Rick and Bubba Bible Study Live - January 8, 2020

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welcome back to the winds the Bible study and here on YouTube live if you're watching this if you're watching archive the archives have also made it back to YouTube after the Rick and Bubba show got out of YouTube jail so good good to be back on YouTube and for those you that may be listening to us also on the podcast channel or you're listening to an audio archive we're glad you're here and hello to all the men that are in the room that are back a new new year our first Bible study of the new year we were off on Christmas Day and New Year's Day hope all of you had a great time away I had a great one I nearly died while we were gone but but other than that it was it was a great trip if you didn't hear that story I'm happy to share that at a later time but glad to be here some things we need to know let's do a little bit of housecleaning and then we'll jump into the message today we're continuing with the Gospel of John we're gonna be in John chapter 10 today things you need to know if you go to birches ministries.com and look under events you can also go to Rick and Bubba comm I'll be headed to Missouri Saturday going up to First Baptist Church of Charleston someone told me today I'll be near Sikeston Missouri which is where the restaurant Lambert's Lambert's was created so I'm gonna go there little rolls at me so that'll be coming up in Missouri but I'll be there for their men's event speaking twice this Saturday there also has some other men there they're gonna have a panel if you would like to be part of that and you're gonna be in that area or that's your area they're in Cape Girardeau and Sikeston and Charleston just go to Rick and Bubba comma Burgess ministries.com look at events it'll tell you what you need to do to be there the 19th I'll be at Olive Baptist Church in Pensacola Florida speaking at both morning services there so if you're in the Pensacola area or you can be there come join us and then coming up at the end of the of the month there is a situation involving two two items I'll be at one I won't beat the other first of all at my home Church shades Mountain is man church it'll be our first one of 2020 it'll be at six o'clock there's no ticket or anything for that and James Merritt will be there too deliver our message fantastic pastor preacher teacher James and I've been talking I thought I was going to be there until my wife opened up the mail and my face was on the picture of a state evangelism conference that I'll be speaking at in Mississippi and I didn't think that was on the 26th of January as my wife held up the picture of me on the pamphlet they sent out for the event she said let me guess you booked this yourself so so I did and I got those dates confused I thought I was actually speaking on a different day but so I will not be there but we invite you to be there but for those you in Meridian Mississippi that are coming to that and anybody in the communities or surrounding communities can come Michael cat also will be speaking there Johnny hunt and I'll be kicking that off on that Sunday night January the 26th now that's just January if you want to look at the speaking events for the entire year they're all up there at Burgess ministries calm under events or Ric and Bubba calm under events as well two other items I want you to know about starting in March we'll be implementing the man church.com it's our national national opportunity for churches or community groups if you need help from us to start a men's ministry or to enhance the men's ministry you already have with curriculum events speakers consultation we'll help you any way we can you can go to the man church calm now and you'll see the coming soon but you can watch the trailer they kind of lays out what we're going to be doing and we're implementing churches already ready to get that started we'll be ready to plug and go the month of March but if you want to go ahead and start talking to us now against some consultation ask some questions whatever you need you can do that now and you'll see that at the man church calm also my wife Sheri we're coming up on January the 19th that'll be 12 years ago that our youngest son went to heaven you've heard me referenced that many times in the Bible study and my wife of course says written the book Bronner a journey to understand if you've never read it I advise you to do so but you may be somebody that says I just really want the audio book well the audio book is has been finished and it will be out on audible.com I tunes wherever you get audiobooks and that should be available by January the 19th so if you've all look she went in and read it and went back in the studio it is powerful so so be looking for that wherever you get your audiobooks on the weekend of January the 19th so you're updated let's do a prayer and we'll get started Lord thank you for today thank you for the opportunity to to dive into your word and thank you Jesus for being the Good Shepherd lord help us to understand everything you're saying in your words today and help us to apply it to our lives and help us to continue to be growing into the people that only you can make us and may we if we're gonna you know you're the author of a new beginning a New Year's resolution that does not include Jesus is a complete waste of time and may we today make a true change by submitting fully or maybe for the first time acknowledging that we need to be saved and repent of our sins and Jesus name we pray amen all right so we're at John chapter 10 if you have your Bible or something with your Bible own it let's look at this and we'll start out with these words there in red so here comes Jesus truly truly I say to you he he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way that man is a thief and a robber but he who enters by the door is the Shepherd of the sheep to him the gatekeeper opens the sheep hear his voice and he calls his sheep by name and leads them out when he has brought out all his own he goes before them and the Sheep follow him for they know his voice a stranger they will not follow but they will flee from him for they do not know the voice of the stranger so let's take this analogy here is Jesus once again you know the Sheep analogy is based on first century sheep farming I learned a lot about shepherd and sheep preparing for this lesson and so I don't want you to get in your mind maybe even the way we understand how sheep are handled in the West and in this century this analogy he's talking to his the way things were done then with shepherd and sheep we see for by this analogy he's talking about like in most of the first century sheep farming the sheep are in some sort of enclosure family farms what they did they they hired something that was called an under Shepherd this is not the Shepherd but they they called him an under Shepherd a Shepherd more it's more like a watchman or a