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hello and welcome back to the flower gold wizard channel i'm jason a part-time gold prospector based in wisconsin we travel around the midwest looking for gold today we're going to look on lake superior right on the beach and see if we can't find a little bit of color i'll probably do just a little bit of prospecting today it's more of a seek and fine mission let me show you around a little bit [Music] [Music] and here it is lake superior now believe it or not the deposits of black sand that this thing this huge monster of a lake deposits up on the beaches around here has decent amounts of gold in it if you can find it now i found this spot on google maps and it had a great big huge patch of black sand on it however i had to walk through the woods almost a mile to get to the water from my truck because access to this part of the the um water is quite limited by the where the way the road goes around here so i came down to this part right here and as i look down i see nothing but round smooth cobbles i'm not seeing any uh black sandy posits but if you look off in the wilderness right there there's a great big patch of beach and i can see black sand from here and if you go on down this way there's another one right over there and i can see black sand from here over there as well so i think that one's gonna be quite a bit closer i'm gonna take a little hop down there by rigby it doesn't look like he can get back up here and uh we're gonna see if we can't find something special down that way back in a bit do it now take my hand do it well rigby made it up over there and i thought well what the heck there seems to be a little trail walking right up on top of this bank right down towards the beach here we've been walking a little while rigby's leading the way i just wanted to show you it's still pretty darn high banks right here that's extra pure vertical right there straight up and down and you notice that uh the storms over the winter have um taken a bunch of these trees out and they are some big ones the water is still extremely high there is some beach to be had so i'm gonna grab my shovel let's go rig let's go come on he's the world's most famous gold sniffing hound we're gonna keep walking this trail get down to the beach hey we made it down he's breathing heavy well let me show you how this happens around here exactly how we get big old deposits of black sand that have gold in it now eons and eons ago canada which is that way pushed down glaciers and it scrubbed everything clean and passed through gold bearing areas and it ground it up into small fine particles known as flower gold and it deposited deposited it along the landscape and i just kind of blanketed it i guess a little bit and there might be locations with a little bit more and a little bit less but here's how it concentrates around here now you see these layers right here that is black sand right there and that darn well might have gold in it as well but i'm looking for something a little bit thicker but uh the wings come crashing up on here and draw that all down and concentrate it into piles down on the beach and the waves during a storm come up here and push it all together this way and it gets a nice solid band of sand concentrated up along where it makes the trough right there right in that area right there now i can see from here that right there there's a pretty darn good pile of black sand i'm going to go ahead and grab my shovel right here again we're going to take a little walk down that way and see what that's all about because i'm looking for sand of a little bit thicker variety than what i'm seeing here there are some deposits in here but uh definitely you want to prospect around because it's a numbers game as well you want to definitely find the most amount of black sand you can and i can see tons already back in a bit now i do believe i have found exactly what i'm looking for just look at that deposit of black sand all right now you can see the wave action for some reason or another it might be the way this is kind of bent over like that but it's got a very little bit on one end and then it widens right out into this great big huge thick deposit of black sand now i haven't gotten around this little uh water trough here yet but i need only only walk around this stump up here and we're gonna get uh my my pan out we're gonna do a little bit of testing now as you can see this deposit goes for quite a long ways and for that matter so does this here part of the beach and the bank is extremely high we'll have to see what we can do about getting big rig back up over there somewhere but uh looks like google maps did not let me down one bit i'll also show you something else that's pretty darn cool now you see all the sand is extremely black right here now notice as i move left just a little bit and down this way the lighter material garnet sand is down a little bit lower on the beach you see the difference in color that's all material is the majority of garnet sand and you can see it in this whole stretch right here garnet sand red black sand well black so i'm going to do a little test panning and see if we can find some color and maybe we'll find something special for this summer when i can get all my gear down here through the woods i get a bit there's my boy yeah he's a good boy yes he is all right we did a a sample pan here now i just dropped my backpack right next to this big old log i was going to work my way down that way and do a little testing and i thought you know what why not scrape a little bit right from where i was standing and i did i scraped right here right he won't leave me alone well anyway i took a little scrape right there i don't know maybe four tablespoons full or so and i came over to this nice little wash tub so to speak it's beautiful no waves are crashing india i mean you don't have to worry about that too much today but this this thing here is quite a luxury and i did i test panned that down a little bit and it's slow going because this stuff this black sand on this beach is absolutely heavy like you wouldn't believe but i did find a few pieces of gold and right there they are they're incredibly small but that's going to be typical of what you're going to find in lake superior now you will definitely find bigger flakes uh but the majority of it's going to be uh mighty small stuff just like that so hey there is gold here we're off to a good start now we got to find the heavy deposits where i think that it may concentrate the gold instead of just black sand a little bit better and i think we're gonna find that right in here first thing i'm gonna do is dig a trench all right i got two trenches dug here a one a two and i'll show you why i do that now i started up at the top here and i dug a trench down as far as i could right till i stopped hitting black sand all right this gives me the opportunity to see how it's being deposited on the beach as you can see right