Richard Pryor Carson Tonight Show 27/7-1979

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here's a nice young man it's open season folks the Richie Pryor without a doubt is one of the most inventive original and when he is cooking I don't think there's anybody around who can be funnier than he is there's a motion picture call that they filmed of when Richard was in concert I think in Long Beach and they film one of his concerts and it's playing in motion picture theaters around the country and the critics have raved about it it's always great to have him here find out what we're gonna talk about would you welcome Richard Pryor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] quite guys don't do that well do they I don't need no they don't I had a commercial once I was doing a commercial and I was supposed to play a black cat coming in and I'm trying to be black cat this is a long time ago yeah no no no that's so dumb I didn't know what to do you should have called black how to act are there courses if you want to really be with it and get on down on how to act black and be hip yes there's one in Mississippi universities in Mississippi yeah how you been I've been good yeah yeah man I was watching you with this man and that's something you play tennis I know I play at it yeah what sorta like but I don't really play tennis a good I built tennis court in my home yeah and I played for months and I got tired of being beat and I quit playing and now I watch the grass and the leaves on the court just embarrassing to stand across and kids 15 whoopi together and they can get everything I mean when they young they can just get anything you can kids just going people a lot of people like actors and people that play good like you have a reputation of being a good player and Bill Cosby and people like that but you guys be so serious like trying you know I started not that way and that's wrong you don't what the wrong with people who are quote I get that word celebrities but you know what happens no we want to be able to play tennis as well as we do what we do yes you know celebrities say hey I'm a big movie star I should go on the court and be able to play uh-huh as well as I do my and you can't yeah and so the ego gets in the way I have people come over and they talk bad about me my friends get to say you know you talk vision can't help you now [Applause] your money you're gonna help you back I played mention kids I played some young friend of my son's a couple of months ago and he was 16 and I'm saying and you're trying to like it's not bothering you yeah and you want to go right into cardiac arrest Nick the kid doesn't have one drop of perspiration on his head I was in Europe one time I was on a vacation I wasn't nice and I played I said it's just old hotel bunch of old people in this one dude and all the fine women with him old man 80 and yet all these fine woman I was trying to catch so I asked him to play tennis with him I figure I'd get in sure and he big all came out to watch this that don't hurt him about pretty soon after a while he was whipping me so bad I started lying about that was out [Laughter] he left me on the court talking to myself well the old guys you see what they have is that the ears and they do all those little dink shots and the little slices I mean they hurt you and you think and you way back waiting for the serve again go and you try to have your legs go I can't make it so you gave up the tennis and you're not gonna know I'll play sometime I guess I mean I bill when we did the movie California so yeah and I realized I had such you know such hard work bill plays every day they cost him forty two million to get them lessons and I figured man I can't afford to learn how to play just good to get whooped yeah relaxing just trying to enjoy this is something I've never done in my life you know max I've been children is twenty years and I never I've always worked to you know buy something or do something and then finally you get to relax and I don't know how to do it is it drive you crazy oh man I can't lay on the beach my lady can lay on the beach and just close our eyes and I'm always afraid somebody's gonna tip up on you and bust your head you can't relax that way all right I got to a commercial then we go back and relax some more [Applause] GMAC that calm retire you said you've been a show business 20-some years 2028 when your when you wanted to go into a lot of parents say oh my god don't go into that it's not secure get a nice job you know make tables or upholstery or furniture or something so you have something to fall back on it's true I went on the show business my family always were entertainers in one sense or another and I went into show business you won't believe I got in show business am i fine can I show you sure I walked into a club I would work all my life and I got tarred I decided one day I'm never gonna work again what were you doing I was working at packing hopes national fun no and I've always had like jobs like and one day I just said there's something in the world I don't know what it is it's a murder somebody or stick-up or something I'm not gonna work I just you know and I said well I'm too scared to go to jail and so therefore I got to find something new I said singing that's good called Harold's club that's old owner I could play piano I cannot play pin yeah you got a job you said you come back Friday so there's a band so you can sing pretty good no that should be a demand so I start out singing you know yeah start out singing and then the audience said you should do jokes what do you think you should sing how much did you get you remember my first pay I got $35 that was my first pitch no that was a week I got the first dollar I made my grandmother had saved it