Richard Hammond Is Doing Well After His Second High Speed Crash | This Morning

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what happened what went wrong um well I went off at some speed it was the end of a hill climb so when you go up a hill obviously which means when you get to the end of the Hill you are high up so if you go off there there's coming down to be done very quickly so it just got away from you yeah so I went over the edge um and then it it touched down a few times and it landed on his Ro you said that you were very conscious of the fact that you were in the air and you knew the longer you were in the air the harder the bang was going to be that's a kind of sharp thinking darling that's why you mared me I'd worked that out the more air time I got the harder The Landing it must be and and sure enough it was you got out of it before it burst into flames that's some of you mentioned isn't it I I've probably spent more time upside down in cars than most people so I'm that Pro genuinely probably is useful when you're in that situation for me to think right important that I but did you think did you think I'd better get out of this really quickly yeah of course you do I mean I think how many times if if if you're running across a road and you twist an ankle and you sort of keep going and style it out it's away from where it happened it's what your brain tells you to do but you you could hear you could hear flames you could actually you could actually hear that possibly have no distinct memory I remember thinking really probably want to be somewhere else this and that's you know actually my first thing was to call Mindy because I knew um that it's going to be yeah well it was going to get picked up wasn't it so I thought Mindy for you you had a feeling didn't you that a bad feeling that's something was going to normally when he's away at work you think well he's at work I'll let him call me and and just let the boys get on with it really if you answer this time you had this strange feeling yeah cuz I I actually called Richard on the the day before and just said you know oh is it going okay which I don't usually do never does that never ever ever and um everything was yeah yeah it's fine it's fine and then the day of the accident I called him and said have you finished yet oh and he said yeah I've just got to do a couple more couple more goes and then there was a phone call and uh I've had a bit of a shunt a bit of a shunt um yeah I you panick that I'd bang my Bon again that's why from the other accident that it would it would have an impact on on the injury you'd already got I remember lying on the ground and I was I was just reciting things that I'd done that day to the crew who were by then with me saying oh so hang on we've been there we've been doing that I was just checking that everything was like running a systems check on what limited brain capacity I have and once I'd done that I wanted to call men to say um don't be crossed well you were out shopping though Wen so you've got to stay quite calm yeah I did you know I I did sort of go a bit funny which i' I've never done before I sort of carried on shopping yeah I said to Izzy my 16-year-old we were coming to buy your shoes so we're going to buy your shoes we're going to go and buy your shoes and she was thinking she's gone nuts but you know he just keeps doing carried on shopping let's be quite clear that's what they did oh no has he anyway These are nice look you just sort of have to keep doing something you know yeah to get through it yeah do you I mean with him doing this I mean there are many many dangerous jobs in the world and and and yours shouldn't really be no I know what you're saying but but you still it still right has a big big risk element I would say so whenever he goes off and do does this and as the stunts get bigger and greater do you do you worry about that is that something that you I don't think I can't think about it I I just think oh he's gone to work that's it is it harder to keep that at Bay and not think about it each time you get those phoneas occasionally I mean I think I probably haven't helped now have no not really I did I did say three strikes you're out you've had two goes you need you know would you hold into that probably not and and how are you I mean you because you had to have surgery on your knee oh that's bad yeah so um what happened was when I I think when the car touched down to the nose first it drove that leg up there into the knee joint and it smashed the bottom bit of the knee here but as a result of that they told me afterwards I'd lost 7 mm of height in I I haven't that's I can't be sparing that um so what they've done is they have no you AR even no no yes I'm just going to be running in circles forever no they've they put the bit back up inside the knee and then they put a plate down I've got that's like that's my Swiss Army knee there it's metal and then some pins through there holding it all together so it'll in a few months it'll fix and um couldn't can you ask them to sort of Jack you up a little yeah but then i''d have been taller on that side and they'd have to do the other knee and it really hurts so no but it's I'm not there's no walking on that for a few months and I've been told I can't go running for about a year or 18 months even wow which is bad cuz Mindy will tell you you used to throw the running shoes at me just get out and go for a run oh really and then what's he like as a patient brilliant brilliant are you are you is he driving you mad yeah is he yeah yeah it's the summer holidays as well it couldn't be two teenage girls and a nine-year-old man it's just horrible are Jeremy and James um sympathetic they WEP they wept apparently neither of them have slept since and I get a lot of late night phone calls and texts from both of them oh Richard I just woke up really worried about how you are um yeah really no come on we we closing you must have frightened them a lot Jeremy was first oh yeah they they saw the contract going off the hill didn't they that's going to be complicated think of the legal work no of course we're close to it but we have worked together for 125 years like that so it's ban to be and and it hasn't put you off in any way it hasn't made you sort of in the back of your mind slightly nervous about getting back behind go a bit slowly next time I'm on a Swiss Mountain but that aside we we've all looked over the edge and thought oh I'd hate to go over and now you know what it feels horable I don't like it and when he goes back to work um and you get the nine-year-old out of the house um how will how will you um how will you feel what will you say to him that you have don't normally say don't do it again I won't do it again there
Channel: This Morning
Views: 2,131,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this morning, interview, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, ruth langsford, eamonn holmes, chat shows - topic, chat show - topic, talk shows - topic, Richard Hammond, crash, injury, grand tour, top gear
Id: AQ_2y0CaO5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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