She was sent to prison by her in law and returns to seek revenge on them all I Queen of Divorce FULL

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Kim sa is a talented lawyer and works for the top law firm in South Korea cha where her mother-in-law wean is the chairwoman and her husband yelon is the CEO unfortunately her mother-in-law doesn't appreciate s and doesn't treat her like a member of the family today is the birthday of her mother-in-law and Sarah arranges a big party for her but we one asked the staff to allow only her son and Grandson to be with her at the first table she doesn't even let Sarah call her mom but insists on being called the chairman even when they are at home Sarah notices this and is quite upset but she still tells the staff to add her name to the table because she thinks if she tries hard with time we one will accept her but little does she know her husband Yol song is cheating on her while being such a muppet to his mom at the party Sarah sees her name is removed from the family table again and we W doesn't even introduce her to their guests after the party Sarah feels sad and visits her mom at her noodle shop it turns out that all of that bad treatment from her in-law is just because Sarah comes from a humble background and her mother-in-law looks down on her her mom doesn't know what Sarah has to endure at home and is happy and proud of her daughter Sarah's dad died in an accident at a construction site and it was very difficult for them back then Sarah's mom says that as long as she is happy she will also be happy Sarah returns home and inquires about her mother-in-law but she insults her saying that the smell from her maternal home is very bad and that she needs to call her chairman instead of mom Sarah tries to talk with her husband about that but he doesn't care and tells her to just suck it up the only joy Sarah has at home is her little son one day CH Law Firm receives a divorce case of a defendant accused of domestic violence Hospital director Kim he is an important customer because if Chael can win his cases all the cases related to his hospital will be assigned to chail Sarah realizes that this case is very difficult to resolve because he is famous for being violent and the court will likely favor his wife seeing Sarah reluctant to take the case we want offers a condition that if Sarah wins they will promote her to corporate director and she will allow Sarah to call her mom Sarah used false evidence to prove that director Kim was also assaulted by his wife to help him win custody of their child however the wife's lawyer has video evidence of director Cam and We Wan in an elevator and uses it to prove his affair s rejects the accusation but this is their plan to stir up public opinion to defame Mr Kim's hospital and the cha Law Firm meanwhile prosecutor gii Jun and his associate are investigating an illegal drug distribution case to a gay bar and discover a connection to director Kim gii June goes to Mr Kim's hospital and confiscates his documents for the investigation when Sarah hears the news and goes there she meets GI June they used to be in love but now act like strangers although GI Jun appears indifferent he is actually curious ious about Sarah's recent life and asks a colleague to inquire about her afterward Sarah is informed by her assistant that the investigation has discovered that mister Kim is gay and has also distributed drugs to a gay bar just then Sarah also realizes that the position of corporate director has been given to lawyer ma a detestable person in The Firm Sarah angry confronts wean to ask her why she went back on her word wean does not answer and asks Sarah what she plans to do about it Sarah says that if that's the case she will act according to her conscience at the next trial of director Kim and his wife's son jangi s goes to the restroom and speaks loudly so jangi can hear that if they show evidence of Mr Kim's interest in men jangi will win the case and get custody of her son jangi and her lawyer do that and she wins the case meanwhile wwan tells yolon he must leave sa and find a way to marry the daughter of the judicial Council chairman to change the law open their school and start the yell toown project it turns out hwan secretly uses s's documents to divorce her from her son moreover she uses s's documents for a fake marriage with a foreigner with the reason to get her grandson into an international school the prosecutor's office investigates this and we W do this purposely to trap s send her to prison so yel song can marry the Chairman's daughter and improve the cha law firm's position yel song goes to the prison to tell s about the divorce and that he will take care of their child and he will support her after she gets out however SAR already figured their plan of sending her to prison so he can remarry and vows to get back custody of her child when she gets out however Kung bom Sarah's old assistant announces that hwan has perfectly forged the documents give up Sarah's parental rights and she also can't secure custody of her child Kong bom feels sorry for sa but Sarah tells him she won't give up the day of yel song and his new fianceé hanan's engagement party arrives and yel song's ex-lover shows up at the party and causes a scene Jin Jun also from a friend about yelson quickly divorcing Sarah as soon as she went to prison and marrying the prosecutor's daughter to advance his career a few days later the media report on a young woman named naumi found dead on the road the investigative authorities suspect it was just a traffic accident but her grandfather does not believe it and protests to demand Justice for his granddaughter Jin Jun is in charge of this case and realizes that yolon was the last person to meet naimi before her death therefore he summons Yol song to the prosecutor's office for questioning as part of the investigation at Sarah's mother's noodle shop a part-time employee realizes that she had seen the victim at an event she worked at the previous night at that time the young woman had dropped her phone into a Flower Basket and thanks to that a video was recorded of yel song meeting Yumi and later instructing his men to eliminate Yumi in the prison Sarah realizes that she has to be stronger and starts to practice fighting in the prison gym room she is then surprised when jangi visits her unlike Sarah Jang life has turned a new page after the divorce Sarah is curious about jang's reason for the visit it turns out jangi wants to collaborate with Sarah to start a divorce support service for the people in need Sarah refuses because she is in prison and won't be able to practice law for the next 5 years but jangy still asks her to contact if she changes her mind meanwhile Sarah's mother calls Jin Jun to inform him about the evidence regarding yumi's murder he asks her to meet at the prosecutor's office however while she is waiting for Jin Jun Yol song is also there and spots her from afar he sends someone to lead her away lying that they are going to meet prosecutor Jin Jun when Jin Jun reaches the reception she has been taken away he checks the security cameras but still can't understand what really happened soon Sarah is allowed to go home but tragically it's to attend her mother's funeral they find her mom dead at her dad's old work site and assume she decided to take her own life Sarah is shocked when she receives this news and becomes even more Furious when she sees yel song at the funeral after the funeral yel song meets with his secret society they introduce a new member Professor coo who also was the last person to talk to Yi before she dies gii Jun calls him for an investigation after he refuses to cooperate and hand over his phone multiple times the last time gii Jun calls Professor coo jumps out of the window trying to kill himself but luckily survives and falls into a coma this leads to a wave of protests against prosecutor gii jun's forceful investigation tactics gii jun's boss who is close to yolon scolds him for this however gii June feels it's unfair and declares his resignation to the Press after some time Saar finally gets released from prison now much stronger both physically and mentally jangi picks her up from prison touched by jang's kindness and sincerity sa agrees to her proposal to work together Sarah also says she wants to take revenge on Yol song and put him in prison for what he did so she can win custody of her son they quickly start a support service called solution and also recruit more staff including Kong b and a man named dayi the first client is a famous writer named lead youan who was married to news presenter Jang J cook they are known online as a powerful couple however Jang J cook gets involved in a harassment scandal with a female colleague and quickly faces boycotts from the broadcaster and the audience Lee Juan wants to divorce him to protect her and her daughter Su G's reputation who has to endure public scrutiny and bullying at school while they are talking Su G calls Juan to say goodbye feeling something is terribly wrong the solution team takes Juan to the school and finds suji standing on the rooftop ready to jump the solution team finds a way to get