guard who guards the gate to the enclosure where the sheep are kept the Sheep of course are of great value but as we know Jesus uses the analogy of sheep for us because sheep are pretty helpless I heard somebody making analogy once I used to say that sheep were dumb but I actually had a sheep farmer correct me he says sheep are not dumb they're just helpless he's that's not the same thing and what he means is they just can't function without help does that sound familiar at all but it doesn't mean they lack any kind of intelligence it just means they can't function he said for instance they roll over because the way they're made they can't get back up I mean they are they don't need if they get on their back they can't get up they're just they're just helpless creatures which is why they always needed a shepherd so anyways so what he's talking about about this watchman this guarding the gate what this person would do is that this person would not let anybody get to the Sheep unless it was the Shepherd that he recognized because the Shepherd didn't stay with him the watchman did and then the Shepherd would come back in the first century sheep farming and say okay I got to get them to pasture I got to get them to water I'm ready to go but nobody could get in that gate through the gate unless they were recognized by the watchman so if you're a stranger you're a robber you're you're a thief you wouldn't come to the gate because one I mean that's idiotic if you if you're not the Shepherd then you know that the watchman the under Shepherd the the gate man he's not going to let you in because he immediately recognizes you're not the Shepherd so then you you would attempt to get in another way sheep also recognized the Shepherd's voice and they follow him a stranger they will not and is making this analogy you know I this is one of the things that we always cautioned when going through some of this this commentary just about sheeps and Shepherd to be sure that we understand Jesus's analogy some of it it's pretty straightforward but some of it you need to know kind of how they did it he said don't get in your mind that that today what we do with dogs and with people as we drive sheep he said they didn't drive sheep in the first century they led sheep which is why Jesus is using this analogy and the Sheep literally knew the voice of their Shepherd who protected them who fed them who got them water who laid them down Psalms 23rd psalm and and they were calm because they knew the voice of their shepherd if it wasn't their Shepherd they wouldn't follow him because they were afraid so Ezekiel actually talked about this as well and if these people standing around they were pretty familiar with what the Prophet is Eco had said and if you if you want to make a note of this you can go read it in detail Ezekiel 34 for time I won't go through all of it but you see that in Ezekiel 34 God Himself is berating the Shepherd's of Israel he's taking the religious leaders of Israel and he's saying you're bad shepherds you're not shepherding my people you you have ruled them harshly and brutally you'll see this in Ezekiel 34 God insists that they are his sheep the Lord said that he will rescue his flock he'll bring them out of the nation's where these religious leaders have got have allowed them to be taken slaves he will pasture them he himself will tend to his sheep he will bind up the injured and he will strengthen the weak so when they hear Jesus saying this remember what the Gospel of John is all about the Gospel of John the the main part of it is is like we said of all all the Gospels have their roles but the the main role of the Gospel of John is here is Jesus here he is he is 100% man and he has 100% God so this is just a again Jesus saying Ezekiel use this analogy about who about God and I just told you and I'm about to tell you in greater detail I'm the Shepherd and when what God said that he would Shepherd his own people he would so this is another analogy that Jesus is using to say I am God this is what Ezekiel was talking about God has come to his sheep to Shepherd them himself everybody with me because I love that all right so then I start thinking about this and I know this is frustrating you know to something when I keep going forward in the book of John but I'm gonna do it again so here's Jesus in John 21 and y'all know this man if this this reconciliation to Peter doesn't move you then you know you there's something wrong with you what is it what is it that my uncles and everybody says you know if this didn't fire you up your woods wet you know what I mean so so we know that Peter denied Jesus by stepping out you know Jesus didn't know I mean Peter didn't know the full deal he starts making all these declarations that he's gonna die for Jesus and Jesus knows he's not going to not this time he will later but not here okay and so he betrays Jesus and then you know you see where we go through the Gospels and you see in mark where mark you know interviewing Peter says that Jesus actually told the women go tell Peter and the others that I'm back risen well why where's Peter being singled out well he denied Jesus look everybody's excited right if you start thinking about oh good Jesus says risen from the dead like he said he's back he's really not dead but what about Peter what would you think if the last encounter you and I had you were extremely negative to me and I got killed mainly because one of the reasons is you wouldn't go with me you might not have kept me from being killing but you abandoned me matter of fact old Rick in the old days I had a guy abandoned me at a fight one time and I've never forgotten now forgiving him but I hadn't forgotten and so I met him like in the last two years of my life and so he comes over introduced himself he's talking to me I'm 54 years old we're talking he walks away I said I said God abandoned me in 1983 and sure he says what I said I was in a bond and I look course I got myself in the bind and I looked up and I said I saw him peeking around the corner of a building and he did one of these moves and went back and he left me and she goes please tell me you're not still thinking about that in 2017 and I said absolutely I am I said I said I said watch this right here I text a friend of mine there's my roommate in college I said watch this hey just met not gonna say his name so and so that's all ahead I said watch this you see it spinning you see those three little things did somebody might come back what'd you tell about the one that left you when you was in a fight and I said I said yeah and I said I said so we don't forget that kind of stuff okay I do forgive the guy and I was cordial to him and all that I do now when I go in another fight with him no okay but but what I'm saying is I don't hold that against him but let's say in that instance I had been killed in that fight and then all of a sudden somebody goes up to him and they said hey man we're excited Rick