Otto The Talking Car at The Missouri State Fair! Riding a Camel!

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for your courses as well but we definitely need the Liberties as soon as possible hey you all and good morning carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically we are in Sedalia Missouri and even more specifically than that we are at the Missouri State Fair now yesterday we were at the Iowa State Fair it's kind of a a marathon trip to see as many state fairs as possible the plan is to see five state fairs in five days we did Iowa today we have Missouri then we have uh some more state fairs after that as well and I do want some feedback what uh what do you guys like to see from the state fairs you like the the carnival rides you like make sure the animals do you like the you know the the agricultural uh displays the uh the art projects just what is your favorite thing to see at the State Fair leave a comment in the comment section now right now we're in front of the replica of the State Fair Gates apparently the the actual State Fair gates in order to get your picture taken in front of them you have to stand out in the middle of the street which is apparently very unsafe so they built a replica of the gates here in the fairgrounds so everyone can enjoy having their picture safely taken in front of the gate so now it is time to explore the Missouri State Fair please follow me [Music] here we are in front of the women's building which is also the Missouri Department of Natural Resources says take a picture with me I am the Missouri Department of resources State on scene coordinator respond to environmental emergencies through the state to help protect people and the environment so yeah the guy in the Hazmat suit uh coming at you with the geiger counter there buffer cycle if will oh this reminds me I need to start making plans for the solar eclipse apparently you can see the totality here in part of Missouri I got to figure out where I'm going to be okay where am I going to be April 8th 2024 save the date uh leave us like leave some comments in the comment section anyone know where it would be a really cool and unique place to see the solar eclipse from it looks like downstairs they have the Missouri State Fair Museum down here they have a gallery of all the State Fair Queens stops at 20 20 21 so I don't know who the uh who the queen was last year say Grand Champion hog trophy it's a collection of souvenir belt buckles from the fair where are you from why are they why are they assuming I'm from Missouri here is the University of Missouri building it says eat Smart like a tiger yes Tiger's uh Tigers tend to eat a lot of raw meat which is not necessarily smart for humans although this guy looks like he's he's taking a minute to eat an apple here's the College of veterinary medicine at the University of Missouri have these different teaching models here oh look at that I actually I went on a weird Rabbit Hole once where I was watching um hoof videos where they were they were working on the Hooves of cattle and draining infection out of cattle hubs that was like one of those oddly compelling things you stumble upon on YouTube and can't quit watching oh what's that maybe some be an ingrown hair there and a rotten rotten tooth inside of an eyeball so you see the medical model there you see inside the cow little piggy there as well and there is a cat that's inside showing that's my first bear this is alive that's true and of many bears at the Missouri Electric Cooperative oh it says come inside and see buddy bear at 10 A.M noon and two it's actually two right now so let's uh let's go see let's go see buddy bear buddy how are you doing there oh hello having a good day here at the uh Missouri State Fair oh thumbs up thumbs up awesome there is a selfie opportunity where you can pretend like you're on the cover of rural Missouri magazine look ma finally made it the the agriculture building here you always want to check that out at the State Fair [Applause] here's the Horticulture contest oh my God look at that cabbage that is an enormous cabbage that is larger than a bowling ball that's almost the size of my medicine a medicine ball wow I'm very impressed by this cabbage also what's you have a little uh little potato man here next to next to the uh the giant cabbage here oh there's a largest tomato there it's uh 2.3 pounds that's a pretty big tomato oh look at these delicious racks of ribs of course I definitely associate Missouri with some good barbecue oh look at these hams these hams look like they could last 10 000 years and still be delicious yeah look at all these hams it's fascinating yeah it's fascinating how you can like cure a ham so it can essentially last forever yeah even more hams over here I didn't I didn't realize ham was such a big deal in Missouri I generally associate hams with uh Virginia man look at all those hams some giant pumpkins back here the biggest one 725 pounds there in the back well I think the one in Iowa yesterday was maybe a little bit a little bit bigger but uh look at these giant watermelons watermelon here 147 pounds that's amazing imagine just like chopping that open and just just eating the whole thing it says black vultures are increasing in population their aggressive nature can cause problems for livestock and they have a black vulture hanging here I guess this is a turkey vulture but I guess the ones you want to look out for are uh are these there's the state fair Volunteer Fire Department here's a display showing the difference between having fire sprinklers and not having fire sprinklers this is with fire sprinklers you can see they don't work 100 it's still got the curtain burned there you got nasty nasty uh black stuff all over the couch but let's see without fire sprinklers okay yeah I'm gonna go out at a limb and say uh yeah the fire sprinkler one much much better you definitely don't want your uh couch and chair melted and look what we have here this is Otto the talking car oh my goodness how are you doing Otto I'm doing great how are you sir pretty good pretty good just enjoying the Missouri State Fair it's my first time here where are you from uh I'm based out of North Carolina you visit other state fairs yeah I've been trying to visit all the state fairs I was that's amazing I was in Iowa yesterday's Fair Iowa's got a bomb a mistake oh yeah yeah it was really nice really nice it's great so you said you've been you've been here since the 1930s well I was I was I was built in 1931 I've been here since 1969 1964. 