to the rooftop Sarah gets on the balcony and tells suji about how her own mother had jumped from a rooftop and tells the girl to think about her mother suji is then convinced and is about to go down but she slips and Falls but Sarah manages to catch her they save Su G and she is sent to the hospital with her mom the solution team comes back to their office and Sarah is convinced to help suan funnily enough Jay Cook's litigation lawyer is from cha Law Firm the strange thing is that although Sue believes her husband harassed the colleague and wants a divorce she still posts pictures of messages between the two proving that it was consensual Sarah continues to search for her son but still hasn't heard any news jangi meets her and presents a file of someone who applied to be a legal adviser for solution to Sarah's surprise it's no one else but GI Jun jangmi is excited to hire a former prosecutor to work for them but Sarah is not very comfortable with this idea the next day Sarah has to meet gi. June for a job interview and the meeting is very awkward Sarah tries to talk about work but gi. June keeps bringing up their history from 9 years ago it turns out that 9 years ago the night before Sarah's wedding they planned to run away together but GI Jun didn't show up and Sarah ran to his house in the rain there gii Jun told her that he had changed his mind and wanted her to marry yelon however when Sarah was about to leave he hugged her and asked her to stay but this time Sarah chose to leave in the present Sarah tells gii Jun to decline the job offer from director jangi however GI I June doesn't want to miss the opportunity to work with Sarah and insists on working for solution promising that their past relationship will not affect their work however the next day Sarah still does not feel comfortable when gii Jun comes to work at solution gi. Jun says he is here not because of her and that he will work for 3 months if Sarah still feels uneasy he will resign later after both become less awkward the solution team starts working on su's divorce case Dei a womanizer knows many female employees is at the broadcasting station and uses that to gather a lot of evidence about Jay cook Juan's husband flirting and harassing many female colleagues at the station meanwhile yel song hears that Sarah is the team leader defending Jay Cook's wife and the person leading the defense is gii Jun yelon becomes curious and sends someone to learn more about this collaboration fortunately Sarah finally finds information about her son C Yun it turns out the boy is on juu island she flies there immediately and goes to the house where the boy stays but no one lets her in Sarah Waits outside until evening when the housekeeper opens the door and asks her to leave but Sarah takes the opportunity to rush into the house and look for C Yun though she does not find him the housekeeper tells her that if she does not leave immediately she will call the police and Sarah has to walk away unaware that she is only a step away from her son because the boy is wearing headphones and watching a tablet with his teacher Sarah returns to Soul the next day and receives news that Jay cook has been assaulted at his office Sarah goes to the solution office and sees J1 they're talking to gii Jun J1 denies being at J Cook's office when The Assault happened however Kong bom and day key managed to get the blackbox footage from a popcorn truck nearby at the time of the assault they buy a lot of popcorn and bring the video back to solution they watched the video together and discovered that both Juan and mini who had accused Jay cook of harassing her were present at the scene when the assault occurred Sarah confronts Juan about lying to them but Juan says she went to her husband's office but then changed her mind and did not enter going to the rooftop instead because she was upset it turns out that Jan knew men he would meet Jay cook that day so she went there to confront mini but then did not have enough courage to go inside Sarah lost trust in Juan and asked to withdraw from the case but when juk woke up he claimed he had been assaulted by a group of people and Sarah realized Juan had been telling the truth Yong met with Sarah and said they knew she was trying to find C Yun he threatened Sarah using his mother 's plan to send C Yun abroad as leverage in Jay Cook's case saying if she dropped the case he would convince his mother not to take C Yun abroad Yol song also questioned the collaboration between Sarah and her ex-boyfriend gii Jun while he was raising his voice at her GI Jun showed up and rescued Sarah later Yol song met with a member of his five member Society who said that Yol song's father-in-law was involved in a corruption Scandal and had fled and they would not be able to change the law as planned one day Sarah looked at photos of of je1 before and after their marriage and realized their marriage had issues from the start Sarah met with jew1 again and jew1 revealed to Sarah that she had also been harassed by Jay cook and after getting pregnant she married Jay cook the message je1 posted online was fake because she didn't want her daughter to be known as the child of a corrupt person now Juan deeply regrets that public opinion has shifted to favor Jay cook and label men he is a home wrecker Sarah says that Juan must bring Jay wook's harassment to light but Juan refuses because she doesn't want Su G to suffer anymore meanwhile J cook accuses mini of assaulting him gii Jun watches the news video and sees a drone operating near the building luckily he knows the group using the Drone and goes with Sarah to meet them the guy tries to escape but gii Jun and Sarah finally catch him after a struggle they take the video from him and check it finding out Juan is indeed on the rooftop and M he although she approaches the building does not enter so Jak cook is lying at the end of the workday Juan story makes Sarah remember her own past Story the reason she didn't run away with gii Jun before their wedding day was because she was pregnant with yel song the next day Kong bom and Dei come to report that chel had set up Jay cook by bribing men he's lawyer to arrange for her to go to his office the day to settle things luckily Minnie feels something is off and does not go inside J1 is also there and kneels down to apologize to Minnie although Minnie does not want to forgive J1 Sarah suggests they collaborate to bring to light the Terrible Things Jay cook has done Juan meets with Jay cook at the hospital and pressures him to admit to coer 18 years ago as he is still pretending to be innocent M he enters and says they will both accuse him in court Jay cook drops his mask revealing his coercion of both Jan secretly records the entire scene and sends it to Sarah she and gii Jun go to chil and use the video to make them withdraw from the lawsuit related to J cook afterward day key and Kong B go to the hospital where J cook is being treated pretending to be a doctor and a nurse they managed to bring to the rooftop there juw one and Men He push his wheelchair close to the railing and fearing death he quickly jumps down revealing that Jay cook is not injured at all it turns out the hospital also has connections with Chael and had faked his injury assessment of course afterward Juan and mini win their lawsuits and Juan and her daughter move abroad leaving the unpleasant matters behind right after Sarah calls to congratulate them a new client comes to solution to her surprise it is Yol son's new wife Hani jeene since hani's father is caught in a corruption Scandal yolon and Cha no longer use his power and quickly file for a divorce from Hanan Hanan accidentally hears about this and comes to solution but Sarah does not want to get involved and asks Gian to leave Gian says that before yelom she was married and divorced because she couldn't have children she believes only Sarah can help her and yel song has her weakness and will use it to threaten her in the divorce it turns out someone secretly recorded Han Gan while she was with her ex-lover and she receives blackmail messages from an anonymous number threatening to release the video online if she doesn't pay Gian suspects Yol song knows about this and uses it to force her to sign the divorce papers this is because Chael has a database with secrets of various officials and gian's video might be one of them because gian's father is in legal trouble she dares not go to the police and only seeks help from solution as no law firm dares to confront jail Sarah remains firm in her refusal until Gian promises to help her find coan's contact information in the USA yelong quickly finds out Gian has gone to the solution office and later meets Sarah he tells her to stay away from his and his new wife's business however his arrogant attitude makes Sarah more determined to help Gian the next day Gian comes and they start analyzing gian's marital situation with yel song they know if Gian divorces yel song she won't get any assets because everything in chel or in his mother's name the first task is to get the hard drive with ch's database to find out what weakness Yol song knows about GN the second task is to find the blackmailer and