didn't die what he didn't die and he's coming to see you now how's that feel you don't know you don't know really hey wait a minute you know so so so this beautiful moment talking about the shepherd I don't need to keep chasing this rabbit I'll do a whole message on Peter and Jesus but I wanted to get to this point so when Jesus comes back now he's got the 40 days where he's deciphering them and getting ready to go when we know about him cooking the fish he calls him off Peter jumps into water he swims to him it's just a beautiful thing and he sits down and he says to Peter what do you love me November three times Peter denied him so one time do you love me what's Peter say yes feed my feed my sheep or first feed my lambs and then the second time he says Peter do you love me yes now here's to would then feed my sheep and then he asked in the third time I was like ten my sheep then the third time he says do you love me and then now Peters getting frustrated why you keep asking me this one two three you know everything you know a man's heart you know that I love you whether it feed my sheep so what does he say the Shepherd's gonna go and guess who the Shepherd's are now us Shepherd them tend to my sheep feed my lambs and feed my sheep what we supposed to feed him we'll teach them to obey all that I have commanded you baptize them in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit right so let me ask you as I asked myself you do in any shepherding because Jesus said those of us that love him John 14:15 said I go again we will obey Him and so when he said to Peter I've the Shepherd I'm about to go do you love me yes I do and then he says okay good that's all I want to know you know he said who didn't show me not to earn salvation but because of salvation Jesus we love you feed my sheep Jesus we love you tend to my sheep Jesus we love you feed my lambs so are we doing that because that's exactly what he told us to do yes Jesus will reconcile with us yes praise the Lord for that you know and it'd be like you know if I reconciled to this guy which I have but let's say it was something more personal we knew each other a little more hey Rick I'm sorry I did that to you okay then once you go once you start being part of our men's ministry what so you say no hard feelings no well they good go look won't you join me in what I'm doing that much you know I mean it's it's like so so there actually is there actually is Jesus making well then and see that's the part I think's missing this is this is that grace abuse that's going on I got this new song that I I got to hear it Chris Thomas Christmas concert it's a group called we are the kingdom where we the kingdom and and there's a line in there I've never heard anybody singing in praise song and sherry looks at me the minute they sing it and she says they just won you over cuz you know what they sing I don't want to abuse your grace I don't want to abuse your grace and she says and there is your new favorite song because I've been a grace abuser I mean sanctimonious her self-righteous about that I've been a grace abuser hey Jesus gonna forgive me no matter what I've done well yeah if I repent that's true but but so what he's saying then is now shepherd the sheep just as I have given you the example the shepherds of Jesus day used their voices to lead the Sheep they did not drive the Sheep and I had to listen to that one pretty pretty long and hard be a voice that the people want to follow you don't have to drive them be somebody they can trust let them see that you actually will lead them to a correct way verse 6 this figure of speech Jesus used with them but they did not understand what he was saying to them no why is John letting us know this well first of all he's saying he's not just explaining this is a figure of speech because we know that right we know that Jesus is not literally a shepherd of animals of sheep we know this is analogy he's letting you know that when he said this to the people they didn't receive it see remember their attitude with Jesus is not we want you to confirm who you are their attitude always was what can we do to have an indictment against you we don't we don't accept this and so every little analogy you're doing for those of us that won't believe in you we just see it as another way to try to get you it was an indictment on the people they don't understand because you know why they don't understand you ready for this they're not a sheep they're not they haven't acknowledged him a shepherd they reject him so of course I don't understand what he's talking about because they're not they're not hearing the voice of the shepherd they're rejecting the shepherd they only want to use anything he said up to them not to embrace him but to reject him anybody ever been there do you know why I didn't go to church dear my years of debauchery because I knew what they were gonna say I was in an idiot to the gospel I was not an unreached people group I'd heard the gospel my whole life from my grandmother from my parents people in my community Fellowship of Christian this so I was not a person that did not know what was going to be said I knew it was gonna be said I'd heard what was gonna be said but you know what I did I did not embrace it I rejected it so what I did is I don't want anything to do with that you know when it started changing me when I came with a heart that says now I desire to change you know when I begin to follow the Shepherd when I made in the Shepherd when I submitted to his authority and I submitted my life to him and I gave him not just to my sin but I gave him my life and at that point I mean supernaturally I could hear the Shepherd preaching sounded a whole lot different to me now you know why cuz I wasn't rejecting it I was receiving it that's a whole different animal verse 7 I know I said animal so jesus said to them again truly truly I say to you I am the door of the Sheep now this is important shift he just toast who's a shepherd now he's the door this is an important shift oh boy here we go y'all ready to get deep now this one those things you'll be riding away from here your head going let me say that to myself again Jesus now isn't just the Shepherd who goes through the gate he is the gate whoa okay now I'm gonna be the Shepherd and I'm gonna go through the gate but guess what the gate that I'm going through is the Shepherd I'm the very gate there's no other way to get to the Sheep I mean I took this and went back and started reading this over and over again Mir come on Jesus you're just trying to use another now is you what what are you doing here but listen to this it gets better super-good ate all who came before me are thieves and robbers but the Sheep did not listen to them now let's clarify he's not saying that everybody in the Bible that came before him as a thief and a robber that's now he's talking about cuz then we got a problem in Abraham's a thief Moses isn't thief no he's saying