r/JustnoHOA - HOA Tries To Kick Us Off Our Land!

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g'day there guys Markey here back at it again with another episode of our slash just no HOA now if you hate the homeowners association as much as I and read it do sit back relax and enjoy the quality contents posted by user J money six titles I got my justice today takedown proportion epic to set the stage I just turned 30 I have a good job spend my money wisely save and invest I grew up dirt poor and had nothing handed to me in life late twenties the software company I had been at went public and I cashed out and moved back to Florida with nothing to do I started investing in rental properties with a good friend of mine this started about a year ago with the president of the HOA where I purchased two condos this is a man in his late 60s thinks he's the second coming of Jesus from the get-go he made comments about being young and buying houses while my parents won't co-signing or must have been nice to have a trust fund both properties had existing tenants one still there one left my business model has been to completely remodel every property between tenants to get the maximum rental income construction was hell literally everything was a problem dumpster smelled contractors leaving at 5:05 p.m. being accused of not pulling permits you name it the HOA president tried to meddle his way in I submitted six rental applications all got denied I was never given a reason but the board was happy to cash my application fees I got my company's attorney involved it took six months and many wasted days in a courtroom but we finally got the books I had a family friend go through them and found some inconsistencies I'll save the long story but many thousands of dollars and hundreds of wasted hours this idiot and his two cronies board members were stealing from the bank accounts he was writing fake invoices to his own company my magician attorney was able to get text logs of them discussing blocking my apps mainly they wanted me to dump the property so they could buy it now to the justice burner we want a sizable judgment against him personally the HOAs E and O insurance subrogated him and today he put his house up for sale the house he had been living in for 30 years to throw salt on the wounds I did put in an offer for 65 percent of what is asking though I doubt I'll get a response the best parts we offered to settle for a fraction months ago we were even willing to include a non-disclosure the idiot told us to pounce and at every turn so mr. HOA president's screw you I won the stupid Trust Fund baby won and you lost sorry for the rants none of my friends and family cares about it and all told me to just walk away I figured you all may enjoy it I care good job my advice read Josie she endures and the local law is very carefully understand them like it's your Bible and follow the law to a tee when an HOA board steps out of line hit them with everything also ask and review the finances regularly if they won't show them to be very very suspicious the hero we need I feel bad for the other residents who he was basically stealing from it's a working-class community fudging grows ripping off hard-working families while implying you haven't earned what's yours good for you for pinning that mother-fricker down to the wall well done Opie dicks like that deserve a proper slap oh hey hey which you administered damn probably it will only benefit the community now get all the neighbors to start contacting the DA and insist that he be charged criminally for embezzlement you have him dead to rights it sounds like that's a pretty damn serious felony he is making restitution to the HOA and paying a fine he pled guilty to something in a plea agreement it all happens behind closed doors submit your story to the local news outlets at this point it's over he lost his house I think he's got enough shame I have a ton of respect for you taking the moral high ground after that the worst thing is if anyone in the future asks him how he was ruined he'll say it was an entitled brat air of family funds her was handed everything on a gold plate and never had to work a day in his life and he came after a hard-working old man who was just trying to live his honest life and he will say this because that's what he believes is the truth and he would have got away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling kid so you were dirt poor but somehow got rich and had no help you cashed out and moved away it somehow got attorneys from your company to intervene you somehow rented places yet had them built according to your post and common history you have three different cars and two different watches you have four rental properties wait now you have to wait for again you proudly fly the American flag despite HOA rules and one the disputes you're a veteran you still work at the company you claimed went public and you cashed out the only thing about you that seems true at all is that you have a pitbull hmm makes maximum profit by completely renovating between each tenants that's pretty common to be honest no it's nights my aunt has run a successful house flipping slash renting company in Vegas for about 40 years now she buys houses and flips them to make the mainstream she makes small renovations after long-term tenants move out to keep the modern usually just changing floors counters etc but yes this is a fairly common practice for successful landlords posted by user Vlad Vlad 666 titled HOA once of war I live in a rural area on a family farm the farm next to Alice was sold to a developer who built a bunch of mini mansions that have an HOA now the mini mansions back up to my family farm I get letters every week from the HOA complaining about the tractor sitting in the field at the front of my property where it can be seen from the streets while working