Rick & Bubba Bible Study Live - September 11, 2019

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study here from the broadcast Plaza and teleport thank you for being with us today if you're joining us for the first time you can always stay caught up with everything that we've been doing here for the last four years going to Burgess ministries comm if you'll click on listen you can actually go back and listen to any of the series that we've done we don't have the entire four years there but most of those are there for the more current studies that we've done over the last year you can find those only Rickon bubba youtube channel some of you may be watching live there now or you can also go to the Rickon bubba podcast channel all these things I mentioned to you are free all you have to do is go and subscribe to the YouTube channel or to the podcast Channel and then you'll get alerts whenever the Bible study is up there every week we are now in a brand new study we're in the third part of that is the Gospel of John where we're gonna walk through the Gospel of John and we're gonna walk through the Gospel of John until we're finished with the Gospel of John so we may be doing this study for the next year and a half two years we don't know all right so let's open up in a word of Prayer Lord thank you for today thank you for these men who with their hustle and bustle of their lives that make this a priority you know we found Lord that everything that we make a priority in our life is something that we actually care about something we deem a value so lord I pray you continue to bless these men and those that that make sure that every week they're there watching this or listening to this who can't be with us here in the room and I pray Lord you continue to give us wisdom that comes from you wisdom that comes from you not ourselves that we work to find ourselves and you're a perfect will for our lives because there's no better place to be than in your perfect will and the name of Jesus we pray amen all right so guys so thanks for being with us if you have your Bible or something with your Bible on it we are in the Gospel of John and today we're going to pick up in verse 40 of James chapter 1 now if you remember when we left last week what did I say I met John we're not going to James again some of y'all asked me please don't do that again some of you are still reeling from the book of James so we're in John chapter 1 where verse 40 today when we when we left we now though that the John the Baptist has declared behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world he's told his followers that they should now go follow Jesus we ended last week with the with John and also John and Andrew go over and they said and Jesus says so what are you seeking and and they said where are you staying so this this was a great interaction between the king of kings and the Lord of lords they they told him with that statement is we don't desire to have kind of a inch deep mile wide relationship with you where you stay and we want to go spend some time with you and of course we took that and we applied that to our lives because I will tell you one of the biggest problems not just with men but sadly where I'm from the the problem you found with a lot of people that call themselves Christians is that they seem to be more than willing to stay in an inch deep mile-wide relationship with Jesus and the only problem with that if you look at Scripture and you realize how wonderful Jesus truly is I personally believe because I have this own testimony in my own life I think it's impossible to truly encounter Jesus Christ and have such an apathetic attitude I think that's impossible I think that's somebody this created a version of Jesus that is more cultural and it is not biblical because if you've encountered the power of Jesus Christ he changes you I mean you don't change yourself but he absolutely changes you so we have to have the attitude of where are you staying we want to go where you are and we want to get to know you more intimately we want to grow from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity remember with the men that are here in the room and the men that are watching everywhere there's no man worth its salt that's ever been satisfied with being mediocre at anything but it's amazing how many men are satisfied with being mediocre spiritually and and really that's the thing that matters the most and sometimes it's the thing that we spend the least amount of time on but and if we spend any time on it we become grace abusers which we talked about for years and we don't have any desire to have any sort of standard that we think is excellent you know like we've said in here before for those you this time of year that struggle with you know putting football in the wrong place football is a great game it's just a lousy God but really if it's something that means something to you and we've said this before would you tolerate and media career day all your football team you know when we talk about participation trophies and me and just go on and on about participation trophies but then they turn around and live their life like they expect to give them one that they don't get a participation trophy spiritually so if we demand excellence out of the things of the world that are gonna vaporize and go away when this place is refined or when you die then we probably want to spend the most amount of time and we want to pursue like they were showing us we want to pursue the only thing that's going to matter and if you think of it that way it really gets pretty simple doesn't it so today we're gonna take on what what happens at this point there's gonna be a lot for us to unpack here so let's let's look at verse 40 through 42 