Ridiculous Luck Is Among Us

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hello everybody welcome back to another among us brought to you by our sponsor the like button check it out down below the video and subscribe sparkles 2 hit the bell follow twitch.tv slash captain sparkles get all notifications on and check the playlist for more amungus let us continue oh yeah dude i need to tell vikram about the mayor bug you're right it's your boy the jester i'll tell vikram about it um if i can remember uh after things so we'll we'll see i'll do what i can i'm probably gonna get doo dude on here honestly probably gonna get dude on hey i have one as jester once it's happened and i think that's pretty cool personally i'll even let's see that was a one one switch flip pretty cool pretty cool hmm [Music] let's see what we got do we have any like is there a reason to do specimen i wonder i wonder if i could like chill here run out i'm just trying to just make weird moves you know vikram is running into there if that didn't go through i swear to god i'm gonna kill someone although i'm not imposter i am a giant [Laughter] [Music] where is everybody right now electric clenny and i are on light panel on the way to electrical download and specimen i just bought sparkles he's going towards electrical but who's in download i am i passed over you while you were on uh vitals we both looked at vitals nothing was good that was no one was dead then lights got called i went over to download i don't know where you went okay uh jerick when did you enter electrical um i'm about to go through the second door into the light cage so and where top or bottom i went from right side office i was going to go to the lab and i was actually this is where i'm going to die so i went across from lab to electrical hiding and drop ship didn't work last time this one is in download it weapons why does this take so long to say there's a very dramatic pod there wait i thought the mic was cutting out [Applause] [Music] specimen over from the uh from electrical maybe actually no i did glasses horse manure am i about to die you might be family friendly family friendly i feel like hiding behind left reactor though is um not a not a thing i feel like that won't work very well i just don't i don't know if hiding is the play honestly i don't know if hiding is the play i'm not sure man i'm not sure oh [Music] hmm i'm gonna hang out up here for for a minute probably get wrecked by somebody i'm totally gonna erect i'm so worried though that somebody is gonna just eliminate me and i'm gonna be really really sad about it hmm okay oh i just wanted to register that that we all knew that there was a janitor yeah i don't know and also it was a long round so that was a long round very little longer time to do her chores wait do we know there's a janitor sparkly and vic but i haven't seen uneasy jivic actually haven't i've been with uneasy a lot um we haven't seen anyone else because you're a janitor oh jack you and i would never and then i went down and walked all the way across the specimen and i just came up in office and then did the water wheel outside yeah i saw sparkles walk into that area yeah yeah has anyone seen cheesy where was it she's your author it was cheesy wasn't it yeah anyone seen cheesy this round it was a long round so i guess i knew the beginning okay i think he did yeah which i guess you could say the cheese is spoiled that is accurate wait really yeah you can do that with bread as well if if you have a little speck oh yeah if one slice is moldy i'm concerned about this advice if you use that advice and it doesn't work i'm not a health advisor all right let's just give this little fakerwski right here dude little fakerwski and then run on up good run on up i don't think he even if he was imposter he probably wouldn't do me in there you know did you see jabba jack is gonna is jack gonna unlock somebody he might i'm debating like i guess if i find a body i shouldn't shouldn't necessarily report oh my god [Music] because i was having six votes that was ready to go on you oh my god i was actually about to kill you in an oxygen jack i came back to kill i was coming to kill you as well [Laughter] i'll i'll message vikram about the bug after i'll like interrupt it's gonna be it's gonna it's like this weird edge case where it's like if the person you voted on gets eliminated in the meeting then you can't skip without using all your votes on skip because the abstain but it'll be easier to just tell them after the fact it'll be easier to tell them later rather than interrupting everybody else so ye uh anyway let's see we got uh what did we leave off um short grass games what do you mean it wasn't a bug it's a it's a bug that it wouldn't allow the round to end unless i executed all my votes that is a bug definitely um let's see short grass games thank you for gifting five subs much appreciated i i don't it's honestly i guess a bug isn't the way to classify it it's an edge case they hadn't considered so it's probably expected behavior given how it all works but it's just something they could account for so yeah um let's see um [Music] and the woozy bear thank you for the five months hope you're doing well today i turned 18 two days ago finally i was able to catch a stream cool cool happy late 18th birthday hope it was a sweet one and short grass games thank you again for gifting a couple of subs very very swick all right who should i medic what do i do who do i do i'm gonna you know what everybody who i shoot as sheriff is innocent so definitely play this as sheriff play this as sheriff right right right play it as sheriff there you go please please oh wait what what the frick who just wow what he's dead i'm extremely he's a joint in a horse's face i am extremely confused right now okay i am extremely confused and just went