other messianic people before me have come to the Sheep trying to declare their me but they're not this is not talking about the men of the Bible he's talking about other people who claim to be Messiah you know John the Baptist had to deal with this but they were constantly having to deal with false prophets and false teachers you know why the adversary is trying to stop this the adversary always wants us to follow something else other than Jesus but he's not omnipotent he's not omniscient he's not omnipresent like the God we serve so he's just got to throw up haymakers I mean really if you want a basketball analogy say he's just throwing up threes if you add a football analogy he's just throw into the endzone see if he can come down with one he didn't know what's going on he didn't know the future but he knows enough that he's always trying to get us to follow another shepherd because you know what he knows the way we were made as sheep were always looking for a shepherd and we turned it into our careers we turned it into sex we turned it into drugs we turned it into alcohol we turned it into our sports team we turned it into our hobbies you know what we turn it into our children and say oh you know why that happens because that's the way we're made but what Jesus is saying if you ever want to get the rest of this stuff right not drugs alcohol and sex or even sex yes but not drugs and alcohol you didn't shift to make me the Shepherd and once I'm the Shepherd and I put in my proper place then these other things that my father has given you will be in their proper place and so Satan is always trying to send us and he still does he still does help me said again he still does just because somebody's got some title and somebody standing up in some pulpit you better be listen for the voice of the shepherd and if you haven't made Jesus the Shepherd you're gonna get food because there's all kinds of people out there vying to be the Shepherd and this had been happening before Jesus came as well so Jesus wants to clarify that so now verse 9 and 10 let's look at this this is really here I go again this is really John 14:6 again look at 9 and 10 I am the door if anyone enters by me he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy I came that they may have life and have it abundantly John 14:6 I'm the way I'm the truth I'm the life no one comes to the Father except through me I'm the gate there are no there's no other gates yes I'm the shepherd but I am also the gate Jesus is saying that not only is he the Shepherd and the gate he's the Shepherd and the gate at the same time and if you try to go with any other Shepherd and that Shepherd takes you through any other gate you know what you're going to eternal damnation now the thief has fools you and he's come to kill still and destroy you but I've come to give you life and I've come to give you life abundantly this is not the world's definition of life abundantly man this verse gets misused I'm you know what life abundantly is look at me you're not going to hell you and I deserve hell and because of the Shepherd with his voice guided us to the gate him and redeemed us now instead of us having eternal death we now have abundant life you know why cuz my biggest problem has been solved no matter what you do to me no matter what the world throws at me no matter what happens in my fallen state and in this fallen world you know what Jesus Christ has redeemed me so I have life and I have it abundantly I'm at peace what are you gonna do to me what did Paul say we're gonna kill you good now I just be with Jesus I mean I I don't want to be you know with these Wars and stuff going on and certainly it in the will of God somebody say well you know even we go to it when this nation a nation starts you have to think about there's Christians to some of these places that's true that's true and they're living under persecution and they love Jesus and Jesus is enough and if an if some tyrannical leader leads their nation into war and they get killed there were Jesus to live us Christ to dies game hi Rick you keep talking like this there may come a day some I might kill you that's fine you know you know what the lot of times the world needs to fear about martyred Christians their fear which really shouldn't be that we may live their fear should be that we might die because when we start keep dying for the faith you know what people keep saying man that must be something to that it's one of the reasons why I started I've owned the biggest counters I've ever had to the Word of God but people saying well I just don't believe that you can say this has been inspired by God I said really there are religions out there that people are deceived and people will die for a lie they will but let me tell you what I won't ever die of and I don't think these men would die something they knew wasn't true hey this Jesus thing rose from the dead the cross you still with Jesus absolutely I'm with Jesus then we're gonna kill you if I know that's fake if I know we've been just making this up I ain't dying for it like so you may die for a lie that you don't know about a truth that really isn't truth but there's no way that any of us are gonna die for something we know is not true that's where that's where the Lions when you come to kill me all right we're gonna kill you if you don't tell us the truth and I know that what I'm saying true guess when you just got the truth you got it now cuz I ain't dying for it but now I'll die for the truth though I'll die for what I know is the most important thing and I know it's true hey I these men saw him they were taught by him they saw him alive they saw him crucified and they saw him alive after it was after he had been crucified they saw it and when they received the Holy Spirit after that you couldn't do anything with him they celebrated it they celebrated it when they said finally we're so committed to the shepherd they starting to treat us like they did him they didn't say he must have abandoned us you know what they said he told us about this he was our Shepherd we needed we said it we were like sheep that he was leading to slaughter he was right so that's the attitude that we must we must we must take and we must we must consume number verse 11 and this is important for us to look at 11 if I could find 11 I am The Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Sheep now the reason why he is saying that you you have to understand you you've probably heard this and I know that usually it's alluded to most every Christmas not all the time of us understanding why the good news came to shepherds first the reason why that's so important is shepherds were not good people nobody said I tell hope my son grows up to be a chef not only so you don't get in your mind this is where I've learned this even recently I had in my mind I got it they're poor it's not a great job no no it's bigger than that they were bad people they were seedy people you