking his arm around me tell of how he grabbed me first and i defended myself the managers watch the video and it confirms my story the regional manager basically tells him to get out of the store i turn to the wife give her the total she pays and we're all good i walk around the counter to go to lunch when he screams you been bow he grabs me again and i toss him over my shoulder to the floor and i sit on his chest i had debated putting him in an arm bar a la ronda rousey the cops came and everyone explained what happened kevin wanted me charged with assaulting him i said i wanted him charged with assault the kevin was ultimately arrested after the cops talked to everyone and reviewed the video hell yeah he deserves it that's good i'm glad he got arrested because that is not okay you can't just go around grabbing people that's not it's not gonna go well for you man all right this story's called and i don't work your lady encounter at bunnings bunnings don't get that wrong guys at bunnings where at bunnings where at bunnings okay long time lurker first time poster figured i should start sharing some story since this stuff seems to happen to me every other week background i live about 30 minutes from a moderate size town where i work and shop generally on the same days to save myself extra trips i go to the local bunnings a big hardware store pretty often since i live rurally and i'm always doing something on my property on days i work retail my uniform is blue jeans and a black shirt for some strange reason i always get mistaken for a bunning store employee even though their shirts and jumpers are bright red and sometimes with a dark green apron over the top so basically nothing in common aside from the jeans today i was admittedly still wearing my name badge but it's also bright yellow with a bird on it no bunnings colors inside this afternoon i was perusing the timber section and checking some measurements in my notebook when a woman came bustling over to me looking like she just comes straight from a fancy lunch in the city mid-40s stylish haircut crazy long nails clothes that probably needed professional dry cleaning you get the idea now i know a lot of wonderful women named karen so it's not a term i use so we'll call this lady janet excuse me i have been waiting for 20 minutes for someone to load my bench tops oh maybe if you check with the people up there i point in the direction of the service desk what's wrong with your arms then you come and load them for me now oh i'm sorry i don't work i don't care if you're busy hurry up i haven't got all day janet then turns around and goes to storm off again gets about 10 meters before realizing i'm not following her and stomps back again i said to hurry up what the hell are you just standing there for god you young people are so useless ma'am i can't help you i don't work here yes you do you're clearly working now go and load my bench tops before i get your manage and have you fired i don't have time for this crap she then plants her hands on her hips and glares at me like i've just committed the worst sin imaginable now like i said this mistake happens a lot and i do spend a lot of time at bunning so i'm usually happy to point people in the right direction or help when i can but no way was i busting my back lifting some no doubt heavy ass bench tops for this rude woman me neither what i also do not have time for this i'm clearly trying to shop here what lady i can't help you go and ask someone up there again i point towards the service desk and try to ignore her pulling a plank out of the shelf instead janet tries to get up into my face what the front door is wrong with you where is your manager no idea but probably having a better afternoon than me stand back no surprise she doesn't i grab the three meter length of pine i'd picked out duck it up under my arm and janet leaps back dramatically as though i just tried to knock her head off how dare you i'm gonna have you fired nope i don't think so bye i walk away leaving a spluttering shrieking swearing janet behind me five minutes later i'm up at the register waiting to pay my plank standing upright leaning against my shoulder and hear the same awful shrieking behind me huh it was her she's the rude name that refused to help me and then she tried to hit me with that wood i want her fired and i want to press charges i turn around and see janet storming towards me accompanied by two actual staff her face is as red as their budding's polo shirts manager bob says this woman ma'am indicates to me yes staff member steve says reading my name tag in shirt logo she doesn't work here she clearly works at xyz manager bob looks at me and asks if i know this woman i tell him that i just been shopping when she approached me and started yelling at me demanding guy help load her car and then swearing at me when i told her i didn't work here and tried to continue shopping i also added that i asked her to stand back when she tried to pick up my wood and that she did not and continued to stand very close to me we're still supposed to be observing 1.5 meter social distancing i did in no way try to or even come close to hitting her i might have needed to sell my case a little more if janet hadn't totally lost it then and started shouting at me and trying to get up in my face again and generally making a complete scene i grabbed my plank and backed up at which point manager bob stepped in between us apologized to me and told steve to check me out at another register he then turned to janet and started a nice firm lecture on how bunnings values their employees and their customers and no impolite attitudes would be tolerated towards either steve put me through an empty register apologized again and offered to help me out to my truck according to him this wasn't the first time they'd had issues with janet i hope those bench tops were worth making a public embarrassment of herself so that's my latest adventure and i don't work here ladyland anticlimactic i know but i did enjoy watching management square off with a crazy customer for once instead of taking their side that's a really annoying story i mean no the story's not annoying but having to have dealt with that must have been pretty annoying um thank you for sharing opie thank you for sharing don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 16,786
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: pUq4c0p-Ms0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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