down from brig and i saw plenty running out of vault along the way so hmm wait in is brig the one yeah you're right it must be lovers it's gotta be lovers then yeah yeah at least i was right at least i was right that's not me i didn't shield an imposter all right iverson pretend platy oh i guess we skipped but wait why are you confused i can't go into too much detail as to why i'm confused but it yeah anyway we'll leave it at that are you are you still alive as sheriff is that the problem here did sparkles just i don't want to say what my idea is because it will get sparkles killed but or it could it could date out the assassin potentially you never know jordan where is this body uh this was in the showers um okay it's very unfortunate just trying to get clean yeah thinking what i'm thinking i think i know why it's confused what no i have no [Laughter] [Music] leading it to be altruist maybe i don't know i feel like well the thing is a lot of kind of i don't know i don't think people attack the big person first it doesn't make any sense like it's the weakest of the prey you know what i mean not not that's the easy kill just the you know the model hyena [Laughter] okay so i'm assuming it was lover i'm assuming like it had it had to be right it had to be lovers so cara was eliminated and hey at least i didn't shield an imposter at the end of the day that's what i'm most happy about right um what medic what do you mean medic report um oh oh check check wait oh i can't check chat during ah there's like an actual sorry i thought you guys were saying like you were medic and you reported got it there's like an actual thing there's a medic report you can see at the meeting will i be able to see it next round i didn't actually realize that was a thing or is it only the thing after um oh if you report the body oh you can see it next round oh okay cool i'll check that if i'm alive next round there we go dead i thought you were dead as well uh i just found this body right there where is it squidward [Laughter] i just passed by sparkles he's on um armory download so i don't think he got this kill there are a lot of people in armory yeah yeah this is recent because i've just come from uh i was in vault just now really did you see anybody pass by no i saw vikram afk and engine i went down through armory i passed cheesy i think uh i went into wise and upload bottom left i think vikram came down to a kitchen in that time that that i i went down to kitchen and then i went back up to go back up yeah so purple and it was on the left or right side of it on the left side it was on the left oh left side i'm i get my rights and lefts mixed up i'm i'm really sorry about cheesy where are you oh yeah i came from electrical and went through kitchen did the armory task uh and right now i'm in main hall because i'm fast face i so before passing sparkles i was on an admin table and i saw that there was like three people in armory um and then i think i just was on the left side just on admin so i think you can i'll ask by sparkles i'm looking on top how would i know i am yes my download might be just uh i'm gonna be honest okay then you know what i'll work with the crew how did this backfire oh come on oh my god oh man my senses are impeccable rip i didn't think anyone was voting vic from there no one was talking about voting vikram and uh mighty birdman thank you for gifting a sub janine with 200 bits uh toke is 2k 2k wow never in a million years have i heard that word ever 2k is a knit beanie hat in canadian huh uh 2k sports it's in the game no that's ea sports it's in the game um yeah i've oh oh oh sorry the way janine uh did did the spelling was 2-k and i was got it got it sheep i just got confused by the phonetic-ness you know that was all um took i've still not heard that so anyway uh noir rudi dren thank you for the three months of savage prime time again short grass games with another couple of sub gifts been going off on a rampage today young epipen thank you for the sub gift ts raza again with those 20x sub gifts um short grass games with another sub gift kari kirby with 200 bits bad date work thanks for being on so i can get wasted while you get wasted har har hopefully tomorrow is better for you race and gamer thank you for gifting a sub mighty birdman with the triple sub gift pretty swick dude on a live master with 350 bits darkest on k with a nine month happy sub baby and jc jonathan just gifted five sub giftarus very generous i wonder if we're is this is this the legendary vanilla game maybe it is the legendary vanilla game dude all right yeah i've never heard of a toque only heard of a beanie is it too can a beanie like basically the same sort of thing don't do it all right and i'm not gonna do it i hate it i don't know i'm just not nope nope latches can go away i'm not i refuse there's somebody in showers that must have been jack i just saw him there so i'm sorry what happened well they're having a really big toilet um it's in the toilets oh dean's having a really really [Music] to fix the shower head and jack's dead in there i love that task you just go bam yeah i'm gonna report it before damn it i may have some information so i passed zine looking at the toilets because i'm sure he was uh i decided to clean them um exactly thank you thank you um i passed vikram spawning in cargo um and so when i left zine xena was alive but when i or yeah when uh when i passed vikram now nelson's dead so we think it's vikram so you think i think self report i think is this a self report oh and just wanted to instantly kill even after seeing you though no i i i i am very aware that i'm putting myself in the murder uh area but i do think it's big room or i i can't i don't mean permit but he's he's the only other person there so we think uh we think vikram is the viking i think it's spikey we think that it's the