didn't you know literally we'd be sitting here if we were all out somewhere go careful heads up Shepherd's just came in this is gonna be trouble they were bad guys usually and so what Jesus is wanting us to know is that he is not the typical Shepherd he's saying I am a noble Shepherd and here's why most Shepherds of that day were just hired hens and it was rare that you can get a hired hand to die for your sheep I mean it's just my job yeah I don't throw him on the bus here it doesn't take long for me to know when I go somewhere that I'm being served this person has no vested interest in this company I'm collecting a check if you're not treating well today ha I'll tell you one thing I remember this I remember when I worked at the car wash they gave us this whole deal on what to do so my holds this place up I said I Got News for You I ain't dying for your car wash if they come in here and want your money I'm giving it to him okay you know why it ain't my car wash I'm not gonna die for something that's not mine and so most of these Shepherds they do the job but if it got down to them or the Sheep they would abandon the Sheep and he said but I'm not that kind of Shepherd he says he says you know even if a shepherd I love this one I read this one commentary this is something that um I think it was Carson but I love this he said many times if you look at the historical documents even when a shepherd died for the Sheep he didn't mean to he did he just died in the process of trying to get away for something you automate it wasn't like he went killed me not the Sheep he got killed trying to get away you know I mean whatever killed that she killed him too and he said but the Good Shepherd this is good the Good Shepherd the noble Shepherd Jesus Christ says I willingly lay down my life for the Sheep I'm the Good Shepherd do you belong to the Good Shepherd I mean the Good Shepherd says I'm gonna lay down my life for you I will die for the Sheep why would he die for the Sheep there he is he's not a hired hand the father didn't send a hired hand to come get us the father sent himself if you see me you seen the father I'm the father's mouthpiece I am the father we are one you are my sheep and I'll die for you and I willingly lay it down why did he have to willingly lay it down well because I don't know how to break this to you we're not so wonderful that that just would naturally happen these wonderful people let me lay down my life for these wonderful people i uncontrollably want to die for y'all cause y'all are so fabulous no I willingly do it because you need me to die for you you got no hope if I want to die for you I have to willingly say I'm gonna die for you and I'm even gonna check in with the father right before I do it and find out if there's another way to do it but but I but his will is gonna be done because I am representing the Father I am here to do the will of the Father and that means I will lay down my life for the Sheep I'm a good shepherd I'm not a seedy Shepherd look what he says in 12 and 13 the other end of the spectrum he who is a hired hand and and not a shepherd who does not own the sheep sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees and the wolf snatches them and scatters them he flees because he's a hired hand and cares nothing for the Sheep so Jesus just said the very same thing we just said that's the difference between me and other Shepherds and and and and that's the thing you have to look out to is we have to say to ourselves as we look at Jesus is the perfect shepherd we have to also say as we take the role of the shepherd watching his example now the wife if you're married and the children if you have them and the people that we are responsible for including the lost people around us as well we have to ask ourselves the question are we that kind of shepherd you know one of the things we've been doing with this men's ministering you're gonna continue to do is we're focusing on discipling the men from spiritual emphasis of spiritual maturity first of all we want to get to the man if he's lost get him reconciled to two through Christ and then we grow him because we see the scripture and Jesus keeps telling us over and over and over if Satan can get the man then he Rams sex the house he Rams sex to church he ran he ransacks the the society so why wouldn't we make sure that that that influence and that protection that that follower of Jesus has tried to be like Jesus why can't we teach this guy to have that same attitude through the power of Jesus but he says if it's just a hired hand and see what we got we got a lot of husbands and we got a lot of fathers that just treat their wife and treat their family like their hard hand and if trouble shows up I'm out I'm out let the wolf come in here Ram secular I got to go and see that's the problem that we have when we start doing these subtle things involving males and doing these subtle things involving any Christian if we do not teach the Christian and we do not teach the male who is also a Christian if we don't teach the people of God to be able to persevere under persecution they can't handle it well what's gonna happen to the Western Church when persecution really comes well you don't have to be that way but I mean are we gonna follow the Good Shepherd say we know exactly what to do are we gonna scatter and flee like a hard hand and let the wolf just come in and devour the church let the wolf come in devour my family and see this this is why this is important and this is why once again we see that Jesus says this is the difference between a bad shepherd and a good shepherd we see why he is different but we also look at ourselves and while we're expected to be different as well verse 14 and 15 I am The Good Shepherd I know my own and my own know me just as the father knows me and I know the father and I lay down my life for the Sheep the relationship between those who acknowledge and know Jesus as Messiah had the same intimacy as the father has with the son whoo how about that so what he's saying is let me tell you what's so great about the shepherd I'm going to give you the ability I mean this is the great I am at our church this past Sunday it was Isaiah six and and one of the points that was made in this message is and you've heard us talk about that and here on and on for four years God can't change being holy it can't change it that that's who he is I've had people do this before where they start saying well I just wish god I don't know why God just can't decide since he's God why can't he just decided he just forgives everybody and why are we going through all this he's holy God cannot say I now will not be Who I am I'm holy I can't there's nothing we can do about my holiness and and I like what would Jacob who was who was the one who brought the message not only is his holiness what it was what's going to bring justice or judgment on sin it's his very holiness they brought Redemption you know why I'm holy