destroy the original video he has of Gian Sarah goes to Cha's office with gii Jun using the excuse of meeting Yol song So gii Jun can sneak into his office and steal the hard drive when GI Jun finds the hard drive he accidentally turns on the light causing song to get up and check luckily Sarah quickly makes an excuse to adjust his clothes pretending to still have feelings for him which completely distracts Yol song and allows gii Jun to successfully take the hard drive they upload the data to a computer but do not find any video data about GN Sarah realizes that yel song was just bluffing Gan with threats that day solution welcomes a new employee named jangi jeene meanwhile y song and his mother are eager to speed up the divorce with Gian so he can represent a party run for election and change the he can't contact GN so he sends someone to kidnap her yon's people go to gn's house but Sarah is there waiting for GI Jun to give legal advice to GN they mistake her for GN and take her instead gi. Jun immediately follows the kidnappers car and finally stops them helping Sarah Escape however the kidnappers drive away before they can call the police but they manag to remember the license plate and gii Jun calls Kong bom to investigate meanwhile Gian continues to be blacked mailed for money and the black mailer arranges to meet her at a cafe the solution team goes there to rescue her when the Black mailer realizes he's been trapped he runs away and the whole team chases him however when day key almost catches him he panics at seeing his face moreover the chase disrupts the caf's kitchen and the owner is very angry with the team just then CEO jangmi arrives with a truck full of Premium flow to compensate him when they return to the office Dei still looks shocked making Kong B puzzled dayy tells Sarah privately that he wants to handle the blackmailer himself suggesting there's a special connection between him and the man that night Yol song visits Gian again to pressure her into signing the divorce papers Gian is no longer afraid of him because she knows he doesn't have any video but now he offers a new condition he will help save her father if she signs the divorce papers at that moment Sarah arrives and reminds Gian that she should only sign the divorce papers if Yol song formally apologizes and provides full compensation meanwhile Dei finds the blackmailer who turns out to be his brother who left home a year ago at that time day key had terminal cancer and his brother promised to undergo a transplant to save him but disappeared on the day of the surgery leading to their mother's death from grief Dei is devastated to learn his brother not only abandoned him and their family but is now engaging in blackmail when his brother tries to leave dayy uses a knife to force him to lead into his accomplice Hideout and uses a hammer to destroy their hard drives unaware they have another one dayy intends to punish them but thinking of him as his brother spares them and tells his brother to never see him again however as soon as day key leaves secretary Jang appears and approaches day Key's brother's accomplishes she turns out to be a spy planted by Yol song to gather information on the solution team she had been tracking day key and managed to get a copy of the hard drive which includes the video of GN NE meanwhile day key meets with Sarah to report that the hard drive has been successfully destroyed being deeply saddened by his brother's situation he asks Sarah if she can hug him at that moment GI June comes to see Sarah with a gift which is a nice pair of shoes and sees the scene mistakenly thinking that dayy and Sarah are dating gii June feels sad and quietly leaves dayi then reveals to Sarah that he is the one who had received an organ donation from her while she was in prison and that is the reason he comes to work at solution in the meantime GI Jun feeling sad because he thinks Sarah likes dayi goes out drinking to drown his Sorrows Sarah calls him but he makes excuses for being busy the next day he goes to the office and sees de key and Sarah being close which makes him even more jealous yelon comes up with an idea and discusses with his mother that they need to find a way to change the election system from party members to a public vote and to use tricks to gain public support yil song meets with GN and informs her that he knows about her secret video he uses it to threaten her but this time not for a divorce but to force her to obediently follow his plan he also promises to help her dad Gian calls Sarah but has to hang up immediately because Yol song takes her with him to an election rally he orchestrates a surprise attack on Gian and then steps in to protect her getting injured in the process this act wins him public support for being a brave man who protects his wife even when her father is a criminal Sarah and gii Jun go to the hospital to confront him and demand Justice for GN but this time Gian says she no longer wants a divorce and will stay with Yong Sarah feels that something is wrong but gii Jun says that if Gian has made up her mind like that they should let her decide for herself Sarah invites gii Jun for a drink but he declines and she leaves disheartened to go home in time Kung bom and Dei have found the kidnappers Hideout but when they arrive the kidnappers have already fled feeling frustrated due to the lack of progress everyone in the office decides to go out for a meal except for secretary Jang at the restaurant GI learns that dayy and Sarah are not dating and feels much relieved the next day Kong bom and dayi finally locate the kidnappers when the police arrest them for prostitution although the kidnapper refuses to confess that he was hired by yelong to kidnap gien they find evidence on his phone meanwhile Yol song turns against GN and declares to the entire country that he will not assist in exonerating his father in-law and will prevent him from being released on bail this angers GN leading her to leave the tele station Kong bom Andi watching from outside informs Sarah and GI Jun Sarah thinks this is the perfect time for them to help G in divorce y they attend his election campaign rally and Sarah exposes the schemes he has employed against his wives although yel song quickly has his men removed them what Sarah says is recorded and shared on social media yel song goes to solution to meet Sarah and threatens her for tarnishing his image Sarah dares him to sue because it would reveal his kidnapping of Sarah and and his plan to kidnap giin he demands she participate in an interview to deny the allegations Sarah says she will comply if he agrees to divorce Gian with appropriate compensation otherwise she won't yelong then threatens Sarah with C Yan at which point gii Jun barges in and forces yelong to leave later Sarah meets with GN and urges her to leave yelong however Gan hesitates because yelon holds leverage over her Sarah mentions there is still a way to liberate GN the next day at a press conference yelson tries to clear the rumors and makes GN speak to verify his claims instead she confirms everything Sarah said was true including his kidnapping and threats towards gin this causes Yol song to be disgraced in front of the press and on live television leading to a sharp decline in his poll numbers the next day gii Jun meets with Professor C wung Jin's assistant Cho Hong jeene Professor coo was supervising yumi's thesis and was the last person to speak with her on the phone before she died Hong jeene mentioned that Professor coo was shocked to hear about yumi's accident but not to the extent that he would attempt suicide over it later gii Jun visits yumi's grandfather where he learns that Yumi had a second phone gii Jun brings the phone back to solution and day key manages to unlock it it turns out to be the secret phone Yumi used to contact yelong filled with pictures of her with yel song Meanwhile yel song's party completely loses the election following his scandal with his two wives Furious Yol song calls Sarah to a building scheduled for demolition to negotiate visiting rights for Coan offering 500,000 one if she withdraws from the lawsuit Sarah flatly refuses Yol song then pushes Sarah down and starts choking her however his assistant stops him and they leave locking Sarah inside fortuitously lightning strikes the building's antenna and the building catches fire fortunately gii Jun arrives in time to rescue Sarah he carries her out of the burning building and calls the fire department GI June carries Sarah on his back home and Promises to protect her the next day secretary Jang enters gii jun's office and finds a photo of yelong in Yumi She searches through GI Junes notes and gets caught but she claims she was just fixing a document and leaves in her room she looks up yumi's accident and during lunch she tells Yol song that gii Jun is gathering information about him thinking that gii Jun and Sarah are trying to catch him y song agrees to sign the divorce papers with GN and pay the compensation the day after gii Jun goes to Yol song's office to get his signature and warns him not to harm Sarah or he won't leave him alone as he will soon be Sarah's boyfriend chairman sha Yol