and here's what the Bible tells us we know if you look back at 39 you know remember we let we last week we left don't come and you will see but after that it says so they came and they saw where he was staying so he did show them and they stayed with him that day for was about the tenth hour now look at 41 of the two who heard John speak and followed Jesus was Andrew now the John he's referring to is what John the Baptist he was a follower of John the Baptist John the Baptist being the great leader said okay I've done my part go follow him and because he's a good leader they did so Andrew is there with him and we know the andrew is Peters brother which he they tell us next simon Peters brother and at 41 he first found his own brother Simon who is Peter and said to him we have found the Messiah which means Christ and he brought him to Jesus now now listen listen us stop right there for just a minute Andrews first reaction to finding Messiah was what I got to tell my brother you know think about that you're one of the most beautiful things that I've seen in here recently was one of the men in this Bible study that has come to the conclusion that he has now submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ and he admitted he spent a lot of his time as a cultural Christian just kind of playing games like a lot of men do I hope I've done enough that I don't go to hell but that's really the only thing I'm really interested in I hope I've done enough and over over time and being in these studies he's realized that he probably has it so he got his relationship right with Christ and let me tell you it was so beautiful he gets so excited about this that we sit down and meet in the office and you know what he wants me to teach him how do I share my faith you know what he thought of there's a guy that I see all the time can you help me tell him about Jesus because if this guy's in my life and this has happened to me I got to tell somebody and so this is what you're seeing here on a grand scale is is you know once once Messiah and Andrew says we've found Messiah because he spent time with Jesus he said I got to tell my brother so I love this and we all need to think about this in our life how many times are you verse 42 and he brought him to Jesus how many how many verse 42 s we got in here I mean how many people have you brought Jesus to I brought them to Jesus is there anybody that you can think of that can use your name and say that's the man or if you're watching and you're female or you're listening or that's the woman that brought Jesus to me anybody because that this is these this stuff that makes the Bible is not there just for historical reference it's always teaching you know my wife has a great statement nobody teaches like the Lord everything that's going on and the Word of God is teaching so he brought into Jesus and Jesus looked at him and said so you are Simon the son of John you shall be called Cephas which means Peter so if you look at this and you can you can look at either way that was good that this is put obviously it was an Aramaic and then of course it was put into Greek with the New Testament both things that they're documented here what Jesus is using that everybody agrees that for the Greek it's Peter and of course for the Aramaic it would be it would be Cephas so so both of these things mean the rock okay and there's been a lot of things said about this incorrectly but the fact of the matter is that Jesus is saying and this is what's what's kind of cool if you really look at and look at the translations and read some of the commentary don't forget you shall be called The Rock mean you're not the rock yet you shall be called the rock there you go ahead and plug into me and you and I are gonna start a relationship today and one day I'm gonna call you the rock not today and we're gonna get into that just a minute you shall be called the rock and so that we're gonna start a process of discipleship we're gonna start a process of our relationship that the you you you plug into me and I'll make you the rock and so this is one of those moments where we have to we have to realize that I don't care what situation that you find yourself in and don't forget at this point Peter probably feels like he's pretty devout at his faith he's encountering Messiah he knew he should be looking for that and today is the day that this is gonna this there's gonna be an encounter here we don't know was there some sort of explanation that went on did Andrew spend some time talking about it but we know that Jesus immediately when he encounters Peter or Simon he says I'm gonna change your name and you're gonna be Cephas which means the rock and and you're gonna be called that going forward and I'm gonna make you the rock I want you to understand I don't care what situation you're in I'm sorry if your daddy was no good I'm sorry if your daddies abandoned you I'm sorry that if you have some kind of testimony that nobody's ever taught you how to follow Jesus and you don't have any training whatsoever and you feel like that you can have no impact for the kingdom you encounter Jesus Christ and he'll turn you into somebody that will impact his kingdom I promise you anybody who's willing to encounter Jesus and say I want to be where you are I want to plug in to you I want I want to seek you and you said I'll find you I want to experience God in his fullness through Jesus Christ I don't care where you been Jesus will take you somewhere else and this is the thing just like talking to Peter it makes me sick when you see some of this stuff that's being you know that's out there sometimes some of this cultural Christianity where people are interpreting that Jesus meets you where you are as if he leaves you there certainly Jesus