r/Idontworkherelady Karen Tried To Steal My Dog!

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welcome to our slash i don't work here lady where uh karen tries to steal opie's dog our next reddit post is from enough pizza now i'm a pizza delivery guy and i was winding down for a much-needed early close on mother's day i was one of the only people on staff who didn't have family plans that day my family situation is what you might call complicated so after working all morning while being short staffed i was pretty beat it was especially emotionally hammering to deliver so many pizzas to happy families visiting or hosting their moms i was ready to go home and get drunk and forget about this whole stupid holiday so i get a late call just a few minutes before we close and i decide to take it because hey money is money and it was a pretty big order of six pies so i loaded up and i realized about three quarters of the way to the destination that the address was for the local senior center before the pandemic they used to order all the time they would tip really well and they would make really sweet conversation so i was psyched to see that they were safe and setting up to order pizzas again i snuck them aside of bread sticks from a douchebag who never tips and always harasses our female drivers that i was dropping off along the way by the time that he would call in to complain we would already be closed suck on that but not on your breadsticks anyways i digress i got there and i was glad to finish off what had been an overall really sucky day with a pleasant trip to the senior center and i carried my food to the front desk the receptionist offered to carry the pizzas back but she looked frail enough to be a senior center resident herself so i said that i was happy to get them where they were going she checked me for covid gave me a replacement mask to wear and i found my way to some event room where they'd ordered the pizzas and it was a total punch to my gut it was literally just a room full of sons or daughters visiting their mothers and having some kind of festive party my good mood went away really quick and i dropped the pieces on the table and shuffled out but i realized that while they'd pre-paid for the pizzas over the phone with a credit card they hadn't tipped so no matter how bitter i was i had to make in-person contact with whoever ordered the pizzas or i'd basically just wasted half an hour i went around the room asking for margaret the name on the order and eventually someone put me in front of her our shop doesn't have a uniform or anything so i started to explain hi margaret right you ordered and margaret was really frazzled i guess from running the event so she cut me off and was like oh good you're here we were starting to wonder i don't think bonnie has been matched with anyone yet wait right here i tried to cut in and explain that i was just there to deliver the pizzas and she'd mistaken me for someone else but it went straight over her head margaret pushed this old woman over to me in a wheelchair and practically shouted bonnie this young man is here just for you before i could try my explanation again bonnie replied he is is he well full disclosure son don't get too attached cause jesus has my heart margaret whispered to me she's a real live wire have fun and then margaret and my tip were in the wind bonnie looked up at me and goes you like bridge i hope you brought your checkbook and she started wheeling away to the table i followed her thinking that i'd better not lose track of her until i could return her to margaret i spotted a woman with an id badge who looked like she knew what was going on and i explained that i was just a pizza delivery guy but someone had left me with this old woman in my charge i guess that my explanation wasn't clear enough because i said something like hey i was actually delivering some pizzas up here and the girl says you brought pizza oh that is so nice i'll make sure you're compensated so at first i thought great everything's resolved but no she gave me a wad of cash and this woman also disappeared leaving me alone with bonnie and her deck of cards i kept waiting for margaret or the other lady to return but i also kind of enjoyed making conversation with bonnie and i knew that no other deliveries would be coming in since we closed on my drive over actually i did like listening to bonnie talk about the youtube conspiracies that she wholeheartedly believed in as well as the argument that she was having with the arts and crafts chaperone and so on she even gave me one of her recipes this whole time i was worried that she had dementia or that she thought that i was a family member or that she was expecting a particular visitor at any moment and a guy would storm in and say what are you doing with my aunt or something so finally i saw the second organizer again the one who had given me the cash i figured that margaret may never return so i shouldn't wait for her and i pulled the organizer aside and said look there's been some kind of mix-up i don't really know this woman the organizer seemed distracted she was doing several things at once and she very casually said oh there's no mix-up the pairings were totally random you weren't expected to have much in common you'll get to know her don't overthink it and once again she vanished into the crowd while i was saying no i'm just delivering pizza at that point i seriously considered leaving because it wasn't my fault that these people were unorganized but bonnie was waiting for me with this huge grin on her face to play more cards and it didn't look like there were any other relatives coming for so i figured i would stick it out for a few more games i was eventually able to figure out by eavesdropping on other people that this was not a mother child extravaganza this was a volunteer event for women living in the senior home without kids or whose kids couldn't visit them that was a huge