Richard Hammond teaches his daughter how to rally a Subaru!

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I'd say you get your foot there it is there you go is yes so our stable now includes a massive off-road racing truck racing truck and the Subaru impeta so I think it's time you got to grips properly with four-wheel drive we're going to a rally school to continue your education in the important things in life it's making me a little bit nervous why is it making you nervous um I don't know I can I remind you you said the following there you go that was opposite lock that was beautiful unprofessional driver just get me on just get me on the track see yeah I know get you to the track yeah I know well I'm getting you to a track better still I'm getting you to a rally stage you're going to love it this is like you know you finished University yeah this is like university only more important I don't know if it is that important it's critical that you learn these things is it y okay as your father I'm Keen that you learn these skills because if you can control a car when it's sliding it will stop you crashing okay and I should know you you really should know I'm actually more scared of getting in the car with you to be honest than you getting in the car with me I'm a little hurt right we're here welcome to the University of things that really matter Daddy had brought me to Phil price rally School somewhere in the absolute middle of nowhere also known as Wales now this was a bit of a step up from our grassy field at home but before I had a go Rich insisted on as he described showing me the ropes the crew wished me luck this is a rally car except this one is his two wheel drive cuz we'll start with this vesence and then progress to four-wheel drive GOC face no this is all about rallying it's about keeping the car unsettled so that it can do stuff for you and React to what you want to do you're steering for the next Corner a lot of the time daddy I do I do think you're future I don't know if I'm really learning anything to be honest I could do this all day just love it you're just not teaching me anything you're just literally having fun I don't know how I'm supposed to just get in the car and do this Daddy what I need a pro no offense but you have taught me nothing yeah it was time to get some proper tuition from a real rally driver so I hopped on a simulator with this guy Matt Edwards apparently he's quite good at this driving thing I'm told you're a bit of a pro on this kind of thing maybe not in the game maybe in real life okay yeah real life sure so you're going to teach me how to do this on here and then we're going to go out there that's right so here we are EA Sports WRC your first taste of rally driving so on 543 21 go you're just going to make your way down the stage control a bit of the wheel spin so it's rear wheel drive same as the car we're going to be driving so just nice and Progressive on the throttle and you'll feel that I'm moving I'm moving I'm moving quite fast we're not out a first gear yet is he do I need to do I need to change gear yeah you can go up a gear there you go oh my Lord and you're going to have to be very wary of what the Cod driver is telling you which will be me outside so left hard left what I've done is I've crashed what I've done is I've crashed into and we're off a drop already so hopefully we're not going to replicate that outside I just died probably taking me with you okay I'm really sorry about that let's just ask again okay let's start again then it does feel quite real doesn't it I thought it was going to feel a little bit more like a a sort of video game but it does feel like I'm actually driving the car it is very realistic so generally before every corner we're going to touch the brake a little bit first I'm panicking I'm panicking I'm panicking go and keep the foot down I'm P out the ditch so before every little turn of the steering we're all going to have a little break okay so start using the brake pedal to basically create a bit of weight transfer over the front wheel so that when you turn the steering wheel something will actually happen okay hang on I'm just going to turn this corner there you go perfect you CED it with your over Ste God I'm good there we're in second hang on oh my Lord we're in second gear so come this corner good break now there you go and then wait off the throttle till it turns in and then off you go good little lift turn in that's it good good correction again good go on all right to the corner now a little break give yourself time and then it turns in okay good I get what you're [Music] saying so when you get that process in your mind it's quite easy so break and then go and then go and if you go gently on the throttle the car responds predictably good way to the steering as well isn't so you get good feedback good feedback there and the vibration as well gives you a sens of speed and a s hitting things yeah just hit that quite hard so one really important thing to look out for outside as you see these clean lines we have in the middle of the road yeah that's where all the grip is right so we need to try and keep the car in those lines cuz otherwise you got a layer of gravel between your tires and the road didn't fly off the side that's good we're getting somewhere yeah we haven't crushed for 2 minutes that's great I am improving okay so we're keeping in the clean lines there yeah we've got a bit of a process on to how we're going to tackle some Corners yeah I think so how' you fancy about stepping into the real world can I just stay here quite like the game I'll just stay here if that's all right the simulator session with Matt really helped me understand how a rally car should move around teeing things up nicely for my first go in the real world I'm not going to lie getting into an actual rally car was pretty daunting and with Daddy watching from afar did feel a little bit like School sports day again okay so here we are we've had our free practice on eae Sports WRC okay we're now going to see how that translates to a bit of real life rally driving okay I'm and we've got to get you better than your dad that's not going to happen that's not going to happen we'll be