r/IDontWorkHereLady | LEAVE MY CART ALONE!!

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what's up guys welcome to voic-- here this is your host captain Zack and today subreddit that is plagued with entitlements and unemployment to like our / idle work your lady don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story's called I'm not your employee so this happened a while ago but I used to work for a seasonal goods store basically the inventory varies depending on the time of the year but I had to leave due to health issues I like to shop there regularly because the prices are unbeatable and if I'm lucky one of my previous co-workers will apply their employee discount sometimes if I notice it's busy I'll straighten the shelves a bit but I won't be too serious with it just adjust that so other shoppers can spot the products easier it's a force of habit plus I kind of do this in a lot of stores I should also mention that the dress code for the store is pretty casual like jeans and t-shirt kind of casual plus an apron red blue or green depending on the department so I'm wandering through the aisle trying to find some decorations for my home when an older lady who looked to be in her 50s started to put random stuff in my cart I recognized the manager on duty badge around her neck I however did not recognize her so she was more than likely hired after I left our exchange went like this excuse me I'm using this cart yeah and you're putting things away anyway can't you take care of these for me I'm sorry I don't work here I'm here shopping don't give me that excuse I saw you tidying up the shelf just put these back for me I don't have time to argue I have a phone call with corporate in a minute again I don't work here I'm not wearing a nametag and I am shopping I also just like to straighten a shelf if it's looking Jinky cuz it bugs me really I see a he all the time I'm pretty chef seeing you in the break room a few times to stop lying to get to walk she drops the rest of the stuff in her arms into my cart I'm getting kinda annoyed at this point because I've already explained twice that I'm not her employee I let out a heavy breath gathered up all of the stuff she dropped into my cart into my arms I looked at her dead in the eyes and just dropped the items into a nearby display bin her face covered in shock she says how dare you I'll write you up for that since I've worked there previously I know that she technically can't file a write-up she has to speak to a store manager to file it okay great my name is Ana go ahead and call the store manager to file that right up for you see I know you are an employee only employees know that she radios the store manager listen Linda I'm not your employee I used to work here but I'm not currently employed here I'm calling BES you're just saying that to get out of a ride up too late store managers already on his way okay great store manager finally arrives I smile and wave at him he's a really cool guy and me and him work together all the time well I did work there a store manager can you please do me a favor and tell manager on duty here that I no longer work here and to stop harassing me about getting to work store manager looks confused and looks at manager on duty why are you telling her to get back to work when she doesn't work here she's not even wearing the name tag or an apron how could you confuse her for an employee well I know I've seen her in the break room and she was organizing the products on the shelf manager on duty she's no longer employed with us her pictures hanging up in the break room because she got Employee of the Month four months ago which was her last a month working here leave her alone but if I find out that you were harassing anyone else who is not in uniform I will write you up you and I both know you can't afford to have another write-up he looks at me have a good night Ana also sorry about manager on duty use my employee discount when you check out I'll let customer service know how to use it when you check out two managers get 30% off everything in store including sale items regular employees only got 20 percent off non sale items thank you so much store manager you have a good night too and I finished my shopping and went to checkout I still shop there on an almost daily basis and by the looks of it manager on duty either quit or finally got that last write-up because I haven't seen her recently 30% off everything even sale items whoo so theoretically if there was a 70% off sale and you used your managers discount you could get a hundred percent off or they're like annoying terms and conditions because that's a pretty good deal I mean I wouldn't want to be a store manager that's a lot of responsibility this story's called I'm not an airport worker I just play one at O'Hare I posted this as a comment to another post and after someone saying that not all submissions had to be dramatic I figured I would just post my own story on its own I was in the Chicago O'Hare Airport getting there around 9 o'clock at night and a bunch of flights had been cancelled there I was flying from Omaha back home to Florida well I finally got my flight home squared away having to go through DC the next day screw me and it was time to find a hotel for the night at first I was on hold with the airline while they looked for a hotel within my budget