because when I made money I always took money home to her and she's saying this dollar and I got it she gave it to me when she left and it was May the 7th it was a 1959 there's a first week yeah hey that's great yeah so I then you start telling jokes yes I start doing some oh boy I did some jokes oh I used to get the Blue Book you know that jokes with all the jokes they have that man the fun master gag file to remember that you could buy through comedy you know places and it whistle do you remember like a lot of people don't remember burlesque shows and stuff sure we used to have strippers and stuff like that there was all you ever had a joke you've been trying to tell for years and nobody will laugh right but you've heard it and you know it's funny but you can't tell it there was one joke where this guy told it at a burlesque show and I've never been able to make anybody laugh but it just was great the way he did it can you tell it here he was in yeah he was in the policeman's uniform right and he was saying jokes like that the beer truck never got a laugh there's a joke around for years that I used to tell every day when we used to do a daytime show and it never got a laugh and I'll tell you the joke it's a scene okay hottest day Equatorial Africa right on the equator about 120 degrees Birds won't even chirp you know snakes are just lying there it is so oppressive and hot and humid you cannot believe it there's not a sound not an insect there's a scene in this swamp it's fetid slimy steam is coming off of the swamp you see these two hippopotami standing in the water about up here here one of them turns the other says I just can't get it through my head that it's Thursday and make way for the beer truck I love that joke and I kept telling it and it has met with the same response I told and I'm gonna not give up on that joke I know there's something in there somewhere you know what something I don't do the setup right but one time he was on the show and you were talking about someone oh you said you stare a dream every night yeah white lion is coming and I knew and I wanted to tell you it was your destiny that was it yeah I guess forever going down no I was coming at you and he was trying to get away from ya I hit that straight a kid a street boy Oh stretch wine coming at me forever yes you ever have dreams of nightmares as a kid yeah I used to have nightmares recently I just have nightmares I'd be sleep and people would take me in another room and operate on my brain put me back in the other room when I wake up and one night in New York I went to sleep and I had the dream and I woke up and went to the door and a nurse was leaving the other apartment and I we Jennifer yeah yeah but you know like being in love see it's really nice at first right and then you start growing in it and then it gets really hard I've been off for about three months I've never been off this long in my life and I'm going out of my mind you know you can work when you want to and I just said I ain't gonna do nothing I'm gonna lay around the house and garden mm-hmm the garden one day and then I bought some paints I blown up three thousand dollars worth of paints I said I'm gonna paint I painted one picture and then I got mad and started smearing paint all over the place you know all over the cameras it jumps it was massive I can't paint there's nothing wrong but I just can't paint and I would paint pictures and somebody would cause it what's the number everybody gonna go everybody wants to take up oil painting they say that's the greatest relaxing thanks a lot I don't know what it is to do that see I like to sleep don't lecture see that to me is very likes to lay in a bed four or five weeks do not need not do anything just don't wash and just people coming out to go hey hey you're relaxing my god is relaxing so you're gonna go to go back to work showing going oh yeah I'm doing a movie start a movie in September it's called family dream and Cecily Tyson and myself I'll be in and I'm producing and I helped write the script with Roger Simon and a name that I can't remember now Lonnie Oliver yes it's right there now and Mike Glick is a coal producing we could start doing it in September and it should be opted in the summer theoretical quick yes you had to look 50 years ago yes Sumer year-round yes what would you like to be doing 50 years now I'd like to be $500 a day job [Laughter] you know I don't have funds for those silly questions they ask people and you say what do you mean what I want to be I want to be around what do you want to just be living yeah 50 you by the wall I just I don't want to be sick know what people take advantage of what do you mean you want to go to the bathroom shut up and wait beat you with this bedpan here I was in the house of a man they treat other people tough in a hospital that's the last place for all people to go to get well as the hospital [Applause] how true that is there's penny time with all this no fun no cuz they wake you up anytime we want to you mean soon as you know hey let's get some blood what are you saying [Laughter] [Music] they had some freaks in the hospitals that didn't hurt how about this time to take your sleeping pill right after they waking you up you some medicine Jack hey when they don't want to bother with you so you don't keep calling on my suppose I don't you know the law people though people like to walk the halls and drop dead [Laughter] [Applause] they ring about me okay Ruby out will be out there mama yes okay right after this [Applause]
Channel: Archy L
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Id: 8E2CgLOUlko
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Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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