vitamix viking like from abc vitamix oh oh you guys friends yeah we have to call in he's gestured twice in a row i didn't either no way i skipped no way okay well i will have everybody know that i did in fact skip i feel bad because like the instant that vikram's name is thrown out in any meeting ever he's just he's just yeeted and so i just it's just like a trope of these games is that get him out of here and i don't it just yeah i feel like it's doesn't usually doesn't always work it sometimes works but that's why i ain't voting vikram okay see ya you trying to eliminate me i don't think so not today ladder jukes boys let's go um let's see a lot of people in here i can't i can't i can't be bothered to do latches i'm just not about that life can i watch me get eliminated yep oh he waited for his clean-up crew oh my god the drive-by cleanup crew holy crap how did i know though how did i know every time i go on cameras i'm just like i'm gonna watch myself get eliminated right now so it's not a vanilla game it just eliminated a poor lonely crewmate well let's do latches now that i am unlived this is the time to do it right the worst task on the entire planet this is the worst thing that was ever created oh they've so got this like this is i gg's even remember where any of the freaking balls are oh my god oh my god oh my god there's both the towels and the electrical tests yeah not a chance okay i don't know why i got very diagon i was afk i was the arson i didn't vote him i didn't vote i voted him but only because i was imposter yeah that was just an unstoppable force right there bro um mom savage thank you for the two months high captain and community hope you're all having a great day appreciate you giving us your time and great content thank you very much jen with the three months oh subs dude yeah it's very clean literally they cleaned nothing personal kid guys how do you how do you make it so you can type um you got to go out you got to go all the way disconnect you go out and you do the account sign in and then once you're signed in then you can go into settings and it's like advanced or something and it's free text and chat or or something like that account info sign in sign in what time do we have to do the things i'm uh yeah right now it's now the thing um hopefully you guys are code names and again youtube thank thank you for having us i'm a tiebreaker snitch okay you know what unskilled it's possible it's doable it can be done here we go no no no no i want it i want to do that and then initiate and then scan scan scans again it's your boy it's your boy we gotta assume we gotta zoom we gotta zoom come on please do not eliminate me while i am on the scan don't do it don't do it let me be alive let me be alive i wanna so be alive i wanna survive and save the freaking day four five six seven no hello uneasy is dead in comms i don't think it's jack what what's going on there hmm and calms okay sure craziness is going on no more crazy next to me i just ran up on jack on shields oh right save samples samples till the end i'm trying to make my way to columbus i i thank me once you did this cara was that you in med bay for five years no i was an admin i passed you an admin remember no no no no no but before they both live no i did not go no i came from weapons i just was on the admin table for a really long time oh i i was in med bay for a while i thought that you were like seeing someone there in person that was me in med base no no i just remember on admin tape i went over there because i was like man is there a dead body here you did you do med basically thankfully not yes i did do med base again okay okay you know what i believe he was in there for a really long time when i was doing download cara and ozza went up now i got a target frick where did you guys separate or what happened no so vikram went into weapons aza went left i believe and then i went down into admin where platypus was how do you know they went up mindy because when you're doing download you can see the bottom of your screen mindy was on download and you saw go up to cafe at the bottom of your screen from admin no no no no no no download from uh weapons oz and i came up into weapons is what she's saying mm-hmm i was on the download at weapons yeah and then aza went to the left and i went down to admin and vikram went in to weapons jordan where are you uh right now i'm in uh doing the numbers in reactor that was an interesting sus jack um interesting [Music] so what do i save for final task because if i save samples there's nothing super close to that unless i get cafeteria wires i want to see where my wires land but it's like oh god i'm especially that's going to be that's going to be crazy crazy difficult um i actually my best bet would be if i could find my other wires and then do wires and card swipe and then button i think that would be my best bet if i could do wire card swipe button but i would have to save the wires that are currently inside of uh admin which i don't know if i can do um oh wait i uh no that's the upload there no upload is that's a that's a demonetization sentence i can't do nope so you don't have wires there um i could do wires in the hall and then no upload will be i have that's 10 seconds that's 10 seconds [Music] no you are so killed no mindy mindy i know mindy sorry um kara that was because he was altruist he was altruisting him something's funny here okay what happened because cheesy died cheesy died and um lp was altruist and cheesy yeah i don't think we're getting the tests anyway where did you come from uh i came from gas i deposited gas and you know what i i very much dislike this role so i'm just gonna say he was altruist because he took my altruist at the beginning of the game because he shifted vikram believe that but i'm pretty sure vikram killed cheesy no no no no no i