song's father barges into the solution office and slaps both Sarah and Gian but for some reason Sarah doesn't dare to retaliate the next couple solution has to deal with is cha he and Kong Cho a famous couple on social media they met through an online dating show the husb husband is talented but unfortunately becomes paralyzed from the waist down after a traffic accident yet he starts a successful Venture Capital business the wife is a content creator mainly focusing on their life and how she takes care of her husband however the wife wants a divorce due to her husband's jealous and controlling Behavior unexpectedly the wife used to date gi. June making his involvement awkward Sarah senses something off with this woman especially her apparent flirtation with gii Jun then they watch liah's latest video and see her still lovingly caring for her husband as if nothing happened moreover Sarah notices that the husband constantly has injuries in most of the videos the reason for the divorce she provides is rather weak because Kong Chul seems to pamper her a lot the next day they meet with the husband to discuss the divorce lahi says her husband became jealous after seeing a photo of her with gii Jun from when they were dating but Kel has no idea who gii Jun is moreover Liah he also has dinner weekly with the person who donates the most money on her social media initially Kong chill is suspicious but after hearing his wife's explanation he immediately trusts lahi at this point Sarah and gii Jun pay closer attention to the burn marks on Kong Cho's arm they inquire about his other injuries but Kong chill simply says that because he can't move easily he often ends up injuring himself as they leave the house Liah he returns and acts affectionately towards gii Jun in front of Sarah gii Jun leaves soon after and reminds Liah to stop behaving in a appropriately towards him it turns out laah he was hired by yelon to create trouble and drive a wedge between Sarah and GI Jun that evening lii sneaks into the solution office and flirts with gii Jun seeing Sarah approaching GI jun's office she rushes to hug him so Sarah would see gii Jun quickly pushes her away and tells her to leave but Sarah had already walked away and did not see this leading her to believe there might be something between gii Jun and lii lii calls to report the situation to Yol song and is caught by Sarah who declares that they will not only refuse to help lahi divorce her husband but will instead sue her for domestic violence lahi threatens Sarah with a pen but then leaves Sarah returns and shares the incident with gii Jun and they decide to handle liah's divorce case but this time to protect her husband the team at solution convenes and suspects that Liah suffers from munchow and syndrome and enjoys harming her husband while pretending to care for him feeling that Liah disrespects their marriage Kel wants to talk to her but she pushes him down and is only concerned about her belongings scattered on the floor when Sarah and gii Jun visit him they find him on the ground he also doesn't understand how his wife can afford such expensive designer bags given the income from her social media isn't that high despite everything he doesn't want to divorce her they realize that Liah is likely having Affairs possibly with those who donate a lot of money to her on social media so they disguise themselves as fans and bid to meet her they win and get the chance to dine with lii Dei pretends tends to be a young Professor at the date and his nervous and awkward demeanor intrigues lahi during the meal lahi suggests a game where dayi writes down what he wants to do with her and she writes down a price this conversation is recorded and Sarah and gii Jun play it for Kong chol he is deeply disappointed in his wife and admits that Liah has been injuring him to create content for her videos despite everything Kel still refuses to divorce because of his insecurities and the desire for a semblance of a happy life Sarah encourages him saying that divorce isn't the end of the world and it's better than living with someone who abuses him the next day on their third wedding anniversary to increase view Liah hires actors to Stage a dramatic scene of getting caught cheating the night before saluan had discussed a plan with Kong Chu and replaced the fake actors with the real wife of the man Liah he was having an affair with Liah he is beaten up but still cares only about the views she tries to make Kong chel speak up to defend her but instead he says they should get a divorce at this moment lii discovers that the solution team has been at her anniversary from start to finish helping Kong chill expose the truth about her she grabs a kettle of boiling water and lunges toward Sarah but Kong bom quickly takes her down she is promptly arrested for domestic violence and Sarah encourages Kong chill to cheer up and turn his wedding anniversary into a divorce party the next day Sarah visits gien who has started a new life and is determined to become a florist Gian also hands Sarah a file on Yell song held by her father meanwhile y song and his five member Society had bribed to ensure a law school bill would pass while he celebrates he learns that lahi has been imprisoned by Sarah and Sarah and gii jun's relationship has grown Stronger yel song warns Sarah to be careful with gii Jun claiming his approach was for investigating Professor Coo's case Sarah meets with a friend still working for chairman sha and she reveals the five members Society to Sarah they are a group looking to change laws to build shael Town under under the guise of an educational project and develop the area cheaply Professor coo is one of them Sarah confronts GI June about this reading his notebook and seeing his name linked with Yol song she feels that gii jun's intentions for joining solution are not simple and feels used she suggests ending their relationship and walks away gii June follows then they see Yol song approaching to provoke Yol song Sarah turns back and kisses GI Jun Sarah thinks she needs to make Yol song uneasy so she pretends to kiss G gii Jun and tells him she wants to find out why he is scrutinizing her in GI Jun like that Sarah still believes that gii June is using her to investigate yelson despite his explanations she reminds him of his three-month promise when starting the job and hints that he should leave Sarah returns home and finds Yol already there continuing to tell her to Fire gii June because he is taking advantage of her Sarah says it is not his business and sends him away the next day Kong B informed Sarah about the likelihood of Yol song's bill and his group's passing she then meets with representative kimy of the hanju party to prevent Yol song from gaining more power younga immediately recognizes Sarah as Yol song's ex-wife and asks for her help with her marriage it turns out her husband is demanding a divorce they have two children but both are her husbands from previous marriage however yenna dearly loves them and wants custody rights so she is adamant about not wanting a divorce solution team learns about her husband enu CEO of a company about to go public seems in a hurry to divorce now because if the divorce happens after the listing the assets to be divided would increase significantly the solution team later arranges a meeting with the husband to mediate they discover the reason he is adamant about divorcing his wife is that he followed the prophecy of a pastor this pastor had declared that Y and her work were incompatible with her husband's business activities Sarah suggests that Yanna would agree to a divorce if MCH would Grant her C of the children however he states that if y does not agree he will proceed with a unilateral divorce they feel this time they have two adversaries the husband and the pastor who has manipulated him through Superstition yil song meets with Y to convince her to support his bill but yma bluntly refuses to cooperate with those who are disloyal to their Partners meanwhile the solution team investigates the pastor in his Sanctuary who is famous for being able to predict the future and cure all kinds of diseases he is also the person who advised Mel to buy stocks leading to a significant profit which is why Mel highly trusts the pastor GI Jun finds Sarah in the office and they both feel awkward after what happened the day before day key suggests the entire office go out to eat and gii Jun shows off his ability to perform magic tricks by moving objects placing a ring on Sarah's finger from this everyone starts to suspect that the pastor also uses tricks and that his healing might largely depend on the placebo effect gii Jun invites Sarah to his house to talk showing her a diagram with the information they've gathered about the Yumi case and Professor coo Yumi has died after falling from a moving taxi a case the police suspect to be a suicide however a woman calls to report the death claiming it wasn't a suicide unbeknownst to both of them the woman who made the call is Sarah's deceased mother both cases are very murky which is why gii Jun feels compelled to investigate further the next day secretary Jang meets with yolon to report on Sarah and