lowered himself to come to come to us and we can't come to him and certainly Jesus will meet you wherever you're willing to repent but once he beti finds you where you are and you find Jesus he will not leave you there if you're still there you didn't encounter because he didn't leave you there okay he didn't leave you there he's you shall be this so then we now we move on to Nathanael which there's there's a lot here and one thing that I want to stay with Andrey woman--it before I leave I'm glad to let Dennis all my notes I'm loving Andrews relationship we will not find cuz there's some Andrews in here too you know there's a lot of people want to be Peter but you don't hear many people say I'd like to be Andrew let me tell you what's cool about Andrew you know what you find all throughout Scripture he's always bringing people to Jesus always bringing people to Jesus now you don't ever hear a sermon from him he certainly didn't get to write in the New Testament that we know of but you know what you find about Peters brother is that his reputation was I bring people to Jesus some of the examples if you have write these down look at John 6 8 we're gonna get there later but and I'm gonna talk to you about fill up here in a minute I don't want to give that away but but when Jesus said he's gonna feed the 5,000 you'll find it will fill up in a minute said yeah you're out of your mind the only way we could work we could work for 8 months I mean we could work a year and we can't even get anybody some bread what did Andrew do I found a boy he's got this fish in this bread I'm bringing him to Jesus I say I know Jesus is here I went and found some food and I found this little boy and it says Andrew brought the boy out who's he bring him to I'm bringing him in Jesus Jesus I I brought you what we got you know and so Andrew had a different attitude about I don't know what's gonna happen but you said some about food I found little bull with some food now Andrew knows this is not enough food to feed everybody but he brought him to Jesus you know everybody else is like I don't what you're talking about we can't do this so that's a good one too also if you have if you have another one write this down to John 12 20 21 John 12 20 21 you know we're gonna be talking about there Andrews bringing the Greeks to see Jesus hey there's Greeks out here they don't know you so but Andrew knew one thing he may not get to write a sermon he may not get to write a book in the Bible let me tell you it new though I may not can do it but Jesus can I if my role may be nothing but I just bring people to Jesus you think Andrews not a hero the faith you think he's not a hero the faith you know why I'm always bringing people to Jesus including his own brother so we know that when when when the Andrew says we found Messiah now that that's correct in Hebrew that means Anointed One and Greek it means Christ and so keep in mind to the Jews this is the same thing of saying son of God and you can write these verses down to support that that is Matthew 26 63 64 write that down mark 14 61 62 Luke 22 6770 all these places you will see that when they talk about Messiah to the Hebrews that means anointed or son of God to the Greeks that means Christ also son of God so in the Old Testament the prophets and the priests and the kings they were anointed and then they'd be set apart for service and and so the Hebrews all knew this and so Messiah was going to be the ultimate anointed set apart son of God so that's why they're using this language and they all knew but here was the problem and this is where the rub started with Jesus some Jewish teachers would would teach him as it should be with Isaiah 53 some of the teachers would teach that Messiah would be a suffering sacrifice they were something we're teaching that and that that was in line but here was the problem others others were teaching it in a completely different way that they were this they took Isaiah 9 and Isaiah 11 and they said oh no no because of that then Messiah is going to be a splendid King and and and how about this so he's gonna he's gonna come in and he's gonna he's gonna conquer all of our enemies he's going to reestablish us so these two things were going on and what you find is that what Jesus is trying to explain and that's where the confusion was is really both of these teachings are right but the cross comes before the crown and he's trying to clarify keep in mind you got people that are hearing two different things are we looking for a splendid King are we looking for a suffering sacrifice and Jesus said both but y'all have it out of order I'm gonna go the cross before I get the crown and and that's the part that is gonna be clarified throughout New Testament so now we know that that that the Simon gets his new name and I told you Aramaic cephus means rock and in great Peter means rock and so now here's the thing that I like about this and I want this is going to give you a little bit of hope - is that Andrew Peter John and James who now are all in the mix we got two groups of brothers right now even though they're being told by Jesus who they are even though Andrew is saying we found Messiah we can document which is what this is all about is that that they did not immediately follow Jesus with total commitment not here here there's an introduction and yes they're saying the right things about him Peter has yet to respond he's just getting a new name he's just hearing all this but the reason why that we know that Andrew Peter John and James all fishermen by the way seven of the original twelve we can document his fishermen so always keep this in your back pocket when you want to go fishing I said when daily fishing was a really big deal to Jesus and so today I will worship and I will