which was actually very high since work was paying for this and I was on the phone for at least 30 minutes or so while this guy was making calls to local hotels after that I was looking online myself and even on vacation rentals by owners so I decided to sit in the closest seat I could find during this call in my search which was located behind an information desk and this was just a desk a simple everyday office desk not like one of those huge information circle desks built into the structure I had my luggage right in front of me so if people bother to actually see me they would know that I was a traveler just like them I even started talking to two other ladies that took up camp on the desk in front of me while they searched for hotels - there was a sign on the desk that read closed but it was likely hard to see given the other people sitting on the desk anyway I probably got at least a dozen times about where something was in the airport where was a good place to eat if I knew of any hotels in the area where were the overnight cots setup etc when the first person to come up to me ask me something I figured they thought I worked at the desk but I listen to their question in case I could actually help yeah I couldn't so as time went on I just kept telling people I was just traveling and didn't work for the airport or any airline not one person was rude or yelled at me despite everyone being tired frustrated and likely hungry after the first few people came up to me I thought about moving somewhere else but there honestly wasn't anywhere else to go that place was packed with upset air travelers the first time it happened I was actually like oh maybe I'll have something to post on idle work your lady but no all my encounters were normal and pleasant under the circumstances for those interested I actually ended up having to spend the night in O'Hare I now call it the O'Hare hotel I met up with a lovely woman who ironically was headed to Omaha where I had just come from and a nice guy a few years older than me we hunkered down in a long very little way for the night after finding some cots blankets and pillows the airports also hands out these little sundry bags which was convenient my airline tried to reroute me all over the East Coast to get me home so early in the a.m. when they woke us up we had to get up at like five o'clock when the airport officially opened I booked another direct flights on a different airline for around seven o'clock in the morning I'm glad work was paying so I was lucky to have that option I know a lot of people were really stuck and at the mercy of the Chicago air gods and this was June 2018 by the way so not related to bad winter weather at all okay I don't know why but that title really made me hold back laughter for like half the story that's I don't know why what is it what is it that's funny about I don't know this story's called got mistaken for an employee twice in Tesco's luckily no one tried to steal my switch the first one I thought finally a story to tell on the sub the second one made me rethink my outfit so backstory I'm a vegan okay next door I'm kidding I'm a vegan and thought it would be interesting to make some what I eat in a day type videos for YouTube I'm also sensitive to noise so I wear giant noise cancelling headphones when I leave the house my country is also launching a program where if you wear a lanyard with sunflowers on it they can tell you have an invisible disability and will offer you extra help when possible so I'm filming all the vegan food I'm looking for I'm wearing giant headphones and I've got a lanyard I'm wearing a fluffy white jumper that could be mistaken for a Christmas jumper and supermarkets in the UK often let their staff wear Christmas jumpers in December so maybe that's why my lack of a uniform wasn't taken into account so I'm looking at the free from second in filming on my phone when I hear a woman asking what to do about an empty box I stepped out of the way so she could talk to the actual employee and she gave me a funny look then she said don't you work here it looked like you were scanning stuff as it dawned on her that she was just bothering some random person so I had to explain that no I just think people give a crap about my diet she apologized and found an actual employee a pretty normal interaction really no screaming no demanding to speak to my manager no stealing my game consoles the second one was at the checkouts I was just hovering in my own world when a woman turned to me and said do you work here I was shocked it had happened again as a woman said she saw I had a lanyard and thought my headphones were connected to all the checkouts and I would give orders through them I've been promoted to some kind of hypothetical management position the woman said that maybe I should work there maybe I should then I could afford a switch and make these stories a little more juicy ok first of all that program is really cool the whole sunflower lanyard I really really like that I feel like more countries should do that because honestly that's like really thoughtful and creative this story's called I don't work here but I guess I can help so a little background I used to work at a source electronics store in Montreal a few years ago 2012 next door was an EB Games or Game Stop location my friends and I worked at these locations