gii June she also mentions that y a has come to solution asking for their help to prevent her divorce hearing this yilson becomes intrigued and abruptly leaves Jang to investigate further upon arriving at the solution office Sarah greets her and apologizes for the tension between them the previous day emphasizing that they are a team this gesture somewhat moves Jang meanwhile yelong unable to persuade y approaches the pastor and asks for his help to discredit Y they arrange a fake conversation where the pastor claims he has been a crucial adviser to Young in her election campaigns and that she frequently sought his counsel this conversation is recorded by a security camera at a restaurant and then leaked online the next day even Mel is shocked by the pastor's blatant lies but the pastor claims that the villains have forged the conversation and the naive husband immediately believes it the night before it turns out Yol song had convinced the pastor to lie because even if y refutes he would have created rumors to polish his own name this news quickly causes yma trouble with other Representatives so the solution team believes they need to find a way for Mel to come forward and explain having no other choice gii Jun and director jangi disguise themselves as Fanatics to join the pastor's congregation director jangi disguises herself as a blind person and gii Jun as her brother asking the pastor for blessings and a cure all their images are secretly filmed and streamed live to the solution team waiting outside after a while the pastor brings in a cancer patient and allegedly removes a tumor from the person with his hands however when they sneak in they discover the tumor is fake hidden under the patient bed for the pastor to perform his deceitful act upon exiting they also encounter a man causing a commotion in the lobby accusing the pastor of urging his wife to divorce him as they are trying to leave a church enforcer guesses that gii Jun and jangi are spying on them and calls for their capture gii Jun fights back and they successfully escape with the solution team the following day Sarah and gii Jun bring the video to minshu but he still trusts the pastor and thinks it's a trick by the solution team fabricated to prevent him from divorcing his wife Sarah also threatens to release the video online and let everyone know about mol's close relationship with the pastor which could affect his business Mell meets with the pastor and asks him to clarify the rumors explaining that if his business suffers he won't be able to donate to the pastor's Church the pastor then calls yel song pretending that all the images and sounds in the video uploaded to slander younga were fake and created by yel songs people and He will sue them he cut ties and asserting he has nothing to do with Yol song Meanwhile GI June meets with Professor Coo's wife who reveals that she has discovered Professor Co transferred 1 billion to a company of a five-person Association she also recovers her husband's phone and gives it to GI Jun for investigation but all data had been wiped by yell songs people gii June brings it back to solution and dayy quickly restores the phone's data they discover the last call Professor coo made was to yell song just before he jumped out of the window he messaged Yol song asking for his 1 billion investment back but they refused and continued to insult him they also sent him a secret video threatening to send it to his wife and daughter if he revealed their secret to the police cornered Professor coo jumped from the stair case they compile all the data and evidence onto a USB along with Professor Coo's phone and give it to Gan wo a prosecutor and friend of GI June hoping he will bring yelon to Justice however jein Wu has been threatened by y songs people for gambling and destroys all the evidence GI Jun returns home to find it ransacked worried he calls Sarah but gets no answer he drives to her house finds the door unlocked and as he enters someone knocks him down from behind at that moment Sarah returns to the hallway to see a masked person running away when she enters her house she finds the door unlocked opening the door she finds gii Jun unconscious on the floor with blood coming from his head and her house has been ransacked gii Jun is quickly taken to the hospital and he wakes up shortly after he immediately tries to call jein Wu but fails Sarah mentions that it appears Jean W is allied with chaol handing over the evidence they had provided him furthermore their house are searched because yel song wants to ensure they have no other copies the next day yel song publishes a photo of Y and her husband with a pastor further alleging her involvement with a cult Sarah is upset and wants Yanna to clear her name but y believes that exposing her husband as the real cult member would negatively affect their children meanwhile chairman cha discovers that the nanny has taken and sent a photo of C Yan to Sarah she calls Sarah and in front of C Yan claims that the reason for her divorce is due to her having another man this makes C cry and leaves Sarah deeply distressed that evening someone informs y about the pastor's deception leading to his wife leaving him feeling sympathetic y visits him with some gifts unaware that this is a trap set by y song the next day that very man stands before the parliament exposing Young's husband for fraudulence they even have a photo of her giving a gift to the man suggesting she is bribing him with money hidden in a paper bag to silence the Scandal involving her husband solution learns about the situation and feels it's clear that y was set up that night Dei and Kong bam follow the old pastor and see him being beaten by yelong and his men they record this incident and bring it back to solution while they watching the video yelon calls secretary Jang and she steps away to answer him however this time she refuses to provide information to him the next day people Gather in front of the parliament to protest demanding yanma resignation however Y is rushing to the hospital because her son has been admitted it turns out the boy has a chronic illness but Mel had secretly stopped him from taking his medication because the Pastor said the medicine would interfere with prayer Sarah calls GI Jun to talk about this and they realized that what Mel did his child abuse due to Superstition and they could use this to strip him of his parental rights even Mel's daughter wants y to divorce her dad because she thinks they are making yna suffer the next day Sarah meets with Y telling her about how they will make it possible for her to divorce her superstitious husband while still being able to live with her children the following day yma finally clears her name with the Press revealing the truth and announcing she will accept her husband's request for a divorce meanwhile Sarah finally manages to call C Yan on his secret phone number and explains that what his grandmother said was incorrect gii Jun is finally discharged from the hospital and Sarah picks him up gii Jun wants to go to Sarah's house to help her clean up and he also says that he still loves her and asks her for a chance whenever she is ready the next day Sarah decides they must find a way to approach the old Pastor to obtain clear evidence that he is a fraud day key and Kong B approached the pastor's henchmen and threaten him to help them since they have evidence of his scams and embezzlement thanks to the the next day they successfully drugged the pastor with sleeping pills in a vitamin bottle in his car and take him to a place set up like an interrogation room jangi and secretary jango's prosecutors and question him about a patient who died after surgery he conducted he continuously denies it until they bring in the henchmen for confrontation the henchman then suggests that the patient died from blood loss due to the pastor's strong manipulation supposedly when jangi and secretary Jang leave the room the pastor says that he doesn't possess any Supernatural Powers it was all just a performance and there are no such things as supernatural abilities Sarah enters the room and presses a button revealing they were in a box placed right in the pastor's Assembly Hall with his followers witnessing him exposing himself they are extremely outraged and attack him and the police quickly arrive to arrest him for fraud Sarah and gii Jun drive away but along the way Sarah drops her coffee cup and they come up with a thought regarding yumi's case the coffee cup falls from a moving vehicle and still rolls forward whereas Yumi despite allegedly committing suicide by jumping from the vehicle Falls backwards 6 M raising a suspicion they go to request the police to reinvestigate but the police still seem indifferent and hesitant that evening when GI June takes Sarah back home they find Yol song waiting outside her house gii Jun confronts him and wants to drive him away however Yol song shows the messages he sent when he heard about yumi's death by accident which seemed to express genuine surprise at the news he uses this as a pretext to threaten them with a counter suit for defamation warning that gi. June could end up paying him a fortune in Damages the