Trouble in St. Maarten

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is it French is it Dutch is it French is it Dutch St Martin uh oh we have a new friend check this out ooh celebrity reflection and a super yacht hello celebrity reflection nice of you to join us today we've just made Port here in St Martin look at the mountains um like I said it's a French and Dutch place I don't know what we're going to get into today but we got to get into something welcome to Jurassic par welcome to St Martin here we go [Music] 4:30 p.m. next destination nowhere North Virginia so here we are on the pier in St Martin got options to date uh I got this map here which is helpful I'm going to try to find the Hop On Hop off bus and see if they still have spaces but if not there's a water taxi from here to downtown Philipsburg so uh it seems like you can get downtown pretty easy via Water Taxi which I've never done so I don't know we're winging it winging it in St Martin oh I know you want it I'll give it to you here's another look at the celebrity reflection this time on the ground H what's so noisy behind me oh look at this they're doing some sort of work on the Carnival Pride all right fourth we go it's the constant battle versus the sea water salt water is horrible for metal got to paint repaint paint repaint it's the only way you can keep the rust off these ships and sometimes it feels like it's a losing battle I think look how many gallons of paint they use a year here I just noticed this symbol at the back of the ship here I think that means there's missiles on board what is that any nautical nerds out there does that mean anything I just thinking just kind of spitballing looking around here you know what this port needs they've got it they've got it diamonds International that's right they everywhere they're everywhere jewelry jewelry more jewelry shark is bar dutyfree statue of some man let's go see who the statue is of Dr Albert Claudius Claude wle it's a little bit hard to read but here's a statue of the good doctor Claude and then there's also a little plaque for a Bonair boat builder over here known as Boi John Philip Frederick crane St Martin let's see if I can get a picture am I doing it is this it and we're doing it and so there's the cruise ships so I took a right this is where transportation is I know this is where the Hop On Hop off bus picks up I saw that on their website but I'm not really sure where you buy tickets for it at so this could be an exercise in futility cuz this just looks like a terminal doesn't look like any ticket sales hm not good not good The Hop On Hop off bus is here though see if they can tell me where to get tickets seems the Hop On Hop off something you got to book through the cruise line which I didn't see I didn't see that for our Excursion but uh there might be an agent on one of the docks that could sell me a ticket so I'm going to go back and look for that probably worth mentioning while I'm down this little sideway here there are public restrooms so again if you come if you come past you know the cruise ships are there you come here you'd hang a right to get to the public restrooms certainly a cautionary tail like I mean I didn't know what I wanted to do but once you figure out what you want to do maybe check with the cruise line first uh but in most of these places Hop On Hop Off is available outside of the cruise line but maybe it's limited here so I don't know okay so I just talked to shore Excursion uh these guys have the exclusive lock celebrity dang you celebrity's got the exclusive lock on the Hop On Hop off today here in St Martin so we'll just put that idea to rest and uh water taxi that could be fun I love being under the water so water taxi to downtown Philipsburg let's do that Deja Vu no yeah Deja Vu vuja day okay so we're back to the port again you know what this port needs you know what we really set it off looking at all these things diamonds International come on that joke's too easy diamonds International okay I did see Kiosk for the water taxis let's head up that way assuming this will be open later little Tortuga is this the most popular rum cake in the Caribbean I think so there's a lot of others uh small shops I've seen on the islands but uh I think Tortuga's got got the lock then we got St Martin guava Berry colada and rum shop and then right next to that the water taxi Philipsburg shopping beaches I think we go to Philipsburg seven bucks adults round trip crew members $3 three and under for free I wonder if I can tell them that I'm that looks like they accept cash only here which I have cash so that works but have your cash and there's some more shopping up here we'll look at that later so this is where the water taxi goes great Bay Beach goes to the boardwalk into the shopping center round trip seven bucks and it catches uh right down the way seven bucks it's not a bad deal you can get to a beach