Riding Wild Carnival Rides at The NC Mountain State Fair - 2021

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[Music] you [Music] hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the south more specifically fletcher north carolina and even more specifically than that we are at the 2021 mountain state fair yes like most events in this country they did not have the mountain state fair in in 2020 it was cancelled so good to see the mountain state fair back up and running now this is not this they call the state fair um there's actually a bigger state fair out in the middle of the state of north carolina but us folks in the mountain that's a long drive so they give us an additional state fair here in the mountains and called the mountain state fair now i actually have been interested in trying to do a project where i visit as many state fairs as possible so far we've got north carolina and kentucky down we got 48 more to cover but i am taking suggestions if you know of good state fairs or just good events in general leave a comment in the comment section looking for recommendations maybe next year maybe 2022 where you can check out a few more state fairs but anyways yeah this is kind of our local state fair and normally in the past anna my daughter would accompany me to do the fair but she was unavailable i begged her but she had already planned to go to a concert tonight so i will get her in these videos again someday but not tonight but but tonight i'm here at the fair to take in the sights the smells the tastes we're gonna walk around we're gonna see what's going on we may grab a little something to eat we may even have aboard a ride but please follow me [Applause] all right gonna grab some tickets here at the ticket booth i think we'll i think we'll stick with the 20 for the tickets 21 coupons we'll try to find uses for all of those all right here's our tickets our 20 tickets we have to deal with the rides take different amounts of tickets so we'll have to rash them out carefully i always kind of like to start things out by hopping aboard the classic sky ride that they have here kind of get a bird's eye view of what's going on at the fair and here we sky 4th oh wow here we are hovering above the mountain state fair you can smell the carnival food wafting to the air you can actually feel feel the smell of the food against your skin all the way up here and uh you can see some of those rides and those insane rides now we got uh we got 20 tickets this costs four tickets we got 16 tickets left to ride do you guys want me to hop on uh one of these little rides maybe maybe we can do the bees the bees maybe we can do something a little more extreme we'll see this is the kids section there's a lot of just things that spin in circles again the bees we got uh a little little teacups say moo on them and have cow patterns little canoes over there my daughter used to love this uh superman machine i wrote that with her once very very uncomfortable um for someone my weight it crushes all your body weight crushes down on your stomach and then a little train there got a little uh little fishes little nemo type fishes and uh some sort of swing there i got a little little roller coaster out there a little i think they call it the wacky worm roller coaster over there we got some some scary swings see the worm go there ah look at the worm go the happy little worm i think tonight i'll make the goal that i'll try to ride something something that i've never rode before you see all the little fair goers down there playing games eating eating fried food and hopping on some crazy rides that dangle my feet over their heads oh there's something i've been on a few times the black forest fun house it's a pretty pretty standard fun house movie floor you know bouncy thing circular spinny doorway just stuff that's hard to walk on the classic matterhorn style ride and then what's the mixer looks like almost a variation on the scrambler all right coming back down to planet earth the himalaya here pretty much the same ride as the matterhorn but look at this one it's got a yeti look at this daredevils defying death and gravity looks like one of the classic motorcycle wall of deaths it's a little crowded here but we're gonna [Applause] oh my god oh very cool people here exiting the brill arena i'm not very familiar with how you ride a motorcycle and i'm not very good at physics but it seems that riding a motorcycle or a go-kart on the wall that seems that seems really difficult i would be worried that i would fall off the wall seems dangerous so i turned around and i said no girlfriend [Music] check out this non-specific flying elephant ride back when i was a kid i used to go to the fair i would spend all my money trying to win a goldfish throwing a ball into the goldfish container i would i would spend every dollar i had and i would never win a fish and then years later i'd find out that you go to the pet store they're nine cents it's a little different than when i was a kid when i was a kid you actually threw the ball into the fish's bowl there'd actually be live fish in the bowls where you'd throw the ping pong balls looks like now they keep them in a aquarium until you win but uh yeah that's not very nice to like have a live fish and then you hit