go fish so because Jesus seemed to be really big fan of this seven to the twelve you may know we're fishermen but anyway so these four were all fishermen but here's the part that as I was studying this hit me well sometime between this episode that we're documenting today and the miracle of the great catch of fish which we find write this down Luke 5 3 through 11 these men had apparently gone back to their fishing business well what why does Jesus have to come out there and tell them to throw the net on their back fish it again so they had this encounter but then following Jesus it didn't happen instantly just as your spiritual maturity will not happen instantly you you are instantly redeemed you are instantly justified if you if you have a sincere heart and you confess Jesus Christ as Lord and you repent of your sin and you turn to him the sincerity of your heart which only you and God know when that happens God says I have fully justified you but I'm not fully sanctified you sanctification is we've been studying for years in here now that's a process and it requires some action on our part because these four fishermen said hey I think we found Messiah we're all agree on that yeah I think it is and let me tell you this and John the Baptist dost do this okay we met him I spent some time with him what are we doing now I guess we go fish and they go back to fishing they go back to their normal lives and then Jesus has to come back so hey guys we're gonna go to a different level with this and it has to come reveal himself to them again so remember the process of total commitment to Christ does not normally or instantly always happen there's a process of growing and that's why some of you that are that thought at one time that you would just say I think I made a decision for Jesus one day I think I was pretty sincere I think I've done what I need to do and then you kind of say now I'm gonna knock it out of gear I think I've done I think I've done all need to do that's a mistake that's a very dangerous game plan that's why if you want to see your life be transformed by the power of Jesus completely that's gonna be sanctification that's gonna be growing that's gonna be taking some time so that that we know and then of course he challenged them again and he calls them out and he publicly proclaimed that they would be fishers of men but that didn't happen here that's coming later right now it's just kind of getting introduced to Jesus and they're getting to the point where they believe he is who he says he is so discipleship or commitment may not happen instantly or even quickly but here's the beautiful part y'all gonna love this Jesus is patient Jesus is patient boy I'm glad he's patient but these guys get us in a lot of trouble in the Garden of Gethsemane that's a we'll get to that boy I'd say when when Jesus is trying to make the decision about staying in with the will the Father this was not a good time for them to be sleeping and not one to pray with him and you really right there ago guys let's treat him really good right now he said a crossroads here and you guys are not you're not really acting like you're worth dying for but once again what Jesus is always patient what'd he say the flesh is weak spirits willing but the flesh is weak even in this moment when he's being abandoned by his friends he's still being gracious about it now his grace has limits which sometimes I know we try to push but but he certainly is patient with us as long as we're willing to get back on our feet and continue to follow him all right so next let's go to verse 43 now verse 43 and we're gonna go through 51 talking about some stuff so the next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee and he found Philip and he said follow me now Philip was from Bethsaida the city of Andrew and Peter so they're all from the same area Philip found Nathanael and sound to him we have found him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph now a lot of commentary says how does Philip get all this so fast you know because we actually know that Philip at times you know I talked about back in the feeding the 5,000 Andrew did the right thing Philip kept saying we can't do this we also know that Philip will be documented later in our study of you know how many times says Jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father and then what does Philip say if you just show us the father you know so Philip obviously it has got some back-and-forth going here but right now Jesus said follow me and then it tells us where he's where he's from and then he goes to Nathanael and begins to tell Nathanael he's fulfilled the prophecy that Moses has told us about well where does he get that information some people and it's just it's theory because the Bible doesn't tell us that likely Jesus laid all this out for him while they were walking whatever time period between him meeting Philip and Philip going to Nathanael that Jesus probably as we know in boughten in Scripture it's been documented at times that he's walk people through prophecy let me tell you who I am I'm gonna take you back let me this is what Moses talked about I did this and I'm this person and that possibly since Philip is now saying hey this is what Moses wrote about this is the guy that Jesus may have informed him again now you've learned this this and this that's me because he goes to Nathanael in he and he tells him that so keep in mind even though Philip gets this right we still see Philip like a lot of us stumbles a little bit defeating a 5,000 study it stumbles a little bit on I'll show us the father and which had to be frustrating to Jesus and when he's like how many times have I told you if you've seen me you've seen the father did you just say show me the father boy