get to a boardwalk you can get to shopping oh we'll check it out we'll check it out it's 9:28 but of course in the islands it's 5:00 somewhere get a little local beer fruity drink Pandora Crocs more jewelry I wonder how there like jewelry's got to be a huge business on these cruises or you wouldn't have all of them does look like you got some straw Market type shopping but uh looks like we hang the left here for the water taxi this is a statue with a porpus or five or are they Dolphins I don't know the difference dang you celebrity I wanted to Hop On Hop off I like a ho ho Water Taxi though new experience that'll be fun get your tickets over here also if you didn't get them there it's warm here I just want to I'm glistening already uh that's the Caribbean baby I think we're getting [Music] close we got it all guys we got a tax and duty free this is definitely your shopping Port here today I know the biggest Trel Macho downtown there are called diamonds in the side of the Island right where you are it is 16 square m the front side it is 21 square miles the the Dutch and the French we have 112 different nationalities living here once we came it's pretty cool they run every 15 minutes they say make sure about a half an hour before you want to get back to try to grab the taxi so there's three destinations over here but I think there's only one Water Taxi stop uh let me see if I can describe the destination this is like a Beach area then you go a little little deeper into some shopping and then you've got a boardwalk over here so I think those are the destinations that they're talking about I tell you what just from first glance this island looks pretty nice or like this Beach area but it they I think they need one thing they already got it diamonds International it's funny the boat right over there just like make sure you go to Diamonds International to get your freebi at diamonds International we got stuff for your tanzanite I don't even know what tanzanite is I attempt to catch that Hop On Hop off bus no breakfast no caffeine I do spy a coffee shop so let's go get some local coffee guys you guys nice view over here great okay if you guys are going to live lobster I mean I prefer mine cooked but live lobster steak from the grill souvenir on the beach I don't see the boardwalk though so I'm not sure Coffee Lounge this looks like the spot for me it is right next to Big bastards how about that for a name the waffles coffee selections I like that they got sizes sizes all right well at least it should get the day going before we get into the exploring it's pretty delicious so here's to look at the food at the Coffee Lounge this is really more than just a Coffee Spot which is what I thought in the beginning but breakfast lunch uh Burgers poke bowls and then they also have a variety of drinks so it's a bar also look at all these all these drinks that you can get then of course you've got a great selection great selection of coffee it's really an interesting place I think uh I think I might actually have lunch for breakfast it is 10:00 so uh I'm going to finish my coffee have something to eat and then we'll continue exploring exploring the area now that's a burger oh yeah this looks great all right so let me tell you about this place uh at first blush it just looks like a coffee place but it's actually a coffee place and a food and Barb establishment called The Bold Buddha uh I got to talk a little bit to the owner of the restaurant and an interesting story from Japan but she's lived here on the island for 24 years and so you end up with this crazy Caribbean Asian fusion they've got lobster rolls Poke Balls uh I can't recommend this place enough come to the Coffee Lounge come to bold Buddha and tell SEMA the Tony sent you um yeah there was great this looks to be like a pretty common experience a lot of these restaurants they've got beach access and so you can get some sort of beach combo where you can get chairs and then food from the restaurant and then a spot on the beach back at the beginning though there is some public beach where you can grab a spot on so uh a lot of people out on the beach today OMG I'm thirsty Beach Bar and restaurant right next to the dirty sanchez Crew Bar I wonder if they give a discount for the crew there's just so much stuff over here all in the shadow of the cruise ships which is nice dirty sanchez bar 695 Mojitos and margaritas make it a double oh make you see double how about that and Phil single that's funny I I don't know what to say about this one like it's been it was windy in Aruba and curile it's not super windy here it's Breezy in the best way so I'm loving this walk along the beach just for context I I took a right took a right when when I came off of the water taxi so if you're trying to figure out where I'm at I'm to the right of the water taxi I just wanted to point out that looks like there's a handmade cigar spot here