okay okay all we're worried about is a bit of throttle control right and a bit of brakes just before the corners breake before the corner yeah so a little either a lift or a break just gets the front end then turned in okay little lift little bit of left little turn in turn in go and then go and then if it starts to move around at the back just come off the throttle a bit okay just like that perfect right turn in and then throttle good go on don't be scared good off you go go on use the totle there now nice and Progressive good with my confidence building and the use of a little bit more throttle the sideways stuff kind of started to clear on power power power left Perfect Look at that call it straight away I'm a bro it's not it's not lift scream turn it's just lift and turn yeah it's going to be a lot of screaming I'm not going to [Music] lie as long as it turns in when you turn the wheel you're safe turning in it's all about the turning in it is you go into like a Zone yeah it is that that's the only piece I've got in my life is between the red boards on a rally stage cuz that's the only time I'm not thinking about anything else it's such a s like an addictive head space that you get into and it's very no you're literally in the zone yeah it's very peaceful even though there's a lot going on you're listening there's actually your mind's very peaceful when you're rallying yeah nice nice you can't teach that initial reaction with the steering so that's really good that you can do that [Music] naturally good lift again now good yeeha I think all this process based stuff's getting somewhere near Now isn't it do you think I think so see that was a nice catch as well and you're not even not even fully concentrating concentrating now too easy so what do you think are we somewhere near the the big stage now okay if you think so I think so I wouldn't still be S here if if I didn't think so let's do it why not let's give it a [Music] go with Matt graduating me from the practice car we then moved on to the blue car twice the power all whe drive and for Matt's Peace of Mind dual controls I just about to look like signal mirror signal maneuver I'm so good what a safe driver compared to the practice Loop this stage was a whole other level Hills Crest sheer drops and if I didn't already have enough to think about Matt started calling Pace notes medium right over the crest it's so weird it doesn't feel like a normal car there you go Long Easy left okay now the blue Subaru was a whole lot more serious think of it as Martin's Welsh cousin it felt like a serious step up but with Matt's tuition I was confident enough we weren't going to fly straight off the side of a cliff medium left medium right long through the water little lift good go on go on go on on the thr good you feel like you got it turned in then good awesome hi ponies you look at them every time you go don't yeah I know it does feel better doesn't it almost the quicker you go yeah it's crazy to feel like feel it grips so much but it only grips when the weight's in the right place doesn't it when you've actually got the weight of the car moved onto the tires when you can feel the weights right you can trust it yeah exactly like through here is brilliant isn't it yeah it's a really good corner for cuz you can play with the throttle and the stair in yeah and see what reaction you get yeah go on Izzy this is proper rally spect in now R Hills rain and now I wait lift good go on go on go on on the thrt good you feel like you got it turned in then good [Music] awesome I think you're getting the hang of this on the quiet I'm going to be out of a [Music] job good done I nearly went for the break then I had total control total control total control in the r in the r bit more bit more bit more little left left left left we'll just bounce off that come on power power power power power power power power power come on nice nice well done I love that little casual bit of opposite lock there long medium right over the crest good well done so we've started on EA Sports WRC we've been in the training area and now we've done it for real [Music] yeah right then there we go we've done it it we have we haven't fallen out I know we haven't crashed we haven't fallen off the side I think it's time to go back down and I think I'm going to get in a car with with Richard do you I think which side of the car I think I'm going to drive and I think I'm going to scare him let's go and do it you can do it so let's go let's do it let's scare him right come on show me what you've learned you had a professional trainer not me I'll tell you something what being a rally driver it's exhausting it is quite tiring is so tired it's good though honestly yes oh this is really cool is see that was nice good I am yes this is fantastic yeah I know I know yes good girl that's more like it yeah speed yes more definitely more have a bit of that darling yeah have a bit of that try that on try a bit more go hug send it look at that oh perfect I say you there it is there you go more like here [Music] purpose look at you look at you this is so cool it's just there it is why am I laughing because it's the best thing in the world there's nothing more fun than this trust me I'm tried everything it's the best thing I can literally do this all day I could do this all day well little mate that's brilliant I'm so pleased I've done it the future beckons we got to we got to get ourselves a car I need a lie down I'll be I'll be a CO pilot okay we get ourselves a little car yes okay you know it makes sense this is where it's you know you this is where it's this is where it's can I get a Dr roll let's [Music] go
Views: 1,694,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeremy clarkson, richard hammond, james may, cars, top gear, the grand tour, drivetribe, the stig, subaru, impreza, wrx, sti, rally, martin the subaru, amazon prime video, prime video, the grand tour richard hammond, the grand tour madagascar, jdm, jdm cars, amazon prime video india, the grand tour scandi flick funny moments, Scandi Flick, Martin, V Limited, Pole Position
Id: pWmIt2dIE4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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