he is very patient didn't he I think about Jesus what he's about to ascend to heaven this gets me big time and and in the first part of the book of Acts and he's done all this stuff I mean we can't be back for the day okay I've told you what to do exactly what we're gonna do and then they go so is this the time we go overthrow the Romans and he's like tell me you're not bringing this up again I've always been through and then of course Jesus clarifies that at Pentecost but anyway so so anyway so some Nathanael is up next and he said that we found him and so I want you to say when Philip says son of Joseph that that's not doubt that's that's not a dig you know at all that was very common all he's saying is in the Jewish culture every son would be called this is so-and-so the son of so-and-so it's just a statement about his earthly father is Joseph it's not a dig it's not hey you might want to keep in mind he's dead you know as the carpenter and all that he's just doing what the Jewish culture would be if I were to introduce you know whatever your dad's name is I'd say this has been a son of whatever your dad's name William son of William that was standard that's not a dig at all so don't read more into that then is there so so anyway now he's going to encounter Nathanael and I love this Nathanael thing so Nathaniel said to him to Philip can anything good come out of Nazareth you got to be kidding me with the Messiah coming out of Nazareth now I will tell you this some of the commentary says that Nathaniel and you'll hear Jesus confirm this was just being a matter of fact they're saying some of the commentaries said this is not even shouldn't really be seen as him being a skeptic he's just stating what any of us would state if we knew certain areas that had not really been known and he said because and this Nazareth did not have that there there was nothing there for higher learning they'd never had any outstanding leadership come out of Nazareth and and and so really Nathaniel is saying to Philip now you you've come here saying this guy that I'm about to meet is Messiah he's fulfilled the prophecies and you're trying to make me believe that Messiah has come from the backwoods really I mean can anything really good come out of this part and so it's really more of a matter-of-fact statement that anybody who would have heard something come out of Nazareth would have said the same thing but to show you that he wasn't necessarily a skeptic he did agree to go see him so you know he really didn't say you brought Nazareth a timeout you got to be out of your mind have y'all been drinking I'm not going to meet this guy he went so look at 47 so Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and he said to him behold an Israelite indeed in whom there is no deceit not what statement I mean so here here's the King of Kings the Lord of lords and you're about to be introduced to him and and he looks at you and he says he said here's an Israelite but there's no deceit here's a guy with a great reputation here's the guy with the snown to be honest great reputation and and and you know what I know this guy's character I mean that really is what he's saying he's saying because Jesus does is gonna show Nathanael that he knows him already but before they've ever even met which is a big moment for a Nathaniel but don't forget Jesus is also saying now here's a guy that has a great reputation would that be a great thing for Jesus to say about you and and so I think about any thoughts about deceit and we'll get into what why he's saying deceit there's a reason for that but think about like if right now Jesus was standing in this room and you had not met him and one of us went and said Jesus I want you to meet this guy and we went out and got you and brought you in what would Jesus say about you would you just said another years ago it's got a great reputation I know this guy and and your reputation precedes you and you there is no deceit now keep in mind now that's what this also speaks to and this is important very very important by the world standard Nathaniel would have probably been the kind of guy that everybody would have said what that's a good man Nathaniel that's a good man but guess what that ego getting a Thane you redeemed Nathaniel's still needs Jesus and Jesus is making this clear to this guy you probably think of all people him him meeting me isn't he doesn't really need me because he's devout to the faith he's got a great reputation he's honest he's not he's not deceitful but another thing that Jesus is talking about when he says this about about the the deceitfulness and he'll prove this right at the end of what we're gonna do today is that he's also saying because of the for father of the Israelites of course is Jacob and Jacob was what deceitful and what he's saying is even though this is when the ancestors of Jacob he's not like Jacob and they were gonna get to the big part this guy has no deceit in him he's not a deceitful Israelite like his father Jacob which is a really deep statement which we'll unpack before we leave today and and and he's referring to Jacob now the other thing we want to talk about is what happens next because this is cool so Nathaniel says to him keep in mind behold an Israelite indeed in whom there's no deceit and Nathanael says to him how do you know me how do you know me I mean wouldn't that blow your mind if you encountered Jesus and you're looking at him going how do you know me keep in mind jesus knew everything about Nathaniel meaning he knows everything about you he knows everything about me and so what what have you ever had that and I remember this and I was this is when I was a terrible terrible son and the way that I lived my life when I started turning away from the cultural