didn't i didn't yes i did i just did i didn't where's the box these are very compelling it's in reactor but i know you're not engineer why like i'm gonna tell you wait jordan jordan just came from jordan just came from cath where were you before that jordan uh i was over in uh i was doing the download over in navigation then i came through weapons in the cafeteria do you think carl why am i not engineer because if you're if you're going to say engineer you're lying bikram hello either you killed cheesy or you just did not report cheesy cara a while ago and vikram killed him like you saw him kill him but i also think it's not oh i'm thinking what that's cute [Laughter] do people vote on me what oh my gosh then it probably is vikram then [Music] it probably is me then yeah sorry this is my doorbell justice oh one sec let me um i just need to see what's something at my door that i it requires my attention uh i gotta apparently go get a package that requires a signature one moment guys i don't know what it is but it requires a signature so like the whole round right pretty much the whole round and i see you at the start platypus died on the left no you were an admin for a lot of that and we got minion lives and then i got locked into cafeteria so you think you looked in with me we did it jack has a very specific role i got you don't worry it is mindy oh no i appreciate you um [Laughter] are you phantom yes i am oh okay that was actually altruist by the way it wasn't me i know he was sorry i had a i had a package that needed a signature so sorry plenty but i tried to do the right thing i'm not gonna call it if you didn't report that buddy i was going to report rip so sad i'm sure it would have turned out differently if i wasn't just standing at the table um alyssa johnson thank you for the seven months of summage um we'll try to get a win next one britney with seven months of savage speaker freak with five months of savage donna trueng with four months and there we are we caught up let's get back into the game dude i don't actually it was a surprise package i actually do not know what it is it just required a signature so yep uh yeah i do not actually know we'll find out if it's a good package when i open it uh i didn't obviously have time to do that so yeah no i'm gonna be honest the majority of packages actually this is gonna sound like conceited isn't it so how do i say this in a way that doesn't sound like i'm trying to flex because i'm not because it's actually like i wish it weren't the case um i don't like getting mail ah we'll get back into it wow so mindy you just kind of kill those two people you're serious wait both people i'm kidding you know what um so on the on the on the oh no i mean wouldn't the altruists like be alive like because they were definitely both dead and then the the body fades the second yeah i'm just gonna say it's not that let's just assume yeah if you can see both bodies then it's not altruistic right yeah yeah unless unless you caught it like as it first happened because there's two bodies for a second i think you would have seen it happen there right sparkles and jack you guys still see each other in the bottom right corner yeah in storage yeah yeah um i'm in specimen was with somebody with like the reactor rooms uh yeah oh and the reactor oh you're going i'm wondering i'm wondering if it's an old school double kill or lovers yeah well lovers it would mean that one of them had to have been killed and like how do you know that they're lovers to do that just kill them from that yeah well all the swooper kills on top of somebody because i've done that before i've gone for i've gone for a swooper killer or a glitch kill when i like and then they've both died so many options it could be an old-fashioned devil um i haven't seen one of them in a while i don't know i ain't seen one of them in a little while it's not an easy hanging out so it's mine oh it's vikram platypus vikram platypus audrey jack it's not me no means [ __ ] this means okie dokie let us do this thing and the begin this is like the simplest task of all time you just you just do it and it it done it's like oh that's pretty cool dude okay let's see if i can go up here and not get eliminated and then i always save reactor for last because i don't like having to deal with it two five nines and you know if you don't save a reactor for last then there's a chance you're going to have to deal with it twice because you could end up having to go back for wires and then it's just terrible so that's why i always save it for last to ensure that it is the only time that i have to go there that's kind of one out of five tangled mess disgusting uh oh god i gotta all go all the way back to the launch pad don't i oh oh oh wait did he get got did he get caught i saw the phantom i saw the phantom i think the phantom was got [Music] okay now at least i know what it looks like so platypus did you get that phantom oh no rude oh that's hilarious that's hilarious we have a fun little mini game actually it's like where are they right so i do understand that this is bad that i'm finding all the dead bodies but this one is in um cafeteria uh and it's like with like the storage room or whatever um so yeah so it is platypus well he's in decon yeah he came from the right side of the y i think uh oh wait did you come from scotland i came from i was warding the hallway and i saw cheesy then uneasy then i went past uneasy uneasy did wires and then that's when i ran into the hallway with the phantom clicked it i'm assuming sparkles is there too and then i go behind cheesy into the decontamination room and then reactor goes off and then i go up there with it so if you're pink warning on the way did you see anyone guard scuff uh no nobody went to the right side no jokes oh i'm in cafe uh i'm on the balcony doing uh umbrella thingy