at this trough right here it starts out maybe oh i don't know half an inch thick or so and it's there as you start coming down into the crease of the trough right here it turns a little bit thicker and i'll tell you why that is because as that water gets starts crashing up on this beach it runs into this bank right here and it packs up on itself and it comes rushing back down extremely fast and it pushes that sand further right there than it would back here further where the water slows down rubbing against all that sand and flattening out so it's leaving a little bit thicker deposit of black sand right here now some of that sand is getting washed all all the way down there and as you can see the sand peters right on out so this gives me an opportunity to test an area up there there there there and it's not two feet thick i mean like i'll be able to tell which area has the best gold in here 100 percent and the reason i dug two of them trenches that is is to make sure that the same deposit action over there is happening in another location and it is it starts out real thin up there up to nothing and it goes down and this one's actually just a little bit thicker even as you can see there's a little bit of red garnet layering in there so uh this is gonna afford me an opportunity to find the best gold deposit in this particular area then what i'm gonna do is i might dig another trench here and i might dig another one down there heck i might just walk down the beach that way see if there's another uh really good deposit this stuff here right here where rigby was walking looks even thicker look at that heck yeah that there's about five inches thick right here look at that so somewhere in here i think we're going to be in the money since we've already found some gold let me do a little sampling i'll start at the top work my way down all right i think i'm going to start right up at the tip top right here now i got my big blue mine lab pan here today only because it's a easy to see the little teeny weeny dots of gold in it and it's got a real nice wide bottom because you want to flatten this material out to try to get the gold to fall through it and come in contact with that pan that's what's going to keep your gold in there when you're especially when you're test panning like this so i'm just going to grab a small amount right out of this i don't know three quarters of an inch right here and i'll go right down to the blonde sand just like that and that's what i don't know probably four or five tablespoons full for sure and you definitely don't want more than that because this stuff is absolute nightmare pan i'll go over here to my washing station here that's nice out here i tell ya and i'll show you how tough this stuff can be here we go i mean once that little bit of light blonde sand gets off of there it is nothing but the heaviest black sand you've ever seen anywhere and it's not all magnetic either trust me that's what makes it so darn difficult so let me take uh a little bit of time get this pan down and we'll see if there's any gold in it that's right he likes it here too all right now that pan only had one piece of gold and there it is right there i think that might be just a hair bigger than uh the ones we got over on the other side but i'm just here counting i'm not saving i'll go ahead and give that a pitch and we'll start over now we're just going to go ahead and move down the trench here a little bit until the the thickness of the area that i want to test gets a little thicker which is going to be probably right here looks about twice as thick as it does right there so i'll take my next sample from right here now it's important that you get right down to the blonde sand underneath so as to get an accurate assessment of what you're doing that might be a little much we'll just take our time and get it done though test number three now it only had one piece as well where'd that thing go yeah i think it's floating right there that's no matter one piece is not gonna be justifiable for me to bring my equipment all the way down here we're not done testing yet i had three or four i don't recall what i had over there down real low and that real thin stuff that's just about touching the water over there so we'll have to make our way down the trench and uh double test that spot over there see if we weren't crazy wait a minute well i definitely think we're getting closer to what we're looking for now i took my next sample i moved down just a little bit again and i went right in the thickest part of this deposit right here and i took a good size little scoop out of there and i got a bigger piece now i had noticed a couple of smaller ones i flowed away and i'm not quite done panning yet because every time i pull back this stuff floats this water for whatever reason sure likes to float the gold there's a smaller piece right there and we got a bigger one so there are a decent amount of bigger pieces here uh it's but it's a numbers game i mean there it is right there and we'll go ahead and pan the rest of this back now i'm just counting i counted three for sure and uh if they float off no big deal i'm not even snuffering these up uh like i said i'm out today just looking for the numbers and a possible spot to haul my gear through the woods and so far this one definitely has potential because if you can fill up five gallon pails of material with gold pieces of gold like that one right there that's floating you're on to something so i'm gonna test that one more time i'm gonna dig that way just a little bit further and then i'm going to keep coming down the mountain back in a bit well me and rigby have done numerous test pans we're finding gold in every single one anywhere from one to maybe 10 pieces and i think in this particular location the gold is being deposited on the very top levels of these deposits here when we come down into areas like this in here it seems to be the same amount of gold as the best gold in the deposit up top and so i did take a couple of scrapes off the thickest parts just that top quarter inch or half inch or so and uh that seems to be where the best gold is um there are occasions where i have to dig down two feet to find the best gold but there are definitely better deposits than um than the ones we're finding here but it's still i would still work this area so i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a walk off that way up there i see some kind of weird really bright white looking deposit on the beach and it looks pretty large uh we're gonna go take a look at it back in a bit and walking the beach also affords us the opportunity to check out and look for any cool rocks like these pretty darn cool a miss wizard told me to bring two or three hundred of them home apparently she doesn't know who she's talking to we don't just do what we're told do we well we're making our way down the beach here i'm just kind of taking my time going slow looking for for cool rocks and i started