Richard Hammond challenges his daughter to a golf match

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foreign [Music] I recently performed a simply magnificent about turn after a lifetime of laughing and mocking golf I've taken it up yeah and I'm doing well yes not doing well no turns out it's impossible but you're having fun I am having fun is it yeah and so Izzy and I this is it we've never done this we're going to have a competition between us daddy and daughter I'm gonna win a golf wolf what are the rules how does this work well we're just going to do this little par three course right the whole course yeah do the whole thing why would you compete over three holes let's just do three okay pick three that you like okay and then we'll just see how it goes it'll be fine so it's three whoever does all three holes in the least shot okay suddenly scared yeah you should be scared the rumble under pressure well I might now with you saying that yeah I wouldn't have done and I'm gonna be in your ear um stick please just don't just let's just get one thing clear we're not doing that we're going to be professionals I'm serious now come on okay um so do I use which one should I right let's let's start again let's assess the situation now that's not very far that's that's quite close yeah so I think we're gonna go for a little pitching match right and that's the one with a p on it yes have you got a ball no you got it you took it off me yeah you told me off for carrying weird if you're just right I got shouted out for walking around a golf course carrying a girl what's weird about that it was a shuttle if you're just walking around with it like this put it in your bag okay and leave it right serious he's going first uh is there a technique for deciding who I mean I've never who goes you can go first I can go first [Music] as I'm suddenly a bit nervous so that's when I don't hit the ball yeah so is that about the right place yeah but just step away from the wall step away from the ball and I'm gonna go like that am I holding it right yeah I think your feet need to be a little bit more like just because that's where you're going to aim with why'd you aim with your feet well it's just sort of the way your book because it's where your body ends up isn't it right so how hard do I hit it just get rid of that for a second well then I can't just have a practice yeah just keep an eye on the ball really watch the ball and don't try and hit it hard because it's not it's not very far okay okay it looks far to me but it's not it's really not I promise okay right here I go hey yeah fine a bit far oh yeah it's fine we'll find it we'll find it we'll find it everything's absolutely fine which one's this your pitching wedge I didn't think it went that far it should go a little bit higher but it's fine oh God no pressure is about oh God oh God I'm gonna be sick okay please don't distract me because I will get really upset yeah we're just gonna do that if you say that again I'm going to hit you with this club okay yeah okay that's better than mine still not great there is it it'll lose well it's not in the no because you're fine it's in the long run and you'll find it that's where did you hit her well over here no but like where did it oh come on Daddy you're never going to be able to play golf if you can't at least try and find it it's not even a needle in a haystack it's a needle on the planet he needs to change your attitude otherwise you'll never be a golfer that's the most lost thing no it's I I promise you nothing has ever been more lost no I promise oh hang on here's the city of Atlantis oh you sugar looking well you can't pick it up well I can't hit it it's in the you have to really yeah what we'll do is work around it oh well this is this is much more rugged than I thought it would be than this you don't get this on the driving range it's all like flat okay right you need to you need to finish with your wrists forward because you need to get that thing up up right just just smack it okay bit more you're here is this golf that I'm doing now yeah no trust me yeah I mean it's quite impressive for a par three but right up we go yes lovely in one please stop there okay please stop there oh for crying out loud okay but it's fine because it can only get better okay hold on one two three yeah it's not great what should I be doing this in oh it's a par three isn't it does that mean you should do it in three yeah it does yeah does it yeah a little only one out if I'd hold it in one now yeah you could do no pressure is he yeah pressure I don't really have pressure huge pressure honey please it's actually very bad sportsmanship it's really bad you made me invited on golf course if you do that I mean it missed too much too far yeah I told you that is it still you do we still do you now no go and go and chip that onto there so like that too hard also the wrong direction I'm gonna be brilliant on the next hole I'm gonna let you have this one yeah I mean I'm I'm not doing very well either okay so I'm gonna get the putting yeah should we take the flag out yeah yeah we won't get splashes of water from where they're watering right so if it looks like it's going in I'll Whip the flag out okay okay ready begin I'm Gonna Leave the flag in you're really putting me off and it's it's getting on my nerves but no it's really annoying oh you bastard oh I don't want to play I actually don't want to play anymore just get in brilliant well you might keep the flag out now because uh who won them you hold it differently don't you the putter yeah how just do it well look at the thing and like look at the angle you want to hit it so it's like flat don't you yeah so you just you need to be a bit closer to it yeah so you can just I mean not like I've just three putted a par three so it's going in you give it a little bit of um because it's not a very nice green maybe not that much I say we move on like I actually can't be bothered but I'm I'm not I can't believe how far it went I thought it didn't go very far with it we'll just say I won that okay go and get your ball come on why don't we change the rules so that whoever wins the hole so you've won that hole Yeah we don't count the shot okay so you went off okay you go and get your ball and we'll move on shall we you won that one yeah I mean it wasn't pretty from either of us really but does par three mean you should do each hole in three yeah that's like the par it's all Parr is but if it's the best of three holes and you win this one you've won I have yeah sorry I may need to adjust the rules afterwards let's see okay well we'll just see how it goes shall we yep this is downhill though so yep what should I use for this um again I would just take a pitching leg because it's downhill so it's Gonna Roll whatever you hit it with what you don't want to do is fly