all right so i'm not voting ozza what about vikram i'm back at uh like the where you spawn like in the first wait what i was just there you were what i saw jordan go down there i went to finish my anomaly you i didn't see you mate jordan jordan i just got there how did you just get there without even okay here's the thing i was watching shauna go down and i've been waiting to see him come back and no one passed me to go down there with him so vikram uh doesn't sound great for vic but i'm also scared of it from being a jester so i could be ah crap hmm [Music] oh sorry i totally forgot to swap there in my bed i should have done a jokey swap um i'm gonna i think someone's gonna button but yeah so i don't know if vikram is engineer though that's the only reason i didn't vote him because he if he were engineer he would not want to give away his role so like i guess he could genuinely one out of five have popped in there at the last second and maybe i wouldn't have seen it but it's the only other option what the frick did jack just am i in trouble jack just run out of the vent i'm scared i don't want to be in there i don't wanna i have i don't oh god i'm ruined aren't i uh [Music] is that why we're not using it camouflage is broken with the orange um dang it those of you who don't know oh i i break camo no oh it ended the game feel better i was i was guarding it around the corner so i would have killed him on the balloon was annoying me why what i wanted to do man i was like maybe he's maybe he accidentally exposed himself as engineer that was like and it's a seven if it was six 100 would have voted for him i was like holding off on it's a seven we can wait until next round and then rip uh kyler pierce thank you for 30 months of submage mighty lord pop tart thank you for the six months you've scheduled when it comes to touring subserver builds i want to make sure to spend my channel points i'll be there to show you around there's a backlog so even if you do your channel points it's it's going to be okay okay i'll wait till the next round and watch i'm gonna get eliminated i'm gonna try a different strategy here am i the flash sheriff oh wow okay i am going to wait and see what the who was that who was it who was it who was it frick oh you should have let me run around and i was trying to chase him i was trying to chase him altruist no no i don't think so someone just killed and ran out no lp and jack well maybe it was a super but lp jacks were fixing lights and then jack just exploded on the light panel which means i think oh is that your buddy oh then it was somebody else running out of the cage i did see somebody else running out of the cage i couldn't i couldn't tell i only saw feet no i couldn't see the color do not have the the color oh couldn't see i just saw feet walking towards them no no because they could have this timer could have ended they could be uh just exploded like in my tiny little uh area of light inside of office and i didn't see anyone which makes me like his body fell on me so it could be lovers yeah if it's three this early it's gotta be lovers yeah it probably was where's javik does anybody know he's the one that died on the lights all right yeah i thought he was yeah he's dead on lights uh he's in the office he's in the office i was over there at the beginning of the round but i uh so we don't know i think we all use it at the same time where are you platie uh i'm in gas actually okay okay we're trying to see i'm in the office i'm the flash so i was thinking that i could catch whoever it was but uh it probably was lovers yeah that makes more sense i mean i just uh i just went into o2 i did see her come into electrical but she did not come into the cage so i know that i should at least i did the nerd outside of med band that went inside oh maybe okay i see what you're saying maybe jack was a lover that exploded oh hmm i could go for the car shot potentially if i stay alive for if i stay alive for this amount of time we'll see we'll see i mean i have a lot of time to count down as the issue though so we'll see i don't know oh yeah the mail thing so yeah i just i get a lot of unexpected packages i don't actually enjoy it because usually it's stuff that i don't end up using the caviar is kind of cool though i'm kind of if michelin sends me a package it's got probably kind of chill um but yeah uh but sometimes it's actually you know i want to stay away from here because i don't want to go down sometimes it's food and stuff so sometimes it's good food is good but there's a lot of times it's like stuff that i'm not going to end up using so i don't know i think it could be platypus honestly vikram did you just walk away from this body where is it's oh i thought i thought that was allowing me to hit the thing i didn't realize there was someone at reactor the left-hand side of i was i no i did not left-hand side oh i thought that was just a lot oh my god someone was actually up there vikram just walked okay i mean i believe i don't wait if wait so it's on vitals lp came from o2 uh onto lights with me i turned on lights well actually lp turned on lights i watched lp turn on lights but i we went in together um if you saw me it was probably a more fling then because i went to comms [Music] all i know is that i was on o2 side that's all i know wait did run away from lightning did run away i think is this a self-report if you're trying to blame it i kind of believe you on this but i do want to kara we i mean i don't i can't trust vikram but we did see you coming out of admin left yeah i think like three seconds ago that's probably a morph a morphling then vikram i don't self-report that's not a i mean i kind of do no i've never even done it one time easy i've seen you play okay by one you mean like seven actually it's gonna be vikram then yeah if this is a jester when i'll