that field and the tractor is necessary I've had them complain about my bonds outbuildings and the sound of my large tractor when I'm seating and once have my grandfather saw some people he didn't recognize checking out the barn went out with his double-barrel 12-gauge to see but they're up to they were HOA inspectors who declared their right to inspect the building to make sure it met HOA rules my grandfather is not politically correct and I was pleased he restrained himself from using his arrow buckshots to register his opinion of trespassers and yes our property is fenced in posted I was informed by the HOA that they were going to find me one thousand dollars a day until the offending stir stations and machinery were removed I informed them that I and my property are not part of the HOA and if their inspectors set foot on my property again I would have them arrested all that my grandfather loose with his double-barrel they went nuts and called the County Sheriff's Office having lived here for generations I know the sheriff he came out and asked me what was going on and I told him he also visited the HOA and Hearn their demands that he take immediate action to protect their inspectors they were less than happy when he informed them that since my property is posted and fenced I was well within my rights to not allow them on my land also because of our livestock a 12-gauge is not unreasonable because of predators he also informed them that I am NOT a member of the HOA I have no requirements to allow them on my land and if he gets another call he will arrest the inspectors for criminal trespass I have since been sent a letter from the HOAs lawyer telling me to cease and desist all operations until they get a court date because they are suing me for damaging the value of their property I forward it to my lawyer who after he got done laughing was amazed first because a court has to issue a cease and desist order and secondly we've been here farming for four generations I have spoken with the HOA board and told them to leave us alone or we'll be more than happy to play our lawyer is better than their lawyer I was informed that the developer of their property assured them I'd be selling my land for development to an organization like his that has since resolved into the ether they were more than a little surprised when I told them that we're currently training the fifth generation to take over and we have no intention of selling our farm period seems the developer left them with the impression that I was selling my property to be developed like my neighbors had been only to make his money and run God have mercy on overzealous HOAs Bravo best HOA story ever yeah this is better than the ones where they abuse their powers this one they're trying when they literally have no power he's not even in their crappy little Club this is almost too good to be true honestly but maybe reddit has jaded me to question things like this a little bit too much entertaining story regardless another Opie comment he's an earlier but maybe he's a farmer and Delia with all the deleted stuff a dinar many farmers work a day job to make ends meet Plus rural areas often have many people as deputies and backup officers doing part-time work definitely possible there's an asshat in my hometown whose ababa a county commissioner and volunteer sheriff's deputy flanked a white from the office god damn it he lets the ladder to go to his head it's entirely possible to wear many hats need to use that manure sprayer right along the property line a lot I grew up in the country and I dreaded sprayer days the stink carries so impossible well it's just a thick funk that hangs in the air there is no escape this device is the creation of the devil himself fermented liquefied crap is a horrible fetid rotten torture use it weekly well that doesn't sound nice the Jersey guy says you need to start raising pigs immediately this will definitely get their undivided attention and respect then when you offer to have them purchase your hog farming operation let them know they can close it down for a good price they will pay and then shut up if they are even half-wits but I'll bet they're not yeah pig farm that's the way to go have fun with it no chickens a chicken farm is the way to go and the wind gets just right you can smell them three miles away and it's pungent that is the one animal smell you can't get over ill I heard of a farmer who greatly did liked the community baseball field adjacent to his property he decided to fertilize his many Aiken property with pig manure comes spring baseball season with rains and hot weather and flyers well things became very unpleasant perhaps her grandfather needs to fertilize his fields if not all of them maybe just put enough for about half an acre and let it rot I have heard well rotted manure improves the soil immensely as an added benefit it's all day it's organic thank you for that suggestion cryptic ripped it says HOAs have got to be universally run by people with Napoleon syndrome I swear like no one died and you made God step off that's not entirely true we only really hear about the worst of the worst HOA is being filled with little tyrants er we hear nothing whatsoever about the vast majority of HOAs the HOA for my condominium for instance is reasonable and has never done stupid crap like this in the 25 years I lived there the universal problem with HOAs is that even the well-run ones only need one bad election to get that little tyrants to instantly make everybody's life miserable yeah I went from a totally crap HOA to one that has active members that are responsive friendly and encouraged community involvement the whole board takes part in multiple meet and greets per hear and as a group handles pull passes being handled out it's like the twilight zone we have a bike trail issue where the developer only laid about 