him in the head with a ball and then he becomes your pet check out this it's a they're sitting in a barn i guess that's a tornado underneath it carrying this barn to the air that's pretty i like the theming it's it's there's good seeping on a uh like carnival ride now this contraption is known simply as fighter it looks like little arms each arm has three cars and uh rotates people a fairly violent man oh my gosh oh my gosh good goodness oh look there's the the super high swings up there oh i've never been on i've ever been on the super high swings maybe maybe today should be the day though yeah i've always been suspicious of these because you're literally hanging by a chain but you know it's a it's actually three chains and chains are actually pretty strong so uh you know everything will probably come together all right i did bring my osmo action cam here to the fair could strap this to my wrist and hopefully get some footage while i'm spinning around above the fair all right here they go rising rising to the air i don't know the people look terrified it's hard to tell from here you're a little bit laughing that's a good sign so i am i am afraid of heights to an extent i i've been on the smaller swings like that are close to the ground but not the ones that like take you high up in the air so yes i'm scared but you know it's important sometimes you gotta you gotta push the barrier a little bit when something scares you you got to uh you gotta try it you don't need to go full force and try every scary thing at once but do something you know every once in a while that scares you right right all right let's find the perfect swing who am i kidding they're all the same let's just grab this one oh boy all right buckled in here hanging on swing hearts pumping just a little bit um obviously it's not the scariest ride here not the most intense right here but uh it's high i've not uh been on a swing does high have been on the smaller swings i think i don't i think i would remember if i was on a swing this high like i said i think the thing that always sketched me out is just the chain just like one of these little links could break and then i would come plummeting down to earth oh man i mean chains are strong i think you know we look up there there's more than one chain probably if one chain breaks some of these other chains will will take their place remember that old terrible little parable where you can break a stick but you can't break a bunch of sticks because a bunch of sticks are a family these chains these chains are a family and uh if i was just hanging by one chain and probably fall because i'm hanging by a bunch of chains or at least uh at least a couple chains i probably won't what if like one chain breaks and then i like hang off the side like funny that would that would be really scary but you know the important thing is i'm doing something that scares me i'm doing something that scares me like i said it's good oh we're going up pull up i don't know if i like up let's see oh boy oh boy there is there is the fair and oh my gosh oh my gosh we i guess we are i don't like some things about this oh it's windy it's really windy and i'm feeling gravity affecting me oh we're starting to go fast this sucks this i don't likey no like like oh my god oh oh oh oh look how loose this this chain is why is it so loose i'll just see the people behind me and they look like they're having a good time because i'm not oh my gosh oh my gosh why are we doing this why does this happen to me why did i choose to make this happen to myself okay we're slowing down all right so you know that big one they're called they get the star flyer the one in orlando that killed a guy um maybe i should try that next that would definitely scare me um maybe i'll do this a few more times not today but other times i'll try the some more swings and uh and then maybe i'll become less scared over time oh we're still dangling we're still dangling here that was very secure i do have a seat belt like right here so i was fairly secure in this ride but it was still uh you know you're flying through the air oh that almost hit me in the head all right so that was the swing what is this thing called i don't know if this has a specific name oh look it's called the the it's a great name i think there is an actual copyright law on the book that says uh traveling carnivals they could do whatever they want copyright laws do not apply to carnivals or carnival rides and here we have the fighter it's actually lit up for the night time let's just watch this again how this works i slowly rotate you can hear the screaming a little bit they're kind of scared and there they go oh my gosh seems almost like that would be uncomfortable to rotate in that manner here is the tornado i've not been on one of these it looks like i don't know there's almost like a teacup element to it you can see the people have like a disc that they can turn i think they can control their own rotation as the tornado takes them around in a circle all right we gotta find a tornado car here with the open sea [Music] my uh pretty comfy in here spinning is it going gotta turn the wheel to make it spin here and then just enjoy enjoy the tornadic the tornadic action here not too bad i presume it's going to get much worse