I got to do something if I can't come up with a plan of redemption because of my holiness then all that's gonna be left is my condemnation because I'm holy and I must condemn sin but Jesus said I've come to get the Sheep and my relationship with the father I'll lay down my life for the Sheep and we will have the relationship that is so intimate you'll have a relationship with me just like I have with the Father Wow that's why says I gave me life abundantly we have access to the Father which at which I love that and that's when things Jacob said in Isaiah 6 who preached this I Sunday at my church God is the only thing that the Bible ever says holy holy holy you'll find things that are holy and your filings that are holy holy but you only find one thing that is holy holy holy and that's God that's the father and there's nothing he can do about it he can't cease to be holy which is why we need the Shepherd to come and guide us to redemption and then into the relationship with our holy God verse 16 is pretty straightforward not very popular and in the culture but good news for anybody here not a Gentile okay good news for everybody in this room then so here's what Jesus says there's believe it or not there's bigger benefits to being a Gentile than just be able to eat Dreamland ribs so listen to this no offense to our Jewish brothers and sisters I have other sheep and they are not of this fold I must bring them also and they will listen to my voice so there will be one flock and one Shepherd this is the church the Gentiles are coming to say I'm the Shepherd to them to know they're not in this flock because he's addressing the Jewish people here they're not in this flock but because I'm the Shepherd I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna Shepherd the Gentiles and I'm on a shepherd the Jews and I'm gonna bring them all together under my authority and under my Redemption because there no matter who you are you or Gentile the Bible is clear we're equal at the foot of the cross in need of redemption is our relationship as far as our our background and our lineage the same as Jewish people know is our Redemption under Jesus Christ equal with them yes do they need Redemption just like we do yes are they are we the original chosen people Gentiles no do they have a special relationship with God that we don't have yes and you know we're warned about that hey look let me tell you something if he'll take them and cast them away without redemption he'll cast the Gentiles away a lot easier because we didn't have the relationship with him that they once had but now the Shepherd says I'm coming out just the 12th day of Christmas aside this is when Jesus said appeared to the Gentiles I now will bring the Gentiles and I will bring the Jews to flocks and I'm gonna come home together and one flock and guess what that's gonna be the church age there's the church and you see when we went through the book of Acts that didn't go very smooth but they but-but-but and it still sometimes it's not smooth today but it's always been something we've had to work through but Jesus is clear it's one flock he's making that point here let's look at 17 and 18 I love this - and this should put you at peace for this reason the Father loves me because I lay down my life that I may take it up again well we can celebrate here no one takes it from me but I lay it down of my own accord I have the authority to lay it down I have the authority to take it up again this charge I have received from my father somebody say Amen anybody remember when he brings us up again to Pilate he brings us up to Paulo - yeah when Pilate tries to give this speech about how powerful he is and how you need Jesus need gives that together and talk to him because Pilate had the authority to say whether he was going to live or die Jesus quotes this no no I will lay down my life you have no authority over me the only authority you have right now is for a moment there's been allowed by my father but I will no one takes my life from me I lay it down of my own accord and I will raise it up again do you love this this charge I received from My Father you know what saying it's gonna happen my father gave me this charge and that's what we're gonna do but you know what this what you got to love listen this is important you know what Jesus is saying I'm in control the whole way I'm not frantic about this I'm not wondering what's going to happen everything that's gonna happen I will control the entire time and I do it because I love you I will lay down my life for you and I will raise it up again and I'd do it of my own accord meaning I'll go to the cross what when I'm told to and I'll go to the cross when I decide to go you know one of the most beautiful things you're seeing some of the you know we try to think about what happened and you've seen this even the passion of the christ' the thing that I love and it's subtle but pay attention the next time you watch it they don't have to throw Jesus down on the cross he lays down you know why this was supposed to do and he's thinking he's in control of this the whole way to the cross look at 19 through 21 there was again a division among the Jews because of these words there's a shocker many of them said he has a demon and is insane why listen to him others said these are not the words of one who is oppressed by a demon can a demon open the eyes of the blind say that's back to the signs again every single time that Jesus would say something he's John is documenting and so are the other Gospels and we should not be surprised guess what what we believe and what we are told to preach is and will always be divisive Rick why do you why do you say that what do we not end do we not come out of the red words and then go to the black words and what we always hear there were division among the people so why are we shocked when there's division among the people there always will be until this thing is redeemed until this world is redeemed in every and the sheep's are separated from the goats there's always gonna be division among the people Rick what happened well I got up and I said what Jesus said to say and I stayed theologically sound I stayed in the Word of God well how'd it go some people got mad did everybody get mad nah man I never got man some people actually for the hearts were pierced and they were they they were redeemed I guess I mean they they said they were and we'll see if they really did what they said they did they'll be changed forever so when we say about Jesus and we and we hope why do you think Jesus is so divisive he says he is well why is he divisive exclusivity I am the way there are no other ways we don't want to go through that game but then you'll die who are you to say you're the only gate I am what do you mean I am before Abraham I am so so Ricker there there are many ways to heaven there aren't really I really don't like that I'm sorry I shouldn't you be kind of fired up that there is