Ricky Gervais on the Holocaust and Nietzsche | Best of Politics | Universal Comedy

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what is politics politics is the art or science of governing governing people and governing society what's the best way to live how do we live in harmony that's what we're looking for democracy is the closest thing we've got to everyone sort of chipping in but even that's got problems you know who gets to vote should everyone get the vote you know dangerous question the political philosopher nietzsche said that not all people do deserve the vote and not all men are born equal this was classically misinterpreted by hitler who went way too far with it and he just you know i mean imagine that you're a great scholar nietzsche and you write that and you get called to hitler all right nietzsche adolf yeah yeah just been reading your book do you like it brilliant love all that love all that man and superman not everyone's equal kill all the jews sorry sorry what not everyone's equal i didn't i didn't like that no i read between the lines i didn't i didn't mean that you've totally misinterpreted the whole point of it yeah yeah definitely it's awful it's dreadful have you been have you been killing jewish people what have you been kidding jewish people how many of you killed six minutes six million yeah i don't go on about it i'm not gonna do any more that's it leave it at six leave it at six just move on staying for t anyway oh yeah but be careful in future i will be writing any other books at the moment well i am but i'm scared to tell you about them no i won't do anything what's your new book called my new book is called the gypos do we need them not a traditional subject for comedy the holocaust i'll give you that probably why spielberg didn't put a laughter track on schindler's list it would have ruined it when shin does this came out in american cinemas they actually banned popcorn that's true and i think that's a great idea but i think they should ban it in all films i don't want to go and watch a film with someone grazing next to me obviously i did it in that because of all the people that died in it but what about all the people that died in mad max let's keep it fair and that was more recent it was the future so it was really recent i think shin is this a a fantastic film um i didn't watch it at the cinema actually i got out um on video about a year later by mistake because i'd never heard of it and i was in blockbuster sort of late when i was a bit drunk and i thought it was a porn film no because i saw 18 certificate top shelf i thought oh black and white dodgy home movie you know german sounding they're the best and what swung it was that quote on the back from barry norman have a box of kleenex ready [Applause] rubbish i used about two there was a shower scene shut up lenny henry 30 quid [ __ ] off they have their fair share of sleeves i don't know the conservative party you're not like i mean all parties get a little bit of sleaze but it's not like cool stuff like labour like punching a farmer or having two jags there's is remember that conservative mp stephen milligan found dead uh with a noose around his neck ammon nitrate laced orange in his mouth bag on his head laid his tights i'll be honest i think he was wanking but again freedom to do what you want as long as you don't hurt anyone i mean he hurt himself he went too far that is the accidentally straight you know that is the problem with the oldest fixie wank you've got it just right or you go too far and you actually die and then then your wanking days are over so you know if i was into that wanking into an inch in my life where he laid his tights and sucking oranges with a bag on the head i'd have a close friend i just say listen i i love nearly killing myself while wanking wearing all this stuff if i actually get it wrong one day and accidentally kill myself come round leave the noose get rid all that other stuff just say it was suicide and how do they know they're into all that how did they first was he getting ready one day and tying his tie went a bit tight went oh oh okay now and when they do that and they nearly and they survive then they're swinging there when they finish they get a glimpse themselves in the mirror they ever go what the [ __ ] am i doing the first um apocryphal towel or urban myth i ever heard was about um masturbation not not not surprising you hear those sort of things when you're 14 15 and that is a 14 year old boy's main pastime and it was told to us some by a guy called david beasley and i talked about him on my animal show he's the one that said if you get captured by cannibals they show you pornographic pictures so you get an erection and there's more meat and usually urban myths start with a friend of mine right not this one he said i was wanking the other day lads go on he said i was on my bed at home and i was naked and i had my shot and i was listening to music i had my headphones on and and when i'd finished i opened my eyes and my mum had been in and left me some tea and biscuits david death oh dear there's my firstborn whacking away like a little monkey is me very proud of him very feminine if he carries him like that he's going to come i better leave this so he knows his mother saw him think of that your mother walking in on you furiously masturbating the other way around is worse but we believed that at the time i think he believed it um he told me another story which i have no reason not to believe he said uh his brother was going for a job interview and he had to change trains at crew and he was on the platform of the train and he shot himself as you do um just filled with diarrhea i thought and he had to make the interview so he looked they had 10 minutes to real train and he looked like he saw millets so he squelched over to millets and went in and went quick mate levi's 36 right okay got the bag made the train went straight the toilet locked himself in put the bag on took his trousers off took his pants off poked him out the window covered it cleaned himself up flushed it all away opened the bag it was a jacket [Applause] oh and when he told us that we were going oh [ __ ] what would you do what would you do what would you do in my life bob trying to be cool when just cut the corners off the carrier back oh you're gonna still make the interview then morning oh that shat myself what's the pension scheme like right you think yeah phew thank god for a carrier bag to hide my offal there are more drastic forms of protest though than marching and leaflets in 1963 a vietnamese buddhist monk as a protest against the vietnam regime went out into a public place set himself a light and burnt to death did no good because that's not a threat or a deterrent if a little little monk comes up to you and he goes you better stop all those things you're doing otherwise i'm gonna set myself a light you're going to set yourself alight fill your boots mate and no one cared and i bet you don't even know his name do you i do i've looked it up it's absolutely true his name was thick quang duck or crispy duck to his mates john lennon a less drastic form of protest against the vietnam war the famous sleeping he stayed in bed for a week with the oklahoma and that was it and people were going brilliant genius that is that's excellent and yeah i bet that little monk was [ __ ] gutted hold on what burn yourself to death or shag yoko oh i love it when rockstars get involved i absolutely love it the political song look out mate he's got a guitar he's saying what he thinks in c it's okay when it's people like you know bob dylan and but i love it when them pop stars have a go yeah do you remember um culture clubs classic they've been singing karma comedian or for too long and uh they came up with the war song oh and in that they go war war is stupid and people are stupid how's that gonna change your mind i mean if you're into war you're loving war you love it it's your favorite thing i mean you're in a you're in a plane you're going to bomb the [ __ ] out of the country oh i can't wait to get there i love bombing people oh oh nearly there put the radio on war stupid and people stupid we're going home boy george there he piled on the pounds when he gave up the smack didn't he [Applause] there's a fable there kids every action has a consequence so billy joel i've seen things like uptown girl he then revealed his classic his pr or his protest song against the world we didn't start the fire and in that song he it's basically a list um in chronological order right from 1949 to 1989 and he just mentioned sort of six to eight things each verse i just really goes harry truman doris dave red china johnny ray south pacific water which will joe dimaggio joe mccarthy richard nixon stood becca television north korea south korea marilyn monroe that's not a song that's a conversation with rain man you
Channel: Universal Comedy
Views: 521,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Universal Comedy, Universal, Stand Up, Stand Up Comedy, Comedian, Stand Up Comedian, ricky gervais golden globes, ricky gervais show, ricky gervais politics full, ricky gervais politics golden globes 2020, politics, ricky gervais on the holocaust, ricky gervais on hitler, ricky gervais schindlers list, ricky gervais after life, after life show, schindlers list, schindlers list spielberg, holocaust and nietzsche
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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