relief because i would have felt really terrible if she had dementia and she thought that i was her son or something especially because i was kind of enjoying being mothered by her for lack of a better term it felt really good to have someone asking what i was doing at work and saying they were proud of me for things that weren't actually a big deal bonnie proudly bragged to everyone we passed in our courtyard walk about this silly little employee of the week award that i just won it's basically just a title and you get your photo on the wall every employee wins it at some point and usually more than once but bonnie made it feel really important and i really secretly loved how she got outraged over minor transgressions on my behalf like i told her how my landlord is sticking it to me on repairs and she was like he's quite the right pair in the tuna with such sincere gusto she said i know a guy who could tune him up for you and i don't think that she was talking about repairs but i didn't follow up every time that i tried to extricate myself bonnie would have some other activity that she wanted to do once we finished cards she wanted to do arts and crafts once we did that she wanted me to push her around the courtyard once we did that she was famous from the walk even though all she did was sit in her wheelchair and she wanted pizza i fed her two slices before an orderly appeared and angrily informed me that she wasn't supposed to eat pizza i don't know how she ended up with that third slice but seriously i didn't give it to her finally the party was winding down and she wanted me to hang out and watch a game show with her about 30 seconds into the show bonnie was asleep i left her a coupon even though i guess she's not supposed to eat pizza and i headed home it was kind of nice spending mother's day doing mother's day type stuff really nice actually at this point in my life and career if you want to call it that i can say that i've never had a wholly good memory that involves pizza but this was pretty close so happy mother's day to those who celebrated and happy russian victory day to those who didn't op do those pizzas you deliver have onions in them because i think it's starting to bother my eyes no in all seriousness opie this post is super wholesome and just remember if you got a lot of value out of visiting with seniors then what's stopping you from going back again i'm sure all those senior citizens would love to have you come visit also does anyone think that the senior center had a genius plan op you were there to deliver the pizza but i'm guessing they also had a flower delivery guy a chinese food delivery guy and a couple of door dash drivers then once they get like 20 delivery guys there the people who work there just have to appear too busy to talk to anyone and just constantly dodge them throughout the entire night absolutely genius our next read it postage from this chick during college i worked as a hostess at a big chain restaurant that had a huge staff my location was the management training location for our region so we had a lot of new managers cycling in and out most of these managers were promoted servers or bartenders from different locations and had zero management experience prior to this i never liked working at this location because a lot of new managers were on a little bit of a power trip so after a year of being berated for issues that were completely out of my control i finally got a new job and put in my two weeks i handed the notice directly to our general manager thanked her for everything and was set to leave on good terms with the company fast forward two weeks and i received a notification that my schedule was set for the following week i called the restaurant and i reminded the on duty manager that i was no longer an employee there and they would need to find someone else to fill my spot they apologized and moved on another two weeks pass and i get the same notification i once again call the restaurant to remind them and they apologize again before i hang up i say something to the effect of hey make sure you make a note about this because i'm going out of country next week and i won't be able to call if this happens again they agree and i hang up so this is where it gets dramatic i'm on vacation in spain and i get a string of angry texts from a new manager at the restaurant reminding me that i'm five minutes late and if i don't arrive in the next five minutes i'll be written up i text back saying sorry i know you're new but i put in my two weeks notice over a month ago and i don't know why i'm still on the schedule the new manager replies saying that although that may be the case it is absolutely unacceptable that i'm missing a shift that i'm scheduled for and if i don't come in i'll be written up and be in bad standing with the company i responded explaining that i'm out of the country and although i'm sorry for their situation i am no longer an employee and there's nothing that i can do to help i then receive a string of at least 15 messages back to back and let me tell you they were the most unhinged messages i have ever read they range from calling me unprofessional to an arrogant brat mind you i have never even worked with this woman she started after i left she accused me of lying and being lazy saying that if you quit a job you need to give notice and i should be ashamed of what i've done to the restaurant of course i took screenshots of the conversation and sent those to the other managers last i heard she was suspended and then demoted back to her original position definitely for the best it's so weird to me that she actually used the argument how could you do this to the restaurant it's like lady i barely cared about the restaurant when you were paying me to care and now that you're not paying me i literally couldn't care less our next reddit post is from the mailman cometh so this happened a few months ago my older dog had to be