next day Sarah meets with Yanna who suggests they collaborate on the election campaign praising Sarah's capabilities and resourcefulness at that moment Yong also arrives to meet y kneeling to apologize and asking for a chance to support her in the election y then announces that she is already chosen her partner Sarah who will be appointed as the head of the election strategy team as yelong sheepishly leaves his mother calls him telling him to meet a girl for marriage prospects however he mentions he already has a plan in mind Yol song runs after Sarah outside seeming interested in Yan's Reliance on Sarah he also mentions that c Yan will soon return to the country and would agree to let her meet the boy if the two reconcile Sarah has no words for yel song's despicability he wants them to get back together and for her to help him win yama's favor and proceed with the Chael Town project Sarah firmly refuses and moves away in the evening Sean calls her to say the boy will soon have a summer break and wishes to meet his mother afterwards Sarah goes drinking with a friend feeling very distressed because she misses her child the next day Yol song even sends flowers to Sarah at the solution office she tear up the flowers and sends them back to his mother with a message to watch her son carefully and keep him from bothering Sarah the chairman is very annoyed because Yol song embarrasses her but he still tells her about his plans and is determined to pursue Sarah that night is the anniversary of Sarah's mother's death and Kong bom and GI Jun come over to help her prepare later yolon also brings fruit and ritual offerings Sarah sends him away but he mentions C Yan which makes her waver at the memorial service Sarah shows GI Jun a photo of her mother and he recognizes her as the woman who had reported Yumi to the prosecutor's office Sarah is very agitated to learn this and they also see her being followed by a strange man making Sarah feel that her mother had not committed suicide but had been murdered although they currently have no concrete evidence the next day they visit the old noodle shop of Sarah's mother the owner of the shop next door also comes out to greet them and they ask her about Sarah's mother before her death and if she knew Yumi she says she has never seen Yumi but a few days before Sarah's mother died she was very concerned about a part-time employee name so he realizing this girl might know something they decide they must find SOI meanwhile she is hiding from her abusive boyfriend yel song's people also come after her forcing her to flee her home that night GI Jun and Sarah find soia She is again harassed by her boyfriend near her part-time job Sarah asks so about who is chasing her and so he says she doesn't want to be involved anymore Sarah feels she knows about her mother's report to the police so she chases after her but so he has already run way the next day Sarah texts soe persuading her to cooperate and eventually she agrees so he then goes to Solutions office and recounts her part-time work at Yol song's engagement party there she accidentally recorded Yumi blackmailing Yol song about their Affair and the bribery involving a group of five and then yel song sending someone to eliminate Yumi due to this so he went with Sarah's mother to the prosecutor's office the next day however she went to the restroom and when she came out she sees Sarah's mother being taken away in a car by a man with yel song's secretary the next day secretary Jang and yel song Meet he gives her money and asks her to terminate the contract but she asked him to consider her as a matchmaking candidate to be his wife that night so he decides to go to the police but upon leaving her house she is confronted and bullied by her ex-boyfriend who accuses her of contacting a lawyer he acts jealously and brutally assaults her Sarah and GI June go to pick up so he but find her missing and her phone is not answered meanwhile the ex-boyfriend pushes SOI causing her head to hit a brick wall killing her instantly when Sarah and GI Jun finally get through so he is already in the morg that night gii June takes Sarah home and Comforts her however finding her not answering her phone he worries and returns finding the door unlocked with his birthday is the code Sarah inside has fainted from stress GI June stays to take care of her until she wakes up the next day gii Jun seeks the driver who transported Yumi on the night of the accident a former colleague says he has quit driving a taxi to work for a company arriving at his house gi. June finds it unlocked empty but there is a pair of luxury shoes worth 9 million one meanwhile the driver is meeting with chairman of Chael Sarah meets with y a decline of full-time role in her election campaign offering instead to be a consultant yunga finds this interesting and agrees mentioning Yol song has sent flowers to her and even Sarah's name is on the bouquet this further convin Sarah of her secret plan which she shares with Y A that morning at solution Sarah receives flowers from yelong again but this time she wants to accept them she also tells GI Jun that she wants to return to the house of CHA family it turns out Sarah wants to investigate yelson and they have no other choice but for her to pretend to get back with him gii Jun then meets Yol song to confront him with chairman chael's presence there adamant denying any chance of Sarah returning to her house gii June enters the office with Yol song and asserts that he must be involved in Sarah's mother's death which Yol song denies right then Sarah enters the room she declares her wish to reunite with yelong to see her son and yelong immediately sets a condition requiring Sarah to arrange a meeting with Y meanwhile gii jun's heart is shattered seeing Sarah returning to Yol song he stands below her apartment all night but doesn't dare to ring the bell the next day Sarah informs director jangi of her wish to take a two-month leave to get back with yolon everyone is panicked by this news Sarah then explains to everyone her plan to deceive yel song she arranges for yel song to meet y yma bluntly states she detests Yol song and is only meeting him for Sarah and today's meeting would merely be a simple meal despite the humiliation Yol song Still swallows his pride because at least he gets a chance to approach y just then his mother walks in about to scream as usual but stops upon seeing y-a and doesn't dare to say anything only greets her with a smile after y leaves yel song is visibly excited but Sarah says if he wants to continue he needs to sign a clear marriage contract Sarah gets custody of their child and if they divorce Yol song must pay her 3 billion one Yol song agrees to 2 billion if Sarah helps with his project Sarah agrees however the next day the police enters Solutions office with a search warrant accusing Sarah of providing legal advice illegally as she couldn't practice law having been released from prison a year ago and sharing commissions with gii Jun gi. Jun says that he has always been with her as a legal adviser so the first accusation can be clarified right then chairman Shel walks in revealing she was the one who had anonymously accused Sarah to warn her about messing with her son Sarah later meets with Yol song and suggests ending their collaboration if he continues to let his mother manipulate everything she uses gentle words to evoke his empathy Upon returning to the office she is informed that the police have confiscated a double entry account in book from solution proving the company's fraud however no one knew about this book and Sarah suspects they have been framed upon checking the CCTV they discover the hard drive was stolen Sarah realizes the thief is someone inside the team who knew day key could recover data so they didn't just delete the CCTV but also stole the hard drive she enters hij Jin's room and quickly finds the CCTV hard drive in her drawer realizing she has been chaol spy all along it turns out she wanted to Wan's favor and had conspired with her to trap solution gii Jun feels Sarah is struggling too much and tells her not to try to get back with yell song anymore but Sarah refuses so he resigns and leaves soon after not long after Sarah officially returns as the daughter-in-law of the cha family surprising her mother-in-law when she calls yel song to make a scene Sarah shows her the contract with yel song and walk away in the meantime gii Jun opens his own law firm and day key and Kong bom come to visit him eventually C Yan returns and Sarah is Overjoyed to reunite with her son after a long time that night chairman Chael threatens Sarah again and forces her to sleep with yelong to prove her sincerity in wanting to reconcile yelong also speaks up suggesting that they should let Sarah be comfortable wean suddenly stands up and demands Sarah bring fruit to her room Sarah complies but brings the fruit cut in the way it is offered to the dead in Korea aiming to tease her Sarah also reminds her that a daughter-in-law is a guest in the house and she should behave accordingly while Cha's mother and daughter are away Sarah sneaks into her room to check their schedule on the date her mother died it turns