Christianity that I had believed in as a child I certainly believed it but then my life began to show that I did not truly believe it in a way that bring salvation because of me living thirteen years of total sin and debauchery but I remember thinking about I certainly don't have a biblical perspective of honoring my mother and father but I certainly had enough respect for them because they were a great mother and a great father that I didn't want to embarrass them but my thought was as long as they don't know what I'm doing I'm not really embarrassing them and then if I'm around people that don't know them then it's just but but what I'm doing doesn't affect anybody but me but see what Jesus is informing us right now is I know everything you're doing how many times have you been doing something that was completely rejection completely rebellion and somehow you had convinced yourself or I convinced myself that Jesus didn't know we're doing he just has no idea you know we think well if the wife's gone and the children are gone and none of my buddies are around in the pastor as long as he don't come around my Sunday school teacher who's gonna know Jesus is gonna know that's who's gonna know and see if you want to see your life radically change and I'm speaking from experience get to the point that the decisions you make in life don't really affect anything more than Jesus I mean I've seen people's marriages be transformed because they started out thinking that marriage should be what I'll be true to you and I'll hang on to these vowels as long as you stay lovable as long as you do everything right then I'll treat you great but see that's what that's where marriages get into trouble that's where you get these things like we just read in the headlines of 31 years of marriage and we got a couple saying wait it's impossible for us to live together as husband and wife anymore well if you get to the point to where you say no I'm going to treat my spouse I'm going to parent my children the way Jesus would want me to do C because I can find all kinds of flaws in anybody that I can justify treating them poorly because I don't know if y'all have known this you I know some of y'all think you're perfect you know you're not and and you actually do things that people don't like and you know that sometimes you and I I know we don't believe this we become unlovable but see that's different and sherry I joke about this all time my wife is we will say today I love you because I told Jesus I would you're not lovable today you know what we're going through right now this is not pleasant but I'm gonna love you because I'm going to love you the way I told Jesus I would because I can't find any flaw in him and he knows everything we're doing right now so I don't want to blaspheme or embarrass him and so that is the attitude of him looking at Jesus saying how do you know me because Jesus knew everything and then Jesus look he's going he's going he's gonna double down Jesus then said before Philip jesus answered him think about that let's just hang on to that statement just a minute how do you know me jesus answered him why does Jesus even give us the time of day you know he could have had said well that's not important just know that I do jesus answered him he said this he said what before Philip called you when you were under the fig tree I saw you and undoubtedly this is big because what does that thing you'll say next in verse 49 Nathanael answered him rabbi you are the son of God and see he already said what here now here's the Israelite in him there is no deceit so being the good Israelites being the devout Hebrew he knows what to call him there's the son of God behold the son of God you are the king of Israel so the thing says I accept you right now all the teaching I've heard I accept that you so what's this thing about under the fig tree what is all this thing about under the fig tree well to de Jews the fig tree symbolized the land of promise and so what he is saying to him is that I looked up and saw you standing under that fig tree as if you're in the promised land and you're a devout son of cainan and I saw you meditating to the Father I saw you under that fig tree I know that you are there meditating you've been anticipating me and I'm here I saw you in the fig tree I saw you in the promised land and see what he's also say here now hang on to this was going a little deep here the promised land is actually finally here that was a flawed situation that we found ourselves in I'm here to not just deliver you from Egypt I'm here to deliver you from sin I'm here to take you to the real promised land I saw you under the fig tree waiting on me and I'm here being delivered from Egypt is gonna look like nothing compared to what we're about to do and he talks about this I love the next thing so then gets the response and but guys if y'all if y'all want to love this for a minute and we're this is what we're gonna end on today and this is this is just I didn't know how long we'd land here so I don't have anything planned after this so if we leave early we'll leave early today but I doubt we will but so here's what he said so jesus answered to him this is red-letter stuff guys because I said to you I saw you under the fig tree do you believe meaning so did you need a sign for you to believe in me and listen to this Hey look at this next line you'll see greater things than these hey me pulling the fig tree thing out paddy nothing let me tell you you ain't gonna believe what you about to see you know and you know I hate to quote Baltimore Turner overdrive but you ain't seen nothing yet I don't know if they're going to heaven I hope they are but but about this but but I mean I want you to think about that think about this statement