1964. so you've been a been a staple here at the uh at the Missouri State Fair I was retired early and uh spent most of my time I'm not at the State Fair in the museum at the Missouri State Highway Patrol airport all right I mean I need to come visit you sometime at the uh it's a really easy is it yeah yeah my friends and partners there at the museum that people come in and look at we got some really neat stories behind it I will definitely stop by and say hello to you sometime well it's absolute pleasure to meet you I will be sure to wear my seatbelt and yeah tell all your friends everybody you know and everybody that's listening to this please wear your seatbelt and drive safe absolutely thank you Otto thank you for coming to see me definitely love Old State Fair Traditions like Auto the uh talking car but uh he's out here in front of the transportation Exposition Center and also they have this guy over here this giant Barrel man I love these you'll see these every once in a while out in the wild I know there's one there's one at a rest area somewhere I think it's actually in Missouri somewhere there's a one of these big guys love that I love when they you know bring a little Whimsy to the highway the side of the building they have an actual size speed limit sign on the uh on the freeway so people don't realize how big they are yeah honestly honestly that is surprising I did think they were much smaller check out the m-o-d-o-t highway Garden here I will color station here they have our little Barrel man out front it says don't Barrel through work zones don't Barrel because barrelings like when you charge through something recklessly but also he's made of barrels and look who we have in here we have a little smaller version of the giant Barrel man outside a more minute Barrel creature Missouri Department of Revenue here where you can get your uh Missouri driver's license made here would you like one see Sunny Fair Day from funnel cake drive and everybody can see it so I wear it as a bill there we go all right oh oh Annie oh no there you go it's it's all right just throwing everything all right all right if like if I print out this picture and cut it out is this counted they have simulated drunken ring toss here you put on beer goggles and then you try to throw rings [Music] so these are the these are the beer goggles here yeah so they work their way up progressively so which one's the which one's the drunkest that's the drunkest one let me try that okay all right all right I swear I only had two pairs oh no it keeps going to the side I know you keep hitting the wall did not manage to land a single single drunken ring on the you try it on the cones train here called Old Smokey it says don't play chicken with trains but they're a they're like a country song I play chicken with a train [Music] [Applause] and of course you can't have a state fair without some racing pigs time for the pig races and this is Hendrick's racing pigs this is the fourth different pig racing true I've come across Tiger's way up high y'all if you're take your shakers down low then my picks go slow because they're scared of the Shakers so you've got to shake your shakers way up high okay now when you all Shake Your trigger then your crowd's gonna Hoot and Holler when you're crowd Hoot and Holler like they never had so much fun and your little Piggy's gonna run faster around that truck keep going keep going keep going keep going and stop right out there y'all are the red rivers all right coming on around keep going keep going keep going yeah is that number one with the red silks home this is Audrey hawber Audrey hogberg This Little Piggy right down here he is glad to come to Missouri because you all had some laws changed he likes coming now in gate number two with the white tips on this is squealy Nelson Willie Nelson yeah okay number three he's really good at making less turns we'd like to have him this is Dale swanhart Juniors Dale swinehart Jr with the yellow silk zone right down here I'll tell you what this one is exciting yeah because she took a break from her big concert tour that she's been on just to come to the Missouri State Fair let's hear it for Taylor Swift Taylor swine Gotta Love gotta love the pig gimmick names [Applause] [Applause] wait wait she's got it she's got a kangaroo untangled this is cozy she is an eight-month-old red kangaroo yeah and uh she thinks she's a city kangaroo right now but she's gonna move back to the farm in a couple months and you can go and see her I got another one that's about six weeks older than her laughs the gherkin Dairy Center invites us to come in and see the butter cow so they have a butter cow here at the Missouri State Fair as well I'm cheesed off all right I guess people eating ice cream in here looks like the butter cows over there in the corner let's go take a look and there it is the Missouri butter cow here get a closer look you can see the cow there actually licking licking the face of that butter boy there got a long buttery tongue licking the ear of the butter boy you can see the Udders there as well or in this case the butters the petting zoo out here got a whole bunch of goats hey goat how are you doing hey Mr goat Fortis there hanging out with his best friend a kangaroo I always I always like when uh when unlikely animals become friends a sleepy porcupine over there in the corner which she would uh we should come over here and let me pet him got a baby buffalo doing a little just a little bit of food there a little Buffalo just doing a little there we go is that some good buffalo food and this is a yak fun fact yak's milk is pink a little sip we'll sit there Yaki there we go and here's one of my favorite Little Critters we have a little baby camel there are you a nice are you a nice camel look how nice he is such a sweet baby camel there