and just uh for perspective there's the cruise ships got some beach volleyball all right I'm going to turn back around and then try to hit the center of Philipsburg to uh see the shopping on the Main Street got a French Supermarket here they got some of that Sherie shakery more coffee wow this place I'm afraid to go in there I can see goodies from the distance but I think we can cut through to the main street here there's a drugstore down here for people looking to hit the drugstore this place isn't open yet but again you can catch some of the European Vibe these are German dishes here Spates snitel Sandwich snitzel Burrito vener snitel H my European Heritage is being peaked by you by that menu let's see what's on the Main Street here see got little tight roads here here so careful when you cross the street they're only one car wide maybe it's just one way so you know which way to look St Martin is known for its shopping I mean I'm just on this little side street and uh check out these Brands Michael Kors right there across the street fully branded Calvin Klein psycho bunny Levi not a major brand but definitely going to get some shnicky snacks you got the Front Street Market there guda there's a we are on the Dutch side guda is one of those things gosh look at that that looks delicious guda cheese croissant it really is a curse being an unashamed fatty the fact that cheesy bread will make me salivate is a could be a character flaw I don't know but it's just the way it goes course we got some of that Dutch pottery look at this the Dutch St Mar oh wow I'm not going into any of these stores today I've already I've already bought Dutch stuff the Dutch wow so cool have kind of more localized shops this a jewelry shop that Aruba kirile St Martin St Thomas uh selling the brands Milano Diamond Gallery britling I've seen that in a few of these places that we've stopped of course eie f is all over the place that was halfway down the beach length there is shopping down this other half so we'll go see some of these other other stores but then you also have this cool view of the courtyard or courthouse uh let's take a look at the courthouse you go there's the courthouse here in [Music] Phillipsburg and then uh like I said there's a whole another whole another Street of shopping out there K's Jeweler another cigar spot so again if you're trying to find some cigars in the Caribbean uh this has cute Cuban cigars at the cigar Emporium just wild just tight streets a shopper Paradise for sure Diamonds by bedazzled oh this is interesting I know uh I know a few whiskey afficionados that will dig this got the Blanton the blandon's bar look at this a whole Whiskey Bar Cross from The Whiskey Bar is goomar's a whiskey Paradise that thing is packed full of what I would assume to be dutyfree liquor that you can take back on the ship just the word to the wise watch where you're stepping these roads are tight and definitely could uh trip a little bit don't trip so I feel like you could go over another block and do some more shopping but I think we've kind of seen the gist of the shopping so uh jewelry clothing souvenirs the whole nine I think let's make our way back to the beach and then back to the water taxi see what's on this side of the beach and then we can explore the port a little bit Ah slly reflection looking beautiful I'm still not forgiving you reflection for booking up the whole Hop On Hop off I mean I know it's your perogative but so here's a look at the side of the beach if you went left off of the water taxis looks like more bars and restaurants right here is the Caribbean Blue restaurant the kib is the official beer a lot of that being served you got the Double Dutch Cafe the market and then of course you got the beach looks like this bar right here has rum punch to go this so you got a pool day pass for 20 bucks but is the pool even that nice that's the question I tell you let's oh at this pool infinity pool to the edge what is is this Loca fam locam Loca fam for life what's your guys' name PA and Jackie Molton from Ottawa Canada oh is this uh is this weather compared to Ottawa is this like this in Ottawa uh well put a minus sign besid a minus sign yeah you guys having a good vacation yeah it's great we're staying here at the C View Beach Hotel oh did you play down oh that's cool and uh we're in one of the nice on the corner there it's fantastic the staff here great man yeah I don't think you could have picked a better hotel with a view it's a great view wow well it's super nice to meet you guys and uh thanks for showing me your pool it's cool there's local fam all over the world and look you could be a part of Loca fam all you got to do is hit that subscribe button doesn't cost anything and then we're family Loca fam for Life uh those folks are enjoying a great vacation here in St Martin all right ship nerds take it in a beautiful shot of both cruise ships today