here in a moment but this is actually pretty relaxing i feel the the the seats not too restrictive my gut is not being crushed i'm feeling the wind in the air this is almost relaxing but judging by the fact that it's called the tornado i'm guessing it's about to get real here in a moment add some velocity here that's nice in that it like allows you to choose your own intensity level you only spin as much as you'd like seems like some of these other groups are are spinning faster than us i think that maybe because i'm not helping ranking carnival rides like things like the scrambler and the filter world very intense this is actually relaxing i think this may be one of my one of my new favorite rides [Applause] they shouldn't call it the tornado it's such a scary name to call it the relaxing the relaxo the relaxa clone [Applause] combined cyclone with relax there now this is the mixer said earlier that it looked like a uh version of the scrambler actually looks like maybe it's a tamer version of the scrambler or maybe just a newer smoother more modern take on the scrambler i guess you know it's the mixer and mixing something is generally less vicious than scrambling something you mix eggs you can mix them softly when you scramble eggs you really gotta really gotta lay into them and all these people look like they're having a great time a lot of the lines now for rides are still very long but you know the fair isn't all about uh it's all about crazy rides there's also agricultural exhibits here in the expo building it's much quieter in here than it is outside here's the model village section you can see a pyramid there this is the best of show see these other dioramas here jesus is night oh that's the nativity it's the night jesus was born so a lot of different tablos here we got wall-e we got some farm animals racing down a hill oh i like this one the uh spaceships spaceships uh abducting cows gonna perform some cattle mutilations there and here we have some of the different vegetables they have one award some peppers there's a little little pepper man right there there's the honey exhibition bees and honey see the bee keeper there and look at this bees look at the bees where's the queen i always forget what the what the queen looks like does anyone see it pause pause the video now and see if you can find the queen is that her no no i don't think so here's the first place corn first place hay oh look at those big old pieces of corn what is this thing oh sugar beets there's the giants of the garden big old 403 pound pumpkin and a couple of uh watermelons that one's 44 pounds that one's 54 pounds come on check out these pumpkins here some really cool carved pumpkins oh look at those big teeth looks like me oh this one looks like an old sailor with a rotten eye they're hanging upside down for an awfully long time are they stuck upside down no seriously this is this is a long time um is this a problem okay i just realized there's no people in there they're fine so we are at the fair let's uh let's eat something ridiculous do you have a youtube channel yes hmm the hot fresh ribbon fries stand have some some of their work out here on display the mound of uh of ribbon fries there some chicken tenders and then a whole family of corn dogs check that out look at this creation right there looks like he's got lemons on the side of his head maybe they're their headphones all the classic carnival desserts some deep fried oreos deep fried candy bars deep fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all right for my carnival snack i decided on a fried twinkie i don't think i've had the fried twinkie before i know i've had fried oreos but the twinkie is new to me so i was interested oh it's very hot i want to get burned with twinkie cream looks like they put a put a stick in it twinkies don't normally have sticks in them i think they added that to make it easier to deal with i think that was just a big chunk of fried dough right there you can really make out the twinkie straight there on the bottom let's get up i'm pretty gonna burn but i don't take a big bite let's see in there get some of the cream okay that's a good bite lots of whinky cream in there very warm it's better than a normal twinkie that's for sure twinkies aren't exactly you know the most healthy food but if you're gonna you're gonna have one you might as well go all out and get the full deep fried experience we're over here like apparently they're like very filling too oh my gosh all right there's a last bit of twinkie down the hatch there baby cakes what are these made out of of course one of my favorite events here at the mountain state fair is the pig races i'm dallas cook we live in newton north carolina my pit cruise my honey of 50 years she's gonna be doing all the work for you getting these it oh [Applause] number five don't blow the motor be [Applause] says that this old music box was placed here so that people can know what the fair sounded like a hundred years ago let's uh let's see [Music] oh my gosh we got the human the human cannonball here this guy's going to shoot himself out of the canyon here i see canyon i'm in canon i got too excited three two one oh there he goes [Music] all right i think he's okay all right we still have 10 tickets left uh maybe we