80% bike paths the community is 10 years old and I had only been there for a few months in speaking to the board about it they explained how it had been previously voted on and the issue seems that people with bike paths don't want their HOA fees to go up to fill that last part 20% but they highly encouraged putting it back up and campaigning for it's why it needed to be done via flyers or Facebook or whatsoever it felt like an oddly human conversation I'm sure that there's some that are fine but of the two that I've dealt with both were nightmares one of them was a 1970s era condo complex my friend bought as his first piece of property the HOA fees were about 250 to 350 a month for years then they had to replace the piping across the whole building and the fees jumped up to 800 a month without a clear end date as you'd usually assume there would be in a special assessments my friend owned the property for 20 plus years and ended up having to sell it for hardly any more than he bought it for because it was costing him more than it made for after that ii was a friend in an urban condor the board was basically a bunch of little Napoleon's they spent five hundred thousand dollars fixing a pool forty thousand on LED glow lights across top exterior of the building embracing the higher electric costs and forty thousand dollars to hire a designer to make a plan for renovating the exterior but gave him no budget so he drew up a 1 million dollar plan only to be told that it was way out of budget not to mention most of the contractors that do work for the building a friends of the board members that same board member in fact got up in somebody's face for smoking at the pool then proceeded to go to his units and come back down with a professional camera he wasn't just trying to take pictures for evidence he was doing the whole I have photos you're going to be reported seen getting up in the guy's face he promptly got pushed into the pool by the guy after going right up in his face and then the board member made it his crusade to charge the residents who was hosting the smoker as a guest for his camera so yeah like I said I'm sure there's good ones but so far in my personal experience it's been 2 out of 2 he'll HOAs I actually want to know how many of you guys can relate to this bye see Rick one I'd much rather look out my windows at farmland bonds and tractors than poorly constructed McMansions full of hateful Karan's and Kevin's goodness same here moved out in the country 10 years ago and the farms around us have slowly been selling off their land to build subdivisions many with HOAs I'm not mad at the farmers for doing what they needed to do but it makes me sad to see their beautiful land swallowed up by McMansions galore yeah it seems to be the case in middle America I'll never understand why HOAs think they can force non-members to comply with their demands unless they're really just trying to make people laugh tried that crap on my dad not only has he gleefully told them to freak off he's also started his own newsletter where after getting an HOA rules book he will send out a letter listing every single HOA members violations of which all seem to be mostly HOA board members who tried that crap with him also the guy across the way the one who started the who can flex routine happened to have a bird shed and foundation that was not approved over the property line apparently he informed the people that moved in their property was smaller than they thought and they went with it and the foundation interfered with their leach fields for the septic system needless to say the local government was also informed of that Oh goddamn I used to live near one that was a somewhat rural h away about ten minutes away from Disney World's they went mad people would use a road through their hood to bypass traffic on i-4 when it was backed up and they put up no trespassing signs the sign said in fine print on the bottom prosecuted by the H away but no one listened because would WTF so they started doing ID checks on this road and people would drive around them so they put in a gate just to keep others from saving at least 45 minutes to go for miles so terrible oh my god posted by user Josh ATX solutions titled our HOA companies stole all our money I live in Austin and we just find our HOA company and found out we don't have any money left apparently these guys have been running this racket all over town they took hundreds of thousands of dollars from us if you hear from Lauren dewild Robbie Castile or horizon HOA management stay away we hired somebody to audit and recreate our accounts and books which is how we found all the theft we'll probably never see our money back from what we can tell part of the fraud is they're running a kickback Indian voice scam show with two other companies they are in Valley View landscape and Patriot repairs we really liked them and we stood up for them when we heard rumors about them being bad newse they smiled to us in meetings assuring us everything was okay but sure enough they stole from us too we had over six hundred and fifty thousand dollars now we have nothing left plus we have a huge 15 year special assessment I can't even afford and attorney bills we have to pay for for this nightmare probably another special assessment coming don't let this happen to you if you live in an HOA do your due diligence so this doesn't happen to you they got us too I live in a condo at edge week HOA they tried to get us to sue our HOA builder and do all these projects but we fired them and didn't need to sue anybody but them we never got our money back but I'm glad they're gone we had Valley View landscape and horizon management's and sued them both it's settled and I don't know more than that other than that they were a nightmare I think that guy Robbie was breaking stuff at our neighborhood because we are new HOA and