one way that everybody can enter remember I told you the conversation I had with the the agnostic he said I just don't you know I can't I can't serve a god that if I don't believe what he wants me to believe he's gonna send me to hell I said then you don't know the god I'm talking about the god I serve is actually delivering people from Hell anybody not just some people anybody anybody who wants to be redeemed guess what will be anybody and that's offensive it always is it because so my sisters that's not the way I want to do it you know what they're really saying is I don't really have a problem with that but I get the sense that you know deep down because your flesh starts fighting when that spirit starts to burn a little bit you know what the first thing that flesh will start doing fighting for its life you know the flesh is screaming if you believe this it's going to kill me let's see if you'll just submit yourself to Jesus repent and turn to Jesus when you start experiencing how wonderful he is you really don't mind that he's exclusive what we should be mad about is if somebody says I don't know how you get to have them what I don't know there might be tons of ways which one's right I don't know I kind of like that there's one truth maybe that's just how I work but at least I don't know what I know the deal now and I might reject it but I certainly can understand it and so there was a division among the people remember that the people who are posting but what do we hear again there's other people saying I don't know I mean if you look at what he's doing I don't think we can throw him under demon oppressed you know this guy was blinding and he's healed him so then Jesus when we get to 22 23 and at the time of the feast of dedication it took place in Jerusalem it was winter and Jesus was walking in the temple and the colonnade of Solomon and and it says that in all I'm going to tell you this the feast is it's it's just simply John uses these feasts I'm not gonna land here because we're run out of time but just know when he preheats bringing these feast up they're important but he's trying to give us a chronological sense if you go back through history it really accepts you determine what time of year was so so he says the feast is just trying to show us that not only what time it is but these feasts also point that Jesus is going to fulfill every single feast by the way he'll fulfill every one of them with them in its winter we know this so that that means that he was indoors he was not out in the open that's why he tells us he was in the colonnade so look at 24 so in 24 so the Jews gathered around him and said to him how long will you keep us in suspense if you are the Christ tell us plainly they want a straight answer he has spoken plainly this is the thing that you have thing but if you go and look at Jesus talking to individuals he does speak very plainly to them woman at the well tells tells them who he is but when we get in these group settings have you ever noticed Jesus will not give them what they want why well you have to know in this time what they want him to do is say he's Messiah and Jesus is no it's too wise for that because in that time Messiah was grossly misunderstood and what he's trying not to do is to fall into their trap because if he would just say you know straightforward I'm gonna confirm this word you know Messiah and in the Jewish environment of the time it really had more political and military connotations in spiritual and he knew this they're trying to get into safes nice well this guy's going to lead a rebellion which they eventually do this guy's going to lead a rebellion against the Roman Empire he's too smart for that so so he was avoiding the confusion and of course another reason is what he's gonna do what the father says dude he's on his own timeline he's not gonna be forced into it time line he's on his phone is on time line I love this so look at 25 jesus answered them I told you and you do not believe I've been telling you who I am and you're not listening he's almost like you're asking for an answer that I've already given you the words that I do in my father's name bear witness about me but you do not believe because you are not part of my flock hey I spoke plainly I did tell you you would miss her understand me if I'll say the word you want me to say you will not embrace a suffering servant you are a kingdom that wasn't immediately political or military bottom line he had told them who he was in the way he wanted to tell him so they wouldn't go political and they wouldn't go military and he says and you reject that I've already told you but you don't you want to hear it a certain way but I'm not gonna give it to you that way and then he says 26 and 27 look at that you don't know me because you reject me let me tell you why you can't understand what I'm saying you don't belong to me you rejected me as the shepherd you've rejected me for who I am and them and the more let me say this guys look at me if you don't accept Jesus for who he is and you don't understand who he is you can't hear him I spent a large part of my life being having a demonic faith I believed the the historical you know documentation of Jesus but I didn't know him so I couldn't hear him so I lived the life of confusion and when I finally submitted to him as the Shepherd and that's my lord and as my authority man then I could hear him 28 he's telling why they can't hear him I give them eternal life and they never perish and no one will snatch them out of my hands he gives his sheep eternal life water bread like good pasture etc and what he's saying is once you become one of my sheep I'm the kind of Shepherd that can't nobody get you now does that mean bad things will happen to you that's know he's talking about he means I give you what he said I give a turn of life and nobody can take your eternal life from you they take your earth from you you know Paul was aware of that they all were where that but but they can't take the eternal life from you 29 and 30 my father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch him out of the Father's hand and I and the father and one the father and I are one no one is stronger than the father I like that Jesus even clarifying the reason why they can't be snatched away is because guess who I am I'm the father y'all see me here is 100% man as one ever sent God but you don't miss the 100 cent God part I belong to the father and the father stronger than anything that you come against you what does it Paul says in Romans chapter 8 if God is for us who can be against us right and that's what Jesus is saying right here look if they've gone to the Father good luck to you you ain't never gonna get them you won't get their eternal life man isn't it does that make y'all feel she goes it doesn't me right now so 31 32 the Jews picked up stones to stone him remember that if we tell the truth people will pick up stones against you and then they