straight over into the wrap right am I going first oh no I should go first yeah it works [Music] right just do a little practice shall we oh oh do you want to do another one uh yeah can I swear yeah yeah yeah well we won't use that one I'll cut it out yeah yeah I'm gonna do that again that won't go in we're just gonna pretend that didn't happen it didn't happen it wasn't in we cut it it's because now I've angry yeah please let me show me just come straight otherwise I'll like I will actually throw something and it will hit you that I can see you in my peripheral vision leave me alone oh I I like I hope I hope it goes really badly I'm really sorry what I just do no I just can't do it today so I'm going to aim my feet towards I don't still don't know why that changes the direction and then I'm not going to do it do I do a full swing just hit the thing oh yeah a bit more like that I think um when do you start thinking about fiddling with your feet sorry sorry that's a joke [Applause] cool cool next week no like I hope you're happy what I hope you're happy I'm happy no I hope you're ready I'm happy with that yeah because I'm closer to the hole in your yeah cool you know it's Batman it's a silent walk s where did you end up no it's literally not even bad it's not even bad if it's not it's not what should I use you work it out okay [Music] okay here we go lovely really nice really really nice you could you could do really well here this is for par it's a path hey um so um that's sort of like that and then I just go and just roll it Duke you've got this I'm feeling a bit of pressure now actually just breathe take a deep breath [Applause] hey oh you did something well thank you well done oh well done that was good that was excellent thank you that does actually feel good yeah see it's objective yeah so addictive yeah unless you miss this in which case I'm gonna have to run yeah I'm gonna three-part this now and then I'm gonna jump off a cliff huh it bounced off oh I'm gonna sometimes you have an off day I'm gonna drive my car off a cliff I'm gonna do it right now oh God I can't breathe this is this is a joke yeah cool okay where's one all then right yeah that's perfect that's why I did it yeah yeah because I wanted to just buy it yeah yeah exactly right now we've got ourselves a competition yeah playing on a top stage you want both of this you bought it and this is it individually this is it I don't know whether you've been censored but the crowd the whole part of this [Music] Daddy it's fine I can see it I can see it I can see it okay okay do you worse I'm actually gonna do my best right so I need to go for distance here don't I is this a long way not unlike a big boy course on a par three yeah so like that and then I'm gonna go yeah yeah okay okay I believe in you I believe in me oh I'm nervous Just Breathe I hit the floor first but it went in the air it's better than mine I hate to it's fine genuinely regret that I didn't take this up earlier yeah because honestly good by now when I was being really sniffy about golf all those years oh do you know why I joined in because everybody else did yeah I just joined in it was bullying and I just said oh it's funny because they wear funny clothes actually it's immense fun even when you've duffed it like I just did it's like sorry because all you need is one good shot and then you'll come back again I can't hard work I had to put this on oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I knew found it there he is look okay okay I don't really know I don't really know what what would you use here I pick grass you're in the way yeah okay let's just get it out yeah here it comes coming out oh God oh oh oh bad result I want to go home I really want to go home I'm trying to go invisible [Applause] don't speak to me please don't speak to me ever again pick up your silly little clubs come on lovely shot bad bounce but lovely shot he's gone over there yeah okay hold on Daddio fire oh my but it's gonna it's gonna break the shoulders oh it's just so not fair because you're rubbish usually and you're actually playing really nicely yeah right so a reminder this is the last hole this is the last hole the winner of this hole wins the game of the century shot of the game coming up well obviously it's not gonna be it's going to go I can't see it I can't see it it's in the hole [Applause] my band's wrong but it's on the Green yeah for about five total often find your ball please let me see it it's not on the green it is horrible we've been looking forward to this enjoy the moment I'm too hot at the moment it is hot so well rad because I read that well red because it went well read we come out whoa It's not entirely flat is it right like I like I I don't I don't even want it to go in I told you I didn't I did just as well just take the game I don't care well I haven't just hit the game I don't literally take the game I hope I hope you're happy I haven't done it yet come on then let me do it it's gonna go in a one oh it's still good well you read the green very nicely go on then bro I'm further away than that one you're on you're on here for two so that's only three so if you could two putt this and you'd be you're lovely very much I think we need to do a bit of putting practice Yeah me that's actually as far away as it was before yeah I got it here in two shots and I've taken three or four oscillations okay gentle no no God were you just hitting in the completely wrong place I actually don't know how anyone is putting on this I don't think you can like I actually don't I'm going physically possible oh leave it leave it you can have that No don't touch it I just said you can have it can I yeah I wanted to put okay well done well done you who won that hole well obviously not me well no because I took I did one I was I wasn't on the green until I was about for five so you've won fair and square one one I'm really happy for you yeah I hope it feels nice making your daughter cry yeah I hope it feels really good not entirely unfamiliar yeah I feel good cool keep you happy for me yeah no no it's fine no I hope you go home and you're really happy about today well done thank you bye I'm leaving now I don't want to play anymore bye bye bye good game yeah enjoyed it yeah play again soon yeah maybe play the big course next time um if you'd like to see more of is it me doing stuff having a laugh hit come join us you can see it in my show about my workshop on Discovery Plus or you can link in the description below [Music]
Channel: What Next?
Views: 541,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foodtribe, james may, unemployment tube, james may cooking, jeremy clarkson, top gear, richard hammond, food, tasty, cooking, drivetribe
Id: ekIZ2BGVpP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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