oh hey family you want some food oh look at that takes just enough does not try to pull it away from me does not try to be aggressive uh I think I think I love camels now oh it's a good camel here we go you can have all of it just pour that pour that in your mouth there you go good good camel me and you are friends forever well you do got to be careful the zebra here though he is adorable little baby zebra zebras are wild animals they will bite and they don't wear saddles oh there we have it tiny horse and a baby a baby tidy horse which is just ridiculously tiny that'll do pig that'll do and look at this out here we have camel rides now I just had a bonding experience with a baby camel inside the tent so let's uh let's take the uh the full grown camel for a ride please promise did you have fun very much so thank you yep you know I learned something today out at the Tennessee Wildlife Park I met a very aggressive greedy camel who stoled my bucket of food and bit my arm and I I made a mistake then I I painted all camels with the same brush I I thought camels as a species of aggressive greedy animals it turns out that that most camels are very sweet the adorable baby cam camel inside let me pet him then I got to go for a ride on this big gentle camel here I think camels are wonderful delightful animals he was he was gentle he didn't run too fast his His Hump felt kind of weird and Squishy but uh yeah I I love cams I think I may you know when I settle down when I uh retire when I go off to live on the farm I think I'm gonna purchase my own camel and go for Camel rides every day headed to the 4-H building here and see some of the 4-H projects wow look at this wall of cakes it smells like cake in here it's the dog head cake the cow head cake there's a snake cake I really like that one woodworking over here I do like this giant wooden carved Lego minifigure there here's a child who won an award for creating working Doctor Octopus arms that's pretty amazing to have ourselves why this show is tremendous it's stupendous instrumentally stupid yay pointy finger lubricated up take it and stick it in your neighbor's ear y'all might laugh that's a good way to meet somebody who came out to the fair all by yourself they'll not be scared nobody [Applause] foreign [Applause] I'm so bad I drink milk straight out of The Jug and I never put the lid back on that's so bad when I go shopping I park my shopping cart across the aisle and talk real loud on my cell phone about my personal problems that is annoying is that two bees or not two bees quit asking me math questions chewing oh that was so strong elevation Army what are they whiskey and women [Applause] start to drop on itself don't do nothing stupid it's Bubba you got your butt pointed the wrong way you could see fish in a barrel oh yeah oh holy man shot a fish out of the barrel Freddy Freddy you shot my pet fish Freddy you mean old man oh geez you missed me oh he got me hello I killed Batman here is the Missouri conservation department got some very nice fish tanks right here oh look at those catfish look at all these little baby paddlefish Smokey Bear here remember I I used to call them Smokey the Bear but um I asked the talking Smokey uh at the Ohio State Fair and he told me his name was Smokey Bear not Smokey the Bear so we have a giant frog there as well diamonds monkey do the trick where are you mean too much of Taco Bell that was disgusting yay it doesn't matter you're like I was a bear I saw a monkey breed Vines and shoot fire items but now after that delicious pork chop on a stick we had at the Iowa State Fair still craving some delicious pork but we're in luck because they actually have the pork chop on the stick at this state fair as well now sadly they were actually out of the pork chop on a stick but we'll have to settle for this full rack of ribs all right it's a massive rack of ribs there okay oh my goodness that's so good yeah there's a lot of pork the Iowa State Fair pork here as well at the uh at the Missouri State Farm in Missouri is kind of known for ribs or barbecue or something that is so good I love that cleaned our bones here I did decide to forego eating the bread I'm trying to reduce the number of carbohydrates I consume so we'll stick with uh we'll stick with just the meat for today now it is time to hit the Midway and we're in luck because apparently this is the greatest carnival on the planet foreign alien scientists down there look at these uh alien creatures working on their computers [Music] this here is called the bear Affair but I like to call it the mid-summer [Music] and alas as we visit these last state fairs it's almost like we are counting down towards the end of the summer of carousels all right the guy took one look at me and said you need to sit on the bench it's all right though I don't mind but thank you for coming along with me today to visit the Missouri State Fair in our five-day Whirlwind State Fair Marathon we now have two bears down we'll be headed to the Illinois State Fair tomorrow out in Springfield Illinois thank you guys so much for uh for coming along with me on this journey I appreciate it so much uh if you like these videos please subscribe besides state fairs I travel around filming roadside attractions amusement parks museums haunted houses and other fun random stuff we'd like to help contribute to the channel consider contributing to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month from me to you also selling enamel pins in the Etsy shop because well as doing uh personalized messages on Cameo the information for all of that is in the description and until next time this one Sun this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 35,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, jacob, vlog, blog, roadtrip, travel, road trip, road-trip, roadside attraction, roadside america, americana, camel, riding, bit, bit by a camel, missouri, mo, state fair, missouri state fair, butter cow, wild west, show, carnival, midway, animals, petting zoo, pig race, fun, amazing, modot, otto the talking car, sedalia
Id: _42KGDYzHZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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