out that both were not at the crime scene Sarah takes a screenshot and tries to erase any traces before planning to leave however as she is about to leave We Wan opens the door and enters and Sarah hides behind the door luckily seoan runs back and tells his grandma to go play with him saving Sarah who is shaking behind the door meanwhile day key and Kong bom at GI jun's office see the case diagram of Yumi and offer to help him find the whereabouts of the taxi driver they trace him to a parking lot where Dey approaches the driver's car to investigate and finds wean inside it turns out she is the one who eliminated jumi not her son wwan tells the taxi driver to flee because a group of lawyers is investigating his case she throws him some money and tells him to leave or he will go to jail the next day the taxi driver comes to sh's house and Sarah approaches him to ask about the shoes he is wearing he reveals that they were Yol son's old ones and had been given to him after that she comes to visit gii Jun and they realize the driver is also the person who took Sarah's mother away from the prosecutor's office and he also works for chairman cha and the mother and child of the cha family had not scheduled their work correctly the next day Sarah invites the driver dugu to the solution office showing him CCTV footage of him leading her mother out of the prosecutor's office but he vehemently denies it afterward Duku meets Yol song and attempts to extort money over Sarah discovering him however Yol song confidently says that the person recorded is him and no one else so Duku would still be the one to blame from there when yel song returns home he checks everywhere for hidden cameras just as Sarah comes back and shows him the CCTV footage she says G June showed her that footage and when he denies it Sarah leaves saddened which seems to also lower yel songs guard that night Yol song is informed that the Chael toown project has been approved praising it as Sarah's achievement but hwan says it wasn't her doing later Sarah calls young to thank her revealing that the bill was going to pass anyway but they had staged a play to make the cha family respect Sarah meanwhile we one scolds her son for trusting Sarah he is fed up to the neck and criticizes back for whan's trust in Duku after finishing his piece he leaves that night yolon comes home home drunk and Sarah uses the opportunity to unlock his phone with his fingerprint to read his messages but finds nothing suspicious except for a message arranging a meeting at 8:00 a.m. the following Monday she immediately informs gi. June and he finally acknowledges that her return to the house was beneficial that day gii Jun Kung bom and dayy follow the driver's car stage an accident and kidnap him they then bring the car to a meeting point at a car demolition site and use his phone to Signal their arrival the driver's car is quickly crushed by another car and it turns out solution is the savior of his life yel song had lured him there as a trap to eliminate him at that moment Sarah arrives and asks the driver what he had done with her mother he says he only followed yon's orders to lure Sarah's mother outside and then they leave him on the side of the road at which point Sarah's mother had been drugged GI Jun was about to ask him more about youi when he requested to smoke a cigarette first at this time Sarah was almost faint upon learning that Yol song had harmed her mother everyone was worried and came to help her stand when the driver took the opportunity to flee and jumped into a car intending to escape however as soon as he drove out of the parking lot he was immediately hit by another car and the driver was promptly taken to the emergency room a flashback shows the day Sarah's mother died before that happened she was brought by yel song to the rooftop of the construction site where Sarah's father had died turn out right after finding out about yimy Sarah's mother went to meet yelong and threatened to reveal aumi death to the police unless he helped Sarah get out of prison for being wrongfully accused he chased her away and so she went to the prosecutor's office he snapped at her grabbed her by the throat to ask who had told her about naam's situation and when she refused to speak he pushed and she fell accidentally falling off the rooftop returning to the accident of Duku he is gradually waking up in the hospital GI Jun tells Sarah to go home and pretend she knows nothing about the incident yel song won't suspect anything however when yel song returns home he says that Kong bom is the one who secretly hired a driver who nearly killed him he threatens that if Sarah continues to lie and does not cooperate he will not let her see C Yan again Sarah admits that she and Kong bom investigated Duku because she thought he was involved in her mother's death when he was hit by a car without mentioning Yol song's involvement later Sarah meets we W and shows her CCTV footage claiming her mother died after following duk Su Wan's driver so she wants to know if wean had him take her mother away wean immediately kicks Sarah out however wean then sends someone with the driver's schedule revealing that on the day Sarah's mother died the driver was indeed driving for yel song and the accident was caused by yel song's people she finds dug Goose phone in her son's room and confronts Yol song who claims he found the phone at the accident scene hwan realizes her son is responding responsible for Sarah's mother's death and now he's trying to blame her meanwhile Sarah pretends to be doke goo's brother in texts we1 saying her son bribed her brother to claim hwan was the instigator making hwan suspect her son even more the next day Gian visits Sarah at solution and discovers Sarah has returned to yolon Gian is disappointed but Sarah arrives and explains it's just a front for her revenge plan meanwhile Kong bom is at the hospital guarding dugu when a fire alarm goes off forcing everyone to evacuate but it turns out to be a false alarm and upon her return Kong B finds Duku has disappeared she calls gii June to report that someone is taking Duku away and she is following him along with deki however the car stops on the way and Kong bom approaches it the driver carrying Duku steps out and hits Kong bom with a bat dayi rushes to help but the driver drives away Kong bam is severely injured and has to go to the hospital meanwhile the police also come to invite yel song to assist in the investigation of his mother Sarah's death it turns out Duku is caught selling the company's oil so they call Yol s to investigate together he realizes that they all work for his mom and she makes them take him to the police station as a warning to him he confronts his mother at home and she tells him he needs to behave implying she wouldn't hesitate to harm her son if necessary later yel song goes to an abandoned warehouse where it turns out his people of kidnapped doku yelson then send Duku to go threaten his mom as a Revenge all the dialogue is heard by yelson through Dooku's wireless earpiece to silence him we one transfers 300 million one to him Yol song knows all about his mother's actions and also transfers money to him telling him to leave South Korea the night before Duku had also revealed to yelon that Sarah had been at the scene of his accident that night when Sarah comes home she sees the cleaning St busying themselves near her tree she realizes she has been bugged and when checking Wan's room she also finds a listening device hidden in a book as she is leaving the room wean also returns initially Sarah doesn't intend to say anything but after seeing her hotty demeanor she shows wean the listening device her sonel song had hidden in her room afterwards wean scolds her son loudly and at this time Sarah E drops on them accusing each other it turns out hwan killed youi because she was going to expose yel song and prevent him from remarrying as hwan is about to throw a bonsai pot at yel song they discover a listening device hidden under the pot Sarah intends to record their confessions but can't the mother and son go outside to talk with Yol song telling wean that until the law is passed they need to be United because Sarah seems to know what they have been doing the next day solution receives news that dugu was arrested in the Philippines for gambling Under Suspicion of money laundering after gambling 1.3 billion in one in one week that evening as the family is having dinner Sarah pretends to answer a call from y about Duke Go's case both mother and son hold their breath listening to her speak after hanging up Sarah tells them that y a has found out Duku went gambling in the Philippines using money from chaol and now they suspect it is money laundering yelon says it is just unemployment aid but the amount is 2 billion one which is excessively large just then they hear police sirens s has the housekeeper take C Yan to her room it turns out that Sarah is the one who called the police and she asks Yol song and his mother to Guess Who among them will be arrested the police come to arrest yel song on suspicion related to yumi's death however yelong throws his mother under the bus blaming her entirely because