to notice that right up where this bank goes way up like that there seems to be what appears to me to be the old beach uh now the water has been extremely high on lake superior which is why it's taken down so many trees as you can see all up and down the beach and these are some mighty big trees here and uh this all used to be beach probably out you know quite a ways until the water goes back down this is the way it's going to be but i did notice the layering in the old beach see that now i'm going to definitely test these areas right here i'll test right there right there and right down there see if we can't find something special in this area now we're in business we definitely found a deposit worth dragging equipment through the woods now as i just showed you we had three separate deposits here so to speak we had one two and then down here was three i took a sample out of there and i found one or two pieces similar to what we were finding up there and i just slid up the deposit a little bit and i took i took one right out of this band right here and i got probably 20 pieces in there and a couple of bigger ones now this stuff's floating all over the place i'll darn it there it goes floating again but there's pieces all over the place in there let me get that back under water and some of them are pretty decent looking pieces too so that is by far the the best we've found yet today and this deposit goes all the way down that way as far as you can see just keeps going on and on and on so i do believe that that deposit would definitely keep a guy busy for quite a long time now if you want to run 20 buckets a day you would have no problem at all taking a small section of this out of here and it's not even the banking name anymore it's the old beach and that stuff there would put a smile on a guy's pan real quick but we're on a fact find a mission today so we're gonna keep heading up that way we're getting a little bit closer and you can kind of see like right there that uh really white looking deposit or something that's got me intrigued so we're gonna keep walking if i see anything else interesting i'll make note but i will definitely be back here back in a bit well i think it turned out to be a mirage i think the sun was just bouncing off this this sand here it's a little bit lighter than the material that was down there which kind of gave it the impression of being a little lighter so that's all this is i don't see too much for black sand deposits and i could walk five miles that way if i wanted to with the rest of this beach the way it looks but i think we're gonna head back to the truck and there's another location on lake superior that i want to go check out all we gotta do is make our way way up there oh boy here is location number two as you can see there's quite a bit more beach here quite a bit it's really turning out to be a quite a nice day now i already found a little bit of evidence of other prospectors here somebody came and dug a pretty good sized hole right here and i know right what they were after that's down about wait three feet here's what they're after right here this mixed layer black sand right here and if you notice you go up here here's where were working here's all our tailings right here nothing but black sand look at that i don't know i don't know if they ran this or not or somebody was just digging in the sand and making making piles out here but i bet you any money there's pretty good gold in this stuff right here they're getting down getting down that deep to that layer right there that's some good stuff that's for sure now we've been here in the past and i just wanted to come down and see if the really giant thick deposits of black sand were anywhere to be found now i don't see them anywhere ah the water's not quite as high as it used to be because it was up it was up in this area here for all day long and some some days up into here all day and uh that's all you had to work was up in there but it's still a little bit higher than it has been but i don't see any black sand down that way as far as i can see or up that way uh and that's an awful lot of work digging down three feet and this stuff here so i think what me and rigby will do is i'm gonna grab a couple of pails the trucks right up right up on top of the hill up there so this spot is pretty easy to get your equipment at but i'm gonna do a little bit of rock gathering for mrs wizard because there always are plenty of cool rocks to be found especially you get down by the water there and it's you know it's two feet thick of rocks and it's no problem to fill up a pail of absolutely cool rocks so me and rigby are gonna spend a little bit of time doing that and then we're gonna go and check out a location number three well here's spot number three i thought i wanted to check out a a small river in the area just to see if i could find a spot where it might be concentrating the black sand and gold via moving water well turns out they've got an awful lot of rain around here because this water is really steaming through here there's some old bridge or another that used to be here it's gone now but the water is extremely high it's way up into the banks and i don't see any way to certainly not get down that way because that bank goes straight up that way and it just goes right down to the water's edge i mean there's no walk in it and there's no trails or nothing so i guess number three you'll have to wait for another time but we found out everything we wanted to find out about uh spot number one that's for sure that's gonna be our go-to there's rigby down there he's checking it out so we're gonna take a four and a half hour ride home we're gonna inspect the small sample i have in my truck for gold hang it a bit well we made it back to the shop i'm going to hang on to that black sand for a rainy day i mean it's only a couple of gallons and it's just uh more of an experiment type thing uh we did find out a lot about that new spot we went to and there's going to be some really good gold coming out of that spot i guarantee you that this summer on another note walking in my shop today somebody broke in while i was gone my large sluice that i got from pirate prospecting my little mini river sluice my cleanup sluice from infinity prospecting and my roly-poly they took it all they even took the two patreon nuggets and my small bag of minus 50 mesh gold i used for my patreon bags well if you guys needed it that bad i'm glad you have it i'll be just fine and i'll take care of my patrons just the same so until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build my channel check out my patreon page in the description box below flower gold wizards oh
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 39,485
Rating: 4.8760805 out of 5
Keywords: Gold prospecting, Gold mining, Wisconsin gold, PioneerPauly, Beach mining
Id: VbdUzW7N_xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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