give it to him there might be i don't know i've got like a glitch feeling on this one homie um what did three those three clues first round as well well cause like if you're just trying to blame vikram and because they're both imposter and trying to be in the house dang it it would have tied on frick this is bad this is probably bad i might be able to shoot someone though all right i gotta just do a hail mary i gotta do a hail mary and shoot somebody shoot cara maybe if i shoot the wrong person i end the game uh so okay okay we vote out cara as like a 50 50 kind of situation no no no no we're good we're good we're good we're good i don't think we're good i don't feel like we're good i'd rather be here like why are you i mean don't vote me but like why do you think we're good bloody i think you know we got out and impossible you know what i want to vote on you carl might be ourselves i trust clatty no i i think i think the party's a thank you i turn on lights wait if i'm rso why am i turning around lights you know what i mean so you can find targets i would rather vote platy here i don't want to play because like in electrical with me when that body died but yeah i have nothing else the only reason i don't want to vote cara is because i'm i think cara's chester i think she's car i think yes because i think this whole that was a morphling thing is not i think well because that doesn't make any sense if we really thought that swooper was the first kill and an assassin is 100 in this game either there is a glitch or you're just straight up making up something okay cloudy think about it this way if she was a jester why would she claim a morphing instead of saying yes i definitely came out of there so if she wants the sauce well you don't want to be like too obvious with it yes um also there was someone just kind of chilling up at left reactor earlier on in the game so there is a jester somewhere i'm i'm legit just a crewmate guys okay so it's gotta be lp then if it's not cara that's the only i wasn't around any of the bodies i was an o2 that last round like i feel like i think one imposter is out something if you think something i'm skipping i feel like platy might be the imposter if he thinks i'm just i skipped a card you must know something oh cara you're voting for yourself because i am not voting for wait you didn't vote for cara i didn't vote for cara either i skipped 100 voted for cara oh oh then the only other one i'm gonna i'm gonna go for i'm gonna eliminate cara if car is the jester i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i need to find her though okay so she's right there um i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it god the cooldown is so long though it's just so long okay i have to find someone where is she i don't think it's platypus i want to fight i know i could on alive but i don't know oh god i don't know shoot where was this uh this was in lab and i think it just went down i think it's gotta be plaity then what platy's on because i just saw a cheesy come from office and sparkly i saw going where i was as well i still think it i saw i mean i saw platypus in office before i went into lab i went into lab there was no body um then lights went out okay i think i might i think i might actually believe cara i think it might be plotted is this i'm i'm still i'm still on admin table so i saw two people in med bay and there is one in electrical right now unless cheesy vented it is either in electrical or in med bay where is this the this one's in med baths in the hallway outside of drill okay yeah i'm over on the left side of the map so i'm just came from office i think cheesy might have actually vented like the bathroom i think it's plaity i don't think well i guess he could have made it to the bathroom and i wouldn't see his lights sparkles how come you didn't chase after the killer aren't you fast i yeah that's a good point i probably should have but if the lights the lights were off so it'd be like really easy for them to just juke so you saw the killer sparkly i no i didn't see the killer i thought i saw the body dropping i wasn't positive but it's like in lights out they can just juke even if i am fast yeah i don't chase after people whenever lights are out i think that i think that sparkles is good i think it's no it's bloody buddy this cara is being wild right now i don't know what this game is i actually voted on cheesy just in case like things were balanced ambulance but wait was he a tiebreaker uh were you executioners i was executioner yeah and then you went outside on the left i was like okay cool every single person i could have shot [Music] okay so you can't shoot gestures so i i would have i would have failed um wait that would have been hilarious if i had shot cara i would have unalived and then it would have been two gestures and an imposter left oh my god uh what a game that would have been um let's see oh did i ever answer the question about uh subserver build points i i don't there's a backlog so even if you redeem the thing right now it's probably not going to happen next time i'm on the server because there's a queue so you kind of just have to do it whenever and then the mods try to see if you're on when they show the build so uh you nat pat thank you for the two months what happened to mail um oh the the mail thing like i i did finish it up there but i was just saying like i just get surprise packages from companies sometimes and it's just like things that i'm not gonna end up using and honestly i prefer not to get it in most situations just because i feel like it's just accumulating stuff so ye all right it's your boy the mayor i haven't eaten the caviar yet i'm saving it for uh watching f1 at a friend's house this coming uh weekend thank freaking goodness i do not have the levers all right i hate this so much hey yay all