celebrity reflection Carnival Pride even though I'm angry at the celebrity reflection I'm going to get over it by the time we get back I think but uh yeah what a look like I said a lot of European influence here the Dutch blonde Beach Bar corny's Beach how about this spot the Thirsty pirate Beach Bar you got all the motifs covered you've got the Europeans you got the Pirates you got the locals C great sign free Wi-Fi with purchase great eats if you go this way however if you go this way maybe sharks maybe sharks that's pretty fun look I'm not one who's inclined to spend a day in the Sun but uh if you are one that's inclined to spend a day in the sun this seems like a great way to do it seven bucks over to this area get yourself a beach chair have some drinks on the beach get yourself some lunch uh and explore do a little shopping it's good stuff even more cigar opportunities souvenirs t-shirts Cuban cigars Delo Omega all right go get back in line for the water taxi the big question what side of the water taxi to sit on to get a good view of the ships these are the things spinning through my brain as I wait the board it's going to be The Far Side over there right don't you think the ship will swing back go that way I don't know we'll see so apparently any side's going to be good but I think I chose this side so hopefully we get to get to see the ships another nice feature of the water taxi is they do sell uh drinks here so you could get a beer or you could get water I'm not sure what else they have maybe soda but uh dollar for the water so uh can cool off a little bit on the way back here we go little Bob Marley in the background we are in the Caribbean one love one love here we go folks if you don't have a rich manand you would have to pay $5 at the ticket boot when you get off the boat and just like that we are back to the cruise port side of the Bay but the seven bucks that's that's a great way to get over to the beaches there in Philipsburg uh seven bucks and couple dollars in tips those guys are working hard but I really like the combo of the seven bucks and maybe $20 for that pool pool access that could be a really great Beach day if you don't want to get in the ocean water but you still want to see the beach I don't know let's uh uh let's take a quick swing around the rest of the port all right we're almost back to the the main strip when it comes to the cruise port take a look to the left all right gu we got the K's fine Jeweler got a Effie store eff is all about the free pendant this is kind of how reward you for coming in and shopping Milano got a free pendant got a little Roy shop I don't think I even know what that is Chicken Roy beef Roy goat Roy shrimp Roy kind of looks like a I don't know what that is I have to look that up got sodas which is good and then you got a little straw Market so you can get to all of this stuff without taking the water taxi this is on the cruise port side the spice Shack t-shirt sale oh nice and another big St Martin sign that you can get a picture made in front of another cigar shop of course if you've been watching any of these Adventures to the Southern Caribbean and I'd recommend it have been to Aruba and airel Barbados Antiga you'll notice that all of the cruise ports do a decent job of having stuff for you to do even if you don't feel like adventuring out I'd recommend adventuring out but uh if you don't want to do that you just want an easy day in Port most of the ports got you covered with food and drink and shopping Wi-Fi that kind of thing uh this is one of the nice ones though for sure I just noticed this they do have a scooter rental here not sure all the places that you can go on this but does look like they could do some some traveling doesn't say you can't take it on the road I wonder if you can ride these on the road I don't know scooter rental and then uh there appears to be a shuttle that will take you down the pier this is a shuttle stop and then the shuttle is right there so yeah that's nice if you don't want to don't feel like walking that Pier which I know that feeling uh you can jump on the shuttle all right this seems like a great place to bid a do for today celebrity reflection I forgive you I love you uh my hearts with the Carnival Pride uh three more days on this ship until I'm done with this journey but it's been an amazing journey to the Southern Caribbean hope you've enjoyed it hope you've seen all of the videos they're Linked In the description if you want to catch up thank you so much for watching this please subscribe if you want more of these adventures and man I hope you're having as good a day as I am this is Tony in St Martin for L Loca until the next time we'll see you on the Leo bye
Channel: La Lido Loca
Views: 122,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IvMaJfUr5ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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