the driver who took Yumi who is Duku later Becomes Her driver Sarah meets with chawan at the police station and tells them she wants to expose their crimes and schemes and see them harm each other Sarah leaves and yilong tells his mother that if both of them go to prison everything will be ruined suggesting that hwan should take the blame alone later yel song meets with y a and asserts that hwan his mother is no longer involved with yel cha company and he wants a chance to work with Y A at the investment introduction of yel song's company no one attends except for yel song and his five member group it turns out that all the guests have moved to a seminar room next door where Sarah and gii Jun have prepared to expose Yol song the speaker ER is none other than jangy jeene she stands up to expose Yol song on the condition that Sarah will not sue her for stealing the CCTV hard drive and spying on solution she has a USB drive with recordings of wean admitting to having someone kill you me and also shows evidence of Yol song and Yumi being romantically involved the Press begins to pressure Yol song to respond to the allegations and he has to flee the room meanwhile Professor Co has also woken up and gii Jun hurries to the hospital Yol song seeks help from the five member Society but they do not want to get involved and become accomplices he then finds Professor coo fully awake and talking to gii June Professor SEO reveals that he knows yel song had someone destroy his phone and all the evidence related to yumi's murder as yel song is about to deny it prosecutor Jean woo enters the room a flashback shows gii Jun punching Jean woo in the face after discovering that he betrayed their friendship and destroyed the evidence gii Jun had given him Jean wuo apologizes to gii Jun and reveals that chaol had leveraged his weakness to force him to destroy the evidence however he deeply regrets his actions and Promises to investigate Chael to recover the evidence it turns out Jean will manag to delete the secret files about himself that Chael held and now he can confidently lead the investigation against chaol without being threatened or blackmailed later they organize an interview with Professor coo in front of the press he admits that yolon blackmailed him with a video of his affair to to prevent him from handing over his phone and cooperating with the prosecutor in the umumi case investigation Sarah meets GN who explains that since Professor Coo's phone was destroyed they need to find another piece of evidence Gian then hands her a file containing information about the five member society and mentions that they have bribed many people to advance the Chael Town plan Sarah takes the file back to solution and they decide to locate The Ledger listing the bribes they learned that the fund manager of the five member Society is j a reporter for mangel newspaper he is greedy and willing to write anything for money jangi arranges for him to come to her restaurant to write a favorable review after which Kong bom and day are tasked with giving him a bag of money which contains a tracking device they followed the signal to a piece of agricultural land owned by chaol they were about to dig with shovels but Sarah stops them because jangi has brought a digger after some digging they only find the container with the money they gave to J yel but the bribery Ledger is missing they enter a nearby house and finally find The Ledger by evening meanwhile yil song finds out that jangel has written an article for jang's restaurant and calls him to inquire they quickly realize they have been deceived by the solution team the other members are very angry and plan to beat up John yil however yil song has another way to threaten Sarah he has someone pick up C Yan from kindergarten and call Sarah to demand The Ledger back at this time Sarah is at the police station and about to hand it over when she learns that c Yan has been kidnapped yelong threatens that if she hands it over to the police she will never see C Yan again gii Jun says they can track C Yan using the tracker on the boy secret phone Sarah asks him to find C Yan while she goes to confront Yol song Sarah calls Yol song trash for willing to kidnap her own child as a way to threaten her she shows him The Ledger and opens it to prove it's real at that moment yon's henchmen brings C Yan To The Exchange point with gii Jun following them closely Sarah throws The Ledger towards yolon who releases C Yan gii Jun quickly drives Sarah and C Yan away while Yol song realizes that only a few pages in that ledger are real and the rest are just blank paper the real Ledger is soon handed over to the police and the prosecutors and the bribery case involving yelong and his Society is exposed Sarah and gii Jun try to persuade yel song's assistant to testify about yelson pushing Sarah's mother but he refuses the next day Gene one leads the investigation into the bribery case related to Chael town and conducts a search at chai Yol Yol song tells his assistant that if he's asked about the day Sarah's mother died he must say that Yol song was not in the car going to the construction site and that he was the one who drove Sarah's mother there realizing that Yol song is ready to throw him under the bus the assistant changes his mind and testifies that yelon did push Sarah's mother soon after the Chael toown project is canceled and and the solution team is Overjoyed that night Sarah receives a call from Yol song arranging a meeting she agrees to meet him hoping to secretly record him confessing to killing her mother however this turns out to be a trap set by Yol song to harm Sarah he uses a cloth soaked in an anesthetic to knock Sarah unconscious later he takes her to a secret house where she is tied up and gagged after a while yelo unti Sarah and offers to release her if she publicly lies that the bribery Ledger is fake Sarah ignores him and repeatedly demands that he confess to killing her mother but he steadfastly denies it and begins to get physically aggressive with her a concealed recording device Falls from Sarah pocket which Yol song immediately destroys unbeknownst to him the night before the meeting Sarah had devised a plan with gii Jun and the solution team to use herself as bait with the team ready to follow closely and support her however at this point Yol song has destroyed the communication device later Yol song draged Sarah out of the house and into a car he intends to take her away but discovers that the car's tire has been slashed unknown to him his car also had a tracking device and Sarah takes this opportunity to inform the solution team that Yol song is planning to take her to a warehouse Yol song switches to another vehicle and takes Sarah to a shipping Port where he locks her in a refrigerated shipping container meanwhile the solution team arrives at the house and finds a memory card that Sarah had hidden in the/ tire car of Yol song Meanwhile Yol song forces Sarah to endure the cold and threatens her that if she doesn't make a false confession to his phone recorder to help him avoid charges he will lock the container door and she will die from the cold despite the harsh conditions Sarah refuses to give up as a crane approaches to move the container onto a truck Sarah questions Yol song again about her mother's death this time thinking Sarah will die anyway he admits he didn't intend to kill her mother but accidentally pushed her Sarah is enraged as Yol song nonchalantly walks away after giving her a knife to her ties but he locks the container door behind him Sarah quickly frees herself meanwhile the solution team arrives at the warehouse and begins a difficult search among numerous containers fortunately gii June finds the container holding Sarah and rescues her from Near Death as Yol song is driving away from the port he is stopped by prosecutor Gan one and his colleagues Sarah and the solution team quickly arrive at the scene Sarah rushes to yel song not him down and retrieves the phone that recorded everything including his admission of killing her mother the prosecutors move to detain yolon a few days later Sarah and C Yan visit her mother's grave GI Jun joins them and Promises Sarah's late mother that he will look after Sarah and C Yan as if they were his own family later Sarah and gii Jun shop for wedding rings but reveal they are for day key and Kong bom's wedding with Sarah officiating the ceremony after the wedding GI Jun proposes to Sarah and confesses his feelings although touched Sarah tells him she wants them to live together for 5 years and then separate believing that marriage has an expiration date however if they still wish to be together after 5 years they could marry then and become lifelong Partners thank you for watching subscribe and like for more videos like this
Channel: Movie Recap Channel
Views: 66,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, recap, summary, review, film, series, netflix, drama, best review, best movie, best drama, action, horror, thriller
Id: bekg-4npsOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 51sec (4251 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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