constant things to fix when they were around now things are okay we hire Wirth Ross HOA manager they don't write us back but better than to be stolen from law never thought I'd see a neighbor on reddit's why hire an HOA management company can't the board just hire a landscaper and maintenance team or hire a person to work for the HOA directly and to coordinate that stuff under supervision if those were the only issues sure you have accounting collections dealing with violations complaints etc the other issue is that you want someone to be there with no one in the HOA wants to get involved this sounds eerily similar to what happened in my neck of the woods millions missing president suddenly gets sick and leaves son of president claims he was hands off and it's a Ridgway lane president leaving over health issues days after company is sued by Ridgeland HOA hmm weird that management company theft happens more often than you think our management company was friendly Christian and by all appearances a model citizen her scam was faking the budget she supplied to the board members we have bulk water in our condos we had a notice on the door that residents were in danger of having water for non-payments oops the ugly truth of our community financial status was shocking we filed police reports expecting her immediate arrest not sir we have to reconstruct the correct financial books and prove she stole the insurance company appeared to be working with us as we tediously found evidence then they send a letter saying case was closed because we failed to prove our case this was my first and only experience with a nature way the community is awesome but the manager ruined our financial ability to make needed repairs I got a text about this thread because that's our management company if you could call it that it's one girl with no office and this guy who said he earned it then said he didn't shady they stole our money but we don't know exactly how much yet we just found out about it so I don't have a lot to add yet the girl seems really nice and kind of lulls you into trusting her but she has this cog I look and he just knows she's sketchy we think they reported us to the city so they could fix things we wonder if they caused the damage but we don't know yet we turned the camera box over to the police to save the evidence I just know we don't have our records and we don't know where our money is Roger don't live in an HOA part of the problem is that people that live in an HOA want to be hands-off and just pay someone else to take care of things that works fine for services like lawn mowing but you shouldn't do that with your money HOA should be audited every year and you should have access to financial records monthly at the least services like pool cleaning and landscaping should be competitively shopped yearly I'm willing to bet smaller HOAs was less than five units a run much better than these huge ones large HOAs should also consider individual homeowner escrow accounts with regular transfers and not a single large fund I'm sorry if I'm missing something but how did they steal money were they connected with like an auto payments to your bank account or something I'm a new house owner and hate HOAs but mainly because I feel like 90% of my pay goes to cable and not caring for the property they took it from the HOA bank accounts mostly and other ways I mean if you were really talking the six figures this is when you contact a couple lawyers in the area for a free consult lay out with them what evidence you have then find one that will hopefully work on contingency you won't get all your money back but even if you get back half that is better than nothing we sued them lawsuit is pending I'm asking the same question the pooled money goes towards upkeep and repair rights for those companies being paid to upkeep or repair of course a balanced budget keeps money for unforeseen repairs but if they respond appropriately which isn't mentioned they weren't what's the scam instead of having liquid resources they prepaid their companies is profiting off their HOA forbidden like only did businesses with this company that I benefit from is the community being cared for that's what those Jews are for doesn't sound like stealing if they uphold their end of course fixing the records to pad the bills is illegal but if they spend five percent of what was taken on account of advice they might appear to do everything rights yeah we fixed that roof yeah I know another company could do it for one-fifth of what we judge oh well locked in with us basically they stole our money from our accounts it disappeared not what you were saying g'day there guys out remark e here hope you enjoyed the episode as much as I enjoyed making it today if you did be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe tell me what you thought about it down below also if you like memes be sure to head on over to my second channel marquee - it should be one of the sexiest rallyin faces on screen the one without the flag it's my latest and greatest creation and I hope you like it also I'd like to give a huge shout out to my channel members and patreon subscribers you guys do so much good for me and the support goes without saying but I'm gonna say it anyway I love you guys and I appreciate all the help and support you provide me on this channel also if you want to join the family links it down in the description below or click that join button next to these subscribe button anyway guys I hope you enjoyed that once a day I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 301,013
Rating: 4.7906184 out of 5
Keywords: r/justnohoa, r/fuckhoa, r/hoa, r/legaladvice, r/aita, hoa, Home owners association, reddit, Markee r/justnohoa, Markee Reddit, Markee HOA
Id: gOdpmNWnmj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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