afternoon during this summer months I decided to browse the ps3 games at the EB next door on my break the scenario is completely ridiculous but hilarious enough that I still recall it in vivid detail I'll set the stage my manager will call him Dave my friend at EB will call Sam and his manager will call him crappy manager are in this day hey Dave I'm gonna check out the new titles on ps3 before I go get lunch want a coffee sure man just be back in 30 yeah no problem I head out and hang a quick left toward the EB door as I walk in I see two older ladies who will call lady one and lady two probably in their 60s or 70s dealing with crappy manager I nodded him just to make sure he knows I'm there he almost always has an attitude problem so I like to make him aware that I'm a witness to his shenanigans I hang out with an earshot just to make sure he isn't being a complete tool to these sweet old ladies I have some questions about games for kids age 10 and up and I want to ask about your promotions this week crappy manager looks aggravated and notices that I'm keeping tabs on him he turns in scales in my direction a scam he knows whatever you're asking he growls and then walks away from his customers and takes a break in the stores office I give Sam a look of disbelief but he just shrugs and continues dealing with his own customer I turned to these ladies who have been patiently waiting with looks of disbelief on their faces and put on my best retail smile and attitude sorry about him ladies he's special now I don't work here but I am a huge nerd so ask me anything I can probably help you they start asking about games for kids Skylanders was popular back then and peripherals I got them set up with a ps3 bundle a spare controller a box set of Skylanders on top of the bundle the promo gave them one for free on top and got Sam to give them a full complement of additional insurance free of charge because of crappy managers shockingly belligerent attitude not only that but Sam call his district manager who came to personally give me a check for Commission explained further down it turns out both these ladies are the grandmothers of the same grandchildren so it made sense as to why they were only buying one console sadly this took up most of my lunch break so I just got Dave and myself our usual coffees and walked back into the source just in time to see crappy manager who eyed me angrily well the hell's wrong with you huh watch this you're about you making a sale in his store I explained what happened manager you you told them that he could help them that's your own fault you tool whatever I'm keeping the Commission like hell you are Sam made the sale let me remind you that I can and will be a witness if you try to screw your employees screw you you're just a nobody who never buys anything from us Oh like that ps3 I didn't buy or the 15 some odd games I left the store with over the last four months try again butthole thankfully our store was dead usually EB was two the three customers in the store were the only ones they had all day this let me get away with slamming this guy's attitude into the ground screw you you're banned from my store no one insult me I burst out laughing and this confuses him I'm one of your best customers your district manager will definitely make you overturn that stupid decision we argue a bit and then he leaves Dave and I stare at each other in amazement at how ballsy this guy is the next day a well-dressed guy walks into our store and asked for me by name I present myself and put on my usual retail demeanor hi I'm Opie how can I assist you today the guy looks me over and assesses me it made me kind of nervous he then introduces himself I'm district manager and the EB next door is part of my district I'm a little taken aback why would the district manager come to personally see me he explains that the numbnuts door crappy manager has been angering customers for months to the point that they're boycotting the store he told me about the call from Sam and handed me a check for my well-earned Commission and said I wish we had more guys like you working in our stores and I intercepted the positive commentary from those customers who said you were really helpful and wished you an actual employee at that store I'm standing there in a daze a little stunned and a little humbled I tell him it was really nothing I couldn't just leave them there when crappy manager put me on the spot I felt compelled to assist damn my retail habits we have a good laugh and district manager tells David don't you let this one go also we'll be reprimanded crappy manager for his horrible conduct this brought a smirk of victory to my face as I shook this guy's hand that was easily the best two days of my retail career okay that was quite the wholesome ending I enjoyed it and I also have a question is EB Games literally Canadian gamestop like they just changed the name kind of like our Carl's jr. is called Hardee's in certain parts of the country or is EB games like a Canadian game stop ripoff don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 47,044
Rating: 4.8790932 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/IDontWorkHereLady, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: 3mtUTU1EGGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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