right and we wait uh this is just the slowest task this is even slower than upload oh my goodness six seven and get to it get to it get to it get to it i better watch myself get dude on as always maybe not uh onion onion lettuce mmm what a delicious burger wow i've never had a better piece of food in my entire oh wait was that uh i'm scared that i'm about to get poo pooed on by jack keep me alive keep me alive see i don't know if that jack could have been coming from oh my god no way what the heck just happened wait it wasn't jack yeah i just saw jack like uneasy are you racist ten seconds ago i just got raised from the dead jesus oh my god i just got killed by an easy and then raised from the dead hey hey listen i can i can explain so [Music] oh he just he just cried he just tried it oh [Laughter] i'm yeah i guess it goes towards a dead person oh by the way i did find a body vikram's dead uh near cameras and electrical area just oh yeah we're in this situation again okay with the mayor i hadn't voted though wait wait wait you're saying that at cameras plot would you betray the cameras and electric like did you see me if i told you i was just getting in between the areas and i went and put kitchen together we did all right let's see yeah that was the second time we've had an assassin off themselves in a meeting while i've been there and almost had just voted on them and then we would have been stuck there for a while all right so that was a three out of five oh no not like this uh okay got it oh okay we're good everything's fine i'm gonna hang out here please don't eliminate me oh god no don't do it don't do it okay we're good everything's fine oh my god i thought i was done for i thought i was done for is squidward here oh squidward's not here frick hate it just know i'm not gonna click you [Laughter] cheesy did you see anything yeah where are you well where are you first i'm in the engine room what part right in front of you did you see anyone like walk by you no no one yeah they must have come up from spark or sparkly night we walked into records we see cheesy at the top of showers and then we both go to try and cross the gap realize the platform's not like come down and then there's a body in main hall and that's exactly what cheesy just sort of must have gone through carl where did you come from to get towards her is not alive anymore oh all right she just died then because she just passed me yeah yeah i think i think he also passed me though that way it had it had to be from electrical they had where'd you where'd you go after you left brig um i just went down into engine and then i'm in hallway so uh wait platinum is in hallway yeah i mean he is in that area yeah uh so i don't it's not i mean cheesy because cheesy was red maybe maybe cheese is glitched when he was raised no need to kill me for sure yeah so i've been guarding sparkly i've been double guarding sparkly yeah he has this round so we can clear each other [Music] so mindy is the only one who's not i have at least the assassination we have to vote cheesy here do we have to wait oh my god what in the what is this so he was the assat he was the assassin holy crap oh my god what a twist wait so he guessed so uneasy was the sheriff then and he literally got cut off in the middle of i can explain oh my god what let's go oh my oh i god you chasing i was like oh no what am i doing do you know what talk about what happened so cheesy would you like would you like to do it would you like to explain oh so uneasy was chasing after me okay uh i'm i'm an assassin he's a sheriff we shoot each other at the exact same time the altruist revives us both on them and they both came back i was like the flash on my screen was dude both of us come back to life we're in the middle of the meeting and on easy's trying to explain and i click sheriff and kill him and then everyone i had i had the luckiest game of all time in in final six raph was the only one who had doubts like all of the dead people i hadn't known that's the story i gave up jordan i gave him i gave up uh a couple kills because i was too busy staring at jack and watching him not move off the door that was offensive i was like if i don't move he can't see me i tried right on spicy shark thank you for the 17 months love all your content my guy even second episodes thank you i appreciate that means a lot hazardous with the five months of savage much appreciated that was crazy that was some m night shyamalan ding dong twisting right there bro oh my god okay it's your boy i didn't get to use sheriff last time i better figure it out this time okay here we go all right i'm gonna i'm gonna try to actually like i'll try to do it and survive through one round i'm what it's not supposed to go that way i'm hopefully gonna survive until next round and then i will do it okay please don't eliminate me it's all right it's already it's too far now [Music] scared of this though ice what i was this in your office yeah i saw jordan over the body i saw jordan and platypus near there oh then that's a that's a more fling that's just i'm in the lab opening a door to to the main area right now or kick anyone i just saw jordan running down by next to the comms thing yeah that's that's nice sparkly running up from this body i'm pretty sure yeah that's a more fling uneasy also just came into bottom decon yep yes yes uh i left platypus and mindy in o2 cara was there beforehand but left as i'm going with cars going back to ot yeah so thick yeah sorry to interrupt i i did you walk up to the body what what like no i walked i walked outside um on the on the from the right hand side like um so basically i saw i was sorry i walked in from the right hand side and i saw jordan standing over the body i didn't see anyone else yeah so cheesy you saw me at medscan right or going into med scan at lab right yeah yeah