Jesus is saying you believe that quick because I did the fig tree thing but you just wait till I call some out of the tomb you ain't gonna believe that just wait to blind people start seeing you're gonna see greater things than this we just getting started we're just getting started and and then the thing that he is telling him to so looks look look at the snake statement truly truly I say to you you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man for many years I read this I'm like I don't get it what are you talking about this is back to Jacob say this is Jacob's Ladder remember he said in him there's no deceit so he knows that that when Jacob was in trouble when Jacob got along when Jacob was out and and that God sent the angels to care for him and there was a ladder where the angels were coming from heaven and they were going down to Jacob and they were going back so he knows that they know this and of course to really get deep he was there okay so here's what he's saying this is really exciting he said you're gonna see heaven opened in the angel of God's a God ascending and descending on the Son of Man let's talk about son of man for a minute because you know Jesus will call himself that he's the son of God but he also says he's the son of man and here's what's cool about Jesus and his love for us okay son of man speaks both to his deity and his humanity remember Jesus has to be 100% God and 100% man if not then we we don't have the Lamb of God this is not the sacrifice that we need and what if I told all of us to caution ourselves about there's a lot of good people out there that try to behave and do good things and be moral but when they take the deity of Christ away that's blasphemy if they ever remove deity from Christ that is a that is a false religion it's not it's not a slight mess it's a false religion and and sometimes they'll come knocking on your door and they made a mistake of knocking on our door what a bad day for those people it's every just like y'all sometimes you'll just take you know like if we had a protective dog or protective something or somebody had a bodyguard or something like this they knocked on our door and I said ladies and gentlemen Cheri Burgess and y'all sit down have a word with her I'm gonna go get us all some coffee y'all gonna be here awhile and and so so so one of the things about that is what sherry revealed to these people they had taken the first thing that we talked about in the Gospel of John and they had been teaching this is how they said John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was a God a God not God hey God now say that you may say well what's the big deal that's huge that's a big mess now and sherry because they usually have an older person the young person she said hey young person come here I want you to see this Bible they lying to you the Bible says the Word was with God and the Word was God Jesus is God he's dead he and of course the older person started trying to wrap up and get out of there and I started going I want to shut the door say ain't nobody leaving oh you know what I said I want your address we're knocking on y'all's door tomorrow but but they they really and the guy stayed behind and we prayed with the guy and talked to him but the older person was really trying to rush him but but but that that point needed to be made so he's saying I I am yes I'm the son of God but I'm also what it's not a man and did you know this is what school that Jesus talking about this also refers back to the prophecies of Daniel write this down Daniel 7:13 Daniel what did you talk about seven thirteen the Son of Man so write that down that's important and that was definitely what setting up that's a messianic setting calling here comes the son of man that's that's Daniel talking about Messiah but this I didn't know did you know that Jesus that this was his favorite name for himself I didn't know that eighty-three times in the Gospels Jesus refers to himself as the Son of Man eighty-three times and this book that we're studying right now we're gonna get to 13 times 13 times which is really really cool so the Son of Man is the living link between heaven and earth you seen that now what he's showing him see he knows about Jacob and the ladder that that God the Father had the angels coming and going you know he's saying here's the ladder I hey I'm about to open up heaven for everybody you're looking at the ultimate ladder between heaven and earth that's me Jesus hey you think this is a big deal I knew about the fig tree you ain't seen anything yet the the heavens are open here is heaven here is the earth here is sin here is my holy father I'm the ladder I'm gonna be the ladder to take you back into the presence of a holy God I'm opening heaven up for all who will take this sacrifice you're looking at the ladder you ain't seen nothing yet Nathanael you wouldn't believe the stuff that's coming next and so he also says that if you look back on Jacob's Ladder that's in Genesis 28 if you want to reference that by the way and and and so Jesus is God's ladder between heaven and earth Jesus reminds us often in the Gospels that he came what what do you keep saying I came down from heaven you've heard Jesus say this himself I came down from heaven so it's saying the Jewish people knew that the Son of Man was a also a name for their Messiah jot this down we'll talk about it later you'll see this being referenced in John 12 34 but you go ahead look ahead of that John 12 34 so you'll see this discussion between the Jewish people and calling him son of man also another name for Messiah so here we go as we're getting ready to close out today we are gonna get through a little early so that's good so closing out today we got four days that Jesus has been on