put down which sucked yeah but it didn't feel right just throwing his stuff out things like his harness his leash travel kennel etc so i cleaned everything up and took the stuff down to the local animal shelter one of my younger dogs is training to be an emotional support animal for my wife he was wearing his work harness which had clear signage that he was in training along with his name he's also an alumni of this particular animal shelter so i took him along while i was dropping my older dog stuff off my younger dog being an emotional support animal and training is very sociable and he likes to say hi to everyone especially kids he loves kids and kids love him this particular child however was probably too young to read the asked a pet badge on his harness i doubt that his mother was though my dog fred will willingly break the rules if it means that he gets face time with a kid so i interrupt the petting make fred sit down then i release him to get loved on while i was talking with one of the shelter workers about my older dog the mother of the child interrupts and asked for an adoption form okay cool that's what shelters are here for i didn't immediately realize that she was talking to me because of having my attention split between the shelter worker my dog and her kid the shelter worker said who did you pick this one she points at my dog do you think he's too old to change his name the shelter worker gives me a panicked look i say uh ma'am this is my dog i only brought him along because i got him from here a year ago well you brought him back so i went to adopt him the shelter worker said he's not surrendering his dog he was just bringing in some donations the mom shoots an angry glare at both of us you shouldn't have non-adoptable dogs in a shelter now the kid is crying because his mother assumed that anything with four legs was fair game and she told him that they could take my dog home she snapped see what you did i hope you're happy she stomped out and almost forgot her own crying child our next reddit post is from mr peeper long story short in 2014 i was working at a pizza chain in a rural utah farming town at the beginning of july i gave my two weeks notice to my manager that i'd be leaving to move out of state to be closer to my family i finished out my time as promised moved found a new better gig and that was that of course i'm posting on r slash i don't work here lady so you know that wasn't the end of the story during the next summer i received a call from the store's new store manager he informed me that he's been putting me on the schedule and it was unacceptable that i wasn't even coming in to look he said that if i don't show up today he would have no choice but to fire me i said did the old manager not take me out of the system after i quit last year he grumbled and made some snarky complaint that if i had quit a year ago i shouldn't be in a scheduling program i let him know that i'm living in a completely different state and i'm working a completely different job and i would not be showing up for any shifts that he scheduled before he threatened to fire me and i reiterated hey i don't actually work for you so do what you got to do he hung up and that was the last that i heard of it until yesterday i received a letter from corporate informing me that per their records i haven't shown up to work since july 2014 and that unfortunately they were going to have to terminate me i still can't stop laughing especially since you know they sent the letter to the address that i gave them when i quit op i think the only logical thing to do now is to file for unemployment benefits i mean if they're gonna fire you then they have to pay you unemployment right our next credit post is from mike oxenfair i was witness to possibly the most hilarious karen interaction that i have ever seen in this story i was just an onlooker and i didn't play any part there are three important people in this story the first person is karen the second person is a nicely dressed but unfortunate customer who karen decided worked there and the third person was a hilarious customer who well it'll all become clear yesterday i went to pick up some groceries at asda as i'm shopping with my trolley i hear the hemp of an approaching karen behind me but to my surprise she walked straight past me to the unfortunate customer and she demands this that and the other to which the unfortunate customer responds sorry but i don't work here as i'm watching this scene unfold the unfortunate customer reiterates that he doesn't work for asta and the karen repeatedly accuses him of lying then another customer comes up and addresses karen in a big booming voice finally a manager some woman just accused me of not helping her when i'm a customer here now what are you gonna do about it karen turns to that customer and says what i'm not a manager here what are you but she gets cut off mid-sentence of course you're a manager i've seen you talking to customers now are you gonna help me karen tries to explain what she was doing but in the confusion the customer that she had been talking to had wisely ducked out so when karen turned she said i was talking to and she gestured at empty space suddenly she was just standing there alone well hanging around speaking to staff isn't very professional is it you should be doing your job helping customers starting with me karen then just screams i don't effing work here f off and walks off clearly upset abandoning her shopping trolley in the process playing the old uno reverse card that's the thing about cairns they know how to dish it out but they can never take it in return that was our slash i don't work here lady and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 314,129
Rating: 4.9627342 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, idontworkhere, i dont work here
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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