can see if the ride if the the wait times have gone down a little bit all right we're gonna sit in the front of the worm all right and off we go in our worm see the antenna there right in front of us going up the big drop hill here people over top us their cars all right the first big curve here [Music] and are we coming up on the drop no the drop's not yet the drop's not yet we got this little wavy part we're like whoa whoa get some serious air time there oh we're building up ahead of steam because we're going down the drop whoa oh my god do round two here you see the worm winding behind me oh he always wanted to be the head of a worm actually why they call it a worm it's it's clearly a caterpillar but uh some people call caterpillars worms though i think all right so the worm here going up and down the wavy bar now you can get my reaction as we go down the big drop oh my gosh all right the giant spinning dalmatians there and look at the majesty here the giant glowing clown head fun house so it looks like the clown's teeth are actually a mirror maze all right going in here into the mirror maze hey there all right so okay i'm in the there's no way okay okay i thought i was completely trapped in there now i'm stuck in this corner okay here we go here we go some of them that's the trick is that some of the glass is see-through and some of it is a mirror that adds to the confusion of the mirror oh another dead end all right oh here we go here we go here we go um i see some stairs but i don't i don't know how to get to them oh here we go is that oh okay here's the real stairs got up the stairs there's a happy clown face and some more happy clown faces up here we got uh fun house mirrors hey there oh look that's pretty crazy looks like my torso is really long and then let's see oh look i have ridiculously long legs and look i'm [Music] pretty much pretty much just how i normally look all right no time for you clowns because we got to go down the slide feet first i forget what part of the clown the slide is it like his tongue or something all right oh there we go i'm trying to decide what ride uh what ride should i hop aboard and i'm thinking what what's the comments actually gonna say in the future what what are you guys gonna say you should have wrote that and i think you guys want me to ride i think you guys want me to ride the fighter admit it you want me to ride the fighter don't you come on smiles on their faces oh my gosh oh my gosh what have i gotten myself into here all right let's find our capsule oh here's one i have worries i'm worried that this may be regrettable um i don't know if i've ever been spun and rotated in this particular manner um so hold my hand guys let's hope this all comes out okay you know people don't i don't know i don't know why i get so worried it's not like horrible things happen on carnival rides all the time occasionally occasionally a horrible thing will happen on a carnival ride but for the most part uh pretty safe nervous about leaving my glasses on i don't know that glass usually don't fall off okay so we're starting to starting to rotate here very slowly all right everyone looks bored this is about to become unboring very quick oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh why why did i decide to do this to myself okay that's okay it's not that bad it's kind of relaxing oh just let yourself go limp oh it's kind of nice it's seriously kind of nice i feel the twinkie a little bit okay that spot is nice [Applause] my face my face is peeling i want to give you guys some pov okay still going i feel like i've been on this thing for about an hour oh oh nauseating oh okay slowing down that feels nice the first part feels nice the ending part feels okay the middle part that's that's the problem oh my goodness oh but i did it i'm happy i did it i'm more happy that it's over than the fact that i did it but uh we've conquered we've conquered conquered the fighter [Music] buzz buzz buzz [Music] so thank you for joining me here tonight at the mountain state fair i've used all my ride tickets to fling myself in various uncomfortable positions but we've had a great night haven't we we saw a man ride a motorcycle up a wall we saw pigs race we saw uh myself being turbulated into mush what what more could you ask for from a night after we ate a fright doing until can't forget that but thank you uh for the support if you guys like this video consider checking out some of the older videos on this channel i've been to the 48 continental united states filming roadside attractions amusement parks museums haunted houses and other fun stuff if you'd like to help support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also selling four different styles of enamel pins in the etsy shop including a new dark ride themed pin all that just helps keep this train on the track this boat in the water and this fighter twirling and whirling through the air until next time my friends this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 90,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, carnival, fair, rides, pig race, human cannonball, sky ride, fun, roadside attraction, roadside america
Id: 3BObuEKQf6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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