the move four days he's got six disciples okay we still got more to go and and this is the cool thing what this chapter and this is really good this chapter we just finished John 1 chapter 1 the theme of this chapter is the clear message Jesus of Nazareth is God come in the flesh so you know what John is trying to tell us and don't forget when we told you about the history of the Gospel of John this is when people were coming back to John saying tell us more you know we've seen what the other guys have written about a little more we want you to tell it tell us more and what he wants to set the scene as we in Chapter 1 and we'll come back to pick up chapter 2 next week the ultimate message is God is here God is here so Jesus Jesus and John the Baptist teamed up in that first chapter to be sure that everybody knew that God was here and so here's here's the takeaway for us today there's a lot for us to glean from this today but one of the things that that we have to to ask ourselves every time we get together especially now is as Jesus stands before you and stands before me and he says I'm here I have I have fulfilled all righteousness remember about the dream I told you that last week when I was being told over and over again I don't make people partially righteous I make people fully righteous and as time is going on I've seen over and over again why God was was making sure it's once again every single one of us I think we tend in that flesh side of us we tend to dial back just a little bit and we always think I've come far enough and it would be real easy right now especially for those of you that have been in here for the last four years you've seen you've made great leaps spiritually and praise the Lord for that be very very careful for you to get to the point where you think I'm here I've done enough I've come far enough I want you to know that we could never ever ever exhaust members time a couple weeks ago exhaust the grace of Christ we can never exhaust the power that is available to us in Christ I don't care what your situation is I don't care what you're struggling with I don't care what you can't seem to get past Jesus has overcome it and he is more powerful than whatever that is he's patient he's patient and and and if you have not fully experienced him it has nothing to do with his inability we talk about something's wrong you haven't taken that step there's some step you haven't taken because what Jesus is saying to you and this is gonna be my takeaways the last thing we talked about what Jesus is saying to you okay who you are I don't care how far along you are in your walk and this is my takeaway the whole study this week and I said it to myself cuz I can give you a testimony I really can't I don't know all your testimonies and Oh some of them I can give you a testimony that will blow your mind on the power of Jesus Christ I am unrecognizable from the man I used to be but you know what Jesus told me this week you ain't see nothing yet you ain't seen nothing yet you think this is all I can do with you you're still alive you're 55 you ain't seen nothing yet now I may be dead after y'all leave and I may be doing but what I know is whatever life is still left for me it is not to be squandered it's not to be kicked out of gear you know it would be real easy to go I'm pretty good that I'm going to heaven now but see think about that after what Jesus did to me that's not much of a response is it Jesus you changed me thankful for that and I'm gonna plan on doing the bare minimum for you I will be apathetic about this you can count on that for me but thank you for what you did I'm not you guys I'm not trying to earn my salvation I'm trying to say back to Jesus thank you for salvation and my obedience will be my worship and when I'm obedient to you I know you'll take that obedience and you'll radically transform me and you'll continue to move this thing forward there's things in my life right now that have not turned yet but they're going to but they're going to there's things in my life that are not quite where they need to be but they're going to be because of the power of Jesus Christ I believe it true when he said you haven't seen anything yet you'll see things much greater than this I don't know what that is for you I don't know what that is for you but it's a promise from the king of kings and from the lord of lords Jesus Christ let's pray lord thank you for today thank you for this message and and thank you for what it's meant to all of us here today Lord I just I just feel a sense of worship and excitement just just talking about this and I pray Lord that you'll take this message and you'll you'll you apply it to our lives what I pray that I don't know somebody in here right now even here is I sense the Holy Spirit there's somebody somewhere today just heard something from you that they needed to hear there's guys in here of all different ages and I know there's guys in here that have been through so much there's guys in here that are going through something I mean every time you turn around you think to yourself there's there's something else but instead of us looking at that as something that's used to demoralize us let's start looking at that as another opportunity for us to see how great you really are and I pray Lord that you be glorified and continue to transform every life that's willing to submit to your authority and I pray this sword in the name of Jesus amen thank you guys thank you very much you you
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 3,177
Rating: 4.8297873 out of 5
Id: eEAostBIlGw
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Length: 47min 44sec (2864 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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