said this jesus answered them I have shown you many good works from the father of which of them are you going to stone before I love that here come shot up juice from Jesus the Jews answered him it is not for a good work that we're gonna stone you but for blasphemy because you being a man make yourself God he said what law have I broken I have a broken law he said I'm not a man claiming to be God I'm a man who is God so your law won't won't hold up against me y'all can only go after people that claim to be God that aren't really God I haven't broken the law because when I claim to be God I'm telling the truth I really am God somebody say him into that in human form he's the son of God but he is the son of man how beautiful is that 34 through 38 we're getting close to the end stay with me now we're almost done jesus answered them it is not written is it not written in your law I said you are God and I'll tell where that comes from if he called them gods to whom the Word of God came and scripture cannot be broken he's using two all against him I love how he's using this and that he goes on to say do you say of him whom the father consecrated and sent into the world you are blaspheming because I said I'm the son of God listen to this if I am NOT doing the works of my father then do not believe in me but if I do them even though you do not believe me believe the works that you that you may know and understand that the father is in me and I am in the father if you have your Bible write this down songs 82:6 this is what Jesus talking about he said look now the psalms 82:6 you see that it psalms 82:6 there's an interesting phrase that is used here concerning people and it's little G of course and look at verse 6 of 82 I said you are God's sons of the Most High all of you nevertheless like men this is 7 you shall die and and fall like a prince look at look at 8 arise O God judged the earth for you shall inherit all the nations he said no look you can go to Psalms and see that God's addressing the judges and he says to them because of him putting them in those position their gods and they were given responsibility and then they failed and they died but scripture cannot be broken and it cannot be annulled and he said it can't be set aside because of the moment so who the father set apart as his very own and then sent into the world Jesus entire mission is to come and then to live out and show who he is to go the cross rose from the dead be glorified and the feast of dedication that was happening at this time the feast of dedication guess what the dedication is all about the sanctification of the temple and so what Jesus is saying is you are speaking to me on the feast of dedication I am the temple I am going to be sanctified and and and how about this I and the father are one and what what I'm saying to you it's making you angry he said and the reason why it's making you angry is you hadn't even thought through the accusation you're making against me and it's an accusation because of the truth about me you can't even make and I mean he's blowing their minds he is completely blowing their minds look at 39 and again they sought to arrest him he escaped from their hands why not it's time I got three minutes on the clock but we cannot miss this you think I'm done but this is we got something to go out on there's gonna be a challenge to all of us look at 4342 he went away again across the Jordan to the place where John John the badness have been baptizing at first and there he remained and many came to him and they said John did no sign listen to me don't miss this but everything that John said about this man was true in many believed in him they couldn't grab him he gave him shutup juice it with their own scripture they couldn't grab him he goes back to where John the Baptist whose gonna lay down the path for him began and guess what people were saying hey John the Baptist must have been right John the Baptist prepared the way at the beginning to prepare for the end meaning Jesus now starts there with John preparing the way he returns to where it began to get to the end which were going and here comes the part we need to apply to ourselves because I know Jesus is a high standard okay and we're never gonna see on this side of heaven perfection but we ought to be seeing progress but let me tell you who is just a man John the Baptist and listen what they said about that what they're saying about John John never did a sign he never did a miracle John's greatness consists of his faithfulness his clarity and his ferocity of the witness of Jesus so what would his epitaph read all that John said about Jesus must have been true and many believed what are they believing because of John and what he said about Jesus that it just all came together John has been so committed to this his ferocity his clarity his faithfulness to this may it be said about you it may it be said about me I doubt seriously that God's ever gonna probably ever for any of us for one of you to come in here sick and may lay hands on you and you be blind and you see that's probably not going to happen but let me tell you what's available to me even if God doesn't make that available to me for me to be so faithful to Jesus Christ for me to have so much clarity about my devotion to Jesus Christ and who he is and for me to have such ferocity about the truths and the redemption found in Jesus Christ that people believed in Jesus just because of what I said about him at that pointed them to Jesus and when they encountered him you know what they say everything that Rick said about Jesus must be true I didn't save them John the Baptist in Salem but our devotion to Jesus may get them saved so when people look into your life um they look at mine and say put your name right here whatever Blanc said about Jesus that must be true let's pray thank you Lord for this time today thank you for this incredible message the first one Lord that we've gotten together as our group individually we've been with you even on the break but this is our first time to get back together and for those that are watching and listening if those of us in the room if there's any doubt in our mind that we are your sheep if there's any doubt in our mind that we can hear your voice that we rectify that right now in this moment we say Lord Jesus I submit myself to you I repent of my sin and I acknowledge you as my Lord and my shepherd Lord I know that you love me and thank you for laying down your life for me now you teach me to love you by letting me to the Holy Spirit he your voice in the name of Jesus we pray amen thank you guys y'all have a great day welcome back [Music]
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 4,147
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: NyWswq-9A54
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Length: 62min 37sec (3757 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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