i believe i like that i mean that was a while ago because i went through basically the entirety of specimen could very well have just vented wait i can prove i can prove if you let me survive to next round i can prove that i am innocent oh wait who just said that they went through the entirety of specimen that was me that was me cheesy oh yeah no can confirm cheesy was yeah i was there at the end so mindy where did you go yeah i've been protecting platy because i think the giant platy is the funniest thing i've seen i went into yes okay what how did they guess what do you say i don't know how it's platypus by the way how did he how the how i said i can prove that i'm innocent next round next round and what were you sheriff i wouldn't have guessed sheriff for that yeah i would have guessed medic or something like that yeah i wouldn't have guessed at all i wouldn't have taken the risk what so i'm his partner vic killed me first um because vic is glitch i just saw yeah vic just took someone else out what in the world what just happened to me uh you got glitched um oh no it was uh it was the lover's situation okay oh okay yeah bro i do not know how i i got guessed i have no idea yeah you didn't reveal anything yeah that what were you i was sheriff i can prove it next round it could be any role okay oh my gosh in the world wait i recorded this you did yeah wait were you trying to do something else were you trying to murder me you can prove your altruistic improve your altruistic yeah you can prove your engineer above storage i assume there's so many things that yeah what so they're the most i'm just here wait why because you were by jacking cheesy in lab okay so i was in lab but i'm the only one in specimen right now um but if this was out in like storage area a complete opposite of the map but what about jack what happened to jack i have no idea where jacob is wait i need you robots and stories are you no i said i wasn't in store i was in specimen yeah well sorry where abouts in specimen are you i don't know just the main room and specimen we're all the tasks i didn't see you because i didn't i was doing my one to ten i didn't see you uh you definitely were not there i definitely was there if you unless like you left before i entered because i wasn't like i ended the round and there you were not there i am just i wanted from bottom space i think that i'm taking a wild guess here yeah i think sparkles was sheriff and i think that oh do you do you how would you guess that how would you have guessed how how does the assassin get sparkles role after like he doesn't say anything you know what i mean yeah yeah how how how does he that's a good question how does he yeah he could have been engineer although i thought he saw someone venting this round so yeah i though others [Music] did you shoot someone sparkles or like no i did i did nothing i didn't but you enjoyed it jordan it was sheriff was totally right about him that's good how did how did you know i was sheriff how do you know that i know you were sheriff you killed my imposter no i didn't i did nothing that was big oh my gosh what oh my god okay okay okay so killed me no vic killed me as sparkles right and then tried to and blamed him so platt assumed he was shocked i specifically asked vikram i was like vikram tell i even like accidentally interrupted car i was like vikram tell me what happened when you walked up to the body and then you said you saw jordan kind of like hovering over it yeah i was like you know what oh my god oh my god and also you know what jordan i the reason why i just took the shot is because like i was like you know what if i'm wrong then it'll just be lg like you know i will just reset lg like oh my god this is already out of the game i might as well just reset this game but then when i shot right dude i couldn't believe it wait so what was this and you didn't even know how lucky you were wait a minute the big man back to shooting immediately what that game moved yep okay back to shooting immediately yep yep back to back to my brand i tried i tried it and uh it turns out the shooting immediately is a much better way to do it now i'm never gonna get sheriff for many many sessions but uh yep okey dokey great great great heck yeah dude heck yeah um yeah and also like the cool down on after the first round the cooldown on sheriff is so long so the it's almost like no chance of actually getting a shot off because it's gonna be over so oh remind me on pause [Applause] immediately next time bye guys bye all right everybody thank you for tuning in to a new amungus stream um yeah we're gonna take a little break for a couple hours and then we'll be back with some fallen kingdom with zine um so feel free to stick around stay tuned we will uh raid ourselves yes i did on pause we are good um yeah yeah yeah uh platypus thank you for gifting five subs you don't have to feel bad that you were you oh was there a was there a frick if you did a frick i might not have actually heard it you might have gotten lucky there too you were just incredibly lucky this entire session um thank you for four months oh was there a frick oh okay i just tuned it out i've got an auto filter in my ears you know um [Laughter] uh okay i guess chad heard it though chat heard it oh yes i should do vip um there we go anyway thank you all uh make sure you're following twitch.tv captainsparklez um sub on captainsparklez2 check the playlist if you want to catch more amungus and uh like the video and all that good stuff and i'll see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 65,637
Rating: 4.9683228 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, among us
Id: gEwm9FKNT6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 6sec (4506 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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